Sizes from American to Russian children's clothing. Sizes of children's clothing on aliexpress. How to determine what child size you need

Most young mothers, having learned about the opportunity to purchase goods for their beloved child in distant China, began to study the shopping system on the most popular among users. trading platform Aliexpress. However, if you can still somehow figure it out, then the sizes of children's clothes on aliexpress will frighten any beginner. Not only are they generally incomprehensible to people accustomed to other designations, there are also standards for each age, which causes confusion and fear for the average housewife.

However, this does not apply to bars, small dinners or the like. Cleaning the nose at the table is considered artificial pas. It is better to go to the toilet for this. If you don't find them, please don't ask for "toilet", but more elegantly, according to "toilets". Otherwise, it's relatively unsplit in American restaurants. Americans often eat with only one hand. They cut the meat and then eat it with a fork. Anyone who still wants to stick to their German table can do so quietly, many Americans even find it especially lovely.

Figuring out a sizing system is not that difficult, and many sellers write all product measurements in centimeters to make it easier for the user to choose what they need. If there are no such descriptions, it will be enough to figure out once the written values ​​correspond to the real ones, and after that it will become much easier to make purchases.

10 to 15 percent may be happy because most people in the sector Catering live almost exclusively on their beer money. China fascinates travelers mainly because of its strangeness, but also because of its absolute opposites. But not only Chinese cuisine is a real challenge for Europeans at times, the forms of trade in the middle of the country are very different from those in Germany.

In tourist areas and international business, the Chinese are employed by the typical hand of Europeans who would like to be polite but always have to look for the typical Chinese. A man meets in front of a woman. . In business, it's a rule that greeting card transmitted directly to business card. It is passed with both hands while it is spoken given name. A business card is always pulled out of a chest pocket, never from a pocket or purse. If you receive a business card, it should always read directly, everything else is rude.

Clothes for the little ones

Choosing a new thing for her baby, a mother can see that the children's sizes on aliexpress for the smallest do not have any alphanumeric designations. They are focused only on the age of the child. An example of this can be seen in the screenshot:

That is, this particular product is suitable for a child under the age of 3 months, 4-6 months, 7-9 months and 10-12. This is how sizes for children are usually indicated. up to 2 years old. However, any sane person will certainly doubt the correctness of the choice of goods according to such indicators. After all, one child may be taller and generally larger than the other. Especially when compared with Chinese children. Therefore, it is not enough to know only the age of the baby, you need to have at least some idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhis height, weight and girth chest. To facilitate the purchase of clothes for the smallest, there is a special sign that will come in handy for every mother:

Punctuality is highly valued by the Chinese, so anyone who receives an invitation must also be displayed punctually, whether it be a business or private invitation. Shoes are pulled out at the door of the apartment, and a gift gift is always given. The higher the rank of the owner, the greater the gift can be. Basically, the Chinese are much more comfortable with kitsch than they are with functional gifts.

Gifts should not be wrapped in black or blue wrapping paper because that's for grief. White and yellow should also be avoided. Knives and sharp things cannot be given away like white cut flowers. Once the recipient is unwilling to accept it, it is a gift of the gift party to offer him a gift until he accepts. The gift is not opened until the guests leave.

From this plate it is easy to see that the size is 0-3 months suitable for a child with a height of 56 to 61 centimeters, a weight of 3.5 to 5.5 kilograms and a chest circumference of 40.5 to 43 centimeters. Therefore, when choosing a new thing, you do not need to look only at age. You need to compare it with the actual size. If your baby is 5 months old, but all measurements are more suitable for the category of 6-9 months, then the size should be taken exactly so that it does not turn out to be too small. Moreover, at this age, children grow very quickly, this must also be taken into account when ordering. By the time you receive your package (at least a month later), the clothes may no longer fit.

In a restaurant, the order is always given to the owner. How polite, it's a matter of waking up and tasting everything. If someone does not want to eat something separate, he must justify it, for example, with intolerance. The guest always starts with the food first. It is always mutual pots and no one fills himself with his own glass. If you don't want to eat or drink, the plate or glass is half full, otherwise more and more will be given. Hitting, burping, or speaking with a full mouth is not considered artificial pash in China, but is in keeping with the Chinese sense of well-being when eating.

Choice of clothes for children from 2 years

For children over 2 years old, sizes on aliexpress have a completely different designation. Here you can already see values ​​such as 2T, 3T, 4T and beyond, but only in numbers, without the letter T. An example of such a product can be seen in the screenshot:

It is important, however, to place chopsticks next to your own bowl and not use them to take something from a shared food plate. It is also a big taboo to clear your nose at the table. Very important: paying for alcohol consumption is atypical in China and can even be considered an insult.

Cold wide Russia has not only picturesque, but also cultural opportunities for travelers. In the business world, Russia was important in the past mainly due to its huge gas and oil reserves, as well as numerous other raw materials, and is now one of the major players in the business sector. But what should tourists and business travelers do during their trip to the land of vodka, matryoshka and Father Frost? What behavior is related to decency and politeness?

Such designations are even more difficult to understand for a person who is not used to working with them than just choosing a size according to the age of the child. Therefore, they should be considered in more detail. Oddly enough, but these sizes are also directly related to the age of the future owner of the clothes. Indicator 2T means that the product is intended for a two-year-old child, 3T - for a three-year-old, and so on. Age discrepancy begins only after 8 years, but there they already begin to write children's S in the size designation, and rarely anyone uses digital parameters.

This applies, however, only to men. The entrepreneur should give her hand so that the person pushes her, this is considered artificial pas. A handshake should never be given beyond the threshold of the door, because this, the old belief, must bring misfortune. Among old friends and acquaintances, hugs and even kisses on the mouth are not uncommon.

In the business sphere, however, this must be provided for. In general, Russians tend to seek greater intimacy and maintain a longer eye contact than Europeans are used to. Restaurant invitations are general, private invitations are rare and thus a great honour. Accordingly, such an invitation should never be omitted. As in China, shoes are also exported to Russia before entering an apartment or house. It is recommended to pack slippers. Guest gifts are also good in Russia.

As in the case of new clothes for the little ones, when buying clothes for children aged 2 years and older, it is also not enough to know only the age of the baby. You also need to focus on at least his height and weight. For this purpose, there is an aliexpress size table in Russian, designed to calculate the size of children's clothing in foreign online stores:

An odd number of colors is always appropriate. An even number is given only in mourning cases. You can also see yellow flowers, for the yellow color of jealousy. A counter-invitation should always be sent after an invitation. Also in Russia, a table in a restaurant is never chosen by itself, but appointed by the staff. It is not uncommon for people who are completely alien to be gathered together at the table. Who is invited to the restaurant, must bring the time. Not only the discussion of tables can take a long time, but also a long wait for food, respectively, the bill is normal in Russia.

From this plate you can find out that, for example, for a child with a height of 95 centimeters and a weight of about 14 kilograms, the most ideal clothing size will be 3T. From the age of 7, they already begin to use standard letter designations, i.e. S, M, L, XL. It must be remembered that these are children's sizes and you need to look at them according to the children's table, and not according to the tables for adults.

Outer clothing may not be accepted into the dining room, this is considered unattainable. It should always be transferred to the wardrobe. In Russia they serve a lot of vodka, also in the restaurant. Anyone who wishes to avoid this must apply a medical reason so as not to offend the owner.

If, on the other hand, you drink, then you need to persevere to the end, and this usually happens sooner among Europeans than among drinking Russians. Strict table manners, as in other countries, do not exist in Russia. Here, too, only the clearing of the nose at the table is reluctantly visible.

After treatment distant countries and their customs and customs a small knight for European countries followed by France and Great Britain. France is very popular as a holiday destination, especially among Germans. This is not least due to its picturesque landscapes, gourmet cuisine, sophisticated fashion and impressive architecture, as well as numerous cultural offerings in big cities such as Paris and Marseille. In this regard, France is considered particularly strict in terms of decency and politeness.

If the size is not according to the standard

All listed children's sizes on aliexpress are US standard. All baby clothing on this site is labeled according to United States-designed sizes. However, some Chinese do not display automatic size selection on the product window. Maybe they are too lazy to do this, or maybe they don’t understand the rules of page design, but it turns out that all the main indicators are written by them manually at the bottom, where most of the photos are located. For example, consider another product:

Especially when it comes to proper table manners, the French have very precise performances and guests from Germany are not uncommon. What are the rules that travelers should consider if they want to be uncomfortable in France? However, among strangers or in business, the handshake is more common. It shouldn't be too strong and the handshake is pretty unusual.

However, it is important to watch your eyes. A private invitation to return home is rare in France and therefore a traveler is very honored to part. Whoever is invited will bring a small gift. Flowers or sweets are common. Red and yellow flowers are not issued. It is customary to send flowers to the hostess to the courier in the morning of the invitation. Anyone who is invited to dinner should care more about gastronomy. General culinary specialties or good wine. Suitable and elegant dresses are also recommended, as the Frenchman usually attaches great importance appearance and expects from its guests.

The screenshot shows that the seller did not set the dimensions in the right place, but entered them directly on the photo. If you scroll down the page a little, you can find the same sizes in the product description:

The exaggerated punctuality of the Germans is rather ridiculed in France. Free guests have guests in France only in simple cafes, bars or pubs, in restaurants a waiter is sent to the square. France is considered the country with the strictest table manners. Joking, sipping or talking with a full mouth is absolutely frowned upon. In addition, even chicken legs are eaten with a knife and fork, like fruit for dessert. Oversized lettuce leaves are folded neatly, leaving a little decency on the plate.

If you are ordering a cheese platter, then the cheese slicer cuts two to three pieces of cheese, but not at the top. To soak the soup with bread or blow it into the soup to make it cool faster are also great artificial pas. The traditional trick, "How are you?" that many Germans learned in class in English, rarely required.

But what are these dimensions? After all, they differ both from the standards applied to clothes for the smallest, and from those that are used when marking clothes for children from 2 years old. There is nothing wrong with this either. This size indicates the growth of the child. That is, if on the page with a children's dress is indicated size 110, it means designed for a girl with a height of 110 centimeters. Usually such irresponsible sellers do not post other measurements. It is assumed that the child will be of normal build. If your baby is a little fuller, it is better to check all other measurements with the seller so that the clothes are not too tight.

No one wants to hear a long story about real well-being, so travelers should always stick to these phrases. In the UK, personal house invitations are also rare. Bringing a small gift is definitely a must. Flowers are less appreciated by the British, but they are more interested in wine, champagne or fine chocolates. Subsequently, he must thank the owner for the invitation.

Being late for a business dinner is considered rude, with a private invitation, on the other hand, a delay of a quarter of an hour counts. Britons find it unwise to put a spoon in your mouth when you consume soup with a tip in the front. It is better to place it on its side and let the soup flow into your mouth. With a fork, never a shovel, but always poured. This also applies to impractical foods such as peas. Council is more generous in the UK than elsewhere, at least 15% of the total.

In the absence of automatic selection of sizes (buttons at the top of the page with the product), it is necessary to write your wishes regarding them in the note when placing an order, otherwise you can get a randomly selected product. A good seller will not do this, he will first ask you about the size, but there are also irresponsible suppliers who do not care what to send, since the buyer did not specify the details. Knowing the basic rules for describing goods, you can easily understand how to choose a size for aliexpress.

The list of places we deliver to is in the store. Delivery will be made to a valid address in the country of residence specified by you. You must verify the shipping address on any order confirmation we provide and notify us of errors or omissions as soon as possible. The risk of loss or damage to and ownership of the products is with you after the products have been shipped to you.

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Attracts a large assortment of children's clothing and a low price for it. Unfortunately, many are repelled by the unusual sizes that sellers cite.

Indeed, the site presents things that are sold in stores for two to three times more expensive. The problem is the impossibility of trying on and slightly incomprehensible sizes for children on Aliexpress. In fact, everything is not so scary: dealing with unusual size tables is quite simple.

How to read the size correctly

You may come across two kinds of children's clothing sizes on Aliexpress.

1. Sizes for children under two years old are offered on Aliexpress according to age.

Here you need to be very careful, because children are all different, and you should not focus only on age. What to do? As a rule, good sellers who are really interested in attracting buyers have an additional table of children's sizes in the product description.

It already correlates in detail the characteristics of the age and height of the child for this product. big luck will find a seller who, in addition to correlating the height and age of the child, will indicate measurements of the main parameters of the thing (as in this case for a tracksuit, the length of the jacket, sleeves and trousers is indicated).

2. For children from two to fifteen years old, Aliexpress indicates US children's sizes. They are very unusual for us, and many mothers are confused. Represents such a size figure and latin letter"T": 2T, 3T, 4T, etc.

This simply indicates the age of the child, for example, 2T - 2 years, 3T - 3 years. As in the case of clothes for babies, good sellers put in the product description detailed table correlating the measurements of things to the age and height of the child.

Please note that in the US children's size on Aliexpress, the letter "T" is a reference to age, it occurs only up to 5 years, then it is necessary to rely only on the child's personal parameters, according to the seller's tables.

3. It may happen that you will not see any sizes at all - only a choice of color.

This means that you have opened an item that is being sold by lot. In this case, the dress is sold in a lot of 6 pieces.

  • If it was not possible to find information about the size in the reviews, you can contact the seller, indicating to him the height of the child. If the seller is interested in customers and a positive rating, he will quickly respond and advise the right size. Do not neglect this right. In addition, along the way, you can ask to send a photo of the thing live if you doubt its quality.
  • Often there you can find interesting information about the size and quality.
  • Please note that the average delivery time to Russia is from 1 to 2 months, so it is advisable to order an item one size larger so that it will surely fit the child.
  • There is a table by which you can specify children's sizes on Aliexpress in Russian.

This table is introductory, the size still needs to be checked with the seller.

Ordering on Aliexpress is easy. A wide range of products and do not leave parents indifferent. So that the thing does not go into the chest of drawers due to the fact that it did not fit the child in size, it is important to correctly determine child size on Aliexpress.