Marital status of the presenters of 60 minutes. Biography, weight and height of Olga Skabeeva

Evgeniy Popov was born September 11, 1978 in the city of Vladivostok. Evgeniy's family is considered intelligent. At that time, my mother taught the subject of biology at the University of Vladivostok.

WITH adolescence young Zhenya became interested in the profession of a television journalist. He not only began to dream about her, but also gradually achieved his goal.

In high school, Evgeniy was entrusted with leading TV show "Sacvoyage" on the radio. This gave him experience in communicating with potential audiences and provided him with presenter skills useful for the future.

After the young man entered the journalism department, Evgeniy made an important decision to simultaneously work as a correspondent on a seaside channel.

It cannot be said that the studies were successful to young Evgeniy easy, because he had to combine work and study. This fact alone allowed him gain work experience and study further.

After receiving his diploma, Popov gets a job as a correspondent, but already in the Vesti company. His very first serious business trip was a trip to Pyongyang.

Despite the fact that this capital of North Korea is considered a closed city, the young man decided to go on this foreign business trip and received permission to do so.

Some time after starting work in hometown, the man decided to move to Moscow. From there he received a business trip to Kyiv and lived there for 2 years.

The reports that Popov conducted at that time concerned the situation in Ukraine, which was already difficult at that time. The man spoke about the Orange Revolution taking place at that moment in a positive context.

After returning to Moscow in 2005, Evgeny Popov continued his career, but with a promotion. In 2007, after work as host of Vesti, Evgeniy is sent to New York. In America, a man told his compatriots about how Americans live.

On his channel, he became a TV presenter for the program “News at 11 p.m.” He was invited as a replacement for the Vesti program, and later he hosted the Special Correspondent. Soon Evgeniy begins working on his own program called “60 minutes”.

In addition to the above achievements, the man became the author of his own documentary film entitled "Media literacy".

In 2016 this picture aired to cover the geopolitics of Europe. In addition, in documentary film Popov talks about the possibilities of information warfare.

The TV presenter has some awards, for example « Golden feather", and also became a laureate of "Tefi" The man received many of his awards while already married to his second wife Olga. Therefore, he shares some of his victories with her.

They received one of the awards together for hosting “60 Minutes.” It was this program that brought Eugene the most success. For her sake, the channel's management changed the schedule several times so that the television program was broadcast at a time convenient for viewers. This can already be called a kind of success in the field of one’s work.

Evgeniy is often approached as a presenter to replace one of his colleagues and is valued as a television employee.

Personal life

Evgeniy married twice. Despite the fact that Evgeniy Popov is a peculiar Russian celebrity, in detail personal life he does not dedicate not only to journalists, but also to his colleagues at work.

However, we still managed to find out that the TV presenter’s first wife was Anastasia Churkina. They met on a business trip in New York, where the girl at that time worked with Russia Today. The young couple got married, but for unknown reasons separated in 2012.

Due to Popov's secrecy, the reason divorce proceedings no one could find out. However, there were a lot of rumors about this, but none of them were confirmed by either Anastasia or Eugene.

Some time after Eugene divorced his first wife, he returned to the capital and met Olga Skabeeva. The girl at that time worked with the VGTRK television channel.

In 2014 the couple had a son, Zakhar, but, unfortunately, there is no information about whether there was a wedding and whether the TV presenters were scheduled. They do not want to talk about personal matters, and support each other in this. The press is still inclined to believe that the couple got married quietly and in a family way.

In addition, their relationship became known by chance and not immediately. On at the moment Olga is co-host of "60 Minutes". A common cause brought Olga and Evgeny together. Their marriage can be called quiet happiness; Olga is considered a good housewife, a wonderful mother and a caring wife.

Despite the fact that the spouses spend a lot of time together, they do not bother each other and live in perfect harmony. They prepare all their broadcasts together and help each other in everyday matters.

Evgeniy Popov - famous Russian journalist and TV presenter. Since 2016, he has been the host of the “60 Minutes” program together with his wife Olga Skabeeva.

Evgeniy was born on September 11, 1978 on Far East in the city of Vladivostok. His mother worked as a teacher at a local university. And already from his school years he showed interest in journalism. So, Evgeniy got a job as a local radio host of the “Sacvoyage” program - he still remembers this experience as something important and significant in his life.

Naturally, Popov decided to receive his higher education at the journalism department. In 2000 he graduated from the Far Eastern state university. Popov, while still a student, worked at State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Vladivostok, OTV-Prim and other television and radio companies.

Evgeny Popov is the case when a person went to work in his specialty. As soon as he received his diploma, he immediately became a correspondent for the daily news service Vesti. At first he reported in Vladivostok, later he moved to Moscow.

And in 2003, on duty, Popov went to Kyiv.

There he works in the Ukrainian branch of the Rossiya TV channel. By the way, political topics always attracted the journalist, so a series of reports dedicated to the Orange Revolution was published under his authorship.

After this, in 2005, Evgeny returns to Moscow, where he becomes a political observer for Vesti Nedeli.

But Popov was not in this role for long - soon the Russia channel sent the journalist to America.

He was head of the New York News Bureau and a special correspondent for the channel.

The next milestone in Popov’s career was his return to Moscow in 2013 - then he returned to work as a political observer. Moreover, life gave us another reason - Euromaidan in Kyiv.

And we remember that Evgeniy already had experience covering such events.

Slowly but surely, Evgeniy Popov climbed up the career ladder on the Russia channel.

For three years he replaced Dmitry Kiselev in the Sunday editions of the Vesti program.

And in 2016, together with his wife Olga Skabeeva, he became the host of the new socio-political project “60 Minutes”.

Personal life

Despite the fact that Popov has been regularly appearing on television for 15 years, he tries not to advertise the details of his personal life. However, some details did become available to the public.

While working in New York, the journalist met Anastasia Churkina, a correspondent for the Russia Today channel.

When their first meeting took place and how this relationship developed is unknown. We only know that the couple tied the knot, but the marriage did not last long, and they divorced in 2012.

Returning to Russia, Evgeny met VGTRK journalist Olga Skabeeva.

It was she who became his second wife and the mother of his first child, son Zakhar, who was born in 2014.

When Olga was in the maternity hospital, Evgeniy filmed special episodes on the Maidan in Kyiv.

“I flew from Kyiv in the morning, took my family home, and in the evening I flew away again,” says Popov. “This is the journalistic share that we also love.”

The presenters hide their family life very carefully - only in 2017 it became known how they got married, considering that the wedding took place in 2013.

In this video, Evgeny Popov reveals the secrets of his life:

It was April, Evgeniy lived in New York, Olga was on a long business trip in Brussels. It seemed to the lovers that there was no way to delay the wedding, especially since there was a consulate two streets away from the house where Popov lived. But because of work, I still had to postpone the wedding date - twice.

The entire celebration, like the relationship itself, was kept secret from many colleagues; the celebration itself was modest and quiet.

Photos from the wedding of Popov and Skabeeva in New York

Wedding photo with a view of New York

As a creative tandem, Evgeniy and Olga show themselves to be very professional. In September 2016, the socio-political show “60 Minutes” was launched, which the couple host together. Despite busy schedule(after all, issues are published in live Monday to Friday), the couple finds time for their son.

“Zakhar rightly demands attention,” Popov notes. “We are with him every morning and evening, we spend the whole weekend.”

And in 2017, their project was awarded the TEFI Award as the best socio-political talk show in prime time.

And Popov himself won in the category Host of a prime-time socio-political talk show.

Popov admits that his wife came up with the name. As for how they always manage to come to general opinion, Skabeeva says that they were simply lucky to be on the same wavelength. In addition, it is important to listen to the opinion of your partner - then the question of leadership will not be pressing. And all the issues that did not have time to be discussed in the studio are discussed very briefly on the way home and are not carried over to family relationships- Evgeniy assures.

“60 Minutes” of the TV channel “Russia 1”, hosted by the spouses Evgeny Popov and Olga Skabeeva, has been one of the most popular programs for more than a year domestic television. Many viewers liked both the original format of the program and the charming presenters.

They look organically on screen together and there is no doubt about their competence and high professionalism. Fans of the discussion show are, of course, interested in the biography and personal life of the charming Evgeniy Popov, information about his first wife (the TV journalist was already married before Skabeeva)..

Life's work

Evgeny Popov was born in Vladivostok into an intelligent family. I was interested in journalism since childhood and already in school years began collaborating with local radio. So, one day Zhenya’s parents saw an advertisement in the newspaper about recruiting young talents for a local radio station.

13-year-old Evgeny Popov made a fairly successful debut as a radio host and began hosting the program “Sacvoyage.” However, in his heart the boy dreamed of television journalism.

Evgeniy Popov

After graduating from school, he did not have to think long about where to go: the choice was obvious. Higher education Popov studied at the Far Eastern State University. Here he studied journalism. At the same time, he collaborated with the Primorsky Channel as a correspondent. And in his free time from study and work, he was interested in music. His fellow students remember how enthusiastically Popov stood at the DJ console and played discs in a local night cafe.

After graduating from university, Popov went to work at Vesti. The promising newcomer was almost immediately sent on an overseas business trip to North Korea.

For some time, Popov worked as a special correspondent in his homeland, and then moved to Moscow, where he managed to get a job on the Rossiya TV channel. From this time on, Popov’s rapid career rise and, by his own admission, “global professional happiness” began.

The capital's authorities send Evgeniy on a 2-year business trip to Kyiv, where he begins to cover the political situation in Ukraine and makes reports about orange revolution. He began to be considered a television fighter against the opposition. Upon returning to Moscow, Evgeniy becomes a political observer for the “News of the Week” program, and after 2 years he is sent on business again.

This time Popov flies to the USA to cover American life for Russians. Over time, he, a staff correspondent for VGTRK, manages to rise to the rank of editor-in-chief of the New York news bureau.

A good salary, a full social package, paid for by the TV channel... In America, Popov once again manages to declare himself as a talented television journalist and reporter. And also here he finds personal happiness.

First wife

In the biography and personal life of Evgeny Popov, his first wife, Anastasia Churkina, occupies a special place. She had an influential father, diplomat Vitaly Churkin. Nastya works for Russian channel Russia today and, apparently, they met Evgeniy through work.

Evgeniy once admitted that during a business trip to the States he had many affairs with “beautiful and smart people.” Why he chose Nastya is unknown. Perhaps it was just passion, which, as usual, quickly passes. After all, the marriage of Churkin and Popova broke up after a couple of years.

Anastasia Churkina

There are rumors that Evgeny’s return to his homeland is connected with this: Vitaly Churkin did not want to meet with his former son-in-law in New York and Popov had to leave America immediately when his work contract ended.

Rumor has it that the marriage to Churkina broke up because of Olga Skabeeva. According to another version, Popov was lured to his homeland, promising him good position. Evgeniy was supposed to head the broadcast and host the author’s program.

Popov and Skabeeva

Second marriage

After the divorce in 2012, Popov did not grieve alone for long. Already in April 2013, he signed with TV presenter Olga Skabeeva. Obviously, he met her while he was still married to Anastasia Churkina (Olga did an internship in the States).

The wedding of Evgeny and Olga took place in New York, the lovers were then on business trips abroad and it was decided that Skabeeva would fly from Brussels to Popov and they would get married in America. By the way, on the day of painting they were not able to fully devote time to each other, because before wedding ceremony Evgeniy needed to film a report.

The couple co-host 60 Minutes

A year later, something happened in the personal lives of the spouses turning point: Olga gave birth to Evgenia’s first child, son Zakhar. About my family life and raising a child famous TV presenters once told in Boris Korchevnikov’s program “The Fate of a Man.” Olga told the audience that Zakhar is a very inquisitive child and is constantly keenly interested in the affairs of his parents and happily talks about his children’s affairs in the garden.

She and Evgeniy are trying to pay maximum attention to their son and spend time together. By the way, Olga willingly shares family photos with subscribers. Photos with her husband and son can be easily found on her Instagram.

The TV presenter recalled how in 2014, after putting her baby to bed, she went to hospital corridor maternity hospital and with bated breath watched my husband’s news from the Maidan. Popov is accustomed to reporting from hot spots. He managed to visit Syria, Donbass, Libya, and Japan, during the Fukushima accident.

She tried to kick Nikita Isaev, the leader of the movement, out of the studio. New Russia" The woman was outraged by his statements that communism and fascism are similar things. The talk show discussed a law recently introduced in the Russian Federation equating the concept of “Russian world” with Nazi propaganda.

As it turned out, Isaev supports this initiative, and also approves of the demolition of monuments to Lenin in Ukrainian cities. Skabeeva, who disagreed with his position, noted that, fortunately, Isaev is not responsible for decision-making in the Rada. After which Isaev began to raise his voice and stopped responding to calls for order.

“Please get out of here. It seems to me that you are an idiot, Nikita Olegovich,” said Skabeeva.

Scandals during a live broadcast on Russian television not uncommon. On the program “Evening with” Leader Vladimir clashed with the Samara deputy. During the broadcast, Zhirinovsky called Khinshtein “an ordinary envious, obscurantist,” while the Samara deputy began to record everything on camera.

In response to the insults, Khinshtein began to threaten that he would complain to the ethics commission.

On his Twitter, Alexander Khinshtein wrote that after the filming was completed, LDPR leader Vladimir Zhirinovsky, in his characteristic manner, tried to drive him away from the program, calming down only after the cameras were turned on.

Another loud scandal happened during the talk show “Meeting Place”. Russian television journalist Andrei kicked out the chairman of the board of the Ukrainian Center for Strategic Studies, Pavel Zhovnirenko, from the studio of his talk show “Meeting Place” live for trying to interrupt the host while he was introducing viewers to the situation before the next part of the discussion.

The issue was dedicated to the crisis in Ukraine. It was about the split of the church in Ukraine and the appointment by Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople as his exarchs in Kyiv of Archbishop Daniel of Pamphylia from the USA and a bishop from Canada “in preparation for the granting of autocephaly in Ukraine.”

"I must remind you that even church canons Patriarch Bartholomew has no right to such decisions. Since he is not the main one...” the NTV presenter began the story, but from this point Zhovnirenko began to interrupt him.

“Can you be silent or not? Are you incontinent? — Norkin reacted. “Turn off his microphone, please, I just can’t work.”

The Ukrainian expert did not give in and continued to share his point of view.

“So, get out of here, please. You took me out. Please, leave the studio. Arivederchi,” the presenter decided.

The Ukrainian analyst left, but finally spoke: “You are afraid of the truth. But the truth will prevail. Russia will wake up from its sleep.”

“The person understands perfectly well that since he is older than me, I can’t give it to him on air,” Norkin explained.

In the same studio of the same program, during a discussion of the situation in Donbass, Norkin got into a fight with Ukrainian political scientist Dmitry. A German deputy who had been to eastern Ukraine was invited to be an expert on the program. He talked about the death of hundreds of children during the fighting. To this, Suvorov demanded to show photographs of the dead. Afterwards, Norkin grabbed Suvorov by the shoulder.

“I don’t remember who was the first to use physical strength. Everything was in some kind of whirlwind, in a fog. Andrei Norkin jumped up to me, I managed to take off my glasses, and then they went into hand-to-hand combat, a pile of bodies fell on me,” Suvorov explained after the broadcast.

The presenter did not share his opinion about what happened. The television company itself commented on the brawl as follows: “The Meeting Place program is broadcast live. The most pressing topics are discussed. It happens that discussion participants cannot always contain their overwhelming emotions. The NTV channel apologizes to the viewers who witnessed this scene.”

The co-host supported her colleague: “After that rudeness and unprincipled position voiced by the Ukrainian expert, there could be no other outcome. Unfortunately, I am a woman and could not lend a hand.”

Channel Russia 1 hosted a program with the participation of popular Russian reporters Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov. They talked on air about their work, personal life, and the secrets of their family.

Olga Skabeeva and Evgeny Popov met on one of their business trips. They knew about each other in absentia from television reports. At the time of their real acquaintance, Evgeniy was working in the USA, and Olga was in Moscow. Then they had a Skype acquaintance for a whole year. Because of work, they could not see each other more often.
Their wedding took place in New York. It is worth noting that due to work, the ceremony was postponed several times. Even on the day of the wedding, Evgeniy was urgently called to report. Zhenya made a plot and went to the wedding.
At a wedding, they had to save a pigeon that got entangled in a net in one of the New York tunnels. The Americans joined in the rescue. After the dove was saved, the young people launched it into the sky as a symbol of love.

As Olga and Evgeniy say, they love each other and their work very much. They can argue about work issues and sometimes don't even see eye to eye. They cannot get out of the car for a long time when they arrive home, because... At this time they are having a heated argument. Olga Skabeeva and Evgeniy Popov always worry about each other, especially during Evgeniy’s business trips to Donbass and Syria.
And when Poroshenko’s guards covered Olga’s mouth at the Minsk meeting, Evgeniy’s hands itched to punch the Ukrainian President’s bodyguards in the face.

But they believe that this should be treated more simply, because... they often have to deal with idiots.
In particular, they include the German journalist Seppelt, who, according to Evgeniy Popov, “has gone crazy.”

They have small family secrets. For example, Olga has never been to Evgeniy’s homeland in Vladivostok.
And Evgeny had an operation - he fixed his broken nose, which was damaged for him in Vladik in the dashing 90s.

Evgeniy Popov in his youth with a broken nose