Mitrofan's attitude in the fatal scene of Sophia's abduction. Plan: Introduction: Who is Nedorosl

From last words respected front-line soldier, Professor Nikolai Nikulin, chills go down my spine: “Those who won either died on the battlefield or drank themselves to death, depressed by post-war hardships. Others remained in power and retained their strength - those who drove people into camps, those who persecuted in senseless death attacks. In the war, the meanness of the Bolshevik system was especially clearly demonstrated - how in peaceful days the most honest, intelligent and reasonable people, and the same thing happened at the front, but in an even more open and disgusting form. The most honest people who felt their responsibility to society died. Do you think this is a selection of people? - It's a time bomb. It will explode in a few generations - in the 21st or 22nd century, when the mass of scum selected and nurtured by the Bolsheviks gives birth to a new generation of their own kind..."
Today we can already witness that the words of the respected professor are coming true. Russia, and in fact the thieves' Muscovy, is an isolation of militant scum, which has picked up the falling banner of the Judeo-Bolshevik ideology, is building up its military muscles, shaking its weapons, preparing for the last, Third World War... The meanest ideology of the scum, reincarnated in the Kremlin again in the arsenal of Muscovy: lies, deception, cheating, cynicism and unparalleled meanness, aggressiveness, ignoring any and all rules and moral restrictions will lead this vile country to its logical end - to its death. But the price of this death will be enormous - a huge mass of honest and decent Russian people, other peoples living next door to this old degenerate will die...

Thor Schneider

I realized from the comments that the cotton wool was indignant - the crests twisted the story...
so the film was shot at a Donetsk studio by offended Russian brothers long before the crests became enemies....

Yuri Kovtun

42 million people in the USSR alone were killed by Sralin! I want to puke from Putin’s whitewashing of such a ghoul.

This video contains everything but the truth. Goebbels is tossing and turning in his grave... The USSR was in complete political and economic isolation in 1939. The USSR was last on the list European countries, who signed the then fashionable non-aggression pact with Germany. The USSR did not participate in the Munich agreement, when the USA, France and Britain gave Czechoslovakia to Germany as its own territory, no one even asked the Czechs... The USSR was very weak economically, without a navy, technically backward... And here in this video Stalin is shown as the arbiter of the destinies of the world, who decided whether France and Britain should live or not.. And Poland did not stop the war with the USSR since 1920, in alliance with Hitler participated in the occupation of the Cieszyn region of Czechoslovakia. By the way, the second world war It was Britain and France who declared - on September 3 they officially declared war on Germany. Poland never declared war on Germany... Poland never waited for its allies France and Britain to participate in the hostilities, who guaranteed the territorial integrity of Poland in the event of an attack, they simply betrayed Poland.. The USSR did not occupy the territory of Poland in 1939!! The USSR simply regained what was occupied by Poland in 1920 Western Ukraine And Western Belarus. And he did not cross the Curzon line... By the way, France and Britain never declared war on the USSR for the seizure of these territories, because they did not consider the USSR an aggressor, it was Britain that asserted the Curzon line.. This video is intended only for idiots who have not read historical documents, not who studied history even at school..

Kosykh Vasily

“During the war, the meanness of the Bolshevik system was especially clearly demonstrated. As in peacetime the arrests and executions of the most hard-working, honest, intelligent, active and reasonable people were carried out, and the same thing happened at the front, but in an even more open, disgusting form. Let me give you an example. An order comes from the higher spheres: take the heights. The regiment storms it week after week, losing a thousand people a day. Replenishments are ongoing, there is no shortage of people. But among them are swollen dystrophics from Leningrad, to whom doctors have just prescribed bed rest and increased nutrition for three weeks. Among them are babies born in 1926, that is, fourteen-year-olds who are not subject to conscription into the army... “Vperrrred!!!”, and that’s all. Finally, some soldier, or lieutenant, platoon commander, or captain, company commander (less often), seeing this blatant disgrace, exclaims: “You can’t ruin people!” There, at a height, is a concrete pillbox! And we only have a 76mm gun! She won’t break through him!”... The political instructor, SMERSH and the tribunal immediately get involved. One of the informers, who are numerous in every unit, testifies: “Yes, in the presence of the soldiers, he doubted our victory.” They immediately fill out a ready-made form, where you just need to enter your last name and it’s ready: “Shoot in front of the line!” or “Send to a penal company!”, which is the same thing. This is how the most honest people, who felt their responsibility to society, died. And the rest - “Forward, attack!” “There are no fortresses that the Bolsheviks could not take!” And the Germans dug into the ground, creating a whole labyrinth of trenches and shelters. Go get them! There was a stupid, senseless killing of our soldiers. One must think that this selection of the Russian people is a time bomb: it will explode in a few generations, in the 21st or 19th century, when the mass of scum selected and nurtured by the Bolsheviks will give rise to new generations of their own kind.”

Peter Zolotov

Strong film In my opinion, we are still slurping this porridge. Look at the truth, what kind of leaders now are the same commies who just started going to church, as if they believe in the kingdom of heaven. One word redneck.

Anastasia Dubrovskaya

Great movie! Truthful and unbiased, especially against the backdrop of the current pseudo-patriotic and hateful sentiments on one sixth of the land. I recommend it to everyone, take your time. People need to know the truth about 41.

Vadim Levin

A travel film, almost without cargo propaganda

Stalin was a fucking beast. He has millions of corpses on his conscience

Andrey Andrey

God, how right Professor Nikolai Nikulin was! Like looking into the water...

And someone is now erecting monuments to Stalin! Someone shouts HURRAY to Putler! If only they knew the story...

Alexander Avramenko

The majority of Russian citizens prefer the Zvezda TV channel with its rabid post-Soviet jingoism to such truth, which leads to gloomy thoughts about the possibility of stepping on the same rake in the near future.

Mikhail Kvarternikov

There are many in the world different nations. There are also quite insidious and vile ones. But Soviet people, attracted by Stalin, surpassed everyone in meanness. The world uses different technologies to fool its people. But the current putty has surpassed everyone in the matter of zombifying the Russian population. Accident? - We don’t think...

Thor Schneider

My Grandfather, twice shell-shocked and unconscious, was captured after the death of the entire division. And my Father, an orphan without a mother, was raised by his mother’s sister and was deprived of his Grandfather’s certificate. Throughout the war he lived from hand to mouth in the Urals, and then also fought for this bitch of power in Korea. Neither I nor my Grandchildren will ever fight either against Rus', or for it. Enough. Your Putin, Bros, is the same Hitler or Stalin, a tiny, extremely thieving and completely crazy degenerate. Both Rus' and LITTLE RUSSIA will cry because of this nit and moth of the KGB. However, in Little Russia there are the same bastards on the throne.

You look, thoughtfully, and get goosebumps! After all, these people themselves want to fall for the delusional ideas of their leaders, the Fuhrers! This is the complete antithesis of normal human society, and this people will probably never become civilized in the full sense of the word

Dmitry Zakharov

and if you imagine that the USSR conquered the whole world, then now it turns out that everyone lived in huts and Khrushchevkas, and the other half sat in camps, but we had fun, drinking in the kitchen, shouting MIRNASH)))

Dragon Drakonovich

And here in Russia, the scum eats shish kebabs and drinks vodka, wrapped in various ribbons... The whole country needs to be on its knees and ask for forgiveness!!!

Igor Zhelnov

Finally a normal, truthful doc. a film about the war without us throwing our hats at them.

Still Skeptic

Are you kidding me?)) Where do Americans measure value in human lives?? Have you forgotten Hiroshima and Nagasaki? You make people schizophrenic with videos like this!

Konstantin Mej

Vatniks do not understand this due to the lack of critical thinking ability. How children will stubbornly consider themselves and their Stalin to be the kindest, fairest, insidiously deceived, etc. Rams, answer one question: why, 70 years after the war, all our archives are classified... you fucking Zaputinians cannot understand that you are being kept in slavery by this deceitful bond. The war of Stalin and his commanders, the NKVD with the detachments was very different from the war of soldiers and officers on the front line. And this has nothing to do with revising the results of the war. Simply, the truth is above everything, especially a criminal state.

Vladimir Semenov

Sofia - central character the play, around which the main events of the play revolve: an unexpected inheritance, the appearance of the girl’s uncle, a kidnapping plan and three suitors fighting each other.

The heroine is well educated, she is left without parents early on and ends up in the house of the Prostakovs, who are trying to take possession of her small inheritance. Knowing that Sophia has a fiancé, Milon, Prostakova is trying to marry her off to her brother Skotinin in order to finally get her hands on the girl’s fortune.

When the landowner finds out that Sophia is a rich heiress, she decides to marry her to Mitrofan. Previously, without ceremony in treating the orphan, Prostakova is now kind and courteous. Realizing that her plans are not destined to come true, the landowner plots the kidnapping of the heroine and forced marriage. However, Starodum, Milon and Pravdin manage to prevent this treachery.

The moral values ​​of the heroine

Sophia in Greek means wisdom. The girl has wisdom of mind and sensitivity of heart. At the end of the play, she forgives Prostakova and rushes to her aid.

Despite the attacks of Prostakova and Skotinin, Sophia remains faithful to her fiancé. At the same time, she is ready to submit to her uncle’s will when he says that he has a suitable party in mind for her. The fact is that she trusts her uncle unlimitedly, asks for his advice and rules to follow.

Sophia talks a lot about life values. For her, conscience and heart are inextricably linked - the peace of one directly depends on the contentment of the other, and for this it is necessary to strictly observe the rules of virtue. She wants to receive respect from those whom she respects, and strives to prevent bad thoughts about herself. Also important to her is the concept of earning one's fortune honestly and the belief that being born into a noble family does not make a person noble.

The author's ideal woman

In the image of Sophia, modest and well-mannered, D.I. Fonvizin outlined his feminine ideal. The basic principle family life For her, Starodum’s words become instructions that the head of the family should be a husband who obeys reason, and the wife must obey him in everything. Only then will the family be strong and happy.

Fonvizin strives to make the image of Sofia alive and moving. This is reflected in the heroine’s sophisticated language; she is no stranger to jokes and even manipulation of people - she can easily make her lover jealous.

Sophia and other heroes

Sophia, raised by Starodum, is directly opposed to Mitrofanushka, who great influence Prostakova provided. Sophia's intelligence is inversely proportional to the stupidity of the undergrowth. The girl relies on her uncle for everything, is grateful to him for the advice he shared with her, and Mitrofan renounces his mother at the most difficult moment of her life. The heroine is kind and values ​​the honesty and decency of those around her, but Mitrofan is cruel, only power and wealth attract his attention.

Sophia is also opposed to Prostakova. The landowner believes that a woman should not learn to read and write, that marriage for her is only a means to achieve a goal and her own well-being. She doesn’t care about her husband, she even beats him. And for Sophia, marriage is a union loving hearts based on respect and mutual understanding.

“Comedy Minor” - D. I. Fonvizin. First you need to cultivate virtue, take care of the soul, and only then - about the mind. S.I. Ozhegov. Science in a depraved person is a fierce weapon to do evil. Enlightenment elevates one virtuous soul. We need a law to make virtue profitable<…>But there is no such law<…>.

“Franco” - In the decline of our folklore science, Ivan Franko lost his greatest belongings -. “Three times appeared to me as my love...” Literary criticism. “The Eternal Revolutionary.” This is the Dictionary of Ivan Frank's poetic works. There are over 37 thousand lexemes. Volume 50. Ivan Franko (the legendary man). Olga Roshkevich. Ivan Franko wrote about 50 Cossacks.

“D.I. Fonvizin Nedorosl” - Why, for example? What type dramatic works refers to the play "The Minor"? Drama by D.I. Fonvizin. Comedy "Minor". Pravdin (to Mitrofan). Here's the grammar. Name the main characters of the comedy “The Minor.” That's the thing, father. All sciences, father. Author of the comedies “The Brigadier” and “The Minor” Representative of the era of classicism in Russian literature.

“Fonvizin Nedorosl” - According to N.V. Gogol, “Nedorosl” is “... a truly social comedy.” A.S. Pushkin. Comedy is based on the sharp social conflict. In 1782, Fonvizin resigned and was only engaged in literary activity. Education and upbringing in comedy. The main types of dramatic works are tragedy, drama, comedy.

“Frank’s creativity” - Ivan Yakovich Franko (1856 – 1916). Do you want to know what life was like for Ukrainian children in the Austro-Ugric region? You already know that Ivan Franko wrote children's fairy tales. 4. 10. 2. In the World of Frank's Cossacks.

“Boy Star” - Is it possible to abandon your mother? The first book ("Poems") was published in 1881. Has the hero changed at the end of the fairy tale? Indifference. Studied at Dublin and Oxford universities. Sad or happy ending to a fairy tale? Returning to London, he collaborated in newspapers and magazines. Cruelty. With the beauty of the soul, you do not notice physical imperfections.

There are a total of 33 presentations in the topic


The meaning of the title of the comedy “Minor” by D.I. Fonvizina

1. Introduction: Who is Minor. Mitrofanushka as the main object of F-a’s satire

2. M.’s upbringing, Education, M.’s attitude towards the nurse and teachers, Behavior in the scene of Sophia’s kidnapping

3.- M.’s attitude towards his mother before tragic ending and after.

Mitrofan as a common noun

3. Why is the edge of F’s satire directed against the undergrowth?

One of important topics in the works of D.I. Fonvizin's theme was education. Fonvizin satirically ridiculed the prevailing late XVIII century, the attitude of parents to the development of the child, to how to raise good man. His comedy “The Minor” became topical at a time when enlightened people in Russia were turning their attention to how they approached education in Europe.

At that time, the word “minor” was used to describe young men under 20 years of age. But this word also had an official meaning: this was the name given to young nobles who had not yet received a certificate of education, and therefore did not have the right to enter the service. In addition, they were forbidden to marry. Before the age of twenty, a teenager had to master a number of sciences and pass an exam. Otherwise, he was enlisted as a soldier without the right to promotion. Therefore, the main object of satire becomes a typical undergrowth, in whose lyceum Fonvizin ridicules many social vices.

Sixteen-year-old Mitrofan - main character comedies, only son Prostakovs, whose last name speaks for itself: they are uneducated, live in their own narrow world. Mitrofan grows up in conditions of permissiveness, licentiousness, where everything is devoted to his whims. Laziness is encouraged by his mother, she does not think about mental or spiritual development Mitrofanushki.

How worthy son his mother, he does not know how to love, worry. Have compassion for the weak. After all, he was raised to be able to love only himself. At the same time, Mitrofanushka is far from a fool. He is smart, he has learned to copy Prostakova - it is convenient to be like her. So he aroused even greater admiration from his mother, not realizing that with her flawed love she was destroying him.

Mitrofan did not want to study. His mother hired teachers for him only because this was the custom in noble families, and not so that her son could truly study. Mitrofanushka had teachers in arithmetic, literacy, and foreign language. However, Prostakova loudly declared that training is an unnecessary thing and that her son should not waste any effort or time on it. For example, refusing to study geography, Prostakova explains this by saying that the coachman will still take Mitrofanushka. One can imagine that Mitrofan took his studies carelessly.

He considered teaching science optional, believing that it was just Prostakova’s whim. Imitating her, he spoke rudely to his teachers and snapped: “Well! Give me the board, garrison rat! "Kick your butts." Seeing this, the teachers did not strive to achieve results.

Nurse Eremeevna is an uneducated woman who served the Prostakovs. She takes pity on Mitrofan and indulges his whims. Mitrofan treats her simply as an annoying old woman and as small child accepts the care of a nurse.

Having coveted a rich dowry, Prostakova decides to marry Mitrofan to the honest and decent Sophia. But even here Mitrofan shows indifference, laziness overpowers his interest in marriage. He does not try to protect his mother when her insidious plan to kidnap Sophia and forcefully marry her is revealed.

After all, Mitrofan is a mirror of Prostakova with her rudeness, ignorance, and cruel attitude towards others. Just like his mother, Mitrofan recognizes only the rights of the strong. While the mother holds power in her hands, he is with her, but as soon as she loses this power, the son betrays her. Mitrofanushka does not need maternal care, since he understands that now there is no one to satisfy his whims.

In modern Russian, the name Mitrofanushka has long become a household name. It is often used to describe lazy people, children who do not strive for anything, taking advantage of the fact that many parents surround them with blind love.

The name of the comedy "Minor" has double meaning. On the one hand, the underage generation is a generation of young people from noble families who should become real citizens in the future, and on the other hand, an undergrowth is the image of a child spoiled by excessive care. Thus, Fonvizin ridicules the vices and shortcomings that prevent a strong state from developing and at the same time, his satire is aimed at parents who think that they take care of their children, but in fact harm them.