Sambo dance training. Learn to dance Brazilian samba

If you have never tried samba dancing, do it now with the help of the video lessons below. They are suitable even for beginner dancers.

Samba dance has Brazilian roots, and one of its varieties is included in the Latin American ballroom dance program. Samba was originally danced at Brazilian carnivals, and then it spread throughout the world.

One minute of samba can help you burn as many calories as running 500m.

A great incentive to start practicing samba is the huge health benefits. The fiery, rhythmic movements of this dance strengthen the cardiovascular system, form correct posture, and promote weight loss.

Samba training for beginners is conducted by experienced choreographer Evgeniy Papunaishvili

  1. The first video lesson describes the basic dance movements (spring, hip movements, moving the body back and forth, left and right).
  2. The second lesson is devoted to studying dance elements visk and samba move.
  3. In the third video, the choreographer shows the execution of such basic samba movements as batafogo and volta.
  4. The fourth video lesson combines all of the above elements into a single dance combination.

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The Samba section contains free videos lessons for this dance. Samba is a popular, energetic Brazilian dance based on characteristic hip movements. It is one of the five dances in the Latin American ballroom dance program. Samba dance arose from the fusion of African dances that came to Brazil with slaves from Congo and Angola, with Spanish and Portuguese dances that were brought from Europe by conquerors South America. Samba music has a characteristic rhythm created by drumming and maracas, usually having 50-52 beats per minute (2/4 time). Learning Samba from online video lessons will be useful for both beginners and more experienced dancers. You can watch video lessons from the Samba category for free at any convenient time. Some video lessons on Samba dance are attached additional materials for training, which can be downloaded. Happy learning!

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Losing weight in samba style

This video lesson tells you how to learn to dance the Samba dance. You will learn to dance gracefully and sensually thanks to excellent technique Samba dance. Samba is one of the main components of Brazilian culture. This program features special choreography. You can easily master it during training. The training will be clear and gradual. This technique includes the study of movement techniques and practice. If you find it difficult to perform the movements at first, don’t worry...

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We offer a lesson on how to dance Brazilian samba. This is a great lesson to help you master the art of samba dancing. This video will reveal for you all the secrets of the samba dance style. Watch this dance video lesson and learn how to dance Brazilian Samba. Enjoy watching! People come to us for: how they dance in Brazil, how they dance samba in Brazil, Brazilian samba dance video,

We offer a video lesson on how to learn how to dance the Brazilian samba dance. This lovely video a lesson that will help you master the art of samba dancing. This video lesson will reveal to you all the secrets of the samba dance style. Watch this dance video lesson and learn how to learn how to dance the Brazilian samba dance. Enjoy watching! People come to us for: how to learn to dance brazilian dancing, how to learn to dance samba at home, learn to dance samba at home, how to learn to dance sambo, how to learn to dance samba, how to learn to dance samba, […]

We offer a video lesson on how to learn to dance Brazilian samba. This dance lesson, which will help you master the art of dancing in the samba style. This training video will reveal for you all the secrets of the samba dance style. Watch this dance video lesson and learn how to learn how to dance Brazilian samba. Enjoy watching! People come to us for: How to learn to dance samba at home video,

Introducing new lesson how to dance brazilian samba. Part 1. This wonderful video lesson will help you learn how to dance in the samba style. This video will reveal for you all the secrets of the samba dance style. Watch this dance video lesson and learn how to dance Brazilian Samba. Part 1. Enjoy watching!

We present you a video lesson on how to dance Brazilian samba. Part 3. This is a wonderful video lesson that will help you learn how to dance in the samba style. This video lesson will reveal for you all the secrets of the samba dance style. Watch this dance video lesson and learn how to dance Brazilian Samba. Part 3. Enjoy watching! People come to us for: how to learn to dance ballroom dancing Houses,