These children. Age psychology, development and education of children

And not snow, and not ice, but silver will remove the trees.

I walk in the field, I fly in the wild,

I twist, grumble, I don’t want to know anyone,

I run along the village, sweeping snowdrifts.

Every morning he enters through the window to us.

If he has already entered, then the day has come.

In white velvet, the village is both fences and trees.

And as the wind attacks, this velvet will fall.

Milk floated over the river, nothing was visible.

Milk dissolved - it became visible far away.

For a minute, a multi-colored miracle bridge has grown into the ground.

The miracle master made a high bridge without a railing.

Without arms, without legs, and the window breaks out.

Who beats and taps on the roof all night,

And mumbles, and sings, lulls?

In winter, he walks - he locks at home, and in the spring he cries - he lets people out.

They fly without wings, they run without legs, they swim without sails.

Without a head, but with horns.

What master put it on the walls

And leaves, and herbs, and thickets of roses?

He does not know grief, but sheds tears.

Walks in the field, but not a horse, flies in the wild, but not a bird.

Everything turned white during the night, and we have a miracle in our apartment!

Outside the window, the yard disappeared. A magical forest grew there.

Who enters the window and does not open it?

Who does not cry, but tears flow?

I have neither fire nor heat, but I burn everything.

He entered - no one saw,

He said no one heard.

He blew into the windows and disappeared, and a forest grew on the windows.

You fell under my feet, stretched out along the road.

And you can not lift, and you can not drive away.

You look so much like me, as if I'm walking lying down.

The horse runs, the earth trembles.

She began to approach the house - she stole the sun from the sky.

The gray cloth stretches out the window.

Without arms, without legs, but climbs into the hut.

Leaky sacks roam the heavens in a horde,

And sometimes, water flows out of the bags.

He came from the sky, he went to the earth.

He does not see and does not hear

Walks, wanders, prowls, whistles.

Whoever comes across - hugs and fights.

A red-hot arrow knocked down an oak near the village.

Noisy, thundered, washed everything and left.

I watered the gardens and orchards of the entire neighborhood.

He makes noise in the field and in the garden, but he will not get into the house.

And I'm not going anywhere while he's on his way.

An eagle flies across the blue sky

She spread her wings, covered the sun.

Stronger than the sun, weaker than the wind, no legs, but walking, no eyes, but crying.

Who only grows in winter?

Without arms, without legs, but opens the gate.

There are three brothers: one is eating - he won’t get enough, the other is drinking - he won’t get drunk, the third is walking - he won’t work up.

Lives without a body, speaks without a language, no one sees it, but everyone hears it.

Without arms, without legs, knocking under the window, asking for a hut.

The white tablecloth covered the whole field.

The water itself, and floats on the water.

That's what a glutton is: everything in the world can eat.

And when he drinks water, he will definitely fall asleep.

I am always friendly with the light, if the sun is in the window,

From the mirror, from the puddle, I run along the wall.

Over the river, over the valley hung a white canvas.

A painted yoke hung across the river.

Riddles and riddles - favorite hobby many children. Riddles introduce children to the world around them, broaden the horizons of children, train resourcefulness and ingenuity, observation and memory.

When selecting and using riddles, it is important to know what methods of encoding certain words or concepts are used in riddles. In a riddle, only signs of a particular object are often given, and the simplicity or complexity of the riddle depends on how many of these signs are given, to what extent they reveal the hidden object.

A lot of riddles are built on allegories. These include riddles where the action or attribute of an object is compared with the same action or a similar attribute of another object, in most cases with a living being.

Most often, riddles are given orally according to a list compiled by him in advance. The one who gives the correct answer is given a certain number of points (for example, from 3 to 6, depending on the complexity of the riddle).

The winner is the one who scores more points.

Sometimes riddles are written on separate sheets or cards. The children take turns pulling out the leaves and guessing the riddles that are written on them. The sheets must be returned to the presenter (or a specially assigned attendant) along with an oral answer, on the basis of which points are awarded.

Riddles can also be used to make board games. The texts of the riddles for this game are written on separate cards, and the drawings that are the answer to these riddles are placed in cells big cards(for example, six to nine drawings on the map). They play like regular lotto. The facilitator pulls out cards with riddles and reads them.

The players together guess riddles, and the one who has a drawing on the card with the answer to this riddle covers it with a card. The winner is the one who closes all the drawings first on his card. For the manufacture of the game, you can use die-cut or decals that are commercially available.

For ease of use, we have divided all the riddles into topics. This selection is conditional, and, of course, neither the list of topics, nor even the selection of riddles on these topics, in any way claims to be complete.


1. The blue sheet dresses the whole world.
2. What can't you put in a chest?
3. It won’t knock, it won’t blur, but it will enter the window.
4. He won’t knock, he won’t blurt out, but he will come.
5. A sister goes to visit her brother, and he hides from her.
6. They often ask me, wait,
And as soon as I appear, they will begin to hide.
7. He is everywhere: in the field and in the garden,
But it won't get into the house.
And I'm not going anywhere
As long as he goes.
8. One flies, the other drinks, and the third eats.
9. The red yoke hung over the river.
10. An ox roared for a hundred villages, for a hundred rivers.
11. We do not know grief, but weep bitterly.
12. Stronger than the sun, weaker than the wind, no legs, but walking, no eyes, but crying.
13. Gray cloth stretches out the window.
14. They beat me, turn me over, cut me, but I am silent and cry with all good things.
15. Not water and not land, you can’t sail away on a boat, and you won’t pass with your feet.
16. I have sleeves,
Although there are no hands
And though I'm not made of glass,
I'm like a mirror...
Who am I? Give an answer!
17. On the silver road
We went on a hike.
Let's stop for a rest
And she goes to herself.
18. The fur coat is new, but there is a hole in the hem.
19. It does not sink in water and does not burn in fire.
20. Without arms, without legs, but climbs into the hut.
21. Without hands, without eyes, but he knows how to draw.
22. What grows upside down?
23. You are behind her, she is from you, you are from her, she is behind you.
24. Do not take me and do not lift me,
Do not cut with a saw
Do not cut down and do not drive away
Don't sweep with a broom...
But as soon as the time comes for me - I myself will leave the yard.
25. Curls around the nose, but does not come into the hands?
26. What goes without moving?
27. The edge is visible, but you won’t reach it.
28. In the mountains I wander after you,
I will answer any call.
Everyone heard me, but
No one has seen me yet.
29. No matter how much you eat, you will never be full.
30. What was "tomorrow" and will be "yesterday"?


1. Sky. 2. Ray of the sun. 3. Dawn. 4. Day. 5. Moon and sun. 6. Rain. 7. Rain. 8. Rain, earth, grass. 9. Rainbow. 10. Thunder. 11. Clouds. 12. Cloud. 13. Par. 14. Earth. 15. Swamp. 16. River. 17. River. 18. Ice hole. 19. Ice. 20. Cold. 21. Frost. 22. Icicle. 23. Shadow. 24. Shadow. 25. Wind. 26. Time. 27. Horizon. 28. Echo. 29. Fire. 30. Today.


31. Fear warmly drags,
And the guard screams warmly.
32. Walks in summer and rests in winter.
33. Who wears the forest?
34. The beast is afraid of my branches,
Birds don't build nests in them...
In the branches is my beauty and power.
Tell me quickly, who am I?
35. Not a Christmas tree, but a splitting, not a cat, but mice are afraid.
36. They always call me blind,
But this is not a problem at all.
I built a house underground
All pantries are full in it.
37. A giant swims across the ocean, and hides a mustache in his mouth.
38. There is a shock: In front of a pitchfork, And behind a broom.
39. With a beard will be born, no one marvels.
40. Walks on the ground,
Can't see the sky
Nothing hurts,
And everything groans.
41. She lies in the hay, does not eat herself and does not give to others.
42. The fur is soft, but the claw is sharp.
43. White as snow,
Puffed up like fur
Walks on shovels.
44. Will be born twice,
And he dies once.
45. Front awl,
behind the fork,
Towel underneath.
46. ​​The brothers got up on stilts,
Looking for food along the way.
On the run, on the go
They can't get off their stilts.
47. He cries in the swamp, but does not come out of the swamp.
48. Although I'm not a hammer -
I knock on wood:
It has every corner
I want to explore.
I walk in a red hat
And a great acrobat.
49. There are wings, but it does not fly,
There are no legs, but you can’t catch up.
50. Brawler and bully, lives in the water,
Claws on the back - and the pike will not swallow.
51. In a cramped hut An old woman's canvas is woven.
52. It flies - howls, sits down - digs the ground.
53. Who is in the forest without axes
Building a hut without corners?
54. Who can go out into the open field without leaving his house?


31. Wolf and ram. 32. Bear. 33. Deer. 34. Deer. 35. Hedgehog 36. Mole. 37. Whale. 38 Cow. 39. Goat. 40. Pig. 41. Dog. 42. Cat. 43 Goose. 44. Bird. 45. Swallow. 46. ​​Crane. 47. Kulik. 48. Woodpecker. 49. Fish 50. Ruff. 51. Bees. 52. Beetle. 53. Ants. 54. Snail.

55. I threw one - I took a whole handful.
56. They beat me with sticks, rub me with stones,
Burn me with fire, cut me with a knife.
But they ruin me so much that everyone loves me.
57. Golden mountains grow in the summer.
58. A house grew in the field,
The house is full of grain
The walls are gilded
The shutters are boarded up.
The house is shaking
On the trunk of gold.
59. Not the sea, not the river, but worried.
60. Golden sieve
There are a lot of black houses.
How many little black houses
So many white people.
61. Born on the field, Boiled at the factory, Dissolved on the table.
62. Two people walked, stopped, one asks the other:
- Is it black?
- No, it's red.
- Why is she white?
- Because it's green.
What were they talking about?
63. The caftan on me is green,
And the heart is like a kumach,
Tastes like sugar, sweet
And he looks like a ball.
64. Without windows, without doors, the upper room is full of people.
65. Round, but not the moon,
Green, but not oak forest,
With a ponytail, but not a mouse
66. Blue uniform, yellow lining, and sweet in the middle.
67. I'm sitting on a tree,
Round like a ball
Tasty like honey
Red as blood.
68. There is an oak, full of cereals,
Piglet covered.
69. An old man is standing over the water - shaking his beard.
70. Hat on one side,
Hid behind a stump.
Who walks close
Bows low.


55 Grain. 56 Bread. 57 Kopny. 58 Ear. 59. Ears. 60. Sunflower. 61. Sugar. 62. Redcurrant. 63. Watermelon. 64. Cucumber. 65. Turnip. 66 Plum. 67. Cherry. 68. Poppy. 69. Reed. 70. Mushroom.


71. Two walk, two look, two help, one leads and orders.
72. Who walks on four legs in the morning, two in the afternoon, and three in the evening?
73 My brother lives behind the mountain, he cannot meet me.
74. Two friends live, look in two circles.
75 If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't say anything.
76 Always in the mouth, not swallowed.
77. One speaks, two look and two listen.
78. A piece of wood is lucky, a knuckle cuts, wet Martin wraps.
79. All their lives they go ahead, but they cannot overtake each other.
80 I've been wearing them for many years, but I don't know how to count them.
81 Carrying is easy, counting is difficult.


71 people. 72 Man. 73 eyes. 74. Eyes and glasses. 75 Language. 76 Language. 77 Tongue, eyes and ears. 78 Spoon, teeth, tongue. 79 Legs. 80 Hair. 81 Hair.


82. They always see each other, but they don’t converge together
83. Walks, walks, but does not enter the hut.
84. Stands across the entrance, one hand in the hut, the other on the street.
85. Tall and strict,
Walks without touching the floor
Whoever comes out or comes in
She always shakes her hand.
86. Tail in the yard, nose in the kennel.
Whoever turns his tail will enter the house
87. The dog does not bark, but does not let him into the house.
88. A steep mountain, every step is a hole.
89 What freezes at home in winter, but not on the street?
90. Four brothers live under one roof
91. With legs, but without arms, with sides, but without ribs, with a back, but without a head.
92. Two bellies, four ears. What it is?
93. What a smart old man,
eighty eight legs
Everyone is shuffling across the field
Hot at work.
94. A tail made of bone, and bristles on the back.
95. I'm sitting on horseback, I don't know on whom,
I'll meet a friend, I'll jump off - I'll welcome
96. Five fingers, no bones, no meat, no nails.
97. Looks like a wedge, but if you turn it around - damn it
98. The wind blows - I don’t blow,
He does not blow - I blow,
But as soon as I wind
The wind blows from me.
99. She will be born in water, but
Strange fate, she is afraid of water
And it always dies.
100. White as snow, in honor of everyone,
He got into his mouth, disappeared therebr> 101. He sits on a spoon, legs dangling.
102. Without arms, without legs, but climbing uphill.

82 Floor and ceiling. 83 Door. 84 Door. 85 Door. 86, The key is in the lock. 87 Castle. 88 Staircase. 89 Window glass. 90 Table. 91 Armchair. 92 Pillow. 93 Broom. 94 Toothbrush. 95 Hat. 96 Gloves. 97 Umbrella. 98 Fan. 99 Salt. 100 Sugar. 101 Noodles. 102 Dough.


103. He sees well, but he is blind.
104. Kulik is small,
A whole hundred orders:
So sit down and study
So get up, get out.
105. Summer, winter - everyone skis;
Brother - table, sister - bench.
These are the most in the world
Inseparable friends.
106. What a siskin on a black field,
Draws a white trail with its beak?
The siskin has neither legs nor wings,
There is no feather or fluff.
107. Black Ivashka, wooden shirt:
Wherever it passes, there remains a trace.
108. Black, crooked, all mute from birth.
They will stand in a row - now they will speak.
109. White field, black seed,
Whoever sows it understands.
110. Though not a hat, but with fields,
Not a flower, but with a root,
Talks to us
Patient language.
111. She speaks silently,
It's understandable and not boring.
You talk more often with her -
You will become four times smarter.
112. There is a road - you can’t go,
There is land - you can’t plow,
There are meadows - you can’t mow,
There is no water in rivers, seas.
113. I walk along the beds, I dig without counting, it doesn’t decrease on the beds, but it grows in my head.
114. Has no language,
And who will visit
He knows a lot.
115. With friends and sisters
She comes to us
Stories, lead new
Brings in the morning.
116. Though dumb, she will call a lazy person.
117. I'm lying in a school bag, I'll tell you how you study.
118. Downhill - a horse, and uphill - a piece of wood.
119. We are nimble sisters -
Run fast masters.
In the rain - we lie,
In the snow we run:
This is our regime.
120. My horned three-legged horse,
Running fast down the road
I want - he will stand
I want to run forward.
121. Small and pot-bellied,
And he will speak
One hundred screaming guys
Will drown out immediately
122. That gets fat, then loses weight,
Voices throughout the house.
123. Musician, singer, storyteller,
And just a circle and a box.
124. On the squares of the board
The kings brought down the shelves
No for battle with regiments
No bullets, no bayonets.

103 Illiterate. 104 School bell. 105 Desk. 106 school chalk. 107 Pencil. 108 Letters. 109 Letter. 110 Book. 111. Book. 112. Geographic map. 113. Reading a book. 114. Newspaper. 115 Newspaper. 116. Wall newspaper. 117. Report card. 118 Sledge. 119 Skiing. 120 Tricycle. 121. Drum. 122. Bayan. 123 Gramophone. 124 Chess.


125. Bass is heard above the village,
He wakes us up in the morning.
We are used to it
To your schedule.
126 Himself thin, and head with a pood.
127. I want, so I will bow,
And I'm too lazy, so I'll fall.
128. My companion on the campaign
Used to hard rules:
Finished the job and for the cheeks
Remove the steel tongue.
129. Curl near the ear,
And in the middle of a conversation.
130. Sits on the roof of all above
131. Edge to Edge
Cuts a black loaf
Finish, turn around
Will take the same
132 Oats are not fed,
They do not drive with a whip,
And how it plows
He pulls seven plows.
133 Walks like a cow -
planted tongue,
Cow cuts grass
Under the spine.
134. The big-eyed beetle buzzed,
I circled the green meadow,
The road crumpled feather grass
And left, kicking up dust
135. I'm not alive, but I'm walking,
I help dig the earth
Instead of a thousand shovels
I'm happy to work alone
136. He walks and eats the earth -
A hundred tons in one sitting
He cuts the steppe into pieces,
And behind him the river flows.
137. A rolling pin walks along the road,
heavy, huge,
And now we have a road
Like a straight line
138. I am a river and a friend and brother,
Happy to work for people.
I am built by machines
I can shorten the way
And from the drought, like a warrior,
Forest and field shore!
139. Does not flap its wings, but flies,
Not a bird, but overtaking birds
140. You can jump off it on the go,
And you can't jump on it.


125 Factory horn. 126 Hammer. 127 Axe. 128 Penknife. 129 Radio headphones. 130 Antenna. 131 Plow. 132 Tractor. 133 Self-propelled mower. 134 Car. 135 Walking excavator. 136 Earth-moving projectile. 137. Road roller. 138 Channel. 139 Aircraft. 140 Aircraft.


There are riddles in which the answer is pronounced in chorus, by all those present. They are written in verse, and the word that is the answer to the riddle is referred to the end of the last line. It is easy to guess not only by the meaning of the problem, but also by rhyme.

Riddles with a collective answer are especially loved by kids. Delivers to them great pleasure jointly guess and together, in unison, shout out the answer.

I eat coal, I drink water.
When I'm drunk, I'll speed up.
I'm carrying a convoy on a hundred wheels
And I'm called .. (locomotive)

Boldly floats in the sky,
Overtaking birds flight.
The man controls it.
What's happened?. (airplane)

Courageously sailing on the waves
Without slowing down,
Only the car is buzzing is important.
What's happened? (steamboat)

For me to take you
I don't need oats.
Feed me gasoline
Give rubber to the hooves
And then, raising the dust,
Run (car)

I don't look like a piano
But I also have a pedal.
Who is not a coward and not a coward
I will ride that famously
I don't have a motor
I'm called (bike)

Who lives far away
He will not walk.
Our friend is right there.
He will rush everyone in five minutes.
Hey, sit down, don't yawn
Departure (tram)

Two birch horses
They carry me through the snow
These red horses
And their name is ... (skiing)

And we are in the forest and in the swamp,
You will always find us everywhere
In the meadow, on the edge
We are green... (frogs)

I am in any bad weather
I respect water
I stay away from dirt
Clean, gray ... (goose),
Instead of a nose - a patch,
Instead of a ponytail - a hook
My voice is shrill and call
I am cheerful ... (piggy)

I dig a hole day and night,
I don't know the sun
Who will find my long move
He will immediately say - this is ... (mole)

Who walks in the world
In a stone shirt?
In a stone shirt
They walk ... (turtles)

A huge cat will flash behind the trunks,
Eyes are golden and ears with tassels.
But it's not a cat, watch out
The insidious goes hunting ... (lynx)

Under the bark of pine and spruce
Sharpens complex tunnels
Only to the woodpecker for lunch
It hits ... (bark beetle)

There are a lot of them in the summer
And in winter they all die.
Jumping, buzzing over the ear,
What are they called? .. (flies)

I've been catching bugs all day
I eat worms.
I do not fly to a warm land,
Here, I live under the roof.
Chick-chirp! Don't be shy!
I'm experienced ... (sparrow)

Blacker than all migratory birds,
Cleans the arable land from worms,
Jump back and forth across the arable land,
And the bird is called ... (rook)

Helps us in the household
And willingly settles
Wooden palace
Dark bronze... (starling)

Grabbed by the cheeks, the tip of the nose,
Painted the window without asking:
Not who is it?
Here is the question!
All this makes... (frost)

Barely breathed in winter
They are always with you.
Warm two sisters
Their name is ... (mittens)

We are happy to overtake each other.
You look, my friend, do not fall!
Good then, easy
High-speed ... (skates)

Red Cat
The tree gnaws
The tree gnaws
Lives happily.
And drink water
He hisses, he dies.
Don't touch him with your hand
This red cat... (fire)


Riddles-jokes are a special kind of riddles. They are usually based on the fact that the guesser's attention is deliberately diverted from the essence of the question by the construction, formulation of the riddle, forcing the thought to work in a different, wrong direction.

If in ordinary riddles the signs of objects or phenomena are revealed, their similarity with others, then in riddles-jokes the whole point is in the "trap" or in the play on words, their continuous pronunciation, the movement of logical stress, etc.

1. The son of my father, but not my brother. Who is this?
2. What disease has no one ever been sick on earth?
3. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?
4. When are hands pronouns?
5. What notes can measure space?
6. What question no one will ever answer yes to?
7. What kind of dishes can not eat anything?
8. What should be done to saw off the branch on which the crow sits without disturbing it?
9. How many peas can fit into an ordinary glass?
10. What is under a person's feet when he walks across the bridge?
11. What does half an apple look like?
12. What kind of fabric cannot be used to sew shirts?
13. Which month is the shortest?
14. What can be seen with closed eyes?
15. How do both day and night end?
16. That in a man there is one, and in a crow twice, in a fox it will not be found, but in a garden three times?
17. What tree does a crow land on during heavy rain?
18. Two crows sat on a birch and looked into different sides: one to the south, the other to the north.
- You have, - says the first crow, - paws in the mud.
- And you, - the second answers, - the beak is in the ground. How so? They look in different directions, but they see each other?
19. Why do people often walk and never ride?
20. How far into the forest can a hare run?
21. Can I bring water in a sieve?


1. I myself. 2. Marine. 3. One, the second will no longer be on an empty stomach. 4. When they are you-we-you. 5. Mi-la-mi. 6 Sleeper to the question: "Are you sleeping?" 7. From empty. 8. Wait until she flies away. 9. None - they need to be invested. 10. The sole of the boots. 11. For the second half. 12. From the railway. 13. May is only three letters. 14. Sleep. 15. Soft sign, 16. The letter "o". 17. Wet. 18. They look at each other. 19. Up the stairs. 20. Until the middle, then he already runs out of the forest. 21. You can when it freezes.

“without arms, without legs, knocking under the window, asking for a hut” (riddle)

Alternative descriptions

Horizontal movement of air relative to the earth's surface

The movement of air relative to the earth's surface

The dog barks... wears "", the word

Both the breeze and the simum

Movement, horizontal airflow

A film by A. Alov

. "..., ..., you are powerful, you drive clouds of clouds"

. "The waves are extinguishing..." (Strugatsky)

. "Whoever sows... will reap a whirlwind"

. "Who is buzzing in the chimney in winter?" (mystery)

. "only ... the stone age knocks on the black gates"

atmospheric movement

Atmospheric tramp

atmospheric draft

Bora, marshmallow or nord

Throw words at...

Wind m. movement, flow, flow, current, air flow. According to its strength, the wind happens: a hurricane, a kavk. bora: storm, storm (usually a thunderstorm and rain are connected with a storm), severe, strong, windstorms: medium, weak, quiet wind or breeze, breeze, wind, vltrishka; according to the constancy of strength: even gusty, squally or bare, wind with spirits, arch.; according to the constancy of the direction: trade wind or strip; permanent, vonduluk; changeable, shaky or transitional; tornado, whirlwind or wrap, i.e. circular. According to the direction in general, the winds are called the countries of the world, for which the ovid is divided into parts, along the axis in a quarter (see compass, uterus). At the mouths of the rivers, two main types of winds are generally accepted: sea, sea, surge, name, and coastal, mother, gorych, sukhmen, oust, pasture, horse. Russian wind, from Rus', arch. southern, sib. west. The wind pulled from Rus'. The Russian wind brought warmth. On the White Sea, the winds are called: sever, north, summer, summer, letnik, east. west, midnighter, frostbite or rekostav, obednik, deepwater, golomennik, in Kola the coast. shalonik in Mezen pauzhnik, Intermediate countries or winds are called intermediaries there, and are denoted by the words: streak and between, for example. in a quarter: north streak north to midnight, mid north midnight, midnight streak north, midnight, midnight streak east, mid east midnight, east streak to midnight, east. Winds on Onega: longitudinal or columnar, Rebrovsky, east, east, middle, Galician ruffs, shalonik; -west, On Seliger: north, midday, east, west, low water, mezhnik, zimnyak, mokrik, cross west, On Lake Pskov: north, noon, greenhouse, west, stochey (east), mokrik, On the Volga: Khilok or Sweet, Moryan, Rotten, Veshnyak, Gorych, Nagorny, Meadow, On the Caspian Sea, the fishermen’s compass is naval, i.e. Dutch.On Baikal: north or mountain, noon, east, kultuk, barguzin, mountainous, gorych, gorynya, deep, shelonik , On the Danube: midnight, noon, carp, obaza, Vologda Belozer, In the direction of the wind in the sails: fordak, gybe, straight, aft, Baikal obeton; passing: wind, backstay, full; transverse: cross, gulfwind, half wind , lateral, Baikal, sway, kolyshen; steeper than half a wind: oblique, sidewind, twist, steep, aster. rake, arch. sloping, bet, baikal. bitez; counter; baking sheet, nasty, on the forehead, lobach, frontal. Cake wind, French wind, cream, whipped cream, sometimes on eggs. * Wind, speaking. about the person: carminative, windy, quick-grab; inconstant, restless, unreliable, reckless. Wind-blown, the same. Do something with the wind: walk with the wind, do everything at random, recklessly. The wind walks in (across) the room, blows, carries, pierces through. Like the wind, in vain. Vey in the wind, and opposite (and opposite) you will powder your eyes, do not argue with force. Do not wear your head above the wind, do not forget. the wind came, the wind went. You can't keep up with the wind in the field. You can't measure the buckets of the wind. Ask the wind for advice, will there be an answer? Whoever serves with the wind is paid with smoke. French wind, carminative. Where the wind blows, pleases; where it blows, not racks. Don't puff up against the wind. Something is not said from the wind. Everything went to the wind, squandered. Shoot into the wind. Do not believe the wind (horse) in the sea (in the field), but the wife in the wild (in the house). Hope for the wind, be without grinding. From the owner to smell of wind, from the mistress of smoke. The winds blew, the hat was blown off, the caftan was taken off, the mittens were asleep on their own, about the drunkard. Don't blow cold wind on us, be merciful. In the wind it is good to catch fleas, myrrh. The wind will go berserk, and the roof will be torn off from the bean hut. Where is the wind from? breakfast (or: from an afternoon snack, from lunch). The wind shelonik along Onega is a robber, southwestern, dangerous for ships. On Astafya September) note the north wind, to the cold; southern, to heat; western, to phlegm; east, to the bucket. On Eulampius of October), the horns of the month seem to be on the side where the winds come from. Kirghiz in the steppe wind! Winds pl. gases formed in the stomach and intestines, air that swells. Windy where there is wind, straight and figurative meaning. Windy, relating to the wind [Windy phr. suffer., wind and wind, adj.; if you distinguish between them, then it seems that the indicated difference will be close to the point.]. Windy time, windy summer, plentiful winds. It is nicer in the yard, it is windy (nar.) worthless. Windmill, crowd, driven by the wind. Windpipe, purge, air. Wind fur, wheel, blowing, delivering, catching up air. Wind-driven melting furnace, air, self-blown, with gravity blower. Wind guests, arch. arrived by sea. Wind fish, meat, dried, hanging, hanging, polling. Windy man, helipad, frivolous, unfounded, legost, carminative, anemone. Wind sickness, winds, beams, according to popular belief, sent. Windy catch, aching lesion of the shoulder in horses. Windy Wed arch. shooting, this is a disease that is made up by the wind. Wind related to air or wind, in various meanings. Wind window hooks, expansion, mortar, to hold the dissolved halves. Wind Guy, Wind Runner. Wind gut, for the inlet where the wind, air. Wind pike perch, dried. Windy, windy adv. tamb. yarosl. windy, the wind is blowing, the weather is windy. Windy, windy, about the weather, become windy; about the wind: grow stronger, freshen, blow out, rise. To wind what, to dry in the wild, to dry, to hang; ventilate. If you don't wind your clothes, you won't save it. Campfire wind, have fun, walk. Okhotnich. about a dog, to smell, to hear with a flair. Wind or wind, ventilate, dry out, wither; weather; to weather. The linen is windy. Lips in the wind wind, soften. The stone is windy. The flag winds, flutters in the wind. The girl winds, chickens. eagle started behaving badly. The stone has weathered, loosened. Air out clothes. Everything went out of my head. It's clear, the wind has picked up. The skin is weathered, withered in the air. Lips blew, softened. It's windy outside. Rewind all clothes, air them out. Windmill, windmill m. Yuzhn. kaz. perm. windmill windmill (water name mlyn). Sail Wed sail. Windmill children's toy with windmill wings. Plant Hepatica triloba, coppice, curls, p(r)shot. Vetrenik m. open to the winds, an elevated place where the crop dries. Sib. wind vane, weather vane, wind vane, an icon showing the direction of the wind, turning in the wind. Podnezhnik, plant Anemone Pulsatilla, anemone. Helicopter, carnivore, flying machine, frivolous, fickle person. Tver. fan, fan. Vetrenik m. arch. windmill a window, a pinwheel, an air vent, in a window or in a wall; weathervane, weathervane. Windmill dryer, dryer, space in the attic or a high platform, sometimes behind bars, for drying clothes, for drying fish, etc. Anemone w. lower windmill, windmill. Windy woman, reckless, helicopter, frivolous. Vost. each of the long twigs, poles, which cover haystacks, omets and thatched roofs of huts, to protect against a storm; peremetina; arch. three upper boards on the boats, sides above the deck, necks. An internal crack or crack in a forest, in a log; sometimes these cracks show out on the cuts. Generic name of Anemone plants: forest anemone, Nemorosa; V. yellow, ranunculoides; V. hepatic, hepatica. Emphysema disease, wind or air swelling, esp. in the lungs, or externally, in the fiber, under the skin. A lever with wings or flappers, on an axis, to moderate the speed of rotational force; anemone sets the speed of the clock. Wind, up to the wind vane, up to the wind vane, etc. related. To be frivolous, to act recklessly and frivolously, recklessly, quickly and recklessly. Windiness property of a windy person, helicopterism. Windy, somewhat windy; about a frivolous person. Vetroboy, -shaft, windbreak m. Collected. windbreak and stormy, the forest broken, felled by a storm, by the wind. The ending shaft means uprooted trees; scrap broken; fight this and that. Windy, windy, polled, ceiling, hanging, dried. Vetrogar m. sunburn on the face, on the hands, weathering of the body in the air. Vetrogarny, from sunburn, weathering occurred. Vetrogon m. anemone, helipad, man-wind. A windmill is also a wheel in a box, or another projectile that serves to drive air, wind; carminative, driving wind, air; relating to the carminative, in both meanings. Wind tunnel m. tagan, tripod, tripod, for cooking food in the field. Anemone, helipad, legostay. Windy thin, full of holes, through, slit, blown by the wind. Windburner, windburner, windburner, tan. Wind-yellow, wind-faded, yellow from the wind, heat. Wind deflector, wind deflector. Vetrolet m. boyer, buer, sailing vessel on skates. Helicopter, anemone. Windmill frivolous, windy woman, fidget. Windbreaker m. windbreaker, windbreaker. Windfall forest. A wind-breaking tree, fragile, whose branches are upholstered in the wind: buckthorn, willow. Vetromakh m. -mashka w. windhook, -gon, -years, heliport. Wind meter m. anemometer, projectile for measuring wind force. Windy sands, loose, erratic. Windspitter, -weave, or windspitter, windspitter, liar and liar, idler. Wind dancer, helipad, doing nothing, connecting rod, shambler. Wind turbine m. tube or other conductor, air flow hole; aeolipil, a physical device that turns water into vapours. Vetrosvist m. vetrolet and wind dancer. Wind dry, wind dry m. Winding cf. church smoldering in the wind, in the air; foul, foul air. Windy, destroyed by the influence of the elements, mortal, rotting

Turns the windmill

Drives flocks of clouds

Reveler in the head of a fool

head dweller walking in the field

A draft walking on the sea

Air movement in the horizontal direction

Breath of nature

Measured in points on the Beaufort scale

What element forms the bizarre landscapes of the Sahara desert

What kind of air can fly

Who drives the clouds across the sky

Who is king over the earth? (Mystery.)

Mighty chaser of fat packs (lit.)

Garbage in the song of the group "Crematorium"

restless air

He usually walks on the street, but some - in the head

Trade wind or monsoon

moving air

Song by O. Gazmanov

Aeolus was the lord of what

Cloud Driver and Sail Blower


Raven family bird

Novel Russian writer L. S. Ovalova "... over the field"

Whistles in the wires and blows the sails

Whistler in wires

Strong in a hurricane

A poem by the Russian poet V. Kuchelbecker

dune builder


Film by Abram Room "... from the East"

Film by Alexander Zarkhi "... in the face"

Film Alova

Film by Mikhail Kalik "And returns ..."

Eldar Kuliyev's film "Traveling..."

Film by Ang Lee "Icy..."

Film by Yuri Egorov "... wanderings"

Film by Jan Fried "Free"

What makes a weather vane capricious

What makes the foliage rustle

What's ruffling your hair on the street

What spreads poplar fluff

What sways the branches of the trees and drives the clouds across the sky?

Who drives the clouds across the sky?

The main distributor of horsetail

Drives a wave

Blizzard ringleader

Movement of air on the earth's surface

Bradbury's story

Küchelbecker's poem

What should you sow if you want to "reap the whirlwind"?

Poem by Sh. Petofi

Movement, airflow


Film by Ang Lee "Icy..."

Film by Yuri Egorov "... wanderings"

Eldar Kuliev's film "Traveling..."

Abram Room's film "... from the East"

Film by Jan Fried "Free"

Alexander Zarkhi's film "... in the face"

Film by Mikhail Kalik "And returns ..."

The novel by the Russian writer L. S. Ovalov "... over the field"

What element can turn a calm into a storm?

It was from him that Elisha heard the good news: the bride is in the coffin!

It comes from pressure fluctuations.

What was Eol the ruler of?

Garbage in the song of the group "Crematorium"

How were the heroes of the landmark Hollywood melodrama carried away?

What needs to be added to the snow to make a blizzard?

Operetta M. Dunayevsky "Free ..."

Buzzing in the wires

What is barguzin?

Atmospheric phenomenon in an empty head

. “He waved his hand, bent the tree” (riddle)

. “Who is buzzing in the chimney in winter?” (mystery)

. “it curls around the nose, but it doesn’t come into the hands” (riddle)

Look for it in the field

Afghan but not a resident

Garbage at the "Crematorium"

Its strength is measured on the Beaufort scale.

B. Pasternak's poem

fills the sails

Blowing in the back

What spreads poplar fluff?

What makes a weather vane capricious?

What's ruffling your hair on the street?

What kind of air can fly?

What makes the leaves rustle?

. "Feelings die when you throw them at..."

. “only ... the stone age knocks on the black gates”

. "he who sows ... will reap a whirlwind"

. "..., ..., you are powerful, you drive flocks of clouds"

Barking dog peddler

He makes the weather vane turn

Lots and lots of mysteries different topics.

They beat me with sticks, they rub me with stones,
Burn me with fire, cut me with a knife.
And for that they ruin me so much that everyone loves me.

Grew up in the field house
The house is full of grain
The walls are gilded
The shutters are boarded up.
The house is shaking
On the trunk of gold.

golden sieve
There are a lot of black houses.
How many little black houses
So many white people.


Round, but not the moon,
Green, but not oak forest,
With a tail, but not a mouse.

Two people walked, stopped, one asked the other:
- Is it black?
- No, it's red.
- Why is she white?
Because it's green.
What were they talking about?

(Red Ribes)

The caftan on me is green,
And the heart is like a kumach,
Tastes like sugar, sweet
And he looks like a ball.

I'm sitting on a tree
Round like a ball
Tasty like honey
Red as blood.

There is an oak, full of cereals,
Piglet covered.

An old man stands over the water
Shaking his beard.


No windows, no doors
Full of people.

blue uniform,
yellow lining,
And in the middle - sweet.

sideways hat,
Hid behind a stump.
Who walks close
Bows low.

Not the sea, not the river, but worried.

(Field with ears)

Golden mountains grow in the summer.

Threw one - took a whole handful.

Riddles about animals

White as snow
Puffed up like fur
Walks on shovels.

Even though I'm not a hammer -
I knock on wood:
It has every corner
I want to explore.
I walk in a red hat
And a great acrobat.

The brothers got up on stilts,
Looking for food along the way.
On the run, on the go
They can't get off their stilts.


Walks on earth
Can't see the sky
Nothing hurts,
And everything groans.

They always call me blind
But this is not a problem at all.
I built a house underground
All pantries are full in it.

There is a shock: Ahead of the pitchfork,
Behind the broom.

The beast is afraid of my branches,
Birds will not build nests in them.
In the branches is my beauty and power,
Tell me quickly, who am I?

There are wings, but it does not fly,
There are no legs, but you can’t catch up.

In a cramped hut
Weaving an old woman's canvas.

Who is in the forest without axes
Building a hut without corners?


Flying - howling
He sits down and digs the earth.

Who can go out into the open field,
Without leaving your home?

Crying in the swamp
But it does not come from the swamp.

Born twice
One dies.

awl on the front,
behind the fork,
Towel underneath.


Born with a beard
Nobody marvels.

soft fur,
Yes, the claw is sharp.

On the hay lies
Doesn't eat on her own
And he doesn't give it to others.

Fear warmly drags
And the "guard" screams warmly.

(Wolf and ram)

Not a tree, but a peg.
Not a cat, but a mouse is afraid.

walks in summer
And rests in winter.


Brawler and bully
Lives in water.
Claws on the back
And the pike will not swallow.

Who wears the forest?

A huge cat will flash behind the trunks,
Eyes of gold and ears with tassels,
But it's not a cat, watch out
Goes hunting insidious ...

Who walks in the world
In a stone shirt?
In a stone shirt
They go…


And we are in the forest, and in the swamp,
You can always find us everywhere:
In the meadow, on the edge,
We are green...


I dig a hole day and night,
I don't know the sun
Who will find my long move
It will tell you straight away...

Instead of a nose - a patch,
Instead of a tail - a hook,
My voice is shrill and ringing,
I'm funny…


A giant swims across the ocean
And the mustache hides in the mouth.

I've been catching bugs all day
I eat worms.
I do not fly to a warm land,
Here, under the roof, I live,
Chick-chirp! Don't be shy!
I am seasoned...


I am in any bad weather
I have a lot of respect for water.
I stay away from dirt
Clean gray…

There are a lot of them in the summer
And in the winter everyone dies
Jumping, buzzing over the ear.
What are they called?

Under the bark of pine and spruce
Sharpens complex tunnels.
Only to the woodpecker for lunch

Helps us in the household
And willingly settles
Wooden palace
Dark Bronze…


Blacker than all migratory birds,
Cleans arable land from worms.
Jump back and forth across the arable land,
And the bird's name is...

Riddles about a person

I've been wearing them for many years
I don't know how to count them.

Who walks on four legs in the morning,
Day for two
And in the evening at three?


One says
Two are looking
Two are listening.

(tongue, eyes, ears)

My brother lives behind the mountain,
Don't meet me.

If it weren't for him,
Wouldn't say anything.

All my life they go in overtaking,
Yes, they can't overtake each other.

Always in your mouth
Don't swallow.

The tree is lucky
The knuckle flogs
Wet Martin wraps up.

(spoon, teeth, tongue)

Two are walking
Two are watching
Two help.
One leads and orders.

(Legs, eyes, arms and head of a person)

Riddles about natural phenomena

He is everywhere: in the field and in the garden,
But it won't get into the house.
And I'm not going anywhere
As long as he goes.

I have sleeves, although I don’t have hands.
And though I'm not made of glass,
I am bright like a mirror.
Who am I? Give an answer!

On the silver road
We went on a hike.
Let's stop for a rest
And she goes to herself.

Don't pick me up and lift me up
Do not cut with a saw
Do not cut down and do not drive away
Do not sweep with a broom
But the time will come for me -
I myself will leave the yard.

One walks, the other drinks
And the third is eating.

(Rain, earth and grass)

Curls around the nose
But it is not given in the hands.

What happened tomorrow
Will it be yesterday?


I follow you in the mountains
I will answer any call.
Everyone heard me, but
No one has seen it yet.

No matter how much you eat
Will never be full.

What goes without moving?

The edge is visible, but you won’t reach it.


The fur coat is new, but there is a hole in the hem.


You are after her, she is away from you.
You are from her, she is behind you.

What grows upside down?


It does not sink in water and does not burn in fire.

Himself without hands, without eyes,
And he knows how to draw.

No arms, no legs
And climb into the hut.

The red yoke hung over the river.

Not water and not land.
You can’t swim away on a boat and you can’t walk through with your feet.

The gray cloth stretches out the window.

(Steam, mist)

I am often asked, waited,
And as soon as I appear, they will begin to hide.

Stronger than the sun, weaker than the wind
No legs, but walking.
No eyes, but crying.

He won’t knock, he won’t bang, but he will come.

We do not know grief, but weep bitterly.

They beat me, they twist me, they cut me,
And I am silent and cry with all the good.

An ox roared for a hundred villages, for a hundred rivers.

What can't you put in a chest?

(beam of the sun)

The blue sheet dresses the whole world.

Sister visits brother
And he hides from her.

(Moon and sun)

Grabbed by the cheeks, the tip of the nose,
He painted the window without asking.
But who is it?
Here is the question!
All this makes…

Red Cat
The tree gnaws
Lives happily.
And how to drink water -
He hisses, he dies.
Don't touch him with your hand!
This red cat...

Tall and strict
He walks without touching the floor.
Whoever comes out or comes in
She always shakes her hand.

What a smart old man
eighty eight legs
Everyone is shuffling on the floor
Hot at work.

She will be born in water
But a strange fate -
She is afraid of water
And it always dies.

The wind blows - I do not blow,
He does not blow - I blow.
But as soon as I wind
The wind blows from me.

Looks like a wedge
And unfold - damn it.

I'm sitting on top
I don't know on whom.
Meeting a friend -
I'll jump, I'll take it.

Barely breathed in winter
They are now always with you.
Warm two sisters
They are called…


White as snow
In honor of everyone
Got in the mouth -
It disappeared there.

He sits on a spoon with his legs dangling.

No arms, no legs
And climb up the mountain.

Five fingers,
No bones, no meat, no nails.


bone tail,
And on the back - bristles.


Born on the field
Brewed at the factory
Dissolved on the table.

With legs, but without arms,
With sides, but without ribs,
With a back, but without a head.

Two bellies, four ears.
What it is?


The dog doesn't bark
But he won't let me into the house.

Four brothers live under one roof.

Tail in the yard, nose in the kennel.
Whoever turns his tail will enter the house.

(Key in the lock)

steep mountain,
Every step is a hole.


What freezes at home in winter,
Isn't it on the street?

(Window glass)

They always see each other, but they never get together.

(floor and ceiling)

He walks and walks, but does not enter the hut.

It's across from the entrance.
One hand in the hut
The other one is on the street.

Riddles about technology and labor

He himself is thin, and his head is a pood.


I am a river and a friend and brother,
Happy to work for people.
I am built by machines
I can shorten the path.
And from the drought, like a warrior,
Forest and field shore!

A rock walks along the road
Heavy, huge.
And now we have a road
Like a ruler, straight.

(Road roller)

He walks and eats the earth -
Hundreds of tons in one sitting.
He cuts the steppe into pieces,
And behind him the river flows.

(Ground projectile)

I'm not alive, but I'm walking
I help dig the earth.
Instead of a thousand shovels
I'm happy to work alone.


The eyed beetle buzzed,
I circled the green meadow,
The road crumpled feather grass
He left, kicking up dust.


A cow walks like a field -
Sauteed tongue.
Cow cuts grass
Under the spine.

(Self-propelled mower)

Oats are not fed
They do not drive with a whip,
And how it plows
He pulls seven plows.


From end to end
Cuts a black loaf
Finish, turn around
Will take the same.

You can jump off it on the go,
And you can't jump on it.


It does not flap its wings, but flies.
Not a bird, but ahead of birds.


Boldly floats in the sky,
Overtaking birds flight.
The man controls it.
What's happened?


My travel companion
Used to hard rules:
Finished the job and for the cheeks
Remove the steel tongue.


I eat coal, I drink water.
When I'm drunk, I'll speed up.
I'm carrying a convoy on a hundred wheels
And I'm called...


Bass is heard over the village,
He wakes us up in the morning.
We are used to it
To your schedule.

(Factory horn)

I want, so I bow
And I'm too lazy, so I'll fall.

Who lives far away
He will not walk.
Our friend is right there.
He will rush everyone in five minutes.
Hey, sit down, don't yawn!
Heading off…


I don't look like a piano
But I also have a pedal.
Who is not a coward and not a coward,
I'll ride that famously.
I don't have a motor
I am called...


Courageously sailing on the waves
Without slowing down,
Only the car is buzzing is important.
What's happened?


For me to take you
I don't need oats.
Feed me gasoline
Give rubber to the hooves,
And then, raising the dust,
Will run...


Sits on the roof of all above.


Curl near the ear
And in the middle of a conversation.


Riddles about study and rest

On the squares of the board
The kings brought down the regiments.
No for battle with regiments
No bullets, no bayonets.


We are nimble sisters -
Run fast masters.
In the rain - we lie down,
In the snow - run:
This is our regime.

Small in stature and paunchy,
And he will speak
One hundred screaming guys
Will mute immediately.


My horned three-legged horse
Running fast down the road
I want - he will stand,
I want to run forward.


With friends and sisters
She comes to us
Stories, lead new
Brings in the morning.

There is a road - you can not go,
There is land - you can’t plow,
There are meadows - you can’t mow,
There is no water in rivers, seas.

(Geographic map)

Though not a hat, but with fields,
Not a flower, but with a root,
Talks to us
Patient language.

Kulik is small
A whole hundred orders:
So sit down and study
So get up, get out.

(School bell)

Summer, winter - all on skis;
Brother is a table, sister is a bench.
These are the most in the world
Inseparable friends.

She speaks silently
It's understandable and boring.
You talk more often with her -
You will become four times smarter.

Musician, singer, storyteller,
And just a circle and a box.


Black Ivashka,
Wooden shirt:
Where you walk, there is a trace left.


Downhill - a horse,
And uphill - a piece of wood.

Black, crooked, All mute from birth.
Will stand in a row
Now they will speak.

What a siskin on a black field
Draws a white trail with its beak?
The siskin has neither legs nor wings,
There is no feather or fluff.