Daniel Craig has come out as gay. Personal life of Daniel Craig

Celebrity biographies


02.03.15 13:02

He has been acting on stage since he was 14 years old, and has been acting in films since he was 24. But we only got to know him when he was closer to forty, when the Englishman was chosen for the role of James Bond. It was an incredible success for a little-known artist. And since 2006, the biography of Daniel Craig has been just an endless stream of blockbusters.

Biography of Daniel Craig

Liverpool guy

Daniel Rafton Craig was born in the ancient city of Chester, a suburb of Liverpool, and since childhood he witnessed exciting matches of the local team (since then, Liverpool players have been his idols). But he didn’t take up football himself; he turned out to be an excellent rugby player. Although he did not connect his life with sports, but thanks to the care of his mother, with the theater.

The biography of Daniel Craig began on March 2, 1968. He did not have long to enjoy the company of his father (who was a merchant seaman, and then began to work at a steel mill): his parents separated. And daughter Lea, and younger son stayed with mom. Olivia worked as a teacher and was an excellent painter. And after the divorce, she decided to console herself with an amateur theater troupe in Liverpool. There was no one to leave the children with, so the smell of the backstage was familiar to Craig from childhood. By the way, he hasn’t changed much since then - compare for yourself!

WITH light hand Olivia, as a teenager, Daniel appeared on the school stage in the images of Shakespearean heroes and fairy tale characters. After graduating from school in Hilbrey, he went to try his luck as an actor in London. He successfully auditioned for the National youth theater, from then on, Craig’s biography will be closely connected with the stage and touring.

In the capital

He was lucky again: the debutant got a role in the play of the Great Bard (it was the lyrical-historical piece “Troilus and Cressida”). The title characters lived during the Trojan War, Daniel got the role of the Greek commander Agamemnon. With this performance and other theater productions, Craig traveled abroad, including in our country. Seeing the world was very cool, but you can’t spread impressions on bread. The aspiring artist had a meager salary, he worked part-time, and then decided to become professional actor- with a diploma.

For his studies, Craig chose the Hydehall School of Music and Drama. It was here that the director’s assistant, who was choosing the performers for the drama “The Power of Personality,” noticed him. The 24-year-old stocky, fair-haired student played his first film role. Together with him on film set turned out to be luminaries - the legend of the British theater John Gielgud and the American star Morgan Freeman. The newcomer had the role of a scoundrel, and he coped with it brilliantly. Since then, Daniel Craig's biography has added more work - albeit on TV. But it didn't upset me young artist- he believed that glory awaited him ahead - over there, behind the next turn of fate.

Became “one of the people” among gays

He was also lucky with the theater. He became famous for his role as a homosexual in the production of “Angels in America” (although he also played cruel joke- gays recognized him as “one of their own,” and the performer had to get rid of this “image” for a long time).

It is curious that years later he again had the opportunity to play a homosexual - in the film “Love is the Devil.” In this biopic, Daniel played the lover famous artist Francis Bacon. The guy broke into a celebrity's house to rob him, and ended up in bed - and in the role of the dominant partner.

Finally in Hollywood!

At the same time, the historical film “Elizabeth” was released, and, finally, Hollywood producers noticed the Briton, who so vividly played the conspirator George Ballard. In 2001, Daniel starred in the first part of Lara Croft. Of course, his Alex paled in comparison with the bright sexual charm of the girl-adventurer-archaeologist (Angelina Jolie), but these were already the first “bells”. Thus a new Bond was born!

The beginning of the 2000s turned out well for the Englishman: the thriller “The Jacket,” in which he starred with Oscar-winner Brody, Matthew Vaughn’s crime drama “Layer Cake,” and “Munich.” This last film was nominated for 5 Oscars, and Spielberg himself directed it. And just around the corner was the main success - the role of the life of actor Daniel Craig!

New Bond

When fans of the 007 series found out who was the next lucky guy - the sixth movie Bond, many of them were simply shocked. The former “James” are tall, slender, brunette handsome men (Lazenby doesn’t count, having played an agent once, he was recognized as the worst of them) with a touch of “secularism,” ironic and immediately becoming sex symbols. And here... A steely gaze with squinting, a stocky figure, the actor’s height does not reach 188 - by as much as 10 cm! But the creators of Casino Royale, apparently, decided to be closer to reality (real spies are ordinary, unremarkable people who can easily blend into the crowd, but a handsome guy who literally has “AGENT” written on his forehead would have been immediately exposed ). And this “experiment” was a success.

Resounding success

Well, four Bond films with Craig's participation are already behind us - they were favored by critics, and the audience gradually got used to James' new appearance - the box office of the series is growing from tape to tape. The fourth part of the film series “Spectre” was a worthy continuation. But Dan is at a crossroads: should he continue? He's tired of being the polished 007.

In 2011, Craig got involved in another proposed franchise. “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo” was also loved by the public (despite the fact that it was filmed by Fincher almost immediately after the Scandinavian version of the film adaptation of the novel). Much to the regret of Craig and Rooney Mara fans, they decided not to continue the series. Or rather, it will be relaunched with other artists.

Well, the thriller “House of Dreams” brought the artist new love: Daniel Craig’s personal life is a separate conversation.

Personal life of Daniel Craig

Unsuccessful marriage

When the very first film starring the future Bond was released, he was able to save enough money to provide for his family. In 1992, he and Scottish artist Fiona Laundon had a modest wedding. Soon their daughter Ella was born - now the girl is almost 22 years old.

But either the actors were too young, or their love turned out to be just a fleeting passion, but the marriage exhausted itself after two years. Daniel Craig's wife stayed for her ex-husband good friend– she did not forbid her daughter to see her dad and always helped with advice.

Are you natural?

In connection with the roles of gays around the artist, rumors began to multiply about his unconventional sexual orientation- well, he didn’t live with his wife for very long, apparently he couldn’t!

But he denied these rumors new novel Craig - with his German colleague Heike Makács. The relationship turned out to be long, but the lovers did not have any children together, and they were in no hurry to get married...

Fateful thriller

But after the not very successful thriller “House of Dreams,” the one he could call his wife entered Daniel Craig’s personal life. Critics joke: if there is anything good about the boring and gloomy “House of Dreams,” it’s that they met on its set Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz.

They did not make a “promotional event” out of the marriage (many Hollywood stars they love to promote any event in their personal life). Daniel Craig is not like that. The British quietly registered their marriage in June 2011, inviting only the four closest ones to the “gala” dinner (among them, of course, were children - the adult beauty Ella and the son of Weiss and Aronofsky, 4-year-old Henry).


The yellow press continues to suspect the famous English actor Daniel Craig of having a non-traditional sexual orientation. The actor himself always denied this fact. Yes, and it is difficult to believe in the reliability of this information. The actor has always been surrounded by female attention. Over the course of 26 years, Daniel Craig had affairs with more than 5 women. All of them famous personalities in the world of cinema.

Daniel Craig homo confession: the famous actor has never hidden details of his personal life from the public

The name Daniel Craig first appeared on the lips of movie lovers in 1992 after the release of the series “Anglo-Saxon Relations”. And, as you know, with the advent of popularity, the actor had to share with fans not only details of his career development, but also details about his personal life. In 1992, Mr Craig married Fiona Loundon. Soon the couple had a daughter, Ella. But, despite having a child together, the couple’s marriage did not last long. In 1994, the Craig family fell apart. Daniel and Fiona maintained a cordial relationship. Two years after the divorce, Daniel Craig began a relationship with German actress Heike Makatch, whom he dated for 8 years. But, in the end, this relationship came to naught. Then there was an affair with producer Satsuki Mitchell. The actor even proposed marriage to the girl, but the wedding did not take place. Craig was also credited with relationships with Kate Moss and Nicole Kidman, who, as it turned out, are just close friends of the British star.

Daniel Craig homosexual confession: the actor has been happily married to an American actress for 7 years

Today Daniel Craig is married to American actress Rachel Weisz. The relationship between the public favorites began during the filming of the film “House of Dreams,” where Craig and Weiss played married couple. In 2011, the couple secretly got married. Only 4 guests were present at the wedding, including Daniel's daughter and Rachel's son from previous marriages. Last year, the Hollywood crowd began to say that Rachel and Craig had broken up, but this information turned out to be just another rumor. Recall that Rachel Weisz left director Darren Aronofsky for Craig, with whom she lived for 10 years.

Daniel Craig's homo confession: the actor's homosexuality was first discussed in 2010

Eight years ago, Daniel Craig was spotted at a gay club. It was this event that led to a whole bunch of assumptions that the actor prefers to have relationships with men. James Bond fans were shocked by this news. They could not believe that a brutal man, an on-screen heartthrob, could have a non-traditional sexual orientation. Craig was caught by the paparazzi in a gay club. They said that they saw the actor relaxing in the company of another man, while the young people were hugging and kissing. But not a single one paparazzi photo was never provided, so it is impossible to say that this is true. Craig himself did not react to this situation in any way.

He played hundreds of roles - from a brutal macho to a gay man passionately in love. The tabloid press is constantly trying to catch him in relationships with men, but he married a beauty. Daniel Craig, agent 007, star of the films "Casino Royale" and "Quantum of Solace", secretly married Rachel Weisz, although since 2005 he had an affair with producer Satsuki Mitchell.

Until recently, newspapers and magazines were full of vivid photographs of Craig and his beloved Satsuki Mitchell. Craig met Satsuki in 2005 on the set of the film “The Jacket,” in which Daniel played Rudy McKenzie, a psycho from an insane asylum.

The thing is that the actor tries with all his might to protect his personal life from prying eyes and not to mix his acting popularity into it. Therefore o love biography Very little is known about Daniel, and it cannot be called abundant.

At the beginning of its serious acting career- During the filming of The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles in 1992, Daniel Craig married actress and singer Fiona Loudon, who literally immediately after the wedding gave birth to his daughter Ella. Two years later there is no time whirlwind romance came to its lyrical conclusion and the marriage of Craig and Loudon fell apart.

In 1996, on the set of the film “Whiplash,” he met the German actress Heike Makatch, who played the role of Miriam in the film. The diva, in the image of a real bitch and fatal beauty, pierced through the heart of the very romantic Craig and he was drawn headlong into new sensations. Soon Heike became Daniel's common-law wife - they appeared together everywhere and lived in a civil marriage for seven years.

Then Craig had a short-lived affair with Kate Moss. And in 2006, the press finally started talking about their relationship with Satsuki. Their open romance was good news for fans. Miss Mitchell began accompanying her beloved on all his trips and quickly found mutual language with his daughter from his first marriage.

So, in the fall of 2006, at the London premiere of Casino Royale, Daniel openly appeared arm in arm with Mitchell. And when the actor was asked: who could be the ideal girl for your James Bond, he replied: “My ideal is here!” - and hugged Satsuki around the waist.

And during the filming of Quantum of Solace, Craik decided to formally propose to his beloved. Tabloids around the world exploded with messages: “James Bond is getting married!” One day, the paparazzi photographed the couple on the street, and in the photographs it was clearly visible how a platinum ring with a huge diamond from Cartier glittered on the finger of 29-year-old Satsuki.

From unofficial sources it became known that the lovers are planning to get married immediately after the so-called royal premiere of Quantum of Solace in London. At the premiere, Daniel appeared with Satsuki, and with his passionate kiss at the premiere he assured: “This is the woman who makes me lose my head,” but talk about the wedding died down.

Paparazzi still for a long time they tried to catch the couple on their numerous trips in the expectation that, perhaps, the couple would finally decide to legitimize the relationship, but in vain. Then rumors began to circulate that the couple had secretly gotten married and simply did not want to advertise this sensational news. However, everything turned out completely different.

Late last year, Daniel suddenly broke up with his girlfriend. Society was shocked, and, as a result, yellow publications immediately began to throw mud at Craig.

They began to accuse him of actively visiting clubs for people gay and even kisses men. The reason for this was not very successful shooting Craig in the little-known film "Love is the Devil", where he played a homosexual. The actor participated in explicit scenes, feigning love for his male partner, and even appeared completely naked in front of the cameras. candid scene in the bath.

Craig later commented on his not-so-successful film work with a craving for unusual and scandalous projects. So, for example, in 2002, the actor accepted the offer of arthouse directors and starred in the film anthology “10 Minutes Older: Cello,” consisting of ten-minute short films shot by world-famous directors.

However, despite all the actor’s excuses, the press did not calm down until one day they realized to draw a parallel with a similar sharp break between actress Rachel Weitz (The Mummy, The Fountain and The Constant Gardener) and director Daren Aronofsky, author of Requiem for a Dream. , "Fontana" and "Black Swan".

During the journalistic investigation, it turned out that Craig and Weitz played married couple in the thriller "Dream House", which will be released this fall. It was there, on the set, that their whirlwind romance began. The couple Daniel and Rachel began to be spotted together more and more often. And just last week in New York they secretly got married.

The press became aware of the modest wedding only a few days later, when this good news Craig's spokesman confirmed. Refusing to give details, he added that the couple tried their best to avoid the hype, so they invited only four people to the celebration: Craig’s daughter from his first marriage, 18-year-old Ella, Rachel’s son Henry (he is four years old) and two other friends who became witnesses.

Apparently experience family life on the set, the newlyweds liked it and they decided to move it to real life. Bond's experience undoubtedly helped Craig hide such a very high-profile event from the whole world, but I would like to hope that the pregnancy of the newly-made wife will become known before she brings the child home from the hospital.

Not long ago, well-known publishing houses and the tabloid press were full of headlines that Daniel Craig is of non-traditional sexual orientation. The actor himself denies this fact, but there is also hard-to-refute evidence that he may be gay.

Is Daniel Craig gay?

Rumors about Craig appeared quite a long time ago. But it was impossible to believe in them - the actor was constantly “with women”:

  1. In 1992, Daniel Craig married Fiona Laundon, who gave birth to his daughter. The couple separated after living together for only 2 years. Fiona and Daniel broke up mutual consent and raise a child together.
  2. In 1996, Craig began dating German actress Heike Makatch - the romance lasted for 8 years, although in the end it broke up.
  3. After this, Daniel Craig began an affair with producer Satsuki Mitchell. He even proposed to the girl, but it never came to a wedding.
  4. In 2011, Daniel secretly married Rachel Weisz - the actors starred together in the film “House of Dreams”, and this marriage turned out to be successful. By the way, only 4 guests were invited to the wedding, among whom were Craig’s already grown-up daughter from his first marriage and Rachel’s son. Agent 007 stole Rachel Weisz from director Darren Aronofsky after 10 years of marriage.

Daniel Craig in a gay club

In 2010, James Bond was caught red-handed. His fans were simply shocked by the news that a brutal man, a passionate heartthrob, and an on-screen hero has an unconventional orientation. The fact is that Daniel Craig was spotted in a gay club. The paparazzi caught him in such a spicy place. Craig didn't just while away the evening there alone, he came there in the company of another young man. The couple looked, according to eyewitnesses, not at all ambiguous; according to some reports, they stroked each other, danced together and even kissed.

After this event, Daniel Craig's orientation immediately became the subject of discussion, not only among ordinary viewers, but also among film critics and film company employees. It was rumored that not all directors want to see Daniel Craig anymore.

But whether this is true or a deliberately invented lie is almost impossible to say for sure. On the one hand, eyewitnesses did not provide a single photograph of the shocking fact, on the other hand, Daniel Craig did not deny the information.

What orientation is Daniel Craig?

Daniel Craig not only did not admit to being gay, on the contrary, he spoke quite critically about it. For example, in one of the interviews, Daniel Craig talked about his character’s orientation. He was prompted to do this by discussing footage from the film “007: Skyfall,” where Rail Silva touches Bond’s legs and chest while he is sitting in a chair. Some have had some speculation that the characters had a previous relationship. But Daniel Craig made his and Bond's sexuality clear. He said that Bond could be called a womanizer, but certainly not gay.

There are different ways to view gossip about Daniel Craig's sexuality. In fact, there is no evidence of his gay orientation, except, possibly, false stories. The actor is constantly surrounded by women - they accompany him not only in films, but also in life; he has a daughter with whom he spends quite a lot of time. Accordingly, it can be assumed that traditional relationships still more characteristic of Bond.

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  • Daniel Craig and pregnant Rachel Weisz in New York: new photos of the spouses
  • Officially confirmed: Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig are preparing to become parents again

Another argument for doubting fans could be happy marriage Daniel Craig's relationship, which has been going on for more than 4 years - during this time the actor was not caught cheating, and nothing is known about it either.

The first rumors that Daniel Craig is gay, or at least, appeared in 2010 during the actor's work on the third film in the James Bond series, "007: Skyfall" and with new strength flared up at the news that in the next part the role of the invincible superspy would again be played by a charismatic Englishman.

Is it true that Daniel Craig is gay?

Daniel Craig has never been more questioned than when he played the irresistible James Bond, although there have been roles in his career where he has been portrayed as a man-lover. Thus, at the beginning of his acting career, in the play “Angels of America” Daniel got the role of a homosexual Mormon, and later in the film “Love is the Devil” he again played the controversial role of a gay man.

However, the viewer never had any doubt that this was just part of the script, because Daniel Craig had strong and fairly long-term relationships with women. His first wife was Scottish actress Fiona Loudon. They got married in 1992, and a year later a daughter was born into the family of actors, who was named Ella. Unfortunately, this marriage did not last long. In 1994, the couple divorced.

Daniel Craig had a longer relationship with the actress German origin Heike Makatch. They dated from 1996 for eight years, but their relationship was not formalized.

In 2010, that is, at the time when rumors appeared that Daniel Craig was gay, the actor was officially single and was not in a relationship with anyone. It was then that he was caught by paparazzi in one of the famous gay clubs, where he allegedly kissed a guy. erupted huge scandal, there were even rumors that Daniel might be removed from his role in his third James Bond film, “007: Skyfall,” especially since filming had by that time been suspended due to the financial difficulties of the production companies. This was especially insisted on by those who initially did not accept Craig as an elegant and exemplary English special agent. After all, his appearance was strikingly different from the image created by other James Bonds in the earlier parts of the film. Craig was the shortest of them all, and he was also blond, and all previous Bonds had dark color hair. In addition, films starring Craig have been criticized for a large number of fights, which was not the case in previous parts. By the time of the scandal, two films with Daniel Craig had already been released: Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace, and a third was being prepared for filming. And such a scandal could force the producers of the film to reconsider the contract with the actor.

However, there were no comments or denials from either Daniel Craig himself or the film company, or any revision of the list of actors. Daniel Craig has not admitted that he is gay. Craig brilliantly performed his role in his third Bond film, and the film was a great success.

Craig's personal life now

His secret marriage in 2011 to actress Rachel Weisz should have cleared up all questions about the actor’s sexuality. The couple is still together. The actors are raising their son Rachel from her first marriage. Moreover, the actor received an offer to star in another part about James Bond, which most likely would not have happened had Daniel Craig made a confession. After all, Bond for many is the personification of masculinity, elegance, intelligence and strength - everything that women would like to see in men. That is why, if the producers had even the slightest suspicion that the actor was gay, they would refuse further cooperation.

Read also
  • Daniel Craig and pregnant Rachel Weisz in New York: new photos of the spouses
  • Officially confirmed: Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig are preparing to become parents again

However, the film "007: Spectre" with Daniel Craig in leading role appeared on big screens in 2015.