Vocal studio for children 6. What is children's vocals. Prospects for vocal lessons

Does your child love to sing? In this case, entrust the development of his talent to professionals by enrolling in individual lessons at Larisa Kudryavtseva’s pop vocal school. The training program includes children's vocals, as well as other courses that will help your child become an excellent vocal performer.

Vocal lessons for children

First of all, it is necessary to pass a test to determine the abilities of a young vocalist. Based on the exam results, teachers will develop an individual course of study. Singing lessons for children will be held in special classes with quality equipment. We have teachers with extensive experience who know various techniques singing that can teach your kids to have excellent control of their voice. Vocal lessons for children include the following techniques and techniques:

She has taught voice for over 15 years and studied for over 18 years. Tina was a sought after vocalist for many charity events as well as major and minor league baseball games. A. in music and studied voice beyond her degree and is training to the level of someone with a master in music. Smutniks were sought after to conduct seminars for churches, schools, show choirs and more.

She is a songwriter who has helped write and co-produce numerous songs for other artists and her students. This vocal group designed for our youngest singers. They will have approximately 2 rehearsals or performances each month, with some months being longer. This group will consist of 16 children.

  • voice production;
  • breathing exercises to help you breathe properly while singing;
  • chanting and preparing the vocal cords for singing;
  • development of diction, articulation and intonation;
  • development of auditory skills;
  • expanding the vocal range;
  • psychological techniques to build the performer’s confidence;
  • creating a stage image of a young vocalist;
  • selection of vocal repertoire.

The price of vocal lessons for children is from 1300 rubles/lesson.

Since vocals for children are taught individually, our specialists will help your child reach their full potential. They see in a person hidden abilities and help to implement them during lessons, so that they can later be demonstrated on stage. Each child is special and talented, and our teachers understand this very well.

Professional and inexpensive training and vocal lessons for beginners in the studio are carried out by highly qualified teaching staff, which includes

The choreography will be more difficult, and we will begin to learn harmony. This group will also have approximately 2 rehearsals or performances each month, with some months longer. This vocal group is considered a pre-professional group. They are also expected to rehearse on their own. This vocal group will perform both a cappella and accompaniment music. Singers will learn how to be performers without choreography and will perform harmonies on all songs.

Working with children, our vocal teachers help them develop not only their vocal and auditory skills, but also teach them how to behave correctly on stage and help them develop emotional expressiveness. Having opened inner world and talent young singer, from him you can grow not only a professional vocalist, but also a person enriched spiritually. The ability to sing and feel music will definitely be useful in your child’s life.

This group will have 18 teenagers and will have approximately 2 rehearsals or performances each month, with some months longer. The members must also be part of the vocal explosion. This group will consist of 8 children. There may be additional rehearsals during the week before performances, but will work with all participants' schedules when planning. Members are expected to rehearse on their own. Tuition is paid all year round and must be due at the beginning of each month.

Members of the current group will be assigned to each group to help others learn the choreography and get to know them and support them in their audition. Our goal is that every child feels comfortable and leaves feeling like they had fun and did their best!

Features of vocal lessons for children

There are no vocals for children age restrictions. Systematized training course already in short time will show the first worthwhile results, and you will be convinced that you have made the right choice by placing your child in the hands of experienced vocal teachers at our school.

Selected for children special techniques, which allow early age develop correctly vocal cords. It should be noted that at this age, hearing is also just beginning to form, so special techniques are also used for its development. The duration of singing lessons is optimal so that children do not become overtired and perceive new information and performed all tasks well.

Warm Up and Get to Know Yourself: After rehearsal, all children will go through some vocal warm-ups and stretching exercises for singing. We will also take time to give the children time to get to know each other, introduce themselves and ask any questions they may have about the audition process.

Vocal Audition: Each contestant is required to sing part of a song for our judge's panel. Groups of 5 children will progress at a time until all children have performed the vocal audition portion. Our current group members will be there to help support other children's auditions and will give each child an audition to clap for. During this time there are no reviews or criticisms. Your child should prepare a verse and chorus famous song to sing a cappella for our judges.

It is worth noting that some children demonstrate unique abilities at an early age, when they are not yet 5 years old, so it is important not to miss the moment and send them to vocal lessons for children in a timely manner. Individual lessons will be more effective than group lessons in an ensemble or choir for a number of reasons:

  • the teacher works with your child solely based on his natural abilities;
  • all vocal techniques are selected taking into account the timbre and register of the vocalist;
  • the teacher pays maximum attention only to your child, which significantly increases the effectiveness of learning;
  • an image is created that suits only your baby;
  • songs and tasks are selected only those that the young singer can perform efficiently;
  • taken into account individual characteristics child.

The cost of individual vocal lessons for children is indicated just above on this page.

Choreography Audition: All participants will be taught choreography from one of our current songs and will appear before the judges again in groups of 5 to do the choreography they learned from our current participants. During this process, one of our current members will also be choreographing. Our judges will not receive feedback or criticism these days.

Do I need prior experience to audition? Many of our best band members auditioned with little or no singing or dancing. We look for natural talent, and many of our evaluation criteria are designed to identify natural ability, not just stellar performance.

Prospects for vocal lessons

The vocal school for children under the leadership of Larisa Kudryavtseva opens up great prospects. Just imagine: your child regularly attends singing lessons for several years and it brings him pleasure, he participates in various competitions, show programs, concerts, and one day you will see your young singer on television or on big stage. His talent will be appreciated not only by you and our teachers, but also by the public, which can safely be called a success.

The first step to getting started with any of our classes is to register for a no-obligation orientation session with the teacher of your choice. Students who are highly motivated or interested in becoming professional singers should invest in lessons with a studio owner and Master Teacher. Students with financial constraints or who are learning singing for fun will enjoy lessons with us.

How about voice lessons for children? Get your child started on the right track, with better vocal technique! Every child is different - some children are ready for more intense learning and development, while others simply learn music for fun and enrichment. We meet the child where they are at their level of interest and development to encourage greater interest in music and singing. We offer piano or guitar lessons as part of a package. Learning an instrument along with singing creates a more rounded education.

It is likely that your daughter or son will not get main stage country, but will sing at holidays or in a narrow circle, and at the same time also experience pleasure from his performances. And then you will know that once upon a time you gave your child a precious gift, giving him to sing in one of best schools for vocals in the city. Having learned to sing as a child, your young artist will be able to use his skills and realize himself later, when he grows up and is ready to work for variety stage or will make vocal performance his hobby.

Our program is not like a typical voice lesson, which consists of singing a few random "warm-up" exercises and then singing a song several times without a plan for addressing vocal issues. Our program meets the child where they are and, while creating singing, is designed to specifically develop the voice in a healthy but in an efficient way. While we don't believe in time-limited singing goals for kids, we do believe in having a plan and knowing who you want to be eventually.

The studio is recruiting all year round

We don't just voice lessons, we sing songs too! We balance fun and singing songs with clear goals and specific exercises to improve your vocals. The balance of fun and work in each lesson depends on the age of the child and him. personality. You can ask your teacher about your child's progress at any time and you will receive a specific answer related to educational purposes steps. Some voices will respond more quickly to training and others will respond more gradually, but everyone will eventually learn all the singing skills in Eight Steps of Vocal Development.

In our vocal studio, children begin to learn singing at the age of 3-4 years.

Vocal lessons for children 3-7 years old are aimed at general musical development child: development of hearing, sense of rhythm, coordination of voice and hearing, as well as the formation musical taste. Classes in the children's vocal studio are conducted in a playful way.

Vocal lessons for children from 7 years of age presuppose a deeper familiarization of the child with the technical side of the singing process: attention is paid to the development of range, various types vocalization, stage embodiment of the song image.

Start now and avoid bad vocal habits! I have nothing of Sophia Trent's student. Tricia Gray student Drew Cavendar. Students Tricia Nicholas Moody. For younger students we combine the fun of education, including all kinds of musical skills, as well as singing. Rhythmic instruments, percussion, clapping, moving and singing fun songs are part of the fun for little ones! Our Assistant Teachers have true love to bring music education younger children.

Piano lessons may be included. Tricia's student Carly Vogel started with an older Tricia. We offer opportunities to operate our bi-annual storefronts in a beautiful 250-seater professional theater. The show always sells and they are really funny! When we prepare for a show, we spend great attention performing skills and presenting a song. We bring in choreographers who teach movement and stage presence. We show every performance and we provide a professional photographer.

During the mutation period of 12-15 years, vocal classes, as a rule, continue, unless there are contraindications from doctors. Our teachers carefully and accurately work with the teenager’s voice, very carefully selecting material for singing so as not to overload the fragile vocal apparatus.
During this period, the child becomes familiar with different musical styles and genres, studying the specifics of performance for each vocal direction.

With each show, your child will become a more experienced performer! Even though children love to sing songs, they don't always love to practice exercises, but this the only way changes and improvements. The practice should be daily, and at the same time every day if possible. Children model your behavior; if you've ever wanted to take singing lessons, this is great way connect with your child!

Prospects for vocal lessons

Rest assured that your payment information is completely protected by us. Students take a minimum of one lesson per week, at the same time each week. Because we are very booked, your first choice teacher may not be available at your requested time. All our teachers are highly qualified. . Reply to this confirmation email.


The children's vocal studio in Moscow invites children aged 3-16 years to study in a vocal ensemble.

Program vocal ensemble for children includes development musical abilities child, such as hearing, sense of rhythm, development of coordination between hearing and voice, mastering vocal technique, singing in several voices, as well as the development of acting and stage abilities. At the group lessons of the children's vocal studio, attention is paid to the emancipation of the child and the preparation of concert numbers.

Through this series, we want to offer a platform for singers to share their experiences with readers and highlight interesting aspects. Of course, in addition to the technical and personal challenges, it's all about the stage and being as practical as possible. What was the trigger for singing? The singer had a career for a long time, but was not in the program. But there was no direct trigger - no more joy from music and especially singing. Andrea Paredes, Hessin with South American influences.

Have fun and good mood. Timing is tricky because the well booked entertainment group is still there. What do you have to do with stage fright or what do you do? Stage disappearance is very rare for me - probably because the general practice occurs when you often stand on stage with regular formations. It also matters whether the music is being made in a commercial setting, giving a concert, or singing in the opera, for example. The higher the artistic demand, the more terrible fear.

How do children's vocal ensemble classes work:

  • Groups are formed on weekdays and weekends.

    Weekday classes are held 2 times a week on Tuesdays/Thursdays. On weekends, once a week on Saturdays. It is also possible to attend classes 1 time per weekday and 1 time on the weekend.

  • Groups are formed depending on age: 3-4 years, 5-6 years, 7-9 years, 10-12 years, 13-16 years.
  • The maximum number of children in a group is 6 people.

Vocal lessons for beginners:

A child can start singing vocals at any age, 3, 5, 15... The teachers of our children's vocal school effectively teach singing to children, both “from scratch” and those who already have musical experience. Of course than earlier child begins to study music, the more experience and skills he will have developed by the age of 18, however, you can start at adolescence and achieve great heights in this matter. Come with your children to the SOUL music school-studio for vocal lessons, and you will see that you can start learning to sing at any age.

As a result of training in the studio “Pop vocals for children Naughty notes”, students will be able to

In my opinion, best way to do this - just prepare good preparation, which will give you a feeling of security and self-confidence. The experience of successful concerts that you have already completed, a pleasant atmosphere among colleagues, the confidence that everything will be “okay”, but also a certain serenity in accordance with the motto “Nobody is perfect!” - all this helps. The rest you just have to endure - the scary scene usually goes away when you're on stage.

Every 3 months in our nursery vocal school pass reporting concerts, where young artists can demonstrate their skills and abilities. Our vocalists also participate in various competitions and festivals.

Vocal teachers for children.

  • The teachers of our school are graduates of the best vocal universities in the country, with rich stage experience, as well as extensive teaching experience, including working with children and adolescents.
  • The teachers of our studio are proficient in different world-class techniques, and also have their own experience in teaching vocals. Therefore, they can find an approach to people of different ages and level of training.
  • Teachers constantly improve themselves: they undergo advanced training, attend seminars and master classes.
  • Our vocal teachers are well versed not only in the structure of the voice, in music, but also in children’s developmental psychology, so you can be sure that your child will feel comfortable in our vocal lessons.