Script for a musical of professions in kindergarten. Script for the children's New Year's musical - "Waiting for a Miracle"


Father Frost

Snow Maiden

Baba Yaga

Christmas trees - 6 people.



Funny guys

(Music sounds, funny guys run out)

Song "White Snow"

1st: Friends, coming soon New Year, and do you remember how fun and unusual we made it

met last year.

2nd: Yes, you can’t forget this.

3rd: Especially meeting Baba Yaga and Santa Claus.

4th: And most importantly, after meeting with Santa Claus, the harmful Baba Yaga became

kind and learned to be friends.

6th: Well, New Year is a magical holiday and ours new fairy tale begins.

(Music sounds and cheerful guys leave)

Baba Yaga appears

sings a song "Ice ceiling")

B.Ya: Green Christmas trees New Year is on the doorstep, but my Christmas tree is not yet decorated.

We should decorate it with toys, garlands, and invite guests.

What is New Year without guests? Necessary

invite. And don’t forget about the funny guys either.

I'll start with them.

(comes to the screen)

B.Ya: Magic screen, help me

Hurry up and connect me with the funny guys

B.Ya: Hello guys, Yagusya is in touch

Glad to hear from you, grandma

I'm calling to invite you to my place.

Revisit the New Year's fairy tale

I invite everyone to my edge

I'll wait for you near the hut

Let's celebrate a wonderful holiday together

I hope it will be even more interesting.

(guys from the screen)

- Hello, dear grandmother Yaga,

We recently thought about you

- We’re very glad that you haven’t forgotten about us

- And thank you for inviting us all.

— We will celebrate the New Year with friends

We'll meet you at your Christmas tree soon.

(screen goes dark)

B.Ya: So, I invited guests, now I need to tidy up the hut, and then I’ll rest a little. (goes into the hut)

(exit of Leshy and Kikimora)

L: And I say New Year is coming soon!

K: No, there won’t be a New Year.

L: How can it not?

K: Yes, just like that, it just won’t happen?!

L: How can it just not happen?

K: We'll ruin it!

L: How can we just ruin this?

K: Well, you are thick-headed. Simple means simple.

L: You completely confused me. With your Kikimor words.

Say what you have in mind and don’t confuse me anymore.

K: So this is my plan.

We will steal all the Christmas trees in the forest. And without Christmas trees there will be no holiday.

L: This is the plan, you are just the head of Kikimora.

Wait, we also want the Christmas tree at Baba Yaga’s hut. Let's steal it.

K: And her first of all. Let's show grandma how to forget old friends.

Song "But we don't care"

(exit of Christmas trees)

Song “The Little Christmas Tree Isn’t Cold”

(exit Kikimora and Leshy steal the Christmas trees,

the song "Hey, you there" sounds)

(the main tree remains)

B.Ya: What are you making noise here?

K: We don’t make any noise, we just walk and admire the Christmas trees

B.Ya: Yes, in our forest there are a lot beautiful Christmas trees, and mine is the most, the most beautiful, Santa Claus gave it to me, soon my friends will come to visit, We will celebrate the New Year together.

L: (whispers) New year, new year?! Let's see what your New one will be!

K: (pushes Leshy on the shoulder) Do you hear Leshy, shut up. Otherwise you'll ruin our plan.

K: Yes, indeed, your Baba Yaga Christmas tree is the most beautiful. We look at her and we can’t keep our eyes open

B.Ya: Well, okay, I have no time to talk to you. You go for a walk, and I’ll go, I have things to do

much more. (leaves)

K.: Look, she has the best Christmas tree.

L.: And soon the guests will come.

K: Well, let's see how she will surprise the guests.

(the music is stolen by the remaining Christmas trees and they leave)

(guys come out)

Song ___________________________

(Baba Yaga comes out)

B.Ya: Oh, guys, I’m glad to see you iris. A whole year has passed since our

last meeting. We grew up the way we grew up.

1st: Hello, grandma, we are also very glad to see you.

2nd: Well, tell me, grandma, what’s new with you.

3rd: How is your granddaughter Dusya-Yagusya?

B.Ya: Yes, everything is fine in our fairytale forest. Everyone lives together.

And Dusya-Yagusya became completely independent. She went to the city to study.

4th: Grandma, where is your Christmas tree that Santa Claus gave you?

B.Ya: Yes, here she is?! (no Christmas tree)

It's like, who is this, where is my Christmas tree? (crying)

5th: Grandma, don’t be upset, we will find your Christmas tree.

6th: Let's call Santa Claus, he will help us.

(the guys call Santa Claus - screen)

1st: Hello, good afternoon. We would like to hear from Santa Claus.

Snowman: Unfortunately, this is not possible. Santa Claus is busy cooking


2nd: Well, then invite the Snow Maiden, we need to tell her something very important.

Snowman: And that's impossible. Snow Maiden decorates Christmas trees in the forest.

3rd: So what should we do?

Snowman: Don’t worry, she will come to you soon.

4th: Well then. We'll wait for her.

Snowman: Friends, what happened to you, maybe I can help you?

1st: Well, the trouble is, someone stole the Christmas tree that Santa Claus gave to Grandma Yaga.

And we don’t know who. And we don’t know how to help Yagusa.

2nd: But New Year is coming soon. And you can’t live without a Christmas tree.

Snowman: Don’t worry, I’ll tell Santa Claus about your misfortune. He's a must for you

will help. (screen goes dark)

(Snow Maiden comes out)

Song "Snow Maiden"

Snow Maiden: Hello, friends, hello, Grandma Yaga.

I came to you with news. Can you imagine I went to the Christmas tree forest

decorate, but the forest is empty, all the Christmas trees have disappeared somewhere.

And so I came to you to find out about your New Year's beauty.

B.Ya: I don’t have a Christmas tree anymore.

Snow Maiden: Where is she?

1st: The whole point is that someone stole it. And we don’t know who.

Snow Maiden: Don’t despair, we’re in a good New Year’s fairy tale.

Santa Claus will definitely help us, we just need him


B.Ya: Well, while we wait for Santa Claus, let’s go to the hut and I’ll give you some tea

(Snegurochka guys and B.Ya. go into the hut)

(music sounds, Kikimora and Leshy come out)

L: No, we did the wrong thing, we shouldn’t have listened to you.

Why did we steal all the Christmas trees? We can return them before it’s too late.

I really want a New Year, gifts, fun.

K: Well, you are thick-headed. So I knew that I couldn’t mess with you.

Why are you whining and whining? Look, you wanted New Year's gifts.

(sounds of hooves clattering)

K: Leshy, do you hear this stomping. This is probably Santa Claus. Let's hide.

L: Where can we hide?

K: We will pretend to be snowdrifts, and no one will recognize us. Do you understand everything?

L: Yeah! How?

K: That's it. (covered)

(the phonogram “Hello, Grandfather Frost” sounds; Snegurochka, guys, Yaga come out)

Snow Maiden: Friends, do you hear, this is Santa Claus rushing to us.

Song "Hello, Santa Claus"

(Santa Claus, Snowman and Christmas trees come out)

Santa Claus: Hello my dears

Small and big

I visited you a year ago

I'm very glad to see you again

Grew up big and became

And you recognized me

Who am I children... (Santa Claus)

Oh, I was moved to tears.

Snow Maiden: Hello, Grandfather Frost

We've been waiting for you

B.Ya: Santa Claus, do you know what trouble happened to me?

Someone stole my Christmas tree. How can I celebrate the New Year now?

Santa Claus: I know about your trouble, grandma. The Snowman told me. Well, it's okay, we're all

we'll fix it.

(casts a spell)

You will spin snowflakes and blizzards in a carousel

And bewitch the thieves, turn them into icicles.

(Leshy and Kikimora crawl out of the snowdrifts)

K: What are you, what are you, Santa Claus, don’t turn us into icicles

L: Forgive us, we won't do it again. We don't want to be icicles.

K: We promise to live together,

Get along with everyone and be friends.

We will return all the Christmas trees

Even Grandmother Yaga.

Santa Claus: Let's trust you for the last time.

Return the Christmas trees now.

(Christmas trees come out)

B.Ya: This fairy tale is just a miracle

New Year calls friends

Well, and I, good holiday

I call all the guests

(addresses L. and K.)

And don't be bored either

We have forgiven you, friends.

Have fun with us

It's time to celebrate the New Year.

Santa Claus: Happy New Year!

We wish you happiness and goodness!

To get everyone through this year

Without sorrows and worries.

Snow Maiden: So that you can study successfully,

Well, let’s have fun on holiday,

So that skills increase,

And the luck multiplied!

Baba Yaga: Let the New Year not be stingy:

Happiness, joy will bring!

All good things will happen!

Everything, friends, will happen!

SONG “New Year’s”

(New Year's songs are played)

Script for the musical for preschoolers “He’s so absent-minded”

Railway uniform for conductors, station attendant (traffic lights: red and yellow), track inspector (orange vest, tool belt, helmet), ticket, bottle of kvass.
For the absent-minded: bag, suitcase, umbrella, gloves, frying pan, raincoat, trousers, hat, glasses.

Railway station panel, flat car with window, ticket office, buffet.

Musical accompaniment:
Phonograms of melodies from songs:
“Island of Bad Luck” from the movie “The Diamond Arm”;
“Song about Polar Bears” from the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus”;
"Song of the Three Musketeers" from the film "D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers"
“If I were a Sultan” from the film “Prisoner of the Caucasus”;
Song “Steam Locomotive” (gr. “Double Game”)

Actions at the railway station:

(an absent-minded man comes out wearing a raincoat, glasses, gloves on his feet, holding a frying pan over his head, bags and a suitcase in his other hand)

Instead of a hat on the go
He put on the frying pan.
Instead of felt boots, gloves
He pulled it over his heels.
That's how absent-minded
From Basseynaya Street!

An absent-minded man sings a song (to the soundtrack “Island of Bad Luck”)

1. Thunder will strike in the middle of the day,
The sun will be hidden by clouds.
They say about me:
"The man is unlucky."
What should I do then?
My life is lost...
After all, my name is always -
An absent-minded person.

2. I forget everything
And I always lose everything
But I'm not discouraged
And I'm always cheerful.
After all, anything can happen
And this is nonsense!
After all, the main thing, friends,
Don't lose yourself.

Scattered: And most importantly, guys,
I need to catch the train,
You need to buy a ticket
And something to drink.

(The absent-minded person goes to the decorations of the buffet and cash register, performs actions according to the words of the author)

The dispatcher's voice is heard:
“Attention, attention, the Leningrad-Moscow train leaves in five minutes.”
(sounds fast music, absentmindedly runs from the box office to the buffet, from the buffet to the box office, finally buys a ticket at the box office and kvass at the buffet)

(The absent-minded man sits in the uncoupled carriage and falls asleep)

Two conductors walk past the carriage and sing a song:

Song of the Conductors (to the soundtrack of the song “About Polar Bears”)

1.In railway form,
Beautiful eyelashes,
Who are we? -
Conductor girls.
You can come to us with any problem
Hurry up to come,
Any malfunction
We'll fix it along the way.

2.We welcome passengers
We meet on the platform,
We check tickets
We serve tea in the carriage.
We keep order
And we wake up all the people
So that everyone leaves on time
At his station.

Scattered: (wakes up and turns to the conductors)
What kind of stop is this?
He screamed early in the morning.
And from the platform they say:

Conductors: This is the city of Leningrad.

(The absent-minded fell asleep again)

The station attendant walks past and sings a song:

Song of the station attendant (to the soundtrack “Song of the Musketeers”)

Station duty officer -
My profession.
There are a lot of worries and troubles
In my work.
I'm proud of my work
The work is just great!
Want to know what I'm doing?
I'll tell you now:

1.When I show the red light -
So stop! No access!
And I allow yellow
Let the train go
And then I’ll say:
"Have a nice trip!"

Station duty officer -
My profession.
There are a lot of worries and troubles
In my work.
Familiar with the language of signs to me
Serious travellers,
Traffic lights -
These are the ones.
(shows red and yellow traffic light attributes)

Scattered: What kind of station is this?
Dibuny or Yamskaya? –

(Abstract-minded fell asleep)

A walker walks along the path and sings a song:
Trackman's Song (to the soundtrack of the song “If I were a Sultan”)

1.Track inspector -
My profession.
For people's safety
I'm working.
I'm repairing the paths
I go here and there
So that you can drive without fear
Along the train tracks.

And it is very important
Be careful,
And very important
Be brave.

2.I walk with tools
Along the way,
Can I kilometers
Go through the whole day.
I am hardy and tempered,
Decisive and firm.
My job is difficult
More important than all the work.

And it is very important
Be careful,
And very important
Be brave.

Scattered: What kind of stop is this?
Bologoe or Popovka? –
And from the platform they say:
Inspector: This is the city of Leningrad!

Scattered: What kind of joke is this!
I'm going for the second day,
And I came back
Did you come to Leningrad?!

All the characters go on stage, stand in a semicircle and say:
That's how absent-minded
From Basseynaya Street!

All the heroes dance to the song “Steam Locomotive”

Marina Petrovskaya
Script for the musical “The Bremen Town Musicians” for older children preschool age

Bremen Town Musicians

Musical based on the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm

Characters: Host, Troubadour, Robbers, Princess, King, Cat, Dog, Rooster, Chieftain, Security, Donkey, Detective (Beggar Woman, Page, Jester, two Maids of Honor.

First picture

Hall decoration: a panel depicting a royal castle, in front of it is a forest road, on both sides there are trees.

Presenter. Wonderful short stories for you,

For children and kids,

I'll tell you about princesses

In the kingdom of stupid kings.

About the funny ones musicians,

About forest robbers

And about many talents

Brilliant detectives.

The fairy tale tells itself quickly,

Things don't get done quickly.

On the way this morning,

Leading to a noble castle,

Without sadness and anxiety

The song was heard.

There was a Troubadour in the carriage,

Rooster, and Dog, and Cat,

Everyone howled in unison,

Who will sing louder?

Performed "Song of Friends", words Yu. Entina, music. G. Gladkova.

Troubadour (pointing to the royal castle).

To the royal castle

We are in a hurry with friends

So that people have fun

It was with us.

Sounds music"Road". Friends head to the castle. The panel moves to the side. At the central wall there is a throne on which the King sits. The Princess sits on a small throne nearby. Servants stand on the sides (Jester, Page, Maids of Honor, Security). The troubadour and his friends stop in front of the throne and bow.

Troubadour. We welcome you, king,

Beautiful princess!

And our performance

Let's start without delay!

Sounds fun music"Performance". Each character performs the action that the presenter talks about.

Leading. Weights were lifted by Donkey,

The dog was spinning like a wheel

Gopaka the Rooster danced,

Dashingly flapped his wings.

Well, the Cat’s trick is

This is a miracle of beauty!

And the Princess was amazed -

In Troubadour. and fell in love!

The rooster is dancing "Hopak"- child’s dance creativity.

Leading. It was getting dark and dark,

The show was over.

Everyone went away for the night -

The Troubadour has no sleep!

And the beautiful Princess

I couldn't sit still

I was sad and bored,

She hummed the song sadly.

Sounds "Song of the Princess and the Troubadour".

The central wall is again covered with a panel depicting the royal castle. The robbers' house is visible from the side. Sounds in a quiet background music"Robbers".

Dog. Everything in the forest is dark and dark,

But one window is on fire.

Rooster. What could be burning there?

Cat. Brothers, we should take a look!

Leading. The full moon is shining,

The animals stood at the window.

Cat. Oh, forest robbers!

Rooster. They are scary and evil.

Troubadour. Let's wait and find out what they are wondering about!

Leading. All the robbers are sitting

They look into the chieftain's mouth.

One half of the house opens. The robbers are sitting at the table. At the head of the table is the Atamansha.

Chieftain (evil and rude). Have you sharpened all your axes?

Have you forgotten about knives?

Robbers (ingratiatingly). We did everything immediately

You are our chieftain!

Chieftain. Atamansha is the right word,

I'm ready for some nasty things!

Performed "Song of the Robbers".

Leading. The animals screamed with all their might,

The Likhodeevs were very scared.

Animals bark, meow, crow, and make noise.

And the robbers fled

Everything was abandoned in the hut.

The robbers run behind the screen. The troubadour and the animals enter the house.

Troubadour. Let's stop right here

We all found shelter here.

I need to sleep, it's already dark,

The sun has been sleeping for a long time.

All animals are located on benches.

Leading. And the next morning - on the way

Someone's feet pounded.

Performed "Song of Security". A whistle is heard.

Leading. Whistle, alarm in the forest,

The king climbed the tree.

A dashing song was heard,

The band of robbers appeared.

The King hides behind a tree, the King's guards run away.

King (peeking out from behind a tree). Where is the security? Where is the help?

I'm getting off my feet quickly!

The imaginary robbers tie the King to a tree and go to the house of the robbers. is heard in the distance music, The king listens.

Leading. Along the path, past the house,

An acquaintance was walking as a troubadour.

There's a melody playing "Song of the Troubadour". The Troubadour passes by the King tied to a tree and pretends not to notice him.

King. I'm sitting here tied up,

I've been looking at you for a long time.

Can you untie me?

Troubadour. Glad to provide a service!

The Troubadour unties the King, then enters the robbers' house. Sounds music"The fight between the robbers and the Troubadour". After this, the Troubadour leaves the house.

Troubadour. I'm glad to take the fight for you,

I'm glad for the honor of standing.

King. I don’t forbid the princess to marry

And I promise to marry you today!

Troubadour. Then hit the road, true friends,

Today is a great day for me!

Sounds "Polonaise". The panel depicting the royal castle gradually moves to the side. There are children behind him. Performed old dance"Minuet" (or others). All the animals - friends of the Troubadour - approach the entrance to the hall. There is a guard at the entrance.

Leading. So, all the animals dressed up

And they stopped at the gate.

Security (in unison). The king told us not to let anyone through!

Leading. And the song sounded sad,

Which we once sang together.

There's a melody playing "Songs Bremen Town Musicians » . The animals slowly, with their heads down, walk around the hall and go behind the screen; the Troubadour and the Princess, holding hands, catch up with them.

Second picture

"In the footsteps Bremen Town Musicians»

A Servant and a Page run into the hall. The King enters. His head is bandaged. Everyone oohs and aahs.

Leading. What happened? Trouble!

Jester (with concern). Our King suddenly fell ill!

Page. Don't worry, I said -

The king sent for the detective.

The king sits on the throne, the servants stand around him with a worried look. The Detective runs in with a magnifying glass and looks through it at the walls, the floor and all the servants. Sounds "Sleuth's Song". The King jumps off his throne and runs up to the Detective.

King. I ask you, help,

Find your stupid daughter!

Detective. I need to know the signs!

King. I can help you tell:

The braids are so light brown (shows on himself,

Legs are slender - straight,

And the eyes, and the eyes,

It's like being in a sea of ​​pearls.

Detective. I understand everything - let’s get started

I will find everyone, I assure you.

They won’t run away from me, I’ll find them underground.

The detective leaves. The panel again covers the central wall. The Troubadour appears with the Princess and friends. She stops in the middle of the hall.

Cat. I congratulate you, children!

I wish you happiness and joy!

Live together, have fun,

And you love each other.

The Troubadour and the Princess are spinning under music holding hands. The Detective comes out, dressed as a Beggar Woman.

Beggar woman. Oh, where have I gone?

I've never been here before!

What are all the screams in this place?

Cat. Here's the groom! Here comes the bride!

Beggar woman. Who celebrates a wedding like this?

What awaits the bride?

Not here music, flowers!

No rings! And there are no poems!

Troubadour. We'll pick flowers now

And we'll bring it in a basket.

Everyone runs to pick flowers - behind the screen. The detective throws off the beggar's robe and grabs the Princess's hand.

Detective. Here I came across, girl,

You can't hide from me!

By order of the king

I'll take you to the castle!

The detective pulls the Princess, she resists. The detective still takes her behind the panel. Troubadour and his friends run out into the clearing with armfuls of flowers.

Troubadour. Where is the Princess?

Dog. Hey, hurry up! Bring your friends here!

Friends go around the room and go behind the screen. The panel moves back. The King sits on the throne and cries, and the Princess sits next to her, turning away from the King. Sounds "Song of the King and Princess". The troubadour sneaks into the castle and hides.

Princess. Daddy, I would rather die

How will I change the Troubadour!

Troubadour (comes out and looks at the audience with a sly smile).

We can save the princess

Take him out of the castle in the morning.

Sounds music"Arrival Bremen Town Musicians» . Troubadour's friends enter - Dog, Cat, Rooster and Donkey.

All the children come out in a line and surround Bremen Town Musicians, Troubadour and Princess.

Princess (turning to the King). Daddy, don't you know

You can't break our friendship!

Troubadour. Wind and wave are friends,

The sky and the moon are friends,

You are my friend and I am your brother,

Everyone is happy to make friends!

Then the song is performed “There is nothing better in the world”, children leave the hall in a chain and wave their hands to the audience.

Theater for children is a fabulous action, colored bright colors artist and sounded by live multifaceted music. A fairy tale comes to life and becomes expressive if there is room in it decoration and musical accompaniment.

Children's performances acquire a special color due to the use of music in them. Songs and dances, as well as music backgrounds in some performances they play at least important role than a word. As a background, music decorates the performance and helps create bright, expressive images.

In performances rich in sounds and music, the world surrounding the characters in the play comes to life. The heroes of such representations turn out to be comprehensively developed personalities. The musical accompaniment naturally and harmoniously fits into the action of the fairy tale.

Performances in which music, if not the basis of the performance, largely determines the dramaturgy of the theatrical action, are called musicals. Staged songs followed by mass and individual dances, interspersed with poetic and prose texts, and - again solo singing, and singing in a duet, in an ensemble. Each of the children knows exactly where and when he is and what to do.


  • Sun
  • Magpie
  • Sparrow
  • Crocodile
  • Bear
  • Ram
  • Ram
  • hare

Decorations and attributes:

  1. Two chairs disguised by reeds and painted trees.
  2. Hemp for sleeping animals and birds: hare, magpie, sparrow, bear.
  3. Balls, crocodile ball.
  4. Artificial Christmas trees.
  5. Drums.

Progress of the performance

On the right in the background are two chairs, camouflaged by bushes (possibly reeds), where the Crocodile is hiding. On the left is a stump on which the Bear sits and sleeps.

In the foreground on the left are sleeping Sparrow, Magpie and Hare. The sun is squatting in the center.

Music plays (“The Lonely Shepherd”, composer Gheorghe Zamfir, from the repertoire of the orchestra conducted by James Last).

The sun slowly rises, dances, touches the animals sitting in front, who in turn wake up and smile.

The music is changing. The melody of “Garbage Song” (composer Alexander Usachev) begins to sound. The Crocodile runs out and, wrapping his arms around the Sun, drags him into his lair.

The animals, frightened, clasping their faces in their hands, shake their heads and sob.

Sparrow(with a handkerchief) gets up, sobbing, goes to the center, sings

(melody of the song “Oh, what a woman”, from the repertoire of the group “Freestyle”):

Darkness has fallen
Darkness has fallen
Don't go outside the gate!
Who got on the street
Who got on the street -
Got lost and disappeared...
2 times

A magpie runs up.

Magpie sings (melody of the song “The Wind Blew from the Sea”, composers N. Rudina, Yu. Malyshev, from Natalie’s repertoire):

Woe, woe is me, oh-oh-oh!
Woe, woe to everyone, oh-e-e-e!
Greedy Crocodile, scary Crocodile
He took away the sun, he took away the sun!
The darkness has come, the darkness has come,
Black-and-white -i-i-i-i-i.
How to live without the sun,
How without be the sun,
Spread the news?
Spread the news?

The Hare runs up to Sparrow and Magpie and begins to sing (the melody of the song “Come Out, Sunshine” by R. Pauls):

Magpie and hare:

Come out, sunshine,
Come out, red!
Sparrow cries:

Sparrow: Come out quickly!

Magpie, Hare and Sparrow:

Get up quickly
The sky is clear,
Light up, warm up
Mother Earth!
2 times

The introduction and the first verse of the song “Atas” (composer I. Matvienko, from the repertoire of the group “Lube”) are heard.

Sparrow, Magpie, Hare move aside. Coming out two rams with drums, marching and drumming, singing to the melody of the chorus:

Hurry! Get up quickly, animal class!
Don't sleep, bunnies, don't cry, squirrels.
Forward! Come on, animal class,
Let's go find the sun now!

The rams move aside. Sparrow, Magpie, and Hare come to the center. Sparrow and Magpie sing (the melody of the song “Lavender”, music by V. Matetsky, from the repertoire of S. Rotaru):

Everyone is afraid of the crocodile (2 times)
How can we fight this?
He is both menacing and toothy.
Everyone is afraid of the crocodile (2 times)
How can we fight this?
He won't give us the sun!

The hare sings to the melody of the song “Robin” (composer E. Hanok, from the repertoire of the group “Verasy”):

Oh, it’s a shame, it’s a shame, the animals are roaring for us!
And where is our most important Bear? ( approaches the Bear and wakes him up)
Hey, stop, go to sleep!
And suck a paw!
After all, the sun needs to be saved.
The crocodile filled his belly.
Our sun has been swallowed.

The bear wakes up, stands up, shakes its head.

Animals (in unison):

Tear him apart
Rip the sun out of your mouth!

The theme of the Bear sounds (the play “The Bear”, music by V. Rebikov).

The Bear waddles up to the Crocodile and says menacingly against the background of music:

Look, robber breed!
Snatched the Sun from the sky.
And with a full belly
Collapsed under a bush!
The whole world disappears
And you don’t even have any grief!

The melody of the song “The boy wants to go to Tambov” sounds (music B. Lima, from the repertoire of Murat Nasyrov).

The Crocodile comes out and dances a menacing dance: he stomps and steps threateningly on the Bunny, then on the rams, then on the Sparrow, then on the Magpie! The animals retreat and get scared.

Crocodile sings to the melody of the chorus:

If I want, chiki-chiki-chiki-chiki-ta,
And I’ll swallow the moon, chiki-chiki-chiki-chiki-ta! (continues to dance triumphantly).

hare, not allowing the Crocodile to finish, says:

Misha, come to us
And defeat the villain!

All animals:

Tear him apart
Rip the sun out of your mouth!

The Bear's theme plays. Animals surround the Crocodile. He curses, rushes in one direction or the other, raises his arms up, quickly bends down, touches the floor with his hands and runs away, running on his hands and feet.

The theme of the Sun sounds. The animals bring out the Sun, hug, and stand in one line.

The introduction to the song “Standing at a half-station” (music by I. Kataev, repertoire by V. Tolkunova) sounds.

Animals ( sing):

May the world always be sunny,
May the world always be sunny,
It became clear to all of us today.
We need to stick together
We need to stick together.
Then there will be no problems!

The animals are dancing general dance to the melody of 2.3 verses, on the 4th - they sing, repeat the words of the 1st verse and perform bow.

MBDOU d/s No. 22

Musical"For Sunny»

For performance by children 6-7 years old.


sun rays

Author. Spring has come, woke up nature: streams are ringing, birds are singing - beauty! One problem - there's still no sunshine, clouds covered the sky, rain charged: one day goes, another goes, a week! The Kitten sat sadly at the window, looked at the rain and sang such a diaper.

1. Why cats don’t like puddles!

Why, tell me, is rain needed?

To wet the cat

From ears to tail!

I sit at the window all day long,

At least one cat would run by!

No, I won't miss you

I'll go look for the sun!

2. For sunshine. For I'm walking like sunshine, I'm coming, I'm coming!

I Sun. I I'll find the sun, I will find, I will find!

Where are you, Sun, wake up!

Where are you, Sun, smile!

Wake up from your sleep

I swim slowly, raking the waves.

How good is my dear river!

This is where I grew up, this is my home,

Every bush is familiar to me.

How good my homeland is!

Kitty. Duckling, Duckling, take me to that shore!

Duckling. Why do you need it?

Kitty. I I'm going to look for the sun!

Duckling. I'll go with you too! Sit on my back.

Kitten and Duckling sing together

For sunshine, for sunshine

Let's go, let's go, let's go.

We Sun, We Sun

The hedgehog has such small legs

The rain makes the paths so slippery!

Am I going to get home?

Will I fall into a puddle?

Where are you golden sun?

I've been waiting for you for so long!

Hedgehog. Why are you kids crying?

Kitten and Duckling (in unison). We're lost!

Kitty. Let's go Sun search and lost the way!

Hedgehog. I'll help you: go to - he’s on that mountain, Cloud lives there, it takes you straight to the house will bring the sun!

Kitten and Duckling (in unison). Thank you, Hedgehog!

Hedgehog. Bon voyage! (leaves).

(The cloud sings.)

House by the cloud on the mountain

Dress by the cloud in silver.

TO I'll fly to the sun,

I'll take you across the sky.

You're passing through

Sit next to me.

I'm flying, flying, flying!

Kitten and Duckling (in unison). Thank you. Cloud! (The cloud waves its hand and flies away.)

Kitty. Where are you, Sun, wake up?

Duckling. Where are you. Sun, smile!

Duckling. How do we wake up the sun?

Kitty. I can't decide...

Maybe shout out loud -

Meow - meow?

Duckling. Tickle me with a feather?

Kitty. Maybe give him something to drink?

Duckling. Necessary wash the sun!

Necessary wash the sun!

(Run for a bucket and brush)

Together. Sun sleepyhead, wake up!

("Water" from a bucket)

Wash your face quickly!

("Tret" sun brush)

Look out the window

Shine a little light:

At least sideways, at least with an eye

Or a thin beam!

(Exit and song sunshine)

1. How long have I been asleep?

In a cloud - a cradle!

So cozy, so warm

In a cloudy bed

2. It's a mess without me.:

All the rain, rain, rain!

You have to get down to work -

Drain the forest and field!

(Dance rays of sunshine)

Introduction. Children run in scattered with yellow ribbons in their hands. (Sing)

1. Ray golden sun,

Golden, golden

Smiled above the ground.

And everything immediately came to life

And it sang and blossomed,

Spun, shone:

This the sun has risen!

2. Ray golden sun,

Golden, golden

How much fun we have with you,

Have fun with you!

Drive away the evil cloud,

Bring the sun back to the sky.

To all the flowers, to all the leaves

Give me joy!

Heroes musicals are worth a lot, read:

The sun woke up!

The sun smiled!

And every blade of grass

TO reached out to the sun!

Flowers stretched up

You and I reached out!

The yard dog was awakened

Either with a cat, or in the spring.

Look at this: in every puddle

A golden ray is visible!