Elizabeth Taylor: the famous purple eyes of the “Queen of Hollywood. Distichiasis and Lavender Eyes: Beautiful Mutations Elizabeth Taylor Elizabeth Taylor Purple Eyes

At the end of February 1932, Elizabeth Taylor was born in London - a little girl with purple eyes and huge double eyelashes. Seeing a rare phenomenon of nature, the doctors diagnosed the newborn with distichiasis. Then no one could have imagined that the girl would become a great legendary actress, and strange but beautiful eyelashes would bring her world fame.

Elizabeth Taylor is an Anglo-American actress of the last century, whose appearance was admired by all men. She was an enigmatic legend, a talented and beautiful "Queen of Hollywood". Most women envied her beauty and uniqueness, many tried to imitate and be like her. Elizabeth was an object of admiration, a standard of beauty. The most important mystery lurked in the look of the actress - the goddess, and thick dark eyelashes and rich eye color kept a secret for many years.

Purple eyes and double row of lashes

Elizabeth lived brightly and spectacularly. She coped with any role. Everyone remembers the bright image of Cleopatra, who associated the actress with a mysterious look and expensive jewelry. For this role, the actress received a fee of 1 million dollars.

She climbed the first rung of the career ladder at the age of 11. The girl with dark eyelashes was brought to the set for the first time to participate in the film Lassie Come Home. It seemed to the director that the young actress had excessive makeup, and he sent her to wash. Everyone was surprised when it turned out that there was not a drop of makeup on Liz's face: nature rewarded the child with bright eyes and fluffy eyelashes in two rows.

So, in 1943, fame came to her thanks to the mysterious look of deep purple eyes and thick eyelashes.

At the age of 16, Taylor gained fame all over the world. Like a true star, she behaved boldly, tragically and happily throughout her life. Liz was late for meetings and events, threw tantrums, pretended to be sick. She got away with everything. Men loved her, and women idolized and envied her. The actress was friends with Michael Jackson, and in the decline of her film career, she supported her husband, a senator.

Taylor received three Oscars, and in 1999 her name was in seventh place in the list of the brightest stars in the history of cinema. Films featuring a living legend are considered the golden classics of cinema.

According to Time magazine, the purple-eyed actress was considered a "magnificent jewel". She lived with a severe spinal injury sustained in her youth while filming in a fall from a horse. Numerous whims, marriages, romances and adventures made her more attractive and charming. The purple iris and double row of eyelashes helped the actress win the hearts of new fans.

Causes of the double eyelashes of the actress

Under normal conditions, eyelashes grow along the edge of the eyelid. Behind the hairs are the meibomian glands, the secret of which enters the eyelid, lubricates the skin and prevents the eyelid from getting wet from tears. The upper eyelid contains 40 pores of the glands, the lower one - 35. If hairs begin to grow through the pores, we can talk about pathology.

Eyelashes growing with an additional row are considered a genetic pathology that can lead to problems with the eyes and vision. Depending on the direction of hair growth, there may be pain and irritation of the eyeball (when the hairs are directed to the cornea) or no harm to the patient (if the eyelashes grow in the direction of the main ones).

Elizabeth's second eyelashes grew in the right direction. They became the assistant of the actress for life, without causing discomfort.

Distichiasis - description of the disease

The genetic disease, first described by the German ophthalmologist Blatt in 1924, was called Blatt's distichiasis. Symptoms of the disease is an additional row of eyelashes on the upper and lower eyelids.

The disease manifests itself in extremely rare cases and does not depend on gender, age, skin color.

Doctors make a diagnosis already at birth. The disease can appear after the transferred diseases of the eyes of the parents. The following are considered dangerous:

  • blepharoconjunctivitis is a chronic disease associated with inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes and skin of the eyelids;
  • lymphedema is a disease accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in the tissues.

Distichiasis in humans can manifest itself as a result of a mutation at the genetic level. Research scientists have shown the dependence of the disease with other forms of disease of the body: type 2 diabetes, spinal cysts, heart disease.

Double eyelashes can also occur in animals, in particular, in dogs of special breeds. Boxers, retrievers, collies, dachshunds, bulldogs, pugs, Labradors, terriers can become carriers of a double row of eyelashes.

Among people, the frequency of the spread of the disease is known: 1 case per 1 million. People diagnosed with tristichiasis and tetrastichiasis (varieties of the underlying disease) should be treated for the pathology so as not to lose their sight and not damage the eye cornea. In childhood, extra eyelashes are thin, like fluff. Over time, they thicken and become harder.

The direction of the second row of hairs is of two types. When eyelashes grow normally, the patient has no painful symptoms. On the contrary, his eyelashes seem thick and fluffy. Girls with such diseases can not use cosmetics for the eyes. It is worse for patients in whom the second row of eyelashes is directed inside the eye.

Hard bristles will irritate and scratch the eyeball, causing pain and discomfort. In some cases, the patient's vision may deteriorate.

The second row of misdirected lashes can be surgically removed. There are several ways:

  1. laser removal. Under the influence of the laser, the hairs become thinner with each subsequent session, but are not completely removed.
  2. Electrolysis. The electric current is stronger, the effect of it is better, but the eyelashes also grow back over time.
  3. Cryotherapy. This method allows you to get rid of hair by quickly destroying the hair follicle under conditions of ultra low temperature.

How to artificially achieve the effect

Every girl wants her eyelashes to be long and fluffy. In the last century, it was hard to imagine that eyelash extensions and the use of colored lenses would become commonplace.

The genetic mutation of Elizabeth Taylor helped her gain popularity and success. The successful arrangement of the second eyelashes made the star look luxuriously - bewitching, serious and mysterious.

A girl who wants to be like a Hollywood actress - a legend, can achieve the desired result.

  1. Violet or deep blue eyes can be obtained by using colored lenses. They began to be produced in the early 80s, so the purple color of the eyes of the star was created by nature.
  2. You can tattoo eyelashes by choosing the size and shape of the arrow or simply filling in the space between the eyelashes. To create such an image, you should carefully study customer reviews about the master and choose the right specialist.
  3. A magnetic bewitching look will turn out if the eyelashes are long and naturally beautiful. It is enough to apply voluminous mascara on them, draw an arrow, and the result will not keep you waiting.
  4. When nature rewarded a girl with problematic eyelashes (short, light, straight), you can go to a beauty salon and grow hairs to the desired volume, adjust the shape of the cut of the eyes or emphasize natural beauty. False eyelashes do not require additional cosmetics: the eyes will look great in any situation, at different times of the day. With extended hairs, you can swim in the pool, the river. The sea, however, within reason.

Extended eyelashes require constant care, correction and costs. If a girl carefully handles artificial eyelashes, correction can be carried out a month after extension. Depending on the shape of the eyelash curl, correction is carried out after 4-6-8 weeks.

Eyelash extensions can be done in a beauty salon or at home. There are two methods: beam and eyelash. At the request of the client, the master can glue eyelashes with rhinestones, colored, etc.

Eyelash extension techniques are different. Classic, squirrel or fox, 2D-5D techniques, Hollywood look - it all depends on the client's desire and on the skill of the lash maker. Technologies are updated daily, forcing specialists to keep up with the times.

A competent cosmetologist will consult and select an individual image. If a girl likes the look of Liz Taylor, the extension specialist will give your forms the right volume and make you pay attention, which will make the client more confident.

Ciliary row and smooth transition of lengths (video):

Eyelash extensions step by step (video):


Elizabeth Taylor died in Los Angeles at the age of 79. Fans remember her image, mysterious and mysterious look and a luxurious double row of eyelashes. Girls dream of imitating the great actress. An experienced master is able to radically change the client's appearance, making her look like a Hollywood star. It is important to contact a good specialist and choose the right eyelashes. Everything else is a matter of technique.

Elizabeth Taylor is one of the most beautiful actresses in the world. The charm of the legendary actress is really her hallmark and the reason for this is a genetic mutation. This mutation was visible even in infancy, frightened parents even took Elizabeth to the doctor and showed her unusually thick eyelashes with horror. The doctor reassured the parents, explaining that the child has a double row and that's okay. A little later, by 6 months, her eye color changed. On the unusual, rare, or rather, the rarest - purple.

The reason for this color is again a genetic mutation with the name "origin of Alexandria". From birth, such people have the usual eye color (blue, brown, gray), but when 6 months pass, a change closer to purple begins.

The process takes about half a year and during puberty it becomes darker in color or mixed with blue. Purple eye color does not affect health, a person sees everything just as well as other people. Studies have shown that 7% of the owners of the "origin of Alexandria" are highly susceptible to heart disease. For Taylor, these problems were the cause of her death.

She was born on February 27, 1932 - the queen of Hollywood, the most famous brunette beauty of the 20th century and just a great actress - Elizabeth Taylor.

When she arrived at the studio for her first screen test, she was asked to remove her makeup from her eyes, the directors thought there was too much mascara on her eyelashes. And they did not immediately believe that this was her natural feature.

Taylor was able to prove that she is not just a beautiful "accessory" for cinema. She has won three Oscars. Her role as an elite prostitute in the film Butterfield 8 (1960) brought her the first gold statuette. The second award went to Elizabeth for her work in the film "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" (1966), where she reincarnated as the vulgar brawler Martha. And in 1993, Taylor received an honorary Oscar for her humanitarian work.

One of the main films in the career of the actress was "Cleopatra" (1961). Firstly, for the reincarnation of the Egyptian queen, Elizabeth received $ 1 million - a fee that was considered simply unheard of at that time. Secondly, 65 historical costumes for Taylor cost almost $200,000 - such a budget has never been provided to any film actor.

Finally, it was this film that brought into vogue "Cleopatra's eyes", that is, strong black eyeliner and long arrows.

Elizabeth is famous for her numerous marriages. She went down the aisle eight times, and twice with the same lover - Richard Burton. This man is considered the main man in Taylor's life. They met on the set of Cleopatra. A stormy romance ended with a wedding in 1964.

After 10 years, Elizabeth and Richard divorced, but a year later they got married again. The second marriage lasted only a year. Taylor and Burton's relationship was turbulent not only in life but also on screen. Together, the actors starred in 11 films, including Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf and The Taming of the Shrew.

One of Elizabeth's closest friends was Michael Jackson. Taylor was the godmother of the two older children of the musician and communicated very closely with him. They say that it was Taylor who named Jackson the “King of Pop”, after which this title was assigned to Michael forever. In addition, the artist actively defended her friend from all attacks and allegations of child molestation. History has shown that Elizabeth was right, as the singer was later found not guilty. Jackson's death was a terrible blow for Taylor.

Elizabeth adored gems and jewelry. Most often, she received such gifts from her husbands, especially from Burton. In particular, Richard presented his beloved with the famous pearl La Peregrina, the previous owners of which were the daughter of Henry the Eighth Mary Tudor and the Spanish queens Margarita and Isabella. "I wanted this diamond because it was incomparably beautiful and had to belong to the most beautiful woman in the world," Burton once admitted.

Another famous donor of jewelry to the artist was Michael Jackson: Elizabeth received from him an exquisite ring with sapphires and diamonds. Not surprisingly, in December 2011, Taylor's jewelry collection went under the hammer for an impressive $116 million (with a preliminary estimate of $20 million).

Throughout her life, the artist was haunted by injuries and illnesses. She broke her spine five times. Back problems began after the filming of National Velvet (1945), when young Liz fell off her horse. In addition, Taylor underwent surgery on the hip joints, she had a benign brain tumor removed, and at various times she suffered from an addiction to sleeping pills, painkillers and alcohol. And this is not a complete list. “My body sometimes drives me crazy,” the actress admitted.

Elizabeth Taylor is an incredible beauty and talented actress, dubbed the “Queen of Hollywood”, during her lifetime she was known as the owner of eyes of rare beauty. However, not everyone knows that the world-famous violet eyes of Elizabeth Taylor are nothing more than the result of a mutation in the genes of the legendary actress.

Disease history

When Elizabeth was born, her parents immediately noticed her unusually thick eyelashes and showed the girl to the doctor. He explained to the worried parents that the child's eyelashes grow in two rows, and there is nothing to worry about. Six months later, Elizabeth Taylor's eye color changed to purple. The reason for this was a rare mutation with the beautiful name "origin of Alexandria". According to medical studies, purple eye color does not affect visual acuity in any way, but in 7% of owners it causes heart disease. In the case of Elizabeth Taylor, heart problems were the cause of her death.

Disease or gift?

It is known that the first appearance of Elizabeth Taylor on the set caused a sensation around her eyes. It seemed to someone that mascara was too thickly applied to her eyelashes, and the girl was asked from her face. The fact that this is a natural feature of the young actress was not immediately believed.

Perhaps it was the eyes, unusual and amazing, that allowed Elizabeth Taylor to approach her success in the film industry and made her the dream of a strong half of humanity. However, at the beginning of her professional career, Elizabeth Taylor's appearance only prevented her from proving her high acting talent. She had to work very hard to gain recognition not only as a true beauty, but also as a great actress, able to successfully embody the images of famous women of different eras on the screen: Helen of Troy, Cleopatra and many others. Elizabeth Taylor has won three Oscars, two of which she received for participation in films, and one special for her humanitarian work.

Violet eyes that conquered many men's hearts

There is nothing surprising in the fact that such an extraordinary beauty as Elizabeth Taylor was constantly surrounded by the attention of men. She was married eight times, which always caused stormy gossip in society. In the cult film Cleopatra, Elizabeth Taylor's purple eyes, brightly accentuated by jet-black eyeliner, won the heart of her twice-husband Richard Burton forever. All the men in the life of Elizabeth Taylor showered their beloved with jewelry, some of which were exclusive. One has only to mention the famous pearl of Peregrine (a gift from Richard Burton), which once belonged to famous royalty.

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According to Richard Burton himself, this gift was chosen by him for its incomparable beauty, which, no doubt, should have belonged to "the most beautiful woman in the world."

Do you want to know the secret of Elizabeth Taylor's incredible look? It often happens that in a movie or on stage we see the image of some actress, and we like it so much that we try to repeat it. Some films in this regard generally set fashion trends in makeup for many years.

So, after the release of the film "Cleopatra" with Elizabeth Taylor, men all over the world were smitten with the actress's unusually seductive and bright eyes, and women decided to adopt the "Egyptian" make-up, and expressive black arrows came into fashion.

However, Elizabeth Taylor's eyes have a special secret, which I will tell you about today.

A recognized beauty with a bright unusual fate and the same original appearance, a talented actress who was called the "Queen of Hollywood" and who won three Oscars. Needless to say, her personal life itself may well form the basis of a fascinating melodrama film, because Elizabeth married eight times, and twice for the same man.

Elizabeth Taylor's parents literally immediately after her birth noticed something unusual in the baby's appearance - she had too thick eyelashes.

The frightened parents even showed the girl to the doctor, but the doctor reassured them, saying that the reason was a genetic mutation, as a result of which the eyelashes of the future Hollywood star do not grow in one row, like most people, but in two. Such an anomaly, which has become one of the winning features of the actress, is called distichiasis. She gave Elizabeth's eyes an incredible expressiveness.

By the way, once at a casting, a very young Elizabeth Taylor was urged to wash off makeup from her eyes, because it seemed that she applied several layers of mascara to her eyelashes.

What was the surprise of the directors and others present at the screen test when it turned out that there was not a gram of makeup in front of the girl’s eyes, and she had such eyelashes by nature.

However, two rows of eyelashes- this is not the only feature of the appearance of Elizabeth Taylor, which will subsequently win men's hearts and win tens of thousands of fans around the world.

The still very tiny Liz's eye color changed at the age of six months and acquired a very rare shade - purple. So, Elizabeth Taylor became the owner of violet eyes, which, again, were the result of a genetic mutation.

But not only an amazing bright appearance, but also a real acting talent helped Elizabeth Taylor become the queen of Hollywood. She started acting in films at the age of 10.

The first Oscar was brought to her by the film Butterfield 8, where she played the elite prostitute Gloria Vendrose. The actress received this award in 1960, and just 6 years later she earned a new statuette for the best female role in the film "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?", Playing the vulgar, scandalous Martha.

By the way, for this role, Elizabeth had to recover by as much as 15 kilograms.

Elizabeth Taylor received her third honorary Oscar in 1993 for her humanitarian work.

In the personal life of the actress, everything was never going smoothly, vivid emotions and passionate feelings were needed by the actress like air. That is why she walked down the aisle eight times.

For the first time she married at a very young age - only 18 years old, then a young representative of the Hilton dynasty became her husband. He was rich, gave his beautiful wife a diamond, which laid the foundation for her future famous jewelry collection.

But, despite the fact that the marriage was for love, it was not destined to last for a long time, a year later Nick and Elizabeth divorced.

I will not describe all the relationships and marriages of Elizabeth Taylor for a long time, but her biggest love and the main man of her life (whom she married twice) is the actor Richard Burton, whom they met on the set of the film Cleopatra. In this picture, he played the role of Mark Antony, and Elizabeth belonged to the main role of the great Egyptian queen.

For her role in this film, Elizabeth Taylor requested a huge fee at the time - $ 1 million. And she got the money! At that time, no actor was paid that kind of money. At the same time, another 200 thousand dollars were spent on 65 historical costumes - the magnificent outfits of Cleopatra.

It was in this film that Elizabeth Taylor appeared with long black arrows, which instantly became the number one trend. Many women tried to repeat this stunning image, and so far it is able to arouse admiration.

Is it possible to recreate the captivating look of Elizabeth Taylor? Today we have all the possibilities for this.

It is unlikely that anyone will be lucky enough to get such lush eyelashes from nature, but thanks to modern extension technology, you can achieve the same incredible expressiveness and seductive look.

After all, there are different extension effects, for each natural eyelash, one artificial eyelash, two, and, if desired, even three can be glued, depending on what result you need to get.

Most often, one artificial eyelash is glued to one natural, but to imitate the legendary captivating look of Elizabeth Taylor's eyes, two artificial ones can be glued to one eyelash.

If you want to completely repeat the unique eyes of the actress, you can also use purple contact lenses.

Today, girls have many ways to change their appearance and create the image they want. And I am always ready to help you with this when it comes to eyelashes.

Tags: [ elizabeth taylor eyelashes, elizabeth taylor 2 rows of lashes, elizabeth taylor her lashes, elizabeth taylor eyes, elizabeth taylor double lashes, elizabeth taylor double row lashes, elizabeth taylor eyes lashes, elizabeth taylor double row of lashes]

The appearance of a second row of eyelashes is the result of a disease called distichiasis. This is a condition in which hair, or eyelashes, can grow from the openings of the tiny sebaceous glands in the eyelids. These glands are called meibomian glands. Another form of this condition is lymphedema-distichiasis. This disorder not only leads to the formation of a second row of eyelashes, but is also associated with certain other health conditions.

Distichiasis is also known as Blatt's distichiasis. This name is associated with the name of the ophthalmologist who was one of the first to describe this condition in 1924. This disorder is extremely rare, and its occurrence is not associated with age, gender or ethnicity. The second row of eyelashes appears either for hereditary reasons, or as a result of another disease, such as blepharoconjunctivitis. This is a chronic swelling of the eyelids and mucous membranes of the eyes.

Lymphedema-distichiasis syndrome is another inherited form of distichiasis that appears along with lymphedema.

Lymphedema- a disease that causes swelling of certain parts of the body as a result of excessive accumulation of fluid. In addition to having a second row of eyelashes and swelling, people with this syndrome may also experience certain other health conditions or abnormalities. These conditions are often directly related to the lymphedema part of distichiasis lymphedema and can include heart defects, droopy upper eyelids, spinal cysts, and even type 2 diabetes. Actress Elizabeth Taylor is said to have had a second row of lashes in her later life due to this condition.

A second row of eyelashes caused by some type of distichiasis can form on both the upper and lower eyelids.

In some cases, eyelashes grow only on the lower eyelid, but very rarely it happens that they appear only on the upper eyelid. Often the eyelashes in the abnormal row grow shorter and thinner than normal eyelashes, regardless of which eyelid they grow on.

In both types of distichiasis, the abnormal eyelashes may grow naturally or inward towards the eye. When growing inward, eyelashes can scratch the surface of the eye and cause discomfort or pain. An optometrist or ophthalmologist can remove them, but they almost always grow back within a week. A more long-term effect is guaranteed by a procedure called electrolysis. It involves the use of electric current to destroy the roots of the eyelashes.

Cryosurgery- this is another way to permanently remove the second row of eyelashes. It is based on the use of extremely low temperatures to destroy abnormal eyelashes.