Leningrad rock band Avia. Biography of Avia

"Avia" is a group created on the basis of the eighties rock band "Strange Games". As the band members themselves say, they had fun, moving away from politics, getting carried away and bringing the avant-garde of the twenties era to the masses. No parody or distortion of the reality of that time. The Soviet period was viewed in the songs of the performers with a certain amount of irony and respect.

Rock or something else?

"Avia" is a rock band with interesting name. Of the words present in it, only the first letters are taken. In fact, the name of the group is an abbreviation. If you take it and decipher it, it will literally mean the following:

  • A - anti;
  • V - vocal;
  • I - instrumental;
  • A - ensemble.

Original, unlike everything that happened in the performing ensemble culture before this group. According to the comments of many fans of the St. Petersburg group, it was precisely their unconventional attitude to the repertoire that made the group fall in love with many listeners.

How was the birth of the group?

Three members from the Leningrad rock band, Gusev, Rakhov and Kondrashkin, decided in the fall of 1985 to create their own program and start performing separately. From this moment the history of the Avia group began. At the House of Culture of the city of Leningrad, she showed the audience a new program-composition. In the future, this work will form the basis of the group's first album. On stage, the musicians ran from one instrument located in a certain place to another. And so that it didn’t look at least strange, all the actions on stage were carefully planned and discussed. There are few musicians, many instruments. Therefore, the Avia team began to urgently look for a way out. The group has been replenished with new members. A vocalist who played trumpet and guitar and two saxophonists joined its ranks. An artist and a showman have been added.

The composition of the Avia group has now become complete and diverse. The program included pantomimic sketches and elements of sports figures that were fashionable in the early Soviet period. The members of the group read poetry, danced, and did acrobatics. "Avia" is a group that has baffled many music critics. They found it difficult to determine whether she belonged to a specific style. It was easy for the musicians to play marching music and rock compositions at the concert.

The team receives universal recognition

Almost immediately after its creation, six months later, the group becomes a laureate at a festival of the same rock bands. And two participants were recognized as the best instrumentalists. For the young team this was a real triumph. From that moment on, luck began to accompany all its members. 1987 - received the prize of the festival "Rock Panorama-87", 1988 - an album was recorded on the famous Soviet era Melodiya company. Tours took place in Finland and Yugoslavia. "Avia" is a group that has received permission to broadcast on Central Television. Three of her songs were heard by the mass Soviet audience.

In 1988, the group underwent changes in composition. Having created his own theater, the saxophonist leaves Avia. But the group had already gained fame, so two talented musicians came to replace Anton Adasinsky, who left the group. A year and a half passed, and the team started talking about new program. The musicians choose a patriotic name for their new performance, in which they mention the Great October Socialist Revolution. Tour, new album, released in the UK, received four stars, another shift as part of a team - this whole seething series of events did not contribute to unity in any way, but, on the contrary, split the group into separate elements. Nikolai Gusev began studying at his home studio individual projects. Alexey Rakhov got a job at a radio studio as a DJ. Zhdanov determined that he was attracted to the ethnic direction in music and chose the SAMBHA group. But four years after such a separation, the group releases an album, which includes songs about love. This musical release turned out to be deeply lyrical.

Why do audiences like their songs?

The Avia group created its own songs and continues to record new ones in such an original and interesting way that it cannot leave listeners absolutely indifferent to their work. Musicians are either loved or not accepted absolutely, but they are always listened to in order to make this choice. The team members themselves are inclined to this, because each of them is an accomplished personality, a creative person. None of the group members tolerate sameness, repetitions of the same thing from concert to concert. They add zest to their next program, performing in front of a wide variety of audiences.

About the musicians

Alexey Rakhov, for example, having joined the group, already had experience working in musical rock bands, received prizes for best game on the saxophone. Gusev Nikolay has music education, technically proficient keyboard instruments, adds his own vision to the compositions. Alexander Kondrashkin worked on the dance floors of the Leningrad suburbs, recorded albums with famous group"Aquarium". Works great with percussion instruments and vocals. I tried myself by working with many groups of rock musicians of the Soviet period.

Second birth

But the group exists present moment, musicians give concerts in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Not so long ago, in 2012, the team was part of the participants in the “Creation of the World” festival. And their second birth took place on the anniversary of Alexei Rakhov. He invited everyone to his fiftieth birthday, and the musicians decided to perform together again. There are four of them so far, but true fans of this group will once again be able to hear their favorite compositions by rock performers.

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Biography, life story of AVIA

The St. Petersburg group AVIA was born in September 1985 and united powers of three brilliant instrumentalists and original songwriters, whose paths first crossed three years earlier as part of STRANGE GAMES - one of the most curious phenomena of Russian rock of the first half of the 80s, whose music, without a doubt, brought intonations to it new wave. Nikolay Gusev (b.12.05.57 in Leningrad), keyboards, vocals, debuted in the student group LABYRINTH; later he finished music school, and from February 1979 to August 1981 he was a member of the legendary ARGONAUTS, where he demonstrated impeccable piano technique and modern musical thinking. After the collapse of ARGONAUTOV, he briefly played with BAROQUE and the never-fulfilled supergroup ROCK-FRONT. In the fall of 1982 he joined STRANGE GAMES, in November 1983 he assembled the rock and roll revival group STANDARD, which existed sporadically; In addition, he performed with the blues band BLUES-MOTOR and played piano duets with Sergei Kuryokhin. Alexey Rakhov (b. 05.28.60 in Leningrad), saxophone, guitar, accordion, bass, vocals, debuted in the school group SECOND BREATH, later played in the somewhat more famous BIRTHDAY, and participated in STRANGE GAMES from the first days of its existence. At the I and II Rock Club Festivals he received prizes as the best saxophonist. His number "No Phone" was recognized as one of best songs II Festival. In addition, Rakhov performed with MANUFAKTURA, STANDARD, regularly participated in the brass section of POP-MECHANICS, and also collaborated with ALICE. Alexander Kondrashkin (b. 11/23/56 in Leningrad), drums, percussion, vocals, started in the mid-70s in the group ZA, then worked on suburban dance floors, but was first noticed as a participant in PICNIC in 1979. Later he was a member of David's jazz combos Goloshchekin and Sergei Kuryokhin, played and recorded with AQUARIUM, and in the era of the Rock Club was unconditionally recognized as the best drummer in the city, demonstrating extensive erudition and skill in the ranks of TAMBURINA, STRANGE GAMES, MANUFACTURE, POP MECHANICS, STANDARD, JUNGLE OBJECT, ridicule and so on . In 1983 and 1985, STRANGE GAMES became laureates of the Rock Club festivals, enjoyed constant success with listeners and recorded two magnificent albums (the second of them, “Look both ways,” partly anticipated the musical concept of AVIA), however, over time, views on the work of its participants radically diverged, and it quickly disintegrated in June 1985. The beginning of the following autumn was marked by an attempt at an alliance with MANUFAKTURA, in which Rakhov and Kondrashkin had already played. On October 12, at the opening of the next season at the Rock Club, the duet of Gusev and Kondrashkin performed there, and a little later all three reunited under the name AVIA. This name (with an emphasis on “I”) was secretly deciphered by the participants themselves as “Anti-VIA”, which, according to their plan, was supposed to contrast the living and sincere creativity official banality and hypocrisy of the then official stage. The debut of AVIA took place on January 31, 1986 in the Palace of Culture named after. Lenin, where AVIA showed the program “From the Life of the Composer Zudov,” which formed the basis of their debut album “The Life and Work of the Composer Zudov,” recorded at Alexey Vishny’s studio the following spring (unfortunately, it has not yet been officially released). On June 1, 1986, AVIA performed at the III Rock Club Festival and became laureates, and Gusev and Kondrashkin were traditionally noted as instrumentalists, however, the musicians themselves clearly felt the need to expand their arsenal expressive means. For this purpose, in November 1986, Anton Adasinsky (b. 04/15/59 in Leningrad) was invited to collaborate with AVIA - in the mid-70s he played guitar in the school group SECOND BREATH with Lesha Rakhov! His innovative ideas turned out to be in tune with the group’s music, and soon AVIA grew to the scale of an entire theater. It included actors and musicians Marat Temirgazov, Elena Bobretsova, Tatyana Mironova, as well as a show group (a kind of corps de ballet), the composition of which ranged from five to ten people! Mironova, who left at the beginning of 1987, was successively replaced by saxophonists Alexander “Zoldat” Nemkov (known for his studio projects under the name STEREO ZOLDAT) and Alexey Merkushev. In December 1987, the group successfully represented St. Petersburg at "Rock Panorama-87" in Moscow, where they shared the audience's applause with NAUTILUS POMPILIUS, after which they began touring regularly throughout the country. Their numbers “Spring Mass”, “I Don’t Love You”, etc. appeared on television screens, which, in fact, became the first domestic video clips. They were filmed by St. Petersburg TV director Klara Fatova, although, for the most part, the musicians themselves were involved in directing. Responding to the initially declared focus on parody, grotesque, irony and musical stylization, AVIA satirically rethought and turned stereotypes inside out mass consciousness, bringing ideological cliches to the point of absurdity and skillfully playing with realities everyday life; As masters of social art in painting, in their music AVIA parodied the totalitarian mass cult of the 30s, official rituals, casuistry of the mass media and pop cliches, which made their work accessible even to an audience that did not understand the language. Thanks to this, starting from 1987, AVIA increasingly chose to go abroad, where their “totalitarian kitsch” instantly met with a warm response. In the second half of the 80s, AVIA toured almost all European countries and performed at rock festivals in the UK, Finland, Italy, Germany, etc. In 1988, the Melodiya company published AVIA’s second album, “Everyone!”, which two years later light hand ex-PINK FLOYD manager Peter Jenner was re-released in the UK by Hannibal Records and received four stars from the influential Q magazine. If initially AVIA focused on synthesizer new wave (the first album included mainly short and melodic numbers with catchy solo instruments), then over time the dramaturgy of the performance began to subordinate the music to itself, giving it purely decorative role. This led to a conflict between the core of AVIA and Adasinsky (which was indirectly reflected in Alexei Uchitel’s film “Rock,” where Anton appeared as one of the main characters) and, ultimately, made a split between the group and the theater inevitable. In October 1988, Adasinsky left and soon created his own mime theater "Derevo", which is now successfully operating at venues all over the world. His role was taken on by showman Dmitry Tyulpanov, who had appeared in the group a couple of months earlier. In December 1988, Merkushev was replaced by Gusev’s colleague in the ARGONAUTS and BAROQUE, saxophonist Evgeniy Zhdanov (b. 02.26.52 in Khabarovsk), who had played with the SAVOYARS for the previous seven years. It quickly became an integral part of AVIA's sound. A year later, the group finally parted ways with theatrical projects and the show group, replacing it with a brass section consisting of: Evgeny Skoblov, trumpet and Valery Kuteynikov, trombone. Both made their debut as members of AVIA in April 1990, when the group presented its next ironic program “Towards the 1000th Anniversary of the Great October Revolution” to the audience at a concert with the Finnish choir SHOUTERS. In the 1989-1990 season, Rakhov and Kondrashkin performed several times in St. Petersburg and made a short tour of Germany as part of the trio VOSTOK-1 (+ Alexander Titov from AQUARIUM on bass). At the beginning of 1991, personal problems forced Kondrashkin to leave AVIA, whose place was taken by Ivan “Yan” Fedenko (b. 12/13/66 in Sevastopol), previously in the SEPSIS and JUNGLE groups. Later, Kondrashkin nevertheless returned to music: he participated in the restoration of STRANGE GAMES, played with AQUARIUM, CHIZH & Co and the industrial-jazz combo NOISE & TOYS, however, in May 1994, during a tour of Germany with the group KAVALER GLUCK CLUB, he fell from high altitude and, having received serious injuries, finally left the stage, and on July 8, 1999, as a result of a stroke caused by complications from these injuries, he died. AVIA spent the first half of the 90s in a state of half-life: Gusev worked in documentaries (several films with his music were released in Finland) and on radio, recorded with Yuri Ilchenko, was engaged in sound engineering at the Indie studio owned by AVIA, and also managed the affairs of what was created under the roof their native Palace of Culture named after. Lenin Club Indie. Rakhov played with the NOM group and hosted a radio program, and Zhdanov performed and recorded with the ethno-jazz group SAMKHA, various jazz combos and the NEP group. In 1992, the Zona company (Vilnius) printed the AVIA album "Hurray!" in vinyl. Only in 1994 AVIA reunited as Gusev-Rakhov-Zhdanov and recorded the album “Songs about Nature and Love”, published a year later by General Records (the same company re-released the album “Everyone!”), after which they began performing on stages that had appeared by that time clubs, primarily “Wild Side”, where Rakhov worked as an art director for about a year. In the summer of 1995, AVIA played at the club's Rock Side II festival in Ekateringof Park. Continuing to work with both AVIA and the revived STRANGE GAMES, Rakhov in 1996 became a member of the DEADUSHKI group (together with GAMES colleague Viktor Sologub). He also composed music for the film “Prince of the Blood” (dir. Maxim Lukinov), made remixes for a number of famous pop performers, wrote songs for the young singer Lina Milovich, sometimes performed solo in the club “GEZ-21”, and at the end of 2005 he created own project PAXOB (written in Latin). In October 1997, Manchester Files released Gusev's first solo album, “Corrected Believe,” which took about three years to complete. In addition, he was a journalist, worked on television, and since the spring of 1998 took part in the NOM group, whose music, in many ways, continues creative search AVIA themselves (with NOM in different times Rakhov and Kuteinikov collaborated), recorded with ex-STAGECOACH guitarist Fyodor Stolyarov and continued to work on film music. Skoblov and Kuteynikov left the stage. Fedenko worked at the DDT Theater, at one time managed the groups KABRIOLET LESNICHEGO and KATRAN, but later went into business. Zhdanov plays in NEP and the instrumental combo STEAM. Sasha Nemkov still records as STEREO ZOLDAT. In the summer of 2004, Rakhov and Gusev discovered in their archives and decided to release the unfinished album “Life After Life,” which AVIA worked on back in the mid-90s: it was recorded at the Indie studio and mixed on the 36-channel television, but then the work was not was not completed. In addition, General Records published an mp3 collection of collective and individual works AVIA participants (2005).

St. Petersburg group AVIA was born in September 1985 and united the forces of three brilliant instrumentalists and original songwriters, whose paths had first crossed three years earlier as part of one of the most curious phenomena of Russian rock of the first half of the 80s, whose music, without a doubt, instilled in it the intonations of the new wave.

Alexey Rakhov - saxophone, guitar, accordion, bass, vocals debuted in a school group Second birth, later played in the somewhat more famous Birthday, and participated in Strange Games from the first days of their existence. At the I and II Rock Club Festivals he received prizes as the best saxophonist. His number “No Phone” was recognized as one of the best songs of the Festival.”84 In addition, he regularly participated in the brass section and played with rock and roll Standard.

Nikolay Gusev - keyboards, vocals debuted in a school group; later graduated from music school, and from February 1979 until the summer of 1981 he was a member of the legendary Argonauts, where he demonstrated impeccable technique and modern musical thinking. After their breakup in August 1981, he briefly played with Baroque by Nikolai Grechushnikov and the never-fulfilled super group Rock Front. In the fall of 1982 he joined the Strange Games, in November 1983 he formed the rock and roll revival group Standard, which existed in parallel with the Games; In addition, he performed with the blues band BLUES MOTOR and played piano duets with.

Alexander Kondrashkin - drums, percussion, vocals. He started back in the mid-70s in unknown groups performing on suburban dance floors, but was first noticed as a participant in 1979. Later he worked in the jazz combos of David Goloshchekin and Sergei Kuryokhin, played and recorded with, and in the era of the Rock Club was unconditionally recognized the best drummer in the city, demonstrating extraordinary thinking and skill in the ranks Tambourine, Strange Games, Manufactory, Pop Mechanics, Standard. . and so on.

In 1983 and 1985 Strange games became laureates at Rock Club festivals. They enjoyed constant success with listeners and recorded two excellent albums, however, over time, the views on the music of its participants radically diverged, and it suddenly broke up in June 1985. Although that same fall, Gusev, Rakhov and Kondrashkin - after an episodic and unsuccessful attempt to unite with with the wreckage of the Manufactory - they revived the partnership under the name AVIA.

The name is with emphasis on "I" The participants themselves secretly deciphered it as “Anti-VIA”, which, according to their plan, was supposed to contrast the living and sincere creativity with the official banality and hypocrisy of the then official stage. AVIA made its debut January 31, 1986 in the Palace of Culture named after. Lenin, where AVIA showed the program “From the Life of the Composer Zudov,” which formed the basis of their debut album, recorded at the studio that same spring (unfortunately, it has not yet been officially released).

June 1, 1986 AVIA performed at the III Rock Club Festival and became laureates, and Gusev and Kondrashkin were traditionally noted as instrumentalists, however, the musicians themselves clearly felt the need to expand the arsenal of their expressive means. For this purpose, in November 1986, AVIA recruited an actor from the mime troupe to collaborate. Actors"Anton Adasinsky (who played guitar in Rakhov's school band in the mid-70s!). His innovative ideas turned out to be in tune with the group's music, and soon AVIA grew to the scale of an entire theater, which included actors/musicians Marat Temirgazov, Elena Bobretsova, Tatyana Mironov, as well as a show group (a kind of corps de ballet), the composition of which ranged from five to ten people!

Mironova, who left at the beginning of 1987, was successively replaced saxophonists Alexander "Stereosoldat" Nimkov(also known for his solo projects under the name Stereozoldat) and Alexey Merkushev.

In December 1987 the group successfully represented St. Petersburg at Rock-Panorama-87 in Moscow, where they shared the applause of the audience with, after which they began to regularly tour the country. Their numbers “Spring Mass”, “I Don’t Love You”, etc. appeared on television screens, which, in fact, became the first domestic video clips.

Responding to the initially declared focus on parody, grotesque, irony and musical stylization, AVIA satirically rethought and turned inside out the stereotypes of mass consciousness, bringing ideological cliches to the point of absurdity and skillfully playing up the realities of everyday life; they parodied the totalitarian mass culture of the 30s, official rituals, mass media casuistry and pop cliches, which made their work accessible even to an audience that did not understand the language. Thanks to this, starting from 1987, AVIA increasingly traveled abroad, where their “totalitarian kitsch” immediately met with a warm response. In the second half of the 80s, AVIA toured almost all European countries and performed at rock festivals in the UK, Finland, Italy, Germany, etc.

In 1988 the company"Melody" published a second album, which two years later, with the light hand of the ex-manager Pink Floyd Peter Jenner was re-released in the UK by Hannibal Records and received four stars from the influential Q magazine.

If initially AVIA focused on synthesizer new wave(the first album included mainly short and melodic numbers with catchy solo instruments), then over time the dramaturgy of the performance began to subjugate the music, assigning it a purely decorative role. This led to a conflict between the core of AVIA and Adasinsky (which was indirectly reflected in Alexei Uchitel’s film “Rock,” where Anton appeared as one of the main characters) and, ultimately, made a split between the group and the theater inevitable. In October 1988, Adasinsky left and soon after that he organized his own mime theater "Tree", which is now successfully operating at venues in Europe. His role was taken on by showman Dmitry Tyulpanov, who had appeared in the group a couple of months earlier.

In December 1988 Merkushev was replaced by Gusev's colleague from Argonaut and Baroque, saxophonist Evgeniy Zhdanov, who had played with the Savoyards group for the previous seven years. It quickly became an integral part of AVIA's sound.

A year later they finally broke up with theater projects and show group, replacing it with a brass section consisting of: Evgeniy Skoblov - pipe And Valery Kuteynikov - trombone. Both made their debut as members of AVIA in April 1990, when the group presented its next satirical program “Towards the 1000th Anniversary of the Great October Revolution” to the audience. AVIA spent the first half of the 90s in a state of half-life: Gusev worked in documentary films (several films with his music were released in Finland) and on radio, recorded with Yuri Ilchenko, was engaged in sound engineering at the Indie studio owned by AVIA, and also managed the affairs of what was created under the roof their native Palace of Culture named after. Lenin Club Indie. Rakhov played with the group and hosted a radio program, and Zhdanov performed and recorded with an ethno-jazz group Samkha, various jazz combos and group NEP.

During the 1989-90 season Rakhov and Kondrashkin performed several times in St. Petersburg and made a short tour of Germany as part of the trio Vostok 1 (+ from Aquarium on bass).

Early 1991 personal problems forced Sasha Kondrashkin to leave AVIA, whose place was taken by Ivan "Yan" Fedenko, who previously played with the groups SepsisS and Jungle. Later, Kondrashkin nevertheless returned to music - he participated in the first restoration of Strange Games, again played with Aquarium, and the industrial-jazz combo Noise & Toys, however, in the spring of 1994, while touring in Germany with the group Cavalier Gluck Club, fell from a great height and, having received serious injuries, finally left the stage, and on July 8, 1999, as a result of a stroke caused by complications from these injuries, he died suddenly.

Only in 1994 AVIA reunited as Gusev-Rakhov-Zhdanov and recorded an album published a year later by General Records, and also began performing on the stages of clubs that had appeared by this time. Continuing to work with both Strange Irgs and AVIA, Rakhov became a member of the group in 1996 DEADushki(with a colleague in the Games Viktor Sologub), whose debut album “The Art of Stone Statues” was released in June 1998, and throughout 1997 he was the administrator of the popular Wild Side club.

In October 1997 Manchester company released Gusev's first solo album " Corrected to believe", work on which took about three years. In addition, he became a practical journalist, since the spring of 1998 (together with ex-colleague from AVIA Valery Kuteynikov) he has been playing with one of the factions of the NOM group that split in two, and in the fall of 1998 he took an active part in recording a solo -album former leader groups Stagecoach Fedora Stolyarov.

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AVIA (A NTI IN local- AND instrumental A ensemble) is a Soviet and Russian rock band from Leningrad, founded in September 1985 by three former participants rock group "Strange Games": Nikolai Gusev, Alexey Rakhov and Alexander Kondrashkin.

Story [ | ]

The debut of AVIA took place on January 31, 1986 in the Leningrad Palace of Culture. Lenin, where AVIA showed the program “From the Life of the Composer Zudov”, which formed the basis of their debut album “The Life and Work of the Composer Zudov”, recorded at the studio of Alexei Vishny.

Due to the small number of participants and the abundance of instruments, the musicians had to play, moving from one instrument to another. To prevent these movements on stage from looking like chaotic running around, it was decided to stage all the actions. So at the end of 1986, Anton Adasinsky (vocals, mime, trumpet, guitar) and a showman were invited to the group. From the same year, saxophonists Elena Bobretsova and Alexey Merkushev joined AVIA, and artist Rashid Almametov became the permanent album designer. At AVIA concerts they reproduced the aesthetics of early Soviet constructivism and parades of athletes. Due to numerous unexpected creative discoveries music critics they were never able to unambiguously determine the style of the group: the performances contained elements of slapstick, pantomime, gymnastics, shows, acrobatics, rhythm ballet, dancing, poetry mixed with polystylistic music from march to hard rock. American journalists noted the similarity with the rock band Devo.

On June 1, 1986, AVIA performed at the IV Festival of the Leningrad Rock Club and became laureates, and Gusev and Kondrashkin were noted as the best instrumentalists.

In 1991, Marat Temirgazov, Dmitry Tyulpanov and Alexander Kondrashkin left the composition, the latter drum kit replaced by Ivan Fedenko.

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The rock group AVIA is a famous unique Soviet-Russian group with a successful thirty-year creative experience. Founded legendary group in 1986 in St. Petersburg (at that time the city was called Leningrad), members of the group “Strange Games” that had disbanded by that time. The name AVIA is an abbreviation that hides the words: anti-vocal-instrumental ensemble. At first, the group consisted of several musicians, and it was not full composition, so the guys had to perform, changing one musical instrument to another. To do this, they moved around the stage, which ultimately gave the musicians impetus for a new idea - to add staging to their performances. The group's debut concert on big stage took place in 1986.

The musicians experimented superbly with performance styles and musical directions; their program was grandiose from the very beginning original show, in which elements of pantomime and gymnastics, show ballet, buffoonery and acrobatics were visible, and the music smoothly flowed from march to hard rock. At the beginning of their career, the group still managed to catch up with the times Soviet Union. And, despite that difficult time for the direction of music chosen by the group, original artists were able to declare themselves as successful project, they participated in documentary film and first appeared on Central television. Moreover, talented musicians held their debut tour concerts abroad, where their work was received incredibly warmly and friendly. At the beginning of their careers, young artists actively used the style Soviet avant-garde 20s, industrial music, constructivism.

If you manage to order the AVIA group for a birthday, corporate evening or wedding celebration, you will be able to personally experience the powerful energy of impressive “live” sound. You can invite the AVIA group to your celebration and this is a 100% guarantee of an amazing program for your celebration. Often the physical culture group led by Adasinsky performs with the musicians. This gives the performances globality and outrageousness. AVIA is more than music group, this is a whole grandiose orchestra.

You can order the AVIA group for a wedding, corporate event or anniversary. The repertoire of this legendary extravagant group is distinguished by its original compositions, superbly selected program and sound. Even at the dawn of the creation of the group, Soviet and foreign media had already begun to write about it; the team’s creativity was highly appreciated music experts. Despite the fact that the composition of the group sometimes changed, some of the musicians created their own solo projects and programs, general unique style performances and the powerful spirit of AVIA remained the same.

Organizing holidays and concerts with the participation of the Avia group is easily possible with the company 123 SHOW. You can invite the Avia group to a corporate event, or order a performance by the Avia group for a holiday, wedding, anniversary or birthday with the help of our concert and holiday agency 123 SHOW. Entrust the organization and holding of your event to our agency! The cost of the Avia group's performance at the festival, corporate event, wedding - see, prices are correct for Moscow and the region (except for the pre-New Year period and New Year's Eve). Check the artists' availability using the form feedback or by phone 8-495-760-78-76

Specialists from 123 SHOW will definitely contact you and help answer all your questions.