Monument to the bee. Sculptural compositions (15)

The bee monument was erected in the summer of 2005 during the Ecological Festival in Kuzminki on the territory of the Kuzminki-Lublino Environmental Education Center. The composition represents a figure of a hardworking insect cast in bronze, which is mounted on one of three hexagonal columns depicting a honeycomb. At first, the monument did not have a name, but soon the bee fell in love with park visitors and acquired the name Kuzya in honor of the park in which this monument is located. And then a good omen appeared - if you touch a bee, it will bring good luck

Monument to the bee in Tambov

In Tambov it stands in the middle of a flowerbed unusual monument bee, which, in addition to the usual materials, also contains fresh flowers. Therefore, the figure of the bee in this monument is partially alive. It does change color over time.

Monument to a bee in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan

In Ust-Kamenogorsk in 2010, in gratitude to the striped workers, a 10-meter sculpture in the form of a stylized flower was erected, on which a three-meter bee was located. It was reported that by 2025 Kazakhstan intends to enter the top ten global producers of honey and other beekeeping products.

Monument to a bee in Ufa, Bashkiria

As part of the celebration of the 450th anniversary of the unity of Russia and Bashkiria, a metal structure with flowers in the shape of a bee was built on Sovetskaya Square in Ufa. It was the Burzyan bee that became the unofficial symbol of the holiday, and its image appeared all over the city on the eve of it. Bashkir honey is famous far beyond the country’s borders; in 2014, a contract was signed with the Chinese company “Green Root” for the supply of beekeeping products worth $3 billion.

Monument to a bee in Canada in Tisdale

In the Canadian province of Saskatchewan, in the small town of Tisdale, which is called the capital of honey, a monument to a bee was erected by a group of enthusiasts in 1993. Its height is 2.1 meters, length is 4.9 meters, the bee’s wingspan is 3.5 meters. This monument is made of metal and fiberglass. This area produces 10% of all Canadian honey, and an event such as the opening of a beekeeping monument is significant.

Monument to the Carpathian bee in the village of Vuchkovo in Ukraine

In 2006, on the territory of the NSC “Institute of Beekeeping named after. P.I. Prokopova UAAN”, near the center of the village of Vuchkovoe, Mezhgorsky district, erected a monument to a bee. This monument is dedicated to the four founders of the study of the famous Carpathian bee, and was erected in honor of the 40th anniversary of the study of bees in this region. The monument is a monument on which there are 4 marble tablets of scientists who studied the Carpathian breed of bees and a half-meter metal bee, weighing several kilograms, placed above the tablets. Immediately behind the monument there is a huge apiary, where the work they started is still being carried out.

Monument to a bee in Medyn, Kaluga region.

The monument is unusual and small. In Medyn, in a flowerbed, among the flowers, there are two small stones - one with an inscription, the other with a bee sitting on a stylized honeycomb. The bee is the symbol of the city of Medyn. Therefore, not far from the entrance to the district administration building there is a monument with a bee. A bee sits on a stone in a flowerbed, you might not notice it right away. And on the city's coat of arms there are 16 bees.

Sculptural composition with bees in Dokuchaevsk, Donetsk region.

On October 22, 2010, a monument was unveiled in a park in the city of Dokuchaevsk, Donetsk region. The patron saints of beekeeping, Zosima and Savvaty, are depicted on this monument, unveiled by Archpriest Nikita Panasyuk. The initiative belonged to beekeeper Viktor Ponomarev, and all the products of this unusual monument - forged bees, figurines of bears with honey pots, slabs with inscriptions about the bee - were made through the efforts of city residents. Words carved on stone: “A bee is a friend of man, possessing hard work, integrity, dedication, cleanliness, justice, a sense of friendship, which should not be alien to to modern man».

Monument to a bee in Ternopil, Ukraine

In 2010, 2.5 m was opened in Ternopil bronze monument“bzhiltsi-trudivnitsi” (translated as “working bee.” A sculptural composition in the form of a honeycomb on which a metal bee sits appeared on Shevchenko Boulevard, near the regional academic drama theater. The construction of this monument was initiated by beekeepers of the Ternopil region, and funds for the monument were allocated by local entrepreneurs and philanthropists.

Sculpture Fountain of Bees

Fountain of Bees (Italian: Fontana delle Api) is a fountain in Rome created by Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini. Located in Piazza Barberini, at the beginning of Via Vittorio Veneto. The fountain was sculpted by Bernini in April 1644, commissioned by Pope Urban VIII. It complemented Triton's fountain and was supposed to serve for watering horses. The fountain depicts an open shell with three bees going down to the water. Three bees are the symbol of the Barberini family. Maffeo Barberini became Pope Urban VIII. Urban VIII, the Pontifex Maximus, after having built a fountain to decorate the city, also built this small fountain to serve private citizens in 1644, the XXI of his pontificate.

Monument to a bee in Perm

The four-meter monument to the bee with wings spread to the side will be 2.5 m in height, another 1.5 m is occupied by the pedestal. Perm sculptor Rustam Ismagilov, the author of another famous monument “Salty Ears,” worked on the creation of the monument to the hardworking insect.

Bee monuments in Japan

There are several bee monuments in Japan. One of them is located in a park in the city of Gifu and is a marble stele with hexagons resembling a honeycomb, with a bas-relief of a huge bee on one of them. In front of the stele on a low pedestal there is multi-figure composition: mother, daughter and son, they look at a bee. The monument was opened in 1960. There is also a monument in Japan dedicated to the bees that died during the atomic bombing by American aircraft in August 1945.

Monument to a bee in Swarzyndz, Poland

In Poland, in the city of Swarzhindze near Poznan, near the building experimental station on beekeeping, there is a granite monument that immortalizes the importance of bees in people's lives. From this monument begins the Beekeeping Museum, which is a real bee city of 140 hives, the oldest of which is more than 600 years old.

Monument to a bee in Minsk, Belarus

In Minsk on August 14, the day of the Honey Savior, on the lawn in front of the building of the National art museum a monument to the Bee appeared. The three-meter-high statue is covered with golden paint. The author of the work is the capital's sculptor Pavel Voinitsky.

In the American city of Hidalgo in the state of Texas (USA) there are sculptures with bees.

Monument to a bee in Stavropol.

Monument to a bee in Gomel, Belarus

photo from the Internet

The sweetest thing available to people since ancient times (as a synonym for “the most delicious”) is honey. Ancients Greek gods, as the Greeks believed, they ate ambrosia and nectar, which was the key to their immortality. Gogol’s blacksmith, having gone to the queen for boots for his Oksana, naively asks: “Is it true that kings only eat honey and lard?” The most delicious thing I could ever imagine. Ancient monasteries maintained their own apiaries: the wax produced by bees was widely used in making candles. The holy hermits ate locusts and honey. It’s not for nothing that there are monuments to the bee all over the world.

The patron saints of beekeeping - Zosima and Savvaty - are depicted in the monument unveiled by Archpriest Nikita Panasyuk in Dokuchaevsky Park on October 22, 2010. city ​​of Donetsk. Forged bees, two figurines of bears - with a beehive in their hands and with a barrel of honey, were made thanks to the residents of the city. After the opening, those present were treated to honey gingerbread, tea with honey. Words engraved on stone: “A bee is a friend of man, possessing hard work, integrity, dedication, cleanliness, justice, a sense of friendship, which should not be alien to modern man.” Indeed, it should not be alien...

In Moscow in 2005 During the Ecological Festival, a monument to the bee was unveiled in the form of a bronze figure of a hardworking insect on three hexagonal columns representing a honeycomb. The bee was soon named Kuzya and a sign appeared - touching it brings good luck.

The constructed structure of a huge metal bee and flowers became a symbol of the celebration of the 450th anniversary of the unity of Russia and Bashkiria in Ufa. Bashkir honey is famous far beyond the country’s borders, in 2014 with a company from China “Green Root” worth 3 billion dollars.

In Medyn, on the lawn, among the flowers, there are two boulders - one with an inscription, the other with a bee sitting on a stylized honeycomb.

A three-meter bee on a 10-meter stylized flower appeared in 2010. in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan.

In Tambov, in the middle of a flowerbed there is a monument, in which, in addition to ordinary materials, fresh flowers are also used. The figure of the bee is thus partially alive, although it is a monument. It even changes color over time.

Near Poznan (Poland) in the city of Swarzhindze, a granite monument to a bee stands at the entrance to the Beekeeping Museum. Among the 140 beehives in this museum, the oldest specimens are over six centuries old.

In the same year, a 2.5 m bronze monument to the “working bee” (translated as “working bee”) was opened in Ternopil. The pedestal with a metal bee sitting on a honeycomb was installed on Shevchenko Boulevard near the Drama Theater.

There was also a place for the bee on the monument in Vuchkovo on the territory of the Beekeeping Institute. It was opened in honor of the 40th anniversary of the study of bees; there were 4 marble plaques of scientists who studied the Carpathian breed of bees and a half-meter metal bee placed above the plaques. Behind the monument there is an apiary, where the work they started is still being carried out.

In the city of Gifu (Japan) there is a multi-figure composition of a mother, son and daughter looking at a bee. In the same state there was also a place for a monument to the bees that died in the atomic bombing...

In Tisdale (Canada), unofficially called the capital of honey, enthusiasts built a Bee Monument from metal and fiberglass. Length - 4.5 m, height - 2.1 m. wingspan - 3.5 m. Considering that 10% of all Canadian honey is produced in that area, such an emphasis on the importance of beekeeping cannot be called unnecessary.

It is clear that we do not pretend to full list monuments dedicated to bees or beekeeping. We will be glad if you can supplement our knowledge by writing additional information or links on similar topics in the comments.

In the summer of 2005, an unusual monument to a bee was erected in Kuzminki Park. Official reason for the opening of a new monument – ​​Ecological festival on the territory cultural center Kuzminki-Lublino. But local residents immediately saw the unofficial background to the event - it was in Kuzminki Park that the bees of the mayor of Moscow, Yuri Luzhkov, had their “residence” - big fan beekeeping.

The composition of the monument to the bee Kuza is quite small and is made in the form of three hexagonal columns, like a honeycomb. All of them different sizes(from 10 to 80 centimeters). The largest column, standing in the middle, is a pedestal for the figure of a small bee. Small for a monument, the bee nevertheless weighs quite impressively - 25 kg. This is due to the fact that it is cast from pure bronze. Nearby, in the same park, there is a honey museum. The monument to the bee Kuza has been standing for only a few years, but there are already connections with it funny stories and even legends of the capital.

It is true what they say that love is evil. A striking example to that - the life story of this funny architectural ensemble. At first the bee was nameless. But, despite the slightly suspicious history of the appearance of the monument, the people reacted favorably to the innovation, and in one impulse they nicknamed the architectural insect Kuzey - in honor of the park. Immediately, from nowhere, among local residents A belief spread that if you think about your cherished desire and rub Kuzya the bee, then your wish will certainly come true.

And again, in a single aspiration, Muscovites walking in the park rushed to make wishes and rub the poor bee, they were immediately joined by tourists inclined to believe in miracles, and behind them - gullible provincials, guests of the capital. Kuzya could not withstand such an influx of fans. Under the burden of adoration and people's love the bee could not stand for long - the fastenings of the sculpture could not stand it, and on the third day from its “birth” the 25-kilogram bronze Kuzya fell from its pedestal.

Citizens who managed to rub the bee took the fall as a good sign. They went about their business, and everyone else rushed to call municipal services. The valiant park workers rushed in, and the unusual insect was soon hoisted into its proper place, installing such fastenings that it would no longer be afraid of ardent popular sympathy.

They say that having heard about the wonderful bee Kuza, a resourceful businessman from Oryol region promised the authorities of the capital crazy money so that only they would sell him this wonderful monument. He planned to install a people's favorite in his region, famous for beekeeping. But the Moscow mayor's office (probably fearing the anger of Muscovites) refused to sell the magic insect. Since then, the monument to the bee Kuza has stood inviolably in its place, listening to new and new wishes of people from all over the world.

P human husbandry is one of the ancient occupations people, and honey has long been considered not only a delicacy and medicine, but also a kind of symbol of a successful life.
P The brow has always been a symbol of hard work, and the life of a beehive was considered as an option for an ideal state structure.
In ancient times, bees were revered as rulers of the insect kingdom.
P Bees occupied an important place in mythology, being considered sacred companions of the gods.
IN All religions in one way or another noted the role of bees in human life.
U The ancient Greeks and Romans considered bees to be the birds of the muses. Golden bees collected honey on Mount Hymetus and brought it to poets to sweeten their poems.
IN In heraldry, the bee serves as an emblem of hard work and humility, and also symbolizes diligence, prudence and vigilance, since it was previously believed that it never sleeps. Bees storing honey symbolize economy and thrift, which is why bees appear on bank signs in this sense.
P great personalities depicted people on their coats of arms and seals. So on the personal seal of Catherine II a hive with bees was depicted.
Z The purpose of honey bees is immortalized not only in the coats of arms of cities and the coats of arms of great people, but also in monumental monuments.

Bee monuments in Russia

Monument to the bee Kuza in Kuzminki, Moscow

P The bee monument was erected in the summer of 2005 on the day of the Ecological Festival in Kuzminki on the territory of the Kuzminki-Lublino Environmental Education Center. The landscape gardening composition represents a bee cast in bronze, which is mounted on one of three hexagonal columns depicting a honeycomb.

IN At the beginning, the monument did not have a name, but the bee fell in love with visitors and quickly acquired the name Kuzya in honor of the park in which this monument is located.
A good omen has already appeared - if you touch a bee, it will bring good luck.

Monument to a bee in Ufa

As part of the celebration of the 450th anniversary of the unity of Bashkiria and Russia, a metal structure with flowers in the shape of a bee was built on Sovetskaya Square in Ufa.

AND It was the Burzyan bee that became the unofficial symbol of the celebration, and its image on the eve of the holiday appeared throughout the city, having competed for this title with national hero republic Salavat Yulaev, the Friendship Monument and even Sarmatian gold.

Monument to the bee in Medyn

There are sculptures in the form of a bee in Tambov .

Monument to a bee in Kazakhstan

IN In 2010, in Ust-Kamenogorsk, in gratitude to the striped workers, a 10-meter sculpture in the form of a stylized flower was erected, on which a three-meter bee was located.

WITH It is reported that in the next 10-15 years Kazakhstan intends to enter the top ten global producers of beekeeping products.

Bee monuments in Ukraine

In 2006, on the territory of the NSC “Institute of Beekeeping named after. P.I. Prokopova UAAN”, near the center of the village of Vuchkovoe (Ukrainian: Vuchkove) of the Mizhgorsky district, a monument to a bee was erected. This monument is dedicated to the four founders of the study of the famous Carpathian bee, and was erected in honor of the 40th anniversary of the study of bees in this region.

P The monument is a monument with marble tablets depicting Avetisyan Gurgen Artashesovich, Gubin Vadim Aleksandrovich, Davidenko Ivan Kuzmich, and Yurik Ivan Ilyich. And a large metal bee with a half-meter wingspan weighing several kilograms. Immediately behind the monument there is a huge apiary.

22 On October 2010, a monument to a bee was unveiled in a park in the city of Dokuchaevsk, Donetsk region.

AND The initiative belonged to beekeeper Viktor Ponomarev, and all the products of this unusual monument - forged bees, figurines of bears with honey pots, slabs with inscriptions about bees - were made through the efforts of city residents.

IN In 2010, a sculptural composition in the form of a honeycomb on which a bee sits appeared in Ternopil on Shevchenko Boulevard, near the regional academic drama theater. The height of the bronze monument is about 2.5 m, on the pedestal there is the inscription “Bdzhiltsi-trudivnitsi” (“To the worker bee”).

AND The construction of this monument was initiated by beekeepers of the Ternopil region, and funds for the monument were allocated by local entrepreneurs and philanthropists.

Bee monuments in Japan

IN Japan has several monuments to the bee. One of them is located in a park in the city of Gifu and is a marble stele with hexagons resembling a honeycomb, with a bas-relief of a huge bee in one of them. In front of the stele, on a low pedestal, there is a multi-figure composition: a mother, daughter and son, facing a bee. With your eyes. The monument was unveiled in 1960.
IN In general, beekeeping receives a lot of attention in Japan. The country has a large-scale program to improve the health of the nation, where, among other things, the diet of children and the elderly includes honey and royal jelly. Bee products are actively used in medicine. In Japan, an Association of Researchers on the Use of Bee Venom has been created, and a school of apitherates has been organized under the Ministry of Health.
E There is also a monument in Japan dedicated to the bees that died during the atomic bombing by American aircraft in August 1945.

Bee Monument in Tisdale (Canada)

IN In the Canadian province of Saskatchewan, in the small town of Tisdale, where 10% of Canadian honey is produced and which is called the Capital of Honey, in 1993 a group of enthusiasts erected a Bee Monument. The height of this monument is 2.1 meters, the length is 4.9 meters, the wingspan of the bee is 3.5 meters. The monument is made of metal and fiberglass.

Monument to a bee in Swarzyndz, Poland

IN in the town of Swarzhindze near Poznan, near the building of the beekeeping experimental station, there is a granite monument that perpetuates the importance of honey bees in human life.
WITH This monument begins the Beekeeping Museum, which is a real bee city of 140 hives, the oldest of which is more than six hundred years old.

Bee monuments in the USA

IN The American city of Hidalgo in Texas (USA) has sculptures with bees.

AND Finally, another unique sculpture, but not of a bee, but of a bear. This bear is located in Opechensky Posad, Novgorod region, in the arboretum.

A on the barrel are the words: “If you want honey, take care of nature.”

AND it really is!

WITH Most likely, this list is incomplete. Perhaps there are monuments to the bee in other cities and countries. We will be grateful if you write or leave a link to material on this topic.

1. Monument to the bee and the four founders of the study of the famous Carpathian bee in the village of Vnuchkovo,Mezhgorsky district,Transcarpathian region, Ukraine:

In 2006, on the territory of the NSC “Institute of Beekeeping named after. P.I. Prokopova UAAN”, near the center of the village of Vuchkovoe (Ukrainian: Vuchkove) of the Mizhgorsky district, a monument to a bee was erected. This monument is dedicated to the four founders of the study of the famous Carpathian bee, and was erected in honor of the 40th anniversary of the study of bees in this region.
The monument is a monument with marble tablets depicting Avetisyan Gurgen Artashesovich, Gubin Vadim Aleksandrovich, Davidenko Ivan Kuzmich, and Yurik Ivan Ilyich. And a large metal bee with a half-meter wingspan weighing several kilograms. Immediately behind the monument there is a huge apiary.
2. Monument to a bee in Medyn, Kaluga region, Russia:

3. Bee Monument in Hidalgo, Texas(Hidalgo County), USA:

4. The bee monument is located in Japan in the city of Gifu:
In the city of Gifu, the monument to the bee is a marble stele framed by the hexagonal outlines of bee cells. In two bronze rings there are flying bees.
There is also a monument in Japan dedicated to the bees that died during the barbaric atomic bombing by American aircraft in August 1945.
5. And this giant bee in Canada, in the city of Tisdale, which is called the honey capital of the state of Saskatchewan:

The city of Tisdale is called the Honey Capital of Saskatchewan. According to Wikipedia, the population of this town is about 3 thousand people, however, 10% of Canadian honey is produced here.
A group of enthusiasts organized and erected the Bee Monument in 1993.
Its height is 2.1 meters, length is 4.9 meters, wingspan is 3.5 meters.
Material: metal and fiberglass.
6. Column decorated with a bas-relief of a bee in Poland:
In the town of Swarzhindze near Poznan, near the building of the beekeeping experimental station, a monument was erected to immortalize the importance of honey bees in human life.
It represents a huge granite structure, the only one in the world. From this monument began the Beekeeping Museum, a real bee city, in which there are 140 hives, and the oldest of them is seven hundred years old.
7. Landscape composition “Monument to the Bee” (“Hymn to Labor”) in Kuzminsky Park:

Installed in the summer of 2005 on the day of the environmental festival in Kuzminki on the territory of the Kuzminki environmental education center. The landscape gardening composition represents a bee cast in bronze, which is mounted on one of three hexagonal columns depicting a honeycomb. Despite a little story monument, there has already been a kind of legend that a bee brings good luck if you just rub it.
The idea of ​​the monument was supported by the prefecture of the South-Eastern Administrative District and the Russian National Union of Beekeepers, and it was brought to life by foundry master Sergei Soshnikov.

Moscow, Kuzminsky Park, the same monument to Kuza
On Sunday, August 14, 2005, the Day of the Honey Savior, a monument to the Bee appeared on the lawn in front of the National Art Museum.
The three-meter-high statue is covered with golden paint. The author of the work is the capital's sculptor Pavel Voinitsky
8. Bashkiria is famous for its honey; there is even a monument to a bee in Ufa:

The Burzyan bee has become an unofficial symbol of the celebration of the 450th anniversary of the unity of Bashkiria and Russia. A metal structure with flowers in the shape of a bee was built on Sovetskaya Square in Ufa.
The wild Burzyan bee, captured in this composition, is one of the symbols of the Republic of Bashkortostan. That is why it has been given a prominent place in the very center of the city. The basis of the composition is a steel frame, in the cells of which multi-colored plants are planted every spring, giving the Bee color. The composition looks especially impressive at the beginning of autumn, when the plants grow and gain strength.

For several years in a row, the flower arrangement decorated Sovetskaya Square, but in 2012 they decided to dismantle it: the design was outdated. But in Ufa the bees do not die, but fly to a new place: a new bee has already been built on Gafuri Street.
9. Monument to a bee in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan:

In 2010, in Ust-Kamenogorsk, in gratitude to the striped workers, a 10-meter sculpture in the form of a stylized flower was erected, on which a three-meter bee was located.
10. Monument to a bee in Gomel, Belarus:

11. The harsh Tambov bee in Tambov (of course):

12. Monument to the worker bee, Ternopil:

The sculpture of a working bee, installed on Shevchenko Boulevard, is interesting both in its concept and in its execution. It is a bronze figure whose height reaches almost three meters.
The proposal to perpetuate the hard work of Ukrainians in such an unconventional way came from beekeeper Emelyan Mandzyuk. It is also important that Ukraine ranks third in the world in honey production. The idea of ​​a monument to the bee was supported by the majority of deputies in the Ternopil city council, and its embodiment in bronze was left to Dmitry Pilipyak, a Ternopil sculptor, together with a colleague from Lvov. True, due to the lack of finances for the production and installation of the composition, the idea could have remained an idea, but local entrepreneurs supported the beekeeper’s initiative and allocated the necessary amount.
As a result, in a place specially consecrated during the Feast of the Savior in the city center, next to the regional academic drama theater, a bronze bee has “settled”, having flown onto a large honeycomb with dripping drops of amber honey. The total height of the composition is two and a half meters, and the pedestal is decorated with the inscription: “Bdzhiltsi-trudivnitsi” (To the worker bee).
The bee immortalized in the monument is intended to inspire people to work actively and honestly.
13. Monument to a bee in Minsk, Belarus:

14. In the village of Nauruzovo, Ponomarevsky district, Orenburg region, an unusual monument dedicated to the working bee was opened:

An insect of impressive size was installed on a pedestal and is now visible to those driving along the federal highway. This is the first monument in the region, glorifying the nectar collector and symbolizing hard work. It is located next to the production base of Galimulla Khusnullin. Farmer engaged in crop production, livestock farming and beekeeping, inspired unusual idea which he brought to life. The direct executor of the order was the teacher of the Ponomarevskaya secondary school Sergei Rudenko, who implemented the idea in three months.
The opening ceremony brought together top officials of the region, villagers and beekeepers. The head of the district agricultural administration, Fatykh Khamidulin, made a solemn speech, noting the significance of Galimulla Khusnullin’s initiative, which has not only aesthetic expediency, but also economic importance.
- The object will become good engine on the market for the products of beekeepers in the region.
15. Monument to a bee in Stavropol: