A story based on the picture of a wet meadow. Vasiliev F

F. Vasiliev is an artist whose wonderful creativity mesmerizing. When you look at his paintings, you can't tear yourself away. You look closely at every detail and, most importantly, you see familiar landscapes, because most often the author of the paintings depicted Russian nature. Vasiliev’s Wet Meadow is such a painting. We will use it to write a description for 8th grade.

Description of the painting Wet meadow

I will write an essay based on Vasiliev’s painting Wet Meadow with pleasure, because I have something to say. When I saw the reproduction, many emotions immediately appeared. The work impressed and captured my imagination and made me think about life. I don’t know who sees what in the picture, but first of all, I saw nature’s struggle with bad weather. It’s as if the artist, through his work, teaches us to resist adversity and difficulties that we encounter along the way.

It would seem that only recently there was a thunderstorm, perhaps it was blowing strong wind. The clouds are still seething, boiling, blackening in the distance, hanging over the forest. But the sun is already breaking through in the foreground, the sky is brightening, indicating that the elements will not return, despite the fact that it is still raining in the distance.

What did the rain leave behind?
The downpour has passed, the sky has ceased to rumble and spew lightning, nature has plunged into silence, only the wind is blowing slightly. All that was left in front of us was a wet meadow, silhouettes of several trees, and water in the form of a huge puddle in the center, which remained after the rain. The sun is not visible in the picture, but the author depicts sunlight, besides, we see the reflection of the sun breaking through from behind the clouds in the water. A little more and it will appear over the wet meadow and warm the rain-beaten grass and wildflowers.

On his canvas the artist depicts many small parts, but they all merged together, creating integrity and naturalness. The painting is beautiful, just like Russian nature, which Vasiliev so masterfully depicted on canvas, is beautiful.

The canvas is unusual and touching. This is felt especially clearly if you know that it was created by a young artist who had very little time left to live... So, let’s begin the description of Vasiliev’s painting “Wet Meadow.”

History of creation

It all started with an illness. In 1870, the artist caught a severe cold, and doctors gave him a terrible diagnosis for those times - tuberculosis. He urgently needs to go to Crimea, away from the destructive northern climate. However, the peninsula does not impress the artist, and he is not good at Crimean landscapes. The creator misses the landscapes he left behind too much... And so the idea comes to his mind to capture them literally from memory. Based on several sketches, he creates a full-fledged masterpiece.

Plot and composition

A detailed analysis of what is depicted is the first point that should be addressed in the description of Vasiliev’s painting “Wet Meadow”. 8th grade already requires a lot of depth aesthetic taste and artistic flair. So, on the canvas we see a meadow sprinkled with rain. Above the sparse northern vegetation - a few trees located in the background - there is a stormy, one might even say “boiling” sky. The peak of the storm appears to be behind us, but the rain has not stopped yet.

The canvas will not grab our attention with bright colors or large-scale events depicted. But if we take a closer look, we will understand that the work is brilliant in its detail, its special dynamics. This should also take into account the description of the painting “Wet Meadow” by Vasiliev. In fact, everything depicted is a continuous struggle of the elements. This is especially visible in the sky, which occupies a significant part of the canvas.

The description of Vasiliev’s painting “Wet Meadow” should also touch upon its construction. The compositional center of the canvas is concentrated on two trees, the image depicted stretches towards them with invisible threads - slopes, golden dots. The shift to the right of the center of the canvas is not accidental: it gives naturalness to the canvas, and also visually increases the space. The latter allowed the artist to include a landscape that is impressive in its comprehensiveness: there is also a spreading meadow, and simply the infinite must also be taken into account when creating a description of F. A. Vasiliev’s painting “Wet Meadow”.

The celestial surface is divided into two halves, and the boundary separating them is visible quite clearly. The first is already in the power of the sun, and the second - dark, almost black - still contains clouds. Soon they will float on, bringing rain to the forest visible in the distance. The two sides of the sky are mirrored in the water - both dark and light. All this holds the picture together and prevents what is depicted from falling apart into separate, unrelated parts. You will come to approximately the same conclusion if you try to write a description of the painting “Wet Meadow” by Vasiliev.

Main thought

However, any talented painting, in addition to its external, pictorial side, also has an internal side. In other words, the question always remains: what did the creator want to tell the public? IN in this case The artist’s landscape conveys the unpredictability of nature, the struggle in it of two elements, two principles - light and dark, calm, serene and worrying, rebellious, stormy. This gives the canvas extreme realism; It seems that a little more - and you will feel the smell of ozone, a slight coolness that always comes after rain, or the touch of drops. It is necessary to finish the description of Vasiliev’s painting “Wet Meadow” with such a thought.

Other facts

But this is not the end. The creator's contemporaries highly appreciated this work and even awarded it second place at an exhibition held by the Society for the Encouragement of Artists. By the way, Shishkin’s creation won then, but this is not so important. What is more important is that society saw in Fyodor Alexandrovich a rare talent capable of creating true masterpieces (our description of Vasiliev’s painting “Wet Meadow” proves this idea).

For some time the canvas was kept at close friend Then Prince Nikolai Konstantinovich wanted to buy the painting, but he was ahead of him. It was there, in Tretyakov Gallery, and the painting remains to this day. As for Fyodor Vasiliev, he had only a year left after creating his northern masterpiece. The artist worked long and hard on his works, completely exhausting himself. Naturally, this did not contribute to recovery, and by the end of September 1873 Vasiliev passed away.

It, like many other works of the painter, depicts nature.

If you are asked to write an essay on the painting “Wet Meadow,” be attentive to the atmosphere of the painting and the details when describing it.

The first glance at the picture evokes mixed, contradictory feelings. A plain opens before the viewer, illuminated by the timid morning rays of the sun. As soon as I passed, it was clear from the quickly receding gloomy clouds. Nature rejoices at the new day and the warmth of the sun no less than the recent downpour.

Color scheme of the painting

The painting “Wet Meadow” by Vasiliev was painted in cold and warm colors at the same time. This contrast is created by the blue and ultramarine shades of the clouds on the right, and the warm yellow and beige clouds on the left. It was no coincidence that the artist used this technique: he wanted to show a sudden change in weather, which is rarely observed in nature. The disappearance of the clouds and the appearance of the sun is a truly wonderful moment that surprises and delights at the same time.

The lower part of the picture - the meadow and trees on the plain - is made in warm colors.


An essay on the painting “Wet Meadow” aims to understand the composition and meaning of the painting. Despite the fact that the work is called “Wet Meadow,” most of it is occupied by the sky. Vasiliev depicted this in order to enhance the effect of the sky hanging over the viewer, the impression of a retreating thunderstorm. The painting “Wet Meadow” is dynamic, which is natural for depicting nature. In it, the movement is directed from left to right: the direction of the puddle, the huge light cloud, the hill and the group of plants in the foreground tell us this. Thanks to the “principle of the golden ratio,” the eye wanders around the picture, taking in all the details. However, every viewer will pay attention to lonely tree on the right edge of the canvas. This object is located in the semantic center of the picture so as to attract attention.

Essay on the painting “Wet Meadow”: foreground

The meadow seems completely flat compared to the sky. Fine grass and puddle water literally absorbed the surroundings. Green got drunk after heavy rain and just goes wild, enjoying the sun. Thin roots seem to rise from the ground, and tiny flowers glow.

The illuminated puddle goes into the distance and gets lost in the thick grass. The water in it overflows different colors: from greenish and ocher to purple, like the sky itself. The surface of the water seems flawless, but you can see barely noticeable ripples. This detail allows you to distinguish water from sky. At the very edge of the puddle, in the foreground, we see small bubbles - all that remains from the little toad jumping into the pond a few seconds ago.

Light flowers and tiny leaves are painted by the artist so carefully and painstakingly that they create a feeling of warmth. Bluish, purple, yellow small flowers either appear or hide again among the plants. Light and shadow are clearly visible: there are few halftones in the foreground. Contrast gives the picture brightness and expressiveness.

An essay based on the painting “Wet Meadow” allows you to fantasize. For example, on the right there is a dark shadow spread on the ground and we do not see what is casting it. We can assume that this is a huge tree that was left behind by the artist. Or perhaps it's one of those heavy rain clouds that's drifting away.


Near the tree there are several low bushes, but they are not depicted in such detail and are relegated to the background. The steppe expanses behind the tree are painted much paler than main object paintings. In the distance you can see the horizon lost in the morning fog. It makes you wonder: what is there ahead? This will remain a mystery...

Description of the painting “Wet Meadow” is the best task for a romantic dreamer. There is nothing better than imagining how the artist felt while drawing each detail, and what meaning he wanted to convey to the audience.

Essay based on Vasiliev's painting "Wet Meadow"

An essay based on the painting by F. A. Vasiliev “Wet Meadow”.
Vasilyev’s painting Wet Meadow was painted by the artist in 1872, based on his imagination while in Crimea due to illness. Crimean landscapes Vasiliev did not really like them and were difficult for the artist. Being impressed by the past, he decided to paint a picture about his native land, which later became a masterpiece of Russian landscape. Vasiliev wanted to express in his painting the motif of nature with a passing thunderstorm, only that there was a torrential rain, the clouds are hastily leaving. The rumble of thunder can still be heard in the distance. The cloudy sky occupying the painting Wet Meadow more than half canvas, sets the work the main mood of the state of nature, the lower part of the picture reflects complete calm. The plot of the painting is simple; the artist spectacularly conveys the space with a forest stretching into the distance. The focus is on a shallow pond, which softly reflects the light from the evening sun. storm clouds. The bushes of wet grass in the foreground are worked out in more detail. Playing on the contrast of the state of nature, Vasiliev simply superbly showed the viewer a painfully familiar native nature during a passing thunderstorm. The painting Wet Meadow was presented by the artist in St. Petersburg at the promotion union competition talented artists, where the work was awarded the second prize. Today the painting Wet Meadow is in the Tretyakov Gallery.
In Vasiliev’s painting “Wet Meadow,” the artist showed endless expanses, a meadow covered with water, and a gloomy sky stretched above all this beauty. It is so gray and heavy that it is ready to crush the earth with its weight. To convey the tragedy of the situation, the author used a mixture of white and gray. He also increased the space allocated for the sky, but slightly reduced the meadow. Under this menacing sky lies a green meadow, which is almost completely flooded with water. It exudes coolness and moisture. It seems that if you touch the painting, you will feel this moisture in your palm. The water that has captured the meadow is depicted in dark colors. She's a little off-putting. Just because of the water, the meadow seems lonely and abandoned, like little puppy, who was thrown out into the cold, autumn rain.
In the distance you can see spreading trees, which give the whole picture a tragic quality. They look so lonely and lost that they want to cry.
Vasiliev's painting "Wet Meadow" is a vivid depiction of the unpredictability of nature. This is an extremely realistic canvas that evokes acute feeling pity for all living things - and leads to a state of light, thoughtful sadness.

Description of the painting by F. A. Vasiliev “Wet Meadow”.
The phenomenon of the “artistic origin” of the landscape painter Fyodor Aleksandrovich Vasiliev always surprises everyone who in one way or another comes into contact with his work. Art critic L.I. Iovleva notes that he appeared on the horizon of Russian art in the 1860s at the age of eighteen, almost as a self-taught boy. But somehow unexpectedly, almost suddenly, he became an equal among the leading artists of that time. On “equal terms” he participated with them in exhibitions, on “equal terms” he won competitions and in two or three years achieved such professional successes that others took years, and sometimes a whole life, to achieve.
A cheerful, witty and temperamental young man, Vasiliev was sick with consumption - an incurable disease at that time. He went to Crimea and lived in Yalta for the last two years. On the streets of Yalta, almonds were falling, roses were blooming, the “Judas tree” was dressed in a lush, dense pink outfit, magnolias were blooming, large clusters of wisteria were hanging from flexible lashes-branches. But the artist was possessed by an irresistible craving for his native land, for the discreet charm of Russian nature.
In Yalta, Vasiliev for a long time depicted old, familiar and painfully dear northern motifs to him. Among the album drawings, where he made pencil sketches of the Crimean nature that was new to him, there are landscapes of central Russia sketched from memories.
In Crimea, Vasilyev also painted the painting “Wet Meadow”, one of the masterpieces of Russian landscape painting. There will be no mighty mountains, no cypress trees, no lush southern flowers, no azure sea - just a rain-washed wet meadow under a huge sky, a few trees in the distance and the shadows of wind-driven clouds running across the wet grass.
The storm is leaving, but the sky is still boiling and seething. With menacing haste, shaggy clouds rush and collide, the rumble of thunder can still be heard - everything in the picture is full of movement, everything lives and breathes: trees bending under the gusts of wind, and rippling water, and the sky. Even especially the sky, imbued with a typically Vasilyevsky mood, which is contrasted on the canvas with ominous clouds, still pouring streams of rain onto the forest visible in the distance.
The sky always plays in Vasiliev’s paintings significant role, and in “Wet Meadow” it is perhaps the main means of expressing the artist’s poetic thought. A sparkling warm opening in the clouds, reflected in the water and supported by reflections on the ground, fights against huge dark and cold clouds and shadows running along the ground.
As if in contrast to the intensity of the sky, the rest of the landscape is extremely simple and its lines are softer and calmer. Each detail of the picture (and there are many of them on this canvas) is a variation of the main theme, but all the details are so dissolved as a whole that you can recognize them only with a very careful examination.
At first glance, “Wet Meadow” attracts the viewer with its simplicity and familiarity of the motif. In the depths of a wide depression rise two spreading trees. Far behind them, in the gray haze of the forest, a strip of sky appears. A steep slope stretches along the lowland, and in front - almost in the center - a swampy backwater with marshy banks glistens.
That, in fact, is all that is depicted on the canvas of Fyodor Vasiliev. But his contemporaries saw him in this picture as more than even a generalized image dear to the artist northern nature. The painting captivates the viewer with the extraordinary depth of the inspired landscape, the spontaneity of feelings and moods embedded in it. Vasiliev never presents nature as “cold, eternal and indifferent.” He constantly looked for harmony and purity in her. The moods of struggle and resistance expressed in “Wet Meadow” - on the one hand, and on the other - sadness and melancholy captivate and involuntarily force one to return to the sad biography of its 22-year-old author.
The composition of “Wet Meadow,” as already mentioned, is extremely simple and relaxed, and at the same time it is difficult to imagine a more thoughtful and monumental work. In the picture it is easy to distinguish the compositional center to which the main lines of the landscape converge - the outlines of a hillside, the banks of a creek, paths, the boundaries of light and shadow in a meadow, a strip of forest. The visual center that organizes the whole picture is the dark silhouette of two mighty trees. Vasiliev shifted it to the right of the geometric center, and that is why the picture does not look static.
Space unfolds surprisingly smoothly and boldly in “Wet Meadow,” especially the sky with its boiling and seething, with its play of light and its cosmic infinity. And at the same time, each bush of grass in the foreground reproduces with botanical accuracy the vegetation of central Russia.
“Wet Meadow” was submitted to the competition of the Society for the Encouragement of Artists in St. Petersburg in 1872 and received second prize (the first was awarded to I. Shishkin’s painting “Pine Forest”).
When the head of the Peredvizhniki Kramskoy saw “Wet Meadow” by Fyodor Vasiliev, he was shocked. And the clean spring greenery, and the flying light, and the silent breeze that rippled the water in the overgrown riverbed, and the invisible drops of rain on the wet foliage of the trees - everything spoke of an extraordinary artist and sensitive to “the noise and music of nature.”

An essay based on a painting by F. A. Vasiliev. "Wet Meadow"
Fyodor Aleksandrovich Vasiliev is a famous landscape artist of the nineteenth century. He worked hard and fruitfully. In 1870 he caught a bad cold. He was diagnosed with tuberculosis. Doctors recommended that he travel to the south. Vasiliev goes to Crimea. But he doesn't really like it there. He misses Russia. Therefore, the artist plans to paint a new picture.
He does not paint the lush nature of southern Russia. In the picture F.A. Vasiliev depicted a meadow after rain. It's called "Wet Meadow". The canvas was painted in one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. It won second place in a competition organized by the Society for the Encouragement of Artists. The painting was not painted from life. The artist drew it from memory and from several sketches made earlier in different places.
There are no large-scale objects in the picture, bright colors. It depicts a meadow washed by rain, several trees on the right, a creek with marshy banks in the center and a slope on the left. But the picture is not static. Clouds running across the sky, going into the distance, trees bending from the wind, ripples on the water show the continuous movement occurring in nature. This is a struggle between the elements. It is especially visible in the sky, which occupies most paintings.
The sky is divided into two parts. One is bright, there the sun is already coming into its own, breaking through the clouds still filled with moisture. The other part is dark, almost black. Clouds dominate there, gloomy and thunderous. They carry their waters further to pour out as rain over the forest visible in the distance. The sky is reflected in the water, which is also dark on one side and light on the other.
Darkness follows the clouds. Therefore, the foreground of the picture is already illuminated by the bright rays of the sun. The road and the grass, refreshed by the rain, are clearly visible. And in the depths everything is dark. Sky and earth merge into one impenetrable blackness. But the canvas does not reek of gloom. On the contrary, it amazes with its life-affirming force. The darkness goes away and is replaced by light again.
The work of F. A. Vasiliev was highly appreciated by his contemporaries. I.N. Kramskoy was shocked. He believed that this work was worthy of first prize. But the author of the picture by that time was only twenty-two years old. Unfortunately, the artist was not given the opportunity to live a long, fruitful life. But what he managed to do put him on a par with such masters of painting as I.I. Shishkin, I.E. Repin and many others.

Wet meadow.
At first glance, the painting “Wet Meadow”, with its familiarity and simplicity of motif, attracts any viewer. In the depths of the wide space, two spreading trees rise, and in the distance, from under the retreating menacing clouds, a small strip of sky appears. Ahead, along the niche, stretches a steep slope, covered with soft and wet green grass. In the foreground - almost in the center of the picture - through black thunderclouds, the warm sun is trying to be reflected in a swampy pool.
The storm passes, but the sky continues to seethe and boil. The shaggy gray clouds swirl and collide with mighty force. Somewhere in the distance, thunder can be heard, reflected in endless space. The picture is full of movement, everything around here breathes and lives: and the trees bending under with strong blows winds, and rippling water, and the sky. The sky, imbued with a typically Vasilyevsky mood, is contrasted with ominous clouds that continue to cast, far from the viewer, a large stream of rain onto the forest visible from afar.
The sky, in the paintings of Fyodor Vasiliev, invariably plays a significant role, and in “Wet Meadow” it is perhaps the key means, it expresses the artist’s poetic thought. A warm sparkling opening high in the clouds above a green meadow, reflected in the water and shining on the grass, wages war with large and cold black clouds, casting a dark shadow on the wet ground.
As if in contrast to the tense existence of the sky, the rest of the picture is quite simple. The lines of her drawing are calmer and softer. Every detail of the landscape is a variation of the main idea, where all the details are so dissolved as a whole that you recognize them only upon careful examination.