Scenario of a theatrical celebration dedicated to the Great Victory "Letters from the Front". Literary and musical composition “Letters from the Front”

Lidiya Trifonova

Target: education of moral and patriotic feelings for the Motherland.


1. Introduce children to the heroism of the Russian people during the Great Patriotic War.

2. To instill in preschoolers feelings of patriotism, love for the Motherland, respectful attitude to veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

3. Develop in children the ability to emotionally express their feelings in plastic, word, singing.

Equipment: costumes – military uniform for soldiers and postman girls, pigeon costumes, dress for the soloist, red ribbons; attributes – triangle letters, a large fake envelope, a tree stump, an accordion; phonogram – in this composition the following is used musical material: sounds of war (metronome, shots, explosions, the melody “In the Dugout” by K. Ya. Listov, “Soldier’s Dance” by A. G. Novikov, “Vocalise” by V. Tolkunova, the song “I want it not to happen” more war» words and muses by A. Petryasheva, as well as original poems by O. Kristesashvili, S. Udalova and L. Trifonova.

Progress of the event:

In the distance you can hear the sounds of gunfire, gunfire, and bombing. Everything is quiet.

The quiet melody “In the Dugout” sounds in the background.

Three fighters come out and position themselves on the stage.

One of them sits on a stump a little to the side and plays the harmonica.

Soldiers write letters to relatives.

1st fighter:

My dear

I'm already at the front.

I can already hear the shooting

I see the flames of fire.

There is courage, there is strength.

It is an honor to beat an enemy.

We can give our lives

To defend the country!

2nd fighter:

The battle has just ended.

Here I am writing to you, brother.

Many people fell -

Officers, soldiers.

And it’s not scary at all

For victory alone.

The third soldier becomes sad and stops “playing.”

A postman girl runs out, holding a triangle letter in her hands.


Hey soldier, don't be bored!

Here, receive the letter.

Dance for the envelope

For me from the heart.

Soldier's dance

(The girl teases the soldier with a letter, forcing him to dance. The soldier calls his comrades for help, they dance. At the end of the dance, everyone freezes. A metronome sounds, and then Valentina Tolkunova’s vocalization. In the background there is a voice-over.)

The battles have ceased, those years are far away

Where the soldiers fought for Victory...

Just never forget the soldiers’ letters,

They remain in my heart forever.

And today, in our fast computer age

Veterans read those letters.

A man carried them through fire and through death.

They still help me live.

Dance of carrier pigeons with soldiers .

(Song “I want there to be no more war”, music and lyrics by A. Petryasheva)

At the end of the dance, the soldiers bring out a large mock-up of an envelope, where reverse side Attached are several gift envelopes for veterans.

The pigeon girls and soldiers line up in the central “photo”, two children (a boy and a girl) come out. junior group, stand on both sides.


Yes, the terrible hour is behind us.

We only learned about the war from books.


Thank you, we love you very much.

Bows to you from girls and boys!

Any festive marching music plays, children give triangle letters with wishes to veterans.

VIDEO from the competition:

Scenario of literary and musical composition on
topic "Front-line letters"

1. Expand children’s knowledge about war; interest the unknown historical facts;
cultivate respect for the defenders of the Motherland; develop patriotic feelings and experience
moral behavior individuals, stimulating interest in the history of their country, small homeland,
sat down.
2. To contribute to the formation of students’ ideas about the history of correspondence, about
letters from the war years, as an integral part of the history of our country and our people.
For student fighters, army caps, for girls - postmen's bags. Letters,
which students read are folded into a triangle shape.
Decoration of the hall (stage, classroom).
It is necessary to place a screen in the center to display music videos. . Next to
screen table covered with a tablecloth. On the table are army caps, triangle letters, a gramophone,
messenger bag. To the right and left of the screen there are several chairs according to the number of students participating in
scenarios. During the scenario, some students go to the center of the hall, some just stand up and
read their words from their seats. The sequence of actions is decided at “large” rehearsals. IN
10 people took part in the scenarios.
Musical arrangement.
Presentations 12
2. Presentation Front letters
3. Curls in cramped stove fireI.Kobzon (music)
4. Battle music
5. Computer. Projector screen
Progress of the scenario.
Presentation “Memory”1
Teacher: Good afternoon, dear children and dear guests, teachers of literature
Shatrovsky district. Many years have passed since the end of the Second World War, but
its echoes still reach us. These are the graves of unknown soldiers, shells and fragments,
trenches and funnels. This is both the memory of the surviving participants in the battles and the memory of those who
forged our victory in the rear. One of these monuments are soldiers' letters
"triangles". They are stored in treasured boxes and bundled folders. Reading these mean
lines, one can imagine how our victory over the brown plague of the last century was forged.
Our lesson on courage is dedicated to soldier triangles, and is called literary
musical composition"Front-line letters"
2 Presenter
I know it's not my fault

The fact that others did not come from the war,
The fact is that they, who are older, who are younger
We stayed there, and it’s not about the same thing,
That I could, but failed to save them -
This is not about that, but still, still, still... A.T. Tvardovsky

1 presenter: There is no family that would not be affected by the Great Patriotic War. How we waited
letters from the front, these small yellow triangles were a guarantee that the one who sent them: the husband,
son, brother, beloved is alive and well, which means there is hope to see him alive. It was so scary
When letters stop coming from the front, it means the person is missing or killed.
2 presenter: It’s difficult, very difficult to tell your beloved husband, son, brother when parting
"Goodbye". If only we knew in advance what would happen to them, our loved ones, there, in the war, in a fierce battle
with the enemy.
1 presenter: The rear was also like the front line. Everyone who remained in the rear took on the hardships of life:
worked 1618 hours, raised children. And they waited anxiously, waiting for news from the front.
2 presenter: Letters from the war years preserve the memory of those days. They had everything: short, mean
stories about the war and poems, photographs, if there was an opportunity to be photographed by a front-line photographer,
clippings from front-line newspapers, words of love for loved ones, they contained at that time
1 presenter
White flocks of letters
They flew to Rus'.
They were read with excitement,
They knew them by heart.
2 presenter
These letters are still
They don’t lose, they don’t burn,
Like a big shrine
They take care of their sons.
The postal students come out.
1. Student postwoman: Letters from the front They did not come in envelopes, there were no stamps on them.
They were folded into triangles. Like this. (shows) There were others in my bag
letters written in laconic clerical handwriting: “Your husband (son, brother) has fallen
the death of the brave in battles for our Motherland.”
2. Student postwoman: We had to be hardy, patient,
merciful. We were the first to take to heart the first bursts of endless joy
or boundless grief.
Slide 4
2 presenter
They wrote them on the verge of death

Under the grinding of tanks, the roar of guns.
They wrote them in the trenches, dugouts,
On the bomb-scarred border,
On the streets of burned cities.
1 presenter
Oh, letters from the front terrible years
There are no more priceless documents in the world!
1. Studentpostwoman
How to sort by quarters
Voices of all the living and the dead,
That they arrived like a roar of metal,
In half-erased triangles?
Only the address is on the envelope,
And in the envelope of life and death,
If only you knew, at the post office right there
What's inside there!
2 Studentpostwoman
Were you surrounded?
Alive? Found? Wounded? Shell-shocked?
He fell, according to rumors. In the first battle...
But a girl comes in old
Mom's boots knocked to one side.
And takes all the blows of fate,
Someone's joy and someone's death.
1 studentpostwoman

The exhausted, tormented recipients were waiting for us with impatience and hidden anxiety.
2 Student postwoman: In addition to letters and newspapers, we always carried bottles of ammonia
There is no other way. We were both a post office and an ambulance.
1Student postwoman: There is joy in four letters, and a funeral in the fifth. It was great
We, hiding our eyes, swallowing tears, not finding words of consolation, felt our involuntary guilt for this
The “postwomen” take out triangle letters and hand them to the “addressees.”
Students in soldier's uniform write letters on a tree stump.
Battle music (sounds) explosions

1 student soldier: “There are only a few of us left. Reinforcements will arrive in the evening, and we will fight until the evening
to last straw blood, but we will not give up our position to the enemy. Take care of your son."
2 student soldier “was on the front line. I crawled through it, and then counted 50 bullet holes in the overcoat. But
They didn’t cast the bullet that would have killed me. Don’t worry about me, mom, I’ll be back!”
1 presenter
On one front triangle there is a note: “Dear military censorship! Don't throw this one away
flower. I’m sending it for the girl I love.” And inside the letter is some kind of dried flower.
You look at him and tears come.
Student: Poem by I. Utkin “You are writing a letter to me”
It's midnight outside. The candle burns out.
High stars are visible.
You write a letter to me, my dear,
To the blazing address of war.
How long have you been writing this, my dear?
Finish and start again.
But I'm sure: to the leading edge
Such love will break through!
...We've been away from home for a long time. The lights of our rooms
Wars are not visible behind the smoke.
But the one who is loved
But the one who is remembered
At home and in the smoke of war!
Warmer at the front from affectionate letters,
Reading, behind every line
You see your beloved
And you hear your homeland,
Like a voice behind a thin wall...
We'll be back soon. I know. I believe.
And the time will come:
Sadness and separation will remain at the door,
And only joy will enter the house.
And some evening with you,
Pressing your shoulder to your shoulder,
We will sit down and write letters, like a chronicle of the battle.
Let's chronicle feelings...
The students of our school created the book “Memory of the Distant, but Alive.” Close and
fellow villagers told the bitter truth about the war days, about how scary it was to live during
war, even in the rear. With this project the guys wanted to thank all the people, soldiers,
who have gone through the hardships of war.
Letters from the front from the book “Memory of the Distant but Alive”
Letter from Shabashov S.I.
Letter from Nesterov I.F.
Letter from Rezepin I.E.

2 Presenter
“I will return, wait for me”, these words often ended messages to relatives. In them, in these
in words, there was both hope and a spell. And faith in the victory of life over death.
Student. Poem by K. Simonov “Wait for me”
Wait for me and I will return.
Just wait a lot
Wait when they make you sad
Yellow rains,
Wait for the snow to blow
Wait for it to be hot
Wait when others are not waiting,
Forgetting yesterday.
Wait when from distant places
No letters will arrive
Wait until you get bored
To everyone who is waiting together.
Wait for me and I will return
Don't wish well
To everyone who knows by heart,
It's time to forget.
Let the son and mother believe
In the fact that I am not there
Let friends get tired of waiting
They'll sit by the fire
Drink bitter wine
In honor of the soul...
Wait. And with them at the same time
Don't rush to drink.
Wait for me and I will return
All deaths are out of spite.
Whoever didn't wait for me, let him
He will say: Lucky.
They don’t understand, those who didn’t expect them,
Like in the middle of fire
By your expectation
You saved me.
We'll know how I survived
Just you and me
You just knew how to wait
Like no one else.
1 Presenter
Just check at the front best feelings their,
2 Presenter
Only at the front can you measure the strength and strength of love.

1 Presenter
How many poems and songs were composed at this time! One of these songs is a hymn of love and fidelity
the song “In the Dugout” appeared. These were 16 “home lines” from a letter from the front-line poet Alexei.
Surkov to his wife Sophia Krevs.
(Everyone sings while squatting around the fire)
Song “In the Dugout” (Music)
The fire is beating in the small stove,
There is resin on the logs, like a tear.
And the accordion sings to me in the dugout
About your smile and eyes.
The bushes whispered to me about you
In snow-white fields near Moscow.
I want you to hear
How my living voice yearns.
You're far, far away now
Between us there is snow and snow.
It's not easy for me to reach you,
And there are four steps to death.
Sing, harmonica, in spite of the blizzard,
Call lost happiness.
I feel warm in a cold dugout
From my undying love
2 Presenter
Letters from the war years. They were written in moments of calm between battles, in the trenches, in craters from under
bombs. The authors did not think that after so many years their thoughts about the war would be published, so they
They didn’t pay attention to either the style of their letters or the language; they didn’t care then.
1 Presenter
The soldier walked in the impenetrable smoke,
And from all the roads and marinas
The eyes of his loved ones followed him silently,
And love cannot be imagined stronger!
2 Presenter
Letters warmed a soldier rising to attack in a cold trench, protected him from death and
instilled hope of meeting in the home...
(Reads the letter.) “May my love save you! May my hope touch you. Will stand next to you
will look into your eyes and breathe life into dead lips! Press his face to the bloody bandages on
feet, will say: “It’s me, your Katya! I came to you, wherever you were. I'm with you no matter what
happened.” Let someone else help you, support you, give you something to drink and feed - it’s me, your Katya! AND
if death bends over your bedside, and you no longer have the strength to fight it, and
only the smallest last strength will remain in the heart - it will be me and I will save you!”

1 Presenter
Day after day and year after year, soldier triangles marched from the front to the rear. And every time I read these
lines, you feel the thrill of meeting Memory. These pages are priceless. With trepidation and
The children waited with hope for letters from the front, dreaming of meeting their father. Many of them expected
hungry, cold post-war childhood.
1 presenter
In his painting “Letter from the Front” the artist A.I. Laktionov showed life Soviet people V
days of war. Its plot is simple. In some small Russian town at a wide open door
old wooden house The family of a front-line soldier gathered.
2 presenter
A wounded soldier brought the long-awaited news from the front. A boy reads his father's letter out loud,
carefully holding the expensive sheets of paper in front of you. Painted in light, jubilant colors, the picture
literally filled with the sun: the sky is pierced with golden rays, the girl’s blond hair...
The air itself seems to glow. In everything you can feel the breath of someone close and so desired Victory.
Student Poem by E. Blaginin “To Dad at the Front”
Hello, dad! »
I dreamed about you again
Only this time not in war.
I was even a little surprised -
How old you were in the dream!
Same old, same old
We haven't seen each other for two days.
You ran in, kissed your mom,
And then he kissed me.
Mom seems to be crying and laughing,
I squeal and hang on you.
You and I started to fight,
I defeated you in the fight.
And then I give those two fragments,
What was recently found at the gate,
I’m telling you: “And the Christmas tree is coming soon!”
Will you come to us for New Year?”
I said, and then I woke up,
I don’t understand how this happened.
Carefully touched the wall,
She looked into the darkness in surprise.
It's so dark - you can't see anything,
There are already circles in the eyes from this darkness!
How offended I was,
Why did we suddenly break up with you...

Dad! You will return unharmed!
Will the war ever end?
My dear, my dear darling,
You know, New Year is really coming soon!
Of course, I congratulate you
And I wish you not to get sick at all.
I wish you - I wish you
Defeat the fascists quickly!
So that they don’t destroy our land,
So that you can live as before,
So that they don't bother me anymore
Hug you, love you.
So that above all such a huge world
There was a cheerful light day and night...
Bow to the soldiers and commanders,
Say hi to them from me.
Wish them every luck,
Let them attack the Germans day and night...
...I am writing to you and almost crying,
This is so... out of happiness... Your daughter.

2 Presenter
The hardest thing is to inform your family about death at the front. close friend. About this -
poem “Zinka” by Yulia Drunina, dedicated to the memory of Hero’s fellow soldier
Soviet Union Zina Samsonova.
We lay down by the broken fir tree,
We are waiting for it to start getting brighter.
It's warmer for two under an overcoat
On the chilled damp earth.
You know, Yulka, I am against sadness,
But today it doesn't count.
At home, in the apple outback,
Mom, my mother lives.
You have friends, darling.
I only have one.

Spring is bubbling beyond the threshold.
It seems old: every bush
A restless daughter is waiting
You know, Yulka, I am against sadness,
But today it doesn't count.
We barely warmed up,
Suddenly the order: “Move forward!”
Again next to me in a damp overcoat
The blonde soldier is coming.
Every day it became worse.
There were no rallies or replacements.
Surrounded near Orsha
Our battered battalion.
Zinka led us on the attack.
We made our way through the black rye,

Along funnels and gullies,
Through mortal boundaries.
We didn't expect posthumous fame
We wanted to live with glory.
Why in bloody bandages
The blonde soldier lies
Her body with her overcoat
I covered it up, clenching my teeth.
Belarusian huts sang
About the Ryazan wilderness gardens.
You know, Zina, I am against sadness,
But today it doesn't count.
Somewhere, in the apple outback,
Mom, your mother lives.
I have friends, my love,
She had you alone...
The house smells like bread and smoke,
Spring is just around the corner.
And an old lady in a flowery dress
She lit a candle at the icon.
I don't know how to write to her
So that she doesn't wait for you.

1 Presenter
– Letters written with pencil stubs in trenches, dugouts, hospitals reached
loved ones, as if “live”, from hand to hand, preserving the warmth of native fingers, hearts and souls. And sometimes
and didn’t get there...
Student Poem by G. Gorbovsky “Letter”.
At the bottom of a trench ravine
I got a shell casing from the wall.
And there is decayed paper in it,
a letter that came from the war.
Must be someone before the fight
wetted the graphite of the pencil
and with a smeared lip
I wrote, as I thought, slowly.
Handed the words to mortal paper,
wrote, leaning towards the wick.
...And so time devoured the words.
And only one thing comes through: “I love you”...
One thing left... But stubbornly
burns through everything in life...
...What did he “love”?.. The Fatherland? Mom?
Or the one?.. God knows.

Loved it and that's it. Not by order.
And on orders he did that time.
He probably stood up and died immediately.
And then he rose again.
In me. Now
1 Presenter
War is a difficult and cruel test for a person. What helped to survive, withstand, enter
into a fierce, irreconcilable battle with the enemy? Of course... Letters. Connection with home, confidence that you
you protect your family, that they are waiting for you, gave you strength to fight and believe in victory. And every news from
front - this is both joy that the news about the soldier came and anxiety: “Did something happen?”, and letters
transported from home to peaceful pre-war times, warmed the soul.
2 Presenter
Those who were at the front, they probably experienced it,
What do letters mean to a fighter?
How these letters made you beat
Hearts hardened in battle.
1 Presenter
How people waited for them with excitement,
Sometimes they made my eyes moisten.
The day will come - they will come up with medals
For kind letters for soldiers!
2 Presenter
Letters were the light in the window for relatives, soldiers' triangles were carried from house to house, they
illuminated everyday life, gave strength, instilled faith in Victory, inspired to work. And also soldiers'
the letters created the image of a warrior, told about his feat, about his friends at the front.
1 Presenter Millions died so that there would be eternal peace.
2 Presenter
That’s why your heart aches so much when you hear reports of wars, be it Afghanistan, Chechnya,
Ukraine, Syria...
1 Presenter
The war has passed, the suffering has passed,
But pain calls to people:
"Come on people, never
Let’s not forget about this!”
Presentation “Memory 2” “Never forget!”
During the war, triangle letters connected the front and rear. I think the letters will be linked today
entire generations. And what impression the lesson made on you, I think we will find out when we check

Think about what words can and should be said to guys serving in the army or
those who have chosen the profession of officer. Write the words you wanted to address
defenders of the Fatherland. Maybe your parents will help you with this. Let your
words of sincere gratitude will become a small part of the unpaid debt of the living to
fallen, grateful descendants before those who preserved our Motherland and freedom, as well as
to those who perform this duty today. We will definitely send letters to the recipients
to our fellow countrymen.
Thank you for preparing for the event and for your cooperation during the lesson. Y'all today
worthy of good and excellent ratings.

Scenario of literary and musical composition

The song “Light the candles” - the librarian sings.
The children go out, take out candles, and place them near the obelisk.
Librarian: The war lasted four years—that’s 1,418 days. 27 million dead people! And we live in an era of large scales, we are accustomed to large numbers, we easily, almost without thinking, say “A thousand kilometers per hour, millions of tons of raw materials.” But 27 million dead... Can you imagine what this is? If a minute of silence is declared for each of the 27 million deaths in the country, the country will be silent for 32 years!

^ A minute of silence.
"Holy War". (Presentation: war photos)

Our yards have become quiet,

Our boys raised their heads -

They have matured for the time being

They barely loomed on the threshold

And they left, following the soldier - the soldier...

Goodbye boys!

Boys, try to go back.

No, don't hide, be tall

Spare no bullets or grenades

And don’t spare yourself, and yet

Try to go back.

Oh, war, what have you done, vile one:

Instead of weddings - separation and smoke,

Our girls' dresses are white

They gave it to their sisters.

Boots - well, where can you get away from them?

Yes, green wings...

Don't give a damn about the gossipers, girls.

We'll settle the score with them later.

Let them chatter that you have nothing to believe in,

Why are you going to war at random...

Goodbye girls!

Girls, try to go back.

Presenter 1:

The years scorched by war are farther and farther away from us. Veterans are passing away. But the suffering of the war years and the immortal courage of the people are still alive in the people's memory. Frontline letters! Who among the older generation is not familiar with homemade paper triangles! These are the testaments of the dead heroes to the living!

Presenter 1:

This is an inexhaustible source of courage and faith in the future.
Presenter 2:

This is a war story written in the blood of brave men. It does without maps and diagrams, without reports and large numbers. And its originality lies in the fact that it passes through the human heart.

Presenter 1:

This is a story written by soldiers in the trenches and dugouts, which provides the final, victorious formula for the entire war. It is a symbol and pledge of a future victory, which must still be achieved at the cost of sacrifice and a long struggle, but this victory can already be read in the heart of the hero, in his firmness and invincibility.

Front letter, don’t be silent, tell me

ABOUT brutal war and about the time

How the soldier fought, how he lived in the trenches,

How he suffered and dreamed, how he loved his father’s house.
Presenter 2:

In every letter from the front there is not only no stamp of doom, there is not even a shadow of this, almost inevitable in the face of near death, state of mind.

I am reading a letter that has already turned yellow over the years,

On the envelope in the corner there is a field postal number.

It was in '42 that my father wrote to my mother

Before going into your last decisive battle.

“My dear, at the front we have a break,

Friends are sleeping in the trenches, there is silence on the steep bank.

Darling, give your little son a big kiss,

Know that I will always save you from harm.”
I read the letter and it’s like it’s getting closer and closer

That alarming dawn and the beating of soldiers' hearts.

I read the letter, and through the years I clearly hear

I now remember the words that my father said before the fight.

I read the letter, and the sun laughs outside the windows,

New buildings are growing, and hearts continue to love.

I'm reading the letter and I'm sure that if I have to,

Everything that my father did, I can always repeat.

Presenter 2:

War is a difficult and cruel test for the human soul. What helped to survive, endure, engage in a fierce, irreconcilable battle with everything.

Presenter 1:

Letters. The connection with home, the confidence that you are protecting your family, that they are waiting for you, gave you the strength to fight and believe in victory.

Those who were at the front, they probably experienced it,

What do letters mean to a fighter?

How these letters made you beat

Hearts hardened in battle.

How people waited for them with excitement,

Sometimes they made my eyes moisten.

The day will come - they will come up with medals

For kind letters for soldiers!

Presenter 1:

It is difficult to express in words how much pain, bitterness and tears befell mothers during the war? What an immeasurable weight has fallen on the fragile female shoulders! Women selflessly worked at machines, in the fields, together with the soldiers they forged victory, fed and clothed the defenders of the Motherland.

Presenter 2:

How did mothers worry about their sons who went to the front? How they kept their beloved sons warm, kind words in their letters.

The words in the line ran smoothly, straight,

And suddenly a distant image appeared through them.

Darling, as if alive, mother!

The soldier read the letter for the tenth time.

Worries, worries - how familiar!

All mom, in every word and line.

It seemed: press the letter to your cheek,

And you will feel the warmth and smell of home...

Presenter 1:

There is no person in the world dearer and closer than a mother. Her love for children is limitless. From a lullaby to last breath mother gives selfless love, affection, affection. And children should respond in kind - love, attention, care.

Presenter 2:

With respect and gratitude we treat people who gray hair They reverently pronounce the mother’s name, protect her old age, and give her peace and joy.

In one village under a wide pear tree,

Just yesterday I heard the roar of the Panthers.

Wrote a postcard on the wing of a Katyusha

A tall, black-eyed officer.

The shells haven't arrived yet,

There is time to make a postcard.

He knew how happy mom would be

Receive a letter from your son from the front.
And I believed again and again

What will I find in each envelope?

Her mother's word

Her innermost: “I’m waiting!”

During these years I knew cool

That every line of the letter

Russia wrote with her,

Russia, Russia itself!

Presenter 1:

“Missing...”, “Fell the death of the brave...”, “Your son...”, “Your

husband...", "Your father...". An endless line of “funerals” came from the front. They burned hearts, dressed women in mourning, and orphaned children.

When I see someone killed

My neighbor falls in battle,

I don't remember his insults

I remember about his family.
It seems to me involuntarily

His deceived comfort...

He's already dead. It doesn't hurt him

And they will also be killed by letter.

Presenter 2:

How much the letters meant to those who were on the front line and to those who worked for victory in the rear.

Presenter 1:

The soldiers were eagerly awaiting them. Letters from a distant home warmed hearts.

Presenter 2:

And what patriotism flowed in the blood of every soldier. In letters to their relatives they said that if they did not return, they would die for their relatives, for their Motherland!

Hello dad,

I'm dreaming about you again

Only this time not in war.

I was even a little surprised

How old you were in the dream.

You will return unharmed

After all, the war will end someday.

My dear, my dear darling,

Soon the May holiday will come to us.

Of course, I congratulate you

And I wish you not to get sick at all, I wish you with all my soul

Defeat the fascists quickly.

So that they don’t destroy our land,

So that you can live like before,

So that they don't bother me anymore

Hug you, love you.

"Conversation with a Portrait"

My kitten is sleeping

Zoya doll is crying.

There is a boy Sashka in the yard,

He has a dog

And there is also a car,

And then there is dad.

And when will you arrive,

Mom promised

Me and my doll Zoya
Let's run to the station

I'll wear the best dress,

Like for a birthday

Mom will make us a cake

This will be fun

You and I will walk through the park

Let everyone see

That Katya's dad is at home,

And not in war.

Presenter 1:

In the lull between battles, front-line soldiers read and re-read lines written by a dear and close person, remembering their wives, loved ones...

Presenter 2:

Konstantin Simonov’s poem “Wait for Me,” dedicated to the poet’s beloved woman, Valentina Serova, was popular.

Presenter 1:

Written in 1941, already in February 1942, when under attack Soviet troops The Nazis retreated from Moscow, Pravda published this poem, which soon won the hearts of readers.

Presenter 2:

The soldiers cut it out of newspapers, copied it while sitting in the trenches, memorized it and sent it in letters to their wives and brides. It was found in the breast pockets of the wounded and dead...

Wait for me and I will return.

Just wait a lot.

Wait when they make you sad

Yellow rains,

Wait for the snow to blow

Wait for it to be hot.

Wait when others are not waiting,

Forgetting yesterday.

Wait when from distant places

No letters will arrive.

Wait until you get bored

To everyone who is waiting together.

Wait for me and I will return.

Don't be sorry for the good

To everyone who knows by heart,

It's time to forget.

Let the son and mother believe

In the fact that I am not there

Let friends get tired of waiting

They'll sit by the fire

Drink bitter wine

In honor of the soul...

Wait. And take it off at the same time

Don't rush to drink.

Wait for me and I'll be back

All deaths are out of spite.

Whoever didn't wait for me, let him

He will say: “Lucky”

They don’t understand, they didn’t expect it,

Like in the middle of fire

By your expectation

You saved me.

We'll know how I survived

Just you and me, -

You just knew how to wait

Like no one else.

Presenter 1:

It is impossible to live without faith in love and friendship. This is ardently confirmed by Eduard Asadov with his lyricism, with bright power and expressiveness. The poem “I can really wait for you...” sounds like a response to the poem “Wait for me.”

I can really wait for you

Long, long and true, true,

And I can't sleep at night

A year, or two, and probably all my life!

Let the leaves of the calendar

They will fly around like leaves in a garden,

What do you really need?

I can follow you

Through thickets and climbs,

On sand, almost without roads,

Over the mountains, along any path,

Where the devil has never been!

I’ll go through everything without reproaching anyone,

I will overcome any worries,

Just to know that everything is not in vain,

That you won’t betray it later on the road.

I can give it for you

Everything I have and will have.

I can accept for you

The bitterness of the worst destinies in the world.

The whole world to you every hour.

Just to know that everything is not in vain,

That I love you not in vain!

"Random Waltz" (dance)
Presenter 1:

The dead bequeathed to us to protect the world. We draw strength from the heroic past of our Motherland to fight for peace. Our example is the feat of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, who at one time did everything they could to protect and prosper Russia.

Do you think the fallen are silent?

Of course, yes - you say. Wrong!

They scream while they're still knocking

The hearts of the living and the nerves touch.

They scream not somewhere, but at us.

They shout for us. Especially at night

When there is insomnia in the eyes

And the past crowds behind you.

... They scream and wake us, the living,

Invisible, sensitive hands.

They want a monument to them

There was a land with five continents.

Great! She flies in the darkness

Rocket speed to the globe is reduced.

All residential. And walks on the ground

Barefoot Memory is a small woman.

Presenter 1:

May is and will be in our minds the neighborhood of Spring and Victory, Spring and Labor, Spring and Peace.

Presenter 2:

Listen: it is the May wind itself that is speaking to you now.

Presenter 1:

Turn around after the cloud moving above the ground, remember those who could have lived, but did not live to see today's May.

Presenter 2:

Think about those who will celebrate May without us - after us. It is for them that we must preserve the holiday of Spring and Victory.

Presenter 1:

Presenter 2: Wind of Victory.

Presenter 1: Wind of the World.

Presenter 2: Wind of Love.

Presenter 1:

There are fewer of us every year,

Passed through lead, fire and smoke.

I bless both men and women

Plant flowers, raise grandchildren.

No, not so that one day again

The earth groaned, burning alive,

And so that war is a damned word

Found only in dictionaries.
The song "Cranes" is playing
Script prepared

head of the library

Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 1

Olga Petrovna Rzhevskaya

To carry out festive events Victory Day very often requires concert programs that can be shown on the open areas of Houses of Culture or the stages of recreation parks, during moments of mass festivities on the occasion of this wonderful and beloved holiday, in these cases, one of the winning ideas for storyline The concert may be analogous to the performances of front-line brigades. We offer one of the options with entertainment and games - Scenario holiday program for May 9 “Music of Victory”

Scenario of the holiday program for May 9

The ceremonial start of the program.

It is better to make the beginning of the program solemn and patriotic, for example, by turning on the block " Immortal Regiment"from this, and only then move on to the concert block.

Leading: The topic of our concert program We were prompted by letters from the front. Each of the letters from the front is fate. Behind every line - big life. And we understood the most simple truth: for all the people who created the Victory, and those who fought, and those who worked for the Victory, the main thing was peace.

Presenter: It seems that this is already clear. But remember, how many stories about the horrors of war have you heard from veterans? They didn't like to remember this. But they remembered their friends and sang songs of those years with pleasure. And what songs!

Leading: And your favorite war films tell not only about fear and pain. They have a place for both love and true friendship, and good humor. But many of these films were made by people who lived through the forties, at the front.

Presenter: Yes, these films have everything: military brotherhood, internationalism, love for the Motherland, and faith in victory.

Leading: Do you remember Captain Titarenko, commander of the singing squadron? It is his words that will become the main leitmotif of this concert.

Presenter:“Who said that we need to give up singing in war? After a battle, the heart asks for music doubly!”

Leading: During the war years, 45 thousand artists went to the front. The front-line brigades included singers, musicians, actors, readers, and circus performers. They gave 1.5 million concerts in the rear and on the front line. There were up to ten concerts a day. Artists under bullets, risking their lives, raised morale Soviet soldiers and with songs they walked to Victory.

Presenter: Thank God, our land has not heard the sounds of war for many decades, and yet, perhaps on this day we should remember the songs of those years? Moreover, they are all life-affirming, and even funny. Exactly what you need at every holiday!

Performance of the "front" brigade

A “front brigade” appears: musician, reader, singer, “entertainer”. Specialties are conditional; each artist can be a reader, a singer, or an accordion player.


Reads poem “Who said that we should give up singing in war?”(Author V. Lebedev-Kumach)

The remade song of War Correspondents sounds


From Moscow to Brest

There is no such place

Wherever we wander in the dust.

With song and accordion,

And sometimes with a revolver

We went through fire and cold.

Without a sip, comrade,

You can't make a song,

So let's pour it a little at a time.

For everyone who spoke,

With an army of marchers,

Let's drink to those singing under fire!

How the soldiers walked

We weren't expecting flowers

And onto the stage, like the last battle:

With full dedication

Coped with the task

And we have another concert with you.

From the winds and vodka

Our throats are hoarse,

But we will say to those who reproach:

“Roam with us,

Spend the night with us,

Fight with us for at least a year!”

Where we've been

They didn't give us a stage.

Without spotlights, ramps and scenes

Let the suits be in tatters,

Morning, noon and night

We always performed as an encore!

So let's drink to victory,

For the circus and operetta.

But we won’t live long enough, my dear,

A new day will come

A friend will sing a song,

And he will remember you and me with it!


Reads poem "Wait for me and I will return" (Author K. Simonov)

Song "Oh, roads"


Reads excerpt from the poem “Vasily Terkin” from the words: “To go into any fight” to the words: “Or some kind of saying.” ( Author A. Tvardovsky)

Front ditties

The ditties from 41-45 are performed, for example, the option below.

(download by clicking on the file)


Well, friends, you sing beautifully.

Looks like we came in vain?

But as the poet said, “it’s not evening yet,”

And our meeting will not be fun.

Another poet said: Yes there were people

And in our time, there won’t be such people.

(Sorry, for the free interpretation),

And now we will test your dexterity.

Let's play partisans, are you ready?

The conditions are as simple as a horseshoe.

Team game - relay race "Partisans in the swamp"

PROPS: chalk if the surface of the site is asphalt, or a stick with which you can draw on the ground.

Two teams are participating. The goal is to pass through the swamp in a chain “footprint after footstep”. The teams line up one after another, the first one has chalk. On command, the first numbers walk along the distance, outlining their tracks, when the first numbers reach the other side of the “swamp”, the second numbers follow the tracks, trying not to fall into the “quagmire”.

The game is being played


No, the word "peace" will hardly remain,

When there will be wars people will not know.

After all, what before the world called

Everyone will just call it life.

And only children, experts on the past,

Having fun playing war,

Having run around, they will remember this word,

With whom they died in the old days.

Entertainer: The post-war generation of boys probably remembers that the most difficult thing when playing war in those distant times was to find an opponent. Nobody wanted to be either a fascist or a policeman. But being partisans is a completely different matter. So now you have yours invisible fighters. And how dexterous they are! It's time for a guerrilla song.

The song “Darkie” is performed if technically possible, a karaoke video is displayed on the screen

(download by clicking on the file)

Entertainer: Are there any successful scouts among you? Shall we check? We will not get used to the images of enemies. We simply form two teams of rivals, but capture the language. you still have to.

Game “Who will bring the most “tongues”?”

This is a team competition based on the game “Breaking Chains”, when one team stands tightly clinging to each other and shouts to the opposing team: “Forged chains, unchain us!”, And they ask: “Which one of us?” The one who will be named runs with all his might, trying to break the “chains”; if he succeeds, he takes himself strong player and leads to his team; if it fails, then he himself joins the ranks of the established team. Only in in this case conditions change a little. The teams line up opposite each other. Each captain appoints three to four “scouts” who, on command, must break the enemy line and lead the “tongue” away, or be captured.

The game is being played

Entertainer: I would also like to remember those who did not perform visible feats. Yes, they worked. "Everything for the front, everything for Victory!" - the slogan with which the whole country lived. But remembering losses and exploits, we often forget about those for whom these exploits were performed: mothers, children, loved ones - wives and brides who wrote letters, prayed, who waited. And it is no coincidence that a simple song about the love of a simple girl became a military symbol.

Song "Katyusha" or other concert number

Entertainer: No matter how much we would like to stay with you, friends, the trumpet is calling. After all, a front-line artist has many viewers. And it should be noted that in peacetime We are no less in demand. Especially on a day like this. We congratulate all residents on happy holiday, Victory Day. Let our common sky be clear, and the clouds be only stormy. Happiness to you, dears!

Girl reading poem “Children made the sun from their palms”(Author O. Maslova)

Concert number

Irina Panfilenko

Target: creating conditions for enriching children with knowledge about the Second World War, instilling patriotism and a sense of pride in their family.

Tasks: Expand and systematize children’s knowledge about the Second World War. Form moral and patriotic quality: courage, courage, desire to defend one’s homeland. To encourage children to develop an interest in the history of their family and their people. To educate in children careful attitude to family photographs and awards, respectful attitude towards the older generation.

Characters are adults: soldier, wife with infant (doll) in the rear, a woman of our time, 2 presenters.

Scenery: The scene is divided into 3 parts: in the far right corner of the simulated house room WWII:, table, kerosene lamp, photograph of husband, jug of water, metal mug, black shawl. In the far left corner: dugout; in the near left corner there is a chest containing an old jacket.

Material: flashlight, triangular letters 2, video presentation of photographs of the war years, a tablet for a soldier containing paper, a pencil, a tobacco pouch, TSO (a compilation of songs about war music for reading poetry, backing track of a song "Front-line letter» ,

Scene No. 1 A soundtrack sounds, a soldier appears, sits down and writes letter home, takes out a tobacco pouch and rolls a cigarette. Lights a cigarette and finishes writing letter.

Scene No. 2 A song is playing "Sometimes love doesn't come back". A young woman comes to the table, lights a kerosene lamp, pumps the baby, takes out letter, reads. At the chorus, the woman runs to meet the soldier, but they cannot meet. She puts on a black scarf and returns to the house.

Scene No. 3. A young woman comes out with a flashlight in her hand (inspects the attic, approaches the chest. She takes out an old jacket from the pocket she is looking at letter. Enough letter triangle, sits on the chest and reads it. At this time, a video with photographs of the war years is shown.

Scene No. 4. At the end of the slide show, all the characters stand up.

Modernity: What in memory of the war is left to us,

About that Great and Sacred One? –

Bodies and ashes of the dead, in half

In the graves of the masses buried;

Stories, films, chronicles, poems

People of ordinary and famous

About the exploits of soldiers and about sins

Judas, who were washed with their blood.

There are still some left letters from that war,

What people once experienced...

Widow: .Frontline letter, don't be silent, tell me

About cruel war and about that time,

How the soldier fought, how he lived in the trenches,

How he suffered and dreamed, how he loved his father’s house.

Soldier: When you are in an unfamiliar place,

You're fighting on the front line

I really want to connect with home,

Send a letter that is alive.

Modernity: And in between fights,

Hiding from the heat in the dugout,

The soldier wrote that he had become a hero,

Holding a pencil in your hand.

Two presenters come out to them and read letters:

VED 1: ...My grandfather also fought at the front,

And, wounded on the battlefield,

In '42 he met love,

Saved by a young nurse.

Then the sanbat. And he fought again...

Already in love and loved

Anyuta from the front he wrote letters,

That our people are invincible!

He wrote to her about how long he had waited

Treasured yellow leaf,

As in difficult moment warmed

Her familiar cute handwriting.

He wrote to her:

“I'm alive! I'm not killed!

I know: We will pass, we will break through!

I firmly believe: the enemy will be defeated,

And we will return with victory!

Just wait, hope and believe,

What, I still have strength,

The enemy will not count his losses! –

I will dig graves for the bastards...

But if it turns out that I won’t return,

And I’ll fall on the battlefield, -

Prev I will pray in death... I will cross myself...

I'll whisper: “Everything is the Lord’s will...”

Forgive me, dear, and brush me away

WITH beautiful eyes a living tear.

I'm going into battle again... Dawn lights...

I love. I miss. Wait. Kiss".

...Well, that's all. This fight is over

And the silence froze with a ringing sound.

And my grandfather found peace in that battle

And there is an eternal grave.

And the lines of this are long letters

They will hurt me until it hurts,

Like Life and Death, like mournful darkness,

WITH wars left as a keepsake for me.

Ved. 2: And I'm reading letter, which has already turned yellow over the years,

On the envelope in the corner there is a field postal number.

This is what my grandfather wrote to his wife Anna

Before going into your last decisive battle.

“My dear, at the front we have a break,

Friends are sleeping in the trenches, there is silence on the steep bank.

Darling, give your little son a big kiss,

Know that I will always save you from harm.”

I'm reading letter, and it seems to be getting closer and closer

That alarming dawn, the weight of those fallen troubles.

I'm reading letter, and through the years I clearly hear

I now remember the words that my grandfather said before the fight.

I'm reading letter, and outside the windows the sun laughs,

New buildings are growing, and hearts continue to love.

I'm reading letter and I'm sure, if necessary,

Everything that my grandfather did, I can always repeat.

All heroes and presenters line up in one line and sing the song “Triangular Envelope”.

1.–A How many letters from soldiers

Since that last one wars

Still to the recipients

Never delivered

2. Maybe there is no recipient

And the writer is not there.

So who is he looking for?

Triangular envelope

2. Triangular tale

Impossible reality

To the three dooms of the sky

Bull crazy square dance

Triangular story

A story in a few lines

“Like, I fight with conscience.

Listen to your mother, son. "

3. Covered with yellow ash

Triangles autumn

The lines are washed away by the showers

Like a widow's tear

And the words have already become

Very illegible

But it's painfully clear

The meaning of those letters is simple


Triangular fable

Impossible reality

To the three dooms of the sky

Bull crazy square dance

Triangular Joy

Triangular sadness

Survivors three words

"I'm Marusya, I'll be back."

We want you to know

People of our country

These wrote letters

We have soldiers with wars

This is how it was bequeathed

Love everything completely

What were they defending?

And they were able to protect

Triangular fable

Impossible reality

To the three dooms of the sky

Bull crazy square dance

Paper triangle

Have dreams and hold on

Flashed once

"WE WIN. It seems!"

Flashed once

"WE WIN. It seems!"

"It flashed once


.Ved:. Those who were at the front, they probably experienced it,

What do they mean letters for a fighter,

Like these the letters made me beat

Hearts hardened in battle.

How people waited for them with excitement,

Sometimes they made my eyes moisten.

The day will come - they will come up with medals