Biography of Cheburashka. Cheburashka: wiki: Facts about Russia

Prefers open spaces. Also, the coat of a white hare after molting acquires a white color, while the hare remains gray. Otherwise, these species are so similar that they even periodically interbreed with each other, giving viable, albeit sterile, offspring.

They feed on food that is not held in high esteem by other rodents - the bark of trees and thin branches, leaves and young shoots. In winter, in search of food, animals often go to human habitations, where they can feast on the bark of fruit trees and hay.

Hares exist - quite a lot of predators want to taste the tender meat of animals. Rodents have to survive due to their speed and cunning. Hares not only run fast, sometimes reaching speeds of up to 50 km / h, but also masterfully deceive their pursuers, dodging, returning in their tracks and making sharp jumps to the side. If the predator nevertheless caught up with the animal, the hare uses its last trump card - it lies on its back and tries to fight back with its powerful hind legs.

Hares are widespread not because of their numerous talents by confusing enemies, but at the expense of their fertility. In the territory of Russia three times, and in each litter there are five to seven cubs. Scientists still do not agree on whether a hare is considered a good mother by human standards. Some believe that females do not leave their cubs, and during their forced absence, the male watches over the offspring. According to others, the hare, having fed, can calmly leave them for several days, and other hares will feed the hungry offspring.

in biology, behavior and lifestyle all kinds hares are similar to each other. These are animals leading, for the most part, a twilight and nocturnal lifestyle.

All day the hare lies in some secluded place, and only in the evening rises and begins active life. During the night, he avoids several kilometers and visits a wide variety of lands. He either feeds, or, as they say, fattens, or just walks and frolics.

The places of his nocturnal adventures usually do not coincide with the places of daytime rest - during the day the animal needs shelter, at night - food and the opportunity to run. However, sometimes it lives for several days on an area of ​​​​only 1-2 hectares.

Depending on the local conditions and seasons hares eat different types of feed. In summer they are seduced areas of land with rich herbage, since at this time the basis of the nutrition of hares is grassy vegetation. Therefore, even white hares for fattening go to glades and clearings, to sparse or forest edges, where grasses are more diverse and nutritious. in winter everything in the food of hares greater value acquire tree-branch food: young shoots and bark various kinds trees and shrubs. For a white hare, they become the main food. however, although it uses them, it prefers to feed on winter shoots, aftermath, weeds and weed seeds. However, other types of hares do not disdain this food.

It is in winter that the traces of hares are especially numerous on the roads along which hay is carried, and near haystacks, if they are available in the land. On the roads, hares not only pick up the remains of hay, they are attracted by the increased salinity of the soil or snow soaked in the urine of domestic animals. Salt starvation of hares is a common phenomenon. In winter, hares like roads because they are easier to run on. Belyaks themselves tread their own permanent paths, along which they regularly move from one part of the forest to another. In addition, hares, and more often than other hares, use roads to escape from danger - it is easier to confuse and cover the trail here.

Resting places for hares

Having refreshed himself and having run during the night, the hare sets off at dawn to look for place to rest. In most cases, he settles where, on the one hand, it is difficult to approach him unnoticed, on the other hand, he is reliably hidden from keen eyes predator. Hares rarely lie down among continuous, dense thickets of undergrowth or undergrowth, shrubs, weeds and tall grass. Much more often they choose a separate clump or a separate bush among more or less sparse vegetation. The favorite places of hare haulouts are borders overgrown with thick grass, flaws preserved among arable land, bushes, deep furrows, as well as edges of forests or shrubs. In winter, the hare willingly lies down near the puffs of snow, in which he digs out a shelter for himself.

Mating period for rabbits

The way of life of hares remains constant throughout most of the year. But there are days when his behavior changes dramatically. This mating period when caution and "prudence" leave the hares. Almost all day, especially in the morning and evening, not to mention the night, they rush around the grounds in search of a mate. A hare is usually pursued by several hares, between which fierce fights occur because of the long-eared beauty. The female is often covered in a row by several males.

During the rut, it constantly happens to see groups of hares of four, five or more animals together. They are so busy with their own affairs that they let you get very close, and even they themselves run almost close. Usually the hare is silent and its plaintive cry can be heard either when it is injured, or when it is caught in the claws or teeth of a predator. But busy with mating games, hares quite often give a voice resembling a thin neigh.

Hares breeding

Hares are breeding fast. Where summer is long enough, females give three or even four litters a year. In colder places, the number of litters is reduced to two and even to one. The duration of pregnancy in all types of hares is about 50 days. In each litter, on average, it happens from three to seven rabbits with fluctuations from 1 to 12.

Hares of the first litter, born in March-April, by the hunting season are almost comparable in size to adult hares. Hunters call them nastoviks". The next litter - at the end of June - beginning of July gives " pilots», « spikelets" or " herbalists". Finally, the hares of the third (or generally the latest) litter are called " deciduous».

It would seem that with such an intensity of reproduction, hares should have bred incredibly. However, "hare" years, when animals in suitable areas are found almost at every step, are relatively rare. And there are many reasons for that.

Enemies of hares

The hare is a rather defenseless creature and enemies he has a lot. Both adult individuals and young hares, which already from 10-14 days of age begin to more or less independent life are severely affected by predators.

Wolves, lynxes, foxes, stray dogs and cats, large feathered predators, both daytime and nocturnal - they are all willing to eat hare and cause significant damage to the livestock of hares. But this is not the main thing.

Diseases of hares

The main scourge of hares is massive diseases. Various pulmonary and intestinal helminthiases (helminthic diseases), tularemia, pasteurellosis and coccidiosis sometimes they actually mow down hares. Often, animals in vast areas die almost completely, in order for their numbers to recover, it takes several years.

It is interesting that the more hares there are at the time of the pestilence, the more devastating its consequences. The disease is spreading rapidly, becoming widespread. Where the number of hares is small, epizootics occur less frequently and their consequences are not so devastating.

The vicissitudes of the climate

In addition to diseases, hares are destroyed, and sometimes in the mass, all kinds of vicissitudes of climate. Late spring frosts, rainy and cold weather in the first days of the life of young animals cause increased mortality of rabbits. If spring came early, and then gave way to a cold snap with a blizzard or rain, then the first broods die almost completely. On the contrary, an early, warm and friendly spring is very favorable for increasing the number of hares.

In the vast floodplains in spring, hares suffer greatly from high floods. Hollow water quickly comes, flooding everything around. Hares huddle on hills and manes that have turned into islands in dozens, or even hundreds. However, the area of ​​dry places is decreasing. Wet, hungry, shaking from the cold, the animals climb onto the stumps, onto the branches of trees accessible to them, onto everything that rises at least a little above the water. They sit on floating logs and ridges, cut off from the land and completely helpless. It is good if the flood subsides quickly, otherwise the hares will not escape death.

In such a hopeless situation for hares, they are often attacked by feathered predators. And not only real predators. Insolent crows and even magpies, having gathered in whole companies, do not give the exhausted victims of the flood a moment's rest and, sometimes, beat them to death. At the same time, the animals gathered on the islands were shot, poisoned by dogs and beaten with sticks in huge numbers. Fortunately, this wild practice is now over.

In deep snowy, blizzard winters, and especially in the presence of crusts, it becomes difficult for hares, mainly hare and thawed hare, to get food. Through the icy, thick layer of snow, they are unable to get to the bottom of either fresh shoots of winter crops, or last year's rags and small shrubs. The animals are starving and if there are no hay sheds, haystacks or high fodder vegetation not covered by a snowstorm, the hares die of hunger.

Hares are threatened by many troubles, therefore, despite all their "fertility", they have not filled and do not fill the land suitable for their life. The average annual increase in the number of hares is not so great. It usually does not exceed 100% of the original livestock, i.e., by the hunting season, there is one profit hare for each adult hare.

The number of species of hares

The number of species of hares changes dramatically over the years. Now there are a lot of them, then, as a result of some regular misfortune, there are almost none at all. These ups and downs in numbers are repeated more or less regularly, at regular intervals. They are extremely unfavorable for conducting a planned hunting economy for a hare.

Biotechnical techniques for maintaining the livestock of hares

To support the rabbit population enough high level, there are some biotechnical techniques.

So, in order to prevent the occurrence of mass epizootics, it is practiced to attract hares (by organizing feeding and arranging salt licks) to drier and elevated areas of land, where the possibility of infection with various helminths is less. With the help of the same measures, before the start of the spring flood, hares can be pulled out of the floodplains, where many of them could die. A good effect is the capture of hares captured by floods, which are then released into areas of land that are not occupied by water. In the deep snow and with ice crusts for starving animals, grain is fed with waste, twig brooms and hay. In addition, clearing green areas with a snow plow is very useful, which, by the way, is fully consistent with snow retention work.

It is also necessary to strictly regulate the number of those species of predators that cause significant harm to the livestock of hares under each specific conditions.

Hares are one of the most common animals in the world. Even though they have very valuable fur, being for this reason a favorite object for hunting, hare fertility does not allow this population to disappear.

In total, there are 30 species of hares in the world, each of them is distinguished by its habits and external features. Let's talk today about one of them - a white hare.

white hare Description of the hare

So why white? In winter, this subspecies of the hare changes its color from gray (sometimes grayish-reddish) to snow-white. Only on the tops of the ears may there be black spots.

The weight of a hare is from 1.6 kg to 4.5 kg, the length ranges from 40 to 65 cm. The animal has a neat rounded tail, the length of which barely reaches 7 cm, and chic ears 8 to 10 cm long. species are always wide, feet and fingers, on which are covered with thick fur.

The molting period for hares of this species occurs in spring and autumn - 2 times a year. In those regions where snow falls in small quantities, white hare do not change color.

Females are often slightly larger than males.


So where does this snow-white handsome man live? This species is most widely distributed in northern latitudes - North America, Scandinavia, Norway, Sweden. In Russia, hare can be found in Siberia, Kamchatka and Sakhalin, in Ukraine - in Chernihiv, Zhytomyr and Sumy regions.

Belyaks prefer to live in places where food is plentiful for them, regardless of the time of year. Most often, these beauties can be found on the edges of mixed and deciduous forests, in thickets of shrubs, in reeds near water bodies, in high steppe grasses. The hare tries to settle where predators lack it.


What do rabbits eat? Belyaki belong to the category of herbivores:

  • In summer time these long-ears love to eat such herbaceous plants as clover, cereals, dandelion leaves and flowers, yarrow, goldenrod and many others medicinal plants that grow in their habitat.
  • Hares in autumn feed on small branches of shrubs.
  • In winter, these beauties they feed on the bark of trees such as aspen, birch, willow, etc. They can get dry grass and cedar cones from under the snow. Sometimes they eat dry berries left on the bushes. It can also eat mountain ash, wild rose, juniper and alder. If there are orchards not far from the hare habitat, then there you can also find a hare gnawing the bark of fruit trees.
  • In the spring this fluffy again passes to herbaceous plants and young shoots of trees and shrubs.

There were unusual cases- white gourmets found, dug up and ate truffle mushrooms.


What is the behavior of a white hare? Their highest peak of activity falls on the evening and predawn time.

In winter, hare hares pull out a small mink in the snow for themselves, where they hide in bad weather or during daylight hours. In the summer of such shelters, the hare usually do not make, but settle down in a secluded place simply by crushing the grass.

From the place of their shelter to the place of feeding, the hare mostly move along the same route. This becomes especially noticeable in winter time- they tread paths so well that even a person can freely move along them.

In search of food, this long-eared is able to move very long distances - up to 10 kilometers in one night. But if the long-eared has enough food, then in the same night he can walk only one kilometer.

The hare has very poorly developed eyesight and sense of smell, but it has excellent hearing. The ability to move very quickly is the only means of protection in case of danger.


Belyak, like all his long-eared counterparts, is a very prolific animal. Mating season typically occurs during the spring and summer months. In females, fertility peaks between 2 and 7 years of age. Pregnancy lasts from 47 to 55 days, shortly after giving birth, the hare mates again. In one season, the female is able to breed from 2 to 4 broods, depending on her age and nutrition. Lambing takes place in a secluded place on the surface of the earth. The first hares are born in April-May, the second in June-July, the third in August-September. Rarely, the first babies appear already in March, and the last ones in November, but such broods usually die.

For one litter, on average, 5-7 hares are born, but sometimes it reaches 11. Babies are born covered with thick fur, sighted, unlike many other animals, and capable of independent movement. The weight of newborns is only 100-130 grams.

For the first 8 days, the hares feed exclusively on their mother's milk, after which they begin to taste the grass. Since hare milk is very fatty and nutritious, babies eat no more than once a day. After 15 days, the cubs are already moving away from their mother and lead an independent life. White squirrels reach puberty at the age of ten months.

The life expectancy of this hare is 17 years, but, unfortunately, most of them do not even live up to 5 years - predators, poaching and infections are to blame.


The number of belyakov, as well as its fellows, varies from year to year.

Protection of this species

  • white hare listed in the Red Book of Ukraine as an endangered species.
  • Added to the Red List International community for the conservation of nature.
  • Is under protection Berne Convention.

What is the difference between a hare and a rabbit, not everyone knows. Indeed, these 2 types of animals are similar at first glance. But if you place a hare and a rabbit next to each other, the differences between these animals will immediately become apparent. More than 25 species of wild rabbits and about 30 species of hares live in nature. Most species of wild rabbits live in the territory North America and Africa, they are not in Asia. They were brought to Australia by humans in the mid-19th century. They are distributed on all continents where people live.

More than 25 species of wild rabbits and about 30 species of hares live in nature.

Different types of rabbits, like types of hares, differ significantly in size, color and have distinctive features in body structure. But there are general differences between the two types. To understand how a rabbit differs from a hare, you can compare a hare and a European rabbit.

The first, most obvious difference is that the hare is much larger. The body length of an adult can reach 70 cm, and weight exceed 7 kg. An adult rabbit rarely reaches a length of 45 cm, and does not exceed 2.5 kg in weight. The body of the hare is elongated, slightly compressed from the sides. The body of the rabbit is compact, rounded.

The color of the hare changes depending on the season. In warm weather, it has an ocher-gray, brown or brown color. The winter color of the hare's coat is slightly lighter than the summer. In the white hare, the motley summer outfit becomes snow-white by winter. All hares have black ear tips at any time of the year. The color of wild rabbits does not depend on the season and has much large quantity color variations. Most of them are dark brown, but often there are black, light gray, white, piebald individuals. Although the tips of the ears of many rabbits are dark in color, this is not a necessary difference.

If you place a hare and a rabbit next to each other, the differences between these animals will immediately become apparent.

Characteristic differences of these two species are the length and shape of the ears. The rabbit has wedge-shaped ears. Their length always exceeds the length of the head and can reach 15 cm. And these are not the most long ears. The antelope hare, which lives in Arizona and Mexico, has ears up to 20 cm long. The rabbit's ears are rounded at the ends and are always shorter than the head. Their length does not exceed 7 cm.

The two animals differ in the shape of the skull. The hare's head is elongated, the eyes are located closer to the top of the head. The head of the rabbit is more rounded, the eyes are lower.

Noticeable differences in the shape of the limbs. The legs of a hare in proportion to the body are much longer than those of a rabbit. The hind limbs are much longer than the forelimbs. Therefore, the hare runs well uphill, but downhill some of them have to go down somersaults. On their long strong legs the hare briefly accelerates to 70 km / h. The speed of the rabbit will barely exceed 25 km / h.

Gallery: wild hare and rabbit (25 photos)

Hares and rabbits (video)

Physiological and ethological differences

The chromosome set of a hare includes 24 pairs of chromosomes. In a rabbit, it consists of 22 pairs of chromosomes. This proves that these animals are 2 different types, and there can be no offspring between a rabbit and a hare. All artificial attempts to obtain joint offspring from a rabbit and a hare ended in failure. The difference between a hare and a rabbit is clearly expressed in the way of life of these two species.

Hare habitat is very diverse. They can live in dense forest, and in the steppe, and in the semi-desert. In the mountains, hares are found even in alpine meadows at an altitude of about 2000 m. Rabbits prefer areas with shrubs and soft soils. Their habitat does not extend to a height exceeding 600 m above sea level.

Hares are territorial animals. The area where they live and feed can cover an area of ​​up to 50 hectares. In search of food, he is able to run tens of kilometers a day. They are characterized by small seasonal migrations. They are most active at dusk. However, in summer, feeding animals can be seen during daylight hours. These are very cautious animals. They never run into the territory of human settlements.

Rabbits are sedentary animals. The area occupied by their colony ranges from 0.5 to 20 hectares. But they rarely move further than 100 m from their hole. Rabbits willingly settle next to people. However, their activity is significantly affected by the anxiety factor. If they live in a secluded area, they are active mostly during the day. Near human settlements, they switch to a nocturnal lifestyle. In a moment of danger, the hare relies only on its own legs and prefers to run away from the enemy, winding and confusing its tracks. The frightened rabbit runs straight into its hole.

Hares do not dig holes, but in a moment of danger they can take advantage of someone else's ready. Rabbits are great diggers. They dig deep complex burrows that are used by several generations. Sometimes one burrow can occupy an area of ​​up to 1 ha and have many living chambers and entrances and exits.

Hares are solitary animals. Very rarely in nature they live in pairs. Rabbits are social animals. In nature, they live in families. A pack lifestyle implies the existence of a hierarchy in relationships. Usually, the largest and strongest male leads in a group of cohabiting rabbits.

Hares give birth from 1 to 9 cubs no more than three times a year from March to September. In early spring and autumn, a hare's litter does not exceed two hare cubs. In summer, a hare often gives birth to 4-6 rabbits. A hare's pregnancy lasts about 48 days. Hares are born fully pubescent, sighted and able to feed on plant foods on their own. A hare feeds milk to rabbits once a day, and not always. Sometimes the hare may not return to the hares for 2-3 days. In the best case, the hare stays with the hares and feeds them with milk for three weeks. Then she abandons the cubs. But, having found other babies in the forest, the hare is able to feed them. Little bunnies call their mother with quiet sounds in ultrasonic mode. Any newly born hare can come to the call.

The characteristic differences between these two species are the length and shape of the ears.

Rabbits give birth to an average of 4 to 8 rabbits. Pregnancy lasts about 4 weeks. Before giving birth, the rabbit builds a nest from her own wool, combing it from her stomach. Babies are born absolutely helpless, naked, blind. A female rabbit can breastfeed her cubs for up to 4 weeks 4-6 times a day. She will not feed stranger rabbits and can kill. Young rabbits become more or less independent at the age of one month. They breed all year round. An adult rabbit is able to bring litter up to 5 times a year. Her annual offspring can exceed 30 rabbits.

Sexual maturity of hares occurs only the next year after birth. Rabbits born in early spring are capable of producing offspring by the end of summer.

The basis of the diet of both rabbits and hares is plant foods. Both of them are happy to eat juicy greens, soft branches of bushes and trees, and small insects. The difference between the animals is that the hare is able to eat small birds caught in traps.

The average life expectancy of wild rabbits is 5-6 years. However, in nature, they rarely live more than 3 years. In captivity, they live an average of 6-8 years. But on the condition good content and few matings quite live up to the age of twelve. Hares live on average 6-7 years. But many of them die much earlier due to predators and hunters.

What is the difference between hares and rabbits (video)

Is it possible to tame a hare

The main differences between rabbits and hares are that the former feel great in captivity, are an excellent object of breeders and laboratory research. Rabbits have been tamed for over 1000 years. To date, there are more than 60 breeds of meat, downy and decorative rabbits. But it was not possible to tame the hares. This freedom-loving animal simply does not live in captivity. All attempts to keep them at home led to the fact that the animals were sick and eventually died.

Cheburashka is a character invented by the children's writer Eduard Uspensky, a cute furry animal with big ears, resembling either a hare or a bear cub.

No matter how ridiculous the animal Cheburashka is, absolutely everyone loves him - both children and adults. Indeed, it is simply impossible not to love a cute, shy and harmless animal with huge and ridiculous ears. Moreover, Cheburashka wants to be protected and protected from dangers, and it is precisely this, participation in his difficult fate, that he does. main friend- Crocodile Gena.

The history of Cheburashka began in 1966, it was then children's writer Eduard Uspensky first came up with his hero. How exactly the writer came up with the fantasy to create such a ridiculous beast is unknown, but there are several versions. So, according to one of them, in childhood, Ouspensky had an old defective toy, which his parents called "a beast unknown to science that lives in hot tropical forests". According to another version, thoughts about a strange animal came to him visiting friends, whose little daughter walked around the house in a huge fluffy fur coat, constantly stumbling and falling. Her father commented on her falls as "cheburahna again."

Be that as it may, there is still a hint that Cheburashka is a tropical animal, because according to the plot of the book and cartoon, he first appears in a box with oranges, which probably arrived from a distant tropical country.

Everyone called him Cheburashka for the same reason as a play on words - the animal could not sit still and "cheburah" all the time. The manager of the store, which received the oranges, tried to attach a strange animal to the zoo, but they could not find a place for him, he did not fit

what kind of animal, and therefore, as a result, the unfortunate Cheburashka ended up on the shelf of a discount store. By the way, this is what is sung about in the famous song "I was once strange toy nameless, which no one approached in the store ... "

However, in further fate turned out to be more favorable to Cheburashka - he met with best friend His Life - Crocodile Gena. I must say that Gena, who "worked at the zoo as a crocodile," was endlessly lonely, and it was loneliness that made him put up ads with the words "A young crocodile wants to make friends."

So the shy furry creature with huge ears ended up on the threshold of Gena the crocodile's house with the words "It's me, Cheburashka."

As a result, Gena and Cheburashka became great friends, and just as a couple - Gena and Cheburashka - Russian children of several generations learned and fell in love with these heroes.

It is not known whether Cheburashka would have expected such a resounding success, if not for a very successful screen image. Cartoons about Cheburashka and Gena were created by the talented director Roman Kachanov, the first cartoon was released in 1969. The production designer was Leonid Shvartsman.

Then came Cheburashka (1971), Shapoklyak (1974), and later, already in 1983, Cheburashka Goes to School.

Surprisingly, it was Cheburashka who became very famous hero and outside our country. So, he was especially loved in Japan, where they not only showed soviet cartoons, but they made remakes of them, and also shot several

How many own projects like "Cheburashka Arere?".

In Sweden, Cheburashka is known and called Drutten (Swedish "drutta" - to fall, stumble), and the plots of their cartoons are completely independent. In general, Cheburashka got into the cartoons of many countries - German viewers know him as Kullerchen ("Kullerchen") or Plumps ("Plumps"), in Finland Cheburashka is called Muksis ("Muksis"), and Lithuanian children know him as Kulverstukas.

In 2008, the Cheburashka Museum was opened in Moscow, among the exhibits of which there is an old typewriter, on which Ouspensky first created the image of this cute little animal. And Cheburashka has already become the mascot of the country's Olympic team several times.

By the way, in 2005, Eduard Uspensky himself announced that the official birthday of Cheburashka was August 20.

It is known that already in the 2000s, Eduard Uspensky repeatedly tried to defend his copyright in the image of Cheburashka, but lost several times. At the same time, Leonid Shvartsman also claimed the image of Cheburashka - despite the fact that his writer came up with it, it was the image of Cheburashka drawn by Shvartsman that the audience liked so much, and it was thanks to the cartoon that Cheburashka became so popular.

However, whatever the litigation of the creators, millions of Russian children continue to grow along with good cartoons about Cheburashka and his friends.

Infinitely charming, charmingly defenseless and kind Cheburashka is simply impossible not to love.

Soon forever young Cheburashka will celebrate his 50th birthday.