Order a sand show. Sand show for a children's party

Spring discounts!
1 hour of clown and animator work 2300 rub. Face painting and balloons for free!

To order clowns - call!

Clowns and animators for children's holiday. Animators at home, school, kindergarten or a cafe in Moscow.

Great mood We guarantee you and your children will have a great birthday party!

Only professional artists! Vast experience working with children. Payment and All contacts directly with the actors.

Sand show for a children's party. Sand animation master class for children with show elements.

We have the best prices in Moscow and the Moscow region for sand show!

Without intermediaries and extra charges! When ordering other shows or animations, discounts are possible!


30 minutes sand fairy tale + master class 20 minutes, string quartet and presenter: Nutcracker fairy tale - 13,000 rub.

Sand show- this is an amazing and unique art that works wonders right before your eyes!

The live sand animation theater is an amazing process of creating a fairy tale right before the eyes of little spectators.

With the help of the sensitive hands of the artist, you will become a witness sand fairy tale for children, which is told in a unique manner. One picture smoothly replaces another, and what is happening is so eye-catching! Sand show- This living fairy tale, told by the artist right before your eyes and for your children at a children's party.


EXPERIENCEWe have been creating a sand show for 9 years, over 800 performances until 2019QUALITYRepeated winners of sand animation competitions.INTERACTIVE SAND THEATER WITH LIVE MUSIC AND ACTORS


On stage since 2009. Winners of the Golden Cylinder Award.

The artists of “Let’s Rock with the Little Ones” capture general mood children and create pictures that will not leave anyone present indifferent. Sand fairy tale will remain in your memory for a long time; you will never forget this fascinating spectacle!

Sand show will be a great addition, or even a gift, for any holiday. The sand theater attracts the eyes of adults just as much as it attracts the eyes of children. The sand show today is not so much entertainment as it is art. modern world It’s very difficult to surprise people; everyone has already seen everything and been everywhere. But they remain a completely new offer on the holiday entertainment market, and their appearance will be a real surprise for your children.

Master class for children and sand animation.

We carry out outdoor events with entertaining and educational show with master class "Sand Theater". The program is designed for children aged 3 years and older, lasts up to 40 minutes, and consists of two parts. In the first part of the program, the artist draws and narrates the animation you have chosen, drawing children into the plot and action. In the second part of the program, children will be able to try themselves as an artist, touching the fascinating art of sand painting

From sand graphics to their sand film...Children will gradually master the basics of sand painting and from creating a sand picture will move on to dynamic sand images: clips, videos, cartoons. Sand painting develops children's visual skills. If desired, the presenter will not only teach sand drawing techniques, but also explain to the children the basic concepts of drawing in general: composition, perspective.

What's included in the program:

Animator's work

Special equipment for the show.

Drawing sand pictures.

Creating a dynamic sand film.

Master class. Basic techniques for sand painting.

Playing with sand to develop imagination and associative thinking.

Introducing a completely new type of sand animation. A combination of musical and artistic arts, a bright, colorful and extraordinary event: An entertaining and educational show with a master class “Sand Theater”, where the sand show is combined with a fairy tale told by the presenter and live music.

Video: fairy tale Nutcracker with presenter and quartet:

The Little Mermaid, Nutcracker, Aladdin
In the animal world
Adventures of a Snowman
And more than 12 stories

What's included in the program:

The work of an animator. Sand film fairy tale. All inclusive necessary equipment, large glowing table, projector, screen. 20 minutes

Live music - string quartet - 2 violins alto and cello. 20 minutes

The presenter tells the content. Plays games with children. Makes riddles. Shows musical instruments. Interactive and quest elements

Sand animation master class

The entire program is 50 minutes.

Sand show for children price:



New! A unique sand show for Moscow!

One of the brightest and most effective artistic genres at children's parties is. Any children's party or birthday will greatly benefit from the participation of artists of this genre. Living sand paintings transform me, a fairy tale is born before your eyes, every new story unpredictable, magic happens before your eyes.

PROMOTION- cost: 8,000 rubles 40 minutes (20 minutes program + 20 minutes master class)

Sand animation show for children - sand performances at any site: kindergartens, schools, playrooms, etc. Huge repertoire of Russians folk tales: we create fairy tales to order. The performance is designed for children from 1.5 years old.
After the performance, an interactive developmental lesson is held - children and an artist create pictures and scenes from a fairy tale on a light table made of sand. (10-15 min.) The total duration of the program is 30-45 minutes (depending on the choice of fairy tale).

How do they arise? sand paintings?

The entire process of creating paintings takes place in front of the audience. Artists draw on a special table, and their actions are broadcast on the screen. Not a single movement of the artist’s hands will go unnoticed. Everyone can see how one landscape gives way to another, how one story disappears and after it a new one appears. The sand show is usually accompanied by music, which allows for more sensory level perceive what is happening.

Advantages of sand animation.

For those who are already interested, but have not yet decided to order a sand show, it will be useful to know the features of such events.

1. Interactivity

A child or adult is directly involved in the creation of paintings. Any fairy tale for a child or a story for an adult holiday can be staged according to the customer’s script.

2. Exclusivity

Each show is unique, prepared specifically for your holiday.

3. Fun

Due to the contrast of the main elements and blurred background paintings, images transformed on an illuminated surface, have high dramatic expressiveness. Specific working techniques that are inaccessible to other types of graphics allow you to captivate the viewer from the first seconds of the action.

Work includes:
- artist’s presentation (about 20 min)
- lesson master class
- all technical equipment
- travel within the Moscow ring road (work outside is negotiated additionally)


  1. EXPERIENCE We have been creating a sand show for 8 years, over 800 performances until 2017
  2. QUALITY Sand animation competition winners, professional artists

NEW Sand show for children (Sand Theater):


Fairy tales with sand animation, live music and a presenter. Fairy tales with sand animation will be performed to the accompaniment of live music. You will hear violin, cello, viola and piano.
The presenter will convey the content of the fairy tale in a bright and colorful way. Unusual sand paintings, imperceptibly replacing each other, will flash before the eyes of the audience. Exciting games and riddles for children.

  • A fairy tale for children with more than 15 plots to choose from - The Nutcracker, Kolobok, Sleeping Beauty, etc. 20 min
  • Master class on sand painting, 20 min
  • Draws professional artist, the text is read by the presenter accompanied by live musical accompaniment
  • All necessary equipment is included, a large illuminated table, a projector, a screen, music.
  • The presenter tells a fairy tale, plays games with hand puppets, shows musical instruments, communicates with children, and elements of a quest.

Sand show for children price:


SAND SHOW ON PROMOTION -20 minutes show + master class 20 minutes - 8000 rub.

Entertaining and educational show with master class “Sand Theater” with live music and leading animator 50 minutes - 16,000 rub.


Sand worlds exist only here and now, with a wave of your hand, the lights go out and they disappear...

The inventor of the style is Canadian animation director Caroline Leaf. The first film created by Lief was “Sand, or Petya and gray wolf" By symphonic fairy tale“Peter and the Wolf” by Sergei Prokofiev. It was thesis, which young student Caroline Leaf performed at the National Film Center of Canada. The film was made using powder technique, which was completely unfamiliar at the time. Black powder scattered on the glass, and Caroline Leaf used her fingers to collect this powder into certain shapes and images. And so, moving this powder, she told the story about Petya and the wolf to Prokofiev’s music. Most famous work Caroline Leaf animated film"Street" released in 1976. The film was made using the technique of oil painting on glass under a “living painting” camera and is one of the ten best animated films in the history of animation. Later, Carolyn Leaf's experience was adopted by many animators.

Originating in the West (Sand Art / Sand Animation / Sand Fantasy), sand animation came to Russia several years ago. There are few high-class specialists in this field. Before going out in public for the first time, an artist - most often, an artist who for a long time worked with canvas or paper - can practice for years. It's all about the interactivity of the process: sand drawings appear and disappear before the eyes of the audience, and the artist has no room for error. Preparation of each sand show is careful, painstaking work. An artist needs not only talent, but also enormous endurance: it takes inspiration to create sand paintings, and long hours of training to perfect the technique of performing a sand show.

In the USSR, the sand animation method was picked up by the Kyiv Animation Studio. Artists Elena and Vladimir Petkevich worked especially actively with sand. They have a lot of serious philosophical works, the best of which, perhaps, can be considered “The Tale about the Booger.” Khitruk-Norshtein’s workshop also used sand in cartoons. The material itself was unusual, the principle of shooting was traditional: draw a picture - shoot, change it a little - shoot, and so on frame by frame. The advantage of sand over paint was that each frame did not need to be painted anew - it was enough to slightly correct the previous one. This property of instantly changing a picture became an insight for the Hungarian artist Ferenc Cako, born in Hungary in 1950. And he stepped onto the next stage of sand animation. He tried to create a dynamic sand film, i.e. without editing, in one go. Nominated for an Oscar, awarded at Cannes, the San Francisco Film Festival and others. He was the first to perform in front of the public with sand, light and music shows. Sand animation is often performed “live,” with the artist changing sand paintings right in front of the audience.

Features of the sand animation technique

The main thing that distinguishes sand animation and graphics from other areas using similar materials - for example, drawings with colored sand - is the luminous surface, which is used for drawing images. The choice of a specific bulk substance or working tools is not so important. It is in the presence of backlighting that the image acquires the necessary contrast and expressiveness and “comes to life.” Both single-color and multi-color lighting options are used.

Materials for work

Sea sand is not suitable for this activity because the grains of sea sand are too round and scatter without forming fixed shapes. Professional animators use volcanic sand - its special structure is ideal for sand animation. However, when working with this sand you need to take care of your hands, as it dries out the skin. You can learn sand animation yourself using simple “homemade” bulk materials: ordinary river sand, salt, sugar, coffee, small cereals.

Image playback engine

Thin layers of sand (or similar bulk material) are applied to the surface, which emits light directed from bottom to top. A camera mounted above records the resulting image or the entire process of its creation. Thus, there is no particular technical difference in creating an animated film and a show performance for a live audience. In the latter case, there is an online broadcast to the public on a big screen. In sand animation, the artist does not just draw spectacular pictures - he creates an entire plot in which each new image seems to grow from the previous one. And during the live show, sand animation is accompanied by music chosen so successfully and precisely that it seems that every note corresponds to the plot of the work...

A sand show is, first of all, a self-sufficient and very effective form of ART, the progenitor of which is rightfully considered. Therefore, let's agree right away: speaking about the sand show, we will talk about sand painting art.

Sand show is live performance an artist who paints with sand on a special light table. His hands give birth various images, connected into a single sand film ideologically, plot-wise and compositionally: before your eyes, each frame is transformed into the next one. You can see the whole process on the screen where the image is transmitted using a camera and a projector.

The show is accompanied by music selection, a live performance by an artist accompanied by live music looks especially impressive.

For what occasion is it appropriate:

  • to create presentations - short, dynamic, reflecting the very essence of the product/company, etc.
  • for creating commercials
  • as a gift for a birthday/wedding/any other memorable event
  • corporate events(what would happen without them?!)
  • – our know-how, of which we are immensely proud

And much more.

In fact, the scope of the sand show is limitless - only the imagination of the artist himself can limit it. Any good idea can be successfully implemented using this type of art. See examples of successful use of the charm of a sand show here.

For which audience:

For the wealthy and sophisticated in all respects.

Even if you have already seen a sand show and it seems that it will no longer be able to surprise you, it makes sense to try. The fact is that most of the companies offering the sand show have managed to compromise it a lot, selling essentially the same films en masse, sometimes of very dubious quality and even with elements of outright plagiarism. Therefore, when choosing a sand show, first of all, you need to beware of fakes! What you should pay attention to:

  1. Dynamism.
    The drawing speed and frame rate must be high, otherwise viewers will quickly lose interest and disperse.
  2. The effectiveness of the images.
    Images should be expressive, impactful and unexpected. It is precisely when the viewer sees unexpected images that he is completely captivated and impressed. Primitive, predictable, stereotyped images quickly disappoint and do not make any impression on the viewer. This once again confirms the fact that a sand show is, first of all, an art, the art of sand painting. And, as in any art, there are masters and apprentices - choose carefully!
  3. The originality of transitions from one frame to another.
    The images should “grow” from each other, as if “flowing.” One of the indicators of the low quality of a sand show is when the artist abuses it by brushing off every previous frame from the table and drawing a new one from scratch. This bad sign– the pictures should succeed each other smoothly, new frame must be “born” by the previous one. And, of course, the transitions themselves must be original and unexpected in order to “hold” the viewer.
  4. The plot and ideological component of the video.
    We call each completed sand video, that is, it is not just a set of sand pictures, but a full-fledged animated film, reflecting the artist’s idea and built according to the rules of cinematography, where there is intrigue, climax and denouement. In general, all this can be called dramaturgy. Without it, sand films remain just videos - without an idea and without any meaning. A skillfully created one is able to express any idea, even the most complex one, and is able to convey to the public any idea of ​​the customer. At the same time, the field of activity of the customer company is generally unimportant: sand drawing is universal, the main thing is the right decision, correct presentation of material, lack of direct text and vulgarity.

SandProject performance cost:

We are not chasing the “golden calf”, however, being the organizers and creators of the corresponding sand drawing training program (today the only one in the world!), the price for our performances found us itself and varies depending on the topic and duration of the ordered performance and our relationship with the customer. Special prices are available for VIP clients.

New! A unique sand show for Moscow!

One of the brightest and most effective artistic genres at children's parties is. Any children's party or birthday will greatly benefit from the participation of artists of this genre. Living sand paintings transform, a fairy tale is born before your eyes, each new plot is unpredictable, magic happens before your eyes.

PROMOTION- cost: 8,000 rubles 40 minutes (20 minutes program + 20 minutes master class)

Sand animation show for children - sand performances at any venue: kindergartens, schools, playrooms, etc. A huge repertoire of Russian folk tales: we create fairy tales to order. The performance is designed for children from 1.5 years old.
After the performance, an interactive developmental lesson is held - children and an artist create pictures and scenes from a fairy tale on a light table made of sand. (10-15 min.) The total duration of the program is 30-45 minutes (depending on the choice of fairy tale).

How do sand paintings appear?

The entire process of creating paintings takes place in front of the audience. Artists draw on a special table, and their actions are broadcast on the screen. Not a single movement of the artist’s hands will go unnoticed. Everyone can see how one landscape gives way to another, how one story disappears and after it a new one appears. A sand show is usually accompanied by music, which allows you to perceive what is happening on a more sensual level.

Advantages of sand animation.

For those who are already interested, but have not yet decided to order a sand show, it will be useful to know the features of such events.

1. Interactivity

A child or adult is directly involved in the creation of paintings. Any fairy tale for a child or a story for an adult holiday can be staged according to the customer’s script.

2. Exclusivity

Each show is unique, prepared specifically for your holiday.

3. Fun

Thanks to the contrast of the main elements and the blurred background of the painting, the images transformed on the illuminated surface have high dramatic expressiveness. Specific working techniques that are inaccessible to other types of graphics allow you to captivate the viewer from the first seconds of the action.

Work includes:
- artist’s presentation (about 20 min)
- lesson master class
- all technical equipment
- travel within the Moscow ring road (work outside is negotiated additionally)


  1. EXPERIENCE We have been creating a sand show for 8 years, over 800 performances until 2017
  2. QUALITY Sand animation competition winners, professional artists

NEW Sand show for children (Sand Theater):


Fairy tales with sand animation with live music and a presenter. The show will be accompanied by live music. You will hear violin, cello, viola and piano.
The presenter will convey the content of the fairy tale in a bright and colorful way. Unusual sand paintings, imperceptibly replacing each other, will flash before the eyes of the audience. Exciting games and riddles for children.

  • A fairy tale for children with more than 15 plots to choose from - The Nutcracker, Kolobok, Sleeping Beauty, etc. 20 min
  • Master class on sand painting, 20 min
  • The drawing is drawn by a professional artist, the text is read by the presenter accompanied by live musical accompaniment.
  • All necessary equipment is included, a large illuminated table, a projector, a screen, music.
  • The presenter tells a fairy tale, plays games with hand puppets, shows musical instruments, communicates with children, and elements of a quest.

Sand show for children price:


SAND SHOW ON PROMOTION -20 minutes show + master class 20 minutes - 8000 rub.

Entertaining and educational show with master class “Sand Theater” with live music and leading animator 50 minutes - 16,000 rub.