teacher universities. Self-analysis of the pedagogical activity of a primary school teacher



government agency

"Lugansk specialized schoolI- IIIsteps №54 "


pedagogical activity

for the last three academic years

primary school teacher MARYANA IVANOVNA DEMCHENKO

Hello, I am an elementary school teacher. We live in a modern world that is in constant motion. What is a modern teacher like? In my opinion, this is a person who must keep up with the times, constantly raising his pedagogical level. A teacher is one who can look and see, listen and hear, understand, accept and help. This is the motto of my personal professional activity.

I work as a primary school teacher and at the same time perform the functions of a class teacher in the state institution "Lugansk Specialized SchoolI- IIIsteps No. 54 "since 2000. Graduated from the Lugansk Pedagogical Institute named after. T.G. Shevchenko in 1997 as a primary school teacher. Higher education. Work experience in this school is 15 years. I try to treat pedagogical activity conscientiously and creatively. Over the entire period of work, she has accumulated considerable experience in teaching and educating students.

In 2013, the highest qualification category was awarded.

Based on the new goals and objectives of modern education, I consider the purpose of my pedagogical activity to be the formation of knowledge, skills and key competencies, the development of students' creative abilities, while maintaining their physical and mental health, in accordance with individual capabilities. In a word, the purpose of my pedagogical activity is the development of the child's personality.

I am convinced that the basis of successful personality development is cognitive interest. Cognitive interest acts as the most valuable motive for the educational activity of the student. In the first years of schooling, their development is very noticeable. I always remember that knowledge goes from the simple to the complex, from the known to the unknown, from the near to the far, from description to explanation, from facts to generalization.

To achieve this goal, I set myself the following tasks:

the use of project activity technology in order to form universal educational activities, academic knowledge, skills and development of creative abilities of younger students;

introduction of interactive forms of organization of the educational process in order to form key competencies and increase student motivation;

education of patriotic feelings, introduction to national culture and traditions, formation of ecological thinking, education of moral and spiritual qualities of a person;

creating the most favorable conditions to preserve the mental and physical health of children.

To form learning interests, I follow the principle: the younger the students, the more visible the learning and the greater the role played by active work.

As a teacher, every day, every lesson, I face the following questions:

How to get a child interested in a subject?

How interesting and accessible to convey new material to the student?

How to create for the student a situation of success and self-confidence?

I solve them by including the student in situations of creative partial search work and research activities. I always work under the motto: “Teaching with passion!”, because I understand that through a fairy tale, a game is the way to the heart of a child.

Since 2015, I have been working at the School of Russia teaching and learning center, which has a personality-oriented character with a priority on spiritual and moral development, provides a civic-oriented education for younger students, in other words, offers to educate a citizen of the country. Textbooks allow students to organize individual work, prepare students for the defense of creative works, teach them to argue and prove their point of view. Developing exercises contribute to the development of creative abilities, interest in the subject, deepen the formed knowledge, encouraging students to apply them in a changed situation. Working on this complex, I use pedagogical technologies of developing education: gaming technologies, technology of project activities, interactive learning technology, as well as a student-centered approach to learning.

The formation of the personality of schoolchildren, first of all, takes place in the classroom. I activate the cognitive activity of the children and increase their interest in learning at each stage of the lesson through individual, group work, a differentiated approach, play, creating a situation of success, and independent work.

I select assignments and materials in such a way that they are accessible in terms of presentation, colorfully designed, have elements of entertainment and competition, contain information and facts that go beyond the scope of the curriculum.

Multimedia presentations, electronic simulators, support schemes, tables, signal cards, handouts, entertaining exercises have long become faithful assistants in my work. They evoke feelings of surprise, novelty, unusualness, surprise, develop ingenuity, initiative, light the flame of inquisitiveness.

As a result, the student works in the lesson with interest, and even difficult tasks become feasible for him. I help each student to assert himself, look for and find his own ways to get an answer.

The game is an excellent means of education and training. To do this, I put the student in the search conditions, arouse interest in winning, and hence the desire to be fast, collected, dexterous, resourceful, to be able to clearly complete tasks, follow the rules. In games, especially collective ones, the moral qualities of the individual are also formed. As a result, children help their comrades and take into account the interests of others. Properly organized independent work contributes to the formation of cognitive interests, the development of cognitive abilities, and the mastery of the methods of the cognition process.

Through solving creative problems of varying degrees of difficulty, multivariate tasks, I provide my students with the development of logical thinking, instill the skills of self-organization and self-design. As a result, when discussing different options for finding solutions, children actively offer possible approaches, look for arguments, and defend their answer. At the same time, they have a desire to find out why some ways of solving problems turn out to be rational, while others are not. And they learn to listen carefully and hear each other. I make every success the property of the whole class.

Constant analysis of students' achievements is a prerequisite for my work. I see the meaning of diagnosing in getting, as far as possible, a real and clear picture of the development of the child, his ability to observe, analyze, compare, classify. Diagnosis allows me to determine whether it is possible to solve the problems of training, development and education in unity.

An important condition of my work is a smile and a kind word. And how much they add to both the lesson and the child! With sincere love, I win the trust of children, which means the right to educate and teach.

Thus, creating a favorable emotional atmosphere at each lesson, increasing motivation for learning, the result of my work was high indicators of the quality of education. Also, the use of project technology contributes to improving the quality of training in subjects. To identify the development of capable children, I hold competitions that require a creative approach, I involve children in various competitions.

The results of the quality and progress of students for three years



Number of students

in class

excellent students


academic performance



73 %




68 %




Olympiad results (participants/winners)



Itour (school) Olympiad

IItour (urban)


Distance Olympiads in basic disciplines



4 accounts/3 accounts




5 accounts/5 accounts

5 accounts/-

4 accounts/1 account



20 accounts/15 accounts

It can also be seen from the tables that my graduates have a desire for self-determination and self-education:

children in my class want to go to school;

a stable educational and cognitive interest has been formed;

they are able to work independently with a source of knowledge, conduct experimental practical work;

understand and accept training tasks, check their work and the work of a partner;

are able to compare, analyze, generalize, classify and systematize the material;

actively participate in disputes, competently conduct a dialogue;

and most importantly, they have a special style of communication, in which the spirit of cooperation, empathy and mutual respect prevails.

This is confirmed by:

the progress and quality of knowledge of my graduates are high (% quality-65, progress-100%) in the 5th grade;

all my graduating classes study well, academic performance and the quality of knowledge are consistently high;

feedback from colleagues on the level of education and upbringing of class students at the methodological council for succession;

reviews of parents of children about my work;

my students take an active part in subject Olympiads (both stationary and remote).

I actively participate in school and district methodological associations of primary school teachers, I give open lessons, including within the framework of the “School of a Young Teacher”.

In my work, I mainly adhere to a system-activity approach and non-traditional forms of conducting lessons. Active forms and methods, information technologies of education that I use in my work - these are the modern achievements of pedagogical theory and practice.

I believe that the formation of interest in learning is an important means of improving the quality of schoolchildren's education. This is especially important in elementary school, when permanent interests in a particular subject are still being formed, and sometimes only being determined.

In relation to elementary school, an important method is the game, especially in the first two years of study. Elements of entertainment, play, everything unusual, unexpected causes in children a sense of surprise, rich in its consequences, a keen interest in the process of cognition, helps them to master any educational material. A variety of game actions, with the help of which this or that mental task is solved, support and enhance children's interest in the subject, in understanding the world around them.

As a teacher working on a problemImplementation of scientific and educational projects in the joint activities of a teacher and a student.The excitation of interest in learning is facilitated by conditions that ensure the child's success in academic work, a sense of joy on the path of progress from ignorance to knowledge, from inability to skill, that is, awareness of the meaning and results of one's efforts.

The purpose of working on the problem: to teach how to obtain knowledge, skills, and apply them in practical situations.

Problem solving tasks:

make the learning process attractive;

create a situation of success in the classroom;

develop the desire and ability to learn;

to form a new type of thinking in a child - a theoretical one that allows you to explore and understand the complexity of the world, navigate in non-standard situations, build a life without prompting;

create conditions for the manifestation of such personal qualities as the ability to cooperate in collective learning activities and beyond, independence in achieving goals, responsibility for results.

I believe that a teacher without innovation is always a teacher of yesterday. The teacher should focus not on yesterday, but on the future of children's development. Only then will he help the child become a self-improving person. To achieve the goal of my work, I try to use modern teaching technologies.

I present it in the form of a table:



Lead Method

Forms of work

Gaming technologies

Focus on a vital situation and search for solutions.

A game

Plot - role-playing game, didactic game, business game, lesson - journey, quizzes, riddles.

Extracurricular activities.

Person-Centered Technologies

Humanistic and psychotherapeutic orientation. Purpose: versatile, free and creative development of the child.

The method of dialogue, reflexive, pedagogical support, diagnostic, creating a situation of choice and success.

Lesson-creativity, lesson-game, methods of materialization of the processes of reading and writing, literary creativity of children.

Research technologies

Learning through discovery

Problem based learning, project method

Ecological tasks, projects, creative observation tasks, practical exercises, experience,

research, excursions to nature, businesses and organizations.

Information and communication technologies

Focus on creating individual educational trajectories.


Tests, test exercises, gaming, creative and logical tasks.

Extracurricular activities.

Health-saving technologies

Focus on the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Health promotion

Dynamic pauses, outdoor games, physical exercises, posture prevention exercises, exercises for the eyes, arm muscles, etc. Physical culture and recreation, sports and entertainment events, hiking.

I am the classroom teacher. I pay great attention to educational work in the classroom. The purpose of my educational work is to create conditions for the development of a multifaceted creative personality. The methodology of my educational work is based on collective creative activity. Based on the general education of students and taking into account their interests, abilities and age opportunities, I conduct educational activities that broaden the horizons of students, increase cognitive capabilities, develop independence and activity.

As a class teacher, my system of educational work is characterized by an analytical approach to solving educational problems. Based on the ongoing research of the class team, I determine educational goals and objectives. I plan educational work in the class, based on the analysis of the educational work of the previous academic year in the following areas:


civil law;

artistic - aesthetic;

physical culture and health;


I use a variety of different forms extra-curricular activities: class hours - disputes, holidays, full-time and correspondence excursions, competitions, competitions. I use the project method in extracurricular activities.

A huge role in the upbringing of children is played by parents, whom I managed to organize and unite. In general, I believe that the more friendly and united the parents, the more friendly the children. Parents take an active part in all class activities, help me, as a class teacher, in organizing and conducting, and children in preparing events. Parents live the life of the class with their children.

Many extra-curricular activities were held:"Our only ship called the Earth", psychological theater "Blue Bird".

The result of educational work is that a favorable atmosphere has developed in the class, there are no outcast children in the class, no groups that would separate from the team. According to the test results, 82% of children consider their class to be friendly. According to the results of the parent survey, all children have friends from their class, and parents support their friendship.

The opinion of the parent team on the results of the class


3rd grade

4th grade

1 class

1. The results of the work of the class team are recognizedpositive

94 %

95,7 %

99 %



3rd grade 4th grade

1 class

2. OK Andsupport parents work class team

96 %

96,8 %

100 %

95, 5



98, 5

99, 5


100, 5

3rd grade 4th grade

1 class

In order to create the most favorable conditions for maintaining the mental and physical health of children, I conduct lessons taking into account hygienic and valeological requirements for the lesson. I often start a lesson with an energizing warm-up, spend physical exercises, taking into account medical indicators, focusing on physical exercises for the eyes (including electronic exercises for the eyes).

The goal that I set for myself in the near future is to study the second generation standards. I see the prospects for my work in the further implementation of the technology of project activities in order to improve the quality of education, the formation of key competencies and the development of students' creative abilities.

Self-analysis of the professional activity of a teacher of primary

classes of the branch MBOU "Komsomolskaya

middle School of General education"

Chernyanovskaya Nadezhda Alekseevna

“The purpose of teaching a child is to make

able to develop further without the help of a teacher.”

E.G. Hubbard

In 1980 she graduated from the Michurinsk State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education, was qualified as an elementary school teacher and the title of a secondary school teacher.

Since August 1980, I have been working at the State Farm School as a primary school teacher. Since September 1, 2011, the State Farm Sosh has become a branch of the Komsomol Secondary School.

I am currently the class teacher of class 2.

MOU State Farm Sosh is an educational institution with an extremely flexible system of education. A single methodological theme of the MOU State Farm Sosh "Formation of a socially responsible, competent, mobile personality through the integration of general and additional education." Based on the reality of today, the increased requirements for the universality of knowledge and the need to raise the level of culture of students, the teaching staff of the school sees the solution to the problem in the most complete accordance with the goals and objectives of modern education.

The goal of an educational institution is the formation of universal cognitive abilities and competencies of students, ensuring the integration of knowledge into a holistic worldview.

The school is faced with the following tasks:

Form the need for training and self-development;

Unleash the creative potential of students;

Develop spiritual culture and morality;

Create methodological and technological foundations for modeling various kinds activities aimed at improving the health of students.

Working according to the traditional program "School of Russia", I try to use elements of developmental education in my lessons. This helps to develop an intellectual and creative personality in a child.

In the conditions of modernization of education, the main goal of my professional activity is the formation of an educated, highly cultured, comprehensively developed personality, able to act effectively in various conditions, demanded by modern society. In this regard, I set myself the following tasks:

Improve the quality of knowledge;

Develop and strengthen interest in subjects;

Use new pedagogical technologies;

To reveal the intellectual, moral and creative potential of each child;

Maintain and improve the health of students.

I agree with the statement of the French writer A. Barbusse: “School is a workshop where the thought of the younger generation is formed, you must hold it firmly in your hands if you don’t want to let go of the future.”

The level of cognitive abilities of my students is different, many children have low motivation for learning, therefore, the main goal of pedagogical activity should be considered the development of students' cognitive abilities. Topic on self-education "Formation of key competencies of younger students through the development of cognitive activity in the classroom and in extracurricular activities"

To implement the tasks set, I use various types of schoolchildren's activities in the lesson, this allows me to make the lesson interesting and productive. I support a positive emotional mood of the lesson, which contributes to the development of students' cognitive interest in the subject. In my work I actively use a differentiated approach to teaching. I differentiate tasks according to the degree of assistance to the student by the teacher, according to the degree of independence of students in completing the task. This is especially important for weak students. The work is organized in such a way that over time the degree of independence of schoolchildren increases, and the help of the teacher becomes minimal. For such differentiation, in my practice I use patterns of tasks, memos-supports, memos-algorithms and self-instructions.

Creating a positive motivation for learning contributes to the formation of self-education skills, develops students' cognitive activity and independence.

The possibilities of schoolchildren are different, it is important to awaken the student's thought process. To do this, I use the following methods in my work: search, research, method of problem situations. I actively study and implement modern educational technologies in my teaching activities: the project method, information and communication technologies, and others. The use of modern educational technologies in the classroom and in extracurricular activities increases interest in the subjects studied and the level of motivation, allows me, as a teacher, to form the key competencies necessary for a modern person. I define one of the significant competencies of a student as informational, so I pay special attention to working with various sources of information.

I activate the cognitive activity of students and increase interest in learning at every stage of the lesson through modern educational technologies.

1.Computer technologies.

Knowledge of ICT allows me to use the computer for different purposes:

    as a means of visualization of the educational process. I have developed lessonstests, tables, media resourcesusing the programpowerpoint;

    for the organization of collective and group work (projects);

    as a means of developing and preparing various types of educational and methodological material (lesson planning, methodological developments, tests, interactive tests and other types of work).

With the help of the programMicrosoftofficeWorddeveloped:

Tests on the outside world, mathematics, Russian language, literary reading; texts to test reading technique;

Memos on the Russian language, mathematics, literary reading, technology.

I teach children to create small texts, use computer drawings, programsMicrosoftofficeWordAndpowerpoint. With the help of the programWordchildren prepare messages, clusters, syncwines for the lessons of literary reading and the world around them.

I teach children to apply them not only in the educational process, but also in extracurricular activities. The experience of using this technology allowed:

Increase the effectiveness of training;

Provide an opportunity to organize project activities for students to create presentations (Projects "My Family", "Safety Island", "Green Book of Our Class"

I share my methodological developments with colleagues on educational sites:open class, rusedu, proshkolu, it- n, zavuch. infoand others

2. I use gaming technologies. In games, especially collective ones, the moral qualities of a person are formed.

3. I apply the technology of multi-level training.In my teaching activities I use a differentiated approach to teaching. I conduct individual classes with strong and weak students, I give tasks of different levels, which helps to maintain interest in the subjects being studied, to increase the level of assimilation of students' knowledge.

4. Health-saving technology, used in the form of valeological, dynamic pauses, allows, without provoking negative trends in the development of students' health, to receive a quality education.

Constant analysis of students' achievements is a prerequisite for my work. I see the meaning of diagnosing in getting, as far as possible, a real and clear picture of the development of the child, his ability to observe, compare, analyze. Using the diagnostic method, I keep records of children's knowledge using tablesEXCEL. I register errors so that I can work on them individually in the next lessons. When checking the reading technique, I use Zaitsev's computer technique. The result of the use of various educational technologies in educational and educational work is a high level of learning - 100%; the quality of knowledge is 72.2%.

This is facilitated by the rational distribution of time in the lesson, the choice of teaching methods, the tasks that I solve every day, taking into account the age characteristics of the children, the conditions of the school.

The forms of organization of training that I use also contribute to the development of students. The main form is the lesson. I consider it important to structure it. Without rejecting the traditional method of constructing a lesson, I also use non-traditional forms. A lesson in the formation of new knowledge is a lesson-research, a lesson-journey, a virtual tour. Lessons for testing knowledge - tests, reviews of knowledge, quizzes. Tests in the form of test tasks psychologically prepare for the preparation for a monitoring study, bring up responsibility for the formation of knowledge and skills. After conducting non-traditional lessons, in a comparative analysis of the quality of knowledge, I note an increase in the average score from 3.9 to 4.1. All this is facilitated by methodological work:

Open event on the surrounding world at the municipal level "Safety Island" - 2009;

Regional seminar presentation "Local history - one of the most important factors in the patriotic education of students";

Developed the program of the circle "My native land".

Implementing the tasks of the school development program, I developed:

Control and measuring materials in the Russian language for grade 4;

To improve the quality of students' knowledge, she developed work programs for elementary grades of the EMC "School of Russia" based on the education standard.

In my practice, I use different forms of organizing the educational activities of students: individual, group, frontal. The organization of a group form of work in practice promotes interest in the subject, makes it possible to express oneself, be an active participant in the educational process, and not be afraid to express one's opinion. Groups are completed according to various principles, depending on the goal of the lesson: according to the level of learning, interests, pace of work, they can be of constant or variable composition.

Of no small importance for students is the outcome of the lesson, which is reflected in the memory of the student, especially of primary school age. And if more than one type of memory is turned on at the same time, and then there is a consolidation with the help of practical actions, then knowledge remains for a long time. It is for this purpose that I use test cards in the lesson, highlighting the main thing in the lesson.

The most popular and methodologically sound system for monitoring the results of educational and cognitive activity of students is pedagogical testing. Monitoring studies require the development of students' skills in working with tests. For the thematic testing of students' knowledge in the process of express control and for the final testing of knowledge and skills, I have compiled test tasks, which allows you to track the various intellectual skills of schoolchildren.

In my work, I give a special place to evaluation as a motivating function inlearning. The main principles of assessing students' knowledgeconsider the following: to explain the assessments; notice student successflaws; consider assessment not as a goal, but as a means of student development;create a situation of success in the classroom.

The use of information and communication technologies at various stages of the lesson contributes to improving the results in teaching children. The computer performs in the lesson not only the role of a source of information, but also acts as a means of assessing, recording and recording the knowledge of students. In the lessons I use multimedia equipment, electronic educational resources and training programs. The use of modern educational technologies, including ICT, has had a positive impact on the results of educational activities: the quality of knowledge has improved, the average score in subjects has improved.

Proper use of the intellectual potential of students and the use of advanced pedagogical technologies is reflected in the effectiveness of education.

The results of the quality of knowledge at 100% progress

Results of monitoring in the 4th grade.

The students of my class wrote monitoring in the Russian language and in mathematics. A total of 16 people worked.

Mathematics Russian language

excellent - 6; excellent - 3;

good - 7, good - 8:

satisfactory - 3 satisfactory - 5

Training was 100%, the quality of knowledge in mathematics was 81.3%, in the Russian language - 68.8%.

Secondary education is more intense and requires more independence from students, but don't expect too much from the transition to secondary school. Is it possible to avoid serious problems with studies when moving to high school?

When studying the dynamics of the attitude of students in their class to educational and other activities, I use the following methods: observation, analysis of documentation, conversations with students, writing essays.

An analysis of students' answers convinces me that children's attitudes to learning change significantly from the third grade to the fifth. For example, if in the second third grade children are asked: “Do you like to study?”students' responses convinces me that children's attitudes to learning change significantly from the third to the fifth.(Kapustin's method) almost all give a positive answer, then in the fourth - fifth grades their number decreases.

Such a change in attitude to learning is characterized, judging by the analysis of children's motivations, by dissatisfaction and a decrease in interest in a number of subjects, a subjective feeling of fatigue, overload, and increasing difficulties.

In the fifth grade, the learning conditions change radically. At the last parent-teacher meeting, I introduce children to the difficulties that children may have in their studies, and how they can adapt to the peculiar pace, speech characteristics, and teaching style of each teacher.

I am very worried about how my fifth-graders study, I show interest in their affairs, together we discuss difficult situations, together we look for a way out of these situations.

To help a child overcome these difficulties, you can feel successful only by understanding their causes. Together with the class teacher, we bring to the consciousness of the children that the main helpers in difficult situations are patience, attention and understanding.

In 5th grade we do a lot of extracurricular activities together.

I conduct my studies in close connection with extracurricular activities.

As a class teacher, I try to create conditions for personal development. Every child should know: “You are not the best, you are not the worst! You are unique for yourself, parents, teachers, friends! Children try their hand at various creative activities. They take an active part in the life of the school, the district.

Over the past 3 years, we have taken part in the following competitions:

    International Mathematical Competition - Kangaroo Game

2012-2013 - 7 people

- Strygin Vyacheslav Igorevich - 1st place in the school

- Kochukov Evgeny Dmitrievich - 2nd place in school

2013-2014 - 8 people

- Strygin Vyacheslav Igorevich - 2nd place in school

    International competition game "KIT - 2012" - 10 people

- Strygin Vyacheslav Igorevich - 3rd place in school

    International competition game "Infoknow - 2012" - 12 people

- Strygina Daria Alexandrovna - 2nd place in the school and 2nd place in the district

    Regional game - competition "Russian Bear - Linguistics for All" in 2013 -

    Regional game - competition "Russian Bear - Linguistics for All" in 2013 -

- Zueva Yulia Sergeevna - 2nd place in school

    Regional intellectual and creative competition for junior schoolchildren "Ant" (2014) - 3 people received certificates of participation

    All-Russian remote quiz "The subject world of H.K. Andersen's fairy tales" - 2 people - received diplomas of the quiz participant

- Tormyshova Albina Viktorovna - diploma of the winner (3rd place in the region)

    Regional competition of crafts "The image of a mother through the eyes of a child" - 4 people

- Zueva Yuliya Sergeevna - diploma of the winner (1st place in the region)

    Regional competition of readers "Victory 70" - 2 people

Spiritual and moral development and upbringing of students are the primary task of the modern educational system and represent an important component of the social order for education.

I plan the educational process in the interrelation of the spiritual and secular directions, and extracurricular activities are a logical continuation of the work begun in the lesson.

An integral part of spiritual and moral education is local history and search and research activities of students. I organize my work in the subject circle “My native land”.

We andwe study the fighting and labor traditions of our countrymen, we make adjustments to the annals of our village and school, we organized exhibitions “Russian Crafts”, where we invited the inhabitants of our village A.A. Leonov, V.F. Tretyakov, who showed how to work on a spinning wheel, embroider towels, paintings depicting Orthodox places. It has also become a tradition to hold folklore holidays: Christmas gatherings, Zimushka-Winter, Maslenitsa.

I pay great attention to studying the history of the settlement of the Tambov district, for which we make excursions to the old Tambov and Orthodox places in the Tambov region: the monasteries of the city of Tambov, the Tregulyaevsky Monastery, visited the Zadonsky Monastery. During these excursions, studentscomprehensively study their native land. Patriotic education is also important in the formation of spiritual and moral consciousness. Using the example of real people, I introduce the guys to the participants in the war and home front, learn how to interview them, hold meetings, congratulatory events. Veterans and children of veterans shared their memories of the war, showed awards and personal belongings. On the eve of the Victory Day, our class held the event “Childhood Scorched by War”, during which a meeting was held with a concentration camp prisoner Anatoly Alexandrovich Belov, a resident of the Seleznevsky village. At the extracurricular event “Women at War”, the children learned about the role of women in the war, held a meeting with Bazhenova Maria Grigoryevna, an artillery officer during the Great Patriotic War. In addition, we annually take part in a festive concert dedicated to the Victory Day.

In elementary school, the foundations are laid for a cognitive interest in the study of the village as a microclimate surrounding the child, conditions are created for the formation of moral feelings. The child, at a level accessible to him, realizes the importance and value of the surrounding microclimate for him personally; in a familiar environment, he discovers new sides, learns to interact with him competently.

A person is brought up in the cultural environment surrounding him imperceptibly for himself, he is brought up by history, the past.

I set the task of shaping the personality of students on the basis of familiarization with the traditions of their people. The immediate goal is the free development of a creative personality and the formation of a conscious patriotic feeling based on an understanding of spiritual values ​​born over the centuries of the historical path of the Russian people.

The education of the young generation of stable moral convictions on the basis of the traditional historical, spiritual, cultural values ​​of the Russian people will ensure the successful development of Russia.

Self-management is developed in the class. I took an activity approach as the basis of education.

In my teaching activities, I try to maintain the closest relationship with parents, keeping them informed of the successes and failures of their children. American philosopher R.W. Emerson said, "The secret to successful parenting lies in respect for the student."

I hold meetings with parents using the mainforms of parent meetings: (lecture meeting, round table, thematic discussion with the invitation of specialists, consultation with specialists, workshop meeting, school-wide and class-wide conference, etc.)

On them I acquaint parents with the specifics of education in the primary grades; we discuss goals, objectives and the result of our joint activities, give recommendations on doing homework, answer counter questions; advice on how best to help the child; I invite parents as needed for individual conversations, visit parents at home (I believe that such measures help me quickly and painlessly find contact with their child, help me find a “key” to him, revealing his character, habits, inclinations); I also use the correspondence form of communication with parents. I put grades in diaries, write down gratitude for participation in competitions, and also thank parents for the extra work done by the child.

In 2009-2011held parent-teacher conferences using ICT,prepared presentations on the following topics:

    "Features of the textbooks that your children learn";

    "Fatigue of a child: how to deal with it";

    "Encouragement and punishment in the family";

I try toparents left the meeting feeling they could help their children, I involve them in the educational process, the parent committee of the class coordinates the work of parents to assist in the repair of the office, in conducting outdoor activities for children, various events, including excursions. The work of the parent meeting, the parent committee is reflected in the minutes, in the plan of the class teacher. I conducted a survey with parents on the topics: “Abilities of your child”, “Attitude towards school”. These questionnaires showed that parents' satisfaction with the organization of the educational process in the classroom is high.

We have round tables in the classroom. At such events, one feels the unity of parents with children, teachers, which allows children to take a different look at their parents. For active participation in the life of the class, for the correct upbringing of their children, parents receive letters of thanks from the parent committee. I am working on the introduction of the electronic diary "Dnevnik.ru" into the educational process. An electronic diary is a new system of interaction between the school and parent community, which allows you to solve one of the main problems of the school - information content.

Work efficiency:

    there is no unexcused pass in the class, and this situation persists in the middle and senior level;

The results of the survey of parents showed the level of satisfaction with the school life of the team: 78% high, 22% medium.

The psychological atmosphere in our school is healthy, a team of like-minded people has formed, creative people work, from whom you can learn a lot.

I am constantly working to improve my professional skills. Passed theoretical and methodological training at advanced training courses for the following programs:

    "Formation of professional competence of a primary school teacher in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of a new generation (144 hours)";

    “Actual issues of teaching the course “Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics” (72 hours).

I take part in the work of the methodological association of primary classes, conduct open lessons, events, participate in regional scientific and practical conferences and seminars. Prepared a presentation for the regional seminar on the topic "Local history - one of the most important factors in the patriotic education of students."

In 2008 she was a member of the district attestation commission of primary school teachers. By 2011, she took part in the All-Russian competition of the CER for the school "The BestITRussian teacher.

I consider the lack of interest in reading among students as a special problem of modern teaching in primary school. In order to foster a culture of reading, she developed literary quizzes for many works, crossword puzzles on the text of works and literary games (like "Lucky chance"). Such forms of work with a literary work allow me to activate the children in the classroom, develop the ability to read thoughtfully, pay attention to important details.

It is alarming that every year more and more children come to the first class emotionally unstable, with a low level of abilities, with poor health. In this regard, in the 2011-2014 academic year, I lead a circle within the framework of additional education “Me and my health”.

One set of difficulties will be replaced by another, life goes on. I am close to the words of Socrates "Education is a difficult task, and the improvement of its conditions is one of the sacred duties of every person, for there is nothing more important than the education of oneself and one's neighbors."


The teacher must see the child as he is “inside himself”, as he knows himself “only he himself”.


In any system of general education, mathematics occupies one of the central places, which undoubtedly speaks of the uniqueness of this field of knowledge.

What is modern mathematics? Why is she needed? Children often ask teachers these questions. And each time the answer will be different depending on the level of development of the child, his educational needs and the requirements of the modern world.

My pedagogical credo is to create favorable conditions for the education of a competent graduate who will cope with many of the problems that have arisen by revealing his individual capabilities, through a personality-oriented approach, which corresponds to the problem of school work.

She singled out the following as the main goals of teaching mathematics: ensuring a strong and conscious mastery of the system of knowledge and skills in mathematics by students and the formation of skills for independent work (including research activities).

In my lessons, I form the following key competencies of students:

  • educational and cognitive competencies: I teach to plan, analyze, do self-assessment, independently acquire knowledge;
  • information competencies: I teach myself to prepare messages, projects using various sources of information, search and selection of the necessary information, its transformation, preservation and transmission;
  • communicative competencies: I bring up the ability to communicate with peers and adults, work in a group, team, defend my point of view in civilized ways, listen and hear others.

Along with the solution of the main task, my system of work provides for the formation of a steady interest in the subject in students, the identification and development of their mathematical abilities, orientation to professions, and preparation for further education in a college or university.

I see the achievement of this goal in the individualization and differentiation of the educational process, through the introduction of modern educational technologies: student-centered, problem-based and developmental learning; project method; technologies of adaptive learning and information and communication technologies of learning.

Focusing on the concept of specialized education, I am working on expanding the choice of material content. For the formation of various forms of thinking in students: logical, algebraic, algorithmic, I use the program of the elective course developed by me “Solution of linear and fractional linear equations and inequalities with parameters” (grades 10, 11). The program of the elective course developed by me makes it possible for students to get acquainted with non-standard solutions, and allows them to develop the individual's abilities for mathematical activity.

In mathematics lessons, I direct my communication with students to activate cognitive abilities, using differentiated forms of education, I strive to create favorable conditions for revealing the individual capabilities of each student. To do this, I successfully use elements of multi-level didactic material on algebra edited by Mindyuk M.B., Mindyuk N.G. (grade 7,8,9), collection "Independent work" edited by A.P. Ershov, V.V. Goloborodko (grades 8, 10-11).

I consider the research activity of students to be an important component of my work. In my practice I use problem lessons. By creating a problem situation in the classroom, students need to find new ways to solve the tasks. It is these lessons that develop the thinking of students, make the lessons interesting, unpredictable and diverse. Children are happy to solve the tasks, offering even unusual solutions to the problem. Thus, the research method works in the lesson.

For the formation of creative abilities of students I use lessons of a creative nature. They widely use methodological techniques that activate the independent cognitive activity of students: quizzes, business games that encourage mental activity, creative work - drawings, stories, essays. For example,
- at the end of the topic, draw up a test and solve it, and then offer it to a neighbor on the desk and check his work;
- prepare a sketch at home with friends on the topic “Advertising a negative integer -15” and show it in class;
- invent and make a mathematical game;
- make a crossword puzzle with mathematical terms, a rebus, an interesting task;
- make baby books about everything you learned about decimal fractions.
Students are happy to complete these tasks and present them to the judgment of classmates. Such forms of work make the lessons interesting and varied.

In the study of mathematics, the role of information technologies increases due to the fact that they act as an effective didactic tool with which you can form an individual educational trajectory of students. Such a trajectory arises as a result of the choice of a personally significant content of training, its complexity, the type of tasks, their qualitative content, the speed of learning, etc. As a basis, students are supposed to build various computer models that perform various developmental functions. My students create such models: PowerPoint presentations on the topic studied, interactive messages, plotting functions in the MathCad system, etc. Information technology in mathematics lessons allows students to give students a unique opportunity to learn a new concept, notice a pattern, put forward their own hypothesis, and feel how mathematical questions arise, regardless of the teacher. The use of information technology makes it possible to make mathematics lessons not similar to each other. This feeling of constant novelty contributes to raising interest in learning. I see the burning eyes of students, their readiness for creativity, the need to acquire new knowledge and a sense of independence. And this is important.

The quality of the material and technical base affects the success of the teacher's activity. In the mathematics classroom there is a variety of popular science literature, didactic folders with systematic material on mathematics, algebra and geometry. I have created educational and methodological complexes for correcting knowledge on the following topics: "Addition and subtraction of decimal fractions", "Multiplication and division of decimal fractions" (grade 5); test materials on the geometry "Quadangles", "Area", "Pythagorean Theorem", "The ratio between the sides and angles of a triangle." The material and technical equipment of the classroom allows students to use electronic libraries, Internet resources. Students are happy to complete individual tasks based on the involvement of additional sources.

I am constantly working to improve my professionalism, systematically look through periodicals on pedagogy, psychology, my subject (scientific theoretical and methodological journal "Mathematics at School", supplements to the newspaper "September 1"; scientific and methodological journal "Class Teacher"). Registered on many educational sites. I periodically review new documents on the websites of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, so I am aware of the latest developments in education. During the past attestation period, she took refresher courses on the topics “Peculiarities of teaching mathematics in specialized classes” and “The influence of psychological stress on personality development”.

I strive to recommend the knowledge gained in the courses, my methodological findings among my colleagues. She spoke at a meeting of the Pedagogical Council within the framework of the topic “New Pedagogical Technologies”, where she shared her experience in using NIT in mathematics lessons. Summarized her own experience on the topic: "Development of cognitive interest in mathematics lessons" within the framework of the regional competition "Teacher of the Year-2008"; gave a competitive open lesson

The requirements for the quality of teaching and learning in a modern school are increasing almost every day. Constant work on oneself, continuous improvement of one's professionalism, active self-study - these are just a few of the requirements for teachers. At the same time, it is important that the whole process be recorded - on paper, on electronic media in the form of certificates, reports, presentations.

In this section of our website, we will publish various options and forms of analysis of the teacher's work: samples of self-analysis, references and reports on professional activities, information on achievements, etc.

Why do we need to analyze the activities of the teacher

The analysis of the teacher's work itself performs several functions at once:

  • Diagnostic.
  • Self-educational.
  • Transformative.
  • Cognitive.

The combination of these functions makes it possible to see the work of a teacher in the future, to correctly outline the ways of developing professional skills, and to identify the vectors of self-education.

The main indicator of the effectiveness of the teacher's work is, first of all, a quality lesson. It is he who influences such criteria as student achievement, their mastery of the subject, their motivation, and in the future, admission to higher educational institutions.

Therefore, the skills of analysis should be possessed not only by the teachers themselves, but also by methodologists, members of the school administration.

Types of analytical references

The analysis of the teacher's work covers all areas of the teacher's activity. Depending on the purpose, there are:

  • Analysis of the entire pedagogical activity of the teacher.
  • An analysis of the teacher's work on a particular topic.
  • Analysis and .
  • Analysis of the teacher's work as an educator.
  • Teacher introspection.

Some types of analytical reports are written by inspectors. The teacher himself usually compiles a self-analysis of his work based on the results of a quarter, a year, a certain period of time allocated for the study of the problem, topic.

How to write a teacher performance analysis report

A general analytical report evaluating the entire pedagogical activity of a teacher is usually compiled according to the following scheme:

  • General information about the teacher (full name, subject, classes in which he works, length of service, length of service in this institution, education, category).
  • The topic or problem the teacher is working on.
  • Selected .
  • What tasks does the teacher set for himself in his work.
  • Expected results of the work that were planned at the beginning of the year.
  • How is the teacher's activity to achieve the set goals.
  • The results of the teacher's work: the average score of ZUN, the number of successful, lagging behind, the results of the GIA, the Unified State Examination in the subject, open lessons, the participation of children in subject Olympiads, competitions, thematic weeks, festivals, individual work with students, the work of a circle on the subject.
  • The results of the methodological work of the teacher: the development of methodological materials, participate in the meeting of the methodological association, generalization of experience, materials of speeches at pedagogical conferences, analyzes of the work of colleagues.
  • The results of the teacher's work as an educator: working with parents, maintaining a class management, working together with a psychologist, etc.
  • The work of a teacher as a member of the teaching staff: compliance with labor discipline, participation in the public life of the school, relations with the team, administration.
  • Documentation culture: plans, lesson notes, timely submission of reports, etc.

This is an example of a general scheme for compiling an analytical report, which can be supplemented or shortened depending on the purpose of the analysis.


The analysis of the teacher's work occupies one of the leading places in. The analysis of one's work is a great way to demonstrate the reflection skills of the teacher himself, the ability to correctly and adequately evaluate the results of his work, to see his shortcomings, to record successes and achievements. Moreover, it is the analysis of work that helps to choose the right direction of self-education or work on advanced training.

Types of analyzes of the teacher's work in different areas

Usually we are talking about a comprehensive analysis of their work, which teachers make at the end of the school year. This type of analysis is the most general and includes a description of all areas of the teacher's activity at once:

  • Teaching a subject with a full analysis of the quality of students' knowledge.
  • Methodological work.
  • Scientific research work.
  • The activity of the teacher as a class teacher.
  • Analysis of extracurricular and out-of-school work.
  • Social work of the teacher.
  • Work on professional development and self-education.

Analyzes are compiled somewhat differently, pursuing a specific goal and describing one of the components. For example:

  • Analysis of the teacher's pedagogical activity.
  • Analysis of the educational achievements of students ... class in the subject.
  • Analysis of the teacher's work on self-education.
  • Analysis of the work of the class teacher, etc.

These types of analytical reports are highly specialized and fix attention exclusively on the chosen direction.

The teacher is a person

forever called to the board,

answer to children

be responsible for the children.

S. Soloveichik

It is often said about the teaching profession: "They sow good, reasonable, eternal." It often depends on the teacher what kind of beginning will be in a person - black or white, evil or good.

The arrival of a child in school is a turning point in his life. There will be a transition to a new way of life, business activities, new relationships. The school will become the center of your child's vital interests. Therefore my main pedagogical principle - very carefully and carefully help the child open up, instill confidence in him, make him feel his self-worth. Only his sense of self is significant as a person who is accepted and loved without any conditions.

Target I see my pedagogical activity in creating conditions for the self-realization of the child's personality in the implementation of their positive opportunities through the disclosure of inclinations and abilities.

This goal defines the following tasks:

· to develop the skills of planning and organizing educational activities;

develop the creative abilities of students;

regulate the pace of activities, synchronize their work with the work of the class;

Develop self-control skills

Develop communication skills in the process of learning activities;

develop reflection in the process of learning activities;

increase motivation for learning and overcoming learning difficulties;

formation of a positive "I - concept".

I consider the main tasks in my work to be the formation of solid knowledge, skills and abilities of self-mastery of knowledge, so that students "obtain" knowledge and apply it in independent work, experiencing the joy of educational work.

Therefore, my position in relation to the child is as follows: he is my colleague, ally, co-author, accepting and giving, having the right to disagree, doubt and even make a mistake.

My teaching credo: work in such a way as to see the sparks of inquisitiveness in the eyes of children, their lively genuine interest, the desire to show their skills and abilities - what could be better?

The guiding principles of work are:

* The principle of learning activity

Applying this principle, at each lesson I form the personality of the student, and his development moves forward not when he perceives ready-made knowledge, but in the process of his own activity aimed at “discovering” new knowledge by him. And the key word here is cooperation. Not "I'll explain" - we'll figure it out together. Not "I'll show" - we'll do it together. Not "I will teach" - we will achieve together. And only in this case, personally significant motives are actualized, inducing activity from within. My children are not just learning something, they are constantly inventing and creating something.

* Minimax principle

I believe that the minimax principle is optimal for implementing an individual approach, since it is a self-regulating system. This is very noticeable in the classroom. A weak student is limited to a minimum, and a strong one takes everything and goes further. All the rest are placed in between these two levels according to their abilities and capabilities - they themselves will choose their level according to their possible maximum.

*Principle of psychological comfort

Systematic and purposeful work using health-saving technologies helps me to achieve deep and solid knowledge, and most importantly, arouses interest in the subjects studied.

*Principle of creativity

After all, the ability to create something new, to find a non-standard solution to life's problems has become today an integral part of the real life success of any person.

And I have already said that, applying the above principles, we discover all knowledge in our lessons only together with children in close cooperation. I teach students to think and make their own decisions, I see in each of them a person with their own interests and inclinations, I allow them to express their opinion and listen to all the opinions expressed, I allow them to live a bright and interesting life in the lesson.

The basis of interaction with the class in the classroom is cooperation, a dialogue between the teacher and the student, which is aimed at the joint design of program activities. At the same time, I necessarily take into account the individual characteristics of the child, his ability to perceive educational material, interests, inclinations, personal "subjective" experience of the child, acquired in specific family conditions.

I am convinced that in relationships with children we need sincerity, sincerity, in alliance with cooperation and co-creation. Collaboration brings pleasure, enthusiasm, causes activity and promotes the manifestation of the best human qualities.

My life motto: “It is necessary to turn the results of defeats into sources of victories.”

This is what I teach my children. I teach to perceive failure not as a tragedy, but as a signal for its correction. I believe that such an approach to solving problems, especially in difficult situations, is also necessary in life: in case of failure, do not become discouraged, but look for and find a constructive way.

Thus, based on the above theoretical provisions, we can single out those aspects that I use to implement the School 2100 program in my lessons:

1. In the first place in my work, I put respect for the Personality.

2. The main forms of my work are: lesson, work in pairs, groups, individual work. With the help of these classes, students learn to negotiate, to defend their point of view. The team is getting closer and closer.

3. Main methods: partial search and problem, project method.

Rules that I follow in my work:

1. I try to find in the child something for which he can be praised, and not something for which to scold.

2. Know that your child is only interested in you when you are interested in him.

3. I give each child the opportunity to make his own little discovery.

4. If it is difficult for a child, then I will find for him such a task that he can do.

5. The higher the level of emotional comfort, the greater the chance of success in school.

6. Remember that the mistake of one may give rise to the thought of another. Do not be afraid of children's mistakes!

7. Don't be afraid to pretend that you don't understand something.

8. Don't be afraid to admit what you don't know yourself.

9. Do not try to explain to the child what he can think of on his own.

10. Remember that failures in life have two causes - a lack of love and low self-esteem, which means that the child is especially in dire need of self-esteem. Just love children and don't be afraid to show it to them.

Dynamics of student achievement


(4 "b" class)

in a year - 22 people


(5 "b" class)

I - IIquarters


23 people


23 people

Percentage of training

Quality percentage

Percentage of training





Russian language


Literary reading

natural history

For many years I have been working without laggards. This can be traced by the final results of the release of 4 "b" class ( 1 quarter - 23 students:2 excellent student,7 good students (39%);

2 quarter - 23 students:2 excellent student,9 good students (48%)).

According to the feedback of subject teachers and class teachers of my graduates, all children have communication skills, are capable of self-assessment and mutual assessment, are able to determine the purpose of work, plan their actions, analyze, generalize, work independently, in pairs, groups. According to the results of the first half of the 2009-2010 academic year, out of 22 graduates in the 5th "b" grade, 11 students continued to study at "4" and "5" (the quality of knowledge was (23 students) 48%), that is, they confirmed their knowledge obtained in primary school.

Dynamics of student achievement in the first grade

Literary reading


Russian language

The world

Didn't know letters (%)

Know the letters (%)

Read by syllables (%)

Read by syllables + whole words (%)

Fluent Reading (%)

Orientation on the plane (%)

Counting within 10 (forward and backward) (%)

Perform addition and subtraction operations (%)

Set Comparison (%)

Developed fine motor skills (%)

Formation of phonemic hearing (%)

Mastery of sound analysis (%)

The ability to name objects and its properties (%)

Knowledge of the seasons and its signs (%)

Ability to tell from a picture (%)

At the beginning of the study of the year

26 people

At the end of the study of the year

25 people

Speed ​​of Computing Skills

Writing speed

Reading skill chart

Reading pace: 30-40 words

After analyzing the results of my activities, I come to the conclusion that the methods and methods of teaching I have chosen give stable results.

And the results of my work are already visible. Most of the students in my class have become active readers of the school and city libraries. 2 students took part in the school conference and in the festival of scientific and creative works of students "Portfolio" ( Kravchenko Egor "Baba Yaga - an amazing heroine of children's fairy tales" - 1st place; Mokhova Alina What do Russian folk tales teach me» -3rd place). The children were awarded diplomas at school and diplomas from Moscow. 16 people participated in the International Competition "CHIP".

To awaken the soul of a child, to develop the creative abilities inherent in nature, to teach communication, orientation in various life situations, to bring up an elementary culture of behavior, feelings of mercy and compassion, to instill healthy lifestyle skills - that's main goals , which I set in front of me, gaining the first class.

The methodology of my educational work is based on collective creative activity.

Based on the general education of students and taking into account their interests, abilities and age opportunities, I conduct educational activities that broaden the horizons of students, increase cognitive capabilities, develop independence and activity.

Employment students 1 "b" class in extracurricular time

Working with parents

A huge role in the upbringing of children is played by parents, whom I managed to organize and unite. In my practice, I use the following form of interaction with parents - cooperation. Working with families is one of the main tasks of the school. In general, I believe that the more friendly and united the parents, the more friendly the children. Parents take an active part in all class activities, help me, as a class teacher, in organizing and conducting, and children in preparing events. Parents live the life of the class with their children. During the period of study in the 1st grade, a lot of extracurricular activities were held. We visited a museum, a movie theater, a library.

I constantly carry out diagnostic work with the families of students (I study the composition of the family, material and living conditions, educational opportunities, psychological climate). My lessons and extracurricular activities are always open to parents. This helps them to see the results of their home education, to find out the reasons for the successes and failures in the educational work of their children.

Meetings at home, at school, invitations to classroom and school-wide parent-teacher meetings, conversations and individual consultations, joint preparation of holidays help me create a unified system of pedagogical influence on each child of the class and achieve positive results in the upbringing and education of younger students.

I am constantly working to improve the level of professional skills through participation in the work of the district methodological association of primary school teachers (report on the topic "The situation of success as a means of forming a positive attitude towards learning"), current seminars (report on the topic "Correctional and developmental education in mathematics lessons"), "Festival of Pedagogical Ideas", I buy new pedagogical and methodological literature, subscribe to the magazine Primary School Plus Before and After, the newspaper Primary School. I cooperate with TPU teachers (had 4 open lessons), I have printed publications

In communication with colleagues, I maintain normal relations: If you need help, if I don't know something, I'll ask.

I am lucky that I have inquisitive, kind, open students, with whom I go through life next to me and solve the tasks set by life.

I would like to end my self-analysis of my work with a poem

Always in business

Always in care.

Teach children -

My job.

After analyzing my work for previous years, I realized that a sustainable positive result can only be achieved by working on the principle: “By teaching myself, I will teach and develop the child.”