Video: The Mandela Effect, or Memories from a Parallel Reality. Everything was different: the Mandela effect

October 31st, 2016

December 5, 2013 In 1996, the first black president of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, passed away. And literally on the same day, Internet search engines received millions of requests asking whether this information was false. A huge number of people were convinced that an outstanding African died in prison in the sixties and seventies of the last century
As you know, Nelson Mandela led the armed struggle against the apartheid regime and was arrested in 1962, after which he actually spent twenty-seven years in captivity. It was while in dungeons that this human rights fighter gained world fame. However, in 1989 he was honorably released, and in May 1994 he became the president of South Africa and led the country for five years. Why are so many people in different ends Earth had no idea about this and believed that Mandela died without ever being released?

This phenomenon attracted the attention of participants in the American
multi-genre convention "Dragon Con", held annually in Atlanta.
They carefully studied this issue and came to the conclusion that rational
It is impossible to give an explanation for what happened. Moreover, it turned out that there is
whole line other facts that are deposited in the memory of many people in
distorted form. It was then that enthusiasts introduced the term “effect
Mandela." Congress participant Fiona Broome began to popularize it and
collect information about other events that human memory
For some reason they are not being deposited correctly.

False memories in large groups of people

Thus, the Mandela effect is a phenomenon under which
implies the emergence of memories among a large group of people,
contradictory to the real state of affairs. It is noteworthy that false
memories relate not to some difficult to verify, but to well-known
events: historical, astronomical, geographical, and so on.

In other words, it is easier to verify such information
simple, especially now that everyone has access to the Internet.
However, faced with this phenomenon, people come to some
confusion and confusion. How so? They remember very well
that Mandela died behind bars! This was reported in “News”, written in
numerous newspapers, and even showed the funeral on TV
African revolutionary!..

But no, in fact, no one wrote anything, reported anything, or
didn't show it anywhere. Would journalists around the world really decide
simultaneously cook up such a “duck”? The question is, why? Enthusiasts
searched long and hard for newspaper articles and television reports about
events, even if made by some provincial reporters,
who suddenly wanted to have fun like this. However, similar
there were never any publications, therefore people could not get this
information from the media.

The Inexplicable Details of Fake Memories

Another one strange feature Mandela effect
is that such memories are not
simply false information recorded in a person’s memory, but the entire system
successive memories. Let's give an interesting example.

What color were Adolf Hitler's eyes? Majority
people are ready to swear that it is brown. Moreover, many of them
will tell you with confidence that they know this fact very well since school
times Like, the history teacher specifically emphasized that the Fuhrer was
brown-eyed and at the same time advocated for Aryan racial purity, in
according to which the eyes of a “superman” must certainly be

Obviously this couldn't happen. All contemporaries
Hitler was claimed to have Blue eyes, and liked to emphasize this
fact, speaking about the election of the leader of the Third Reich. Below is suggested
a fragment of a rare color photograph of the Fuhrer, which clearly shows
that his eyes are blue. Why do so many people remember not only him?
brown eye color, but even ridicule of Hitler about this?..

Bearers of false memories often associate
incident with events personal life, for example, “I have on the same day
a son was born,” or “this was my last school year" That is false
the memory sits firmly in the memory of the individual and is associated with many
other events, creating the illusion that in fact it happened. Not
It’s amazing that someone can prove to you with foam at the mouth that the Americans
landed on the moon only three times, but it's worth showing him an article from
Wikipedia, which clearly states that there were six landings - and the person did not
the joke is lost. He remembers very well how they said on the news that
NASA made its last, third, flight to the Earth's satellite. And such
there are a lot of people.

Famous examples of the Mandela effect

There are many examples of false memories. Not
it is possible that you yourself will suddenly realize that for a long time in something
were wrong.

Many believe that the fortieth President of the United States, Ronald
Reagan died after the end of his administration, although in fact he
died in 2004 at the age of ninety-three from pneumonia
against the background of Alzheimer's disease.

Mother Teresa was canonized only in September
this year, although many are convinced that the canonization of the legendary
Catholic nun happened much earlier.

There are exactly fifty states in America, and remember this,
it would seem as simple as shelling pears: exactly half a hundred. However, a lot
people are mistakenly believed to be fifty-one or fifty-two.

Below are the logos of the three famous brands car in
two options. Many people would swear that the logos are on the right
are incorrect. Allegedly, Ford never had that squiggle next to the letter “F”
Volvo has arrows at the top, and Volkswagen has divisions between
letters "V" and "W". Even the owners of such cars admit this
error. Despite this, the real logos are shown on the right, and
on the left are their modified versions, which many of us
for some reason they think they are correct.

Writer Agatha Christie disappeared briefly in December
1926. The missing famous author detectives called loudly
public outcry, and the police immediately began searching for the woman. Through
Eleven days later, Christie was found alive and unharmed in a remote
English spa hotel. She returned home and continued writing her
wonderful books. However, a significant number of people
“they remember” that the writer disappeared forever without a trace.

If you think that in Northern Arctic Ocean
there is an Arctic continent, then you, like many others,
you're wrong. There is only abundant ice cover there.

Non-existent books, films and various works
art is a completely separate conversation. For example, thousands of Russians
“remember” how in the mid-eighties they showed very
a dark adaptation of the fairy tale “Dwarf Nose”. She was very different from the others
film adaptations of the same tale in 1953, 1970 and 1978. In fact
such a movie has never existed, and not a single copy of it has ever been made

Among the numerous portraits English king
There is not a single Henry the Eighth where the monarch would hold a leg in his hands
roast turkey. However great amount residents of Foggy Albion
claims that he saw such a picture with his own eyes in museums, on
exhibitions and on the World Wide Web.

Probably everyone knows the American song “Only You”.
Many people get a real shock when they find out that she was born in the fifties
for years it was not the “King of Rock and Roll” Elvis Presley who sang, but a black quintet
"The Platters" But many clearly “remember” how Presley performed
“Only You” at his concerts, as this song was included in his official
records. Needless to say, such records were never found,
despite the wild popularity of Elvis?..

Russian examples of the Mandela effect

There are also such examples in Russia and the former Soviet Union.

Many of our compatriots “remember” from school that
Alaska was sold to the Americans by Catherine the Great, although in reality
this happened during the reign of Alexander II. Therefore the Russian
the empress is in vain accused of this oversight.

Everyone probably remembers the common phrase from the film: “Boy, step away from the car.” However, for some reason the majority is convinced that this line was heard in the film “Beware of the Car.” In fact, it was uttered in the film “In Secret to the Whole World,” which many have a hard time believing.

Do you remember how Yeltsin, before leaving the presidency, said: “I’m tired, I’m leaving”? This saying also became popular, but in fact Boris Nikolayevich only said then: “I’m leaving.” Why many of us “remember” the words about his fatigue is a real mystery.

IN former USSR everyone knows the poem that begins with the words “I’m sitting behind bars in a damp dungeon.” But for some reason many are convinced that its creator is Mikhail Lermontov. Nevertheless, real author of this work- Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

Possible explanations for the Mandela effect

So, there are several of them, and one is more fantastic than the other:

  1. Firstly, many Mandela effect researchers believe that this phenomenon is a consequence of the movement of people from one parallel worlds in others - the so-called quantum immortality, when a person, unnoticed by himself, moves from one reality to another, neighboring one. In the past reality, the world could have been somewhat different. For example, there Lermontov appropriated a poem by Pushkin, Agatha Christie really disappeared (perhaps she also moved somewhere), and America grabbed a piece of Canada or Mexico, acquiring one or two new states. A person retains certain memories of the reality where he lived before;
  2. Secondly, it is quite possible that someone created a time machine and went back in time, where something was accidentally or deliberately changed. That is, an unknown inventor could trigger the butterfly effect, when even minor changes in the past (like killing an insect) give rise to a chain of changes that significantly affect the future. Thus, some of us still have memories from that version of reality where the events of the past and, as a result, the present were not changed;
  3. Thirdly, there is an opinion that we all live in a matrix - a simulation of reality created by intelligent machines, people of the future or representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization. In this simulation, glitches and certain problems sometimes occur. For example, on the same day you can meet in different parts same city stranger. Or notice a car on the road that simply disappears, dissolving into thin air. Similar failures can occur in our memory, which is formed entirely by the matrix, since real world has never been available to us, and we don’t even know what it is.

Traditional science also studies the Mandela effect. So, in this regard, confabulation is often mentioned - a psychopathological phenomenon false memory when a person is completely convinced that certain fictitious events actually happened. However, scientists are unable to explain why such a false memory can sometimes be observed among tens of millions of earthlings living in different parts of the world...

Well, tricks are lies, adults know minds.
Yet for them my secrets are inexplicable.
They ask: “Deceive us, we want to see a miracle.”
I'm coming out of the darkness.
But at one moment the light will be horrified,
Only after learning that there are no tricks.
(c) "The King and the Clown"

Are you still alive, my old lady? I would like to ask Mandela this question, but it is not clear where exactly to turn; sports lotto is closed, other ministries and departments are busy important matters, scientists all over the world are preoccupied with something else, and only we are trying to establish the presence of a pulse and breathing in the effect given to us in personal sensations. The influx of comments in this magazine serves as a guarantee of this.
Soft and spineless moderation policy of this magazine led to a complete rampant of freedom and democracy in it, which resulted in a series of comments weakly related to the Mandela effect. But these comments and opinions do not interfere with the main discussion, so you can continue to turn a blind eye to them. The people are reserved, cultured, and even polite, which is something you don’t often see on the Internet when diametrically opposed opinions collide.
Stay like that, gentlemen.
Let's show everyone else that the group of "mandelers" are cultured, educated people with common sense. Those who can competently say goodbye with the word “goodbye” to anyone who.

We cannot ask “Mandela” questions, but her pulse and breathing are noticeable to those who have been in the subject for a long time. The world around us is constantly changing. Especially geographical ones. Crimea, Turkey, Sweden, Siberia - it is easier to name countries and areas in which no one noticed any, albeit minor, almost daily changes. These geographic changes are the most difficult to prove. The “remains” are cloudy, vague and easily disputed: why are you sticking a card at me? Go there and establish the fact! From this point of view, I am tormented by the question: what and how is it going with geographers? (including those who have not yet drunk their globe)
Long observations have established the unconditional fact of one of the properties of the effect. That a specialist in any field never sees changes in this field. These changes can only be installed from the outside. Teachers never recognize changes in spelling, doctors in human anatomy, and pilots in aircraft design. But in all of the listed areas (maybe I forgot some others that were discussed?) changes do not occur very often. The words “aluminum” and “worldview” are not yet a reason for discussion. But who/what is “changing” geographers, that they don’t see changes and everything is fine with them scientific world?
This (t) “someone/something” must constantly sit at the sewing machine without straightening up and stitch, stitch, stitch...

1) New spelling of the syllable (ending) “shyan” in Russian for Armenian surnames.
2) Milla Milla Jovovich
3) There was no Grand Arch of Defense in Paris.
4) U significant group people became confident that they were living on flat earth.
5) The general’s blue scarf in the film “Peculiarities of the National Hunt”
6) Crabeater seal.
7) Parrotfish: Aquarium and coral fish have grown and can now reach sizes of more than a meter.

Comrade! Say “shyan” out loud, what do you get? Where did the usual soft sign go in such an ending?
For a certain Kim with such a surname, the soft sign disappeared forever, it remained only in the memory of Google queries:

And this is what the Wikipedia page about it now looks like with a touching explanation for the possibility of rollback (flip-flop):
"The style of this article is non-encyclopedic or violates the norms of the Russian language."

In Kim's case, the "leftovers" were removed quickly and decisively; Of course, this is such a big star of something that even I have heard about it. But people with the same surname, but less popularity, were not so lucky, and now in Russian people cannot decide clearly enough how to write correctly:

2) The second, from a series of grammatical mandels, is ordinary, already quite familiar to us, therefore, yawning, without showing any emotions, we look at the double “l” in the name Jovovich and think to ourselves, it’s time to unsubscribe from magazines with mandels:

3) in Paris attracted readers with its demonic appearance of the entrance to some unknown portal. Until the last moment, I did not want to include this structure in the list, but then a bewildered comment from an experienced builder and Zarypov’s postulate: “What is the point of doing research at all if you recognize only your mandels as true?” forced me to do this.

I've known about this arc since 3rd or 4th year, you can find out about it now, there's a lot of information on the internet.
What can we say? People love to put monuments on geographical topics, mark boundaries, meridians, in in this case- Historical axis. They will do everything to avoid using the compass in a certain place, because no one knows why the small round mirror is installed in it.

4) A large group of people became confident that they live on a flat Earth. How? Why?
They say the planet is not real! These people, it should be noted, emerged precisely from that (first) big wave of the Mandela effect, when both the Sun changed and South America sailed with Australia somewhere, the ice melted in the Arctic, and Hitler’s eye color was determined to be blue. Why do we, sharovers, deny these people self-determination, when we are still completely unfamiliar with all the properties of the Mandela effect? Properties, for example, somehow related to quantum entanglement and superposition of uncertainty. It is quite possible that a bunch of people live next to us on some flat Earth, in some plane split off from our reality/dimension, which we have no idea about. (Well, we have a little: there are elephants, a turtle, whales, that’s all) These people couldn’t go crazy all at once; they go crazy, as even psychiatrists know, strictly alone.

For example, let's look at ourselves. Do you see?

5) The courageous general from the comedy film “Peculiarities of the National Hunt” acquired a piquant wardrobe detail. Moreover, in the first episode the filmmakers did not allow themselves to do this. And in the second, a blue scarf, most likely made of the most delicate silk, appeared around his neck.

As an element of a comedic image, as well as a contrast with the first episode, such a move by the film crew is, of course, justified.
But before, for us, this definitely wasn’t the case! He's a general, not this... mannered hipster, metrosexual - wow!
Although, of course, he plays the piano, and his soul is as tender as a flower:

WELL! FOR ART! (how would this word be written)

* it already seems to me that Mandela is reading the blog and is about to prove to the teacher, who did not allow the word “goodbye” to be written together, that not everything is so simple :)

6) Crabeater seal. The most common seal, it turns out, in the world, but the men didn’t know!
Everything would be fine, and you could write this beast off into the basements of your ignorance and bury it there. But all signs point to him appearing (to us) out of nowhere.
There is a short article about him on Wikipedia, everything is as we are used to when we meet unusual animals in the wilds of the effect that happened to us.
Teeth not suitable for chewing live fish, Mandela replaced him with a story about feeding on some no less unusual “Antarctic shrimp”, essentially the same plankton, but how can such a large animal with such a small mouth get enough of these shrimp?

As if telling us - hello! ha ha ha, and here I am:

To explain these absurdities, we have biologists who, I think, will easily show us that our suspicions are far-fetched.

7) Beauty is never enough, so the previously tiny coral and aquarium parrot fish appeared in this world in its full height, which can now reach 1.3 meters.
And on the Internet, so that people would not get confused, the term “parrot fish” was introduced for small fish, so as to distinguish one from the other. Although, of course, it’s difficult to get confused when you see this:

// Section of baseless statements and idle speculation.

The wave of architectural mandelas has come even stronger, and now we are seeing changes in buildings around the world. Particularly noticeable is the appearance of drums on their roofs - a cylindrical decorative element with columns. I don't know how to Asian countries, wasn’t interested, but in Europe, Russia and America everything looks like architectural style unites into one common one. And although the difference, for example, between Orthodox and Catholic churches is still very large, but between Orthodox churches and Islamic mosques are no longer very good.

I'm also somewhat last days I’m thinking about how we can move from numerous Mandelian theories to practice. A theory that is not supported by practice is not a theory, but a philosophy. They can be invented endlessly, but their value will be reduced only to the fact that they help people to escape from boredom during their discussions. What I mean by Mandela practice is that, firstly, with the help of certain experiments that, when repeated, would give the same predictable result, we could prove that the Mandela effect really exists. And prove not just on the basis of a statement that we remember this way, but empirically, so that even people who do not believe in EM can repeat our experience and see, to their surprise, that the phenomenon is actually present.

The simplest thing that comes to mind is to check point 10 from my article Categories of Mandel anomalies - increasing detail. If the detail of the world increases, then this is reflected in photographs of changed objects. Mathematically, this means an increase in entropy. If you compare the photo before and after the change, then the version with big amount the entropy of details will be greater. Calculating the entropy of a file is very simple - any archiver, like gzip or rar, can do this. If there are more details in the photo, it will shrink worse and the file size will increase. That is, we only need to compare the size of the compressed file before and after the change. We have only one problem - in order to compare the file size, we need to remember it down to the byte, because we do not yet know a way to transfer information between realities, except through our own memory. And this is the problem I’m thinking about right now. Memorizing a long set of numbers is not an easy task, so you will have to use some mnemonic rules. To do this, you will have to write a special program to help.

Secondly, I'm thinking about even more challenging task- write a program that would allow us to create leftovers from photographs ourselves old reality. Until now, we have found remains on the Internet, but this is an unreliable and unpredictable method, and we need a consistently repeatable result. The problem here is still the same. Programs operate with information, and information about the old reality is transferred to the new one only through our memory. This means that you need to break the photo into pieces, say, 10x10 pixels, translate it into a mnemonic rule, give each of us this piece to remember, and then, after changing reality, restore the photo in the reverse order. But it's too much the hard way and demands large quantity people, at least 1000 people, and the program itself must work over the network. I hope that further observations of EM will lead us to new revolutionary ideas that can help us in Mandelian practice.

1. Ball and drum under the Statue of Liberty on the Capitol.
2. Roosevelt's glasses on Mount Rushmore.
3. Bas-relief "Confederate Memorial" in the USA.
4. The dented stones of Stonehenge.
5 Gedenstrom Bay on Kotelny Island.
6. Big Ben has a square roof and a two-story pyramidal attic.
7. New top floor of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
8. Superman logo.
9. Short The White house in Washington.
10. Drum on top of Moscow State University.
11. Drum on the dome of St. Peter's Basilica.
12. Zhirinovsky never used the word “Definitely!”

a) The Martian canals were not an optical illusion.
b) Blooming apple trees lost the smell.
c) There was no inverted five-pointed star on Christian churches and icons.
d) There was no mountain peak of Communism in the USSR.
e) Flip-flop songs "Stuntmen, stuntmen" / "Smile, stuntmen" / "Stuntmen, stuntmen" (group "Earthlings").

1. In the top ten, in paragraph 5, I wrote that on the dome of the Capitol in the United States, instead of a thin spire, a massive statue of the goddess Ishtar appeared. Although it may not be Ishtar, because it is not officially named, and everywhere they write that this is another Statue of Liberty, but what is important for us is that it was not there, but now it is. The last time I looked at it, it stood directly on the dome itself, but now between it and the dome there is a whole system of architectural bells and whistles.

We will move from top to bottom. The statue itself now stands on a ball, this ball is supported by sheaves of corn (I will show them later), then there is our favorite drum, and between the drum and the dome there is another platform. Also, regarding the dome itself, I will note our suspicions that there were no windows in the dome, but now there is a whole dense ring of them.

Let's take a closer look at the statue. On the goddess's head there is now a wreath of large stars, in her left hand she holds some other wreath of leaves, and a bunch of other wreaths are located under the sheaves of corn that support the ball. I’m generally silent about the inscription on the ball. I'm even scared to find out what it means.

2. The most extensive changes to Mount Rushmore have ended, and now minor improvements are already underway. Most of the new changes are less noticeable, with more clearly detailed hair on all presidents and facial wrinkles and clothing details on Washington. But special attention I would like to draw attention to Roosevelt's glasses. The first is the frame. I have come across statements that it was not there at all, but I myself cannot confirm this, because since I began to closely monitor this mountain, the frame was already present. What was definitely missing was the nose pad and frame bridge.

To better clarify what exactly I mean, in the picture below it is 2 and 5.

3. In fact, Mount Rushmore is not the only American monument, which was hollowed out of the rock. In 1972, the Confederate Memorial bas-relief was completed in Stoin Mountain, Georgia, showing three heroes on horseback. civil war in the USA, who fought on the side of the South.

We hardly talk about this bas-relief, but the “partners” of the keyboard wore it to holes while they were discussing it. I don’t remember this memorial either, but I didn’t draw conclusions ahead of time, since I could quite harmlessly not know about it, like many other things in life that are not very popular. In an attempt to prove why this could be Mandela, one could refer to the fact that in the United States hardly anyone would allow monuments to be erected to civil war heroes from the losing side. It’s as if monuments to Kolchak or Petlyura were erected in the USSR. But we know that there are many Confederate monuments in the southern states, so this is a weak excuse. All that remains is to believe the American mandel makers themselves that the bas-relief is a mandel remake.

4. British Stonehenge is gradually turning into mincemeat. Previously relatively straight stone blocks became dented and twisted. It was as if they had been melted and torn apart by a very hot shock wave. I foresee how conspiracy theorists will now rush in and begin to prove that this is the result of a nuclear war in the 19th century. By the way, the “partners” have already done this on their resources. Although other conspiracy theorists may categorically disagree with this, citing photo and video evidence that Stonehenge was built by Freemasons in the mid-20th century. I am neither for one nor for the other. I see dented stones, but I still don’t know who did this to them.

5. On Kotelny Island between the Laptev Sea and East Siberian Sea such a huge bay appeared that it can now be seen on the map even from a great distance. It is called Gedenstrom Bay and divides the island almost into two parts. In general, this island, like its neighboring islands, is very mysterious. A year ago in Mandela Effect Daily News - 07/1/2017, paragraph 11, I wrote that until the summer of 2017 they were not there at all. And then one day I saw them in a video by Alexei Kungurov, where he spun some kind of conspiracy theory around them on the topic of either Hyperborea or something else. Maybe the ancestors of the ancient Rus have really become more active and are preparing a springboard for an attack from the north?

6. The fashion for pyramidal roofs has not bypassed London’s Big Ben. When I look at what he has become, I just laugh out loud. This is no longer Britain, but Russia with the towers of the Kremlin. In my old reality, Big Ben ended just behind the dial, and its roof was square, but now it’s some kind of two-story attic with a bunch of windows. A birdhouse, as one of my friends described it.

You can see what Big Ben looked like before in Russian city Petrozavodsk, where there is a simplified copy old version towers. With the exception of the antenna on the roof, I have no complaints about this monument. The same square top and the same turrets in the corners, as I remember.

7. We continue our tour of the towers. From Great Britain we move to Italy to the city of Pisa, where the Leaning Tower of Pisa stands, known for its unstable position. She still has the same problem with the roof. An additional floor of smaller diameter, but slightly higher, appeared on it. And at the top of the tower there is now some kind of flag looming in all the photographs. How many times have I looked at this tower, there were no flags on it.

If you ignore the distorted proportions, the tower used to look something like this:

8. The Superman logo has also become more complex, surrendering to the onslaught of entropy, and now has a serif on the letter S at the top and a thicker line. The “partners” even got scared; they say that the letter S began to look like a snake.

In general, snakes appear quite often in mandelas, but it is not yet clear what all this is for. Conspiracy theorists will probably say that it is the reptilians who are making themselves known in such an unambiguous way. And Christians will add that this is the same ancient serpent, also known as Satan, who seduced Adam and Eve. But I don't know what to think yet. In order to better understand who ancient snakes are, and why some (Christians) fear them so much, while others (Chinese and Indians) deify them, I studied the materials of Alexander Koltypin, where he talks a lot about the mythology of snake people, and compiled in my head approximately such a picture.

Tens of millions of years ago on Earth there was only one intelligent race of thinking beings, the first and only ones were the snake people. Then aliens, the so-called white gods, more similar to modern people than snakes, landed on Earth, settled in the north, in Hyperborea, and began to coexist with the snake people. After some time, a terrible, devastating war arose between these two races, in which the white gods won, and the snake people were almost destroyed, and their remnants went underground, that is, underground (or disguised as members of the British royal family, according to conspiracy theorist David Icke) . Modern people- these are either hybrids of the white gods with someone else, or the result of their genetic experiments with the local fauna - in short, we are crazy here, the creation of the hands of the invaders, so the ancient snakes have every right point us to the door.

9. Today we have the program “Around the World”. We are transported to the USA, the city of Washington. Somewhere there is the White House - the residence of the president. Well noticeable modifications have also occurred to it. It became only four windows in length on each side of the main entrance. Previously there were several more windows. Also, in many photos it was previously clear that extensions - the left and right wings - were adjacent to the main building on the left and right. They are still there, but now they are not visible, because due to the lengthening of the transition corridors they have become a little further away.

The best way to assess what happened to the White House is on the map. In general, the nature of the structures remained the same, only central building shortened, and the transition corridors lengthened. The White House seemed to become square shape. It’s good that at least the Oval Office remained in place, in one of the annexes.

In general, it looks more like humiliation. The most powerful state in the world has the smallest presidential residence. Of course, you can’t deny them modesty. Why not immediately replace the White House with a barn?

10. Let's jump further. Moscow, Moscow State University building. A little earlier I already wrote about it in paragraph 9, that its dimensions have changed, and a red stripe has appeared, but now we will talk about the drums again. Most readers do not agree with me, but to me the drum under the spire looks very wild. Everything about MSU, except the spire, was rectangular, and suddenly...

11. The last final reel for today. Vatican, dome of St. Peter's Basilica. I don't have much to add here. Many readers again disagreed with me. Maybe, in fact, I began to see drums in everything. If they appear somewhere else, then it’s not about me. And if not, then well, I’ll go get treatment :))

12. People love the expressions of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, and the most beloved, perhaps, are “For every woman a man, for every man a bottle of vodka” and “Definitely!” Alas, oddly enough, Vladimir Volfovich never said either one or the other. I already wrote about how he disowned the first phrase in Mandela Effect Daily News - 11/1/2017, paragraph 6, and now let’s deal with “Definitely!”

So, despite the abundance of demotivators and parodies of this phrase, its author himself claims that he has nothing to do with it. And it seems that this is indeed the case. For any catchphrase on YouTube you can find a video of the original source of a particular meme, but “Definitely!” there is nothing. And although this harsh expression in Zhirinovsky’s usual intonation clearly sounds in my head, all I found was a video that says how Zhirinovsky himself personally denied his authorship.

Tell me, did you have the feeling that you perfectly remembered something that never happened or happened, but completely differently? This strange and little-studied phenomenon is called the “Mandela effect.” Last decade he is under close attention scientists. The name was coined by an eccentric hunter paranormal phenomena Fiona Broome. According to her statements, she and many other people remember very well how Nelson Mandela died in prison in the 80s of the twentieth century (and not in 2013 from illness, as official sources claim). As expected, for last years A bunch of other cases of this effect have arisen. Be careful - you could be the next victim of false memories!

Did the African president know that many had buried him 30 years before his death?

As mentioned above, Nelson Mandela, the most famous African politician, revolutionary and president of South Africa from 94 to 99 of the twentieth century, died at his home in Houghton on December 5, 2013. At the time of his death he was 95 years old. Despite the widespread publicity of this event, many people around the world claimed to clearly remember Mandela's death in prison in the 1980s. Many "false witnesses" also recall funerals that were broadcast on TV.

Either Bernstein, or Berenstain, or Berenstain

Many people from the USA and Great Britain remember a series of books dedicated to the family of bears authored by the Berenstains. Later, an animated series based on the books was also released. There were no signs of conspiracy theories, but on one forum a thread arose that everyone was confident in the spelling “Berenstein”, even though “Berenstein” was originally correct. According to another version, at a certain point in time our Earth intersected with a parallel one. This was the reason for this “matrix failure”.

Preacher who became a victim of false memories of his death

Bill Graham is a popular evangelical preacher in the United States. At the time of writing, he was of sober mind and good health. The already famous Fiona Broome and her “witnesses” also clearly remember seeing Graham’s funeral on television. There are even eyewitnesses who remember the ceremony in detail. For example, Bill Clinton's speech near the coffin of the deceased.

Turkey leg or gloves?

Henry's portrait was painted by the artist Hans Holbein around 1540. As you can notice, in right hand The monarch has only a pair of gloves. But many people would swear he's holding a turkey leg as a symbol royal luxury and power.

Where did the other two states go?

According to official documents, the United States of America is a federal republic consisting of 50 states. However, many people are sure that this state consists of 51 or even 52 states. But as you can see, there are still 50 of them on the map.

The legendary nun had no idea about her holiness

Perhaps the most famous Catholic nun and missionary, Mother Teresa, was canonized on September 4, 2016, 16 years after her death. The fact that this strong woman canonization confirmed by papal decision and documented. But many zealous Catholics are confident that canonization occurred much earlier, during Teresa’s lifetime, in 1990. They also refer to documents signed by Pope John Paul II.

Lyrics of the song We Are the Champions - one of the common Mandela effects

Still, not all fans are attentive

We all know legendary song by Queen, and many remember it by heart. But there is an interesting detail: almost all people are sure that the final line sounds like this: “No time for losers, 'cause we are the champions... of the world! But no “of the world!” not there! This fact makes even the band’s fans go crazy, who foam at the mouth to prove that this is exactly the ending of the masterpiece.

In people's imaginations, the Challenger exploded long before takeoff.

On January 28, 1986, a tragedy occurred that entered the history books of space exploration: the Challenger space shuttle exploded a few tens of seconds after launch. All seven crew members were killed. However, many people are sure that the disaster occurred earlier, in 1984.

An error that became canon for Russian-speaking fans

The standard romantic comedy about the lives of middle-aged women is originally called Sex and the City. Big city"), but many Americans are sure that its name is Sex in the City. Perhaps the same error caused such a translation into Russian.

Jif or Jiffy

A jar of this oil can be found in every supermarket in the United States. It has been an industry leader since 1981. But many customers have been confident that it is called Jiffy for 30 years.

A tailless monkey with a tail? Why not?

Curious George is a small tailless monkey, the hero of a series of children's books and cartoons. There was never a hint of a tail anywhere, but many people confidently claim that they saw episodes where George used a “fifth hand” while moving through the trees.

"No" not "Luke"

Famous phrase from the movie " Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back sounds like "No, I'm your father." But even fans of the franchise often say that Darth Vader said, “Luke, I am your father.”

The silver detail of its body is invisible to many viewers

Another fact is connected with the famous series of films: in the fourth episode (the legendary “A New Hope”) the body of the translation robot C-3PO is covered with gold. Not all fans noticed that the android has a silver leg throughout the film. Perhaps this is why many viewers were outraged by the red hand in the new, seventh episode.

The most notorious child abduction in the United States

The kidnapping and murder of baby Charles Augustus Lindbergh Jr. became the most famous and publicized crime against a child in the United States. The baby was found dead on May 12, 1932. At the same time, many people have been confident for 90 years that Charles’ body was never found. There are also different versions of the spelling of the surname in English (this fact serves as another proof for people who believe in the intersection of parallel worlds).

One of the most famous photographs the late 80s is still shrouded in an aura of mystery

This is the name given to the unknown man who single-handedly held off a column of tanks for half an hour in Tananmen Square during the Beijing riots on June 5, 1989. The identity of this man is still unknown, but many people remember very well that the tanks eventually crushed the poor guy (which is not true, of course).

A brand that has become a hostage to its logo

Famous brand hot dogs and lunches are spelled Mayer, but many customers believe that instead of an “a,” they spell it with an “e” and read “Meyer.”

Leo earned his statuette as a child, but only received it last year

It's hard to forget the truly historical, long-awaited moment when Leo finally received golden figurine American Film Academy for main role in the film "The Revenant" in February 2016. However, many movie fans are sure that DiCaprio won an Oscar several years before this event.

Like Elvis, Patrick will always live in the hearts of his fans.

Patrick Sueysi, famous American actor and dancer (few people don't know his roles in the films "Dirty Dancing" and "Ghost"), died of pancreatic cancer on September 14, 2009 at the age of 57. This version is refuted by fans who are confident that Patrick has fully recovered and is in good health.

Don't have a monocle? Are you sure?

Remember the man from the logo of this famous game? Tell me, does he wear a monocle? We can say with 90% confidence that you will give an affirmative answer. But there was never any monocle.

We drink tea, but we don’t know where it comes from

The Mandela Effect is also common in geography. One of the most popular geographic false memories concerns the location of the island of Sri Lanka. According to many people, it is located south of India, although in fact its location is in the southeast of the Indian Ocean.

Black tips - only at the ears

The most famous Pokemon in the world is often depicted with a black tip of its tail. Many fans are confident in this detail. But as you can see from the picture, there is no black color there.

What does the evil queen say?

In the English version of the film and cartoon “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” the evil queen addresses the Mirror “Magic mirror on the wall,” but many are sure that the phrase sounds “Mirror, mirror on the wall.” This error is lost in the Russian translation.

Different versions- different weapons

By official version According to investigators, the killer of Martin Luther King was sniper James Earl Ray. The murder occurred on April 4, 1968, at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee. The shot was fired from a Remington Gamemaster rifle belonging to Ray. However, many people confidently say that MLK was killed with a pistol or blown up with a homemade bomb.

Here it is - the wandering castle

Some visitors to the amusement park are sure that the entrance to it is in Cinderella's castle. Others believe that this wonderful building is located much closer to the entrance than it actually is.

Death of Neil Armstrong

The legendary space conqueror simply went to Earth's satellite

One of the most famous astronauts and the first man on the moon, Neil Armstrong died on August 25, 2012 in Cincinnati, Ohio, but there is a common version that his death occurred a year later.

Although the “Mandela effect” has not been studied, every person can remember many similar cases from their experience. You can attribute them to brain malfunctions, like sleep paralysis or déjà vu. However, it is always more interesting to see behind unknown phenomena a mystery and a mystery that goes beyond the rational, right?