Hans Christian Andersen and the nightingale are the main characters. Encyclopedia of fairy-tale heroes: "The Nightingale"

Andersen's fairy tale "The Nightingale"

Genre: fairy tale-legend

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Nightingale" and their characteristics

  1. The nightingale is a small, freedom-loving bird with a magically beautiful voice. I valued only sincerity.
  2. The Emperor loved everything beautiful, but did not understand that a living nightingale is better than an artificial one
  3. Death, at first glance cruel, but turned out to be sentimental after hearing the nightingale singing
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "The Nightingale"
  1. Beautiful garden near the palace
  2. Books about the nightingale
  3. Searching for the nightingale in the palace
  4. Little girl in the kitchen
  5. Courtiers in the forest
  6. Nightingale gives a concert in the palace
  7. The nightingale lives in the palace
  8. Artificial nightingale from Japan
  9. Escape of the nightingale
  10. Breakdown of the artificial nightingale
  11. Emperor's illness
  12. Death and evil deeds
  13. Return of the Nightingale
  14. Emperor's Promise
The shortest summary of the fairy tale "The Nightingale" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. In the forest behind imperial garden there lived a nightingale, whose singing all foreign guests admired and wrote about him in their books
  2. The Emperor reads the book and orders the nightingale to be delivered to the palace
  3. A little girl helps in the search for the nightingale and the courtiers are amazed by the nightingale’s voice
  4. The nightingale gives a concert in front of the emperor and the emperor cries
  5. An artificial nightingale replaces the real one, but soon breaks down
  6. The emperor is sick, but the nightingale returns and drives away death.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "The Nightingale"
Fake admiration is worth nothing, but real emotions are more valuable than anything else.

What does the fairy tale "The Nightingale" teach?
This fairy tale teaches us to love and appreciate the beauty of nature, teaches us to understand beauty, teaches us that no perfect machine made by human hands will ever replace the work of nature. This fairy tale also teaches gratitude.

Review of the fairy tale "The Nightingale"
I really like this fairy tale. It tells of the triumph of a real nightingale, whose singing was always different, over a mechanical toy that could sing only one melody and which could break. The Emperor of China realized his mistake, he could experience sincere feelings and therefore the nightingale forgave him and helped him when he fell ill. This is a very beautiful fairy tale.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "The Nightingale"
The nightingale is small, but the voice is great.
The spool is small, but expensive
A domestic calf is better than an overseas cow.

Summary, brief retelling fairy tales "The Nightingale"
In distant China near imperial palace there was a wonderful garden in which magic bells grew. The garden was very large and even the gardener did not know where its end was. And behind the garden in the forest lived a nightingale. And all the foreigners who came to the garden were amazed at the beauty of the nightingale’s voice.
They returned home and wrote books about China, in which they said that the best thing there is the nightingale.
One day the emperor read a book and was surprised, because he had never heard of a nightingale. He ordered the minister to bring him a nightingale so that he could listen to its singing.
The minister and courtiers ran around the entire palace, but no one heard about the nightingale. And only the little girl in the kitchen said that she knew where the nightingale lived.
She led the courtiers into the forest, and they mistook the mooing of cows and the croaking of frogs for nightingale singing. But then they heard the nightingale singing and were amazed. They invited the nightingale to the palace to sing to the emperor, and the nightingale agreed.
He sang to the emperor and he was amazed, he even cried, and the nightingale said that these tears were the best reward for him.
The nightingale began to live in the palace and the courtiers made sure that he did not fly away. And all the people fell in love with the nightingale.
But one day an artificial nightingale was brought from Japan that sang only one song. The real nightingale flew away, but no one was saddened by this. Everyone in the palace fell in love with the artificial nightingale.
But soon the artificial nightingale broke. The watchmaker repaired it, but now the nightingale was allowed to be wound only once a year.
5 years passed and the emperor fell ill. Everyone thought he was dead, but he just lay cold and sick on his bed.
The emperor saw death and his deeds - evil and good. He begged the artificial nightingale to sing to him, but he had to be wound up. And then a real nightingale flew in. He sang his song and death retreated. The nightingale promised that he would fly to the emperor and sing his songs to him, because he saw tears in the emperor’s eyes.
And the emperor recovered and greeted the stunned courtiers.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "The Nightingale"

Hello guys! Sit down. I wish you good mood and I invite everyone to cooperate in the literature lesson. How can you explain main idea fairy tale "The Nightingale" that you read for the lesson? What can we call our lesson? Let's define those learning objectives, which we will have to solve today. Set a personal goal for yourself. How do you understand the meaning of the words “lesson”?

“morality”, “caring”? I agree with your answers and propose to summarize them in the topic of our lesson, which we will call

« Moral Lessons based on the fairy tale by H.K. Andersen's "The Nightingale".

Opening remarks teachers.

Guys! Do you think there are some common spiritual values ​​and concepts for all people that are important at all times and in all countries?

Today in class we will think and reason about an interesting and complex fairy tale by the great Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen

"Nightingale". In the course of our work, we will try to understand those spiritual truths of the fairy tale that can become useful moral lessons for each of us.

You have read a fairy tale. Let's express our first impression of what we read in the form of a syncwine.

Yes, guys, reading the fairy tale “The Nightingale” makes us think about our actions and deeds. The theme of the life-giving power of the present human feelings, opposing deathly lack of spirituality, worried many writers, but no one resolved it as brilliantly as Hans Christian Andersen, and most importantly, by such simple means: in the space of a few pages. This is a literary miracle, and the Danish magician has many such miracles... I invite you to re-read the fairy tale together and reflect on what you read.

- “In the whole world there would not have been a better palace than the imperial one.”

Why do you think this tale begins with a description of the extraordinary imperial palace? Why was the palace “fragile” and made of “precious porcelain”?

Describing the garden and the dense forest, Andersen seems to deliberately force the reader to compare and contrast them with a porcelain palace. For what?

What feelings does the phrase “Lord, how good!” express?

- “Nightingale? But I don’t even know him!” “She is considered the main attraction of my great state!”

Express your opinion about why it is so important that the emperor did not know about the bird that surprised everyone with its singing?

How does the storyteller characterize the emperor?

Why does everyone know about the nightingale - the poor fisherman, travelers, the girl, except the emperor and their subjects?

How do the courtiers explain their ignorance? Why are they ready to mistake the mooing of a cow or the croaking of a frog for the singing of a nightingale?

Let us turn to the text in order to find the lines characterizing the nightingale.

The Emperor receives a mechanical nightingale as a gift. Why did he choose in his favor? Let's compare two birds? What is the difference between them? Let's compare.

How do you understand the conductor’s words that the artificial nightingale is “superior to the real one not only in its dress and diamonds, but also in its inner merits.”

How do you understand what it is inner world? Do you agree that

a person’s inner virtues are his inner world, his spiritual qualities, his talent.

The emperor faced a test: he fell ill and found himself alone. Why did everyone turn away from him except the nightingale? What developments do you expect after these lines?

Let's turn to the text. The storyteller introduces a sad motif into the story. “... there was dead silence in the palace.” The emperor lay alone and “completely motionless and deathly pale.” "Death sat on his chest." Why do you think the emperor shouted: “Music here, music!”? How could music help him?

Not only Death appeared before the gaze of the dying emperor, who else?

Explain how you understand these words?

Why did the nightingale fly to the emperor when he learned about his illness? Could the emperor himself console and encourage another?

Let's read the dialogue between the emperor and the nightingale.

What reward does the emperor offer the nightingale and why does he refuse?

How do you understand the words “Tears are the most precious reward for a singer’s heart.”

Why does the nightingale call itself a “singer”?

The Emperor invites the nightingale to live in the palace again, but now free. “You must stay with me forever! You will sing only when you want!”

Why does the nightingale refuse, since no one dared to refuse the emperor?

Let's reread last page fairy tales

What are the main words here and what are they about?

Who awakened the spiritual qualities in the emperor? Why didn't the nightingale want others to know about him? "That's how it is will go better

- " Hello!" - this is how the tale of the great Andersen ends. Do you think there will be changes in the board? Chinese Emperor?

What will the emperor have to think about?

What is the power of a small, inconspicuous bird that ensured victory over death?

What lesson did the nightingale teach the emperor?

5. Conclusion: the moral lessons we learn from the fairy tale are

Closeness to nature;

Attention to others;

Availability own opinion;

Respect spiritual qualities, and not external appearance;

Understanding true art;

Caring for others.

What other moral lessons can be learned from this tale?

    What was the most important thing in the lesson?

    Have the goals and objectives of the lesson been achieved?

    Are you satisfied with your job?

    What moral lessons can be learned?

An essay on the topic “What did the fairy tale “The Nightingale” teach me?

To the question What does Andersen’s “The Nightingale” teach? given by the author Spica the best answer is In the fairy tale “The Nightingale,” people communicate on equal terms with the little feathered singer. They invite him to the palace and want to thank him for his wonderful art with money and jewelry. But it was the nightingale who managed to convince the emperor that gold was not the most great wealth in this world. In the fairy tale, it is not the people, but the bird who understands that real life The most valuable things are love and friendship, delight and true gratitude, because no amount of money can buy them. And also, thanks to the writer, the emperor he invented gets the opportunity to talk with his Death, and therefore evaluate the life he has lived and his past accomplishments. for many years actions of the government - “some are nasty, others are nice.” The nightingale's selfless help and his amazing singing helped the great ruler drive away Death and change his attitude towards everything that happened in his life.

Reply from Kate *******[newbie]

Reply from European[newbie]
In the fairy tale “The Nightingale,” people communicate on equal terms with the little feathered singer. They invite him to the palace and want to thank him for his wonderful art with money and jewelry. But it was the nightingale who managed to convince the emperor that gold is not the greatest wealth in this world. In the fairy tale, it is not people, but a bird that understands that in real life the most valuable things are love and friendship, delight and true gratitude, because no amount of money can buy them. And also, thanks to the writer, the emperor he invented gets the opportunity to talk with his Death, and therefore evaluate the life he has lived and the actions he has committed over the long years of his reign - “some nasty, others nice.” The nightingale's selfless help and his amazing singing helped the great ruler drive away Death and change his attitude towards everything that happened in his life.

Reply from Choir[active]
In the fairy tale “The Nightingale,” people communicate on equal terms with the little feathered singer. They invite him to the palace and want to thank him for his wonderful art with money and jewelry. But it was the nightingale who managed to convince the emperor that gold is not the greatest wealth in this world. In the fairy tale, it is not people, but a bird that understands that in real life the most valuable things are love and friendship, delight and true gratitude, because no amount of money can buy them. And also, thanks to the writer, the emperor he invented gets the opportunity to talk with his Death, and therefore evaluate the life he has lived and the actions he has committed over the long years of his reign - “some nasty, others nice.” The nightingale's selfless help and his amazing singing helped the great ruler drive away Death and change his attitude towards everything that happened in his life.