Fitness instructor courses. Where to get training. Cost of training for a sports trainer-teacher

A coaching diploma opens up excellent prospects for engaging in your favorite profession for a decent salary. Moscow is a city where new sports complexes and gyms are constantly being built, where instructors with education are needed. Receiving a diploma allows you to start working as a personal or group trainer, achieve great heights in your career, and gradually improve your skills.

Anatomy, musculoskeletal diagnostics, hygiene, first aid, stretching and strengthening techniques, teaching methodology, bodybuilding, health exercises, nutrition, work fitness, etc. Tonus Fitness Institute aims to strengthen aspects of health.

How long does my training take?

The price does not include our textbooks, which can be purchased on the first day of training. The publication price is 300 CZK. Anatomy in a Sports Pocket, designed to provide a basic introduction to the skeletal and muscular system. It is based on the existence of stabilization programs and muscle chains. . The first day of training starts at 10 am and ends at 6 pm. All other days start at 9 am and ends at 6 pm, only on Sunday we finish for about an hour to make a quiet return to our homeland.

How to get a personal trainer diploma

Studying to become a fitness trainer and obtaining a trainer retraining diploma is an excellent goal for investing in your future. Training takes place in stages and in accordance with generally accepted standards. Theoretical disciplines (anatomy, biochemistry, medicine, psychology and others) are taught by teachers and doctors of science from the Institute of Psychology at the Department of Physical Education at Baumanskaya metro station, st. Malaya Pochtovaya, 2/2.

What emphasis is placed on training?

Our teaching is based on many years of experience in the fitness field, which means that the teacher must be able to select, demonstrate and teach exercises. He needs to think professionally, which is due to knowledge of the movement system. This means paying attention and time to functional anatomy.

Fitness center instructor course

If you are interested in completing your studies, please complete the application form. Instructor Fitness Instructor: Central Lecturers. Women's fitness course - date and location: To be announced - in Prague - this is one course - 4 days, divided into 2 training blocks over the weekend.

Practical classes are conducted by qualified instructors and methodologists with higher sports education on the basis of the Gigant sports and fitness complex. The gym is located at Belyaevo metro station, st. Miklouho-Maklaya, 55. Documents are issued at the Institute of Psychology at the Department of Physical Education. Trainers will subsequently be able to conduct classes effectively and without harm to health for clients and beginning athletes. It is possible to retrain trainers and teachers at the base higher education. training includes:

If you do not agree with the above terms or conditions are not listed, please write us an email. We will notify you immediately after you enter another exact date. We do not have deadlines for applications. Once the Fitness Instructor course is completed, the application form is closed. It is very difficult to predict when a course is likely to take place.

Based on the application more detailed information Instructor course information and payment instructions will be sent to you prior to the event. If a participant enters a course separately, information about the sending organization is not filled in. In the case of the sending organization, the message cannot be printed, so it can be sent through an online form.

  • Comprehensive fitness and bodybuilding classes. During the courses, students receive basic knowledge in all related subjects, in particular, nutrition, medicine, and anatomy.
  • Maintaining healthy image life. Future coaches are able to not only study in their chosen field, but also become involved in a healthy and athletic lifestyle.
  • Acquiring psychological skills. It is very important for an instructor to be able to find an approach to each client and correctly assess the physical capabilities of the body.

Educational and methodological plan

N p/p Course name Number of classroom hours
1 Theory and methodology physical culture and sports 70
2 Pedagogy and psychology of physical culture and sports 40
3 Anatomy 20
4 Physiology of sports 30
5 Basics of sports biochemistry 20
6 Basics of sports medicine 20
7 Therapeutic physical culture 10
8 Basics of Sports Massage 10
9 Theory and methodology of fitness 150
10 Management of physical culture and sports 30
11 Professionally oriented practice 100
12 Final interdisciplinary exam
13 Final qualifying work

Cost of training for a sports trainer-teacher:

A gym trainer diploma is the key to a successful career

A fitness instructor diploma is documentary evidence of a professional sports education. A coaching license will allow you to find a job in the best gym in Moscow, as well as open your own center. The diploma gives:

Fitness Center Instructor Course Details

The license obtained by the successful graduate of the fitness center instructor course is a general application. From a legal point of view, this license can be obtained as an employee or team in all areas: in the commercial sphere, in non-profit organizations, in the field of education. Of course, the work of a team or instructor is always based on negotiations with the employer.

Conditions for attending the course for fitness instructors

Participation in learning is not limited by age. Anyone can take a fitness instructor course. This course may also be completed by a person under the age of 18 and licensed. The license can only be fully used after 18 years of age. If the instructor teaches licensed at the age of 15-17 years, and in the education there must be another trained instructor or successful completion of the course, a fitness instructor over 18 years of age who would take legal responsibility for the students. Thus, it is possible to obtain a license and then teach until the age of 18, but the fitness center instructor must be assisted by an older graduate.

  • Personal health. The training instructor constantly works to stay in good shape and be a role model for his clients.
  • Prestige and pleasure. Personal fitness trainers are now highly respected. Their work is at the peak of its popularity. They design every day to enjoy their work and achieve impressive results.
  • good wages. Studying to become an instructor-methodologist is an opportunity to earn high incomes, engage in personal development and achieve excellent results in your career.

Where to get training

Would you like to get a fitness trainer diploma in Moscow? – Become a student at our school! Our classes are conducted by experienced specialists and in accordance with the latest group programs. After training, you will need to pass an exam, after which we issue a diploma of professional retraining of a state and international standard. Contact us now to sign up for courses!

This rule also applies to other types of licenses for the sport. Theoretical part: past and present instructor of the fitness center course, types and forms of exercises in the fitness center, fitness bodybuilding, weight loss, muscle imbalances, medical restrictions for the activity of this sport, possible negative consequences improper exercise in the fitness center, age characteristics. Study programs for bodybuilding fitness, weight loss and muscle imbalance. Safety and first aid, legal issues, stretching exercises, basic physiology, basic anatomy, diets, eating patterns and reduction diets associated with this sport.

  • Choose a set of exercises. The course is chosen individually for each client. Having a specialized education will help the instructor take into account all the characteristics of the students’ bodies.
  • Support students in their aspirations. Preparation for special program can be performed to lose weight, get rid of health problems, and shape your figure.
  • Develop an individual training plan. The trainer draws up a personal schedule of classes and takes into account their features in accordance with the goals that the client sets for himself.
  • Create a training and nutrition program. Coaching experience will be needed not only to select exercises, but also to create an individual menu for course students.
  • Monitor safety. The training includes special seminars where great attention paid to monitoring safety and eliminating traumatic situations in the classroom.

The main advantages of our school

- This is a popular direction in Moscow, which is carried out at a professional level by our school. We accept anyone who wants to study, whether they have experience in gym, and without it. You will receive all the necessary skills and abilities during the classes.

The practical part of the fitness center instructor course: strengthening equipment for exercise machines, equipment and strengthening with weights and other tools, equipment and strengthening one’s own body, stretching exercise techniques, exercises for correcting muscle imbalances, aerobic exercises using special machines and other aerobic exercises.

Our fitness instructor course includes both experienced athletes who also have experience teaching classes to the general public. In addition, we have lecturers with extensive professional careers in the field of commercial fitness and cutting diets.

Our instructors receive an official document confirming their high level of qualifications. This opens up excellent prospects for them for further employment in the capital and building successful career! Contact us in Moscow to sign up for courses right now! We train fitness trainers according to modern programs international level!

Authorized aerobics instructor. The instructor course ends with a theoretical and practical exam. After passing the exam, the student receives a student ID card for a specific holiday in accordance with the sample. All ID cards are issued by the Rector of the School of Physical Education and Tourism and are valid in all EU countries. The instructor ID is an accounting document!

The fitness instructor course prepares and provides graduates with the opportunity to work in entertainment and commercial clubs, sports, entertainment and cultural centers, recreational facilities, camps and colleges and physical education classes. The graduate can also create his own kindergarten or a leisure club in the form of a business and conduct commercial activities with children, adolescents and adults. The course can also be a great refresher and structured message for people who are already teaching.

Theoretical disciplines:

  • Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology
  • Basics of biochemistry
  • Fitness training theory
  • Basics of biomechanics
  • Strength training
  • Aerobic training
  • Flexibility training (stretching)
  • Organization of personal training
  • Professional activities of a personal trainer

Practical lessons:

  • Initial client briefing
  • Exercises using machines and free weights
  • Exercise technique, injury prevention
  • Stretch exercises

Detailed analysis of exercises for all muscle groups:

Higher School of Physical Culture and Tourism named after. Galina Konopaki grants rights in accordance with the rules. This group includes occupations such as fitness instructor, strength and conditioning instructor, health instructor, and physical recreation instructor, among others.

Organization of an aerobics instructor course. General part instructor course - 100 lessons. Graduates of higher education in physical education, graduates of general course instructors in recreation and sports or sports, as well as instructors of other disciplines and specializations with national card instructor. Classes will be conducted in the form of e-learning. This honor ends with a general examination. Materials and exam questions are available on the website. A login and password will be provided at the first session.

  • Arm muscles
  • Chest muscles
  • Back muscles
  • Deltas
  • Press
  • Muscles of the legs and buttocks
  • Aerobic training

Independently drawing up a training plan and nutrition plan for the client.