Summary of a drawing lesson in kindergarten. Drawing lesson notes (non-traditional technique)

Continue to introduce children to non-traditional drawing techniques.

To consolidate the knowledge that a tree is a living object that breathes, eats, grows; If you are not careful, trees can die.

Develop creative thinking, creative imagination children.

Cultivate accuracy in work.

Maintain interest in learning in various ways images of reality.

Equipment: sheets of paper, pencils, watercolor paints, brushes, containers with water, stamps of 2 sizes (cut out in the shape of leaves), green ink in a tray.

Material: riddles about trees, illustrations of trees in different time year, pictures depicting fairy trees.

Progress of a drawing lesson in the senior group:

V. - Children, please listen to the riddle and try to guess it:

It will cheer you up in the spring,

It will cool in the summer,

In the fall it will feed

And in winter it will warm you up.

V. - Why do you think the riddle says that a tree makes us happy in the spring?

(After a long winter, thin delicate leaves and flowers appear on the trees - this makes us happy).

Q. - Why does the tree get cold in the summer? (In hot weather, everyone enjoys relaxing in the cool shade of trees).

V. - What does it mean that a tree will feed us in the fall? (Apples, plums, pears, nuts - all these are the fruits of trees that both people and animals feast on).

How can a tree keep you warm in winter? (Old diseased trees are cut down for firewood, while squirrels, birds, beetles and other insects hibernate on young and healthy trees).

Do you see how much information one small piece contains? folk riddle. And listen to another riddle:

Riddle about the tree

What is this miracle at the window:

Many arms, but one leg?

V. - Think, one leg is on a tree, what is that? (Trunk). And what is called hands? (Branches)

V. - That's right, children. In fairy tales and cartoons, we can often see trees using their branches as hands. This is because trees are living.

They breathe (after all, all plants need air), feed (they absorb nutrients from the ground with their roots), grow, sometimes even get sick and die. In winter, trees sleep, and in spring they wake up, and then tender leaves appear on the branches.

V. - The winter this year was not very severe, but the trees were still asleep. Spring will come soon, the trees will bloom with bright leaves. In the meantime, such leaves will grow in our drawings.

Look, what do you see in this picture?

Yes, it shows a tree and a hand in pencil. Are these images similar to each other? (The hand is like the trunk and branches of a tree). I think if you paint over the hand drawing with brown paint and add green leaves, you can get a wonderful young tree. We will print the leaves with the stamps that I have prepared for you. Please note they come in two sizes. Closer to the branches we print large leaves, and further, at the edge of the crown - small ones. (The help is accompanied by a partial display.

Independent work of children

Children do test printing on drafts. Then, they begin to work independently.)

Let's hang your work in a corner of nature and admire how good it is spring forest we created with our own hands!

Type of lesson: Generalization and consolidation of knowledge and skills.

Kind of activity: Thematic lesson.


  • Creating the image of an aquarium with unique fish.
  • Creating conditions for the creative use of previously mastered techniques for working with art materials and means of figurative expression.
  • Creation of a collective aquarium.


  • Educational: consolidation and generalization of knowledge and skills acquired in previous classes; teach children to independently find methods of depiction, artistic materials and means of figurative expression to reveal this topic; improve artistic and graphic skills; continue to develop artistic needs, the ability to analyze their own work and the work of other children.
  • Developmental: develop creative initiative and imagination, using a variety of art materials in your work;
  • develop a sense of rhythm, color, composition; develop aesthetic perception of the world around us, the ability to see beauty; development of interest in the surrounding world. Educational: to cultivate aesthetic and moral feelings, the desire to sympathize, empathize and help, caring attitude towards

surrounding nature

  1. and pets.
  2. Preliminary work:
  3. Reading the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, looking at the illustrations for this work.
  4. Examination of pictures and photographs, illustrations and postcards depicting sea, river and aquarium fish to enrich children’s artistic impressions.
  5. Conversations about the life of sea and river fish.
  6. Sketches of algae and fish from nature, drawing from imagination; cooking and tasting fish dishes and seaweed dishes.
  7. Decoration of fish figures cut out of colored paper.

Methodical techniques: Examine drawings with various aquariums with children, determine what materials they were created with; pay attention to children's posture when drawing, a surprise moment.

Literature: T.G. Kazakova, Lesson for preschoolers visual arts: Book for educators kindergarten and parents. I.A. Lykova, Visual activities in kindergarten. Preparatory group. I.A. Lykova, Visual activities in kindergarten. Senior group. I. A. Lykova, Program artistic education, education and development of children 2-7 years old “Colored palms”.

Music:"Aquarium" Saint-Saens.

Materials and equipment:

  • For the teacher: an aquarium, illustrations with images of fish, children’s work with aquariums made with various art materials, multi-media equipment, a selection of slides of strange fish and aquatic inhabitants, a magnetic board, a music center.
  • For children: easels, tablets, blanks of a round aquarium in A4 or A3 format, attached to the tablet with tape, gouache, watercolors, brushes, rags, pencils, wax crayons, black markers, fish decorated by children in advance different colors, glue stick.


1. Organizing time- 2 minutes.
2. Heuristic conversation – 6 min.
3. Creative search and experimental work – 10 min.
4. Dynamic pause – 2 min.
5. Lesson summary:
a) exhibition and analysis of children’s works – 2 min.
b) self-analysis – 3 min.


1. Organizational moment

Everyone is here!
Adults and children!
We can begin!
But first,
You need to say “Hello”!

D.: Hello.

P.: Today, near the kindergarten, I met the sun, which came to visit us. But the sun is not simple, but magical. Whoever takes it in his hands will become the most affectionate and kind child in the world. Let's check! (We transmit balloon- darling, saying a kind word to each other). It's true, we have become the kindest and most affectionate.

2. Heuristic conversation

P.: Children, come to me. Look how big and beautiful the aquarium is. What kind of fish swim in it?
What parts does a fish consist of? What geometric shapes do they resemble? (scales, body - oval, tail - triangle, fins, eyes). Invite the children to show the body parts of the fish and explain their purpose. The fins serve as a rudder and brake, the tail serves as the engine of the fish.

P.: Children, now look here. The teacher takes the children to the TV and shows slides with strange fish. Draws attention to their bright scales.
Who will try to draw a fish? The child draws a fish on a magnetic or chalk board.

3. Practical work

P.:(brings the children to a magnetic board on which aquariums made with various art materials are attached).

P.: What materials and techniques did the artist use to create such beautiful aquariums? What other materials can be used? (Children's answers)
But you can also draw a fish with your own hands.

4. Finger gymnastics:

My fish is silent all the time
Doesn't sing, doesn't growl, doesn't purr.
I don’t understand why, that’s the problem.
Maybe water got into her mouth?

Please come to the easels; aquarium blanks are attached to them. You have gouache, watercolor, wax pencils and black markers. Let's try to create an image of an aquarium with the help of these materials, but so that for each of you it will be different and different from

5. Physical exercise

The fish are playing happily
In blue sunny water,
They will shrink, they will unclench,
They will bury themselves in the sand.

Transformation into seagulls.

We are seagulls, we have spread our wings and are circling over the river, looking for prey. They saw a fish, went down to the water, (bent down) caught the fish and flew to the shore.
Children perform actions expressing their attitude towards artistic expression through movements, facial expressions.

6. Analysis and exhibition of children's works

P.: Let's see what you got. Did we complete the task (draw an aquarium)? Who got the most colorful fish? What's their name? Which one has the most fun? Who has the most interesting, fun, beautiful, transparent, magical aquarium? Why? etc. (As work progresses)

7. Introspection

P.: Children, look how big and beautiful the aquarium is. But it's empty. Let's fill it with fish. And here are the fish that we decorated earlier. If you did a good job, then take a red or yellow fish. If you think that you haven’t quite completed the task, you can take a green or blue fish.
Children glue fish onto a large aquarium.

P.: You all did a great job today. Our lesson has come to an end. We still have some fish left, let's give them to our guests as a souvenir of our lesson. See you at the next lesson.

SUMMARY OF DRAWING CLASSES IN THE SECOND JUNIOR GROUP “Designing a plate different ways drawing."

Program content:

    Continue teaching children to draw using the poking method.

    Strengthen the ability to hold a brush correctly.

    Develop small arm muscles.

    Strengthen the ability to select colors.

    Cultivate accuracy when painting with paints.

Material: 1/2 album sheet with a drawn outline of a plate, gouache, two brushes and all other painting supplies (stand for brushes, napkins, rags, etc.). Two demonstration samples: on one the outline of the plate, drawn with a simple pencil, on the other is a plate, painted using the poking method. Pictures-plates.


The teacher asks the children a riddle

I will have lunch from it,

From deep or shallow.

And these are the dishes

Called (plate)

The teacher shows a picture of a plate, invites the children to repeat the riddle 2-3 times to remember it, and in the evening tell it to mom and dad.

- Reading a story. Listen The Tale of the Sad Plate

Once upon a time there lived a girl, Katya. good girl There was Katya: kind, polite, caring. Only Katya didn’t like to eat. And what her mother didn’t cook for her: soups, porridge, cutlets with pasta - but Katya had one answer to everything: “I don’t want to, I won’t.”

Once the grandmother gave the girl a new plate. Beautiful, straight. He says: “Here, Katenka, a new plate for you, it’s not an ordinary one. Loves it when kids eat well.” Katya thanked her grandmother for the gift, but she didn’t eat any better.

Once Katya’s mother put it on a new plate mashed potatoes with a chicken cutlet, and she left the kitchen to run errands. Katya sits in front of a plate, does not eat, but only spreads mashed potatoes around it with a fork. Suddenly the girl hears someone crying. Katya looked around, but couldn’t understand anything. She was even a little scared, and then she grew bolder and asked:

Who's crying?

This, I'm a plate. I'm crying.

Why are you crying? - asks the girl.

“I’m upset that you don’t eat well and never see my smile,” the plate answers.

Can you smile? – Katya was surprised.

Of course I can. “You’ll eat all the food until the day and you’ll see for yourself,” answered the plate.

The girl immediately took up her fork and ate the entire cutlet and mashed potatoes. And as soon as the bottom of the plate became empty, Katya saw that she was really smiling and was no longer crying.

Since then, Katya always ate what her mother cooked, and the plate always smiled gratefully at her for it.


Hold the brush like this:

It's difficult? No, it's nothing!

Right – left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then

The brush runs around.

Spun like a top.

After a poke comes a poke! (Children perform movements in accordance with the text).

Children first poke along the contour line of the plate without paint. This is the most important condition when drawing using the poking method. Coloring along the lines will help children better understand the shapes of objects. The drawings are more believable and brighter. Repeated movements of the brush along the contour will help better develop the small muscles of the hand.

Educator: - Now put gouache on a brush and start drawing with pokes along the contour line of the puppy, and then inside. During work, the teacher reminds children who are having difficulty about drawing techniques.

Put your brushes aside and let's play while the paint dries.

Physical education lesson: “Pinocchio”

After physical education, children draw with the tip of a thin brush without lifting the brush from the shown line onto the plates.


Educator: - Let's admire the plates, how beautiful they are! Children and their teacher look at all the drawings.
