Famous monologues from literature

It’s getting dark... Cold rain drums on the window, falling leaves stick to the glass as if looking into your life and fly away... Steaming coffee gives rise to a feeling of nostalgia... Someday you will be asked: do you remember, for example, 2012? And you will immediately remember the most bright events that year. Those moments will flash like scenes from a movie before your eyes, perhaps making you smile, perhaps making you sad.
I looked out the window, where the rain and wind were tearing leaves from the trees and wrapping passers-by in raincoats and jackets. Everyone was in a hurry to go home, to their family...to their loved ones and loved ones. There was so much I didn’t have time and couldn’t say to the people who were nearby. Or said too much. I remember my first hit “Letter to my Beloved,” in which I pronounced the most sincere words coming straight from the heart, but I couldn’t even think that they would be the last. That after separation from this girl there will come a period of deep loneliness lasting several years. This monologue still shakes the Internet:
“I love you very much, you are very dear to me! You know, I often remember the life in which you were not there. And I compare that boring period with this happy eternity. After all, love is eternal and has no boundaries, like beauty and ugliness, sinfulness and holiness, loyalty and lies. I understood more clearly what life is, what it means to live and love, and most importantly, to be loved. When I push the dawn to quickly see your bottomless eyes, in which I drown in silent bliss. Every night I pray to God for only one thing, that he would not take you away from me, that you would be happy, healthy and cheerful. You know, for everyone it is probably more important that his loved ones feel good, that those relatives who make up the main part of his life are happy. And I will be happy if everything goes well for you. I want you to know that I will not give up on you for anything in the world. And on the day when this happens, and God forbid our paths diverge, the very thing inside me will die forever. most heart, capable of feeling."

Our life is moments, and we must appreciate each of them. The time will come when you want to return at least one of them, you want to give everything in one touch, but it will be impossible. We understand the price of happiness when we lose it. There is a very strong law in life, formulated in just 4 words: “UNDERSTAND, ACCEPT, FORGIVE AND LET GO.” Understand the people who surround you, understand your loved ones, understand that they want to tell us something and perhaps want to say the most important thing in their lives. Take all events for granted and forgive the most daring and cruel betrayals. You say, “Some things are unforgivable!”? There are no things in the world that cannot be forgiven. You need to understand that life does not end tomorrow, that it is painted in different colors and what tomorrow will be like depends on us. You must be able to forgive and say “Sorry” in time. You must be able to say “Thank you” for what they did for you and fate will be grateful to you. You need to be able to let go... let go of a person, let go of your feelings, such as evil, envy, pride and arrogance, let go of the situation, let go of betrayals, resentments, quarrels and maybe then our world will become a little better and kinder.

It always seems to us that life is long and we will still have time... That we will have time to ask for forgiveness, return everything and fix it. And it is impossible not to quote Eduard Asadov’s poem “While we are alive.”
While we are alive, everything can be fixed,
Realize everything, repent, forgive,
Don’t take revenge on your enemies, don’t lie to your loved ones,
Bring back the friends you pushed away.

While we're alive, we can look back
See the path from which you left,
From scary dreams waking up, push off
From the abyss to which we came.

While we are alive... How many have managed
Stop loved ones from leaving?
We didn’t have time to forgive them during our lifetime,
And they couldn’t ask for forgiveness...

When they go silent
To a place from which there is definitely no return,
Sometimes a few minutes are enough
Understand - oh, God, how guilty we are!

And the photo is a black and white movie.
Tired eyes - a familiar look.
They have already forgiven us a long time ago
For being around too rarely,

For no calls, no meetings, no warmth.
Not faces in front of us, just shadows...
And how much was said “wrong”
And not about that, and in the wrong phrases...

Tight pain - guilt finishing touch, -
Scratching, plaguing the skin with cold.
For everything we didn't do for them,
They forgive. We ourselves cannot...

You may not have time to tell a person how much you love him, you may not have time to ask for forgiveness, you may not have time to do a lot.
As Arlazorov said: “- In kindergarten it seems to us that: Oh! I will grow up and my life will begin there. You will graduate from college...When I get to work, life will begin THERE. I’ll divorce this one, and life will begin THERE. We are always waiting for it to start... You can earn a lot of money, you can. But then you may not have time to spend them. You can spend time at the casino, but you won’t have time to recoup it. You can waste time drinking, you won’t have time to get hungover. For women... you won’t have time to ask everyone for forgiveness. You can go into politics, but after four years they will knock on your door: “Sorry... Second term.” Or you can spend your life observing one charter, even a very charter - to continue to do good..."
It always seems to us that happiness is somewhere ahead, behind the next turn of fate, but it always turns out that behind this very turn a new one awaits, and so on every time... And it’s quite normal that at the age of 19 it seemed to me that happiness was just around the turn of my twenties. At thirty we tell ourselves that I will get married and be happy, after half a year to be happy I will need to change my apartment or car, at thirty-five we will have to get a divorce and then it seems to us that we will be happy... And now we are already 50 and what There should be no trace of it in abundance by now. And only after 50, when life has passed the peak point of rise and development, begins to go down and thoughts of approaching old age drive us into a chair in front of the TV and direct our gaze out the window, we understand that happiness is not somewhere out there, behind the turns and bends of the road of life, but here and now, in the little things of life.
"Today, maybe last time when we see those we love. Therefore, there is no need to wait for something important, some holiday or reason to open your soul. Do it today, because if tomorrow never comes, you will regret the day when you didn't have time for one smile, one hug, one kiss, and when you were too busy to accomplish last wish. Ask the Lord for wisdom and strength to say what you feel. Show your friends how important they are to you. If you don't say it today, tomorrow will be the same as yesterday. And if you never do, nothing will matter. Make your dreams come true. This moment has come..."

Does he play with me or does he still love me? The only question that has tormented me since the first days of our acquaintance with him. It's a pity there is no chamomile, I could tell my fortune. Sometimes it seems that He was given to me by God in order to heal the wounds that other men left on my heart. One day He told me: “You look like a bird whose wing was wounded,” and asked, squinting, “Does it hurt?” At that moment I realized that this Man felt me ​​and knew me, despite the fact that he was completely unfamiliar with me. Then I felt incredible pain, remembering all the grievances that had happened in life, I allowed him to see my tears, but at the same time I felt incredible strength, just looking into his eyes and kissing his hand.

He hears what my soul is saying. He feels when his heart aches. He sees when my eyes are sad. He inspires me and I can move forward knowing that My Man will protect and support me in every lean moment. I don’t mention his name on purpose, they don’t shout about happiness. I don’t know what it means when you feel like a little girl next to a Man, to hell with all the designations! These are probably rays of happiness. After all, those moments are sweet and blissful when you look at him and understand that you have nothing to fear anymore, because next to you is a real, long-awaited, decisive, desired Man. The only Man. No one else is needed. Just here and now to cling to him and forget about the gray world outside the window... Even rain for happiness, if only I could hold his hand.

I love to study his facial features, strong-willed, but at the same time sensual: almost imperceptible wrinkles near the eyes when He smiles, thin lips that I always want to kiss, his hoarseness in his voice, which I love so much! I love listening to everything He talks about, because this is what My Man says. In response to his care, I must listen and understand every word, every story from beginning to end. The main thing is not to miss anything, because He trusts it to Me. His voice is so sweet to me...

Once I asked him: “Do you really love me?”, he answered: “Unfortunately, yes.” Why "unfortunately"? Yes, it doesn't matter now. And what could he answer: “No, in my opinion, I don’t like it. Sorry. Goodbye"? What a question, such an answer. Banality...

It’s scary... Maybe I don’t love at all and feel only gratitude for the comfort that He creates for me? Maybe this isn't love? Love? Habit? Mental confusion? What if this isn't love? No, it can't be. Although... Who knows what love means? There are goosebumps on the skin from his touch. There is something similar to butterflies in my stomach when I notice it on the horizon. It’s incredible happiness when I hear that everything is great at his job - of course he is. Unbearable boredom when My Man is not around - unfortunately, there is. There is a feeling of complete serenity, calm, security, harmony when He is just next to me. There is debilitating anxiety when I know that My Man has a bit of a cold. Then what is this if not love? Hmm, no, we need to figure it out.

If He is playing His own game, then why does He really rejoice at our meetings? Or why is he driving nails for a new shelf in my room? Or why does he buy my favorite coffee? Oh yes! I completely forgot about the poems, his poems for me!


Oh, don't leave me until summer!

Spring is coming and shining brighter,
A ray of sunshine, destroying winter...

And you are so magical

You... from whom the ice melts,

You... drive away the cold of the heart,

You...melt like a snowflake on your lips.

Warmed in your palms like a chick.

Well, don't leave me until... summer!

Why does He write them if He doesn’t love me? Farce? Nonsense? Joke? No, it can't be. He so sincerely admits that he likes my dish. Even though it was an ordinary potato, cooked in the oven... He looks into my eyes so honestly. Do you know what it's like to look into your eyes honestly? But I know. Now I know. He showed it to me.

What if soon all our feelings disappear and we stop remembering our emotions? Then I will never be able to understand what “love” means! But there are people who know nothing about real feelings. Oh, unfortunate people. I was always sure that love is replaced by pain. I admit my mistake. Love changes more love, if it is mutual. Again this word “love”... I love vanilla-scented perfumes, I love watching good films, I love smiling and walking along deserted streets, but loving Him is a completely different matter! His serious shortcomings are visible only to him, but everything is in my favor. It's a delight to think about him. Hearing it on the phone is a pleasure. Watching him repair the faucet in the kitchen is touching. Knowing that He is waiting for me is euphoric. Perhaps all these feelings are love. There is no exact designation. Everyone defines for themselves what “love” means. It is important that everything is joyful, but what it is called does not matter at all! After all, really?

Oh, what does mistrust do to me! Doubt, fear of disappointment, aching pain somewhere in the heart area. It hurts a little... Do you know? Yes, let him play on the strings of my soul, one way or another he deserves respect and sincerity. A drop of goodness can sow a sprout of love in the cold mind of the most evil and cruel person. After all, each of us deserves at least a smile and complacency.

And let him not love you! Let him not remember in a year! My love is enough for two. There is only here and now, He and I, admiration and care, He and I, He and I...

Life is the most beautiful thing a person has, it is a wealth that should be treasured. We present to your attention a couple beautiful monologues about life, which will be useful for each of us.

Monologue about life.

Life seems strange to me board game, the goal of which is to go from the “start” to the “finish”.

The speed of progress (effectiveness, so to speak) in this game depends entirely on the luck of the player and on how the “cubes” fall.

If you're lucky, they'll fall out the numbers you need– and the player will immediately jump several cells and be closer to the final goal. If you're unlucky, the chip will come back, moving away from the final goal.

That is, nothing depends on the efforts that the “trick” itself will make.

Another thing is that this is just “luck” - it may not even be luck at all. After all, it is unknown what actually lies behind the event that is designated as the “finish line”.

I'm afraid this can only be found out when the "trick" reaches the "finish line".

Perhaps this is why humanity so stubbornly strives to reach the finale, because the unknown not only frightens, but also gives hope - it promises something different (whether it is good or bad does not matter).

Who needs this game then? And who plays it? And why?

Max Fry once felt sorry for the computer characters that come to life only when the user starts the game. To which he was told that, perhaps, for “bots” playing with a user is just a boring chore, and the most interesting thing in their life happens just when the user finally closes the game.

What are you waiting for?

But you shouldn't wait for anything. Who knows - maybe true meaning is to never reach the finish line.

In one of Loginov’s stories, a strange road appears in the world, along one lane of which cars are constantly moving. Daredevils voting on the road got into cars going nowhere and disappeared forever. The other lane was always empty. Therefore, it did not arouse any interest among people. Only one person thought that it might be worth trying to vote on this empty lane.

There is a version that this is our life - peculiar natural selection. By what principle are applicants selected? Perhaps the gods decided to breed the luckiest living creature?

Why do they need this?

In their endless eternity there is time for any task. Even for something completely meaningless.

What if there is still meaning?

This means that those who follow this attitude will ultimately be right.

However, I would not like to while away eternity in the company of those who were rushing headlong to the finish line. I am so fed up with them that even in complete solitude I will be much more comfortable.

It’s better to disappear, to dissolve in endless space.

But what’s really interesting is what will happen if you suddenly return to the “start” one day?

What would you do, for example, if one day suddenly a computer character threw away his cards and wouldn’t play with you?

Hey, buddy, he would exclaim, there are a lot of much more interesting things to do.

Monologues from a woman's life...

8 days
Do you really want me to suck THIS??? You adults reasonable people, you really think that I would exchange my mother’s warm breasts, full of sweet milk, for this ridiculous product domestic light industry? No way!
8 months
So what, after five months you still haven’t realized that I DON’T PEE-SA-YU in the basin! And don’t tempt me with a pot.
But I think I'll take this. Pencil... Stick, stick, cucumber. Mom, why are you swearing, it turned out beautifully. Where from? small child Do you know that they don’t draw on doors?
8 years
So her name is Masha? What can she do? Except for yelling and pissing. Nothing? And what should I do with her in this case? No, you gave birth yourself - raise them yourself.
18 years old
“And with the song of the north wind along the highway...” Andrey, do you like Chizh? Me too. In general, thank you for taking me with you, I’ve never hitchhiked before. So what if it rains, it’s still cool.
You have no idea what my life is like. Actually, I didn’t even have a childhood: play with Masha, take a walk with Masha, iron my panties and T-shirts for kindergarten. And now too: after lectures, run home and cook Mashenka’s lunch. No, of course I love her. But sometimes you just want to run away somewhere far away...
28 years old
Svetka, who are you like? A monster, not a child. You don’t want to eat anything, just suck your tit all day, you ignore the pacifier. You don't want to go potty. I painted the wallpaper again. On a walk, all the children are like children, sitting in the sandbox, but you always have to run somewhere. It’s good that Aunt Masha is helping us.
Maybe I can give birth to a sister for you? You will play with her, teach her everything. And when you grow up, she will help you and take care of your nephews. It's decided!


One day, in 5 years, we will meet in one of our favorite coffee shops. And I will look into your eyes, as I looked many times once... It will not be like any look from the past. Rather, it’s an echo of it. I will not feel any trepidation or trembling... but something warm, hidden behind the 7 locks...

You'll order...a double espresso. You know, it’s strange, I don’t remember the sound of your voice, I don’t remember the touch of your hands, but I remember that you like a double espresso and half a spoon of sugar.

We will be silent, not knowing what to talk about. After all, the closest people in the past become the most alien. Or maybe you will talk and I will listen. I LISTEN often. And I only speak with people very close to me.

To the question “what will you drink?”, you will order... double espresso, and I will smile. It's nice that even after years, there are little things that don't change. You know... I stopped loving espresso 5 years ago, and now I only drink Americano...

We are sitting at OUR table, still in the same cafe... as if these five years had not happened. And the seasons, faces, thoughts, feelings and emotions did not change. It’s as if all these moments of joy and sadness – yours and mine – didn’t exist. As if YOU and I didn’t laugh and cry, didn’t get drunk, didn’t walk around the city at night... along different streets, listening to different music on headphones. It was as if we hadn’t seen off summer and welcomed spring. You. ME. Not WE. Namely YOU and ME.

But they were. Many months, still more days, and simply an incalculable number of seconds. Breaths. Steps. Exhale. Sounds. Dreams... so many things happened. And I know nothing about your inhalations and exhalations, feelings, meetings and people in your life, and you know nothing about mine. And what's the difference? Now there is only the smell of coffee and pleasant twilight. And also this strange look... not like one of THOSE... past ones. Unlike anything else. It contains nostalgia for the unlived.

We are still silent, and this is for the better. I don’t want to know about how you live, how you are doing, the names of your children, your wife’s favorite flowers and the color of the wallpaper in your apartment. I don't want to know anything about how you met New Year, went to the sea, or maybe to the mountains, or maybe went crazy in a stuffy city... or maybe... I DON’T want to. KNOW.

I look into your eyes and try to understand what I saw in them THEN, 5 years ago. It's like echoes... and silence. Be quiet. If you speak, I will hear your voice. And I will remember. I'll remember everything. But I don’t want this... it takes too long to FORGET.

I just want to drink my coffee, drink my hot Americano. And leave, leaving a rose on the table... on a long stem. And a trail of your perfume. The same ones. It's great that there are things that don't change. And people... people change. They forget the language in which they understood each other. And this is forever. You cannot step into the same river twice, just as you cannot experience the same exact emotion twice. You shouldn't offer yourself a replacement. And all I will remember are your eyes, the silent question... and the answer. I have fallen out of love with ellipses in my life.


I'm waiting for Autumn.

With such impatience that she is ready to sacrifice all other seasons to her. And I won’t regret what I did at all. I need Autumn.

Very, very.

She will bring into the light those who are driven into the dark corner of survival. She will not force you to repeat the cruel but true words: “If we are all alone, then in loneliness we are all together.”

Autumn is called the season of sadness. I don’t agree: real sadness comes with summer, when there is no one to share the generosity of the sun with...

Let there be a little this Autumn more heat, understanding yourself and those who are dear to you, a little more attention and support - to you and from you!


Each of us is looking for a PERSON.

Everything we do, everything we think, everything we want is to find our Person. And we call it differently, and we have very different illusions, and methods, and methods...

We wake up in the morning, drink coffee or tea. We go to work, to school... or we don’t go anywhere at all.

We stand in lines, talk on the phone, deal with hundreds... no...thousands of things every day... and all this time we are SEARCHING.

We are different. Yes. And we all have different goals.

Someone wants to advance in their career.
Someone dreams of a new car.
Some people drink, party and waste their lives...
Someone found a family, gave birth to a child.

And we are all talking about different things, for different reasons and in different ways... but this is what unites us... we are all looking for a Person.

A person who will give a special and only important meaning to everything that happens - not just every day, but every moment of this day.

A person who can not only give us a reason to smile, but also fill us with that unique light, warmth and peace.

A person who will be needed like air. And you...he will need you.

A person whose steps, inhalations and exhalations, touches, laughter and voice we recognize from a million. Whose presence will become as necessary as LIFE itself. And perhaps even more...

A person next to whom you won’t want to think about the transience of life, about its terrible meaninglessness...

The one that will become the most important motive to LIVE, to be... to love.

A person with whom you don't need light. Because there is light between you. ALWAYS.

We search and search... SEEK... and often... we don’t find it. And we convince ourselves that we don’t need anyone. Or we take the first one we come across and fantasize that this is it. But time is inexorable, all illusions will one day collapse.

“A person who is afraid to dream convinces himself that he does not dream at all...”

But even after convincing ourselves and others that EVERYTHING is in place in our lives, we continue to look for... the one. Human. Not even believing, forgetting why... and one day is like another. And the years go by, counted in moments, hours, days and nights...

We are looking for our Man. So that one day life will find meaning.