How a person reveals himself in war. Beautiful human qualities manifest themselves with particular force precisely at the moment of greatest danger.

There are many legends about Russian soldiers; their exploits are known all over the world and command the respect of their fellow countrymen and citizens of other countries. The image of a Russian warrior is especially clearly formed from those qualities that characterize his opponents. Those who have encountered them in combat situations believe that Russians have a special set of traits, formed by mentality, traditions and ethnic characteristics. So what qualities of our soldiers were most feared by our opponents?

The secret to the success of military operations

After the German army in 1914 and 1940 was able to destroy the French and British, whose armies were considered the strongest in Europe, but were defeated during the Great Patriotic War Russians, historians and military analysts began to wonder what the real reason such outcomes? After a thorough analysis, experts came to the conclusion that it is not only a matter of equipment, modern weapons, tactical and technical training - psychological and physiological characteristics soldiers and officers, their national traditions, values ​​and priorities.


Many historians agree that it is in the mysterious fighting spirit that the secret of all the victories of the Russian army lies. This set of moral and psychological qualities determines combat effectiveness. During war, the morale of soldiers is supported by commanders. Raising morale is achieved by cultivating ideological convictions, cohesion, and courage. An integral part of building morale is an atmosphere of camaraderie and mutual assistance.

Fighting spirit determines the moral and physical readiness of soldiers to resist enemies, endure the hardships and hardships of military life, overcome themselves and constantly strive for victory. Napoleon also spoke about the importance of this quality: “One soldier with a high fighting spirit is worth three without this weapon.”

Determination and resilience

A Russian soldier always clearly knows what he is striving for. The ultimate goal of all actions is victory. Win every battle, every fight and ultimately win the war. As Europeans say about Russians, “for them there are no half measures - either everything or nothing.”

Studying episodes of military operations, analysts concluded that it was the determination of Russian soldiers that often played the role of a catalyst, because the most correct and balanced, but not completed, decision would ultimately lose in effectiveness to a spontaneous impulse, carried out with precision and logically completed.

Persistence is inherent in all Russian soldiers. In any battle, soldiers fight to the last bullet, last breath. The Russians' tenacity in defense frightens their opponents. Thanks to this quality, many attacks and sieges were repelled.


This quality of the Russian warrior is sung by many authors. Bravery counts national trait Russian person. The ability to save others at a cost own life, throwing themselves at tanks, covering military shells with their bodies, realizing that this is necessary for the Motherland, for fellow countrymen, for future generations, is inherent in Russian officers and soldiers.

According to the confessions of those who met them in battle, “Russians boldly go to death, without fear or hesitation. They believe that if they are destined to die, death will find them anywhere. These people often say a strange phrase that two deaths cannot happen.” Russians despise cowardice just as other armies despise meanness.

The German military historian General von Poseck noted in his works: “The Russians often attacked our machine guns and artillery, even when their attack was doomed to defeat. They paid no attention either to the strength of our fire or to their losses.”


The ability to maintain clarity of mind in any critical situation is another characteristic feature Russian soldiers. The Russian soldier does not panic. On the battlefield, among killed and wounded colleagues, while under enemy bullets, he is able to collect his thoughts in a matter of minutes. There are many cases where, in a state close to death, soldiers took brilliant tactical actions and often emerged victorious from difficult situations.

A military observer for one of the Austrian newspapers considered composure one of the most bright features Russian military. He wrote: “Russian pilots are cold-blooded. The Russian attacks may lack systematicity, just like the French, but in the air the Russian pilots are unshakable and can endure heavy losses without any panic. The Russian pilot is and remains a terrible adversary.”

Cohesion and solidarity

And many years ago, and now, Russians amaze everyone with their ability to unite in the most difficult situations. For foreigners, it is a real mystery how, at a time when everything is going very badly, Russians find strength, rise from their knees, and stand shoulder to shoulder. And at this moment they are able to resist enemies, confidently defending the interests of their country.

F. Engels noted: “There is no way to disperse the Russian battalions: the more menacing the danger, the more tightly the soldiers hold on to each other.”

This is still relevant today. The more dangerous the threat looming over the country and the Russian people, the stronger the desire to unite and fight for the Motherland without a shadow of a doubt.


Willpower is an integral trait of the Russian soldier. This ability to overcome difficulties helps to withstand harsh wartime conditions. Unbending willpower was reflected in various military episodes. Many Russian soldiers, officers, and partisans endured torture and bullying from their enemies to the end, but did not betray their Motherland, did not surrender, and did not give up secret information.

A Russian soldier is capable of enduring poverty and hardship for a long time. He can endure hunger, cold, and lack of basic living conditions for a long time.

War, like a powerful typhoon, spares nothing in its path. A prolonged extreme situation affects the behavior of people caught in it. It is impossible to predict in what direction it will change.

Sometimes a gloomy silent person becomes a leader, leading him into battle, and a cheerful joker cowardly flees from the front line. How war changes people is eloquently shown in literary works. Writers subtly notice the versatility of human nature during periods of difficult trials.

The work of former front-line soldier Vasily Bykov impressed me unforgettable experience. He realistically depicts military actions and reveals to the reader the inner qualities of the characters in his stories. Many of Bykov's stories are dedicated to the partisan movement during the war, but one of the best, undoubtedly, is Sotnikov.

Using the example of two 26-year-old heroes, Bykov illuminates the problem of choice that arises in the face of death.

The partisans were tasked with obtaining provisions for the detachment. Fisherman is a strong guy, a former army sergeant major, Sotnikov is a teacher, strictly civilian. Unlike the intellectual, Rybak feels like a fish in water in war, but everything changes when his comrades are captured by the police.

In order to save his own life, Rybak is ready to cooperate with the enemy. Sotnikov worries only about the fate of the people who find themselves hostages through their fault; he is not afraid of torture and death, he proudly accepts the torment. The author shows that strong-willed a person, even in a critical situation, does not deviate from his principles. And his recent comrade becomes his executioner...

Vasiliev in his works describes the emotional experiences of people. The story “The Dawns Here Are Quiet...” shows the feat of young anti-aircraft gunners who entered into an unequal battle with the Germans. Five girls and a foreman neutralized 16 saboteurs. It would seem that the fragile creatures were unable to compete with trained men, but not one retreated. Each of them had to go through difficult trials even before the war. In war, the age and gender of a fighter are not very important, the main thing is mental strength and motives, moving people. In a fight, hatred greatly adds strength.

War reveals the most hidden qualities of character: heroism and cowardice, loyalty and betrayal. I think a person’s behavior in a moment of danger depends precisely on internal forces. Do we have the right to judge someone for wanting to live? No matter how a fighter behaves, it will remain on his conscience.

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For my long history The Russian people have endured more than one major war. This time is undoubtedly the most terrible thing that could happen to people. Terrible events The years 1941-45 still cause trembling in the hearts of contemporaries. Literature also does not shy away from this period of history, revealing to us various aspects time. One of the most pressing topics in twentieth-century literature is the question of morality and humanity in war. So many writers bring it up. Is it possible to maintain a pure, sincere heart when loved ones die around you every day and dear people, and an acquaintance may turn out to be a traitor? What motivates a person, for what is he ready to go and fight with all his might, and what does the word Motherland mean to him? Such themes are revealed in many works of Russian writers of the twentieth century.

One of the brightest examples- the story "Sotnikov". Here the opposition between two heroes is most clearly observed - Sotnikov and Rybak. They serve in the same platoon and at first do not differ in behavior from each other. The work reveals the character of the heroes at a critical moment. When the soldiers go to get food for their fellow soldiers, they are captured by the Germans. Sotnikov goes on a mission with a serious cold, and it is difficult for his partner to wait for him and help him - from time to time, dissatisfaction can be traced in Rybak’s words. However, he does not abandon his comrade.

Finding himself in captivity, Rybak tries to cheat by agreeing to the enemy’s offer to go over to their side. But his comrade understands how this trick will turn out, and it turns out to be right: the Fisherman does not ultimately run to his own people, but in fact betrays his Motherland. By order of the Germans, he executes Sotnikov, who accepts death with dignity, without betraying the Fatherland. A true warrior, not afraid of either frost or illness, he steadfastly holds on until the end, and right before his death, his thoughts are only about saving his Motherland, he doesn’t even think about his life.

At all, domestic writers They tried to show in their works a brave and courageous person, because the patriotism of the Russian people truly manifested itself in the war. And all the stories, tales and novels that appeared during and after the war are intended to reveal not only pain and horror, but also the love for the Fatherland that has risen in the hearts of people and the readiness to defend it until last straw blood.

Another strong and touching work that demonstrates the true humanity and firmness of the fighters’ convictions is “The Dawns Here Are Quiet” by B. Vasiliev. The story tells the story of a small detachment of young girls under the command of Sergeant Major Vaskov - a real hero who bravely throws himself under bullets to protect his charges. And each of the girls is amazingly brave and strong, they all desperately defended their front. Five girls and a foreman against sixteen fascists, who had plenty of weapons... They managed to stop the enemy, but not a single girl survived - these are the stories that formed Great Victory over the fascist forces of Germany.

Each such story, revealing the soul of the Russian people in the difficult conditions of war, instilled hope and made it clear that only by remaining a person, strong and strong-willed, honest and loving, can one withstand this battle together. And yet they survived, did not break, did not surrender their Motherland to the enemy. That's what they're talking about greatest works twentieth century.

To remain human even in war - Herculean task, which Russian soldiers performed with dignity. Therefore, this reckless sincerity and purity is considered the most important quality real Russian soul.

Having gone through war is a habit of violence. It is formed and clearly manifested during hostilities and continues to exist for a long time after their end, leaving an imprint on all aspects of life. IN extreme situations When a person is faced with death, he begins to look at himself completely differently and the world around us. Everything that filled his daily life suddenly becomes unimportant; a new, completely different meaning of his existence is revealed to the individual.

Many people develop such qualities as superstition and fatalism during war. If superstition does not manifest itself in all individuals, then fatalism is the main feature of the psychology of a military man. It consists of two opposite sensations. The first is the confidence that the person will not be killed anyway. The second is that sooner or later the bullet will find him. Both of these sensations form the soldier’s fatalism, which after the first battle is fixed in his psyche as a worldview. This fatalism and the superstitions associated with it become a defense against the stress that is every battle, dulling fear and unloading the psyche.

War, with its conditions of chronic danger of losing health or life every minute, with the conditions of not only impunity, but also encouraged destruction of other people, forms in a person new qualities necessary in wartime. Such qualities cannot be formed in peacetime, and in combat conditions are revealed to the maximum short term. In battle, it is impossible to hide your fear or show feigned courage. Courage either completely leaves the fighter, or manifests itself in its entirety. So are the highest manifestations human spirit V everyday life happen rarely, but during war they become a mass phenomenon.

In a combat situation, situations often arise that place too high demands on the human psyche, which can cause sudden pathological changes in the individual’s psyche. So, along with heroism, military brotherhood and mutual assistance in war, robberies, torture, cruelty towards prisoners are not uncommon, sexual violence to the population, robbery and looting on enemy land. To justify such actions, the formula “war will write off everything” is often used and responsibility for them in the minds of the individual is shifted from him to surrounding reality.

Strong influence features influence the human psyche front-line life: frost and heat, lack of sleep, malnutrition, lack of normal housing and comfort, constant overwork, lack of sanitary and hygienic conditions. Like combat operations themselves, extremely tangible inconveniences in life are extremely irritating great strength, forming the special psychology of a person who has gone through the war.

Nowadays, you can often hear about courage. Moreover, sometimes even representatives of the fair sex are endowed with this quality. Each of us will have our own opinion as to whether this is right or wrong. We invite you to find out what courage is and what a courageous man looks like now.

Courage - what is it?

It is generally accepted that a person with this quality of character is truly strong and strong-willed. Courage is one of the positive traits everyone, manifested in the readiness to come to the aid not only of themselves and their loved ones, but even to strangers. This noble quality of character can manifest itself in any area of ​​life:

  • in a team;
  • At work;
  • in public life;
  • at war.

What does courage look like? Each of us has our own understanding of what action can be considered masculine. However, most men and women tend to believe that a courageous act is manifested in courage and willingness to sacrifice one's own life for the good of other people. An example of such an act could be saving a person during a fire or some other natural disaster. While for some this act of bravery may seem like a normal human step, for others it is truly a respectable feat.

What is courage for?

Some people live well without it, but for others it has already become life principle. Such courageous people found everywhere:

  1. During a natural disaster. Sometimes you can observe when people are not very physically strong, but really brave people save those who are in trouble.
  2. At war. Even here one can distinguish between strong, brave people and cowards who are ready to betray a friend in difficult moment.
  3. In everyday life. Sometimes it happens that a person is in danger, but only a few can come to the rescue and help the victim. Such brave people can rightfully be called courageous.

What kind of courage is there?

The following types of courage are distinguished:

  1. Psychological– a person’s ability to see himself not as he really is, recognizing his strengths and weaknesses. Such a person’s courage allows him to outline a strategy for his development and life.
  2. Civil– the ability to protect oneself, as well as one’s own rights in society, at work, in a team. Such people are not afraid to appear different from everyone else and stand up for their own rights.
  3. Combat or instinctive– a person’s readiness to get into a fight. This is, first of all, a psychological ability. Such courage may be innate, but is often corrected during education. Here a lot depends on the parents and all those people who take part in.

How to become courageous?

It also happens that a person does not have such character qualities, but he has a desire to learn what courage is, becoming braver and bolder. You can develop such traits in yourself and become a truly strong and strong-willed person. To do this you need:

  1. Increase self-esteem. It is clear that a person who is insecure is unlikely to be able to protect someone and prove to others that he is a courageous person.
  2. Learn martial arts. This will be especially true for boys. So if a child with early years will grow up strong and be able to stand up for himself, then it will not be a problem for him to protect others.
  3. Learn to be caring about others and what is happening around you. Such people cannot be left behind if someone is in trouble.

Courage in our time

You can still meet a person who is truly ready to help someone in trouble. Courage is shown these days not only during military operations, but also in everyday life. A courageous person will not refuse anyone if they ask him for help. Moreover, sometimes such people help others without being asked, but simply seeing such a need.

Each of us can name a lot of examples of how someone who does not have a special physical strength a person saves a child during a fire or protects a victim on the street. In addition, courageous actions can very often be observed in war, when a person is able to prove that he is ready to protect another at the cost of his own life. Courage is the character quality of a person who overcomes difficulties in life every day for the benefit of his loved ones.

What is courage in Orthodoxy?

Orthodoxy speaks positively about such qualities as courage and nobility. By such qualities, religion understands sacrifice, a person’s ability to come to the rescue in difficult times. Moreover, these terms do not mean impudence or daring. So courageous can be called a person who is ready to sacrifice a lot for his family. When a person is ready to help those who are in trouble, he can also be called courageous and even a hero. By courage, Orthodoxy understands a benefactor, which consists in showing love for others.

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