Scenario of the reporting concert of the Department of Stringed Folk Instruments “The Charm of Melodious Strings. Leisure scenario "Journey to the country of Russian folk musical instruments

Department of Education of the Dobryansky Municipal District

Municipal educational institution of additional education for children

"Dobryansk children's art school"

Concert script« MUSICAL GLADE"

compiled by the teacher of the second qualification category Kayukova Galina Leonidovna

Dobryanka 2009

Quietly, quietly sit next to -

Music enters our house

In an amazing outfit

Multicolored, painted.

And suddenly the walls will move apart -

The whole earth is visible around:

The waves of the foamy river are splashing,

The forest and meadow are lightly dormant.

Steppe paths run into the distance,

Melting in a haze of blue ...

This music is rushing

And leads us along.

Hello our young friends! Today is an amazing day - the day of Music! You know that there is a holiday, Mom's Day - March 8, Dad's Day - February 23. And today, October 1, is Music Day. Hello Music! we say. Music is songs and dances. This world is amazingly kind and friendly. I would like you to make friends with music, and we will try to help you with this, and I invite you to look at our musical meadow, that's how we called our today's concert, see how many musicians came to you from the children's art school, both big and small. Big musicians are our teachers, and small ones are our students. “And this meadow is wonderful, there will be a lot of interesting things on it.”

I'm in a hurry to the meadow

Children, if you want

Hurry up after me.

Let's go along the path

Let's find a Russian song.

Russian folk song "Kalinka" Spanish Radosteva Dasha

“I am the mistress of all the fun,

Comfortable and light"

The balalaika tells us.

"I'm alone in the whole country

I can do it so well

Touch the Russian string.

Russian folk song "There was a birch in the field" Spanish Kursin Egor Now try to solve riddles about tools.

1. We are very surprised

And we greatly admire

When baby Phillipka

Plays us on ... (violin)

2. Pleasure for Vasya -

Play the double bass

And for Sanya and for Vanya

Knock on ... (drum)

And for Dashenka Vorontsova pleasure to perform on the piano.

Knipper "Polyushko - field"

Allow me to brag:

I am a famous singer.

Not a trumpet and not a flute

It's me cello.

Czech folk song "Rich Bridegroom" Spanish Shayakhmetova Tanya And now, guys, I want to test you if you know polite words. I will start and you will complete the sentences.
    Even an ice block will melt, from a warm word:
a/ please b/ hello c/ thank you
    The old stump turns green when it hears:
a/ rubbish, b/ good afternoon, c/ deer
    A polite and developed child says at a meeting:
a/ goodbye, b/ bye, c/ hello
    And in Russia and Denmark they say goodbye:
a/ hello b/ goodbye c/ how are you

Quietly the leaf rustles in the grass,

Quietly the brook murmurs

Mom wakes up quietly in the morning

The Italian will say "piano".

Maykapar "Prelude" Spanish Silantieva Alena Somewhere in a fairyland, snakes lived - were,Their musical names were:Dolly, reli, milli, fally, salt, lally, silli.They lived very well, they loved music.

Struve. "Music is always with you." Khromushin. "Ecological song". Spanish Vocal Ensemble "Zvonochki"

And more riddles

1. We all love to listen,

How Tamara sings with us,

And obedient in her hands
Six-string … (guitar)

2 . Performed at concerts

Our dear Tatyana
Like a star she played

A whole hour on.. (piano)

Czech folk song. "Annushka" Spanish Belyaeva Masha

I am your friend, I am your travel companion

On the road without me, nothing will work.

With me, friends, you are always interested.

Know who I am?

Well, of course… the song.

"Shor song". Spanish Busyreva Nastya And now, guys, we'll have a little rest. We do like me.

Clap your hands, stomp your feet!

Head to and fro!

And now stronger elbows

Let's work, friends!

Now stop

And all turn into cats!

(And turn into dogs)

Oh, how nice it turned out

The whole clearing revived!

And again, riddles.

    Immediately pulls on

To ditties and to the dance,

If fun Earring

Will play on ... (accordion)

    Sting on the keys Anton,

Sting on the buttons Ivan,

And the accordion sounded

And played ... (button accordion)

"Slovak polka". Spanish Egor Kursin

    Grandfather Egor is not old yet

He made a gift to his grandson.

And now we have Vanyutka

All day blowing on ... (pipe)

    Very fond of music

Two sisters, Natasha and Nina,

And so we bought

They are big ... (piano)

Zone. "Recttime". Spanish Matalasova Valentina Ivanovna and Katya Shcherbak

And from sadness, and from boredom

Can heal us all

Naughty melodies sounds:

Songs, dances, jokes, laughter.

Ensemble "Zadorinka" Spanish. Dance "Young Sailors"

It lifts our spirits

Music is always good

We look forward to meeting her.

We need music like air.

On this, dear guys, we say goodbye to you. Thank you for your attention, see you soon.


    Khrebtyugov A.A. Children's riddles about musical instruments. M; Children's Literature, 1988

folklore holiday"On the slope"

Goals: 1) Comprehension of the "wisdom of the people" through the creation

bright pictures of everyday life and holidays of youth of the late 19th - early

2) Raising a deep respect for the past, traditions and

customs of the Russian people.

3) Establishing close communication with the family.

Decoration: model of the house, wattle fence, mound.

Children in Russian folk costumes are sitting on a mound. (Folk song sounds)


Good afternoon, dear guests! Guests invited, but welcome!

People mature and young, married and single!

We have been waiting for you for a long time. We have a place for everyone, and a word, and various fun things we have in store for every taste.

God bless the one who is in our house-

Dear guests, yes to your kids.

The Lord would give you

And live and be and be healthy!

And according to the old Russian tradition, we bow to you at the waist ...

(slow bow)

A guest in the house is a joy to the owner.

What kind words did our distant ancestors say, right?

And now so often behind the events and the hustle and bustle of days

We do not remember our antiquity, we forget about it

The past is a special country! Everything is sweeter and clearer in it,

closer and dearer. And what a pity that the past goes further and further and much is forgotten. Now none of us knows the meaning of some words. What a pity that such beautiful words are forgotten: pattern, mother, high tower, mound, get-togethers ...

Fortunately, nothing goes unnoticed. Folk wisdom lives on and will always live among the people.

We are lucky - we are villagers and many traditions are preserved bit by bit and passed down from generation to generation.

Each village in the old days had its own customs of gatherings, holidays dedicated to the folk calendar - summer, autumn, winter and, of course, spring calendar holidays.

In spring, people felt their unity with the surrounding nature, they were convinced that with their good deeds, games, rituals they help the spring awakening of the Sun, the appearance of flowers and cereals, the arrival of birds ....

In Rus', it was believed that only those who can truly celebrate a holiday, have fun, can also work.

That is why, in ancient times, in every village, in every village there were gatherings where single girls and guys gathered.

They had one thing in common: they were going to myselfto show and see others, to exchange ditties, to compete in fun and amusements, to show off skill and skill.

And today, on our mound, we will try to show you fragments of village gatherings. You will see and hear what what they talked about, what they sang and what our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers dreamed about.

Is it visible to everyone?

Does everyone hear?

Is there enough space for everyone?

Then we begin our folklore holiday "On

mound"and welcome to our gatherings ...


(children turn to each other as if they are talking to guests)

Good day to you and bow,

Dear guests!

Gathered from all sides

All our relatives.

I look at your faces

Okay, I'm glad

Like I'm in a huge, friendly

And friendly family.

From all doors

From all gates

Come out soon

Hurry, people!

I open the gate

Come out, who cares!


Girls: Oh, and make a noise, come on, shh! (shows “quieter”) Come on, go home, otherwise mom will scold! (children run away)

Girls sit on a bench, gnaw seeds.

Enter 2 boys in Russian costumes.

They go, gnaw seeds, look at the girls.

1. Oh! Naro - Odu!

2. Wow! The people - at!

1. Where are you?

2. Where are you?

1. I am here.

2. And I'm here.

The boys sit on the bench.

1d. Oh, girls, what did I see yesterday!

All. What?

1d. I don't know if I should tell you?

2d. How do you not know?

3d. If you stuttered, so tell me, come on?

1d. Last night I was sitting at the window, the moon was shining brightly, it was good to see on the street, they were walking past the house of our Varenka and Seryozha. He takes out a handkerchief and puts it on her shoulders so carefully, carefully. And looks into her eyes.

4d. No, the wedding is coming soon.

. (speak enthusiastically)

1 day And my mother told me, What at ancient Russian weddings, a ceremony was performed, which is completely forgotten today. In the middle of the wedding

feast, the bride threw a pillow into the circle of unmarried girls. And the first one to sit on it was the next bride. The groom did the same. Well, that was fun...

(a couple passes, the boy puts a scarf on his shoulders and pulls a bag of seeds)

2d. Oh look, that's fun, you look how Senka stares at Tanka, fell in love or something? ...

1d. Are you envious?

2d. Well, do not envy, he is an enviable groom ..

3 days ( with irony) that's for sure ... enviable ...

(couple sit down)

SONG "SEEDS » (the girl sits down with other girls, waves to the boy and he leaves, the dialogue continues ...)

3d. Listen to what happened to me today. I'm coming to you here, suddenly a black cat crosses my path. What to do? It’s impossible not to go, you are waiting for me, but we’ll all quarrel to go ...

2d. Oh oh oh? What did you do?

3d. Well, I was not at a loss - I spat three times over my left shoulder ...

2 dev. Poor fluffy animal! Oh, and he took a sip of grief because of his color! And why exactly black, and not red, striped or some other cat became a symbol of a quarrel, trouble?

1 dev. My grandmother told me that it happened because our ancestors associated many troubles in their lives with the black color. Dark night…

dark forest... black failure of the cave - they were fraught with danger. Since then, it has become a tradition that the black color has become a symbol of evil, deceit, unkind thoughts. And the peasants threw out a harmless black cat from the hut during a thunderstorm - and suddenly it would attract lightning to itself.

2 dev. And if you bring such a cat on a horse, that’s it, consider the horse gone, and if a black cat sneezes, the owner of the toothache cannot escape.

Everyone: ha ha ha

2 dev. It’s funny to us now, but not so long ago people believed in all this nonsense.

3 dev. Here is what people said about superstitions.

1. Ants in the house - fortunately; horses neigh - for good.

2. Who accidentally sees the light in his house - expect happiness.

3 An owl near the house screams - to the newborn.

4. The hare runs through the village - to the fire.

1 dev. Yep, that's it...

5. If you step on someone else's footprint, your legs will hurt.

6. The black eye is dangerous. Be afraid of black and brown eyes.

7. Soap in the bosom saves from damage.

8. Do not play with a knife - there will be a quarrel.

9. Keys on the table - to a quarrel.

2 maidens. What are you all about sad! For a good mood, listen to these funny signs: “Ringing in one ear - to the fulfillment of desires.

Ringing in both ears - turn off the alarm and get up. ”,“ If all the cats crossing the road are black, then tires are burning nearby. ”,“ If you come across a woman with empty buckets, then the water has been turned off in the house.

(all laugh together)

1d. Oops, something got boring!

(boys exit)

1m. Why don't we play forfeits? ( children pull papers and grant wishes, those who are not involved - clap)

    You got a job:

Show us a kitten.

    In order not to get into trouble,

I had to keep my eyes open.

    Now close your eyes

Crow a couple of times.

4. Surprise with courtesy:

Shake hands with everyone around.


Put your ears on top of your head:

We will sing ditties for everyone.

Girl: They say ditties, like, are no longer in vogue these days?

Boy: Only, is it really a matter of fashion, if people love them?


    We collected ditties-jokes by the whole village

For everyone's joy and fun, let's sing them now.

I danced by the river, lost my heels.

I turned back - my heels are lying.

Don't look at me, don't break your eyes

I'm not from your village, you don't know me.

And in our yard frogs croaked,

And I was barefoot from the stove, I thought, girlfriends.

Ah, the harmonica-beep, he knows his business.

She plays well in Sasha's hands.

How can we not sing ditties, because we live in Ardoni!

We sang ditties to you - more than half an evening.

We will go, and you are sitting, because you have nothing to do (leave?)

(Boy exits.)

1. Fables in faces

They sit in tower-rooms.

2. Click nuts

Yes, they say ridicule.

All participants leave.

All : Folklore shifters .

1. The village drove past the coachman,

Suddenly a gate barks from under the gate.

2. Roofs flew, sat on a raven,

The horse urges the coachman with a whip.

3. “Whoa,” said the horse, and the driver neighed,

The horse went to visit, and the coachman stood.

4. The horse ate shangi, and the coachman oats,

The horse got into the sledge, and the coachman drove.

All: Folklore nursery rhymes .(DIALOGUE IN TWO)

1.-Fedul, what pouted his lips?

The caftan burned through.

You can sew.

Yes, there is no needle.

Is the hole big?

One gate remains.

2.-Foma, what are you missing from the forest?

Caught the bear.

So lead here.

Yes, he doesn't go.

So go yourself.

Yes, he won't let me.

3.- Foma, is it warm in your hut?

Warm. You can warm up in a fur coat on the stove.

4.-Son, go to the river for some water.

Belly hurts.

Son, go eat porridge.

Well, if your mother tells you, you have to go.

All: Folklore riddles .

1. Between two luminaries, I am alone in the upper room. (Nose.)

2. There are two stakes, a barrel on the stakes,

There is a bump on the barrel,

And on a hummock there is a dense forest. (Human.)

3. They don’t eat me alone, but without me they won’t eat much. (Salt.)

4. Two mothers have five sons.

One name for all. (Fingers).

5. And lumpy, and puffy, and soft, and brittle,

And all the sweeter. (Bread.)

6. A black dog, curled up, lies:

He does not bark, does not bite, but does not let him into the house. (Lock.)

All: Folk teasers.

1. Dunya-donut went out into the street.

She sat on a bump, ate a mosquito.

2. Lyoshka-cake, head with a basket,

Hat with a peg, legs with a log.

3. Kolya, Kolya, Nikolai, threw a fur coat on the barn,

The fur coat is spinning, Kolya is angry.

4.A Dunya - Grandmother-hedgehog, bone leg,

She fell off the stove, broke her leg,

And then he says: "My stomach hurts"

(a woman enters the stage with a child in her arms) Shh!... the baby is falling asleep..

Lead (behind the scenes ) Young married women who already had small children also came to the gatherings. The baby also does not know how to say “mother”, but he is already put to bed to a cozy lullaby.

A girl with a doll sings a lullaby .

Bye, bye, bye, bye!

Sleep, little one, sleep.

And then a gray top will grab you by the barrel.

Bye, bye, bye, bye

Sleep soon.

Host: (off-screen) The child wakes up, his arms and legs are numb - they used to wrap it tightly. Mom unfolds it and starts stroking and inviting ..

(The girl unfolds the doll, strokes and says).

Podgushnyushki, podrastunyushki,

And in the legs of a walker, and in the hands of a grabber,

And in the mouth of the talker, and in the head of the mind.

Host (behind the scenes) What nice, kind words, right? And the baby watches with his eyes: where are his legs, where is his mouth. In a kind way, as everything was ..., in our opinion ..., warmly ... sincerely ...

(noise and din .. a noise orchestra enters the stage ...)

Children: And now we will lull your baby to sleep ...


Woman: Oh, and you guys are noisy! Let's go ... (leaves, the children sit down)

Lead (behind the scenes ): Serious conversations were also held at the gatherings. They thought about a better life, remembered the past, wanted to know about the future.

May-June is one of the most important holidays - the Holy Trinity. Many folk customs and traditions are associated with the feast of the Holy Trinity. This holiday is associated with the cult of glorification of flowering vegetation, with the cult of water and earth. On Semik (Thursday), the girls put on their best clothes, wove wreaths from birch branches and flowers, and went to the forest to curl a birch. In our village, the Birch holiday is still held in high esteem. Probably because there are birch groves around the village and snow-white beauties grow near the school ...

She, a Russian beauty, has written a myriad of songs...


Where does the Motherland begin?
Probably from white birches,
From their kingdom through milky
And from plump childish dreams.

The holiday "Birch" unites everyone, both experienced and young

Girls come out with wreaths, approach the birch , surround her and praise her in turn.

1. Oh yes beauty!

2. Ay yes curly!

3. Ah yes slim!

Children: .Let's curl a birch ! Let's make a wish!

1. View-view ring on the father,

Another ring for my brother

Third ring for yourself.

2. I look at the ring for my sister,

Another ring for my brother

And the third ring for yourself,

To make all our wishes come true.

Participants driveround dance "Oh, you white birch!".

3. Birch-birch, curl, curly!

The girls came to you, they came to make wishes.

4. White birch, go for a walk with us, let's go play with us.

5. Girlfriends, let's go to the river, wreaths into the water

throw, guess at suitors.

All members leave...

Girl:And here is the end, the crown of the whole thing.

Leading : We have shown you only a part of that kind and

beautiful that our distant ancestors knew and loved.

Xwish you so that your souls are kind, so that they love

the land on which you live, take care of your love for your mother, father, brother, sister. If there is harmony among you, there will be treasure for all of you.

The house, our land, is rich in love and labor.

And with songs, games, happiness accumulates and fills.

The old is leaving, but it needs to be known and protected.

Russian antiquity is permeated with goodness, and this is very important in our days.

Take care of Russia...


(on losing)

We wish you more clear days

More light and warmth

Health, joy, success,

Peace, happiness and warmth.

All: Come back to us, we will We are happy to have guests!

Scenario of the anniversary reporting concert of the people's branch on 04/05/2013

The Mosaic Orchestra is on stage. Play without announcement:

Gladkov "Song of Friends"
Weber "Choir of Hunters"

Today there is no empty space in our hall -
We invited friends to the party.
They, seated neatly in a row,
They talk about the school of music.
The music is loud here
And everything burns with bright lights,
And this does not happen in a dream -
You are visiting a starry little country.

Vedas. Good evening, dear friends. We are glad to see all of you in this hall, in a hall with which everyone has different feelings: excitement, remembrance, maybe a childish fear. For example, I was very afraid to play on stage. Today we have a gala evening. This year the music school is celebrating its 55th anniversary. And on the eve of the holiday, each department of our school holds its own festive concert. The bayan and accordion class, as well as the piano class, was opened exactly 55 years ago, so the folk department has a rich history. The floor is given to the head of the people's department Kolegov Nikolai Illarionovich.

Kolegov: __________________________________________________________

Vedas . Today we decided to show everything that we already know. The concert will be attended by students of different classes - from beginners to high school students. Our concert openedorchestra of Russian folk instruments "Mosaic", conductor. Epova O.B., conc. Budnikov V.A.

The right to continue our concert is grantedWife Yankov and Kristina Kryuchkova.They are still first-graders, but the people are brave and have already taken part in the International Festival of Children's and Youth Performance "Musical Art Forum". Andantino

Another participant of the Festival Ivan Stepchenko . Kholminov, Song

When it comes to button accordions and balalaikas, very soon the conversation turns into discussions about folk songs. And where there is reasoning, there is practical work. Today we asked students from the Ryabina Russian Song Ensemble (headed by S.G. Puchkov) to join our concert. Singing accompanied by a button accordion is already a pleasant act in itself, and if the singers are in costumes and the lyrics are cheerful, then singing turns into a holiday. Now not the masters of the holiday will take the stage, but already quite professional singers -junior group of the ensemble "Ryabina".

"Lived once"

"Soldiers, brave boys"

Concertmaster L.N. Zuev

In different historical periods, different instruments owned the hearts of people. Since ancient times, classical instruments (piano, violin, wind instruments) have played a leading role in the aesthetic education of children and adults. But picking up a piano or an organ and going with performances at least from house to house, you see, is not an easy task. Therefore, in Europe, portable organs were invented - organols. Of these, bayans and accordions known to everyone later turned out. The guitar is quite another matter. This instrument is known no less than the piano, if not more. The history of the guitar is fascinating and quite interesting. Suffice it to say that in almost every European state the guitars had their own system, and in Russia they even invented their own type of guitar - a seven-string one. It's easier with a guitar - I picked it up and it's already possible to organize a concert. You can sing, or you can play. Moreover, just like singing, you can play anything on the guitar. Now you will hear the "Tango of the Grasshopper in Love". Will fulfill itKuznetsova Anastasia,student of the III International Competition "Musical Art Forum" in Novosibirsk, in 2012 she received a Diploma of the 1st degree.

Voronov Andrey Scholarship holder of the mayor of Usolye-Sibirskoe

"Santa Lucia"

Gordeeva Vlada Giuliani, Rondo for guitar and piano

Conc. Dobryshina M.A.

Ans. Mountain ash (st. group)"That's what a couple" conc. Ageev A.B.

"Usolsky ditties"

Where it came from, how and when domra appeared in Rus', still remains a mystery to researchers. At the moment, there are two most probable versions of the origin of domra. The first and most common version is about the eastern roots of Russian domra. Another version proceeds from the assumption that domra leads its pedigree from the Europeanlutes. From such instruments, domra took the body, neck, strings and the technique of playing - with a sliver, carved from improvised material - with a plectrum. Ease of manufacture allowed domra to become widespread in Rus'. Based on the knowledge and research accumulated to date, we can conclude that the domra was a typical Russian instrument that combined, like much in the culture and history of our state, both European and Asian features. Currently, this instrument is considered young and promising. More and more attention is paid to it at various levels. In 2012, the children's and youth ORNI "Talents of the Baikal region" was created. This year our school took part in this project and we hope we will continue to participate. plays for you Idrisov Timur , participant of the regional orni "Talents of the Baikal region"


Conc. O.I. Roschikhin

I recently read an interesting article on the Internet about the accordion. It turns out that an accordion is an instrument that has a special quality - when you press one button on the left keyboard, a ready-made chord of three sounds sounds. The author of the material expressed the idea that any instrument with similar functions should be considered an accordion, no matter the buttons or keys on its right side. Bayan, in fact, is also an accordion, because it also has ready-made chords. Maybe, from a technical point of view, this is true, but the names accordion and button accordion are closer to us. In Rus', the narrator was called Bayan (from the word bayat - to speak). Here Konyakhin Gleb and tell us about the hero of the civil war, army commander Nikolai Shchors. ("Song of Shchors").

The accordion orchestra immediately begins to sit down

The department employs 8 people, 6 of them are graduates of the school. Having received an education, they returned to their native walls and have been successfully working with children for many years. I want to ask the graduates - the most memorable moment during the training?

Boiling work every day,

But among the ebullient days

Suddenly a birthday comes

Wonderful holiday - anniversary!

Bayan Orchestrapresents to all those present "A curiosity from Düsseldorf"

At one time, the orchestra was my favorite subject. I still love collective music making. The repertoire of our orchestra included works by Dunaevsky, Khachaturian, Bizet. I want to ask the graduates - what play do you remember the most?

R.n.p. "Veysya, cabbage"

Over the years, I have been making my little observations and found out that accordionists are the easiest people to climb. They are ready to come forward the moment you speak to them. And they also love to experiment and present surprises. Just such a surprise was prepared for you by Leonid Nikolaevich Zuev and his graduate Kirill Chaliapin

A. Shalaev "Volga choruses"

And yet - the people's department is the most playing department. It was here that two wonderful teams were created - ORNI "Siberian Patterns" and the ensemble "Usolsky Souvenir". Ensemble of Russian Folk Instruments"Usolsky souvenir"

A. Piazzolla "Libertango"

E. Derbenko "Semyonovna"

We want to wish you good luck
Success in life, bright days,
So that you with a smile, not otherwise,
Celebrate every anniversary!
Strength, creative daring and luck,
Youth, light, beauty!
And let always - not only on your birthday -
Cherished dreams will come true.

1 Vedas 9 cl Polina Vika Musical intro

My homeland is rich in songs.
The song glorifies sweet lands.
Voiced, cheerful, sad at times

It flows like a free river through Russia.

My heart skips a beat when you speak.
You speak the truth about our fate.
We often sing about love, separation,
And about happiness, too, each about his own.
Russian villages and cities love songs.
It doesn't matter to us with such songs!
How many songs are sung, how many we will sing,
When we sit side by side on a holiday at the table!

Song Russian-Russian soul!
What a song you are, ours is good!
From birth to the last days
We are with you, the song is no more true friend!

The holiday begins with the song _Voronova Alina (Shadow-Shadow)

Ved Good afternoon! We are glad to see you at our holiday.

Vedas And we gathered here to listen to songs, sing, play and learn about the Russian song.

Vedas In the old days they said: "Whoever lives with a song, that grief is dumb."

“As one lives, so one sings” “Where there are songs, there is youth”

Vedas "The song is the soul of the people." From time immemorial the song is always

was next to a person in joy and in sorrow. From

from birth to death

Where did Russian come from, music?
Whether in an open field,
Or in a hazy forest.
Whether in joy, in pain,
Or bird whistle?
You tell me where
Sadness in you and prowess
How did you appear
From the very beginning,
Whose heart were you in?
Who did you sound like?

Ducks flew - dropped pipes,
Geese flew - dropped the harp,
Their spring spring
We found it, we weren't surprised...

Vedas: Well, what about the song?
Vedas With a song in Rus' were born.

Students open our program with a song _________________________________________________________

2 Leaders 10kl Olya Alina

Let's forget everything
and sing a Russian song.
Without fashionable rhythms and witticisms,
The one that people always sing.
from joy, or from longing,
or the heart is torn to pieces.
The soul will suddenly ask for melodies,
that still live among the people.
without brands, images and fashion,
from Russian essence, nature.

these songs live in Russia
and there is nothing better in the world.
When the evening happens
after labors, after roads,
friends over bread and wine
talk about everything;
drag the song together, together,
the spirit soars, the soul blossoms
and nothing else is needed
and life to the song is good.

Let's sing folk -
Let's take it from the heart.
Let now unfashionable;
Yes painfully good!

Vedas Folk song originated even before the appearance of writing in Rus'. The peasant cultivated the land, planted a garden, raised cattle and did not know at all that there were letters in the world, but everyone knew that there were songs in the world. And how could it be otherwise?

Vedas After all, things go faster with a song, and work is almost in full swing, and how else could a poor person have a rest, except for not singing a couple of songs on a mound in the evening. The whole life of a person in those days was connected with the song. What I see, I sing about. And what were the songs?

Vedas - Our people have many different songs. Epics tell about exploits in the name of happiness and well-being of the people and the state. Historical songs about famous people and memorable events of antiquity, ballads amaze the imagination with the details of the life drama.

Vedas Everyday songs differ from all of them. Their themes are the family, the fate of a person, feelings and thoughts inspired by everyday life. These songs are as varied as the work of people, their traditions and customs.

O beloved Russian songs,

Stored among the people for centuries,

Well, why are you so good?

And in sorrow you are with us and in joy,

You are with us from birth to old age

Sound in the depths of the soul!

About songs languidly tender,

Hidden in you gave boundless,

And the universal sadness cries ...

And like an in'okinya-old woman,

Hearing you, I want to repent

And my chest is full of light.

But remote, spaced,

Like the unrestrained wind free,

Such that immediately - and dance!

You Rus gave birth to fertile

And with its overwhelming strength

Filled you to the brim.

And how good are the songs of war!

Immeasurable love for Russia

It sounds to you like a formidable tocsin.

We are with a song of war to death in battle

Let's go, O Russia, for your life,

Without taking a step back

The Russian song is open spaces,

Which I will follow all my life.

This is Father Don near Rostov,

This is Mother Volga on the way.

The Russian song is a shepherd,

Dewy, joyful, early horn.

Just stand up for a minute, listen

Runs like a new engine.

The Russian song is not naked,

Not debauchery, not hysterical sadness,

It's a silent resolution

Sit next to me and look into my eyes.

She embraces everything with her heart,

She is twenty and a thousand years old.

Russian song, Russian land

I love you so much that there are no more words.

Vedas Labor songs. They accompanied almost every type of labor activity of the peasant - whether it was hunting, pulling nets or lifting weights. All these songs had their own rhythm, under which the work went amicably and controversially. And the most basic difference between a labor song is the presence of exclamations in it - interjections, such as "Hey!", "Wow!", "Ah!". The most famous labor folk song is Dubinushka.

3 Vedas 9 class Polina Vika

Vedas Whatever a person does, reaping bread, mowing hay, rafting timber or pulling a barge, a song helped him everywhere.

I am for the song of the soul
Took forests green whisper,
And the Volga in the midday heat
Dark jets listened to the roar.
I took from autumn - bad weather,
Spring has a fragrance
I took happiness from the people
And endless suffering

Vedas: In the Russian song - folk life,

The song ringing with the heart is sung,
Let a cheerful or sad motive
Grateful in the soul will respond!


Guess what song is in question, the answer is accepted in the performance of a few lines or words

1 A song that mentions the non-residential part of a village house, adjacent to its residential part and used for household needs. (Oh you, canopy, my canopy)
2. A song about national Russian winter footwear made from sheep's wool. (Felt boots)
3. The song of a windy girl who seduced a young man and was preoccupied with a huge sense of guilt. (Am I to blame)
4. A song that mentions a large Russian city on the left elevated bank of the Volga River. (Ah, Samara-town)
5. A song about a forest-forming tree species widespread in Russia with papery bark and thin, drooping branches. (There was a birch in the field)

6. A song about a pair of domestic long-necked birds of various colors, distinguished by a cheerful character. (Two cheerful geese)
7. The song, known for its affectionate appeal to a felled tree trunk, performed by Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin. (Dubinushka)
8. Song - an appeal to the state of atmospheric air, in which water freezes, and the thermometer drops below zero. (Oh, frost, frost)
9. A song in which a garden building is mentioned, where a Russian person can wash himself, being actively exposed to heat and steam. (Heated, drowned in the garden bath)
10. A song in which the noise of a swamp, fistulate, cranked plant is mentioned. (Noisy reeds)
11. A song about how on a plain overgrown with grassy vegetation in the complete absence of trees, a person engaged in transportation by horse-drawn transport freezes. (Steppe and steppe all around)
12. A song about small merchants who delivered various goods to the villages, which are necessary in peasant life. (Pedlars)

The tunes of our Russian songs...
They whisper the stars
They have a rustle of grass.
Spring hymn of heaven
The rumbles of oak forests roam in them ...

River reeds sing.
All that is given to them from above,
That life cannot crush
We continue to hear in songs.

The river rings, sings in the night,
Overflowing closer to the mouth.
Hear the melody of the breeze
With viscous, steppe sadness ...

Oh, Russian song, you are everything!
You are our eternal boundlessness!
And will not drown out the crows
Gentle and gentle tunes!

About Russian song.

4 Vedas 10 class Nastya Julia

Vedas The second group is love songs. Most often, boys and girls sang these songs before the wedding. They contain all the bitterness of unrequited love, the joy of a date, a terrible longing for a sweetheart, all the pain of the soul from the courtship of the unloved ... The girls sang these songs on the street or when they got together for embroidery.

Why are you touching my heart
An ancient song?
Does a high soul live in you,
Is it a reflection of unsteady silence?
Then you let the falcon over the cloud,
Spreading bitter smoke with your hands,
Then you go out a widow, lonely,
Give flowers to the young.

Vedas All folk songs about love. About love and native land, and therefore to the people who live on it, to relatives and dear ones.

The third group is family songs sung by married women. These songs reflected the difficult life of a married woman. Most often, such songs were sung in the evenings in the upper rooms at the spinning wheel or at other work.

Then you take the round dances into the field,

Then you burn yourself in the dance!

You are forever in tune with the Russian share,
My spring song!

Vedas The fourth group is soldiers' songs. All these songs are divided into military - historical and domestic. Military historical songs were most often sung in the first person and narrated about glorious battles, courage and resourcefulness. In everyday songs, a soldier-peasant described his difficult military life.

Vedas The fifth group is humorous or satirical folk songs. These songs include "Oh, you canopy, my canopy." These songs reflect the cheerful and resilient disposition of the Russian people, who are simply not used to being sad.

Vedas Since the song appeared a very long time ago, when there was actually separation, there was no story and song. Without haste, the singers solemnly told about the heroes and their exploits for the glory of the Russian land. And they called these songs-stories and epics.

5 Vedas 9 cells Polina Vika

Vedas And buffoons roamed the world - jacks of all trades: they sing, dance, and tell a fairy tale. The people still remember their comic songs about how “a mosquito married a fly” and about how “a lady-flea lived in a green forest”. That's what those songs are called - buffoons.
Well, in those rare times, funny dance songs sounded on holidays, but to the accordion, and with choruses!

How it will tighten, how it will fill
Our Orthodox people
After all, where does it come from
Straight to the heart and clings!
Sing about the pace of the night
Or about the white snows.
About the merchant's daughter
About silk meadows.
Sing about the blue sea
Ile about mother river
About the torment and grief,

About heartbreak.
And now we will sing, but not about melancholy, but about something fun.

Vedas In Rus', they always loved to sing in chorus, together. It turned out great in round dances, which were led by girls and boys. Not a single holiday, not a single gathering could do without round dances.

Vedas In one of the songs there are such words "What is the song without button accordion". What else? What's a song without...? /accordions, balalaikas/.

Something you have not heard for a long time,
Three twisted strings.
They say they're out of fashion
Songs of Russian antiquity.
Well, maple, give it a go,
Call all over
Balalaika, balalaika,
Golden bells.

You are not shy even today
You are the only one in the whole country
You are brilliantly able
Touch the Russian string.
With a remote folk heart
You are related forever
In the golden hands of craftsmen
You will never be silent!

6 Vedas 10 cells Olya Alina

Vedas There are so many types of folk songs that it is difficult to define what they are. Initially, folk songs showed how people understand the world, life. And since life consists of many phenomena and situations, folk songs reflect these phenomena.

One of the types of folk songs is songs about professions. They may be about
shepherds, shoemakers, chimney sweeps, tailors. They might be about miners and cowboys.

Vedas Another variety of folk songs - religious folk songs. The most remarkable of these songs - the spiritual - are imbued with high spirituality.

Vedas There are folk songs that sing of the seasons. There are wedding songs, lullabies, lamentations, war songs, soldiers' songs and many others. Folk songs can be absolutely about everything in a person's daily life.

Tenderness wakes up, I hold my breath

And I will wake up my heart with light sadness.

About the Russian song, about your suffering,

Table, free, earthly,

You were born in joy and sorrow.

The age-old truth settled here

And people's grief and depth of will.

Will fly up like a bird above the clouds.

Spilled with gold in ripe ears

And in the balalaika it will sound without words.

I love you people, live,

You value the Russian spirit in the song.

And giving the wisdom of the ancestors to the lines,

You will prolong the joy in your heart with beauty.

Vedas And, finally, ditties. But that's a completely different story...
The song was a part of the spiritual life of a person, a support in his hard work and worries. Even now the song makes us rejoice and grieve, love and be disappointed, live and die.
Vedas The song unites us, singing a song - blood relatives, close in soul. Only with a song do you understand that we are children of the same Motherland, that we have
one common house - Russia.

Vedas Rus' is powerful in song,
Wide and deep
And free and loud
And free, and call.
Oh yeah songs, what songs
Singing our people!
golden, remote,
Russian songs, live - Well done!

Vedas: So our holiday has come to an end, but the song does not end.

Merry and sad -
Whatever you want, we will sing;
Our relatives are Russian;
We live with them again.

Left us as a legacy;
Don't forget them;
The culture of our ancestors
Strengthen and develop...

Sing, listen, love the Russian song!

With a fragrant sprig of lilac
Spring comes to every home
We heartily congratulate you
Happy International Women's Day!
May the sun shine with joy today
Leaving a sheaf of great worries in the shadows,
And all the flowers in the world
Let them bloom today at your feet.

I congratulate the beautiful ladies
With the spring sun, birds singing
And with blue high, clear.
Let the decoration of your faces
A gentle smile will serve
The radiance of the gentle eye.
A trifle is my gift - just a postcard.
But, a sign that I think of you!

March 8 is Women's Day!
One of the days of the year
When you bring warmth to all smiles,
When flowers bloom in the soul!
And in this bright hour, as before again
Let it accompany you:
Hope, Faith and Love!

On this day, warmed in spring
All flowers, smiles to you!
So that you do not know sadness
Even a light sadness shadow
So that your eyes always shine
And not only on this day!

There are many poems about this holiday,
But to congratulate him, really, I will not get tired.
Let the voices of children, merging into a choir,
Congratulations, our mothers!
Health, happiness and great love
We wish all women today.
Ah, if the nightingales sang in March
Or lilac blossomed, as in warm May.

May women's day never end,
Let the streams sing in your honor,
Let the sun smile at you
And men give you flowers.
With the first drop, with the last blizzard,
Happy early spring
Congratulations, we sincerely wish you
Joy, happiness, health, love!

Accept musical congratulations on the holiday, the song Across the river bridge sounds for you. (Nastya and Alina)

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