Traditional Russian games for trinity and birch tree curling. Open lesson in the senior group "white birch"

Target:Development of environmental awareness and new ecological thinking in children. Nurture love and careful attitude To native nature

Motivation:Accumulation of experience in humane treatment of plants and animals, formation complete picture peace, broadening your horizons.


  • Teach children to recognize trees by species and describe them.
  • Practice the ability to find a familiar tree based on one or two characteristic features.
  • Describe the birch tree, including when collecting birch sap.
  • To form an idea of ​​the relationship between a tree and different organisms (plants, animals, mushrooms).
  • Learn to find the whole from its parts. Strengthen the ability to draw with your finger (finger painting).
  • Enrich and activate children's vocabulary.

Preliminary work:

1. Learning poems about the birch tree.

2. Examination of reproductions of paintings by A.I. Kuindzhe “ Birch Grove", A.K. Savrasov "The rooks have arrived."

3. Finger painting training.

4. Learning the round dance game “Birch”.

5. Observation of seasonal changes in nature using a birch tree model in the ecology corner.

Material: A painting depicting a birch tree, a set of bark from different tree species (oak, birch, cedar, ash), handkerchiefs, pictures depicting a birch tree in different seasons of the year, illustrations of wooden furniture, pieces of plywood, a birch broom, a cut of wood, birch tar, chaga, birch buds, birch bark products (tuesok, casket), wooden toys, dishes.

Finger painting material: wet wipes, black gouache, oilcloth, birch trees made of white paper in the shape of a cone.

Game material: leaves of three or four trees according to the number of children, silhouettes of trees with leaves. A silhouette of a birch tree and a set of small cards depicting plants (lily of the valley, snowdrop), mushrooms (boletus), animals (squirrel, badger, hedgehog), insects (ant, butterfly, caterpillar), birds (cuckoo, starling).

Progress of classes

Children enter the group, where they are met by the Mistress of the Forest (a teacher in disguise).

Mistress of the forest: Hello dear children. You are in the Fairytale Forest, and I am the Mistress of the Forest. And today I will tell you about a miracle - a tree that grows in my forest. And you will find out what it is called if you guess my riddle.

Green, not a meadow,

White, not snow,

Kudryava, not a person.

Children: This is a birch tree!

Mistress of the forest: Well done! You guessed my riddle. I’ll tell you today about the beauty of the Russian forest - a slender, blond birch tree. Not in my Russian magical forest a tree that is more native and close.

The teacher brings in a model of a birch tree.

Mistress of the forest: The people have always endowed their favorite tree with the most affectionate names and sonorous words. The birch was called: slender, curly, white, white-trunked. She was compared to a young and beautiful girl, wearing a green headscarf. Guys, do you know what the birch forest is called? It's called a birch forest. There are tall, shorter and very low birch trees growing in it. Guys, what color is the trunk of a birch tree? (children's answers). Yes, it is white with black spots.

Game “Find the birch tree by its bark”

The teacher shows a set of bark from different tree species. When examining the bark, children touch it with their hands, smell it, and note that the bark is warm, rough, different in smell and color. Find the right bark.

Mistress of the forest: Children, what do birch branches look like? (Children's answers). The branches of the birch, like braided braids, descend down and intertwine with each other. If a prankster arrives strong wind- these will fluff up, if there is a weak breeze, he will get entangled in the branches and probably won’t get out. Listen here:

The sun slightly warmed the slopes,

And it became warmer in the forest,

Birch green braids

I hung it from thin branches.

The Russian people decorated the tree with ribbons, braided them into branches, and performed round dances.

Musical round dance game “Beryozka”

All children stand in a circle around a fake birch tree.

We danced around the birch tree,

Bright handkerchiefs were raised high.

(Children walk in a circle, handkerchiefs in their hands)

You, birch tree, look, look.

These are kids dancing, little kids.

(Children spin around in place of the handkerchiefs up)

We walked around the birch tree happily,

We walked merrily and walked with our feet.

(They walk into the circle, then out of the circle)

You, birch tree, look, look,

These are kids dancing, little kids.

Mistress of the forest: About the birch, with the wisdom of the Russian people, a lot has been written folk tales, songs, riddles, proverbs, signs and sayings. Do you know any signs associated with birch? (A lot of sap flows from the birch - for a rainy summer; the leaves from the birch have not completely fallen - expect a harsh winter). The hostess makes riddles about the birch tree.

Game “What grows next to the birch tree, and who lives near the birch tree”?

The silhouette of a birch tree is placed on the stand. The teacher suggests laying out and hanging cards with pictures of plants, mushrooms and animals. While working, children take a card and discuss where to attach it. As a result, we get 2 groups of living organisms: some use the birch tree as a home, others live and feed on this tree.

Mistress of the forest: Birch is the only tree in the world with white bark. It contains a substance that colors the bark white. The birch tree would have a bad time without this substance. Its bark is thin and tender, and the tree could get sunburn. And with white bark, the trunk remains cool on a hot day. Birch is beautiful at any time of the year. (The teacher demonstrates the tree in different seasons).

In autumn, the birch tree is covered with golden foliage, the leaves spin in the air and fall to the ground. Children, what is this phenomenon called? (Leaf fall).

In winter, there is white snow on the branches.

In summer – the tree is covered thick green foliage.

In spring there are sticky, tender leaves on the branches.

Because of its beauty, the birch tree has become a symbol of Russia.

Phys. minute “There was a birch tree in the field”

Morning came, the sun woke up.

And the birch trees reached out to the sun

(Hands up, on tiptoes)

We greeted each other.

Leaning to the side

(Tilts to the side)

Say hello to the sun

Rejoicing at the new day.

(Wave your hands up).

Mistress of the forest: Guys, what does a birch tree give to a person? (Children's answers). Birch is necessary for humans. It is used to make furniture, toys, dishes, baskets, berry picking boxes, boxes for storing beads and rings. Wood is widely used in farming; tar is obtained from birch bark. (The teacher demonstrates all materials to the children).

And the birch is a healing tree. Decoctions of birch buds heal wounds. Birch brooms are used to treat ailments in the bathhouse. Tree mushroom - chaga is brewed and drunk instead of tea. The drink turns out black - brown and sweetish in taste. (Demonstration of materials).

But birch sap is especially valuable. One day in my forest, I saw a dried birch tree. Why do you think it dried up? (Children's answers). It’s just that people, collecting sap from a birch tree, forgot to heal the birch wound, so it died and dried up. But before that she probably cried for a long time. In early spring, the birch tree wakes up after a long winter sleep. Roots absorb moisture from the soil with nutrients dissolved in it. This moisture is called birch sap. Because of it, people injure birch trees. These wounds do not heal for a long time, the tree rots, pests attack it and it dies. What to do? And we need sap, and we feel sorry for the birch trees. Guys, when you take sap from a birch tree, do not make the hole large, but drill it with an awl, then cover the hole with earth. Don't be like an angry boy:

On a spring day the boy is angry

He pierced the bark of a birch tree with a knife.

And drops of juice, like tears

Flowed in a transparent stream.

Game "Everyone goes home"

The teacher exhibits silhouettes of different tree species with leaves. He distributes leaves to the children and says: “There are houses in front of you, and near each house there is a tree, in your hands you have leaves from the tree under which your house stands. We're walking. But suddenly it started to rain. Everyone goes home." Therefore, at the signal, the children run home and stand next to the tree from which the leaf comes. To check whether the task was completed correctly, the child is asked to compare his leaf with the leaves on the tree to which he ran.

Mistress of the forest: Children, I invite you to my workshop.

(Children approach the workstations on which there is drawing material; there is a birch tree made of white paper in the shape of a cone).

Mistress of the forest: There are birch trees on your tables. White-trunked, curly, but something is wrong with them, something is missing.

(The children notice that there are no black marks on the bark.) The hostess offers to draw them with your finger. After finishing work, the children make up a birch grove.


1. V.A. Dryazgunova. Didactic games to familiarize preschoolers with plants: A manual for kindergarten teachers.

2. S.N.Teplyuk. Walking activities with kids.

3. N.V. Kalomina. Education of the basics ecological culture in kindergarten.

4. R.I. Zhukovskaya. Native land.

The game is a journey

"The birch is a symbol of Russia."

Preparatory group.

Goal: to continue to introduce children to the concepts of “Motherland”,
"Fatherland", with a tree that has become a symbol of Russia,
talk about the benefits of birch
people; expand children's horizons; bring up
interest in the customs and traditions of the Russian people;
instill love and respect for family

Educator: S. A. Bogatykh

There is a tour of the exhibition of children's drawings “My Motherland”.
- What places did you depict in your drawings? (where we were born, where we live, where we went on vacation with our parents, etc.)
- How can you describe in one word everything that you drew in your drawings? (Motherland, Fatherland, Fatherland).
- Where do you think the Motherland begins? (children's answers)
A prepared child reads an excerpt from M. Matusovsky’s poem “Where does the Motherland begin?”
Where does the Motherland begin?
From the treasured bench at the gate,
From that very birch tree in the field,
Bowing in the wind, it grows.
Or maybe it's starting
From the spring song of a starling
And from this country road,
Which has no end in sight?
- Where does the Motherland begin for the author of a poem?
- What proverbs about the Motherland do you know?
(“Beloved homeland is like a dear mother”, “To live is to serve the homeland”, “Take care of your native land like a beloved mother”, “On a foreign side, even spring is not beautiful”, “Russian expanse is freedom for man”, etc.)
The teacher suggests looking at paintings with landscapes of Russian nature.
- What do your drawings and paintings have in common? (birch)
- Why do you think there are slender white-trunked birches in both artists’ paintings and your drawings?
- Of course, this is not accidental. What Russian person doesn’t love the beautiful birch tree! Birch is a symbol of Russia. Many poems and songs have been written about the white-trunked Russian beauty.
Early in the morning she gets up to greet the sun,
Smiling, he looks into the mirror surface.
And, probably, there is no native birch tree in the world,
After all, the birch is a piece of my Russia!
- Birch is also useful tree. If you have a headache, you can come closer to the birch tree and press your head against the trunk, and the pain will soon subside. This happens because the birch tree absorbs all the bad things and gives out good energy. When children have a stomach ache, birch sap can help relieve the pain. And old grandmothers treat sore legs with birch leaves: for this they put green leaves in stockings and go to bed - in the morning the grandmothers’ legs do not hurt.
Remember the riddle about the birch tree:
Alena is standing with a green scarf,
Slim figure, white sundress.
- With whom in Rus' was the beautiful birch compared? (with a tender girl who has a thin, flexible waist, with the bride)
- In the summer in June, a holiday was celebrated in Rus'. This holiday was considered a girl's holiday. In the morning, girls in elegant dresses (showing a drawing by a Russian folk costume) went to a birch grove, chose one of the birches and decorated it. They tied colored ribbons and shreds to its branches, hung gingerbread cookies and sweets. They danced around the decorated birch tree, sang songs, danced, and started games.
- What do people call birch? Who is she compared to?
- What is birch for a Russian person?
- How is this tree useful?
- What holidays did young people in Rus' organize in birch groves?
- How and with what did you decorate the birch tree?
Let’s decorate our birch tree according to Russian custom. Children hang colored ribbons on a birch tree (a model of a tree or a real birch tree). A child reads a poem.
Birch, you are my birch:
My white birch
Curly birch.
You are standing there, little birch tree,
In the middle of the valley.
On you, birch tree,
The leaves are green,
Terry earrings.
Below you, birch tree,
Silk grass.
- Look, guys, how beautiful and elegant our birch tree turned out to be. Let's start a round dance around the birch tree, like in the old days. Children, to the song “There was a birch tree in the field,” dance around the birch tree.

Target: development of ecological culture of junior schoolchildren.


  • activate children’s knowledge about birch, show its importance in people’s lives;
  • develop elements of research activities;
  • cultivate a caring attitude towards nature.

Equipment: Russian folk costumes, button accordion, birch firewood, birch buds, smooth pebbles, wooden spoons, birch brooms, prizes.

Before the lesson, preparatory work is carried out in groups. Children prepare assignments - messages on topics together with their parents.

Group I – theme “Birch – a symbol of Russia”.
Group II – topic “Birch – “green pharmacy”.
Group III – theme “Beryozka Games”.

The lesson is held in a clearing on the school grounds.


I. Organizational moment

To the sound of music, a group of girls in Russian folk costumes performs a “round dance of birches.” Alyonushka comes out (her role is played by the parent).

– Russian birch... You can find it everywhere. She is the first to populate new places and decorate the forest with her lacy crowns. But the forest, consisting only of birches, is especially beautiful. Who knows what this forest is called? (Birch Grove)

– You and I are visiting our Russian birch trees.

Oh, you white birch tree!
She let go of her pigtails,
Your curly braids,
Green and silky.
How beautiful is yours, birch tree,
We all care.
We can't stop looking at you
We can't stop looking at you.

– Birch is the most beloved, dearest tree for every Russian person. And today we dedicate our lesson to this wonderful tree.
Why is the birch tree called the symbol of Russia?

I I. Performance of the 1st group(5 people) “Birch is a symbol of Russia.”

1. It’s not for nothing that the birch tree is called the symbol of Russia. The distant ancestors of the Slavs affectionately called her “merry”. The joy of life seemed to emanate from this white-trunked beauty; my soul became more cheerful.
2. But the birch tree was not only pleasing to the eye. She was also a good helper to the peasants. On long winter evenings, when there was no electricity, the hut was illuminated by a torch; it was made of birch. It burned brightly and did not smoke.
3. When a hut was built, the top of the ceiling was certainly covered with sheets of thin birch bark - birch bark. It did not let moisture into the hut, even if the roof was leaky. Often buckets were made from birch bark - tuesa, in which milk and water were well stored.
4. In the bathhouse, Russian people have long been accustomed to steaming with a broom. And this broom was certainly birch.
5. In the old days, boots for Russian soldiers were made in a special way: a layer of birch bark - birch bark - was inserted into the outsole - between two layers of leather. She did not let moisture in. And soldiers were less likely to get sick in rainy weather.

Children's performances are accompanied by drawings and illustrations.

Alyonushka: Currently, birch is also of great importance for humans. Everywhere we use things made from its wood: plywood, skis, furniture. Birch firewood is recognized as the best. Birch soot is used to make paints and inks.

Are you sad, kids?
Let's go to the birch tree now.
And we’ll sing a song to the Russian beauty.

(Children dance around the birch tree and sing Russian folk song“There was a birch tree in the field”)

Alyonushka: Birch can safely be called the “Green Pharmacy”, since all parts of this tree have healing properties.

III. Performance of the 2nd group(6 people) “Birch – “green pharmacy”

1. It has long been known that birch is a wonderful healer. An infusion of birch leaves helps with kidney diseases, rheumatism, and lichen.
2. When you have a cold, drink tea from birch buds.
3. Alcohol tincture of kidneys helps with aching joints and bedsores.
4. Birch tar is used to treat skin diseases.
5. Birch sap is drunk for rheumatism and swelling.
6. What is a Russian bathhouse without a birch broom? It has long been used to treat all colds.

Alyonushka: Yes, the role of birch is great. It is not for nothing that there are many fairy tales, games, round dances and competitions about her. Word to group 3.

IV. Performance of the 3rd group(5 people, 2 parents) “Beryozka games”

Presenter: In the old days, boys and girls gathered in a clearing outside the outskirts, started games and dances. So now we will play like in the old days. To do this we need to split into 2 villages. Some of our guys will be from the village of Kuzovki, and others from the village of Lapotki.

Our first game
I invite you now
To collect kidneys from two children.
Come out quickly
From the village "Kuzovki"
And the villages of “Lapotki”.

Two guys come out. The presenter asks them questions:

1. Why are birch buds collected? (For treating patients)
2. When should they be collected? (Spring to April)

Question for all children. How should you collect buds? (You need to collect several buds from one branch: 3-4 no more, then from another, then move on to the next tree. Everything must be taken care of. The bee also collects nectar a little from each flower).

For correct answers, Alyonushka rewards the children with beautiful smooth pebbles from the river.

1. Who will collect birch buds faster?
Game description: There are scattered buds (the same number) on two sheets of paper. You need to put one kidney into a mug. Whoever collects the buds faster wins.
Before the game the following words are said:

Our Vanya got sick,
And behind him comes Manechka.
We urgently need to run to the forest,
To collect kidneys there.

The collection of kidneys is supervised by children, one from each village. The kidney collector from the village of “Kuzovki” is followed by a child from “Lapotki” and vice versa.

2. Attraction game “Who will collect the most boletus mushrooms?”

Description of the game. Children are given birch bark baskets in their hands and blindfolded. Mushrooms made of wood or papier-mâché are placed in the clearing. Mushroom pickers crawl on all fours through the grass, looking for boletus mushrooms. From one to three people from each village play. Whoever collects the most mushrooms wins. Alyonushka gives prizes (pebbles) to the winning artel of mushroom pickers.

3. The game “Who can quickly prepare birch firewood for the winter”

Description of the game. Two teams of lumberjacks are selected from both villages. The game is played as a relay race. At a signal, the child runs into the forest, takes a log and rushes with it to the village, puts it aside. The next one follows him, carefully puts his log next to it - this is a woodpile, etc.
It is necessary not only to quickly prepare firewood, but also to stack the woodpile beautifully and evenly so that it does not fall or sway from the wind.
After all the birch firewood is neatly stacked on the grass in even woodpiles, the senior lumberjacks are asked to say a patter - “There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass.”
The winners are given prizes.


Time for business, time for fun,
The spooners will play now!
Playing with wooden spoons.

4. Game “Who is better at steaming with a birch broom?”

Description of the game. Two people from both villages are invited and given one broom.
In each pair, one whips the other to a fast, cheerful melody. During a short pause, the children change roles; whoever whipped him now gets spanked. The one who whips the birch broom all over his body the most energetically wins. It is advisable for those playing to undress down to their panties.

5. Game “Drag the rope”. All children participate.

6. Competition for the best Russian dance.

Alyonushka is counting which village has more pebbles. In the end, friendship and the joy of communication win.

IV. Final part

Alyonushka: Today the birches had a holiday. They rejoiced and had fun with us.
But in the spring it is very sad to see a birch grove. Almost all the trunks are cut and juice flows through them. How much of it flows out?
But it, like the blood of a tree, carries into the crown the nutrients necessary for the tree to come to life after winter sleep, for the buds to swell and the leaves to unfold.
Is it worth disfiguring trees for the sake of a sip of this sweetish water, causing unique harm to their health?
After all, wounds on trunks do not heal for a very long time; the wood in these places often begins to rot. Microbes penetrate through wounds into the trunk.
Now the juice can be bought in stores. Its preparation is carried out according to strict rules, using special devices. The tree suffers almost no damage. Let's save our Russian birch tree!

At the end of the lesson, children sing songs about birch trees.

"White Birch"

Goal: Development of environmental awareness and new ecological thinking in children. Foster love and respect for our native nature

Motivation: Gaining experience in humane treatment of plants and animals, forming a holistic picture of the world, broadening one’s horizons.


Teach children to recognize trees by species and describe them.

Practice the ability to find a familiar tree based on one or two characteristic features.

Describe the birch tree, including when collecting birch sap.

To form an idea of ​​the relationship between a tree and different organisms (plants, animals, mushrooms).

Learn to find the whole from its parts. Strengthen the ability to draw with your finger (finger painting).

Enrich and activate children's vocabulary.

Preliminary work:

1. Learning poems about the birch tree.

2. Examination of reproductions of paintings by A.I. Kuindzhe “Birch Grove”, A.K. Savrasov “The Rooks Have Arrived”.

3. Finger painting training.

4. Learning the round dance game “Birch”.

5. Observation of seasonal changes in nature using a birch tree model in the ecology corner.

Material: A painting depicting a birch tree, a set of bark from different tree species (oak, birch, cedar, ash), handkerchiefs, pictures depicting a birch tree in different seasons of the year, illustrations of wooden furniture, pieces of plywood, a birch broom, a cut of wood, birch tar, chaga, birch buds, birch bark products (tuesok, casket), wooden toys, dishes.

Materials for finger painting: wet wipes, black gouache, oilcloth, white paper birch trees in the shape of a cone.

Material for games: leaves of three or four trees according to the number of children, silhouettes of trees with leaves. A silhouette of a birch tree and a set of small cards depicting plants (lily of the valley, snowdrop), mushrooms (boletus), animals (squirrel, badger, hedgehog), insects (ant, butterfly, caterpillar), birds (cuckoo, starling).

Progress of classes

Children enter the group where they are met by a teacher

Educator: Hello children. You have entered the Fairytale Forest. And today I will tell you about a miracle - a tree that grows in the forest. And you will find out what it is called if you guess my riddle.

Green, not a meadow,

White, not snow,

Kudryava, not a person.


Children: This is a birch tree!

Educator: Well done! You guessed my riddle. I’ll tell you today about the beauty of the Russian forest - a slender, blond birch tree. There is no tree in the Russian magic forest that is more native and close.

The teacher brings in a model of a birch tree.

Educator: The people have always endowed their favorite tree with the most affectionate names and sonorous words. The birch was called: slender, curly, white, white-trunked. She was compared to a young and beautiful girl, wearing a green headscarf. Guys, do you know what the birch forest is called? It's called a birch forest. There are tall, shorter and very low birch trees growing in it. Guys, what color is the trunk of a birch tree? (children's answers). Yes, it is white with black spots.

Game “Find the birch tree by its bark”

The teacher shows a set of bark from different tree species. When examining the bark, children touch it with their hands, smell it, and note that the bark is warm, rough, different in smell and color. Find the right bark.

Educator: Children, what do the branches of a birch tree look like? (Children's answers). The branches of the birch, like braided braids, descend down and intertwine with each other. If a prankster comes in with a strong wind, he will ruffle these, if there is a weak breeze, he will get entangled in the branches and probably won’t get out. Listen here:

The sun slightly warmed the slopes,

And it became warmer in the forest,

Birch green braids

I hung it from thin branches.

The Russian people decorated the tree with ribbons, braided them into branches, and performed round dances.

Musical round dance game “Beryozka”

All children stand in a circle around a fake birch tree.

We danced around the birch tree,

Bright handkerchiefs were raised high.

(Children walk in a circle, handkerchiefs in their hands)

You, birch tree, look, look.

These are kids dancing, little kids.

(Children spin around in place of the handkerchiefs up)

We walked around the birch tree happily,

We walked merrily and walked with our feet.

(They walk into the circle, then out of the circle)

You, birch tree, look, look,

These are kids dancing, little kids.

Educator: Many folk tales, songs, riddles, proverbs, omens and sayings have been written about the birch tree, through the wisdom of the Russian people. Do you know any signs associated with birch? (A lot of sap flows from the birch - for a rainy summer; the leaves from the birch have not completely fallen - expect a harsh winter). The hostess makes riddles about the birch tree.

Game “What grows next to the birch tree, and who lives near the birch tree”?

The silhouette of a birch tree is placed on the stand. The teacher suggests laying out and hanging cards with pictures of plants, mushrooms and animals. While working, children take a card and discuss where to attach it. As a result, we get 2 groups of living organisms: some use the birch tree as a home, others live and feed on this tree.

Educator: Birch is the only tree in the world with white bark. It contains a substance that colors the bark white. The birch tree would have a bad time without this substance. Its bark is thin and tender, and the tree could get sunburn. And with white bark, the trunk remains cool on a hot day. Birch is beautiful at any time of the year. (The teacher demonstrates the tree in different seasons).

In autumn, the birch tree is covered with golden foliage, the leaves spin in the air and fall to the ground. Children, what is this phenomenon called? (Leaf fall).

In winter, there is white snow on the branches.

In summer, the tree is covered with dense green foliage.

In spring there are sticky, tender leaves on the branches.

Because of its beauty, the birch tree has become a symbol of Russia.

Phys. minute “There was a birch tree in the field”

Morning came, the sun woke up.

And the birch trees reached out to the sun

(Hands up, on tiptoes)

We greeted each other.

Leaning to the side

(Tilts to the side)

Say hello to the sun

Rejoicing at the new day.

(Wave your hands up).

Educator: Guys, what does a birch tree give to a person? (Children's answers). Birch is necessary for humans. It is used to make furniture, toys, dishes, baskets, berry picking boxes, boxes for storing beads and rings. Wood is widely used in farming; tar is obtained from birch bark. (The teacher demonstrates all materials to the children).

And the birch is a healing tree. Decoctions of birch buds heal wounds. Birch brooms are used to treat ailments in the bathhouse. Tree mushroom - chaga is brewed and drunk instead of tea. The drink is black-brown in color and has a sweetish taste. (Demonstration of materials).

But birch sap is especially valuable. One day in my forest, I saw a dried birch tree. Why do you think it dried up? (Children's answers). It’s just that people, collecting sap from a birch tree, forgot to heal the birch wound, so it died and dried up. But before that she probably cried for a long time. In early spring, the birch tree wakes up after a long winter sleep. Roots absorb moisture from the soil with nutrients dissolved in it. This moisture is called birch sap. Because of it, people injure birch trees. These wounds do not heal for a long time, the tree rots, pests attack it and it dies. What to do? And we need sap, and we feel sorry for the birch trees. Guys, when you take sap from a birch tree, do not make the hole large, but drill it with an awl, then cover the hole with earth. Don't be like an angry boy:

On a spring day the boy is angry

He pierced the bark of a birch tree with a knife.

And drops of juice, like tears

Flowed in a transparent stream.

Game "Everyone goes home"

The teacher exhibits silhouettes of different tree species with leaves. He distributes leaves to the children and says: “There are houses in front of you, and near each house there is a tree, in your hands you have leaves from the tree under which your house stands. We're walking. But suddenly it started to rain. Everyone goes home." Therefore, at the signal, the children run home and stand next to the tree from which the leaf comes. To check whether the task was completed correctly, the child is asked to compare his leaf with the leaves on the tree to which he ran.

Educator: Children, I invite you to my workshop.

(Children approach the workstations on which there is drawing material; there is a birch tree made of white paper in the shape of a cone).

Educator: There are birch trees on your tables. White-trunked, curly, but something is wrong with them, something is missing.

(The children notice that there are no black marks on the bark.) The teacher suggests drawing them with your finger. After finishing work, the children make up a birch grove.

Outdoor game “There was a birch tree in the field”

Two children are selected - birches, who stand facing each other. Birch children raise both hands up and join hands.

The rest of the children, holding hands, form a round dance, which slowly, in time with the rhythm of the song, passes through the “gate” - the hands of two birch trees.

Berezki and the rest of the children sing the first verse of the song “There was a birch tree in the field”:

There was a birch tree in the field, and a curly birch tree standing in the field. Lyuli, Lyuli, stood,

Lyuli, lyuli, standing - la.

The last syllable in the word “stood” is separated by a second pause.

At this moment, the hands of two “birches” lower to catch the child from the round dance. A caught child becomes a “birch tree”. Already three “birches” are holding hands and raising them.

The game continues until the “birches” “catch” all the children.

The more “birches” there are, the easier it is for them to catch children.

Outdoor game "Pushkin's Tales"

One child is selected - Scientist Cat.

The rest of the children stand in a circle and join hands. An oak chair is placed in the center of the circle.

Children walk in a circle and say:

“Near Lukomorye there is a green oak

Golden chain on the oak tree

Day and night the cat is a scientist

everything goes around and around in a chain.

He goes to the right - the song starts,

To the left - he tells a fairy tale.

There are miracles there, there is a devil there..."

At this time, the Scientist Cat is walking to different sides in the center of the circle and unnoticed by other children, touches one child. The one who was touched by the Scientist Cat is Leshy.

After the children recited an excerpt from A. S. Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, where last word- “Leshy”, the child chosen by the Cat shouts in a menacing voice: “I am the Leshy!”

The children run away in different directions, and Leshy catches the children. Whoever the Leshy touches becomes caught and goes to a chair - an oak tree, where the Scientist Cat is waiting for him.

Outdoor game "Birches"

Goal: development of expressiveness of movements, observation, imagination.

Age: preschool.

Game description: Children depict trees in different times year, following the words of the instructor:

Summer. Birch trees talk to each other, rustling leaves, waving twigs.

Autumn. The leaves on the birch trees are falling. A strong, gusty wind is blowing more and more often, shaking the trees from side to side.

Winter. The branches on the birch trees are shaking from the cold. The snow bends them to the ground.

Spring. The snow is melting. The branches rise up. The swollen buds burst and tender leaves appear from them.