What does the prefix von mean? Number of names and family prefixes

Maybe my logic isn’t very correct... But it’s so INTERESTING!

Name: Find out what you love...

Beta: Akira_Umi
Genre: Romance, Humor
Type: Get
Size: Mini
Rating: PG
Characters: Natsu/Lucy (main), Gerard/Elsa, Gadjeel/Levi, Gray, Jubia, hint of Natsu/Lisanna
Summary:“But there were only one guild, no, there were many legends, and there will be one, and its name is Fairy Tail.” Lisanna returned, Gerard was freed, and he is now one of the members of Fairy Tail. It would seem that everything is fine. Lucy decides to confess her feelings to Natsu. But Salamander is bound by the promise he made to Lisanna as a child. Will the "dragon" and the "princess" be together?
Warning: OOC
Disclaimer: the heroes are Mashima Hiro, the letters are Cyril and Methodius, I derive only moral benefits.
Status: completed
Accommodation: only with the permission of the author

Chapter 1. Unrequited love.

- Lucy, what happened? – Titania rushed to the bed, on which the blonde was sobbing excitedly.
“Elsa... I... I... confessed to him...” the girl hardly raised her sobbing face, looked at the guest and burst into tears again, throwing herself into the arms of her friend.
Titania was a little taken aback by this behavior, but then she hugged Heartfelia and gently stroked her head.
- Well, that’s good! Why then cry?
The spirit whisperer raised her eyes, red and swollen from tears, to Elsa.
“He... they... our feelings,” Lucy tried to say, sobbing, “they are not... not mutual!” - and tears from new strength poured out of the eyes.
Scarlett said nothing, but only hugged the girl tighter, not forgetting to gently stroke her golden hair. Having calmed down a little, the Spirit Summoner broke away from Titania.
“Sorry,” Lucy whispered, sobbing, afraid to look at the uninvited guest.
-Have you calmed down? Fine. Now tell me what happened! – Elsa demanded.
Heartfelia once again sobbed, looked at her excited friend and began the story.

A few hours ago, having returned from another mission, Natsu, as usual, was destroying the contents of Lucy's refrigerator. But lately the girl has not been annoyed by this at all. She had long ago come to terms with the fact that during the long time she spent with Dragneel, she managed to fall in love with him. And how could it be otherwise? After all, just his smile sent goosebumps through my body. And as soon as the guy touched her, his heart began to beat wildly, and it seemed like it was about to jump out of his chest. But after the incidents on Edoras, Salamander began to spend more and more time with Lisanna, and Heartfelia was offended by this. Therefore, she decided that it was time to tell Natsu about her feelings and come what may.
Thinking about this, the girl looked at the pink top of her head, which sometimes peeked out from behind the refrigerator door, and smiled.
- Lufie, are you a fevo? – asked the fiery dragon slayer, while biting off half a loaf of sausage.
“Natsu,” Heartfilia whispered, “I love you so much.”
Salamander was slightly taken aback by these words. He coughed, almost choking on his sausage. He ruffled his hair, clearly thinking about something. Then he looked at the girl.
“I love you too, Lucy,” the guy said, bowing his head and smiling with all 32 teeth. – And Happy, and Elsa, and even this pervert. And in general, everyone from Fairy Tail. Well... maybe except for Gadjeel... well, also...
“No, Natsu,” the voice broke treacherously. “I don’t love you as a friend...” the girl faltered.
“Sorry, Lucy,” Dragneel looked down, closed the refrigerator and walked up to the girl. He looked at her seriously. “I like you too, but I can’t...” the guy said as he exhaled. It was clear that these words were difficult for him. - You see... I promised Lisanna...
Natsu didn’t have time to finish speaking when Heartfilia instantly pushed him out of the apartment, not forgetting to slam the door harder in his face and turn the key in the keyhole.
“Sorry...” a guy’s slightly muffled voice was heard from behind the door.
The girl rushed into the bedroom. There was an unpleasant feeling in my chest, a lump stuck in my throat that made it difficult to breathe, and my eyes stung badly from barely restrained tears. Unable to hold it in any longer, Lucy collapsed on the bed and began to cry.
“What a fool I am...” the blonde squeezed out, choking in her own tears.
"Hurt. How painful it is! – the girl thought. “What if she hadn’t returned from Edoras?” Could we be together? No! What am I saying! I shouldn't think like that! After all, how happy everyone was about her return! But she took Natsu from me! No... not like that. I was just a substitute while Lisanna was gone. Yes...like this...this would be more correct. She has nothing to do with it, because Lisanna was with him before me... But this does not make it easier, but only more painful. Why is this so? Why with me? This is a stupid childhood promise... Isn’t he happy with her?... I think so... I should be happy for them too. What about me? What will happen to me? Why does it hurt so much?... Why?... Why?..."
This is the state in which Elsa found her.

- How did you get into my apartment? “Lucy just now remembered that she had locked the door.
– You yourself once gave me the key. Well, more precisely, you gave me the key, and I made a duplicate. Don't worry so much. I'm sure this is a misunderstanding. Natsu and Lisanna have nothing. It was just a stupid childhood promise. How much time has already passed? Natsu just... Lucy?...
The Spirit Sorcerer's eyes filled with tears again. Elsa hugged the blonde.
“Well, Natsu...” Titania growled angrily.

Chapter 2. Assignment.

It was a terrible morning for Lucy. My eyes were stinging, my head was buzzing, and thoughts about Salamander left an unpleasant aftertaste. But still she forced herself to get up and take a bath. Continuing to remain in apathy, the girl decided that she would not go to the Guild today.
Heartfilia lay on the bed and thought about how she should behave with Natsu. After all, now they cannot be one team. Yes, and Salamander has been going on missions with Lisanna more and more often lately, and after yesterday’s confession, now he will only be with this blond girl. Definitely Lucy needs to avoid the fire mage.
Then there was a knock on the door. Gray stood on the threshold.
“Elsa said to come pick you up.” It seems she found some interesting task there.
“Not this,” Heartfelia moaned.
But I went to get dressed. After all, you can’t argue with Titania.
- Did something happen? – the ice mage asked concernedly while Lucy tried to close the apartment door. But the door did not want to close. - Help?
Without waiting for an answer, Gray took the key from the Spirit Summoner, deftly inserted it into the keyhole and closed the lock.
“Let’s go,” Heartfilia muttered. And they silently headed to the Guild.
On the way, Fullbuster was tempted to ask what happened to Lucy. But, seeing the girl’s condition, I thought that if she wanted to tell, she would tell... But something obviously happened to her. After all, Elsa would not have burst into his room with a statement asking him to bring the blonde to the Guild. And if it doesn’t lead... This is what will happen to him if he doesn’t bring the girl, the ice mage did not listen and immediately rushed to the Spirit Summoner.
They entered Fairy Tail in silence. Lucy headed to the farthest table, which stood in a dark corner - usually no one sat there. Fullbuster followed the girl. Everyone who was sitting in the hall, and there were very few of them today, looked at them with puzzled looks.
“I’ll be there now,” said the ice mage to Heartfelia. But the girl did not seem to hear him, immersed in some thoughts of her own.
Gray walked towards Elsa.

“Now you’ll come up to Lucy and offer to go with you on this task,” Titania instructed the ice mage.
- Why me? – Fullbuster asked doomedly.
- Because we are her friends! And now we must help her!

- Lucy! Hello,” Elsa waved her hand to her friend. - Come here.
Harphelia stood up, looked towards Titania and only now realized that she was in Fairy Tail. That's right, Gray came to pick her up and they went to the Guild together. The blonde slowly trudged towards the table where Elsa and Fullbuster were sitting. Then something caught her attention. She raised her head and saw a painfully familiar pink top of her head near the wall with orders. Natsu stood with Lisanna and discussed the task. When Salamander glanced at Lucy, the girl quickly turned away. Dragneel frowned a little. This did not go unnoticed by Lisanna.
- Lucy, come with me on a mission! – the ice mage said loudly as soon as the girl reached the table. – Look, we just need a couple here: a guy and a girl. Natsu goes with Lisanna anyway. And there is no rain. This is a great reward! True, the task is designed for a month. But at the hot springs!
- Why me? Maybe it's better with Elsa? – the blonde asked dejectedly.
- I'm coming too! But, you see, Lucy, this is the situation here. “We’re missing a girl,” Titania remarked.
-Who else is coming with us? – Heartfelia was surprised.
“I hope you don’t mind coming with me?” – Gerard, who approached, whispered in her ear. - Did I confuse you? “You blushed,” the guy broke into a familiar, heartburn-inducing, insidious smile.
- It's decided! We'll meet at the station in an hour! – Scarlett commanded, and the company slowly began to disperse.

"Lisanna, I'll be right back." “I’ll be quick,” Natsu, who had not taken his eyes off Lucy all this time, ran out of the Guild.
The girl, without even thinking about listening to him, followed him out. And around the corner I saw Heartfelia standing by a tree, barely holding back tears, and an excited Dragneel, explaining to her:
“I don’t want you to go with him!” I don't trust him! Better let this frostbitten one be with you! But Gerard... Something is wrong here. Be careful.
“Natsu, don’t you dare say that to me!” I'm nothing to you! We're not even on the same team anymore! – the heart of the fire magician responded with pain in his chest.
- Sorry, Lucy. I... you are for me... you understand... I don’t want anything to happen to you. I would... if not...
- Enough! “No,” the girl covered her face with her hands.
- I already told you. Even as a child, I promised Lisanna... if only... - the guy bent down and kissed the girl on the forehead. “I’m sorry...” the dragon slayer said barely audibly and left, leaving Heartfelia standing alone.
Lisanna immediately hid around the corner. But Salamander didn’t even notice her; he walked past, hanging his head low and muttering something under his breath. The girl realized that they had forgotten about her.

Chapter 3. Conversation between Elsa and Gerard.

“Elsa, we’re finally home.” – Gerard came up from behind and hugged Titania. - Mmm... soon we'll be soaking in the hot springs. True, I thought that your friend would go with this fiery idiot. I don't care though. We'll be together...
- We won't! We're going there to heal. broken heart“Lucy,” Scarlett snapped, trying to pack her things. But with Gerard hugging her it was difficult to do this.
- How so? – the guy was a little taken aback. “We were planning to have fun.” Together... Soaking in the hot springs, and then...
“I didn’t tell Lucy about us.” I couldn't. When I came to her, I found out that that idiot Natsu had rejected her.
- So what? Don't think about it. She is now with this icy one. Let's better think like we... Ay! – Elsa hit Gerard on the head.
– Don’t you understand? Lucy is very ill now. She is my friend and I have to help her. So until she feels better, you and I are not “dating.” And just dare to say a word to anyone.
“I understood correctly: I can’t tell anyone that we’re dating until you tell your friend Lucy.” Now I can't act like your boyfriend until things get better for this blonde? Do you need this? Forget about her, Elsa. She can deal with her problems herself, she’s not little.
Three swords flew at Gerard at once. The guy barely managed to dodge.
- She. My. Girlfriend. I'm worried about her. All. Now you and I are just acting like childhood friends! No pestering, hugging or anything else!
- Fine. I understand. But I don't like that you worry so much about her. Listen, doesn't this Natsu like Lucy? In my opinion, he looks at her with loving eyes all the time. Just like me on you.
Boom! Gerard's next attempt to hug Elsa was stopped by a thick reference book.
“And when I leaned towards her today, I thought he would burn a hole in me!” Maybe I should talk to him and everything will be fine? Then we can enjoy our trip to the hot springs to the fullest. Mmm?
- It's not that simple. As a child, Salamander made a promise to Lisanna to marry her. Everyone thought they were boyfriend and girlfriend. But then she disappeared. Everyone thought Lisanna was dead. And after some time, Lucy appeared in the guild. They fell in love with each other, but could not admit it. Gray and I constantly tried to leave them alone, but... Even Happy began to spend more time with Charlie. And then this story with Edoras... It turned out that Lisanna was alive. And yesterday, when I went to Lucy to tell about us, it turned out that she confessed to him, but this idiot said that he was bound by a promise to Lisanna.
- Hmmm... we'll have to help them. – Gerard drawled thoughtfully.
- Is it true? But what can we do?
- Is it true. We'll figure something out. I can’t live without my girlfriend all the time, and they also deprived me of kisses. We'll have to help.
“I love you,” Elsa whispered barely audibly and fleetingly touched his lips with hers. - Now we need to put it in order state of mind Lucy. We have a month for this.
And Titania continued to pack her things. And within half an hour the foursome were boarding the train.
No one noticed how a strange couple, who had been chasing them all this time, ran into the next carriage: a tall guy with long black hair and piercings all over his face, and with him a little blue-haired girl. The guy held the girl’s hand and didn’t let her go anywhere far from him, periodically saying “Don’t get lost, little one!”

Chapter 4. Like brother and sister.

“Sorry, Lucy,” the guy bent down and kissed the girl on the forehead. - I already told you. Even as a child, I promised Lisanna... I'm sorry... - The dragon slayer said barely audibly and left, leaving Heartfelia standing alone.

The scene she saw haunted Lisanna for several days. During the mission with Salamander, the girl thought about how she felt towards Natsu. She loved him. Yes, that's for sure. But it seemed to her that this was not the same love that was between Heartfelia and Dragneel. It's more like her relationship with Elfman.
Lisanna glanced at the dragon slayer. He had already finished off the last monster. The girl didn’t even notice when Natsu managed to complete the entire task.
- What's wrong with you? – a breathless but happy guy ran up. “You’ve been kind of... pensive all day today, or something,” Salamander barely found the word.
“Natsu, we need to have a serious talk.” About Us. More precisely, about the promise you made to me as a child,” Lisanna looked at the guy.
He looked down at his sandals with interest.
“Don’t you think we’re being stupid?” – The girl decided not to put off the conversation. “Natsu, I can see perfectly well how dear Lucy is to you.” Why did you let her go on a mission with Gray? Is it because of that promise?
“Yes...” Dragneel answered barely audibly. - Lisanna, don't worry! I will keep my promise. I will marry you and we will become one big family!
The girl just grinned.
- What a fool you are. I love you, but I love you as a brother. Understand?
- But the promise...
“We were children,” Lisanna interrupted. – Now let’s look at things soberly? You also treat me like a sister. But Lucy...
The girl didn’t have time to finish speaking before she was squeezed in an embrace with such force that she could barely breathe.
- Natsu, you'll strangle me! – the girl wheezed. – Now promise me that you will tell Lucy about your true feelings! And don’t look at me with such surprised eyes. I know you very well. And I see that she is very dear to you.
- I promise! – the happy guy yelled, not letting go of the girl. – When did you realize that I fell in love with Lucy?
– I realized this back there, on Edoras. Those two were also in love. We'll be friends, right?
“No,” Dragneel smiled widely with all his 32 teeth. – We will be like brother and sister.

“Bye, Lisanna,” Salamander waved his hand to the girl and rushed towards the house of the Spirit Sorcerer, as he ran, filling the whole of Magnolia with a wild shout: “Lucy!”
After a conversation with his childhood friend, Dragneel was positively inflamed. It was as if he was flying on the wings of love. As soon as Natsu thought about Lucy, his heart began to pound furiously, and the blood began to rush faster to his head.
Only upon approaching Heartfelia's house did the dragon slayer notice that the windows were closed. He flew into the entrance, knocked on the door and, without waiting for an answer, burst into the apartment, breaking the lock. Silence greeted him. Natsu went through all the rooms, but Lucy was nowhere to be found. He looked into the bedroom, but the girl was not there either. The salamander collapsed onto the bed and buried his nose in the pillow, noisily drawing in air through his sensitive nose. She smelled so pleasant, something subtle, slightly sweet and, at the same time, tart. The smell of Lucy... Yes, Natsu would never confuse it with anything else. Looking up from the pillow, Salamander noticed that the bedside table was empty, and several books were missing from the shelves. And only then did the fiery dragon slayer cool down and finally remember that the girl had gone on a mission with Gray, Elsa and Gerard.
Natsu rushed towards the Guild like a bullet.

Chapter 5. Natsu begs for a task.

Having flown into the Guild, Salamander immediately rushed to the bar counter. Mira, as usual, wiped glasses and nodded welcomingly to everyone.
- PEACE! – the fire mage shouted. – Tell me, what mission did Lucy go on?
“Hello to you too, Natsu,” the demoness smiled. “Why do you suddenly need Lucy so much?” Have you really fallen in love?
The fire dragon slayer was confused.
-What nonsense are you talking about? Well, Miraaaa... - Salamander began to beg, leaning his palms on the bar counter in such excitement that he would set him on fire at any moment. – We’re on the same team!
“I see,” the demoness smiled slyly. – I’ll look in the order book now. So. Here it is: “A pair of magicians, a guy and a girl, are needed to guard an exhibition held at the Two Hearts Hot Spring Hotel for a period of one month. Follow the exhibition in the evening; the rest of your personal time can be used at your discretion. Accommodation and meals at the expense of the hotel. The price is negotiable."
- Great! Where is this hotel located?
“Natsu, you understand that you have to be in couples there, right?”
- Certainly! – The dragon slayer looked around the hall. Seeing the rain mage bored at the next table, he instantly flew up to her. “Jubia, will you come with me to visit Gray on a mission?”
Loksar instantly jumped up and, shouting “Gray-sama, I’m on my way,” grabbed Natsu’s hand and rushed towards the station.
Oddly enough, Dragneel didn't even resist when Jubia dragged him onto the train. He understood that it would be faster this way. And right now it is important for him to be in time, because Lucy at that moment was spending time with this frostbitten and Gerard, who was clearly planning something bad.

Meanwhile, the six Fairy Tail mages reached the Two Hearts Hotel without incident, except for the fact that Gadjeel got bored while on the train and got hungry as an adventure. And in order not to wake up his friend, he decided to find his own lunch and ate all the iron that was at hand. In general, when Levi woke up from the loud screams of the conductor, then, barely opening her eyes, the girl saw that in half the car there were no benches, and in the place where the door should have been, there was an empty opening. Of course, the tailed fairies from the next carriage came in response to the noise. Having recognized her fellow guildmates, Elsa announced that the guides could contact Master Makarov with any complaints, and she herself would punish “this tin.” And she pushed Redfox and McGarden into her carriage, which shook with the laughter of her friends for the rest of the journey. Upon arrival, the magicians immediately went to the office, where the owner of “Two Hearts” was already waiting for them. A small, dry old man, who somewhat resembled their master, looked intently at those who entered.
– Oh, is it really Elsa Scarlett herself??? What an honor this is for us!!! – the old man exclaimed and fussed around Titania. - We can't afford this. famous girl work! I will immediately arrange for you to be allocated a room! You will be the guest of honor at our exhibition! And no objections, dear!
Elsa, a little confused at first, instantly jumped at the prospect of relaxing for a month at a hot springs hotel.
“Thank you,” Titania thanked and smiled sweetly.
- Okay, now let’s move on to work matters. Sit down, sit down. What are you standing for? - Grandpa chattered. – My name is Hart, I am the owner of this hotel. In the application, I wrote that I needed a couple of magicians: a guy and a girl, to keep order during the exhibition, which would last for a month. You can spend the rest of your time as you please. Of course, your food and accommodation are at our expense. So, there are five of you here. Well, I choose this girl,” the hotel owner pointed at Lucy. - So, which of these two guys should I choose? – Hart studiously did not notice Gadgil.
- I'm an ice mage! You don't have to doubt me! - Fullbuster said proudly.
- Great! - exclaimed Hart. – We just have a problem with ice in the kitchen. You will be very useful to us. And then this one will work together with a fair-haired girl,” the owner pointed to Gerard.
“The rest are free, security will take you out, unless, of course, you want to relax with us at Two Hearts.”
“If you’re talking about those who stood at the entrance,” Gadgil spoke, causing the hotel owner to shudder, “then they won’t take you out.” We accidentally took them out. They didn't want to let us in.
The sound of a jaw hitting the floor was heard. Poor Hart, he became scary to look at. At first he turned pale, then turned green, but when his face returned to its normal color, he ingratiatingly asked:
– Would you like to work instead of them? At least for this evening, and tomorrow we will find a replacement. Of course I'll pay!
– Okay, but on the condition that this little one will live in a hotel!
“Gadjeel, how many times do I have to tell you, my name is Levi!”
- Well, that's almost what I said.
“Okay,” the hotel owner interrupted the squabble. “But we didn’t count on so many new staff, so we only have two rooms.” Mrs. Elsa, of course, we have a separate room for you. After all, you are our guest of honor.
“Then I’ll be with Lucy!” And Gadgil and Gray, and Gerara...” Levy said.
“And I’ll find somewhere to spend the night,” Gerard interrupted the girl with a mysterious smile and a quick glance at Scarlett.
- Then, everything is decided! That's great! Hart concluded.
And the company went to their rooms to prepare for the evening opening of the exhibition.

Chapter 6. Salamander, you're stupid.

The long-awaited evening of the opening of the exhibition has arrived. Throughout the hall on the ground floor there were display cases displaying various sculptures, and a huge candelabra with several hundred candles hung from the ceiling. Near the windows overlooking the garden there were tables at which the guests of “Two Hearts” sat. And waiters floated around the hall in white jackets. Simple music flowed throughout the hotel. The second floor balcony was illuminated with small light bulbs. All this created a romantic atmosphere. It would seem that nothing could disturb the idyll, but then a cry was heard:
- Lucy! Lucy! – a pink-haired guy ran into the hall, turning his head around.
Behind him was a blue-haired girl with a strange hat on her head. The guy, meanwhile, put his palms to his mouth and shouted:
Then the kitchen door opened, revealing a half-naked guy.
-What are you forgetting here, firebrand?
- Hey, scumbag, who did you tell this to? And in general, I don’t have time to talk to all sorts of perverts. Where's Lucy?
“Gray-sama...” came the voice of a girl spreading across the floor.
– Who did you tell this to, holopubby? Tired of living? – Fullbuster immediately rose up.
-Who is this holopubby here? Come here, I’ll defrost your brain quickly! – Natsu flew up to the ice mage, swinging his burning fist.
- You don’t have one at all!
- What??? Scumbag!
- Cross-eyed!
- That's it, Gray-sama! – Loksar encouraged the ice mage.
- Stupid!
- Felt boots!
“Jubia, Gray said that he missed you very much.”
“Oh, Gray-sama...” the girl rushed to the guy and tightly clung to his hand. “Jubia is very happy.” Jubia missed Gray-sama so much...
“Okay, we got rid of the ice,” Dragneel rubbed his hands and was about to head towards the stairs leading to the second floor, but then his path was blocked by an iron dragon slayer.
- Well, where are you going? – Gadgil creaked.
- Let me through, tinny! – Salamander really didn’t like the fact that everyone was bothering him. He hoped to quickly find Heartfelia, tell her everything and bask in the hot springs for the rest of the time.
“Lucy doesn’t want to see you,” the blue-haired girl’s head appeared from behind the iron dragon slayer. "Natsu, you better leave."
- WHAT??? Levi, are you with them? Dragneel roared. - I need to talk to Lucy!
“But Lucy-chan...” the letter charmer began.
- It's okay, Levi. “I’ll talk to him,” the voice of the Spirit Sorcerer was heard from the stairs.
Everyone turned around. A blonde in a red evening dress with a deep neckline, emphasizing all the charms of a girl’s figure, approached them.

“But Lisanna...

Strange question“You’re my friend,” the fiery dragon slayer smiled widely.
Levy sighed sadly and shook her head from side to side, the iron dragon slayer lightly hit his forehead, and in the ice mage's gaze only one word was read, “Idiot.” Meanwhile, Lucy turned around and ran upstairs.
“Yes, Salamander, you’re stupid,” Gadjeel voiced his thoughts.
-What did you say, tin can? – the fiery dragon slayer instantly began to boil.
“Natsu, do you even understand why Lucy-chan ran away?” – Levy asked.
“Well...” the guy scratched the back of his head.
- Firebrand, why did you even come to Lucy? – Gray said, trying to free his hand from Loksar’s grip.
– Jubia thinks that Natsu-san loves his rival.
“Well, I guess...” Dragneel ran his hand over the top of the pink-haired head and thought about something.
- Maybe? – Levi’s voice scattered throughout the hall and seemed to be heard even in the most remote corners of the hotel.
- What do you mean, I guess? You must be sure of this! – McGarden continued to scream, clenching her fists. “And anyway, what kind of nonsense are you talking about Lisanna here?” Lisanna allowed, Lisanna doesn't mind... You should have said your feelings! – it seemed that the sorceress, if she didn’t incinerate Salamander with her gaze, would certainly crack him. Gadjeel reacted instantly and grabbed the girl by the waist, dragging her away from the fiery dragon slayer.
“Feelings...” Natsu echoed.
– What do you think about when you see Lucy? – Levi’s voice became calmer.
- Well, she has a big refrigerator at home with a lot of food in it. She also has a large and soft bed...
Now Gray and Gadgil simultaneously grabbed their heads.
- Little one, this is incurable! – the iron dragon slayer diagnosed.

“I like going on missions with her, she’s very strange, but it’s always fun to be with her.” I don’t like it when she cries... – something has definitely changed now. As soon as Natsu started talking about Lucy, his heart started beating wildly. “This is strange...” Dragneel said barely audibly. Sighs of relief were heard, the guy did not notice them and continued:
– I feel sad when Lucy is not around. I don't like it when anyone hugs her. And I also like the way it smells: something sweet and a little tart. I like it when she plays with my hair while traveling. I even like the way she swears at me if Happy and I break something. I like her voice, so soft and gentle. I like...” the guy’s eyes widened. “I like Lucy...” surprise appeared on Salamander’s face.
“Natsu,” McGarden called the guy insinuatingly. “You need to tell Liu-chan about this.”
Dragneel nodded affirmatively and looked at the second floor balcony where Heartfilia went.
- WHAT? – the dragon slayer roared. - I won’t allow it!
Those present shuddered and looked at the balcony. There, by the column, stood a beautiful blonde in a red evening dress, hugging a guy with blue hair and a strange tattoo near the eye.

Chapter 7. Gerard's insidious plan.

Elsa was preparing to go down to the hall. She was wearing a black evening dress. But the girl couldn’t decide what to do with her hair. She stood at the mirror and tried out different hairstyles. “High ponytail, low ponytail, or maybe pigtails? No, not them, but maybe..."
“Better loose ones,” a soft baritone was heard behind him.
- What are you doing here, Gerard? – surprise in Titania was mixed with joy and anger.
“Your hair is beautiful,” the magician took a strand of hair and kissed it. “You shouldn’t hide them behind stupid hairstyles.”
The guy's hands reached out to the girl's waist, but an elbow strike instantly stopped such attempts.
- I said, bye...
- Yes, yes, yes. I remember while your...
- LUCY! – a scream was heard from the first floor.
Scarlett and Fernandez looked at each other. They stood for a minute and looked at each other in silence.
“Natsu,” Titania growled angrily and headed towards the door.
She was stopped soft hands Gerard:
– Maybe we’ll let them figure it out themselves? However, I didn’t think that this pink-haired guy would think of coming here. Well done.
The guy looked at the girl, who was staring at the door. Elsa turned her gaze to Gerard, and they simultaneously said:
- Let's see?
Smiles lit up the faces of the two, and they headed towards the door. Fernandez was still slightly hugging the girl, and Scarlett pretended not to notice his hands.
It turned out that the second floor balcony is very convenient for surveillance. The couple stood behind the column and listened. Fullbuster and Dragneel were arguing, as they always do.
- Elsa, maybe we should go to your place? – Gerard almost purred. “The guy came running, which means it got to him.” And now everything will be fine with Lucy. It's time to think about us too.
- First, let's make sure of everything...

- Elsa, Gerard, what are you doing here? Oh, you’re hugging... - Lucy, seeing that the guy was hugging the girl, blushed a little. “I heard screams and decided to see what was going on,” the Spirit Sorcerer instantly changed the topic, and in her heart she rejoiced that at least everything was going well for her friend, while looking slyly at Titania.
Scarlett, meanwhile, quickly shook off the hands of the blue-haired guy. She felt a little uneasy, because Heartfelia now needed consolation, support, help, and she was here personal life adjusts. It's called "Girlfriend".
- Natsu? – the Spirit Summoner was amazed when she saw the fiery dragon slayer. -What is he doing here?
The girl looked at the couple hiding behind the column, but they only shook their heads negatively, spreading their arms to the sides.
Heartfelia saw that Levi was arguing with Salamander about something and went downstairs. Elsa and Gerard almost leaned over the railing to hear what they were talking about.

-What did you want, Natsu? – she asked in a calm voice.
“Lucy, I talked to Lisanna!” – the guy joyfully began his story. – She doesn’t mind at all if I’m with you! Can you imagine? She said that this childhood promise was make-believe! So Lisanna allowed...
- Shut up! – Heartfelia bowed her head and put her hand forward.
- Lucy? – the fiery dragon slayer was surprised.
“And if Lisanna didn’t allow it, what would you do?” – the girl asked, looking the guy straight in the eyes. Natsu noticed the tears coming.
“But Lisanna...
– What do you think about this? – Lucy’s voice became firmer.
“Lisanna doesn’t mind, so everything’s fine!” – the guy summed up optimistically.
- Natsu, why are you here? – the Spirit Sorcerer asked almost in a whisper.
“It’s a strange question, you’re my friend,” the fiery dragon slayer smiled widely.

– I take back my words that this pink-haired monster is “well done.” You have to be so stupid! – Gerard was bursting with frustration. He thought that now everything would be fine with this spirit charmer and began to plan how to spend the evening with his beloved, but this misunderstanding, calling himself a dragon slayer, definitely spoiled everything.
“Elsa,” the guy’s eyes sparkled, and an insidious smile played on his face.
Titania looked at him.
“If I make your friend make up with Natsu, can I stay at your place all night?” – these sly eyes looked piercingly at the girl, in anticipation of a voluptuous pastime.
Scarlett just nodded affirmatively.
“Then go to your room.” I'll do everything.
- So I believed you. Where is the evidence that they will make peace?
– Hmm... When you hear the sound of the impact, you can look into the corridor. Although it would be better if I knock on you myself,” the guy took the girl by the chin and looked into her eyes. - Trust me. I will never deceive you.
“I believe,” Elsa said barely audibly and headed to her room.

And the spirit charmer was already climbing to the second floor.
“Lucy,” Gerard called her. - Come please. I need to tell you something important...

Chapter 8. My Lucy.

“Lucy,” Gerard called her. - Come please. I need to tell you something important.
- What's happened? – the girl could barely hold back her tears.
– Lucy, Elsa is very worried about you. So I'm a little worried too.
“Gerard...” Heartfelia sighed sadly. The guy, meanwhile, watched from the corner of his eye what was happening below.

- Natsu, what else? What do you think about Lucy herself? – Levy decided not to give up.
“I like going on missions with her, she’s very strange, but it’s always fun to be with her.” I don’t like it when she cries... - something has definitely changed now. As soon as Natsu started talking about Lucy, his heart started beating wildly. “This is strange...” Dragneel said barely audibly.

“Well, we can start acting,” flashed through the magician’s head.
“I knew from the very beginning that he was like this,” another sigh.
- If you want, I'll tell you good news? – the guy moved slightly closer to the blonde.
Heartfilia opened her eyes wide, smiled at the corners of her lips and shook her head affirmatively. And Gerard did not stop watching what was happening in the hall.

“I even like the way she swears at me if Happy and I break something.” I like her voice, so soft and gentle. I like...” Natsu’s eyes widened. “I like Lucy...” surprise appeared on Salamander’s face.

“Elsa herself wanted to tell you about this, but after your confession, Natsu did not dare to do so,” Gerard hesitated a little. - In general, we...
– Are you dating? – Lucy exclaimed joyfully.
The guy didn’t expect the girl to be so happy, but he shook his head affirmatively. Lucy beamed all over and hugged the magician with joy:
– I’m so happy for you! So glad! – the spirit charmer almost squealed with delight.

At this time, an angry cry was heard from the first floor:
- WHAT? I won't allow it!
And Gerard, noticing that Salamander rushed to the stairs, hugged Heartfelia around the waist and whispered in her ear:
– I wish you good luck with the fiery...
Events began to unfold incredibly quickly. The spirit whisperer felt that she was being torn out of the magician's embrace, and the next second Natsu hit Gerard with all his might, who flew to the opposite door.
“I told you that I would reconcile them,” Fernandez looked up at Elsa, who was peeking out from behind the door of her room.
“I wanted to tell Lucy about us myself,” Titania answered, a little offended.
“I think they’ll figure it out further without us.” Your friend is doing well now. What about tonight? – the guy broke into an insidious smile, in anticipation of voluptuous moments.
“Don’t worry,” Scarlett was not far behind in her cunning, “I won’t let you think about anyone but me,” with these words the girl dragged the guy into the room and closed the door tightly, not forgetting to turn the key.

“Lucy,” Natsu looked a little guiltily at the girl, and in the back of his mind there was only one thought: “Could Lucy be with someone else? Not with me? I never thought about it. No, it's simply impossible. Lucy is only mine!
- My! – Salamander growled, lifted the spirit charmer by the chin and looked into her chocolate-colored eyes, from which tears were ready to flow at any moment.
“Even like this, Lucy’s face is beautiful,” a thought flashed through the head of the fiery dragon slayer. The girl tried to move away from the piercing gray eyes, but a warm hand lay on her waist, preventing her from doing so. The heart could not stand it and began to beat at triple speed. And Heartfilia froze at one glance from Dragneel and waited for what would happen next.
Natsu slowly approached the girl's lips and hesitantly touched them, as if afraid to scare them away. Lucy froze, listening to the rapidly beating rhythm of her heart. No, two hearts. Under the palm of the Spirit Summoner, lying on Dragneel’s chest, the heart of the fiery dragon slayer was pounding, in no way lagging behind the rhythm assigned to her.
Perhaps Natsu had never felt anything like this before. When your hands shake, your palms sweat, and your eyes drop to the floor. He considered himself brave and unshakable, but he realized that he was mistaken when this beauty crossed his path.
Salamander touched Heartfelia's lips again, but more confidently. He kissed them tenderly, reverently, lightly biting the girl’s lower lip. And half a minute later, Lucy kissed Natsu back.
" Nice. How warm and soft her lips are. And I really don’t want to tear myself away from them.” Thoughts were confused in the head of the fiery dragon slayer, he had to break the kiss to catch his breath.
- My Lucy! My! – Dragneel whispered in the ear of the Stellar Spirit Summoner and pressed the girl closer to him.
“Yours,” Heartfelia’s lips said barely audibly, whose hand buried itself in the pink crew cut of her hair, pulling the guy towards her.
“I love…” exhale and kiss again: passionate, persistent and filled with passion.

Meanwhile, there was deathly silence in the hall. Even the musicians stopped playing, watching Natsu and Lucy. Seeing the couple passionately kissing on the balcony, some of the guests even shed tears.

Gajeel looked at Levy and pulled her towards him. The girl looked at the guy in surprise.
“Just try to squeak, little one,” the steel dragon slayer growled and kissed the blue-haired girl, demandingly, but at the same time, tenderly. McGarden grabbed Gadjeel by the neck, and everything around him ceased to exist.

“Gray-sama...” Jubia looked first at Natsu and Lucy, then at Gadjeel and Levy, and then turned her gaze to the ice mage and slowly spread into a puddle on the floor.
“Eh...” Fullbuster sighed, looking at what happened to Loxar, and ruffled his hair.

@music: Skillet - Comatose

@mood: Hmm....

The meaning and origin of male and female German names and surnames. Ancient and modern German names. Interesting facts about German names.

4.08.2016 / 14:19 | Varvara Pokrovskaya

You have acquaintances, friends, business partners from Germany and you want to know more about their names and surnames. Then this article will surely be useful to you.

Features of German names

German names were formed in several stages under the influence of political, historical, and cultural processes. Based on their origin, they can be divided into three groups:

  • ancient Germanic names

They were formed back in the 7th–4th centuries. BC e. They are closely associated with magic, mythology, totemic, military symbols and were designed to influence the future fate and character of a person. Some of them have Scandinavian origin. Consist of two parts. In modern use there are no more than several hundred of them. The rest are long outdated.

  • Latin, Greek, Hebrew (Biblical) names

They are still widespread today due to their versatility. They are familiar to representatives of any country and go well with surnames. They are used both in their original form and with some phonetic changes characteristic of the German language. For example: Victor, Katharina (Ekaterina), Nicholas (Nikolai), Alexander, Johann (Ivan), Joseph (Joseph), etc.

  • foreign names used in abbreviated form

Fashion for them appeared in the middle of the last century. At first they were French - Marie, Annette, Catherine. Later they were joined by Russians (Sasha, Natasha, Vera, Vadim) and Arabic/Turkic variants Jem (Jamil), Abu (Abdullah) and others.

The meanings of some ancient Germanic names

"noble" + "protector"

"eagle" + "wolf"

"brilliant" + "raven"

""horse" + "protector"

"victory" + "strong"

"battle" + "friend"

"spear" + "keep"

"rich" + "ruler"

"noble" + "wolf"

"chief" + "forest"

"invincible" + "army"

"wisdom" + "protector"

"woman" + "warrior"

Until now, in Germany there is a tradition of giving a newborn several names, sometimes there are up to ten. Upon reaching adulthood, this number can be reduced at your discretion. The usual practice is 1-2 first names + last names. Middle names are not used.

Did you know that full name the legendary Catherine I - Sophie Auguste Friederike von Anhalt-Zerbst-Dornburg), the brilliant Mozart - Johann Chrysostom Wolfgang Theophilus Mozart, the current Vice-Chancellor of Germany - Angela Dorothea Merkel (Kasner) - Angela Dorothea Merkel (Kasner)?

But they are far from the record holder. In 1904, one baby was given a name of 740 letters at birth. It looked something like this: Adolph Blaine Charles David Earl Frederick Gerald Hubert Irwin John Kenneth Lloyd Martin Nero Oliver Paul Quincy Randolph Sherman Thomas Juncas Victor William Xerxes Yancy Zeus Wolfe schlegelsteinhausenbergerdor + several hundred more difficult-to-read and practically untranslatable letter combinations. It was accompanied by an equally impressive surname, but a little more modest - only 540 letters.


German society is known for its conservatism and pedantry. This also affected names. Unlike Russia and the CIS countries, which are liberal in this regard, where registry offices quite officially register children with the names Tsar, Cinderella, Dolphin and even Lucifer, such a number will not work in Germany. Parents who love exotic things will have to defend their opinion in court, the decision of which is unlikely to be comforting for them. Exists a whole series restrictions enshrined at the legislative level + list of allowed names.


  • Giving a name without a clear gender characteristic, i.e. calling a boy a female name or a girl a male name. The exception is the name Maria. It can be chosen as the second male: Paul Maria, Hans Maria, Otto Maria.
  • Use topographic names - cities, towns, countries.
  • Religious taboos - Allah, Judas, Demon, Christ, Buddha.
  • Offensive, controversial names. For example, Peter Silie - Parsley.
  • Surnames of famous people.
  • Titles.
  • Brand names - Porsche, Pampers, Joghurt.
  • Call children from the same family the same name. But this ban can be easily circumvented if desired. It is enough to register double names with the same first names, but different second names: Anna-Maria and Anna-Martha, Karl-Richard and Karl-Stefan.

For obvious reasons, to this day the name Adolf is an unspoken taboo.


Incorrect: Heinrich Heine, Wilhelm Hohenzollern

Right: Heinrich Heine, Wilhelm Hohenzollern

Error: Hans, Helmut

Right: Hans, Helmut

But: Herbert, Gerwig, Gerda, Herman

German female names

In modern Germany, abbreviated female names have become widespread. Instead of Katarina - Katya, Margarita - Margot. You can often find forms formed by merging two different names: Anna + Margaret = Annagret, Maria + Magdalena = Marlena, Anna + Maria = Annamaria, Anna + Lisa = Anneliese, Hannah + Laura (Laurin) = Hannelore. German female names end in -lind(a), -hild(a), -held(a), -a, ine, -i. An exception is the name Erdmut (Erdmute).

List of common German female names:

  • Agna, Agnetta, Agnes - chaste, holy;
  • Anna, Annie - mercy (of God), grace;
  • Astrid - beautiful, goddess of beauty;
  • Beata - blessed;
  • Bertha - brilliant, magnificent;
  • Wilda - wild;
  • Ida - kind;
  • Laura - laurel;
  • Margareta, Greta is a pearl;
  • Rosemary - reminder;
  • Sophie, Sophia - wisdom;
  • Teresa - strong and loved;
  • Ursula - bear;
  • Hannah - God is merciful;
  • Helga - divine;
  • Helena - torch;
  • Hilda - practical;
  • Frida - peace-loving;
  • Erma is harmonious.

German male names

In the 20th century, the majestic names of German kings and emperors - Albert, Karl, Wilhelm, Friedrich, Heinrich - were replaced by simpler ones - Andreas, Alexander, Alex, Michael, Klaus, Peter, Eric, Frank. Names have become widespread literary heroes and characters from films: Til, Daniel, Chris, Emil, Otto, Arno, Felix, Rocky. Most German male names end with consonants, often ending with letter combinations -brand, -ger, -bert, -hart, -mut. Less often - oh.

German names and surnames

The first German surnames appeared in the Middle Ages and belonged exclusively to aristocrats. They indicated a person’s origin, personal qualities, and family names. Ordinary people were addressed simply by name. By the beginning of the 20th century, all Germans had surnames, regardless of class.

In modern Germany, surnames mainly consist of one word, occasionally two. The law of 1993 abolished three-syllable or more constructions. Aristocratic prefixes- von der, von, der, von und zu are written together with the main part of the surname: von Berne - Vonbern, der Löwe - Derlöwe. The indication of titles was abolished back in 1919.

Surnames Slavic origin in Germany they do not change their ending, regardless of whether they belong to a man or a woman. Upon marriage, both spouses receive a common surname. Traditionally this is the husband's surname. It is also given to children. Changing surnames in Germany at will is not allowed. The exception is cases with discordant variants. In German identity documents, the main name is indicated first, then the second, and then the last name: Michael Stefan Haase, Mari Stefani Klain, Hanns Gerbert Rosenberg.

Common German surnames

Russian writing





Carriage maker



Coal Miner



New person, unknown

Hoffman (Hoffman)

Courtier, page





German boy names

In the family, when communicating with peers or in an informal setting, diminutive and short forms of the name are used to address boys, formed by adding the suffixes -lein, -le, -cher, Heinz - Heinzle, Klaus - Klauslein, Peter - Peterle (by analogy with Russians -chka, -check-, -enka, - points: Vovochka, Vanechka, Petenka).

German girl names

The same rule applies when creating girlish diminutive names: Petra, Velma, Irma - Petralein, Velmacher, Irmachen, Rosechen. When formally addressing girls over 15 years of age, Fraeulein is added before the name, for beautiful ladies younger age- Maedchen.

Beautiful German names

The harsh sound characteristic of the German language gives uniqueness and unique charm to both native German names and borrowed ones, such as Italian or Russian. Beauty and euphony, of course, are subjective concepts, but we managed to compile the top most beautiful German names according to users of social networks.

Top 10 most beautiful female German names

  1. Alma
  2. Angelica
  3. Iolanta
  4. Isolde
  5. Louise
  6. Mirabella
  7. Emily
  8. Paula
  9. Silvia
  10. Frederica

Top 10 most beautiful male German names:

  1. Stephen
  2. Elias
  3. Lucas
  4. Martin
  5. Jurgen
  6. Gabriel
  7. Emil
  8. Ralph
  9. Theodore (Theo)

Meaning of German names

Biblical names are found quite often in Germany, only in a slightly modified form. Their meaning corresponds to the original source.

Bible names


German version

Translation, meaning

Abel, Habel

Abraham, Abraham

Abram, Abi, Bram, Braham

father of nations


Emmanuel, Amy, Immo

God is with us

he laughed


Jeremias, Jochem

Yahweh exalted

Johann, Johan, Hans, Jan

God is merciful

Johanna, Hannah, Jana

female form of John

God will reward


Magdalena, Lena, Magda, Madeleine

from the name of the settlement on the shores of Lake Galilee

Maria (Mariam)

Maria, Marie, Meral

bitter, desired

Matthäus, Matthias

Michael, Mihl

who is like god

Michaela, Michaela

female version from Michael

Moze, Moses


Rebecca, Becky

Rachel, Rachelchen

Zara, Sarah, Zarkhen

Samuel, Sami, Zami

god heard

Thomas, Tomi, Tom,

Popular German names

According to data obtained from several hundred German departments birth registration Standesamt, the most popular female names in 2015 were Sophie, Marie, Mia. Among the men, the leaders are Lucas, Alexander, Max, Ben. Also, many parents are increasingly choosing somewhat old-fashioned names for their newborns: Karl, Julius, Otto, Oswald.

Names for German Shepherd

A correctly chosen dog name will greatly facilitate the process of training and everyday interaction with the animal. The best option is a name with one or two syllables, with voiced consonants, partially characterizing the character or appearance of the pet. It is recommended to name puppies from the same litter with names starting with one letter.

For German Shepherds - smart, disciplined, stately - nicknames-titles such as Kaiser, Count, Lord, King, Milady are suitable. You can use words in German: Schwartz - black, Brown - brown, Schnell - fast, Spock - Calm, Edel - noble. The names of various German provinces in full or abbreviated form sound beautiful - Westphalia, Lorraine (Lori, Lota), Bavaria, Alsace.

Due to their sonority and beauty, German family nicknames are very popular among the people of many countries. Each of the proper names is unique and has a specific origin. Anyone who wants to join the culture of the peoples of Germany will be able to choose a nickname to their liking, whether it sounds beautiful or has a sacred meaning.

German names and surnames

The history of the appearance of German names and surnames begins in ancient times. Personal names were designed to carry not only a beautiful combination, but also magical meaning, which endowed the owner certain qualities character. The family nicknames of the Germans had a slightly different character of formation. They began to emerge from the meanings of nicknames, which reflected:

  • already existing bright qualities of a person (Braun - brown, Schwarz - black, Klein - small);
  • the area where he lived (von Berne, von der Vogelweide);
  • the profession of the owner or his type of activity (Becker - baker, Koch - cook, Bauer - peasant);
  • many were formed from personal names (Peters, Walter).

Gradually, peculiar nicknames began to be written down in official documents and acquired the meaning of the first German surnames, which were adopted by all the descendants of the people who bore them. Business papers began to distribute them widely. In many modern families In Germany, it is customary to address servants simply by name, without using addresses that are familiar to this European country and have a respectful meaning:

  • Herr – for men;
  • Frau – for women.

The prefix "von" in German surnames

Many Germanic surnames have the prefix “von” at the beginning. It was very honorable to have one, since it was assigned exclusively to people of noble blood - aristocrats. In ancient times, only feudal lords - people who owned servants and land plots - could have such a registration. Today, the prefix “von” in German surnames can be found among people of any kind of activity, since all noble privileges have been abolished.

German surnames for girls

Girls with sonorous names can assign themselves a second name of foreign origin. To address women with respect, the word "Frau" is used in Germany, meaning "mistress." Beautiful German female surnames with their meaning for girls:

  • Kaufman - merchant;
  • Becker - baker;
  • Riger – from Riga;
  • Klee – clover;
  • Hertz - courage;
  • Reuss - on behalf of;
  • Schultz – headman;
  • Mayer – farmer, burgomaster;
  • Till is a strong ruler;
  • Junghans - on behalf of the family.

German male surnames

German male surnames should have a noble and majestic meaning. Representatives of the stronger sex can choose them by translation, in accordance with their profession or appearance. To emphasize significance, the word “Herr” should be used when addressing. List of popular beautiful male German proper names with their meaning:

  • Fisher - fisherman;
  • Schmidt – blacksmith;
  • Becker - baker;
  • Koch is a cook;
  • Richter – judge;
  • Brown - brown;
  • Lange – big;
  • Klein – small;
  • Schroeder - tailor;
  • Koehler - coal miner;
  • Kening is the king;
  • Krause – curly;
  • Lehmann is a landowner.

Popular German surnames

Common German surnames are often used as nicknames. They are beautiful, noble, sonorous. Many people have such family nicknames. famous people. List of popular beautiful Germanic proper names with meanings:

  • Muller - miller;
  • Mayer - land manager;
  • Weber - weaver;
  • Wagner - carriage maker;
  • Schultz – headman;
  • Hoffmann - courtier;
  • Schaefer - shepherd;
  • Bauer is a peasant;
  • Wolf - wolf;
  • Neumann is a new man;
  • Zimmerman – carpenter;
  • Kruger is a potter;
  • Schwartz – black;
  • Hartmann - from a male personal name.

There are other beautiful nicknames:

  • Walter;
  • Berg;
  • Borman;
  • Bremer;
  • Brunner;
  • Ganz;
  • Gruber;
  • Geller;
  • Seiler;
  • Simmel;
  • Singer;
  • Keller;
  • Kramer;
  • Liebknecht;
  • Leitner;
  • Merkel;
  • Meyer;
  • Moritz;
  • Neller;
  • Osterman;
  • Pearl;
  • Preuss;
  • Riedel;
  • Rogge;
  • Rothman;
  • Frieze;
  • Fuchs;
  • Hoffman;
  • Zuckerman;
  • Schwartz;
  • Schiller;
  • Schmidt;
  • Schneider;
  • Shredder;
  • Matte;
  • Ebel.

IN European countries, as in the rest of the world, a person’s identity has been identified for many centuries by his name. An example is the son of God Jesus himself, who was named Emmanuel at birth and then called Yeshua. The need to distinguish different people with the same name required explanatory additions. This is how the Savior began to be called Jesus of Nazareth.

When did the Germans get surnames?

German surnames arose according to the same principle as in other countries. Their formation among the peasantry of various lands continued until the 19th century, that is, it coincided in time with the completion of state construction. The formation of a united Germany required a clearer and more unambiguous definition of who is who.

However, already in the 12th century, nobility existed on the territory of the current Federal Republic of Germany, and at the same time German surnames first appeared. As in other European countries, patronymics are not used for personal identification here. But at birth, a baby is usually given two names. You can address any person by adding a word indicating their gender. Women's German surnames are no different from men's, they just use the prefix “Frau” in front of them.

Types of German surnames

According to linguistic origin, German surnames can be divided into groups. The first and most common is formed from names, predominantly male. This is explained by the fact that the mass assignment of surnames occurred in a fairly short (in the historical sense) period, and there was simply no time for the manifestation of any sophisticated imagination.

Surnames derived from given names

The simplest of them are those in the creation of which they did not think for a long time, but simply formed them on behalf of their first owner. Some peasant's name was Walter, and his descendants received that surname. We also have Ivanovs, Sidorovs and Petrovs, and their origin is similar to the German Johannes, Peters or Hermanns. From the point of view of historical background, such popular German surnames say little, except that some ancient ancestor was called Peters.

Profession as a morphological basis of a surname

German surnames are somewhat less common, indicating the professional affiliation of their first owner, one might say, the ancestor. But the diversity of this group is much wider. The most famous surname in it is Müller, which means “miller” in translation. The English equivalent is Miller, and in Russia or Ukraine it is Melnik, Melnikov or Melnichenko.

The famous composer Richard Wagner could have assumed that one of his ancestors studied freight transportation on his own cart, the ancestor of the storyteller Hoffmann owned his own farm yard, and the great-grandfather of the pianist Richter was a judge. The Schneiders and Schroeders once did tailoring, and the Singers loved to sing. There are other interesting German male surnames. The list continues with Fischer (fisherman), Becker (baker), Bauer (peasant), Weber (weaver), Zimmerman (carpenter), Schmidt (blacksmith) and many others.

Once upon a time during the war there was a Gauleiter Koch, the same one who was blown up by underground partisans. Translated, his surname means “cook.” Yes, he made some porridge...

Surnames as a description of appearance and character

Some male and possibly female German surnames are derived from the appearance or character of their first owner. For example, the word “lange” means “long” in translation, and it can be assumed that its original founder was tall, for which he received such a nickname. Klein (little) is his complete opposite. Krause means “curly”, such attractive feature the hair of some Frau who lived a couple of centuries ago can be inherited. Fuchs' ancestors were most likely as cunning as foxes. The ancestors of Weiss, Brown or Schwartz were, respectively, blonde, brown-haired or brunette. The Hartmans were distinguished by excellent health and strength.

Slavic origin of German surnames

The German lands in the east always bordered on and this created conditions for the mutual penetration of cultures. Well-known German surnames with the endings “-itz”, “-ov”, “-of”, “-ek”, “-ke” or “-ski” have a distinct Russian or Polish origin.

Lützow, Disterhof, Dennitz, Modrow, Janke, Radecki and many others have long become familiar, and their total share is one fifth of the total number of German surnames. In Germany they are perceived as one of their own.

The same applies to the ending “-er”, which comes from the word “yar”, meaning a person in the Old Slavic language. A painter, a carpenter, a fisherman, a baker are obvious examples of such cases.

During the period of Germanization, many similar surnames were simply translated into German, choosing the appropriate roots or replacing the ending with “-er”, and now nothing reminds of the Slavic origin of their owners (Smolyar - Smoler, Sokolov - Sokol - Falk).

Background Barons

There are very beautiful German surnames, consisting of two parts: the main and a prefix, usually “von” or “der”. They contain information not only about unique appearance features, but also about famous historical events, in which the owners of these nicknames took part, sometimes actively. Therefore, descendants are proud of such names and often remember their ancestors when they want to emphasize their own birth. Walter von der Vogelweid - it sounds! Or von Richthoffen, pilot and "Red Baron".

However, it is not only past glory that causes such complications in writing. The origin of German surnames can be much more prosaic and talk about the area in which the person was born. What, for example, does Dietrich von Bern mean? Everything is clear: his ancestors came from the capital of Switzerland.

German surnames of Russian people

Germans have lived in Russia since pre-Petrine times, populating entire areas called “settlements” according to ethnic principles. However, then all Europeans were called that way, but under the great reformer emperor the influx of immigrants from German lands was encouraged in every possible way. The process gained momentum during the reign of Catherine the Great.

German colonists settled in the Volga region (Saratov and Tsaritsin provinces), as well as in Novorossiya. Large number Lutherans later converted to Orthodoxy and assimilated, but they retained their German surnames. For the most part, they are the same as those worn by settlers who came to the Russian Empire during the 16th-18th centuries, with the exception of those cases when the clerks who prepared the documents made clerical errors and mistakes.

Surnames considered Jewish

Rubinstein, Hoffman, Aizenstein, Weisberg, Rosenthal and many other names of citizens Russian Empire, USSR and post-Soviet countries many are mistakenly considered Jewish. This is wrong. However, there is some truth in this statement.

The fact is that Russia, starting from late XVII century, became the country where every enterprising and hard-working person could find his place in life. There was enough work for everyone, new cities were built at an accelerated pace, especially in Novorossiya, conquered from Ottoman Empire. It was then that Nikolaev, Ovidiopol, Kherson and, of course, the pearl of the south of Russia - Odessa - appeared on the map.

Extremely favorable economic conditions were created for foreigners coming to the country, as well as for its own citizens who wished to develop new lands, and political stability, supported military power regional leader, guaranteed that this situation would remain for a long time.

Currently, Lustdorf (Jolly Village) has become one of the Odessa suburbs, and then it was a German colony, the main occupation of which was agriculture, mainly viticulture. They also knew how to brew beer here.

Jews, famous for their business savvy, trading spirit and craft skills, also did not remain indifferent to the call of the Russian Empress Catherine. In addition, musicians, artists and other artists of this nationality came from Germany. Most of them had German surnames, and they spoke Yiddish, which in essence is one of the dialects of the German language.

At that time there was a “Pale of Settlement”, which, however, outlined a fairly large and not the worst part of the empire. In addition to the Black Sea region, Jews chose many areas of the current Kyiv region, Bessarabia and other fertile lands, building small towns. It is also important that living outside the Pale of Settlement was mandatory only for those Jews who remained faithful to Judaism. Having converted to Orthodoxy, everyone could settle in any part of the vast country.

Thus, immigrants from Germany of two nationalities became bearers of German surnames.

Unusual German surnames

In addition to the indicated groups of German surnames, derived from professions, hair color, and appearance features, there is one more, rare, but wonderful. And she talks about the glorious qualities of character, good disposition and fun for which the ancestors of the person bearing this name were famous. An example is Alisa Freundlich, who worthily confirms the reputation of her ancestors. “Kind”, “friendly” - this is how this German surname is translated.

Or Neumann. "New Man" - isn't it beautiful? How great it is to delight those around you, and yourself, every day with freshness and novelty!

Or economic Wirtz. Or Luther with pure thoughts and with an open heart. Or Jung is young, regardless of the number of years he has lived.

Such interesting German surnames, the list of which can be continued endlessly!

So, my first post that is not a copy-paste from a magazine on Pokeliga. And it was thanks to which my blog appeared (as written about in the first blog post).

It all started when one day my friend Zoana, who, like me, is fond of writing fan fiction, asked me: what do the prefixes to the surnames of some characters in this or that work mean? I was also interested in the question, but at first I didn’t really want to delve into it. However, literally a day later I asked myself a question: why do some characters have more than one or two names? The answer to my friend’s question did not give any results, and I finally decided to go online and puzzle myself with these two questions, simultaneously writing down the results of the “research” for her and other interested acquaintances.

Also, in fairness, I will point out that a considerable part of the information presented here was gleaned from the Internet, and together with my own thoughts, it turned out to be a kind of mini-abstract.

Number of names

I decided to start with “my” question - why some characters have one or two names, and some have three, four or more (the longest one I came across was in a story about two Chinese boys, where the poor one was simply called Chong, and the rich one’s name took up a line probably five).

I turned to Mr. Google, and he told me that the tradition of several names today takes place mainly in English-speaking and Catholic countries.

The most obvious is the UK 'naming' system, presented in many books. According to it, according to statistics, all English children traditionally receive two names at birth - a personal name (first name), and a middle name (second name). Currently, the middle name plays the role of an additional distinctive feature, especially for persons who bear widely common first and last names.

The custom of giving a child a middle name, as I found out there, goes back to the tradition of assigning several personal names to a newborn. It is known that, historically, a person’s name had a special meaning, usually indicating life purpose child, and was also associated with the name of God (or another Supreme Patron), on whose patronage and protection the parents counted...

Digressing - at this point I stumbled a little and giggled a little at the thought that if someone cannot find the meaning of their life, then perhaps they need to study their name in more detail and act based on it? Or (seriously), on the contrary, you can give your next character a name that will clearly or covertly indicate his purpose (which, by the way, was done by some famous authors, giving the heroes of their works speaking names and/or last name).

In addition, as I read when I interrupted my thoughts, one’s importance in society could depend on one’s name. Thus, often, if the name did not contain the idea of ​​patronage, the bearer was considered to be of low pedigree or insignificant and was not respected.

Several names, as a rule, were given to an important person recognized to perform several glorious deeds - as many as he has names. For example, the emperor, king, prince and other representatives of the nobility could have several names. Depending on the nobility and number of titles full form the name could be a long chain of names and exalting epithets. For royalty, the main lifetime name was the so-called “throne name,” which officially replaced the name received by the heir to the throne at birth or baptism. In addition, a similar tradition is observed in the Roman catholic church, when the elected Pope chooses the name by which he will be known from that moment on.

Of course, the church system of names and denominations is much broader, and can be considered in much more detail (which is only the system “worldly name - church name”), but I am not strong in this and will not go into deep detail.

It should also be noted that the church is traditionally the custodian of such customs. For example, a custom, partially preserved in the already mentioned Catholic Church, when a person often has three names: from birth, from baptism in childhood and from confirmation for entry into the world with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

By the way, at this same stage there was once an additional – “nominal” – social stratification. The problem was that, historically, for each extra name, at one time the church had to be paid.

However, poor people cunned, and this “restriction” was circumvented - partly thanks to this, there is a French name that unites the patronage of all saints - Toussaint.

Of course, for the sake of fairness, I would recall in this regard the saying “seven nannies have a child without an eye”... It’s not for me to decide, of course, although a good story could come out about the fate of a character with that name, whose patrons could not agree on joint patronage. Or maybe there are even such people - I haven’t read many works in my life.

Continuing the story, it is worth noting that middle names can also indicate the type of activity or fate of the person bearing them.

Both personal and personal names can be used as middle names. geographical names, common nouns, etc. The middle name can be significant “generic” - when a child is called a name that the closest relatives did not have, but which appears from time to time in the family, foreshadowing a person’s role. The name can be “family”: when children are named “in honor” of one of the relatives. Any direct association of a name with an already known bearer certainly connects the beneficiary with the one after whom he or she was named. Although the coincidences and similarities here are, of course, unpredictable. And, often, the more tragic the dissimilarity is perceived in the end. In addition, the surnames of the people in whose honor they are assigned are often used as middle names.

There is no law limiting the number of middle names (or at least I haven’t found any mention of it), but more than four additional middle names, as a rule, are not assigned. However, traditions and rules are often created in order to break them. In fictional worlds, the “legislator” is generally the author, and everything written lies on his conscience.

As an example of several names for a person from the real world, one can recall quite a few famous professor John Ronald Ruel Tolkien.

Another illustrative - but fictitious - example is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore (Joanne Rowling - Harry Potter series).

In addition, I recently learned an interesting fact that in some countries the “gender” of the middle name does not matter. That is, as a man's middle name ( male character) can be used and female name. This happens, as I understand, all from the same fact of naming in honor of the highest patron (patroness in this case). I haven’t seen any examples to the contrary (or I don’t remember), but logically, there can also be women with average “masculine” names.

As an example, I only remember Ostap-Suleiman -Bertha Maria-Bender Bey (Ostap Bender, yeah)

On my own behalf, I will add the fact that nothing, in principle, prevents the author of a particular work from coming up with and justifying his own naming system.

For example: “in the world of Randomia, the number four is considered especially sacred and, in order for the child to be happy and successful, parents try to give him four names: the first is personal, the second is after his father or grandfather, the third is in honor of the patron saint and the fourth is in honor of one of great warriors (for boys) or diplomats (for girls) of the state.”

The example was invented absolutely right away, and your fictional tradition can be much more thoughtful and interesting.

I'll move on to the second question.

Family prefixes

A question that my friend Zoana puzzled me with, and that I once asked myself, although I was too lazy to find out what it was all about.

To begin with, the definition of " Family consoles– in some world nominal formulas, components and integral parts of the surname.

Sometimes they indicate aristocratic origin, but not always. Usually written separately from the main family word, but sometimes they can merge with it.”

At the same time, as I found out for myself from what I read, family prefixes vary from country to country and may have different meanings.

I will also note that in this part of the article there was much more copy-paste and excerpts, since this issue has a much closer connection with history and languages, and my non-core education on the topic is unlikely to be enough for a retelling in a more free style.


Fitz - "son anyone", distorted fr. Fils de(eg: Fitzgerald, Fitzpatrick) .


Ter- ter [տեր], in the ancient Armenian original tearn (Armenian տեարն), “lord”, “lord”, “master”. For example: Ter-Petrosyan.

This prefix can have two generally similar meanings and mean:

1) The title of the highest Armenian aristocracy, similar to the British lord. This title was usually placed before or after the family name, for example tern Andzewats or Artzruneats ter, and most often referred to nahapet (Head of a clan or leader of a tribe in ancient Armenia), tanuter (In ancient Armenia, the head of an aristocratic family, patriarch) or gaherets iskhan (In 9th-11th centuries chapter noble family, corresponding to earlier nahapet and tanuter) of this genus. The same title was used when addressing a person from the highest aristocracy.

2) After the Christianization of Armenia, this title also began to be used by the highest clergy of the Armenian Church. In contrast to the original designation of an aristocrat, the title “ter” in church use began to be added to the surnames of clergy. In such a combination, “ter” is similar to the church “father”, “lord” and is not an indicator of the noble origin of the bearer of the surname. Nowadays it is present in the surnames of those who had a priest in their male ancestors. The word “ter” itself is still used today when addressing an Armenian priest or when mentioning him (akin to the more familiar to our ears address “[holy] father”).


Background(For example: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Tsu(For example: Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg)

Basically a family prefix "background", as it turned out, is a sign of noble origin. It expresses the idea of ​​land ownership of representatives of the ancient nobility, for example, “Duke von Württemberg”, “Ernst August von Hanover”. But there are also exceptions. In northern Germany, many "common people" are called "von", which simply indicates their place of residence/origin. Also, granted nobles, originally of burgher origin, who were elevated by the sovereign to the dignity of nobility with the presentation of a copy of the charter of nobility (Adelbrief) and the grant of a coat of arms (Wappen), were given the family prefix “von” and Mr. Müller turned into Mr. Von Müller.

Unlike the "background" predicate "tsu" necessarily included a relationship to a certain inherited land holding, mainly medieval castle- for example, “Prince von und zu Liechtenstein” (Liechtenstein = principality and family castle).

Currently, aristocratic titles have become parts of compound surnames in Germany. Such surnames often include the preposition particle “von”, “von der”, “von dem” (translated as “from”), less often “zu” (translated as “in”) or a mixed variant “von und zu”.

It is generally believed that "von" indicates the place of origin of the surname (family), while "zu" means that the territory is still in the possession of the clan.

With the particle " und“No matter how much I read, I still didn’t fully understand it. Although, as far as I understand, it simply plays the role of a link, denoting either a mixture of family prefixes, or the unification of surnames in general. Although perhaps it’s just my lack of knowledge of the language that’s holding me back.


Ben- - son (presumably following the example of the English Fitz) (for example: David Ben-Gurion)


ABOUT- means "grandson"

Poppy- means "son"

That is, both prefixes in Irish surnames usually indicate their origin. Regarding the spelling of the prefix “Mak”, I read that in most cases in Russian it is written with a hyphen, but there are exceptions. For example, it is generally accepted continuous writing such surnames as MacDonald, McDowell, Macbeth, etc. There is no general rule, and the spelling is individual in each case.


In the case of Spain, the situation is even more complicated, since, based on what I have read, Spaniards usually have two surnames: paternal and maternal. Moreover, the father's surname ( apellido paterno) is placed before the mother ( apellido materno); so, when officially addressed, only the father's surname is used (although there are exceptions).

A similar system exists in Portugal, with the difference that in a double surname, the first is the mother’s surname, and the second is the father’s.

Returning to the Spanish system: sometimes the paternal and maternal surnames are separated by an “and” (for example: Francisco de Goya y Lucientes)

Further, in some localities there is a tradition of adding to the surname the name of the locality where the bearer of this surname was born or where his ancestors come from. The particle “de” used in these cases, unlike in France, is not an indicator of noble origin, but is only an indicator of the place of origin (and, indirectly, the antiquity of origin, since we know that places sometimes tend to change names for one reason or another ).

In addition, when married, Spanish women do not change their surname, but simply add the husband’s surname to “apellido paterno”: for example, Laura Riario Martinez, having married a man with the surname Marquez, can sign Laura Riario de Marquez or Laura Riario, Señora Marquez, where is the particle "de" separates the surname before marriage from the surname after marriage

The “revelry of naming” is limited by the fact that, according to Spanish law, a person can have no more than two names and two surnames recorded in his documents.

Although, of course, any author, creating his own story and guided by the Spanish naming model for his characters, can simply ignore this law, coupled with the above-mentioned tradition of middle names. Remember such entertainment as double names? What about the tradition of double surnames in some languages ​​(Russian, for example)? Have you read the above information about the number of names? Yes? Four double name, two double surnames – can you imagine it already?

You can also come up with your own naming tradition, as I wrote above. In general, if you are not afraid that your character will look too extravagant, you have a unique opportunity to reward him or her with a family name design for at least half a page.


IN Italian historically the prefixes meant the following:

De/Di- belonging to a surname, family, for example: De Filippo means “one of the Filippo family”,

Yes- belonging to the place of origin: Da Vinci - “Leonardo from Vinci”, where Vinci meant the name of a city or locality. Subsequently, Yes and De became simply part of the surname and now do not mean anything. It is not necessarily an aristocratic origin.


Wang- a particle that sometimes forms a prefix to Dutch surnames derived from the name of a locality; often it is written together with the surname itself. Matching by grammatical meaning German "von" » and French "de" » . Often found as van de, van der and van den. It still means “from”. However, if in German"von" means noble origin (with the exceptions mentioned), then in the Dutch naming system the simple prefix "van" has no relation to nobility. Noble is the double prefix van...tot (for example, Baron van Vorst tot Vorst).

The meaning of other common prefixes such as van den, van der– see above


French prefixes, for me personally, are the most famous and indicative

In France, surname prefixes, as mentioned earlier, denote noble origin. Translated into Russian, the prefixes mean genitive, “from” or “…skiy”. For example, Cesar de Vendôme- Duke of Vendôme or Vendôme.

The most common prefixes:

If the surname begins with a consonant



If the surname begins with a vowel



In addition, there are a number of different family name prefixes, the origin of which, unfortunately, I was not able to find out.

Below are just a few of them.

  • Le(?)
  • Yes, do, shower (Portugal, Brazil)
  • La (Italy)

So, as I eventually found out, the traditions of naming and “collecting” surnames are quite extensive and varied, and most likely I only looked at the tip of the iceberg. And even more extensive and varied (and, often, no less interesting) can be the author’s derivatives of these systems.

However, in conclusion, I’ll add: before you raise your hands over the keyboard in anticipation, think about it: does your character really need a half-page name? In itself, a long character name is an unoriginal idea and, if there is nothing behind it other than the author’s “wish”, quite stupid.