Traditional forms of methodical work in dow. Forms of organizing methodological work with the teaching staff of the dow


Forms of methodical work in the preschool educational institution……………………………………..

Methods of organizing methodological work in preschool educational institutions……………………………………………………………………

Non-traditional forms of work in preschool educational institutions. Mentorship…………………………………………………………




Appendix 1. Business game for preschool teachers to study the Federal State Educational Standard

pre-school education "New Federal State Educational Standard - New Opportunities"……….

Appendix 2


Methodological work in a preschool educational institution is a holistic, based on the achievements of science, advanced pedagogical experience, a specific analysis of the educational process, a system of interrelated measures, actions and activities aimed at comprehensively improving the qualifications and professional skills of each teacher, at developing the creative potential of the teaching staff, at improvement of the educational process, achievement of the optimal level of education and development of pupils.

The purpose of methodological work in the preschool educational institution is to constantly improve the level of professional skills of the teacher and the teaching staff. The paramount task of methodological work is to provide real assistance to teachers in the development of their skills as an alloy of professional knowledge, skills and abilities and the personality traits and qualities necessary for a modern teacher.

Thus, methodological work significantly affects the quality and effectiveness of training and education, and the final results of the work of a preschool institution.

The main role of methodological work is manifested in the activation of the human factor - the personality and creative activity of teachers. Hence, the main guidelines for methodological work in kindergarten are:

  • serious controlled qualitative growth of professional skills of each teacher;

Growth of integration opportunities of the whole team.

The purpose of the work is to study the forms and methods of methodological work in preschool educational institutions

Object of study: forms andmethods of methodical work of the preschool educational institution.

During the study, the following tasks :

  1. To reveal the essence of the forms of methodical work in the preschool educational institution;
  2. Consider the classification of methods and their main components;
  3. To study an unconventional form of work in a preschool educational institution - mentoring;

Research methods: study of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem.

I. Forms of methodological work

There are various forms of methodical work for the successful implementation of the annual tasks facing the teaching staff.

The main ones are:

teachers' councils


Methodical associations

One of the most important forms of methodological work is the pedagogical council. In a preschool institution, the pedagogical council is the supreme governing body for the entire educational process.

According to the forms of organization, the pedagogical council can be traditional, non-traditional, and using separate methods of activating teachers. Different forms of pedagogical councils are defined in the works of Volobuyeva L.M., Gazin O.M., Fokin V.P. Consider non-traditional forms of pedagogical councils that have proven themselves in the practice of preschool educational institutions.

Volobueva L.M. defines the pedagogical council as "a permanent body of self-government, an exponent of collective pedagogical thought, a kind of school of excellence and a tribune of pedagogical experience."

Belaya K.Yu., considering the forms of methodological work, gives the following characteristics to the pedagogical councils of an educational institution: the pedagogical council is a permanent body for collegial review of the activities of a preschool institution, a tribune of advanced pedagogical experience. He discusses and resolves issues related to the main activities of the preschool institution.

The Pedagogical Council approves the organizational structure of the educational institution, participates in the development of the Charter of the educational institution, the concept of its development; formulates the main goals and objectives of the activity, selects educational programs, forms and methods of organizing the educational process, determines the directions of experimental work; analyzes and controls educational activities, approves the composition of the methodological council of the attestation commission; considers issues of recruitment, improvement of their qualifications, conducts methodological seminars, establishes links between the teaching staff and scientific and methodological institutions, etc.

This can be a pedagogical council - a discussion or dispute, a round table, a creative report of methodological associations or an initiative group of teachers, a business game, a festival, etc.

Pedagogical meetings - an element of the management activities of the leadership of a preschool educational institution, the most common form of management that allows you to use the collective mind, knowledge and experience of specialists to solve complex social problems; organize the exchange of information and experience between individual employees and structural units of the educational institution; promptly bring specific tasks to the direct executors.

Pedagogical meetings provide an opportunity for subordinates, employees of an educational institution, to acquire the ability to solve difficult issues, and its leaders to receive the necessary information. In this regard, there are several types of meetings:

  • informational - a type of meeting, the purpose of which is to summarize certain information and study by the leadership of an educational institution of various points of view on emerging problems;
  • operational - a type of meeting, the purpose of which is to obtain information from the head of the kindergarten about the current state of affairs in an educational institution, to develop operational decisions and set appropriate tasks for performers - employees of an educational institution;
  • problematic - a type of meeting, the purpose of which is to develop collegial decisions on emerging common acute and complex problems related to the management of the educational process and cooperation with the parents of pupils;
  • explanatory - a type of meeting, the purpose of which is to explain and convince the employees of an educational institution of the correctness of new strategic tasks and (or) a change in priorities;
  • educational and instructive - a type of meeting, the purpose of which is to promote certain knowledge, innovative technologies and advanced training for teachers of a preschool educational institution.

An equally common form of methodological work in an educational institution for preschool children is consultations.

The topic of group, subgroup and individual consultations can be prompted by teachers' questions or determined by the senior educator, depending on what difficulties educators experience in their work. At the same time, modern practice of working with teachers often requires the choice of non-standard forms of consultations.

So, in the works of N.S. Golitsina, we find a characteristic of such a form of methodological work asconsultation-dialogue. Such a consultation is carried out by two teachers who have different points of view on the issue under discussion. Considering the topics, they can state their arguments for each thesis, and the listeners can choose the point of view that corresponds to their pedagogical views.

Consultation-paradox, or consultation with planned errors, aims to draw the attention of teachers to the most difficult aspects of the problem being presented, to increase their activity. The methodologist names the number of mistakes that he will make during the two-hour consultation. Listeners are invited to distribute the material on a sheet of paper into two columns: on the left - reliable, on the right - erroneous, which is then analyzed.

Seminars as a separate form of methodological work play an important role in raising the scientific and theoretical level of educators and in improving their professional competence. You can prepare and conduct seminars in different ways depending on the content of the topic and the purpose of the lesson.

Prior to the seminar, teachers are offered special tasks, the fulfillment of which will allow everyone to actively participate in the seminar. In this regard, it often turns out that preparation for a seminar involves reading additional literature, studying primary sources, and taking notes. Teachers learn to critically evaluate what they read, to choose the information they need. They must understand the essence of the material being studied in order to assimilate and use it in their practical activities. Therefore, during the seminars, such forms of organization as open classes or events, the use of video materials and multimedia presentations, analysis of the results of children's activities and products of children's creativity, etc. are actively used.

Seminars perform a multifaceted role: they stimulate the regular study of primary sources and other literature by teachers, as well as an attentive attitude to methodological work; consolidate the knowledge gained while listening to lectures in courses and independent work on literature; expand the circle of knowledge thanks to the speeches of comrades and the leaders of the seminar; allow teachers to check the correctness of previously acquired knowledge, to isolate the most important, essential in them; contribute to the transformation of knowledge into firm personal convictions, dispel doubts that could arise in lectures and in the study of literature, which is especially well achieved as a result of a clash of opinions, discussions; instill the skills of independent thinking, oral presentation on theoretical issues, hone their thoughts, teach teachers to freely operate with terminology, basic concepts and categories; provide an opportunity for managers to systematically monitor the level of professionalism of teachers, the degree of their attentiveness at methodological events; allow you to study the opinions, interests of teachers, serve as a means of monitoring their own work as a methodologist and leader of the seminar, consultant, etc.

On workshops, consisting of theoretical (seminar) and practical (workshop) parts, educators summarize and systematize best practices, show in action the necessary techniques and methods of work, which are then analyzed and discussed. This form also involves the development of certain methods of work without the participation of pupils. For example, in a kindergarten, a senior educator or educator shows techniques by guiding the actions of educators - participants in a workshop.

Seminar-briefing differs in that it allows the maximum activation of the participants both in the process of preparing for the seminar and at the lesson itself: the group is divided into subgroups in accordance with the number of questions proposed for discussion. The number of participants in subgroups can be arbitrary. Since the whole subgroup answers the question, and repetitions are not allowed, then, naturally, the participant finds himself in such a situation that it is necessary to answer thoroughly and to the point. After each member of the subgroup has spoken, the discussion begins; at the same time, additions, clarifications, questions to each other are possible.

Another form of methodological work with teachers is training., which involves preliminary and final diagnostics, at least using the method of questioning and expert assessments, professional skills and abilities of teachers in a certain area of ​​their pedagogical activity, the selection of practical tasks and game exercises aimed at forming missing or insufficiently formed skills of professional activity that are performed in situations of programmed success, and then transferred to situations of real practical activity of teachers of an educational institution. Therefore, training can be short-term when it comes to the formation of highly specialized skills, for example, the use of physical culture minutes in the process of conducting classes with children, or long-term, when it comes to the formation of a whole range of professional operations and actions related to the organization of a holistic educational process, not its individual elements.

Creative groups are the next form of methodical work with teachers of a preschool educational institution. It involves the implementation of such an approach to the implementation of methodological work in an educational institution, which allows you to involve teachers in experimental and research activities. The work of the creative team is based on the following algorithm:

  • identification of problems and substantiation of the relevance of their solution for the practice of the work of an educational institution, diagnostic and analytical stage;
  • development of a detailed program of experimental work or research activities, prognostic stage;
  • organizational stage, creation of conditions for the implementation of the program;
  • implementation of the program, practical stage, adjustment of the methods and technologies used, control "sections";
  • registration and description of the results of experimental or research work, a generalizing stage;
  • dissemination of pedagogical experience, introduction of innovations in the activities of an educational institution.

The logical conclusion and result of the creative group are the creative reports of teachers who talk about the results of the implementation of the program of experimental, research and scientific and methodological work, share their experience, talk about the problems that arise in the practice of an educational institution, and offer to introduce innovations.

One of the most important aspects of methodological work with teachers is the organization of the studyadvanced pedagogical experience,because This is one of the ways to improve teaching skills.

In the literature, pedagogical experience is defined as the totality of knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by the educator in the process of practical work, as the basis of pedagogical skill, as one of the important sources for the development of pedagogical science. Pedagogical experience includes certain interconnected elements: a teacher who teaches and educates; the child who is the subject of education, the goals and objectives of education and training; forms and methods and techniques of teaching; an environment that significantly affects the entire process of the formation of the child's personality. The essence of advanced pedagogical experience lies in finding the most effective connection between these structural elements.

accepted forms, methods and techniques of educational work.

When identifying, studying and implementing advanced pedagogical experience, it is necessary to clearly imagine the entire scope of this work and its main stages. Here, both the entire system of the educator’s work can be studied, where a set of pedagogical techniques and methods with which he achieves good results will be revealed, as well as individual aspects of the educator’s activity, any one actual pedagogical topic.

At the first stage of this work, it is necessary to identify the advanced pedagogical experience available in the preschool institution. In this case, the following methods are used: observation of the pedagogical process, conversations with the educator, children and their parents, assistance in the selection of methodological, pedagogical and psychological literature related to the topic of best practices, recommendations for studying the work of educators-masters in order to compare the techniques and methods used in their work, with the experience of the best teachers, by the educator himself understanding his innovations in work, his methods that give high results.

At the second stage, which consists of a generalization of experience, the following methods are used: to help the educator deeply analyze the accumulated facts, penetrate into the essence of the observed phenomena, separate the essential from the inessential, the main from the secondary; assists the educator in describing the pedagogical process, showing achievements and failures, so that the dynamics of the described pedagogical experience can be seen.

It is necessary to interest educators in a new experience, to arouse in them a desire and creative readiness to master it.

Each educator has his own pedagogical experience, pedagogical skills. Allocate the work of an educator who achieves the best

results, his experience is called advanced, he is studied, he is “equaled”. According to Turbovsky Ya.S. "Advanced pedagogical experience is a means of purposeful improvement of the educational process that satisfies the actual needs of the practice of teaching and upbringing!".

Advanced pedagogical experience helps the educator to explore new approaches to working with children, to distinguish them from mass practice. At the same time, it awakens initiative, creativity, and the improvement of professional skills. Best practice is the fastest, most efficient form of resolving contradictions that have matured in practice, quickly responding to public requests, to a changing situation.

An open demonstration makes it possible to establish direct contact with the teacher during the lesson, to get answers to questions of interest. The show helps to penetrate into a kind of creative laboratory of the educator, to become a witness to the process of pedagogical creativity. The manager organizing an open show should set several goals:

Promotion of experience;

Teaching teachers how to work with children.

Forms of organizing an open display may be different. For example, before the start of the screening, the leader can talk about the topic of the educator's work, suggest questions that should be given special attention. Sometimes it is advisable to distribute questions, one teacher - to calculate the activity of children, another - a combination of different methods and techniques used by the teacher, the rational use of benefits, to assess whether the children are comfortable.

Such preparation for an open lesson will help the leader to organize an interesting discussion of what he saw, to develop a common opinion among the team. It must be remembered that in the discussion the first word

provided to the educator demonstrating his work with children. Based on the results of an open review, a decision is made: for example, to introduce this experience into their work, submit notes to the methodological office or continue to generalize the experience of the educator in order to present it to district pedagogical readings.

Thus, when planning methodological work, it is necessary to use all types of generalization of pedagogical experience. In addition, there are various forms of dissemination of experience: open demonstrations, pair work, author's seminars and workshops, conferences, pedagogical readings, weeks of pedagogical excellence, open days, master classes, etc.

Practice shows that the study, generalization and implementation of pedagogical experience is the most important function of methodological work, penetrating the content and all its forms and methods. The value of pedagogical experience can hardly be overestimated, it teaches, educates, develops teachers. Being essentially closely connected with the progressive ideas of pedagogy and psychology, based on the achievements and laws of science, this experience serves as the most reliable conductor of advanced ideas and technologies into practice.

As Volobueva L.M. notes, the collective review of the upbringing and educational process of practice is often not differentiated from the review of open classes with children. In the latter case, we are talking, most often, about the form of attestation of kindergarten teachers, so their task is to demonstrate their own success and level of pedagogical competence. In the case of collective viewing, the task is different: to show the most effective conditions, forms or methods and methods of working with children and their parents. Particular importance is attached to the implementation of methodological principles that determine the optimal impact of the factors of upbringing and education (the formation of motivation in children, the change of activities, the dynamism of perception, the development of higher mental functions, the productive processing of information, the repetition of educational material, the transfer of methods of activity, the playful form of conducting classes and etc.) At the same time, the collective show concerns not only conducting classes with children, but also organizing free types of children's activities and regime moments.

Collective screenings are organized once every 3 months so that all teachers can attend. At the same time, each of them receives a questionnaire sheet for observation with a set of phrases-statements and phrases-questions in a constructive form.

In the process of conducting a collective review, teachers make notes in them.

After viewing, a discussion is organized: first, the teacher talks about the goals and objectives that he set for himself, the methods and techniques that he used during the demonstration of the educational process, then the audience asks questions, and he answers them. At the same time, he is encouraged to explain the reasons for choosing one or another method or method of working with children, his behavior in the course of organizing a collective viewing, and give reflection on his own activities and the activities of children. The senior educator continues this line, thanks the teacher for the work done, analyzes its advantages (not disadvantages), highlights those forms and methods that, in his opinion, could be used in the work of the entire teaching staff.

Round table - that is one of the forms of communication between teachers. When discussing any issues of upbringing and education of preschoolers, circular pedagogical forms of placement of participants allow

make the team self-governing, allows you to put all participants in an equal position, ensures interaction and openness. The role of the organizer of the "round table" is to think through and prepare questions for discussion aimed at achieving a specific goal.

Some preschool educational institutions use an interesting form of work that unites employees. This creationliterary or pedagogical newspaper.Purpose: to show the development of the creative abilities of adults, as well as children and parents. Educators write articles, stories, compose poems, evaluate personal qualities, professional qualities necessary in working with children - writing, possession of speech skills - figurativeness of statements, etc.

Belaya K.Yu. believes that the system of continuousadvanced training (self-education)each teacher, which involves different forms: training in courses, self-education, participation in the methodological work of the city, district, kindergarten. In the intercourse period of active pedagogical activity, there is a constant process of restructuring knowledge, i.e. there is a progressive development of the subject itself. That is why self-education between courses is necessary. It performs the following functions: expands and deepens the knowledge gained in the previous course preparation; contributes to the understanding of best practices at a higher theoretical level, improves professional skills.

self-education- this is an independent acquisition of knowledge from various sources, taking into account the interests and inclinations of each particular teacher.

As a process of mastering knowledge, it is closely related to self-education and is considered its integral part.

In the process of self-education, a person develops the ability to independently organize their activities to acquire new knowledge.

Why does a teacher need to constantly work on himself, replenish and expand his knowledge? Pedagogy, like all sciences, does not stand still, but is constantly developing and improving. The volume of scientific knowledge is increasing every year. Scientists say that the knowledge that humanity has is doubling every ten years.

This obliges each specialist, regardless of the education received, to engage in self-education.

Self-education is the first step to the improvement of professional skills. The necessary conditions for this are created in the methodological office: the library fund is constantly updated and replenished with reference and methodological literature, and the experience of teachers.

Methodical journals are not just studied and systematized by years, but are used to compile thematic catalogs, help the teacher who has chosen the topic of self-education to get acquainted with different views of scientists and practitioners on the problem. A library catalog is a list of books available in a library and located on a specific system.

Summing up what has been said, we emphasize that the forms of self-education are diverse:

Work in libraries with periodicals, monographs, catalogs;

Participation in the work of scientific and practical seminars, conferences, trainings;

Getting advice from specialists, practical centers, departments of psychology and pedagogy of higher educational institutions;

Work with the bank of diagnostic and correctional development programs, etc.

The result of these and other types of work of the teacher is the process of reflection of the experience gained and, on its basis, the construction of a new experience.

II. Methods for organizing methodological work

In modern educational organizations, methods of organizing methodological work are also used.

A method is a way of interaction between a methodologist and teachers.

The following classification of methods is most common.

1. According to the method of presenting information: verbal (oral, printed), visual (methods of illustrations and demonstrations), practical (workshops, trainings).

2. According to the degree of independence in the acquisition of knowledge: reproductive, partially exploratory, exploratory, research.

3. According to the method of obtaining knowledge: explanatory-illustrated, programmed, heuristic, problematic, model ..

In the first variant, methods similar to those used when working with pupils are more often used.

However, for the organization of activities to improve the professional competence of educators, the methods identified in the second and third paragraphs are the most adequate.

At the same time, new, different from traditional, interactive methods of working with the teaching staff of an educational institution: they make it possible to simultaneously solve educational, cognitive, communicative and orientation tasks due to the fact that

  • allow to organize educational communicative space;
  • make it possible to adequately present the new content of education by analyzing and solving specific pedagogical situations and tasks;
  • thereby contribute to the assimilation of professional knowledge, skills and abilities.

The method in which participants directly discuss business situations and tasks taken from real practice is a method of analyzing and solving pedagogical situations.

Problematic pedagogical situations are divided into three groups:

  1. A group of problematic situations, which includes conditions in which the need to master actions that affect the effectiveness of the implementation of pedagogical interaction between the teacher and children is set;
  2. A group of problem situations aimed at mastering actions that generalize practical and theoretical actions familiar or well known to the teacher. They relate to the choice of technologies for raising and educating children. At the same time, technologies can be subject-oriented and person-oriented.
  3. A group of problem situations that encourages them to independently set the tasks of raising and educating children and plan their implementation.

When analyzing situations, it is necessary, firstly, to determine what type it belongs to.

Then it is required to choose a method for substantiating the method of solving the pedagogical situation. This can be done using the following methods:

  • Information method (citing the positions of famous teachers and scientists who tried to solve this problem);
  • The method of expert assessments (assessment of the situation from different points of view, most often, psychological, pedagogical and social);
  • Reference comparison method (consists of the search for a reference, most often, the age norm of development and its comparison with the given example);
  • Method of analogy (giving an example from practice);
  • The method of anticipation (consists in anticipating the positive and negative results of modeling the pedagogical process for the teacher, child, parents).

The next method of organizing methodical work is a conversation. Conversation - an independent type or additional method of pedagogical research in order to obtain the necessary information or clarification about what was not clear enough during observation. In this regard, the conversation refers to the oral (verbal) methods of research. On the other hand, conversation can also be a method of learning. In that case, it is a dialogue aimed at discussing or clarifying an issue, an exchange of views. Therefore, as a teaching method characterized by the presence of questions and answers, the conversation helps to plan or maintain a conversation between the head teacher or senior teacher and teachers on a specific topic. In kindergarten, when working with the teaching staff, mainly reproducing, generalizing and problematic conversations are used. According to another qualification - installation, heuristic, final and generalizing conversations. Exactly the same types of conversation are used when working with preschool children, which makes it easy to transfer pedagogical attitudes from one situation (communication with colleagues and leaders of an educational institution) to another (pedagogical interaction with pupils). So, the conversation is used by the teacher in order to activate the mental activity of the child in the process of forming the attitude to the acquisition of new knowledge (setting conversation), their “discovery” (heuristic conversation), repetition and consolidation of previously acquired knowledge (final conversation and generalizing conversation).

business game is also one of the methods of organizing methodological work, because Thisa form of recreating the subject and social content of professional activity, modeling the system of relations characteristic of this type of practice, i.e. for the development, upbringing and education of children and the organization of interaction with their parents when it comes to the use of business games in the work of teachers of a preschool educational institution. Belaya K.Yu. distinguishes the conduct of a business game from the method of game simulation.

Conducting a business game involves the deployment of a special (game) activity of the participating teachers within the framework of a simulation model that recreates the conditions and dynamics of the educational process or cooperation with the parents of pupils. There are also games associated with imitation of the interaction and relationships of members of the teaching staff among themselves and with the leadership of a preschool educational institution, with members of the attestation commission, etc. One way or another, depending on what type of human practice is recreated and what are the goals of the participants, educational , research, management, attestation business games.

Most often, however, business games are used for educational purposes - educational games. Among them are:

  • Imitation business games are a type of games related to such abstract concepts and topics that cannot be beaten in other ways, for example, teachers are required to beat the concepts of “development”, “game”, “education”, “training” with the help of micro-studies.
  • Positional business games are a type of games in which interaction between game participants is built as a clarification of positions using well-known, traditional and non-traditional methods, technologies, programs through a clash of views and pedagogical attitudes, a struggle of opinions. At the same time, the team of teachers is divided into teams, microgroups, one of which seeks and defends the merits of the discussed programs and methods, the second - their shortcomings.
  • Role-playing business games are a type of games in which the characteristics of the roles and positions of the participants in the interaction regarding a particular issue or problem are determined. They are similar to the previous type of games, but at the same time, teachers should work out not a specific position, but a social role: for example, the role of a project manager, the role of a leader, the role of a Flatterer, the role of an Idea Generator, the role of a Buffer, the role of an Opponent, the role of Nobody-touch don't-touch-and-me, etc.
  • Situational business games are a type of games in which the roles and positions of the interaction participants are determined, but the leading component is the situation, i.e. intense action in a relatively short time. Situational games are associated with playing out situations-illustrations, situations-exercises, situations-assessments, problematic pedagogical situations.
  • Story business games are a type of games in which the roles and positions of interaction participants in a particular story are determined. Storylines can be followed by presenting various papers on a particular subject.
  • Organizational and activity business games are the most difficult type of business games associated with the development of theoretical concepts and practical recommendations within the framework of the problem, the collective writing of recommendations, methodological developments. At the same time, the facilitator first determines the problem that the team will work on, then the distribution of roles takes place, uniting in microgroups and discussing the problem, developing a common point of view on it, and presenting the results. Discussion of the results of work in microgroups and development of a draft solution for methodological recommendations.

Functional business games are a type of business games that are associated with the work of initiative creative groups of a preschool educational institution that have been operating for a long time. For example, they may relate to the development of playing techniques for working with children in the classroom using health-saving technologies.

According to Belaya K.Yu. there are theoretically substantiated methods of designing and conducting business games. Knowing them is necessary to avoid mistakes that can nullify work. If a business game is used for the purpose of training, then it must be remembered that it cannot precede seminars and special courses, practical exercises. It should be done at the end of the training.

Direct development of business game materials includes the following steps:

Creation of a business game project;

Description of the sequence of actions;

Description of the organization of the game;

Preparation of tasks for participants;

Equipment preparation.

Combining the forms and methods of working with personnel into a single system, the manager must take into account their optimal combination with each other.

III. Non-traditional forms of work in preschool educational institutions. Mentoring

At present, given the increased active position of educators, non-traditional active forms are increasingly being used in methodological work with teaching staff in preschool institutions. These include round-table meetings, debates, pedagogical rings, business games, brainstorming, KVN, solving situational and pedagogical problems, crosswords on the subject of preschool pedagogy, etc.

One should also name such a recognized form of assistance as mentorship. A young, novice teacher can always seek advice from his mentor, come to his group, see how he works with children. And the mentor, in turn, is always ready to help, show, tell. He becomes a senior friend, adviser both in personal affairs and in matters of relationships in the team. Mentoring can be the subject of study, generalization and implementation of best practices. Such an experience should be described, made available to all.

The most important factor in professional adaptation, successful personal and professional development of novice teachers is the schoolyoung educator.

Various forms of work with young professionals contribute to the development of his cognitive interest in the profession, the active development of methods of working with children and their parents, and have a positive impact on the growth of his professional significance.

Carrying out systematic work on the formation of mentoring traditions throughout the academic year allows:

  • To work out the content and methods of pedagogical support for the development of children, assimilated during the period of study at the university, the interaction of parents and teachers in practice;
  • To master techniques aimed at rallying the teaching staff and transferring pedagogical experience from one generation of teachers to another.

Then comes the time for independent pedagogical activity, and here it is important to help the young specialist, to make sure that the work becomes a joyful event for him, and not a serious test. The solution of this problem is considered a priority for the senior educator and the teaching staff.

The senior educator orients the teacher to the constant replenishment of knowledge, mastery of advanced methods and techniques in working with children, comprehension of the secrets of education.

The senior educator builds his work with young specialists taking into account three aspects of activity:

  • "Senior educator - young specialist" - creating conditions for easy adaptation of a young specialist in work, providing him with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities;
  • "Young specialist - a child and his parent" - the formation of the authority of the teacher, respect, interest in him in children and their parents;
  • "Young Specialist - Colleague" - providing all possible assistance and support from colleagues.

Meanwhile, the main task is to develop special attention to the skills of practical application of the theoretical knowledge received by the teacher.

In this context, we can recall the statement of Makarenko A.S. “Dozens of young teachers worked with me. I was convinced that no matter how a person successfully graduates from a pedagogical university, no matter how talented he is, and if he does not learn from experience, he will never be a good teacher, I myself studied with older teachers ... "

To this end, the “School of a Young Educator” is being organized, the purpose of which is to help novice teachers improve their professional competence. Experienced, creative specialists are involved in the work, and the planning of the work of the "School of a Young Educator" is compiled taking into account the needs and difficulties of novice teachers. Discussions are successful, within the framework of which controversial issues of pedagogical theory and practice are discussed. Each educator expresses his opinion and defends it. Open classes are actively used, followed by a discussion of what they saw, workshops, where theoretical material is supported by an example from practice, showing individual techniques and methods of work.

When conducting classes at the "School of a Young Educator", a variety of techniques are used: solving pedagogical situations, the method of simulating the working day of a teacher, "brainstorming", solving crossword puzzles. All this allows you to clarify knowledge on a particular topic, expand your horizons.

In the theory of organization of methodological work, there are stages of scientific and methodological work that correlate with the forms used.

For example, on theoretical stagethe implementation of methodological work, priority is given to such forms as lectures, consultations, research conferences, disputes, theoretical seminars, testing of professional preparedness of teachers, an auction of pedagogical knowledge, etc.

On methodical stagemethodological consultation, holding a methodological week, a methodical colloquium, a psychological and pedagogical or methodological seminar, a scientific and methodological conference, a pedagogical lounge, psychological training, a pedagogical ring, an operational meeting, etc.

On practical stage, mainly business games, round tables, mutual visits, a teaching hour, open classes, workshops, creative reports, scientific and practical conferences, etc. are used.

On analytical stageit becomes necessary to hold pedagogical councils based on the results of thematic inspections, control “sections”, summarizing the results of the academic year, organizing relay races of pedagogical experience and competitions of professional skills, auctions of pedagogical ideas, etc.


The selected forms and methods of methodological work are interrelated, interdependent and require their mandatory differentiation in terms of significance and continuity:

  • the principle of significance is implemented through the selection of the most appropriate forms and methods of work for each stage in the development of professional competence and its compliance with the leading type of activity of the teacher;
  • the principle of continuity lies in the fact that each subsequent form of work is a logical continuation of the previous one.

It is possible to build a system of methodological work based on an analysis of the achieved results of the preschool educational institution: the results of the educational process, the level of pedagogical skills and qualifications of teachers, the maturity and cohesion of the teaching staff, specific interests, needs and requests of educators. For the leader, the search and selection of the optimal methodological work option is always relevant. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the versatile nature of its content and the variety of forms and methods of working with personnel.

In a preschool educational institution, it is very important to raise the question of the quality and effectiveness of methodological work. The results of methodological work should be considered in accordance with the dynamics of the final results of the entire pedagogical process in kindergarten, the level of education and upbringing and development of children, the positive dynamics of the level of these indicators.

The main criteria for the optimality of the final results of methodological work in preschool educational institutions are:

  • performance criterion; is achieved if the results of education, upbringing and development of pupils increase to the optimal level (or approach it) in the allotted time without overload;
  • criteria for rational expenditure of time, cost-effectiveness of methodical work; is achieved where the improvement of the skills of teachers in order to optimize training and education takes place with a reasonable investment of time and efforts of teachers for methodical work and self-education, in any case, without overloading teachers with these types of activities. The presence of this criterion stimulates a scientific, optimization approach to the organization of methodological work;
  • teacher satisfaction growth criterionby their labor; can be considered achieved ifthe collective, there is an improvement in the psychological microclimate, an increase in the creative activity of teachers, the presence of satisfaction of teachers with the process and the results of their work.

A holistic system of methodical work inkindergarten should develop in accordance with a number of important fundamental requirements, namely:

  • connection with life, practical implementation of the tasks of restructuring the education system in kindergarten, relevance, what obliges the organizers of methodological workfully take into account the modern social order of society in the context of changes in the country;
  • scientific character, so that the entire system of advanced training of teachers corresponds to modern scientific achievements in various fields. At the same time, the scientific nature of methodological work should not be turned V deliberate scientism, which sometimes causes teachers to have a negative attitude towards the very concept of "scientific";
  • consistency, i.e. regularity of all methodical work;
  • complexity , which provides for the unity and interconnection of all areas of advanced training;
  • systematic, consistent, continuous, which ensures the employment of teachers in various forms of methodological work during the entire academic year;
  • unity of theory and practice; a general focus on solving practical problems allows the correct use of theory as a means of such a solution;
  • efficiency, flexibility, mobility; the creative essence of methodical work in the conditions of the dynamic growth of preschool life, the constant change of environment, the complication of the problems being solved requires the ability to quickly and flexibly respond to changes in it, rebuild, if necessary, the system of methodological work;
  • collective character with a reasonable combination of general preschool, group and individual, formal and informal, mandatory and voluntary forms and types of methodological work and self-education of teachers;
  • creation of favorable conditions for effective methodological work, creative search for teachers.

Thus, the implementation of the complex of the above requirements in the system of methodological work provides optimal results, which are indicators of the effectiveness of methodological work in modern DOW.


1. Belaya K.Yu. Methodical work in the preschool educational institution: Analysis, planning, forms and methods [text]: methodological guide / K.Yu. Belaya-M: TC Sphere, 2007. - 96s.

2. Belaya K.Yu. Methodological work in a preschool educational institution [text]: methodological manual / K.Yu. White - M: MIPCRO, 2000.- 81s.

3. Belaya K. Yu. Business games in the system of methodological service [text]: methodological guide / K. Yu. White - M: Enlightenment, 1994.- 84s.

4. Belaya K.Yu. Teachers' council in a preschool educational institution: Preparation and conduct [text]: methodological guide / K.Yu. White - M: Sphere, 2009.- 48s.

5. Volobueva L.M. The work of the senior educator of the preschool educational institution with teachers [text]: methodological guide / L.M. Volobueva - M: TC Sphere, 2009. - 96s.

6. Vinogradova N.A., Miklyaeva N.V., Rodionova Yu.N. Methodical work in the preschool educational institution. Effective forms and methods [text]: methodological manual / N.A. Vinogradova, N.V. Miklyaeva, Yu.N. Rodionova-M: Iris-press, 2008.-192p.

Annex 1.

Business game for teachers of preschool educational institutions for the study of GEF

preschool education

"New Federal State Educational Standard - New Opportunities"


  1. To intensify the mental activity of teachers in the knowledge of the basic provisions, concepts and principles of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  2. To identify the level of professional readiness of teachers for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  3. Develop the ability to argue your point of view.
  4. Clarification of the knowledge and skills of teachers on the problem of implementing the educational area "Cognitive Development" in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

Equipment: cards with questions, signal cards for assessing the speaker: green - “you are well versed in aspects of the GEF”, red - “you need to pay attention to the main provisions of the document”.

Leading: (senior educator): As it has been noted more than once that the leading type of children's activity is a game, we invite you to play the business game "New Federal State Educational Standard - New Opportunities"

Game progress.

Divided into two teams

Before the start of the game, the senior teacher offers each participant (or group of participants) from the pack one ticket with a question. Time is given for preparation. The answer is evaluated by colleagues using signal cards. If the answer is correct, the teachers raise a green card, if the answer is incomplete or incorrect - a red one.


1. Theoretical block "BRAIN STORM"

Questions to the teams: (questions are asked in order)

  1. When adopted by the Federal State Educational Standard DO - 17. 10. 2013 No. 1155.
  2. In what year did it enter into force? – January 1, 2015.
  3. A document that ensures the rights of the child to quality and affordable preschool education in the country:


Family code;

Education Act";

Convention on the Rights of the Child;

4. What is the leading activity in preschool childhood? (a game)

5. What educational area is included in the study of FEMP in the program for children of preschool age? ("cognitive development")

  1. With what type of labor does the development of work skills in children begin? (self-service)
  2. What is the amount of time for the implementation of the part of the program formed by the participants of the educational institution - 40%
  3. What are the areas of child development? – There are 5 of them: cognitive, speech, physical, social-communicative and artistic-aesthetic /.
  4. In which of the educational areas is the task of developing a cautious attitude to situations potentially dangerous for humans and the natural world around them? (Social and communicative development)
  5. In which of the educational areas is the task of developing children's play activities being solved? - in all five.
  6. In which of the OOs is the task of practical mastery of the norms of speech by pupils solved? - Speech development.

8. What educational area does the development of communication and interaction of a child with an adult and peers belong to?

(socio-communicative development)

9. Determine the time for the implementation of the OOP DO:

a) from 65% to 80% of the time spent by children in kindergarten;

b) only during classes;

c) can be implemented during the entire time the children stay in the organization.

10. What educational area does acquaintance with book culture, children's literature belong to?

b) cognitive development;

c) speech development;

e) physical development.

11. What educational area does the perception of music, fiction, folklore belong to?

a) social and communicative development;

b) cognitive development;

c) speech development;

d) artistic and aesthetic development;

e) physical development.

12. What is the purpose of the DO Standard?

a) formation of knowledge, skills;

b) the formation of the integrative qualities of the individual;

c) targets for preschool education.

2 task. The Standard prescribes the requirements for the results of the development of the Program - these are targets. Let's consider the targets, highlighting those characteristics that are closely related to the PA "Cognitive Development". The Auction of Pedagogical Ideas will help us with this.

Here are the criteria (targets). List the conditions that contribute to their successful, full-fledged achievement.



Shows curiosity;

Asks questions to adults and peers;

Interested in cause and effect relationships;

He tries to independently come up with explanations for natural phenomena and people's actions;

Inclined to observe, experiment;

Possesses basic knowledge about himself, about the natural and social world…;

Capable of making their own decisions.



search and practical activities,

project method...

Game problem situations, observations, ...

Development environment:

An ecological path, a corner of experimentation, …

Practice block:

3. "From theory to practice"

Material: cards - types and forms of organization of children's activities.

Task: determine the forms of work with children by types of children's activities:


Perception of fiction and folklore


Cognitive research





Self-service and household work

Time: 7 minutes.

Evaluation criterion: 5 points - complete, detailed correct answer;

3 points - the answer is partially correct, but incomplete;

0 points - no answer to the question.

Presentation form: oral presentation by one of the team members.

Presentation time: 2 minutes.

Musical competition

4. "Musical improvisations on the theme of integration"

they take out a card with a certain "Educational area" and a theme, and in 3 minutes the team selects as many musical excerpts from songs on the theme of this area as possible. The team that provided the audience and the jury with the largest number of musical excerpts wins.

5. "Integration of educational areas"

they take out a card with a specific GCD topic and the team selects integration with other areas in 3 minutes. The participant must tell what kind of integration can be used, what forms and methods of joint activities are used to disclose this topic.


So, today, in the course of a business game, we have activated your knowledge and skills in the field of GEF preschool education; determined the pedagogical conditions for the successful and full-fledged cognitive development of preschool children.
I suggest that each teacher evaluate their contribution to the work of the group: red - not satisfied, did not do everything he could;

yellow - could be better;

Green - did everything in my power for the success of the group.

The leaflets are pasted on a poster depicting a traffic light.
- Let's discuss your impression of the business game.

Appendix 2

Pedagogical advice on the topic

"Project method in the activities of a preschool institution"

Purpose: introduction of design technology into the activities of a preschool institution.

Form of holding: pedagogical council.


  1. Bliznetsova V.S. Management of project activities of teachers of preschool educational institutions // Handbook of the senior educator of a preschool institution. 2009. No. 9. pp.33-40.
  2. Vinogradova O.V. Research project activities in the preschool educational institution / / Management of the preschool educational institution. Scientific and practical journal. 2009. No. 1. pp.63-65.
  3. Volkova M.S. Project "School of preschool sciences" // Handbook of the senior teacher of a preschool institution. 2010. No. 9. S.6-9.
  4. Evdokimova E.S., Kudryavtseva E.A. Designing a summer vacation for preschoolers with their families // Management of the preschool educational institution. Scientific and practical journal. 2004 No. 2. P. 40-56.
  5. Zukau E.F. Project method in the patriotic education of preschoolers // Management of preschool educational institutions. Scientific and practical journal. 2009. No. 1. pp.96-98.
  6. Kukhlinskaya V.V. Project method in the organization of role-playing games // Management of the preschool educational institution. Scientific and practical journal. 2009. No. 1. S.52-62.
  7. Site
  8. Timofeeva G.E. Project activity in the education of love for the native city // Management of the preschool educational institution. Scientific and practical journal. 2009. No. 1. S.83-85.

The plan of the teachers' council:

  1. The relevance of the theme of the teachers' council.
  2. Pedagogical improvisation "Who wants to become an expert in the project method?"
  3. Adoption of the decision of the teachers' council.

The course of the teachers' council:

  1. The relevance of the theme of the teachers' council.

At the present stage of development of preschool education becomes relevant the issue of creating a system of work on the introduction of preschool educational institutions into the educational processproject method.

A project (literally "thrown forward") is a prototype, prototype of an object or type of activity, and design is the process of creating a project.

The project method as a pedagogical technology is a set of research, search, problematic methods, techniques and actions of the teacher in a certain sequence to achieve the task - solving a problem that is personally significant for the teacher, designed in the form of a certain final product. In other words, the project method is the implementation of a plan from the moment it arises to its completion with the passage of certain stages of activity.

Design technology involves:

  • the presence of a problem that requires integrated knowledge and research search for its solution;
  • practical, theoretical, cognitive significance of the expected results;
  • independent activity of the pupil;
  • structuring the content of the project, indicating the phased results;
  • use of research methods, i.e. definition of the problem, the research tasks arising from it, putting forward a hypothesis for their solution. Discussion of research methods, design of final results, analysis of the data obtained, summing up, correction, conclusions.

The main purpose of the project method is to provide children with the opportunity to independently acquire knowledge in solving practical problems or problems that require the integration of knowledge from various subject areas. As a result, project activities make it possible to educate a “doer”, and not a “performer”, develop the volitional qualities of a person, skills of partnership interaction.

Advantages of the project method:

  • is one of the methods of developmental education, tk. it is based on the development of cognitive skills of children, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, navigate in the information space;
  • improves the quality of the educational process;
  • serves the development of critical and creative thinking.
  • contributes to the improvement of the competence of teachers.

Thus, the development of design technology by teachers will increase the level of their professional skills and create conditions in preschool educational institutions for effective educational work.

  1. Variability in the use of the design method.

Project activity is a type of knowledge acquisition that provides numerous opportunities, their use in various combinations, integration of various activities.

The transition of a preschool institution to the project method of activity, as a rule, is carried out in the following stages:

  • classes with the inclusion of problematic situations of children's experimentation, etc.;
  • complex block-thematic classes;
  • integration:
  • partial integration (integration of fiction and art);
  • full integration (environmental education with fiction, fine arts, musical education, physical development);
  • projects method:
  • form of organization of educational space;
  • method of development of creative cognitive thinking.
  1. Types of projects used in the work of a preschool institution.

In the practice of modern preschool institutions, the following types of projects are used:

  • research-creative: completely subordinate to the logic of research and have a structure that approximates or completely coincides with genuine scientific research;
  • role-playing, game (participants assume certain roles, due to the nature and content of the project);
  • familiarization-indicative (informational) (collection of information about some object, phenomenon; it is supposed to familiarize the project participants with this information, its analysis and generalization of facts);
  • practice-oriented (applied) (the result is necessarily focused on the social interests of the participants themselves);
  • creative (assume the appropriate design of the results in the form of a children's holiday, children's design).

The leading activity of a preschooler is a game, therefore, starting from a younger age, role-playing, game and creative projects are used, for example, “Favorite toys”, “ABC of health”, etc.

Other types of projects are also significant, including:

  • complex: "World of theatre", "Hello, Pushkin!", "Echo of the Centuries", "Book Week";
  • intergroup: "Mathematical collages", "The world of animals and birds", "Seasons";
  • creative: "My friends", "We love fairy tales", "The World of Nature", etc.;
  • group: "Tales of Love", "Know Yourself", "Underwater World", "Merry Astronomy";
  • customized: "Me and my family", "Family tree", "Secrets of the grandmother's chest";
  • research:"Underwater World", "Respiration and Health", "Nutrition and Health".

By duration, they are short-term (one or more classes), medium-term, long-term (for example, "Pushkin's Creativity" - for the academic year).

The topics of projects may relate to the problems of forming a culture of family life, taking into account the interests and abilities of pupils. Sometimes the theme of the projects is proposed by the pupils themselves, while the latter are guided by their own creative, applied interests. But most often the topics of projects are determined by the practical significance of the issue, its relevance, as well as the possibility of solving it when attracting the knowledge of pupils from different fields of science. That is, the integration of knowledge is practically achieved.

  1. Planning work on project preparation.

The work on the project takes place in several stages:

Stage I - organizational and preparatory:

  • selection of software and methodological support for the implementation of the project;
  • studying the experience of teachers-innovators on the topic of the project;
  • replenishment of the subject-developing environment;
  • selection of diagnostic tools to identify children's knowledge.

Stage II - reflective-diagnostic:

  • analysis by the teacher of the reserve of his professional opportunities and anticipated difficulties, as well as the interest of colleagues in the topic of the project;
  • identifying the interest and level of knowledge of children on the topic of the project;
  • formation of a data bank on the level of parental competence in matters of the designated topic.

Stage II - practical:

  • correction of individual plans of teachers participating in the project;
  • determination of the content of the work as a basic component in the priority direction of the teacher's activity;
  • project implementation through interaction with colleagues and parents, active introduction of non-traditional forms of work with children, including project-playing activities of the child;
  • generalization and dissemination of work experience;
  • defense of the project at the second stage of certification of preschool teachers;
  • participation in the city competition of pedagogical projects.

Stage IV - final:

  • analysis of the achievement of goals and the results obtained;
  • determination of further directions for the implementation of the problem considered in the project in the educational process of preschool educational institutions.
  1. Pedagogical improvisation "Who wants to become an expert in the project method"

Purpose: to provide conditions for the development of creativity and professional activity of teachers in mastering design technologies through interactive forms of methodological work.

Equipment: a multifunctional pyramid, cards with project stages, a prize for the winner.

Game algorithm:

  • introductory information of the host of the game;
  • playground equipment;
  • familiarization of participants with the rules of the game;
  • playing the game;
  • reflection.

Moderator: Dear colleagues, I invite you to the fantasy playground. Today, the well-known design method will be the owner of this site. Our communication will take the form of the game "Who wants to become an expert in the design method?". Three teachers will take part in the qualifying round. They will need to arrange the project steps in the correct sequence. Whoever does this first will take a seat in the player's seat. The player will be asked nine questions. There are three answers for each question, you have to choose one answer. The player can use only two tips: help the hall and call a friend. If he successfully copes with the tasks, he is awarded the title of "Expert in the design method".

Player questions:

1. What is pedagogical design?

  • tribute to fashion;
  • the dogma of the teacher's professional activity;
  • type of pedagogical activity.

2. The place of the epigraph in the structure of the project:

  • at first;
  • middle;
  • they can complete the project.

3. Which of the three definitions highlights project types by dominant activity?

  • collective;
  • research;
  • long term.

4. What is a hypothesis?

  • a short summary of the project;
  • fear of the teacher about the unsuccessful implementation of the project;
  • an assumption that requires explanation and confirmation.

5. Who is the founder of the project method?

  • American Democrat educator John Dewey;
  • the great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky;
  • French psychologist J. Piaget, about whom they say: "He was the first among equals."

6. What content of pedagogical activity is not typical for the practical (research) stage?

  • implementation of project activities in the interaction of the educator with colleagues and parents;
  • putting forward a hypothesis;
  • open display of activities on the theme of the project.

7. What type of activity should be excluded from the final (control and adjustment) stage of the project?

  • comparison of the purpose and result of the project;
  • reflective evaluation of the project;
  • choice of content and forms of project activities for each stage of the project.

8. What kind of pedagogical activity is not an indicator of a high level of proficiency in design technology by a teacher?

  • reproductive;
  • search;
  • creative.

9. Presenting the project, the teacher must:

  • show their superiority over colleagues in solving the problem identified in the project;
  • prove yourself as a teacher who has the skills to develop a project as a methodological guide that will provide practical assistance to colleagues;
  • attract the attention of listeners and direct colleagues to the indispensable use of the presented project in their work practice.
  1. Adoption of the decision of the teachers' council.

Board decision:

  1. To improve the quality of the educational process, introduce the project method into the pedagogical process.
  1. To improve the professional skills of teachers in organizing project activities through various forms of methodological work.

Responsible: senior teacher. Terms: during the year.

  1. At the end of the school year, in order to intensify the efforts of the teaching staff in the development of non-standard forms of work with children and the analysis of the work of teachers according to the project method, organize a presentation of group projects.

Responsible: senior educator, group educators. Deadlines: April.

Methodological work is the main way to improve the skills of a teacher and his competence.

The work reflects the principles, goals and objectives of the organization of methodological work.

Characteristics are given to the common forms of methodical work - pedagogical council, business game, conference, round table, consultation, seminar, seminar - workshop.

In this work, one can also get acquainted with such new forms of methodological work as a relay race of pedagogical skills, a creative lounge, KVN, a review - competition, mentorship, mutual visitation and many others.

At the end of the report, you can get acquainted with the advice of L. Seivert, a German scientist, a leading expert in the rationalization of the work of managers on successful meetings.



Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 65 of a combined type



senior caregiver

Kabankova Olga Anatolievna



1. Introduction.

2. Definition of the concept of "methodical work".

3. Principles, goals and objectives of the organization of methodological work.

4. The Pedagogical Council - as a permanent self-government body of the preschool educational institution.

5.Traditional and new forms of methodological work in preschool educational institutions.

6. Conclusion.

7 Literature.

According to V. M. Lizinsky, methodical work is an activity aimed at the successful organization of the educational process. This is a systematic collective and individual activity of teaching staff, aimed at raising their scientific, theoretical, general cultural level, psychological and pedagogical training and professional skills.

Durova V.P. believes that methodological work in a preschool institution is directed to a greater extent at studying the experience, style and methods of work of the educator, at providing him with methodological assistance by the educators of the preschool institution or experienced methodologists. The main goal is to ensure the continuous education of the educator, his creative growth. According to Falyushina L.I., methodological work is a function of managing the quality of educational work in pedagogical systems, which consists in a two-way process of learning and teaching its object, aimed at deepening, expanding the knowledge, skills and abilities of teachers necessary for high-quality implementation pedagogical activity for the comprehensive education of children.

All researchers agree that methodological work is the main way to improve the skills of a teacher and his competence. So, K.Yu. Belaya, Yu.A. Konarzhevsky, A.A. Orlov and others in their research specifically consider the relationship between the concepts of "methodical work" and "training of teachers" through the allocation of the subject (control subsystem) and object (controlled subsystem) of methodical work in the process of organizing teacher training aimed at deepening and expanding knowledge, the formation of professional skills and the skills necessary for the high-quality implementation and education of children. Thus, methodological work in a preschool educational institution can be called an integral part of a unified system of continuous education of teaching staff, a system for improving their professional qualifications.

Principles, goals and objectives of the organization of methodological work.

The principles of organizing methodological work that contribute to the achievement of this goal - the improvement of professional activity - are the following (according to L.I. Ilyenko)

  • The principles of relevance, unity of theory and practice - the practical implementation of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", taking into account the modern order of society for education, focusing on the social significance of the child in today's difficult living conditions, taking into account problems close to a particular teaching staff.
  • The principle of scientific character, which aims at the compliance of the entire system of professional development of teachers with modern scientific achievements in various fields.
  • The principles of consistency and complexity, which require the implementation of an approach to methodological work as an integral system, the optimality of which depends on the unity of purpose, objectives, content, forms and methods of working with teachers, the unity and interconnection of all parties and areas of professional development for teachers.
  • The principles of orientation, consistency, continuity, continuity and mass character, collectivity provide for the transformation of methodological work into a part of the system of continuous education, the full coverage of teachers by various forms of methodological work throughout the academic year.
  • The principle of creating favorable working conditions - moral, psychological, hygienic, the availability of free time for the creative activity of the teacher.
  • The principles of efficiency, flexibility, mobility and individual approach require methodologists to show the ability to quickly receive educational information and transmit it, taking into account

Individual features of teachers of an educational institution.

The principle of constant self-education of teachers, the provision of qualified assistance, both in matters of theory and in practical activities; increasing the effectiveness of his pedagogical work.

The principle of creativity implies the creative nature of methodological work, the creation of its own system of methodical work in an educational institution.

I.V. Klemesheva, A.I. Tebekina also believe that the global goal of methodological work - ensuring the quality of education and the development of a system of continuous education of teaching staff of an educational institution - is determined by the principles of methodological work, among the diversity of which can be identified as the leading principles of the democratization and humanitarization of education.

V.P. Simonov considers the following to be the main tasks of methodical work:

Raising the professional and cultural level of the teacher.

Improving the methods and styles of interaction with children on the principles of democratization, humanization and publicity.

Improvement of the teacher in the organization of creative, research, independent work of children, both in the classroom and outside the classroom.

Formation of skills, skills of analysis by the teacher of the educational process as a whole and self-analysis of his work.

Involving teachers in research activities on the basis of accessible and understandable methods.

When planning methodological work with the teachers of his institution every year, the senior educator uses well-known, widely used forms. Group (pedagogical councils, seminars, workshops, consultations, methodological exhibitions, mutual visits, creative microgroups, schools of excellence, business games, etc.) and individual (self-education, individual consultations, interviews, internships, mentoring, etc.) .).

In the practice of the work of preschool educational institutions, a wide variety of forms and methods of holding meetings of pedagogical councils has developed. Conventionally, they can be divided into three groups: traditional (classical); modernized (representing this or that improvement of traditional ones) and non-traditional ones (based on the high activity of all participants).

Properly chosen forms of methodological support allow teachers to reveal their creative abilities, talents, activity and organizational capabilities.

The Pedagogical Council is a council of professional teachers on the educational process, which makes a joint decision on the coordination of specific issues and pedagogical tasks that arise in the daily life of the preschool educational institution. At meetings, teachers come to a unified decision to improve the educational process, the activation of educators, the organization of experimental and research work. The pedagogical council determines the prospects for the development of the institution. His decisions are binding on all members of the team.

The pedagogical council in the form of a collective creative work involves the active cooperation of all teachers in the process of finding solutions to topical theoretical practical problems, allows you to unite all teachers and direct their efforts towards achieving common goals, increase motivation to overcome emerging difficulties, distribute responsibilities and delegate authority, implement individual and collective control over the achievement of the results of a common cause.

Let us dwell on the most common forms of methodological work in order to highlight the features, to emphasize the need for each in a holistic system of methodological support for preschool teachers.

Business game.

A pedagogical council in the form of a business game can be held to sum up the results of the team's work on any problem or for a certain period. The main place in such a teachers' council is occupied by group work. It is important for the organizers to think over the scenario to the smallest detail, determine the roles, tasks, and calculate the regulations. Group members perform tasks, develop goals and objectives, develop programs that will form the basis of the decision of the teachers' council.

Most often, business games are used for educational purposes - training games. Among them stand out:

Simulation business games are a type of games related to such abstract concepts and topics that cannot be beaten in other ways, for example, teachers are required to beat the concept of "development" with the help of micro-studies. "game", "education" and "training".

Positional business games are a type of games in which interaction between game participants is built as a clarification of positions using well-known, traditional and non-traditional methods, technologies, programs through a clash of views and pedagogical attitudes, a struggle of opinions.

Role-playing business games are a type of games in which the characteristics of the roles and positions of the participants in the interaction regarding a particular issue or problem are determined.

Situational business games are a type of games in which the roles and positions of the participants in the interaction are determined, but the leading component is the situation, i.e., intense action in a relatively short time. Situational games are associated with playing out situations - illustrations, exercise situations, evaluation situations and problematic pedagogical situations.

Story business games are a type of games in which the roles and positions of interaction participants in a certain story are determined.

Organizational and activity business games are the most difficult type of business games associated with the development of theoretical concepts of practical recommendations within the framework of the problem, the collective writing of recommendations, methodological developments.

Functional business games are a type of business games that are associated with the work of initiative creative groups in preschool educational institutions that have been operating for a long time.

Conference .

Pedagogical council - a conference can consist of several components, for example: the main theoretical message and a dialogue organized by a senior educator with a group of specialists (music director, psychologist, physical education instructor, speech therapist). The answers of these specialists to the questions asked will encourage everyone else to ask questions in the development of the topic, to express their opinion. In conclusion, recommendations are made on the issue under discussion.

Round table .

Pedagogical Council in the form of a round table. To prepare such a teachers' council, leaders need to select important, interesting questions for discussion, and think over the organization. For example, give some topics in advance to a group of educators and offer them relevant literature. Then they will have the opportunity to get acquainted with different theories, approaches, opinions, think over and develop their own point of view on this issue (topic). The main rule in organizing a round table is the preparedness and interest of each participant. It is important to choose a leader who knows how to navigate the issues and direct the conversation in the right direction.


The pedagogical council in the form of a discussion requires that teachers divide into subgroups in advance and prepare their concepts of the problem under discussion. During the discussion, a plan for solving the problem is jointly developed.

The teachers' council is a dispute.

This is a kind of teachers' council - discussions. Such a pedagogical council is a collective reflection on a given topic, problem. The subject of the dispute should be a problem that causes conflicting opinions, is solved in different ways. The dispute does not exclude, but suggests the depth and comprehensiveness of the disclosure of the problem. Where there is no subject of dispute, but there are only speeches that supplement or clarify the arguments, there is no dispute either, this is at best a conversation. The wording of the topic should be acute, problematic, awaken the thought of teachers, contain a question that is solved in practice and in the literature in different ways, causes different opinions, for example:

Do kindergartens need standards?

What should preschoolers be taught today?

Innovative technologies: pros and cons.

What is the role of family education today?

A variant of the pedagogical council-dispute is the solution of pedagogical situations. The senior educator selects a bank of difficult situations on the problem and offers it to the team. The form of presentation can be varied: targeted, with the help of a lottery, with division into groups. The administration of the preschool educational institution can play the role of a jury, presenter, consultant, opponent, etc.

Situational pedagogical councilconsists in considering one or more pedagogical situations that can be played here by pre-prepared members of the teachers' council.


Consultations are an equally common form of methodological work in educational institutions for preschool children. The topic of group, subgroup and individual consultations can be prompted by questions from teachers or determined by a senior educator. At the same time, modern practice of working with teachers often requires the choice of non-standard forms of consultations. It is possible to single out such a form of methodical work as consultation-dialogue. Such a consultation is carried out by two teachers who have different points of view on the issue under discussion. Considering the topics, they can state their arguments for each thesis, and the listeners can choose the point of view that corresponds to their pedagogical views.

Consultation - a paradox, or consultation with planned errors, aims to draw the attention of teachers to the most complex aspects of the problem being presented, to increase their activity. The senior educator names the number of mistakes (at least ten) that he will make during the consultation process. Listeners are invited to distribute the material on a sheet of paper into two columns: on the left - reliable, on the right - erroneous, which is then analyzed.

Seminars and seminars - workshops.

Seminars as a separate form of methodological work play an important role in raising the scientific and theoretical level of educators in improving their professional competence. You can prepare and conduct seminars in different ways depending on the content of the topic and the purpose of the lesson.

Prior to the seminar, teachers are offered special tasks, the fulfillment of which will allow everyone to actively participate in the seminar. In this regard, it often turns out that preparation for a seminar involves reading additional literature, studying primary sources, and taking notes. Teachers learn to critically evaluate what they read, to choose the information they need. They must understand the essence of the material being studied in order to assimilate and use it in their practical activities. Therefore, during the seminars, such forms of organization as open classes or events, the use of video materials and multimedia presentations, analysis of the results of children's activities and products of children's creativity, etc. are used.

At workshops, consisting of theoretical (seminar) and practical (workshop) parts, educators summarize and systematize best practices, show in action the necessary techniques and methods of work, which are then analyzed and discussed. This form also involves the development of certain methods of work without the participation of children. The choice of the topic of the seminar is not accidental and is explained by the increased requirements for the quality of preschool education, the technological effectiveness of the educational process, the urgent need for mandatory foresight of results and development prospects. The implementation of modern goals of the pedagogical process determines the use of innovative technologies in the activities of the educator, which are guaranteed to lead to the achievement of the expected result.

Seminar-briefing is different in that it allows the maximum activation of the participants both in the process of preparing for the seminar and at the lesson itself: the group is divided into subgroups in accordance with the number of questions proposed for discussion. The number of participants in subgroups can be arbitrary. Since the entire subgroup answers the question, and repetitions are not allowed, then, naturally, the participant finds himself in such a situation that it is necessary to answer thoroughly and to the point. After each member of the subgroup has spoken, the discussion begins; at the same time, additions, clarifications, questions to each other are possible.


The training involves preliminary and final diagnostics, at least with the help of the questionnaire method and expert assessments, of the professional skills and abilities of teachers in a certain area of ​​their pedagogical activity, the selection of practical tasks and game exercises aimed at developing missing or insufficiently formed professional skills that are performed in situations of programmed success, and then transferred to situations of real practical activity of teachers of a preschool educational institution. Therefore, training can be short-term, if we are talking about the formation of highly specialized skills, for example, the use of physical culture minutes in the process of conducting classes with children, or long-term, if we are talking about the formation of a whole range of professional operations and actions related to the organization of a holistic educational process, and not its individual elements.

The teachers' council is a practical conference.

A teachers' council in this form can be prepared and held by combining the efforts of several preschool educational institutions on the basis of an institution that has the status of an experimental site. During its preparation, open days for teachers should be organized in advance. It is important to set the agenda in such a way that each institution participates equally in demonstrating its experience, discussing problems and proposals for developing solutions. Decisions at such a teachers' council can be made both general for everyone, and for each team separately, taking into account its specifics.

Creative groups- the next important form of methodological work with teachers of preschool educational institutions. It involves the implementation of such an approach to the implementation of methodological work in an educational institution, which allows you to involve teachers in experimental and research activities. The work of the creative team is based on the following algorithm:

  • identification of problems and justification of the relevance of their solution to identify the practice of the educational institution, diagnostic and analytical stage;

Development of a detailed program of experimental work or research activities, prognostic stage;

Organizational stage, creation of conditions for the implementation of the program;

Implementation of the program, practical stage, adjustment of the methods and technologies used, control "sections";

Registration and description of the results of experimental or research work, generalizing stage;

Dissemination of pedagogical experience, introduction of innovations in the activities of an educational institution.

The logical conclusion and result of the work of the creative group are the creative reports of teachers who talk about the results of the program of experimental, research and scientific and methodological work, share their experience, talk about the problems that arise in the practice of an educational institution, and offer to introduce innovations.

Collective viewing of the educational process.

The task of collective viewing is to show the most effective conditions, forms or methods and techniques of working with children and their parents. Particular importance is attached to the implementation of methodological principles that determine the optimal impact of upbringing and training factors (the formation of motivation in children, a change in activities, the dynamism of perception, the development of higher mental functions, productive processing of information, the repetition of educational material, ensuring the transfer of methods of activity, a game form of conduct, etc. .). At the same time, the collective show concerns not only conducting classes with children, but also organizing free types of children's activities and regime moments.

Collective screenings are organized once every 3 months, in the first and second half of the day, so that all teachers can attend. At the same time, each of them receives a questionnaire sheet for observation with a set of phrases-statements and phrases-questions in a constructive form. (These phrases do not make it possible to use the discussion situation to aggravate the conflict and clarify relationships. For example, a senior educator may recommend teachers to use the following formulations : “I liked the fact that…”, “It’s good that you”, “It would be nice if you…”, “It would probably be more effective if…”, “Where else do you use ..?”) In the process of conducting a collective review, teachers make notes in these questionnaires.

After the viewing, a discussion is organized: first, the teacher talks about the goals and objectives that he used during the demonstration of the educational process, then the audience is asked questions, and he answers them. At the same time, he is encouraged to explain the reasons for choosing one or another behavior in the course of organizing a collective viewing, to give reflection on his own activities and the activities of children. The senior educator continues this line, thanks the teacher for the work done, analyzes its advantages (not disadvantages), highlights those forms and methods that, in his opinion, could be used in the work of the entire teaching staff.

Brain attack (brainstorm).

It is a rational way of collectively producing new ideas to solve practical problems that cannot be solved in traditional ways. In fact, brainstorming is a collective thought process: solving a problem through logical analysis, putting forward a hypothesis, substantiating and proving it. The teachers are divided into two groups. The first group - "generators of ideas", the second - "analysts". The former must, within a short time, offer as many options as possible for solving the problem under discussion. At the same time, the proposals are not discussed and necessarily all are recorded in the protocol. "Analysts" carefully considers each idea, choosing the most reasonable. Any criticism of ideas is strictly prohibited. The selected proposals are grouped and announced to the team. Then the participants change their roles.

Bank of ideas.

A type of brainstorming is Bank of Ideas. Educators are introduced to the problem statement and offered to give their solution in writing. The term for opening the "bank" is set (at the next teachers' council, final meeting). The "Bank" is opened in the presence of the team, ideas are read out and discussed, the most rational ones are accepted as decisions of the teachers' council.


It should not be forgotten that the competence of the pedagogical council includes discussion of the problems of the development of individual children. At the meeting, they often talk about the group as a whole, forgetting about the individual characteristics of certain children. In practice, there are situations when it is necessary to draw the attention of the administration, psychologist, speech therapist, parents to the problems of upbringing and development of a particular child (for example, a gifted child, a child lagging behind in his development, etc.). To this end, it is possible to hold a small pedagogical council in the form council. This form of work will contribute to the development of strategies and tactics for working with a particular child based on in-depth study and collective analysis of his development. Keeping in mind that the pedagogical council is a tribune of excellence, it is periodically possible to hold it in the formauction, presentation. At such a meeting, it is appropriate to present new educational programs, technologies, methodological and didactic manuals, game materials, etc.

Work on a single methodological theme.

With the right choice, a single methodological theme can really captivate teachers. There are a number of requirements that must be taken into account when choosing a single topic: relevance for a preschool institution, taking into account the achieved level of activity, interests and requests of teachers, close connection with specific scientific and pedagogical research and recommendations, pedagogical experience of other institutions. Such an approach is not excluded, when the team itself conducts experimental work and creates the necessary methodological developments. Practice shows the feasibility of defining a topic for the future, broken down by years. A single methodological theme should run like a red thread through all forms of methodological work and be combined with the topics of self-education of educators.

Literary newspaper.

An interesting form of work that unites employees. The goal is to show the creative possibilities of teachers, children and parents. All participants write articles, stories, compose poems, make drawings.

Relay race of pedagogical skill.

A competition between several groups of educators, where one educator starts to cover the problem, and the next ones continue and reveal it together. The last participant sums up, draws conclusions.

Artistic piggy bank.

The piggy bank, depending on the pedagogical tasks, may include reproductions of works of fine art, photographs, drawings of objects, animals, natural phenomena, diagrams, signs (any necessary information). A good way to attract the attention of children. The materials of the piggy bank can form the basis of the exhibition.

creative living room

The form of organization of interaction between teachers in accordance with their interests and preferences. An atmosphere of free, unconstrained communication is created.


A great opportunity to show your creative abilities, theoretical and practical knowledge in the competition, quickly resolve the pedagogical situation, be able to objectively assess the knowledge of your colleagues. Stimulates the activity of participants in the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Watching is a competition.

A way to test professional knowledge, skills, pedagogical erudition. Demonstration and evaluation of creative achievements of teachers. It involves the ability to evaluate results by comparing one's abilities with others.

Music Salon.

One of the forms of aesthetic communication between teachers, children and parents, the preservation of the best folk traditions and customs. Reception of the formation of a favorable microclimate in the team.

Thematic exhibitions.

Presentation of visual materials: drawings, products, literature. Contribute to the enrichment of knowledge, are a meaningful form of exchange of experience of teachers.

Individual forms of work with teachers.

The purpose of individual forms of methodical work is to assist a particular educator in solving those problems that only cause difficulty for him or that are the subject of his interests.

Traditionally, such forms of work as individual consultations, conversations, mentorship, mutual visits, self-education are distinguished.

Supervision of the educational processwith children, the largest place is given in the work plan of the senior educator. His presence in the group should not be an event, but a normal working atmosphere of a preschool institution. An indicator of the consistency of this side of the leader's activity is the invitation of educators to attend a particular lesson, a particular regime moment. Each observation should end with a conversation with the teacher, which is held at the end of the teacher's working day.

Conversation - one of the most frequently used individual forms of methodical work in work with teachers. The purpose of the conversation is to clarify the positions, views of the teacher on the process of raising and educating children, identifying the level of self-esteem of the teacher, developing pedagogical reflection, expressing wishes, recommendations aimed at improving the observed aspects of pedagogical activity.

In whatever form the teachers' council is held, decisions are made without fail. They are recorded in the protocols. The wording of decisions should be specific, indicating the responsible persons and the deadline for implementation. After all, each new teachers' council begins with a brief summing up of the implementation of the decisions of the previous one.

Regardless of the form of holding, the teachers' council needs careful preparation. Here, the organizational and methodological aspects are singled out. Organizational preparation involves informing the meeting participants in detail about the purpose, topic, time and place of the meeting, preparing the premises (selection and arrangement of furniture, manuals, equipment, TCO). There are special studies on the topic “Are large rooms suitable for mental activity?” or "What's the best way to position meeting participants and arrange seating?" Don't be fooled by such "little things". After all, the productivity of his participation largely depends on how comfortable the teacher is at the meeting. The trouble of preschool institutions is the compulsion to hold meetings for children's furniture. The inconvenience of the posture leads to impaired blood circulation, and the result is low performance as the lesser of evils.

The methodological preparation of the pedagogical council provides for advising speakers, studying the pedagogical process on the theme of the pedagogical council (complex and thematic checks, comparative control, diagnostics, etc.), collective viewing, development of methodological materials, design of exhibitions, etc.

Speaking about the course of the meeting, it is interesting to get acquainted with the advice of L. Seivert, a German scientist, a leading expert on the rationalization of the work of managers: “Start the meeting right on time. Express confidence in the success of the meeting. Keep breaks under control, recognize critical points. No telephone conversations and absences. Every 45 minutes there is a small pause for a breath of air, a change of position and usually very useful behind-the-scenes clarifications. Repeat the decisions made, clarify them, enlist the consent of the performer in order to eliminate discrepancies. End your meeting at exactly the right time. End the meeting on a positive note."

Today, one of the tasks of preschool institutions is to improve the pedagogical process and improve the quality of educational work with children. To solve this problem, first of all, it is necessary to create conditions for increasing the activity and initiative of educators, encouraging their creative searches. At the same time, a properly built strategy for the work of a senior educator is of particular importance.

The main thing in the activity of the senior educator is to improve the quality of the educational process. The senior educator is a strategist and tactician of the educational process. The key to the success of the educational process is in a timely, well-thought-out strategy and tactics of the work of a senior educator. It is very important to determine the strategy together with the team.

The problem of improving the quality of preparation and conduct of the pedagogical council is of concern to the majority of heads and senior educators of preschool educational institutions. It is relevant for both beginners and experienced managers.

The Pedagogical Council, as the highest governing body for the entire educational process, solves the specific tasks of a preschool educational institution; it is the central link in organizing all methodological work. How to hold a teacher's council that would impress colleagues with the originality of the topic, methodological equipment? How to turn it into an event


1. Reference book of the senior educator, No. 9, 2008.

2. Handbook of the senior educator, No. 3, 2008.

3. Methodical work in the preschool educational institution. Effective forms and methods: method. Benefit / N.A. Vinogradova, N.V. Miklyaeva, Yu.N. Rodionov. - M .: Iris-press, 2008. - 192 p. (s - 4-8, 21, 24-26, 29, 30, 34-36, 47-51).

4. Pedagogical Council in a preschool educational institution / N.F. Dik. - Rostov n / D: Phoenix, 2005. - 288s. (s - 17, 18).

5. Methodical work in the preschool educational institution: Analysis, planning, forms and methods. - M .: TC Sphere, 2007. - 96s. (58-60).

6. Pedagogical council in a preschool educational institution: preparation and conduct / K.Yu. White. - Moscow, 2002 (from 7-9).

7. Work of the senior teacher of the preschool educational institution with teachers. - M .: TC Sphere, 2005 - 96s. (p46.47).


Structure, forms and methods of methodical work

Training and development of teaching staff, improving their qualifications




The successful development of the system of additional education for children is unthinkable without the development of its theory and methodology. A significant role in this process is played by methodological activity. Methodological work is a holistic system of measures based on the achievements of science, best practices and analysis of the difficulties of teachers, aimed at improving the skills of each teacher, generalizing and developing the creative potential of the team, and achieving optimal results in education, upbringing and development of children.

The purpose of methodological work in MDOU is to create optimal conditions for the continuous improvement of the level of general and pedagogical culture of participants in the educational process. The implementation of this goal of methodological activity is carried out through the organization of the activities of such organizational structures as methodological associations of teachers of preschool education, scientific, methodological and pedagogical council, monitoring service, as well as the active involvement of teachers in self-education.

In the modern conditions of the development of our society, a preschool educational institution is entrusted with very responsible social tasks - to educate, educate and prepare for life that generation of people, labor and talent, whose initiative and creativity will determine the socio-economic, scientific, technical and moral progress of Russian society in the future. In this regard, the shortcomings and errors in the teaching and educational work of the MDOU, in the management of education and in pedagogical science itself are becoming more and more intolerable.

The task of the head and methodologist of a preschool institution is to develop a system, to find accessible and at the same time effective methods for improving pedagogical skills.

Today, due to the need to rationally and promptly solve educational problems, the role of the activities of the methodological service is increasing, the correct organization of which is the most important means of improving the quality of education, and the real level of methodological work in a preschool institution is becoming one of the most important criteria for evaluating its activities. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the organization of methodological work in a preschool institution as something of paramount importance.

Planning methodological work

Methodological service is a link between the life of the teaching staff, the state education system, psychological and pedagogical science, advanced pedagogical experience, contributing to the formation, development and implementation of the professional creative potential of teachers.

The methodological service of the MDOU, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", focusing on the humanization of the purposeful process of education and training in the interests of a person, society, state, implementing the principles of state policy in the field of education, is designed to ensure:

Achievement by the pupil of the educational standards established by the state;

Building an educational standard based on the priority of universal human values, human life and health, free development of the individual; education of citizenship, diligence, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the environment, Motherland, family, education of responsibility for one's health, formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle;

Adaptation of MDOU to the social order and peculiarities of the development of pupils;

Planning of methodological work in MDOU is carried out on an analytical basis:

Analysis of the external environment of the MDOU (taking into account the requirements of the social order, regulatory documents of the federal, district, city levels);

Analysis of the state of MDOU (the level of health, development of children, the degree of mastery of the educational program by them; the level of professional competence of the team, the characteristics and needs of parents, the school; a clear identification of the factors influencing them);

The objectives of the activity and the necessary means of their implementation are determined based on the results of the analysis.

Any educational institution exists in one of two modes: functioning or development.

Consequently, in a preschool institution that is in a stable functioning mode, the methodological service should ensure the correction of the pedagogical process in cases of its deviation from technology, the methodology for implementing the program of education and training of preschoolers.

If the team intends to work in an innovative mode (new content of education or the implementation of new pedagogical technologies), then this requires the creation of a new model of methodological work that ensures the transition of a preschool educational institution from the mode of operation to the mode of development.

In all cases, the goal of the methodological service is to create such an educational environment in which the creative potential of each teacher, the entire teaching staff will be fully realized. From here the main tasks of methodological work follow:

1. Training and development of teaching staff, management of their professional development.

2. Identification, study, generalization and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience of teachers of MDOU

3. Preparation of methodological support for the implementation of the educational process.

4. Coordination of the activities of the MDOU and the family in ensuring the comprehensive continuous development of pupils.

5. Coordination of the activities of the MDOU with the institutions of the surrounding society to implement the tasks of developing pupils and the MDOU as a whole.

6. Analysis of the quality of work in order to create conditions for ensuring positive changes in the development of the personality of pupils through increasing the professional competence of teachers.

The restructuring of methodological work in a preschool institution inevitably poses the need to give the right answers to the questions of what teachers are taught, what information, what knowledge, skills, and to what extent a teacher-practitioner should master today to improve his professional skills and qualifications.

Thus, it should be noted the importance of the optimal choice of the content of methodological work in the modern MDOU. The relevance of this choice is also confirmed by the results of the practice of methodological work in preschool institutions. In order to overcome these shortcomings and raise the content of methodological work to a new level of modern requirements, efforts should be made at two levels.

Firstly, to ensure and justify the optimal choice of the content of methodological work for preschool institutions, taking into account the most important problems and trends in the development of the professional skills of teachers and the educational process in preschool educational institutions; develop a draft of the content of methodological work for a modern preschool institution. (This is the task of employees of pedagogical science and leading employees of educational authorities, scientific and methodological services and centers.)

Secondly, to specify the general provisions based on the real, unique conditions of each preschool institution. (This is the task of the organizers of methodological work in the institution).

The main approaches to the organization of methodological work in preschool educational institutions are based on:

System-active approach: understanding the goals and objectives of the activities of the preschool educational institution, its status and conditions, as well as ensuring the integrity of the educational process in the context of the use of variable programs and technologies, taking into account the influence of external and internal relations on it;

Personally-oriented approach: ensuring a more complete disclosure of the capabilities and abilities of each teacher and child, the team as a whole, focusing on the development of professional and personal qualities of teachers on the example of deputy. head by BMP and senior caregiver;

A differentiated approach: taking into account the level of professional competence and individual educational requests in building a system of methodological work in a preschool educational institution;

Free self-determination approach: free choice of educational programs and ways of self-realization by each teacher;

Motivational-stimulating approach: the use of various incentives that arouse interest and motives for activity;

Corrective approach: timely elimination of the shortcomings identified in the course of pedagogical monitoring and the causes that cause them.

Today, there is a problem of low efficiency of methodological work in many MDOs. The main reason is the formal implementation of the systemic approach, its replacement with an eclectic, random set of recommendations of an opportunistic nature, the imposition of far-fetched methods and ways of organizing upbringing and education.

Methodological work should be of a proactive nature and ensure the development of the entire upbringing and educational process in accordance with new achievements in pedagogical and psychological science.

Methodological support of the methodological process

One of the core conditions for the life of a preschool institution is the methodological support of the methodological process. This is the beginning of the organization of methodological work in any MDOU.

The program and methodological complex of a preschool institution is selected taking into account the focus on state requirements, the legal status of a preschool institution (type, priority direction), the characteristics and laws of the mental development of children, the specifics of the pedagogical and children's teams that determine the possibility and expediency of each program and technology.

Through the self-governing body of the MDOU - the teachers' council for the implementation of the educational process, a program is approved that is most conducive to the conditions for selecting methodological support.

Thus, the educational process in all groups of MDOU is carried out according to a comprehensive program that correlates with the social order and type of MDOU.

The methodological support of the program is selected taking into account the compliance with the time requirements for the content, methods of raising and teaching children of preschool age, basic and additional education carried out at the MDOU, the unity of the conceptual foundations of the integrated and partial programs, as well as the methods and technologies that implement them.

The effectiveness of the educational process in MDOU also depends on the creation of conditions for its implementation. This leads to the following directions of methodological work:

1. Organization of a developing subject environment in the MDOU, corresponding to the content of the program, the interests and needs of children of different ages:

Ensuring the selection of toys, games, manuals for working with children according to the program, taking into account modern requirements;

Activation of teachers in the development of attributes and teaching aids.

2. Correlation of the content of the educational process with the chosen program and temporary (approximate) requirements for the content and methods of education and training of preschool children:

Formation of a data bank on the implementation of the program, its individual sections;

Analysis of the fulfillment of the Temporary requirements for the content and methods of education and training implemented in the preschool educational institution;

Analysis of the execution of decisions of teachers' councils, medical and pedagogical meetings.

3. Updating the content of methodological support (technologies, methods) in accordance with modern requirements.

4. Development of a daily regimen, a schedule of classes, work schedules for circles for each age group.

5. Tracking the balance of motor and intellectual, organized and independent activities of pupils.

Structure, forms and methods of methodical work

Methods of methodical work are ordered ways of activity to achieve goals.

Form is the internal organization of content, the construction of segments, cycles of the methodological process, reflecting the system of its components and stable connections.

According to the forms of methodological work is divided into group and individual.

Group forms include: participation of teachers in methodological associations of the city, district, MDOU; organization of theoretical and scientific-practical conferences; teachers' councils.

The individual includes individual consultations, conversations, mentoring, mutual visits, self-education.

It is necessary to learn the art of conversation, its universal nature is based on the fact that in any conversation the participants must skillfully adapt to each other, regardless of what is being discussed.

In order to make the right choice for your team of forms and methods, you must be guided by:

The goals and objectives of MDOU;

Quantitative and qualitative composition of the team;

Comparative efficiency of forms and methods of work;

Features of the educational process;

Material, moral and psychological conditions in the team;

real opportunities;

The most effective forms of organizing methodological work are:

Teachers' Council;

Seminars, workshops;

Open views are effective;

Medical and pedagogical meetings;


The work of the creative team.

External professional development takes place:

By attending advanced training courses;

Education in educational institutions;

Participation in the work of methodical associations of the region.

Internal advanced training occurs through various forms of methodological work with teachers at MDOU:

Participation in the work of the council of teachers;

Training in seminars and workshops;

Consulting, etc.

In methodological work, a special place is given to the principle of an individually differentiated approach to the pedagogical activity of educators and specialists. In modern conditions, methodical work with personnel should be based on a diagnostic basis, taking into account the needs of each teacher.

The implementation of individually-oriented methodological work allows developing the creativity and initiative of the teaching staff by including everyone in an active professional activity.

In the field of methodological work, a complex of interrelated forms of cooperation between the teaching staff and parents is presented.

Methodical office as a center of methodical work

methodical preschool education teacher

Methodical support is the most important part of professional development of teachers. It is designed to support the normal course of the educational process, to promote its renewal.

Many teachers, especially beginners, need qualified help from more experienced colleagues, the head, the methodologist of the preschool educational institution, and specialists in various fields of knowledge. At present, this need has increased in connection with the transition to a variable education system, the need to take into account the diversity of interests and opportunities for children.

The center of all the methodological work of the preschool educational institution is the methodological office. He plays a leading role in assisting teachers in organizing the educational process, ensuring their continuous self-development, summarizing the best pedagogical experience, and increasing the competence of parents in the upbringing and education of children. The methodical office is a piggy bank of the best traditions of a preschool institution, therefore the task of the deputy. head on VMR - to make the accumulated experience alive, accessible, to teach teachers to creatively transfer it to work with children, to organize the work of this methodological center in such a way that educators feel in it, as in their office.

The methodological office of a preschool institution must meet such requirements as information content, accessibility, aesthetics, content, providing motivation and activity in development.

The implementation of the information and analytical function of managing a preschool institution determines the formation of an information data bank in the methodological office, where the sources, content, and direction of information are determined (see Table 1).

Table 1. - Bank of information MDOU

In the methodological office of the MDOU, exhibitions should constantly operate, as well as materials reflecting the skills of teachers (material of workshops; a plan - a schedule for improving the qualifications of teachers; a certification plan for teaching staff; advanced pedagogical experience, etc.)

Thus, within the framework of fulfilling the main tasks of methodological work, the methodological office is a center for collecting pedagogical information, as well as a creative laboratory for teachers and parents.

Informing teachers about the new requirements for work, and the latest achievements of science and practice.

Timely informing teachers about new developments in psychological and pedagogical science and best practices, methodological support in the system of preschool education is an important condition for the high effectiveness of the educational process.

Raising the awareness of teachers contributes to the establishment of a unified pedagogical strategy for the development of MDOU, which is discussed, approved and implemented through the main governing body - the pedagogical council and serves as the main resource for the development of the team in MDOU.

Training and development of teaching staff, improving their


The task of training and development of teachers should be recognized as fundamental in the management of methodological work. At the same time, the traditional system of informing and training teachers does not always give tangible results, because. it is focused on the team as a whole. Therefore, the model of the organization and content of the development of teachers, the improvement of their qualifications should be built differentially, so that the internal factors and mechanisms of the teacher himself, contributing to personal and professional and moral development, are involved.

The most important condition that provides a differentiated approach to working with ped. personnel, is the analysis of staffing.

The most effective are the following forms of professional development: course training; participation in the work of creative groups, clubs; participation in methodical associations.

Deputy head for educational and methodological work organizes and controls the work of teachers in self-education, related to active forms of advanced training, and helps to choose a topic, priorities in forms and means, to predict the result.

At the first stage, a preliminary detailed and comprehensive study of the teacher's experience is carried out. Only the totality of the use of various methods for studying experience (observation and analysis of the educational process, conversations with the teacher and children, analysis of pedagogical documentation, conducting experimental work) will make it possible to objectively evaluate and recommend it as an advanced one.

At the second stage, the PPO is generalized, i.e. described. There is an algorithm for describing the PPO by the IPM complex (information and pedagogical module: message, recording of pedagogical information).

The third stage is the dissemination and implementation of PPO. Within the framework of MDOU, this is facilitated by such forms of work as pedagogical readings, open viewings, mutual visits, exhibitions, etc.


Having studied the features of the organization of methodological work in MDOU, it can be noted that the teacher occupies a key position in the educational process: the solution of many educational problems depends on his qualifications, personal qualities and professionalism. Often, due to the underestimation of this factor, the process of development of the institution is hindered, and therefore the task is to create such conditions in which teachers could realize their creative potential.

The methodological service has real opportunities for solving this problem in the system of preschool education.

In the conditions of modern society, the organization of a methodological service should begin with the search for new ideas and modern technologies for organizing methodological work. . It needs a clearly structured system of activities that provides planning, forecasting, organization, execution, control, regulation and analysis.

The result of methodological work in MDOU should be:

Updating the content of education and improving the quality of the educational process;

Replenishment and expansion of the stock of psychological and pedagogical knowledge;

Evaluation, analysis, diagnostics of the result of pedagogical work;

Designing the pedagogical process based on system analysis;

Formation of a data bank for the exchange of pedagogical experience.


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For the formation and development of professional knowledge and skills of teachers, as well as for assessing the achievements of teachers, the senior educator needs to know the technology of methodological work, the essence of which lies in the choice of forms and methods of their activity.

The main forms of methodical work:

1. Role play. This is a game process in which a group of teachers participate, where each of them imitates either the activities of the teacher in the classroom, or pupils, or the head and senior educator. The result of this process should be new methodological skills and techniques acquired by all participants. For example, a novice teacher imitates the activities of a trainee-professional teacher in the process of educational activities (in class) with all the techniques inherent in that. The role-playing game provides teachers with great opportunities to master techniques that require practical training, imitation techniques and develop the ability to act in a new situation.

2. Business educational game. An example of such a game is the preparation and simulation of educational activities (classes) by teachers on the same topic, but with different age groups of children. At the end of the game, an analysis of the activities carried out is necessary.

3. Master class. This is one of the most effective forms of methodological activity, where the teacher-master transfers his own pedagogical system into practice. The professionalism of such a teacher implies a general culture, competence, broad education, psychological literacy and methodological preparedness.

4. Review competition. This is a way to test professional knowledge, skills, pedagogical erudition, demonstration and evaluation of the creative achievements of teachers. In addition, it is possible to evaluate by comparing your results with the results of others.

5. Discussion. It implies a discussion of any topical issue. Activates creative activity and innovative potential of teachers. The discussion itself should be preceded by preparation. First of all, the topic of the discussion is determined, it is established what knowledge and skills teachers should receive during it. Based on this, the senior educator develops questions for the discussion, compiles a list of literature for self-preparation for the discussion, thinks out a plan for conducting the discussion and a final word in which everything that has been said should be analyzed and a solution to the problem posed should be proposed.

6. Debate. This form is offered by L.N. Vakhrusheva and S.V. Savinova. The authors recommend using this form when conducting pedagogical councils and seminars. Debate is a technology proposed by the famous American sociologist Karl Popper. As part of the debate, information is exchanged that reflects polar points of view on the same issue in order to deepen or acquire new knowledge, develop analytical, synthetic and communication skills, and a culture of conducting a collective dialogue. A feature of the debate is the ability to consider the same phenomenon or fact from opposite positions, on the basis of which independently, consciously develop your own opinion. The complexity of the debate lies not so much in conducting it, but in the huge amount of preliminary work.

7. Organization of creative (problem) microgroups(according to K.Yu. Belaya). They are created not only with the assistance of a senior educator, but also voluntarily when it is necessary to master best practices, a new methodology, or develop a promising idea. There can be one or two leaders in the group who take responsibility for solving organizational issues. Each member of the group independently studies the question assigned to him, prepares brief information. Then everyone exchanges opinions, offers options, implements their work into practice. Mutual visits to the pedagogical process, discussion of the best techniques and methods are organized. As soon as the goal is achieved, the group breaks up. The results of the work are introduced to the entire staff of the kindergarten.

8. Briefing. This is a meeting at which the position on one of the topical issues is briefly stated. It can be conducted by a leader or a specialist who prepares in advance to answer questions on a specific topic and allows educators to be maximally activated. Two teams are created: one asks questions, the other answers. Or the organizer asks questions, teachers answer.

9. Relay race of pedagogical skill. It is held in the form of a competition between several groups of teachers, where one teacher begins to highlight the problem, and the next continue, together reveal it. The last participant sums up, draws conclusions.

10. creative living room. This form is used to organize the interaction of teachers in accordance with their interests and preferences. An atmosphere of free, unconstrained communication is created.

11. Round table. When discussing any issues of psychological and pedagogical support for preschoolers, the circular placement of participants makes it possible to make them self-governing, put them in an equal position, and ensure interaction. The organizer of the "round table" thinks through questions for discussion.

12. Brain attack. This is a short-term one-time association of a group of teachers, arising in order to master a specific methodological idea or technique, or to find a new solution to an existing educational and methodological problem.

All these forms of organizing methodological activity are united by the desire of the senior educator to more fully realize, develop the potential capabilities and abilities of each teacher, and maximize the process of assimilation of methodological ideas and techniques.

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Methodical activity and its significance in the system of preschool education.

Forms of organizing methodological work with the teaching staff.

1. Methodological activity and its significance in the system of preschool education. In pedagogical practice, a whole system of methodological services of different levels has developed. For example: city (district) methodological service and methodological service of an educational institution (school, preschool institution). In a preschool institution, methodological work is carried out by the deputy head for core activities.

Methodical work in a preschool institution- a holistic, based on the achievements of modern psychological and pedagogical science and practice, a system of interrelated activities aimed at improving the professional skills of each teacher, developing the creative potential of the entire teaching staff, improving the quality and efficiency of the educational process.

The purpose of the methodological work is to create such an educational environment in a preschool institution, where the creative potential of each teacher and the entire teaching staff would be fully realized.

Tasks of methodical work:

Ø determination of the state of educational work in a preschool institution;

Ø study of interpersonal relationships in the teaching staff, as well as in age groups;

Ø diagnostics of the level of development of children;

Ø study, generalization, implementation and dissemination of progressive pedagogical experience;

Ø assistance to educators, young teachers;

Ø creative exchange of experience between members of the teaching staff;

Ø Organization of work with parents.

Criteria for the effectiveness of methodological work:

Ø the results of the development of children, achieving the optimal level of development for each child in the allotted time without overloading the children;

Ø the cost-effectiveness of methodological work, which is defined as the ratio of the increase in the skill of educators, the time and effort spent on methodical work and self-education, but without overloading teachers with these types of activities;

Ø Improving the psychological microclimate, increasing the creative activity of teachers and their satisfaction with the results of their work.

Thus, the methodological service is the most important component of the educational infrastructure (along with scientific support, training and retraining of personnel, the formation of an educational environment, etc.). It is designed to support the normal course of the educational process - to promote its renewal.

2. Forms of organizing methodological work with the teaching staff. All forms can be represented as two traditionally established interconnected groups: group (collective) and individual. It is conditionally possible to single out a group of non-traditional forms of methodical work with the teaching staff (see Table 1).

Table 1 - Forms of methodological work

Brief description of some forms of methodical work.

Pedagogical Council (Council of Teachers) is one of the forms of methodical work. As a collegial body for managing the educational process, it poses and solves specific problems of a preschool institution (for more details, see lecture 12).

Seminars remain one of the most effective forms of methodical work. Depending on the specific conditions of each preschool institution, theoretical seminars, problem seminars, workshops. They can be one-time(one day) short-term(weekly), permanent(during a year). Seminars are scheduled at least once every 2 months.

The purpose of theoretical, problematic seminars is to expand the theoretical knowledge of teachers, disseminate effective pedagogical experience and develop recommendations for the implementation of evidence-based methods of work in practice. Seminars-workshops contribute to the acquisition of practical skills by teachers, creative search.

Consultations are planned with the aim of providing teachers with methodological assistance, getting to know new methodological material, as well as based on the results of diagnostics (requests from teachers). Consultations can be individual and group. Consultations are planned taking into account the relationship with the issues of annual tasks, meetings of the Councils of Teachers, as well as taking into account the categories of employees and their professional level. The number of consultations depends on the quality level of the teacher's educational process in groups, as well as on the qualifications and experience of the teacher, but at least once a month.

Open (collective) views are planned mainly once a quarter in order to study the work experience of master teachers. The topics of the reviews are determined by the issues discussed at the meetings of the Council of Teachers, seminars, and the tasks that arise in connection with the study of effective pedagogical experience. Open viewing makes it possible to establish direct contact with the teacher during the lesson, get answers to your questions. Viewing helps to penetrate into a kind of creative laboratory of the educator, to become a witness to the process of pedagogical creativity.

Within the framework of various forms, various methods and techniques of working with personnel are used. Combining the forms and methods of working with personnel into a single system, the manager must take into account their optimal combination with each other. The structure of the methodological work system for each preschool institution will be different and unique. This uniqueness is explained by the organizational-pedagogical and moral-psychological conditions in the team that are specific for this institution.

The Vice President is involved in:

Ø selection of candidates for the positions of educators, their assistants, specialists;

Ø creating a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team, a system of moral and material incentives for employees;

Ø formulating a social order for your institution, developing a philosophy, determining the purpose of the activity of a preschool institution;

Ø strategic planning, development and implementation of development programs and work plans of a preschool institution;

Ø creating the image of a preschool institution among the population;

Ø selection (development) of educational programs for children;

Ø organization of educational work with children;

Ø organization of experimental, research work in a preschool institution;

Ø development, effective use of the intellectual potential of a preschool institution;

Ø development of cooperation with other preschool institutions, schools, out-of-school institutions, higher educational institutions.

In addition, the deputy head plans educational, methodological work, taking into account the professional skills, experience of educators and in order to create an optimal model of the educational process in a preschool institution. Organizes educational, methodical work, supervises the work of specialists.

The deputy head organizes the interaction in the work of the educator, psychologist, speech therapist, music director, and other specialists. Regularly assesses the development of children. Studying the plans of specialists in self-education. Carries out the relationship in the work of a preschool institution, family, school.

In conclusion, the humanistic orientation of the activity of the deputy head should be noted. Ultimately, the increase in pedagogical growth depends on this, and, consequently, the creation of a favorable climate in the relationship between the teachers themselves, as well as between teachers and pupils.

Questions for self-control:

1. What is methodological work in a preschool?

2. Name and give a brief description of the most common forms of methodical work.

3. Expand the main areas of work of the deputy head for core activities.

Literature: 7, 8 (main), 2 (additional).