The singer Jamala used to be a man. Jamala: a woman with an Adam's apple - as a symbol of the new Ukraine

A few months before Eurovision, several scandals broke out in Stockholm. The most striking of them was associated with a Crimean Tatar performer representing Ukraine under the pseudonym Jamala, who performed a song called “1944.” The composition was dedicated to the eviction of the Crimean Tatars to Central Asia during the Great Patriotic War. Many, not without reason, saw political overtones in the song. However, the representative of Ukraine not only made it to the finals of the competition, but also won, which caused a storm of delight in Ukraine. However, gradually about personality Ukrainian singer New details are beginning to emerge that could overnight bring her down from the pedestal of “all-Ukrainian darling.”

As it turned out, Jamala's family has Russian passports, and also enjoys certain benefits in Crimea. It is known that her father owns a small personal plot in the resort village of Malorechenskoye near Alushta and two years ago almost quarreled with his daughter, who was trying to persuade her parents to leave the peninsula forever. “They are, of course, in Crimea. All my attempts and conversations came to nothing... It is very painful and difficult. I understand that they cannot go. That pomegranate tree that grows in our yard, the persimmon, the fig... This house, it’s impossible to abandon everything like that. They are not even afraid, say, to die, no matter how scary it may sound, but they refuse to leave this house,” she recently stated in an interview with reporters.

Moreover, it turns out that the relatives and friends of the “patriot” Jamala were active supporters of the reunification of Crimea and Russia, also campaigning for the Crimean Tatars to obtain Russian citizenship. At the same time, the singer’s relatives took advantage of the law adopted in the Russian Federation on the rehabilitation of the Crimean Tatars and currently, as beneficiaries, enjoy a 50% discount on housing and communal services. The singer herself, who, as it turned out, sang in New Year's corporate parties in Sochi at the end of 2014.

It is worth noting that Jamala’s real name is Susanna Jamaladdinova. Not much is known about her childhood. IN different sources it is stated that she was born in the Kyrgyz city of Osh in 1983. Her father was a Crimean Tatar, and her mother was an Armenian from Nagorno-Karabakh, although her first and last name are not Armenian - Galina Tumasova. Soon after the start of perestroika Crimean Tatars returned to the peninsula, where their daughter began to study music, performing Crimean Tatar songs and folk music Central Asia. She soon became interested in jazz, trying to combine it with oriental music. After which she took the pseudonym “Jamala”, under which she became known to modern audiences.

And everything would be fine, but some bloggers began to notice features unusual for a woman in the singer’s appearance, and some even compared Jamala to the Austrian transsexual Conchita Wurst, the winner of Eurovision in 2014. The first to notice the similarity between Jamala and the famous trance was a popular Russian blogger, who published a picture with a comparison in social network Facebook. After that, he was attacked in the comments huge amount“zhovto-blakit” patriots, “ national identity”who were offended by this harmless, but at the same time very accurate comparison. Collage from Ilya Varlamov’s Facebook: find the difference

Meanwhile, the topic of oddities in appearance Ukrainian performer noted political scientist and economist Mikhail Delyagin, who published a photo of Jamala on his VK blog, where her Adam’s apple, which only appears on men, is visible. In addition, Delyagin published information according to which Jamala is not who she claims to be. According to these data, in the past Jamala was a man named Abulkhair, who underwent gender reassignment surgery in 2006, taking the name Susanna. However, the sources of origin of this information were not named, nor were the facts given that could confirm this.

However, the message caused a considerable response among social network users, many of whom were not even surprised that Jamala could have been a man in the past. “After the bearded girl, why not?” said a user with the nickname Ekaterina Galina in a comment to the post. Artur Fetisov agrees with her: “Did you hear the voice? Just matches. And at Eurovision there will be the same thing. (Because it’s not possible to listen anywhere else).” In general, one gets the impression that after seeing this (or this?) singer’s Adam’s apple, people would not be at all surprised that a transsexual won the next Eurovision. Indeed, after a bearded woman, this is not amazing. Moreover, if Jamala really turns out to be not quite Jamala, then this will become best symbol modern Ukraine, rushing headlong towards “European values”.

It is worth noting that Jamala’s victory turned out to be very doubtful, since ordinary Europeans gave the most votes in the “popular vote” for Russian performer Sergei Lazarev. However, according to the new rules, people's opinions are not enough; expert assessment, which is issued special jury. And it just turned out to be not on the side of the Russian performer. Mikhail Delyagin, already mentioned above, noted that what happened is the best demonstration of the illusory nature of European democracy, which is always sacrificed for the sake of the political situation.

Eurovision showed a model of modern European democracy: people support Russia, but their votes mean almost nothing. The voting is organized in such a way that the jury supposedly had nothing to do with it - it gave first place to a Korean woman from Australia (by the way, there was evidence that some jury members, for example, from the Baltic countries, were asked to vote for Australia - approx. KR) . No fair competition with the West is possible in principle: any agreement to its rules will mean defeat and mockery. Although it’s nice that the Eurovision organizers equated Russophobia and, in particular, the Russophobia of the renegades of the Crimean Tatar people with bearded women. This is a convincing demonstration of the perversity and inferiority of both Nazism and Russophobia,” he said.

At the same time, Jamal herself (himself?) rejects accusations of being politicized. However, it is noteworthy that on the eve of the final song competition Well-known Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus, the hosts of the scandalous program “The Call” on NTV, played a prank on the singer, introducing themselves as the Minister of Culture of Ukraine Yevgeny Onischuk. In a conversation with pranksters, the performer admitted that there is certainly a political subtext in the song “1944”. At the same time, the presenters clarified why the song was not called “2014,” to which Jamala replied that then everything would be clear to everyone. “Then it would definitely not have made it to Eurovision, it would have been considered as a political action. This is not an arena for political slogans. Of course, he is there, of course. But you and I know this in secret. When I say it loud, they'll take the song down. You have to be very wise and careful,” the singer replied.

Abulkhair - male name, meaning one who does good?
They say this is the true name of the singer Jamala. In general, his (or her) name is now Susanna, he was born in the city of OSH (Kyrgyzstan) on 08/27/83. And yes, his father is a Crimean Tatrine, his mother is Armenian. And in this case, of course, the roots make themselves felt. Roots and gender, everything is as it should be in Ukraine. Everything is on the verge of a foul and within the framework of current European traditions.

The entire Internet was filled with rumors about her gender reassignment surgery in 2006; 10 years later she became the winner of Eurovision. Despite the ban on songs about politics in this competition, Jamala confidently sang about the Crimean Tatars and no one interfered with this. By the way, there is a masculine Tatar name Jamal, which means beautiful.

They are trying to assure us that the “call of the ancestors” suddenly and unexpectedly manifested itself in Jamal, just as, apparently, 10 years ago the desire to turn from a boy into a woman manifested itself. Although there is no reliable data about this. What other transformations await us associated with this name? Are the Europeans, following the lead of the incomprehensible story about the unknown Crimean suffering, exposing their beloved Eurovision contest to the fact that tomorrow sixteen performers with incomprehensible biographies and requirements will come and Eurovision, from an entertaining and light show for Europe, will turn into a platform for everyone? political rabble, like the Ukrainian pseudo-singer without a voice and real roots, which she so tragically announced to the whole world?

And in general, aren’t there too many lies and far-fetched plots in this strange song of Jamala - Susanna - Albuhair and in the story itself?

Singer Jamala (real name Susana Jamaladinova), after making a breakthrough in her career by conquering the music world at Eurovision 2016, made a fateful decision in her personal life.

33-year-old Jamala decided to get married, which she notified fans on the night of Wednesday, November 2. “I said Yes!!! Ebet!! I’m ready,” Jamal succinctly announced her engagement. According to the singer's press service, the wedding will take place next year.

Only a very small circle of people know the dramatic story behind this discreet announcement.

The tears of Jamala and Bekir before leaving for Stockholm for the Eurovision Song Contest, the first marriage proposal that ended in refusal, long conversations about the ups and downs of life and the difficult choice between world fame and the career of a correct and good wife. All this is just footage that accidentally ended up on the pages of glossy magazines or accidentally caught in the lens of reporters.

The Observer recalled details of the history of the relationship between the artist and the mathematician, who was next to Jamala for more than three years.

Dating history

Until recently personal life The 33-year-old singer was under the cover of secrecy and only now interesting details of the romance between Crimean residents Susana and Bekir began to emerge.

Jamala met her future groom at a general get-together of Crimean Tatars. When the artist found out that the handsome guy with whom she had just eaten pilaf was dancing and laughing, the representative did not creative profession, an economist by training, was afraid that she would not be able to find a common language with him.

“At first I was very worried about how a musician and a mathematician could find something in common. But now he helps me a lot, with his mathematical mindset, to understand what is happening in music,” the girl said.

Jamala and Bekir do not miss important events for the Crimean Tatars in Kyiv. At the premiere of the film "Mustafa"

After that fateful party, the young people became friends. Being a very vulnerable and sensitive person, Jamala often turned to Bekir for friendly advice and participation.

“We are friends first and foremost. I tell him about all the events of the day, he tells me about his news. We walk, watch movies together and crack sunflower seeds,” she said.

Difficult relationships

Susana Dzhamaladinova first officially came out arm in arm with her lover Bekir Suleymanov at the end of September 2016.

Before this, the lovers had been dating for more than three years, and their relationship was far from simple.

“My boyfriend and I have been together for three years. I think sometimes it’s not easy for him with me. I’m overly vulnerable and sensitive. Sometimes I refuse to help someone because I can’t cope, and then I worry all evening. It’s hard for me to say “no” And I express all this, all my doubts, grievances, dissatisfaction to my boyfriend in the evening. He supports me in every possible way, but sometimes he says that I am too demanding: not everyone is such a perfectionist,” the girl admitted in an interview with Caravan of Stories magazine in May. 2015.

Jamala declassified her fiance only in September 2016. Photo from the press service of the Oscar cinema

In one of the archival interviews, the girl admitted that her lover had already proposed marriage to her, but then she was not ready for a serious relationship.

"My boyfriend has proposed marriage to me more than once. But I'm laughing it off for now. At first, I was really looking forward to these words, but for some reason he was in no hurry. Then, when he “matured,” I balked: now wait for me again I want. I think these are the small tests that any couple must go through. The most important thing is that we understand and support each other. Love is caring and the desire to be involved in each other’s lives,” said Jamala.

Pedestal for the triumphant

Meanwhile, it was Bekir who was the person who pushed jazz singer, skeptical about “pop” competitions and participation in Eurovision 2016.

Jamala admitted only recently that her fiance influenced her decision - she let it slip in an interview with Katya Osadchaya in the “High Life” program.

“It was he who encouraged me to go to Eurovision. I said, “no way, never,” but he simply drew a schedule for me and said: here are the pros, here are the cons, and I said, okay.” , - the singer admitted.

After this secret was revealed, Jamala’s Eurovision chronicler, Hromadske journalist Bohdan Kutepov, published a touching video of Jamala’s farewell to Bekir before leaving for the competition in Stockholm.

Jamala's touching farewell to her lover before going to Eurovision 2016. Video: Hromadske

Husband's wife

Both Jamala and her chosen one are Crimean Tatars, representatives of a people who traditionally have a patriarchal way of life. Currently, 33-year-old Susana’s career as a singer is on the rise, and for her to devote all her time and energy to her family right now is a very risky step.

“For me, marriage is an incredibly important step,” Jamala admitted.

According to the girl, her family was traditional, with a patriarchal structure.

“Since childhood, I got used to the idea that a man is responsible for everything. Dad was responsible for all issues related to finances. Mom never even paid for utilities,” she said.

At the same time, Jamala will probably want to continue building musical career, and combine the battle for the world musical Olympus It will be very difficult for her to manage her household life.

The artist once admitted that she was very afraid of losing herself, of dissolving in her husband, so she tried to postpone marriage.

“I don’t want to dissolve in my husband, to be someone’s “other half.” I can’t stand this expression. I’m not half, I’m whole. I can be a friend, an assistant, but at the same time it’s important for me not to lose myself,” said Jamala .

New, very interesting facts are beginning to be revealed about the Eurovision-winning singer.

A few months before Eurovision, several scandals broke out in Stockholm. The most striking of them was associated with a Crimean Tatar performer representing Ukraine under the pseudonym Jamala, who performed a song called “1944.” The composition was dedicated to the eviction of the Crimean Tatars to Central Asia during the Great Patriotic War. Many, not without reason, saw political overtones in the song. However, the representative of Ukraine not only made it to the finals of the competition, but also won, which caused a storm of delight in Ukraine. However, gradually new details begin to emerge about the personality of the Ukrainian singer, which could overnight bring her down from the pedestal of “all-Ukrainian darling.”

As it turned out, he has Russian passports and also enjoys certain benefits in Crimea. It is known that her father owns a small plot of land in the resort village of Malorechenskoye near Alushta and two years ago almost quarreled with his daughter, who was trying to persuade her parents to leave the peninsula forever. “They are, of course, in Crimea. All my attempts and conversations came to nothing... It is very painful and difficult. I understand that they cannot go. That pomegranate tree that grows in our yard, the persimmon, the fig... This house, it’s impossible to abandon everything like that. They are not even afraid, say, to die, no matter how scary it may sound, but they refuse to leave this house,” she recently stated in an interview with reporters.

Moreover, it turns out that the relatives and friends of the “patriot” Jamala were active supporters of the reunification of Crimea and Russia, also campaigning for the Crimean Tatars to obtain Russian citizenship. At the same time, the singer’s relatives took advantage of the law adopted in the Russian Federation on the rehabilitation of the Crimean Tatars and currently, as beneficiaries, enjoy a 50% discount on housing and communal services. The singer herself, who, as it turned out, sang at New Year’s corporate parties in Sochi at the end of 2014, does not shy away from cooperation with the “occupiers.”

It is worth noting that Jamala's real name is Susanna Jamaladdinova. Not much is known about her childhood. Various sources claim that she was born in the Kyrgyz city of Osh in 1983. Her father was a Crimean Tatar, and her mother was an Armenian from Nagorno-Karabakh, although her first and last name are not Armenian - Galina Tumasova. Soon after the start of perestroika, the Crimean Tatars returned to the peninsula, where their daughter began to study music, performing Crimean Tatar songs and music of the peoples of Central Asia. She soon became interested in jazz, trying to combine it with oriental music. After which she took the pseudonym “Jamala”, under which she became known to modern audiences.

And everything would be fine, but some bloggers began to notice features unusual for a woman in the singer’s appearance, and some even compared Jamala to the Austrian transsexual Conchita Wurst, the winner of Eurovision in 2014. The first to notice the similarity between Jamala and the famous trance was a popular Russian blogger, who published a picture with a comparison on the social network Facebook. After this, a huge number of “zhovto-blakit” patriots attacked him in the comments, whose “national identity” was offended by this harmless, but at the same time very accurate comparison.

Meanwhile, the topic of oddities in the appearance of the Ukrainian performer was noticed by a political scientist and economist Mikhail Delyagin, who published on his VK blog a photo of Jamala, where her Adam’s apple, which only appears on men, is visible. In addition, Delyagin published information according to which Jamala is not who she claims to be. According to these data, in the past Jamala was a man named Abulkhair, who underwent gender reassignment surgery in 2006, taking the name Susanna. However, the sources of origin of this information were not named, nor were the facts given that could confirm this..

However, the message caused a considerable response among social network users, many of whom were not even surprised that Jamala could have been a man in the past. “After the bearded girl, why not?” said a user with the nickname Ekaterina Galina. I agree with her Arthur Fetisov: “Did you hear the voice? Just matches. And at Eurovision there will be the same thing. (Because it’s not possible to listen anywhere else).” In general, one gets the impression that after seeing this (or this?) singer’s Adam’s apple, people would not be at all surprised that a transsexual won the next Eurovision. Indeed, after a bearded woman, this is not amazing. Moreover, if Jamala really turns out to be not quite Jamala, then this will become the best symbol of modern Ukraine, rushing headlong towards “European values.”

It is worth noting that Jamala’s victory turned out to be very doubtful, since ordinary Europeans still gave the most votes for the Russian performer in the “popular vote” Sergei Lazarev. However, in accordance with the new rules, people's opinions are not enough; an expert assessment is also required, which is issued by a special jury. And it just turned out to be not on the side of the Russian performer. Mikhail Delyagin, already mentioned above, noted that what happened is the best demonstration of the illusory nature of European democracy, which is always sacrificed for the sake of the political situation.

Eurovision showed a model of modern European democracy: people support Russia, but their votes mean almost nothing. The voting is organized in such a way that the jury supposedly had nothing to do with it - it gave first place to a Korean woman from Australia (by the way, evidence has emerged that some jury members, for example from the Baltic countries, were asked to vote for Australia - approx. KR) . No fair competition with the West is possible in principle: any agreement to its rules will mean defeat and mockery. Although it’s nice that the Eurovision organizers equated Russophobia and, in particular, the Russophobia of the renegades of the Crimean Tatar people with bearded women. This is a convincing demonstration of the perversity and inferiority of both Nazism and Russophobia,” he said.

At the same time, Jamal herself (himself?) rejects accusations of being politicized. However, a noteworthy case was when, on the eve of the final of a song competition, famous Russian pranksters Vovan And Lexus- the hosts of the scandalous program “Call” on NTV played a prank on the singer, introducing themselves as the Minister of Culture of Ukraine Evgeniy Onischuk. In a conversation with pranksters, the performer admitted that there is certainly a political subtext in the song “1944”. At the same time, the presenters clarified why the song was not called “2014,” to which Jamala replied that then everything would be clear to everyone. “Then it would definitely not have made it to Eurovision, it would have been considered as a political action. This is not an arena for political slogans. Of course, he is there, of course. But you and I know this in secret. When I say it loud, they'll take the song down. You have to be very wise and careful,” the singer replied.

The main news of the past weekend in musical world was the victory of the Ukrainian singer Jamala at Eurovision 2016..

Jamala is not the singer's real name

The true name of the star is Susanna Jamaladinova. Nickname Jamala the singer came up with it by shortening her last name. This happened before the competition " New wave 2009": having arrived in Jurmala, the girl quickly became one of the undisputed leaders of the competition and won the Grand Prix of the "New Wave", sharing first place with the Indonesian Sandy Sandorro. Alla Borisovna Pugacheva after Jamala performed the song “Mama’s Boy,” she gave the young singer a standing ovation.

To return home, the star’s parents had to divorce

Although Susanna connects her destiny with Crimea, she was born in Kyrgyzstan in the city of Osh, where her great-grandmother was deported during the deportation of the Tatars from Crimea. My great-grandfather and all the men on my grandmother’s side died at the front. The singer's father is Tatar, her mother is Armenian. In 1989, Susanna’s family managed to return to Crimea, to the village of Malorechenskoye (formerly Kuchuk-Uzen), where their ancestors lived. The family decided to move as soon as Jamala was born, but it took six years to buy a house and move the family. It was impossible to find someone who would agree to sell the house to returning Crimean Tatars, so the mother, whose nationality was not suspicious, was in charge of the purchase. The parents even had to temporarily divorce so as not to leave a “Tatar trace” in the mother’s documents. According to the singer, it was morally very difficult to decide to take such a step.