Entertainment based on the fairy tales of K.I. Chukovsky (senior preschool age). And the villain is silent

Tatiana Izotova
Literary quiz based on the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky for children of senior preschool age

Literary quiz on fairy tales K. Chukovsky for children of senior preschool age


1. To acquaint pupils with the life and work of K.I. Chukovsky,

reveal reader interest.


1. Develop from children thinking,

1. Form at children feelings of love for Russian writers and poets.

3. Promote the development of children sense of humor based fairy tales K. AND. Chukovsky.

4. Cultivate a careful and caring attitude towards books.

Quiz progress.

1. Organizational moment


You know, guys, I'll tell you what,

a literary quiz today,

you will, You find out fairy tales today,

and the one who knows a fairy tale, must be answered.

But who wrote these fairy tales to children? (answers children)

2. Introduction


Not far from Moscow, in the village of Peredelkino, in a small house for many years lived a tall gray-haired man, whom all the children of the country knew. He invented many fairytale heroes: Muhu-Tsokotuhu, Barmaleya, Moidodyr. The name of this wonderful man was Roots. Chukovsky. (a portrait of K.I. Chukovsky)

Now he would be 133 years old.

- Tall, long arms with large hands, large facial features, a large curious nose, a brush of a mustache, a naughty lock of hair hanging over his forehead, laughing bright eyes and a surprisingly light gait. Such is the appearance of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

Roots Chukovsky is the literary pseudonym of the writer. His real name is Nikolai Vasilievich Korneichukov.

He got up very early, as soon as the sun rose, and immediately set to work. In spring and summer, he dug in the garden or in the flower garden in front of the house, in winter he cleared the paths from the snow that had fallen during the night. After working for a few hours, he went for a walk. He walked surprisingly easily and quickly, sometimes he even started racing with the kids he met during a walk. It is to such children that he dedicated his books.

Scientist, writer, translator, literary critic, TO. Chukovsky wrote many poems and fairy tales for children.

Today we will make an unusual journey with you, meet the heroes fairy tales by Korney Chukovsky.

3. Surprise moment (the phone rang). The teacher goes to the phone and answers.


Guys, it was Fyodor's grandmother calling. She says everything fairy tales messed up and asks us to come by train and help. But to get on the train, we need tickets. To do this, you need to go to the table, take a ticket with a number and find a seat on the train with the same number. To the music, children sort out tickets. So, go! (melody sounds "Fun Train")

Stop (1)

The task is called "Who is who?" I ask you a question, and you can check the correct answer on the slides.

1. Who did the dishes run away from, guys, because

didn't want to be dirty?

2. She walked across the field, walked and suddenly found some money?

3. He went to Africa and cured the animals, who

it was, answer us as soon as possible?

4. Who defeated the evil cockroach and just

did he swallow it right away?

5. Who is the first in this a fairy tale on the phone called

And with whom did he talk on the phone for a long time?

6. Is this work difficult when they dragged him out of the swamp?

7. Who will save the fly from fairy tales who will answer without hints?

Stop (2)

Guys, do your parents remember Chukovsky's fairy tales?

A game "Wonderful bag".

This bag contains a variety of things. Someone has lost them. Let's help find their owners. Parents take out items and name the character from fairy tales.

1. Phone - "My phone rang".

2. Balloon - “The bears rode on a bicycle.

And behind them the cat backwards

And behind him are mosquitoes in a balloon. (Cockroach) .

3. Soap - “So the soap jumped up and clung to the hair” (Moidodyr) .

4. Saucer - "And behind them saucers ...". (Fedorino grief) .

5. Galosh - "Send me a dozen new galoshes" (Telephone).

6. Thermometer - “And we put and put thermometers for them” (Aibolit).

Stop (3)

Competition game.

Division into teams.

On the table are attributes from different fairy tales K. Chukovsky. Each team must select those that suit their fairy tale.

1 team- fairy tale"Moydodyr" (soap, towel, toothbrush, toothpaste)

2 team - fairy tale"Fedorino grief" (plate, saucepan, spoon, glass)

1 team - fairy tale"Fly Tsokotukha" (cup, samovar, pretzels, honey)

2 team - fairy tale"Aibolit" (thermometer, cotton wool, phonendoscope, syringe)

Stop (4)

Didactic game "Give me a word"

1. And with him the hare-mother,

She also went to dance.

And she laughs and screams:

“Well, thank you, ... (Aibolit!”

2. And behind her are forks,

Glasses and bottles

Cups and spoons

Jumping on… (track)

3. The Bear approached quietly,

Pushed him lightly:

"I'm telling you, villain,

Spit out the sun ... (quickly! )

4. Suddenly flies from somewhere

little mosquito,

And in his hand the Little One burns... (flashlight).

5. And then they called hares:

Is it possible to send ... (gloves?

6. And then they called monkeys:

Send please ... (books!

7. Suddenly from my mother's bedroom,

Bow-legged and lame,

Washbasin runs out

And shakes... (head).

8. But one morning

Jumped a kangaroo

I saw a mustache

Shouted in a temper:

"Is it a giant?

It's just... (cockroach!

Stop (5)

"Assemble the puzzle"


And now the tasks for all of you are different

and quite, of course, not very simple,

you need to assemble the puzzles in order to guess the hero.

Puzzles for two teams are on the tables. fairy tales: "Moydodyr" And "Fly Tsokotukha".

On command, the children must collect a picture and remember an excerpt from this fairy tales.

Stop (6)

"Reading fairy tales»


Now sit on your chairs and listen carefully fairy tale.

Reading fairy tales"Wonder Tree".

Guys, so what was hanging on this tree? (boots, etc.) Let's find these items on the table. (children choose pre-cut pictures) and decorate our tree with them. Application "Wonder Tree".


Yes, guys, I praise you and thank you all, and now you all sit down and smile at each other.

Fedora - Egorovna comes out to the music.

Oh guys, thanks! How smart and well-read you are. You helped us, and now everything fairy tales got into place. I brought you a sweet treat for that. Eat to your health and don't forget our fairy tales!.

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Publication date: 11/26/17





Tunguskova S. V.

Joint activities of the teacher and children of the middle group.

Literary quiz game "Journey through the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky."

Target: To consolidate the knowledge of children about the fairy tales read by K. I. Chukovsky.


Educational: To form the ability to determine the content of literary works from excerpts from books and illustrations.

Developing: To develop speech, memory, logical and figurative thinking of children.

Educational: Raise interest in art in children.

Material and equipment: a miracle tree with shoes, shoes, gaiters, stockings, boots, on which riddles are written on the reverse side, envelopes, split pictures with characters from K. Chukovsky's fairy tales, gold and silver stars.

Organizing time:

Psychological mood.

All the children gathered in a circle, you are my friend, and I am your friend,

Let's join hands and smile at each other!

Educator: Guys, give smiles to our guests.

Today we will go to the country of fairy tales of grandfather Korney, where there are rules:

1. Questions must be listened to carefully.

2. Shouting and suggesting answers is not allowed.

3. Who knows the answer and who wants to answer, you need to raise your hand.

(The teacher invites the children to sit on the chairs).

Exercise 1. The game "Guess the tale" is held.

(Children from the Wonder Tree take off their stockings and shoes, shoes, gaiters, boots, on which riddles are written on the back.):

1. "Wait, do not rush,
I will swallow you in an instant.
I will swallow, I will swallow, I will not have mercy ... "
- Who is this? From what fairy tale? ("Cockroach")

2. "I am the great Washbasin
I'm famous boss
And a washcloth commander.
- Who is this? From what fairy tale? ("Moidodyr")

3. “And I walked across the field
And I found money.
Went to the market
And I bought a samovar.
- Who am I? ("Fly Tsokotukha")

4. “Oh, poor woman I
And I cry and I cry alone
I would sit at the table
Yes, the table is out of the gate.
I would cook cabbage soup
Yes, a pan, go and look.
And the cups are gone and the glasses
Only cockroaches left
What fairy tale is the hero from? ("Fedorino grief")

5. “I will, I will be kinder, yes, kinder!
I bake for children, for children
Pies and pretzels, pretzels!”
- Who is this hero? ("Barmaley")

6. “Heals young children,
Heals birds and animals
Looking through his glasses
Good doctor ... (Aibolit) "("Aibolit")

7. “Suddenly from the gateway -
scary giant,
Red and mustachioed ... (cockroach) "(" Cockroach ")

8. “The pigs meowed - meow - meow,
Kittens ... (grunted, oink-oink) ... "
What fairy tale? ("Confusion")

9. “In Africa, a robber,
Villain in Africa
In Africa, terrible ... ("Barmaley")

10. “People are having fun -
The fly is getting married
For dashing, daring
Young ... (mosquito) "(" Fly - Tsokotuha ")

11. “The sun walked across the sky.
And ran behind the cloud.
The hare looked out the window,
It became a hare ... (dark) ... ”(“ The Stolen Sun ”)

12. “And the dishes go on and on
He walks through the fields, through the swamps.
And the kettle said to the iron
- I go more ... (I can’t) ... ”(“ Fedorino grief ”)

13. And then the hares called:

Can you send gloves?

And then the monkeys called:

Please send books! ("Telephone")

14. “And the chanterelles took the matches,
Let's go to the blue sea
The blue sea was lit ... "(" Confusion ")

Educator: You are all great smart people! It was easy to guess the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky.

Now let's play a little:

Fizkulminutka (pure phrase):

He-he-he - my phone rang.

Yr-yr-yr - Moidodyr loves water.

Il-il-il - Crocodile swallowed the sun in the sky.

Tsa-tsa-tsa - now Fly-Tsokotuha is a birthday girl.

It-it-it is the kind doctor Aibolit.

And now, one, two, three, find a pair for yourself! (children come to the tables in pairs).

Task 2. The game "Collect the picture" is being played.

Split pictures in envelopes. Children need to collect a picture and name the character from which fairy tale.

Task 3. The game "Who is, who?".

Educator: There are many different heroes in Chukovsky's fairy tales, many animals, birds, insects, and everyone has a name. (Children answer).

Aibolit - (doctor), Fedora - (grandmother), Moidodyr - (washbasin), Tsokotuha - (fly), Barmaley - (robber), red-haired, mustachioed giant - (cockroach), Karakula - (shark), angry, green - ( crocodile), brave winner - (mosquito), small, remote - (sparrow). (Children show pictures with the heroes of fairy tales).

Task 4. The game "Tell me by heart."

(Children recite an excerpt from their favorite fairy tale by heart).

1. The blanket ran away,

The sheet has flown

And a pillow like a frog

Ran away from me. ("Moidodyr")

2. My phone rang.

Who is speaking?

From a camel.

What do you need?


For whom?

For my son.

How much to send?

Yes, that way five pounds

Or six:

He won't eat anymore

He's still small! ("Telephone")

3. Fly, Fly-Tsokotuha, gilded belly!

The fly went across the field, the fly found the money.

Fly went to the market and bought a samovar:

"Come, cockroaches, I'll treat you to tea!" ("Fly Tsokotukha")

4. Suddenly from the gateway

scary giant,

Red and mustachioed


Cockroach, Cockroach, Cockroach! ("Cockroach")

5. Kind doctor Aibolit!

He sits under a tree.

Come to him for treatment.

Both the cow and the wolf

And a bug, and a worm,

And a bear!

Heal everyone, heal

Good Doctor Aibolit! ("Aibolit")

6. Kittens meowed: “We are tired of meowing!

We want to grunt like pigs!"

And behind them the ducklings: “We don’t want to quack anymore!

We want to croak like frogs!" ("Confusion")

7. Little kids, no way in the world

Do not go, children, to walk in Africa!

Sharks in Africa, gorillas in Africa

There are large crocodiles in Africa.

They will bite, beat and offend you, -

Do not go, children, children, to walk in Africa. ("Barmaley"

8. The sieve jumps over the fields,

And a trough in the meadows.

Behind the shovel broom

Walked down the street.

Axes, axes

That's how they roll down the mountain.

The goat was scared

She widened her eyes:

"What is it? Why?

I don’t understand anything.” (“Fedorino Woe”)

9. The sun walked across the sky

And it ran over the cloud.

The hare looked out the window,

It got dark. ("The Stolen Sun")


Educator: Did you like our trip? According to the fairy tales of which writer did we travel? What fairy tales have we visited?


Fairy tales by K. I. Chukovsky teach to be kind, neat, polite, clean, hardworking, courageous. They are all kind, funny, instructive, interesting.

The most active children receive gold stars, the rest - silver.

Literary quiz based on the fairy tales of K. and Chukovsky for preschoolers 6-7 years old

1. To expand the knowledge of children about creativity about the read works of K. I. Chukovsky;
2. To form social and communication skills due to the ability to work in a team;
3. Develop memory, attention due to the ability to identify read works from illustrations and excerpts from them;
4. Cultivate respect and love for fairy tales;
5. To cultivate faith in goodness, friendship and love, in triumph over evil;
Materials and equipment:
Portrait of K. and Chukovsky;
Illustrations for the works of K. and Chukovsky;
Children's drawings based on the works of K. and Chukovsky;
Chamomile, on the petals of which excerpts from the work are written;
2 baskets with things (phone, balloon, soap, saucer, thermometer, sieve, gloves, coin, washcloth, galosh, chocolate, books);
Two cubes with three cut pictures from Chukovsky's fairy tales, and the fourth one from Russian folk tales;

Course progress.

Organizing time.
2 teams will take part in the quiz. Each team receives a token for a correct answer. The team that has collected the most tokens is awarded the medal "expert of fairy tales". A sweet prize for all participants of the quiz.

Jury presentation. Team greetings.

(Opponents announce the name of the team).

Not far from Moscow, in the village of Peredelkino, in a small house for many years lived a tall gray-haired man who was known to all the children of the country. It was he who invented many fairy-tale characters: Muhu-Tsokotukha, Barmaleya, Moidodyr. The name of this wonderful person was Korney Chukovsky.

Korney Chukovsky is the literary pseudonym of the writer. His real name is Nikolai Vasilyevich Korneichukov.

Tall, long arms with large brushes, large facial features, a large curious nose, a brush of a mustache, a naughty lock of hair hanging over his forehead, laughing bright eyes and a surprisingly light gait. Such is the appearance of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky.

A scientist, writer, translator, literary critic, K. Chukovsky wrote many poems and fairy tales for children. Today we will meet with the heroes of fairy tales by Korney Chukovsky.

Round 1 "Prove the word"
The facilitator reads an excerpt from the story. The task of the teams is to find out from which fairy tale the lines are and continue them.

Fragments from fairy tales:
1. “Oh, this is not an easy job. "(drag a hippopotamus from the swamp)" Telephone "
2. “He will heal everyone, heal. "(Good Doctor Aibolit) "Aibolit"
3. “The bears rode on a bicycle. "(and behind them the cat backwards) "Cockroach"
4. “And now trousers, trousers. "(they jumped into my hands)" Moydodyr "
5 “Only a hare was a good boy. ”(didn’t meow or grunt, he lay under the cabbage, babbled like a hare and persuaded the foolish little animals)“ Confusion ”
6. “A sieve jumps across the fields. "(and a trough in the meadows)" Fedorino grief "

Round 2 "Who's Who"
Which characters belong to these fabulous names?
1. Aibolit - (doctor)
2. Barmaley - (robber)
3. Fedora - (grandmother)
4. Karakula - (shark)
5. Moidodyr - (washbasin)
6. Totoshka, Kokoshka - (crocodiles)
7. Tsokotuha - (fly)
8. Red, mustachioed giant - (cockroach)

Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky was distinguished by his great industriousness: “Always,” he wrote, “wherever I was: in the tram, in line for bread, in the dentist’s waiting room, I, so as not to waste time, composed poems, fairy tales, riddles for children It saved me from mental idleness!

Round 3 "Chamomile"
Each participant in turn goes to the chamomile, takes a petal and passes it to the teacher. The facilitator reads the text, and the child himself guesses the name of the fairy tale.
1. In what work did the dishes re-educate their mistress? ("Fedorino grief")
2. Which hero was a terrible villain, and then re-educated? ("Barmaley")
3. In which fairy tale is the sparrow glorified? ("Cockroach")
4. Name a fairy tale, the main idea of ​​which can be expressed in the words: “Cleanliness is the key to health! "(" Moydodyr "," Fedorino grief ")
5. What is the fairy tale in which a terrible crime takes place - an attempted murder? ("Fly Tsokotukha",
6. What did the animals ask for in the poem - the fairy tale "Telephone": (Elephant - chocolate, Gazelles - carousels, Monkeys - books, Crocodile - galoshes)
7. On whom did Aibolit and his friends travel to Africa? (Wolves, whale, eagles)
8. In what fairy tales is the crocodile the hero? (“Confusion”, “Cockroach”, “Moydodyr”, “Phone”, “Barmaley”, “Stolen Sun”, “Crocodile”)

Chukovsky became a children's poet and storyteller by accident. And it turned out like this. His little son got sick. Korney Ivanovich drove him in the night train. The boy was capricious, moaning, crying. In order to somehow entertain him, his father began to tell him a fairy tale: "There once was a crocodile, he walked the streets." The boy suddenly fell silent and began to listen. The next morning, waking up, he asked his father to tell him yesterday's tale again. It turned out that he remembered it all, word for word.

Round 4 "Basket with lost things"
In the basket are different things that someone lost. Help find their owner, remember the fairy tale and the lines that talk about the subject.
1. Phone (My phone rang);
2. Balloon (Bears rode on a bicycle, followed by mosquitoes on a balloon);
3. Soap (So the soap jumped up);
4. Saucer (And saucers behind them);
5. Thermometer (And puts a thermometer on them);
6. Sieve (Sieve jumps across the fields);
7. Gloves (And then the hares called: “Can you send gloves?”);
8. Coin (The fly went across the field, the fly found the money);
9. Chocolate (And we give everyone in order a chocolate bar);
10. Washcloth (And the washcloth is like a jackdaw, as if swallowed a jackdaw);
11. Books (Please send books);

K. And Chukovsky said: “I often had surges of joy and fun. You walk down the street and senselessly rejoice at everything you see: trams, sparrows. Ready to kiss everyone you meet. Feeling like a person who can work miracles, I did not run, but took off, as if on wings, into our apartment. Grabbing some dusty piece of paper, finding a pencil with difficulty, I began to write a cheerful poem about Mukhina's wedding, and I felt myself at this wedding as a groom. There are two holidays in this fairy tale, a name day and a wedding. I celebrated both with all my heart. "

Round 5 "Riddles"
The fly went to the market and bought a samovar;
("Fly Tsokotukha")
Mom will go through the garden, mom will pick shoes, boots, new galoshes from a tree;
("Wonder Tree")
The sun walked across the sky and ran behind a cloud. The hare looked out the window, it became dark for the hare;
("The Stolen Sun")
And the dishes go on and on, through the fields, through the swamps;
("Fedorino grief")
Small children! Do not go to Africa for anything in the world, go for a walk in Africa!

Where? From a camel. What do you need? Chocolate!
And they brought a bunny to him, such a sick, lame one, and the doctor sewed his legs on, and the bunny jumps again.
But, seeing the barbel, the animals gave a goose. They fled through the forests, through the fields, frightened of cockroach whiskers.
Suddenly, from my mother's bedroom, bow-legged and lame, a washbasin runs out and shakes his head.
And the chanterelles took matches to the blue sea and set fire to the blue sea.

The game "A moment of vivacity with Aibolit"
Participants repeat after the leader the movements corresponding to the lines of the poem:
You do not need to treat us, (they walk one after another in a circle)
Good doctor Aibolit.
Let's run and walk
Let's gather strength.
Our tummies do not hurt, (stroke their tummies)
Like poor hippos.
We will pull our hands to the sun (hands pull up)
And then sit down on the grass. (squat)
Like eagles we fly, soar, ("waving" hands)
We look in all directions
Where is Africa - a country? ("look" from under the hand)
Maybe help is needed?
Together with Chita we will ride,
Like a cheerful, sonorous ball.
Friendly to the poor ostriches
The guys will walk on the grass.
Legs will lift
Walk on thick grass. (walk with knees high)
We all helped
We have become strong. (Show how strong)

Round 6 "Decipher the names of fairy-tale heroes"
Insert vowels into the encrypted words, you will get the names of fairy-tale characters.





Once, Korney Ivanovich spent three hours sculpting different figures from clay with the children. The children wiped their hands on his trousers. It was a long way to go home. Clay trousers were heavy and had to be held up. Passers-by looked at him in surprise. But Korney Ivanovich was cheerful, he had inspiration, poetry was composed freely. Thus, "Fedorino's grief" was born.

Round 7 "Homework"
Each participant reads by heart an excerpt from a fairy tale to his opponent, and he remembers what words the line ends with and calls the fairy tale.

People have fun
The fly is getting married
For dashing, daring
Young. (mosquito)
"Fly Tsokotukha"

No no! Nightingale
Doesn't sing for pigs
Call better (crow).

And I don't need
marmalade, no chocolate
But only small ones
Well, very small. (children).

Heals young children
Heals birds and animals
Looking through his glasses
Kind doctor. (Aibolit)

Only suddenly from behind a bush
Because of the blue forest
From distant fields
Arrives. (sparrow)

And the dishes go on and on
He walks through the fields, through the swamps.
And the kettle said to the iron
I have more to go. (I can not).
"Fedorino grief"

The sun walked across the sky
And ran behind the cloud.
The hare looked out the window,
It got dark.
"Stolen Sun"

Wolves on a mare
Lions on the car and. etc. d

Round 8 Game "Fourth line"
Each team on the cube finds the 4th extra picture and names the fairy tale.
From an early age, the poems of K. and Chukovsky bring joy to all of us. Not only you, but also your parents, your grandparents cannot imagine their childhood without "Aibolit", "Fedorin's grief", "Telephone". The poems of Korney Ivanovich bring up the precious ability to empathize, sympathize. Without this ability, a person is not a person. Chukovsky's poems sound great, develop our speech, enrich us with new words, form a sense of humor, make us stronger and smarter.

We feel sorry for grandfather Korney.
Compared to us, he lagged behind,
Since in childhood "Barmaleya"
And "Crocodile" did not read,
Did not admire the "Phone"
And I didn’t delve into the “Cockroach”.
How did he grow up to be such a scientist,
Not knowing the most important books?
Summing up and awarding the winners.

All-Russian Conference "Organization of the educational process in a preschool educational institution in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO"

PURPOSE: To instill in children an interest in the work of K. Chukovsky, a desire to learn new fairy tales; a friendly attitude towards each other, a sense of empathy, a desire to help others; to cultivate faith in goodness, friendship and love, in triumph over evil.

MATERIAL: portrait of K. I. Chukovsky, children's drawings based on the works of K. I. Chukovsky, his books, illustrations for works, a box with lost things, split pictures (towel, faucet, washcloth, jug, soap), "The Magic Book of Fairy Tales" , audio recordings: "The bears rode on a bicycle" from the fairy tale "Cockroach" muses. I. Tsvetkova, words by K.I. Chukovsky,

PRELIMINARY WORK: reading the fairy tales of K. I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr", "Doctor Aibolit", "Fly-Tsokotuha", "Fedorino's grief", "Confusion"; productive activity: drawing on the topic: "Heroes of K. Chukovsky's fairy tales", modeling on the topic: "Fedorina's dishes", application on the topic: "Mukha-Tsokotukha's multi-colored dress."

Lesson progress

Under the audio recording "The bears rode on a bicycle" from the fairy tale "Cockroach" muses. I. Tsvetkova, words by K. I. Chukovsky, children enter the elegantly decorated hall and sit on chairs.

HOST: Not far from Moscow, in the village of Peredelkino, in a small house for many years lived a tall gray-haired man, whom all the children of the country knew. A scientist, writer, translator, literary critic, K. Chukovsky wrote many poems and fairy tales for children.

Chukovsky is a pseudonym. The real name of the writer Korneichukov Nikolai Vasilyevich Chukovsky became a children's poet and storyteller by accident. And it turned out like this.

His little son got sick. Korney Ivanovich drove him in the night train. The boy was capricious, moaning, crying. In order to somehow entertain him, his father began to tell him a fairy tale: "There was a crocodile, he walked the streets." The boy suddenly fell silent and began to listen. Waking up the next morning, he asked his father to tell him yesterday's tale. It turned out that he remembered it all, word for word.

I suggest you go to a magical fairyland where the good fairy tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky live. Do you agree? (Answers of children).

HOST: Close your eyes. We are going to fairyland.

Visit Grandpa Roots
All children are invited.
But he is especially happy
invite these guys.
Who knows how to listen to fairy tales
Or likes to read them.

Like a miracle tree growing at our gates, not flowers, not leaves on it, but fairy tales by K. I. Chukovsky (a tree with fairy tales is decorated).

LEADING: Guys, look how many fairy tales have grown on the tree. Do you know all the fairy tales of grandfather Korney? Now we'll check it out.

HOST: Books ask:

And now
You friends, get to know us.
Think guys together
These stories need to be remembered!

1 . The bears rode on a bicycle.
And behind them is the cat backwards.
And behind him are mosquitoes in a balloon.
And behind them are crayfish on a lame dog.
Wolves on a mare. Lions in the car.
Bunnies on the tram.
Toad on a broom...
They ride and laugh, they chew gingerbread.
Suddenly from the gateway a terrible giant,
Red and mustachioed Ta-ra-kan! ("Cockroach")

2. Suddenly out of my mother's bedroom
Bow-legged and lame
Washbasin runs out
And shakes his head. ("Moidodyr")

3. The fly went across the field,
The fly found the money.
The fly went to the market
And I bought a samovar. ("Fly Tsokotukha")

4. Suddenly from somewhere a jackal
Rode on a mare:
Here is a telegram for you
From hippo!
"Come doctor
Go to Africa soon
And save the doctor
Our kids” (“Doctor Aibolit”)

5. The cockroaches came running
All glasses were drunk.
And insects in three cups,
With milk and pretzel. ("Fly Tsokotukha")

6. And the chanterelles took the matches,
Let's go to the blue sea
The blue sea was lit.
The sea is on fire
A whale ran out of the sea ... ("Confusion")

7. And in the Big River
The crocodile lies
And the fire does not burn in his teeth, -
The sun is red
Sun stolen. ("The Stolen Sun")

8. And behind them along the fence
Grandma Fedor is jumping:
"Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!
Come back home!”

But the trough answered:
"I'm angry with Fedora!"
And the poker said:
"I'm not Fedora's servant!" ("Fedorino grief")

9. My phone rang.
- Who's talking?
- Elephant.
- Where?
- From a camel. ("Telephone")

10. Small children!
No way
Don't go to Africa
Walk in Africa!

Sharks in Africa
Gorillas in Africa
In Africa, large
Evil crocodiles.

They will bite you
Beat and offend -
Don't go kids
Walk in Africa. ("Barmaley")

Host: Well done, you know a lot of fairy tales. Why do you guys like these fairy tales?

Answers of children: Because they are kind, funny, interesting, instructive.

Host: What do fairy tales teach us?

Children: Be kind, neat, polite.

A GAME Competition.

On the table are objects from various fairy tales by K.I. Chukovsky. Children are divided into 4 teams. Each team must select those things that are suitable only for their fairy tale.

1st team - fairy tale "Moydodyr" (soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, towel, comb).

2nd team - the fairy tale "Fedorino's grief" (plate, saucer, pan, spoon, fork).

HOST: Wherever Chukovsky was: on the tram, in line, at the doctor, he did not waste time, but composed riddles for children. Listen and guess.

I had a cart
Yes, but there was no horse,
And suddenly she screamed
She screamed and ran.
Look, I ran
A cart without a horse. (Car)

It was a cheerful house, a wonderful house.
And something thumped in him.
And he crashed, and from there
A living miracle jumped out.
so warm, so
Fluffy and golden. (Chick)

Steam locomotive without wheels
This is such a miracle locomotive!
Hasn't he gone crazy?
Did you go straight to the sea? (Steamboat)

I lie under your feet
Trample me with your boots
And in the morning take me to the yard
And beat me, beat me.
So that the children can lie on me
Flounder and somersault on me. (Carpet)

Here are the needles and pins
They crawl out from under the bench.
They look at me
They want milk.

Host: Chukovsky has a poem about hedgehogs.

The poem "Hedgehogs laugh"

At the groove
Two boogers
They sell pins to hedgehogs.
And let's laugh!
Everything can't stop.
“Oh, you stupid boogers!
We don't need pins:
We are studded with pins ourselves "

The game "Collect needles for hedgehogs."

Equipment: Two drawings of a hedgehog, marker 2 pcs.

Game progress: Teams need to draw needles for a hedgehog. Whose team will complete the task faster.

Presenter: Now the children of the older group will tell us an excerpt from the fairy tale "Tsokotuha Fly".

Presenter: Guys, what characters do these fabulous names belong to?

A game "Who is who".

  • Aibolit - (doctor)
  • Barmaley - (robber)
  • Fedora - (grandmother)
  • Karakula - (shark)
  • Moidodyr - (washbasin)
  • Totoshka, Kokoshka - (crocodiles)
  • Tsokotuha - (fly)
  • Red, mustachioed giant - (cockroach)

A GAME "Black box".

In the box is the favorite delicacy of crocodiles from the fairy tale "Telephone".

- What is this? (Galosha)
In the box is what the crocodile swallowed in the fairy tale "Moydodyr".
- What is this? (washcloth)
In the box is what was treated to the butterfly in the fairy tale "The Tsokotukha Fly".
- What is this? (Jam)
In the box is what the doctor treated hippos in the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit".
- What is this? (Chocolate)
In the box is what the mosquitoes rode in the fairy tale "Cockroach".
- What is this? (Ball)

Introduction to the quiz

Chukovsky Korney Ivanovich - the author of children's riddles, songs, shifters. Korney Ivanovich was very fond of writing fairy tales. He believed that " a fairy tale for every normal child - the most healthy food, not a treat, but a daily and very nutritious bread, and no one has the right to take this healthy, irreplaceable food from him". Quiz "Tales of Chukovsky" consists of 17 questions. All questions have been answered.

Quiz Maker: Iris Revue

1. What fairy tales of Korney Chukovsky do you know?
Answer:"Moydodyr", "Cockroach", "Fly-Tsokotuha", "Barmaley", "Fedorino grief", "Aibolit", "Phone", "Stolen sun"

2. In the fairy tales of K. Chukovsky, often the hero turns out to be not at all the character from whom one could expect a bold act. And who becomes the hero in the fairy tale "The Adventure of Bibigon": a character of large dimensions or small ones?
Answer: in The Adventures of Bibigon, the hero is "no taller, poor fellow, than such a small mouse"

3. Often the characters in Chukovsky's fairy tales are animals. And especially often - Crocodile. Do you remember in which fairy tales this character is present?
Answer: in the fairy tales "Crocodile", "Moydodyr" (walking with children in the Tauride Garden), "Barmaley" (Crocodile swallows a robber), "Cockroach" (Crocodile swallows a toad out of fright), etc.

4. Do you think Moidodyr is the enemy of the dirty boy or not?
Answer: Moidodyr is not an enemy, on the contrary, he helped the boy to overcome his bad habits

5. Where did Moidodyr call to wash and bathe?
Answer:"in a tub, in a trough, in a trough, in a river, in a stream, in the ocean"

6. What fairy tale is this passage from:
"What's happened?
What's happened?
Why is everything around
twirled, twirled
And rushed the wheel?
Answer: from the fairy tale "Moydodyr"

7. Continue the phrase:
"The bears rode - ... on a bike »
“The blanket has run away… the sheet flew away »
“And now brushes, brushes - ... crackled like rattles »
“A sieve jumps across the fields - ... and a trough in the meadows »
“It’s a shame for the old to roar - you are not a hare, but ... bear »

8. In which Chukovsky's fairy tale does a device for transmitting and receiving sound act as the main "character"?

9. What are the negative qualities of the Cockroach from the fairy tale "Cockroach"?
Answer: The cockroach personifies evil, violence

10. How is it considered in the fairy tale of Korney Chukovsky - are horns cheap now?
Answer:"We would be the enemy -
On the horns would
Only the skin is expensive
And the horns are not cheap these days either.”

11. All things ran away from Fedora. And she “walks and hobbles” after them. And the dish said, "Look, who's that back there?" Attention, question! Where did Fedora come from?
Answer options: 1. "From the dark forest." 2. "From the dense forest." 3. "From the bright grove."
Correct answer: « And they see: Fyodor hobbles from the dark forest behind them ...»

12. What holiday did the Fly-Tsokotukha celebrate in the fairy tale of the same name?
Answer options: 1. New Year. 2. Name day 3. Maslenitsa
Correct answer: Fly-Tsokotuha celebrated a name day: “ Today Fly-Tsokotuha birthday girl»

13. Remember how the broom was having fun when Fedora's holiday began?
Answer:“And the broom, and the broom is fun -
Danced, played, swept,
She didn’t leave a speck of dust with Fedora. ”

14. In your opinion, what idea underlies almost every fairy tale by Chukovsky?
Answer: the struggle between good and evil, the victory of good over evil

15. What huge object was swallowed by the Crocodile in the fairy tale "The Stolen Sun"?
Answer: Crocodile "swallowed the sun in the sky"

16. What continent did Dr. Aibolit go to to cure the sick?
Answer options: 1. To America. 2. To Asia. 3.To Africa
Correct answer: to Africa

17. On what ball did mosquitoes move in a fairy tale "Cockroach"?
Answer: On air