Infinity War comic. Infinity War Comic Review

The film "Avengers: Infinity War" based on the motives will be released in Russian cinemas on May 3. We have prepared a selection of comics and books that you should read before the premiere.

Books and comics

"Infinity" is one of the largest events in marvel stories. The Builders, an all-powerful ancient race, lead their armada through the universe, destroying everything in their path. To stop them, the Avengers are forced to ally with recent adversaries - the Kree and Shiar empires, the wily Spartans, the brutal Skrulls, and even Annihilus himself! But will the combined forces of the Galactic Union be enough to stop the Builders, capable of destroying entire star systems in an instant? And while the mighty heroes of our planet are far away in space, Thanos and his Obsidian Reapers invade Earth. The Mad Titan pursues his goals, but worthy opponents stand in his way - the master of the inhumans Black Thunder and other Illuminati. How will the universal confrontation end? How will the Marvel Universe change?

"Avengers. Infinity War. History of the Stones. Origins is a novel by Snyder Brandon based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. A prequel to the events of the new movie "The Avengers. Infinity War.
Thanos is one of the most dangerous creatures in the Universe does not leave attempts to take possession of the Stones of Infinity. Powerful artifacts, each of them is the receptacle of one of the facets of the universe itself. They have changed many Masters who have used their power to enslave entire civilizations. But no one has yet been able to bring them all together. Anticipating the imminent danger, one of the Elders - the brothers En Dwi Gast and Tanelir Tivan, better known as the Grandmaster and the Collector, set off in search of the Stones, but finding them is not so easy, especially if more and more new participants interfere in their search.

"Avengers. Infinity War. The Journey of the Heroes is the official novelization of Marvel Studios' new superhero movie, The Avengers. Infinity War. For the first time, a team of Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, as well as the gods of Asgard, Spider-Man, Black Panther and other heroes will unite in order to confront a common enemy. The allies will have to sacrifice everything in an attempt to resist the insidious Thanos, in whose hands the most powerful weapon in the universe is the Infinity Stones.

The Marvel Universe froze on the threshold of the main event of the year - the grandiose plot "Infinity". The Avengers are trying to cope with the consequences of the gene bombardment of the Earth, but the most unexpected opponents stand in their way: from scientists from AIM to the mighty Evolutionary. And in order to cope with new threats, the team will need to continue to fulfill the promise of Captain America - it's time for the Avengers to expand. But who will be the new member of the team? And will the renewed Avengers have the strength to resist the most powerful beings in the universe, the ancient Builders?

Books for creativity, games, coloring books, sticker albums

"Avengers. Infinity War. Hero Games - new album with tasks, puzzles and stickers inspired by the new Marvel movie Studios - Avengers: Infinity War. The universe is in terrible danger! Thanos, one of the most brutal beings in the galaxy, has begun the hunt for the Infinity Stones. Help the superheroes Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy go through all the labyrinths and solve the ciphers to save the world.

"Avengers. Infinity War. Games & Activities is a coloring book based on the history of MARVEL superheroes. The world is threatened new danger. And all superheroes must unite in order to resist her. Help the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy to complete all tasks, paint the mighty defenders of the Universe!

"Avengers. Infinity War. Games & Activities is a coloring book based on the history of MARVEL superheroes. Thanos wants to collect all the Infinity Stones in order to gain unlimited power. And only the combined efforts of the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Black Panther, Spider-Man, and other superheroes are able to stop him. Help your favorite heroes go through all the labyrinths, solve ciphers and crossword puzzles in order to save the world.

"Avengers. Infinity War. Heroic Puzzles is a new album with games, puzzles and puzzles inspired by popular movie about superheroes - "Avengers: Infinity War". Help Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Rocket, Star-Lord and many other superheroes pass their tests and save the universe. Labyrinths, crosswords, mosaics, rebuses and other puzzles, as well as bright stickers with your favorite characters are waiting on the pages of this album.

"Avengers. Infinity War. Games and puzzles "- an album with creative tasks and puzzles inspired by the stories of Marvel superheroes. The world is in terrible danger, and only united superheroes can resist the powerful enemy. For the first time, the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy and many other heroes stand side by side. Now the fate of the world depends only on their courage and resourcefulness, help them solve all the puzzles, go through the mazes and solve all the problems, test your knowledge about your favorite heroes!

Hidden under the cover are 200 of the most amazing atmospheric stickers featuring your favorite MARVEL characters! Now you can decorate notebooks, postcards and gifts with portraits of the Avengers and their opponents!

Here are 200 stickers with heroes and villains of the new story!

Add to your viewing experience by reading these informative comics!

Have you watched the movie"Avengers: Infinity War"and ready for more? You are not alone. Luckily, you can dive into the original source to relive all the time until the second coming of Thanos to the screens next year.

Fascinated by Death, Thanos has always been focused on obsessions. See how the waves of passion seem to constantly take center stage when interacting with the Mad Titan. Here are 7 standout titles that are sure to boost your Avengers: Infinity War experience.


Jim Starlin and Ron Lim

  • Published: January 10, 1990
  • November 13, 2007
  • Jim Starlin
  • Artist: Ron Lim
  • Cover Artist: Jim Starlin

If you're going to take a deep dive into the world of Thanos, you could start with the very person who created it - Jim Starlin. It's Thanos' origin story, the whys and hows of his obsession with the Infinity Stones, and his endless admiration for Death itself.

: Fans will be intrigued by the twists and turns in this story, which introduces the Collector and the Grandmaster, and will get to know the Elders of the Universe up close as the story progresses.


Jim Starlin and George Perez

  • Published: July 10, 1991
  • Added to the Marvel Unlimited Universe: November 13, 2007
  • Jim Starlin
  • Artist: George Perez
  • Cover Artist: George Perez

Thanos can't just put Death out of his mind. The consequences of rejected love is the destruction of half the population of the universe with just a snap of a finger. The consequences of his unbridled rage are an intergalactic battle full of intrigue and betrayal.

Note from the Marvel Cinematic Universe : Doctor Strange and Nebula are key characters in this story, along with the bewitching Soul Stone.


Keith Giffen and Andrea Di Vito

Annihilation (2006) #1

  • Published: August 09, 2006
  • Added to the Marvel Unlimited Universe: February 21, 2008
  • Keith Giffen
  • Artist: Andrea DiVito

ANNIHILATION is an epic crossover that brings together several characters from all over cosmic universe Marvel. If you've been looking for a space opera with blurred lines between heroes and villains, this is the story for you.

Note from the Marvel Cinematic Universe : The appearance of the Nova Corps, Ronan the Accuser, Star-Lord, and also Drax the Destroyer with slight changes in his appearance compared to his film version.


Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, Miguel Angel Sepulveda

  • Published: June 03, 2010
  • Added to the Marvel Unlimited Universe: March 04, 2011
  • Authors: Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning
  • Artist: Miguel Angel Sepulveda

This epic plot climax ANNIHILATIONS describes the interaction of the Guardians of the Galaxy with Thanos, who is the personification of Death, while Lord Mar-Vell is the personification of Life. You can only guess how the story will progress, but they are definitely not going to crack jokes over a cup of tea.

Note from the Marvel Cinematic Universe : This is the first appearance of Lord Mar-Vell— alternative version Captain Marvel.

INFINITY (INFINITY) No. 1-6 (2013)

Jonathan Hickman, Jim Cheung, Jerome Opena, Dustin Weaver

  • Published: August 14, 2013
  • Added to the Marvel Unlimited Universe: February 10, 2014
  • Rating: T+ (from 13 years old)
  • Jonathan Hickman
  • Cover Artist: Adam Kubert

Although this story line off the topic of the Infinity Stones, it really shows Thanos' madness and what he's capable of, especially when it comes to avenging the death of his son, Thane.

Note from the Marvel Cinematic Universe : The Black Order is a key storytelling factor that plays a pivotal role in Avengers: Infinity War.


Jascon Aaron and Simone Bianchi

  • Published: April 03, 2013
  • Added to the Marvel Unlimited Universe: October 07, 2013
  • Rating: T+ (from 13 years old)
  • Jason Aaron
  • Cover Artist: Simsone Bianchi

Here's how it all started. His tragic birth, strange passive childhood and a large number of gruesome murders, all of which led to the madness of the Dark Lord we know and love today. say it's extraordinary dark book- it's very soft. We have warned you.


Donnie Cates and Geoffrey Shaw

  • Published: November 22, 2017
  • Rating: from 15 years old
  • Donnie Cates
  • Artist: Geoffrey Shaw
  • Cover Artist: Geoffrey Shaw

Thanos won, but not happy about it at all? Come on. I think there are simply no grateful people here... or obsessed dark lords. Sadness, tragedy, loneliness, internal existential conflict: Thanos is your name!

Translation: Vladimir GHOUL Avtaykin

Greetings, friends. In the hectic cycle of our life (and especially as an adult), there is so little time left to work with what we like or read what we like. The comic I'm going to talk about today sat on my e-shelf for about a year before I found the time to read it. So, "War of Infinity", what kind of comic is this and what plots should it be worth reading? First of all, the whole mess begins when Thanos finds the stones of infinity in the mini-series "Thanos in search of stones", where, in fact, the Titan found those very powerful stones that the Marvel Cinematic Universe is trying in every possible way to shove into Loki's scepter, Thor's hammer, and so on. . In the original source, their nature and location are much more diverse. But it's not about that.

Finding them all, the Titan went about his favorite business - pleasing his beloved Mistress of Death - and even tried to impress her by bestowing half of all the souls of the universe. The Gauntlet of Infinity series tells us about this incident and its resolution, by the way, which you can read in Russian on the wonderful Zhurnalu library website. I will not break off the buzz for true fans, but I still have to say how this book ends, since Infinity War is a direct continuation of it.

So, Thanos loses the gauntlet of infinity, namely, it gets the sorcerer Adam (whose appearance at the end of Guardians of the Galaxy: Part 2 pleased me very, very much), and the Mad Titan himself ties up with his career as a universal all-maniac and goes to a secluded planet where in the world spends his life. He even hangs out his uniform as a scarecrow for crows as a sign of renunciation of a past life...

The war of infinity begins precisely with the image of this scarecrow experienced, but with own feeling style artist Ron Lim, who drew the last three issues of The Infinity Gauntlet, was the artist for the X-Men, Spider-Man, Iron Man, the Fantastic Four, and so on. The author is the incomparable Jim Starlin, whose work speaks for itself. If you don't know who Jim is, but just adore Thanos, then shame on you and shame, because he is the dad of the Mad Titan, as well as the author of many dizzying and epic scenarios of the Marvel universe, and his imagination truly ran wild in this book. The main volume is 240 pages, and there are also cross-events in other series that give more complete picture some episodes of the book. I only read the main volume, but that was enough for me.

I thought for a long time how to name the format of the article that follows below, I think the most correct name is a review-statement. This book is not yet available either in the official translation (although I really hope that the Ashet collection will not let you down), or in the Internet translation (if we have the courage and time, we will definitely issue a translation for this masterpiece), so I will focus on the details of the plot.

As I mentioned above, Thanos leads a quiet life in seclusion and is engaged in space exploration from a distance. At the very beginning of the book, his “shadow” flashes under his nose - the second Thanos, nature and personality, and also whose face is not shown. The computer informs the titan that it has found an interdimensional travel template. He reads the readings from these templates and discovers that the universe itself is on the brink of death. This is no time to sit back, the titan is equipped and sent to the place of the source. He finds Eternity talking to Galactus, who also noticed the presence of suspicious energy. The Titan feels someone's eyes on him and discovers the silhouette of his double in the distance.

Meanwhile on Earth, heroes such as Spider-Man, Mister Fantastic, Wolverine and Iron Man come face to face with enemies that look like twisted copies of themselves and engage in combat with them. Some of the heroes win, and some fall slain. Meanwhile, the power-hungry Doctor Doom also reacts to a strange disturbance in space and time...

Doom sets off to call on another power-hungry conqueror to help him... meanwhile, Thanos arrives at the place where there is a bunch of colossal energy (which Dr. Doom discovered), enclosed in a crystal. Here, the owner of this power plant, Magus, meets the titan.

Who is Magus? In short - dark side the sorcerer Adam, whom he had previously destroyed. Now the villain somehow returned and managed to create, like himself, the antipodes of all famous characters including Thanos. Galactus, the Eater of Worlds, notices similar games with reality on his ship and decides to bring in a magician (Doctor Strange) to remedy the situation.

Meanwhile, Thanos is having a conversation with Magus, trying to understand what he wants, and also expresses his desire to preserve the integrity of his reality (Magus came from a parallel one). Realizing that the conversation will lead nowhere, the Titan rushes into battle, but immediately finds himself moved far beyond the palace of death. He goes to Monster Island to enlist the support of the original - the sorcerer Adam, as well as his Infinity Watch (Gamora, Drax, Troll Pip, Moondragon).

Meanwhile, Reed Richards is calling all of Earth's superhero teams to a meeting where he's going to tell them something very important. As he makes contact with everyone, Doctor Doom calls from the future...

Kang the Conqueror, with the help of whose knowledge and experience he seeks to get to the previously indicated source of energy.

Thanos invites the Infinity Watch and Adam to use the Infinity Stones to stop the Magus, and it goes exactly as the Magus intended - he calculated everything. Adam reveals that through the Living Tribunal, he has ensured that the stones do not work together on the Infinity Gauntlet. The characters travel to Lady Death's castle to learn more about the Magus's intentions.

Kang and Doom arrive on a small island that Galactus has already visited with Doctor Strange, Nova, and the Silver Surfer. The latter find a strange source of mystical energy in one of the caves, study its structure and go into space on Galactus's ship to study the anomaly in more detail, as well as to identify its source. Unnoticed, Doctor Doom and Kang the Conqueror go after them.

Thanos and Adam find out who the Magus is at the well of oblivion ( helpful information for those who have not read other books) - the antipode of Adam from parallel measurement into which Adam himself became. Having defeated everyone and everything, the villain returned to the past to strengthen the pillars of his power, but Adam (from a parallel dimension) stopped him and destroyed him.

Then, when the events of the Infinity Gauntlet took place, the sorcerer, having mastered the gauntlet of omnipotence, split into three personalities: a positive, neutral, which remained Adam, and a negative, which again became Magus. Magus was at the crossroads of dimensions and it is not known what he could do in each of them. When asked by Thanos about the future plans of the villain, he received the answer: "I can only show what the Magus wants." At this moment, they are discovered by Lady Death, not entirely satisfied with the presence of strangers and the use of her resources, and having joined the battle, after a little while the six retreats.

Meanwhile, earthly heroes listen to a speech by Reed Richards that strange doubles have appeared and something needs to be done about it. Everyone is present except Wolverine, and when the latter appears, he immediately recognizes Iron Man and Mister Fantastic as nasty copies. Few people believe him until Daredevil, with the help of his heightened senses, sees the true face of the impostors.

A fight ensues, causing Pseudo-Fantastic to activate a gamma bomb.

Actually, the purpose of the gathering was the destruction of all earthly superhumans at once, so that there would be no interference. The heroes do not have time to deactivate the device, and the bomb explodes... The Sinister Magus, watching what is happening, rejoices that everything is going according to plan.

Thanos and the Infinity Watch learn from Mole Man, who is temporarily collaborating with them, that Reed Richards has gathered all the heroes to discuss a possible crisis in the universe. Thanos does not consider this event a coincidence with the events of the Magus, and the Moon Dragon, realizing that the Titan is in this battle with them at the same time, teleports along with Pip to talk with the heroes, but they do not have time ...

There is an explosion, but the Invisible Woman manages to enclose the heroes with her force field. Thor blows a blast wave into space in a whirlwind, and while the heroes are distracted, Magus opens a portal and takes the doppelgangers with him. The heroes see something familiar in the image of the Magus and understand that his powers are mystical in nature, which means they need Dr. Strange to help figure it out. They also manage to notice Thanos (his double) next to the Magus and come to the conclusion that where Thanos is, there is evil.

Moondragon delivers Thanos and the Infinity Watch to the island where Gagactus and Strange found an anomalous power source. Having studied its nature and understanding where it will lead them in the end, they move on to a lifeless asteroid, which also has a similar source.

Galactus and Doctor Strange are not as nimble in their movements and fly in the traditional way on the ship of the Eater of Worlds. They are followed by Doom and Kang, and the Sinister Magus, who foresaw this moment, is watching from the monitor screens. On his schedule, the travelers are in a hurry, and he blows up their ship to slow down Galactus a little. Doom and Kang fly by unnoticed. They get to the second energy source a little before the Infinity Watch and, after analyzing the source, go to the primary source.

Meanwhile, the Earth heroes try to figure out what's even going on. They detect a disturbance in space-time, as well as the fact that sources of mysterious energy permeate all planets and stars. The heroes are trying to find out where the original source is, but the equipment they possess does not give them such an opportunity.

The quasar, having visited eternity in the meantime, arrives and reports that the cosmic force is constrained, and it is difficult to imagine who could do such a thing. Having found out where the source closest to the source is located, Wanda (Scarlet Witch) with the help of other magicians transfers a team of earthly heroes through space and time.

In response to the oblivion of Eternity, the Living Tribunal appears, whose presence has become necessary in the current situation ... An alarm is triggered in the Baxter building, and a crowd of their doppelgangers will attack the remaining heroes.

The original heroes will move to the asteroid, where the second source of Energy is located, as well as Thanos and the Infinity Watch.

While some of the heroes are fighting their counterparts, and the other is trying to defeat the Infinity Watch, Magus launches the third phase of the operation. Meanwhile, Doctor Doom and Kang continue their journey past the wreckage of Galactus' ship, which is beginning to rebuild itself. Galactus, realizing that the power that destroyed their ship is too great to be used, decides to use the Ultimate Nullifier.

Meanwhile, two battles take place at once in two different places. In one, the heroes are on the side of good, in the other, they are confused and therefore fight with Adam, Thanos and their comrades. The battle of the Infinity Watch with the heroes ends with the appearance of Galactus, who picks up the entire crowd on his ship. While this is happening, two power-hungry travelers, namely Kang and Doctor Doom, find the source and are amazed at its resources.

Galactus helps those heroes left on Earth defeat their doppelgangers by simply reversing the polarity of the ions that created the doppelgangers in the opposite direction.

Then by space forces he conveys to all those present on his ship the memories of Adam and Thanos, and the Heroes understand that this time the titan is with them at the same time. The characters decide what to do next, and come to the conclusion that only the gauntlet of infinity is able to return everything to its place. Each member of the Watch returns their infinity stone to the gauntlet, and Adam puts it on, determined to end this mess, but... Nothing happens. The fact is that Adam personally persuaded the Living Tribunal to take away the ability to act together from the stones. Galactus sends Thor to the moon to protect the dimension of the Earth heroes, and he goes with Gamora to convince the Living Tribunal to return the stones to their power.

As the Eater of Worlds and the assassin depart, Magus suddenly appears and drags Adam with him into the portal.

Thanos rushes to stop them, but fails to do so. He finds the Absolute Nullifier aboard Galactus's ship and invites one of the Earth heroes to go to the Magus dimension and consign him and his comrades to oblivion. Quasar is called to fulfill this mission and is sent to the dimension of Magus. The team of heroes does not want to let go of Thanos and decides to go with him to the consequences of what will happen after the use of the nullifier, considering that it is extremely unreasonable to trust the Titan with the power of the glove again.

Meanwhile, Magus takes possession of the Infinity Gauntlet from Adam and watches as Galactus and Gamora convince the Living Tribunal to activate it. At this time, Doom and Kang appear, having reached the source, and attack Magus.

There is a battle, the result of which is the restoration of the power of the gauntlet of infinity; Gamora coped with the task of the Tribunal, and now the evil counterpart of Adam has gained unlimited power. He quickly gets rid of the unfortunate invaders, makes Quasar, who hesitated, use the nullifier, disappear and chains Adam to the wall.

Meanwhile, Thanos is outwitting Earth's heroes by teleporting them to Earth's moon. There, they are quickly puzzled by the hordes of moonsilt doppelgangers they engage in combat with.

Thanos teleports to Magus' hideout. There he encounters his doppelganger and, not wanting to give in to him, enters into battle with him.

Galactus and Gamora return to his ship and go to help the heroes in the battle against their counterparts. Magus ends this fight with a wave of his hand (a god, after all) and places them all, including Galactus, in a huge sphere.

Now they are trophies in the god's throne room. Thanos appears, Magus enters into battle with him and says that he is a nonentity against God. But Thanos is not lost and replies that Magus is a god only for a moment and for reality he is an ordinary being.

This answer confuses Adam's doppelganger, he cannot believe that this is true, and beats the Titan until his hand is stopped by Adam's hand (confused, the Magus loosened his mental control, and Adam's shackles dissipated).

Opposites enter into battle on a colossal universal scale, reality itself is distorted under the will of an insidious double who owns the gauntlet of infinity.

But Adam continues to assure him that reality is far beyond his power and Adam is ready to show him the truth. Infinity and Eternity appear, merged into one, and instruct the invader of the universe. "Infinity and Eternity are two sides of the same coin, inseparable from each other." In other words, all the power that the Magus showed was two-dimensional in a three-dimensional universe.

Not wanting to put up with such antics anymore, the brother and sister arrange an explosion on a universal scale, from which even the heroes on the ship of Galactus cannot escape.

However, in the next moment, all the heroes find themselves in their places of residence before the whole mess.

Yet one hero never opened his eyes, it was Adam, who fell into a coma. Later, Thanos informs the Infinity Watch that on his ship, he and Adam secretly created a duplicate of the reality stone, which did not have the power to change reality, but activated with everyone else. Where is the real stone? It is known only to him, the savior, that he is now in a coma. Eternity appears and says that he is indebted to the adept of reality (Adam), and now the Living Tribunal deactivates the stones, and they will not work under any circumstances. After some time, Thanos also leaves them, and Gamora removes the hair from Adam's forehead with a smooth gesture of the hand, and the reader is immersed in the stone of reality, in the world of the soul, in which Magus is now and forever imprisoned.

Thanos returns to his secluded world and then it dawns on him. If Magus was dark side of Adam's personality, which burst out. Then where is bright side his personality? End?

Phew. I admit, it took a lot of time for the descriptive part, all these selections, highlighting the main and important, the rechronology of the action ... But still, if you want to get the whole gamut of emotions from this masterpiece, you should read it. Why do I love Starlin? Some of his Mad Titan dialogues are worth the candle. He does not just appear to us as an Adept of evil or good, he is a devilishly cunning mind who, along with contempt for all earthly heroes and treating them like insects, can politely call the invisible woman "Mrs. Richards." In general, in the novel there are many different kinds of fascinating dialogues both between heroes and villains, as well as the complacency of the Magus with his foresight. The only thing that didn't impress me much was, of course, the drawing. It is simplified, but still large-scale and in some ways even brilliant. Perhaps he is a little caricatured, but still more than conveys the scale of the action, as well as the grandeur of the battles. The scope of the action itself is also striking. The only thing I didn't see in this comic was Howard the Duck. There are hordes of characters here, and everyone is given at least one word. Of course, there are, in my opinion, unnecessary inserts, for example, Doom with Kang. It is clear that they were inserted into the plot more like cannon fodder for a certain moment, but on the other hand, Jim cunningly took everything into account, because if these characters with their psychotypes really existed, they would have made their attempt to seize omni-power. The plot is undoubtedly worthwhile, I spent about 6 hours reading it in the original, and it had the property of becoming more exciting and interesting with each page.

Of course, when describing, I threw out a lot of text (retelling the thoughts and reasoning of the characters is extremely tiring), but nevertheless, I think that this comic is suitable for reading by all lovers of space epic, people with unlimited imagination, and just fans of high-quality mixing . Therefore, as soon as Uncle Ashet releases a good translation, all geek fans line up at the press kiosks and demand this comic. You are entitled to it. And with that, my long chat is over. See you again.