Steve Hanks watercolor paintings love. Sensual watercolors by Steve Hanks

Steve Hanks(Steve Hanks) is recognized as one of best artists- watercolorists of our time: he managed to achieve realism, detail and color reproduction unheard of for this complex technique. No one can use watercolors to so accurately convey the softness of a slightly worn tartan, the play of light on the lace of sand, or all the tenderness of a baby’s face.

Myself Hanks calls his own style " emotional realism" The faces of the characters in his works are often hidden in the shadows; sometimes he even paints people from the side or from the back, so that their faces are not visible. This is done not so much to allow the viewer to guess the character’s face, but to try to convey emotions through the figure, body, silhouette. Part of the "handwriting" Hanks- rear light. “Sunlight is one of my favorite objects. I am fascinated by the way the rays shine through objects, how the light floods the room and fills it with color. Actually, light is often the main thing in my paintings character, everything else - insofar as.”

Was born Steve Hanks in 1949 in San Diego, in a military family. His father is a World War II veteran, a naval pilot who has earned many decorations. Hanks grew up on the southern California coast, playing tennis and surfing. “The ocean has greatly influenced my life. To the human soul“It is very necessary to be in the water: to swim, to sail, to come into contact with the mystical power of the ocean in any way.”

When Steve finished school, the family moved to New Mexico. There he decided to study applied arts. However, at the Academy of Arts he discovered that he was attracted by the difficult task of depicting human body. He eventually graduated from the California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland. And the sixties were raging around...

Judging by the works, chaotic times and revaluation of values ​​by the entire society also influenced young artist. He took a job as a caretaker at a girls' holiday camp near the town of Cuba, New Mexico. They paid mere pennies, but they provided free housing, and all winter Steve was left to his own devices. At first he either drew with a pencil or painted in oils. Oil paintings were produced in the style of impressionism, pencil drawings- pure realism. But then an allergic reaction to oil paints, And Hanks I had to try working with watercolors. The experiment was a success - using the techniques that he learned while working with oil paints and pencil, the artist created watercolors no less perfect than oil paintings. His first work was the romantic painting “Daisies and Lace” - it depicts a lace dress in a calm sunlight.

Having married and become the father of three children, the artist discovered a new source of inspiration. During these years, many domestic scenes were added to his paintings, painted with great love and tenderness.

Critics, galleries, collectors - everyone has long recognized the achievements Steve Hanks. He has been awarded National Society Watercolors, gold medal of the National Academy Western Art, and U.S. Magazine Art Magazine consistently lists him as one of America's 10 Best Artists.

Art is born from an inner sense of direction. It all starts with re-evaluating your life, looking for the source that gives rise to this mystery. I consider myself an “emotional realist.” Emotions are what I portray. Realism is how I do it.

One Step At A Time

A World For the Children

The Beauty of the Hot Tub

Beyond the Path

All in a Row

In Mid Stream

Original message by ilya-m1972

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Most often they talk about his artistic abilities, but in his youth, Steve Hanks's main hobby was sports. Although, his interest in art grew as Steve grew older. He studied for a year at the San Francisco Academy of Art and later received a B.A. fine arts at the California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland during the explosive sixties.

Steve painted his first works in the genre of caricature in pencil and oil, until an allergy to oil paints forced him to experiment with watercolors. By adapting techniques, Hanks learned to create watercolors as complete and realistic as if they were painted in oil.

By 1973, the artist's work began to receive recognition. Steve Hanks has won the Arts Award twice for the Parks Marine Art Award of Excellence, and has been included in the Top 100 of the Association of Photographers and Artists “Arts for the Parks” since 1989. Steve Hanks is one of the most recognizable American artists the end of the 20th century. He has received the National Watercolor Society Merit Award, the National Academy of Western Art Gold Medal, and was named Artist of the Year in Pacific region at an exhibition in Seattle in 1999 (Pacific Rim Show). Since 1993, Steve Hanks has been included in the Top 10 American artists according to U.S. Art magazine. Steve was one of five Americans inducted into the U.S. Art Hall of Fame in 2000.

Steve Hanks was born in 1949 in California and lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Painting technique – watercolor. His works can be seen live in the galleries of E.S. Lawrence Gallery (in Aspen) and Trailside Galleries (in Jackson Hole and Scottsdale). An album of digital reproductions of his paintings is consistently included in the Top 10 most popular albums in the largest art gallery on the RuNet,

Steve Hanks was born in San Diego (California, USA) in 1949. WITH early childhood he spent a lot of time on the ocean coast, he later admitted: “The ocean made a strong and lasting impression on me. It was good for the soul to be out in the water-surfing, swimming, or simply getting in touch with its mysterious power ".

When the boy was already going to school, the family moved to New Mexico. After school, Steve enters Art Academy in San Francisco, graduating with honors. In 1976, he began working as a designer at Campfire Girl’s camp (New Mexico). For several years Hanks has been experimenting with different techniques: writes in oils and watercolor paints, draws in pencil, works with acrylic paints. Gradually he developed his own style, which the artist calls “emotional realism.” Most often he paints people, and these are not just portraits, but complexly constructed compositions in which details play big role.

Speaking, for example, about lighting, Hanks emphasizes: “Sunlight has become one of my favorite subjects. I'm fascinated by how it filters through things, how it floods a whole room with color. Often my paintings are really more about sunlight than anything else".

Hanks is consistently ranked among the top ten American artists (according to U.S. Art Magazine polls). "I’ve tried to be responsible and put positive images out into the world. “I hope that my work brings comfort, pleasure and insight into people’s lives,” these words probably contain the most accurate description of his work. Many critics recognize Steve Hanks as one of the best modern watercolorists.

God lives in the hands of the artist!
The pictures are painted in such a way that you want to stay in them...!
Talent and subtlety of soul can create something like this!

It's not even about the photographic effect, but about its subjects. Here his style - detailed, precise, natural - is irreplaceable. A miracle in general. He's so grandiose! Water - ozone - a world full of discoveries - or open world. Well, a miracle, a miracle... I drew holiness!

One of the most famous American artists working in watercolor technique. Born into a military family in San Diego in 1949. childhood His main hobby was sports, he played tennis and surfed. Growing up on the beaches of Southern California, the boy fell in love with the ocean. "The ocean made a strong and lasting impression on me. It was so good for the soul to swim, surf, or just be in touch with the mysterious power of the ocean." Interest in art grew as Steve grew older.

He studied for a year at the San Francisco Academy of Art and later received a BFA from the California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland. Steve painted his first works in the genre of caricature in pencil and oil, until an allergy to oil paints forced him to experiment with watercolors.

By adapting techniques, Hanks learned to create watercolors as complete and realistic as if they were painted in oil. By 1973, the artist's work began to receive recognition.

He spent his entire childhood on the California coast. After his family moved to New Mexico, far from the ocean and friends, he found himself in painting. Later he graduated from the California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland. Steve has won numerous awards and honors. For example, in the USA between 1994 and 1996 he was considered the best artist. More than 170 paintings are included in his book, which received recognition even among critics. The artist currently resides in Albuquerque, New Mexico with his wife and three children.

All of his works are incredibly realistic. So realistic that many might think there was some Photoshop involved. And yet, the master creates all the works with a brush and paints. "Art comes from a deep inner sense of direction. It begins with rethinking one's own life, from searching for the source of her impulses and trying to unravel her secrets. I consider myself an emotional realist. Emotions are what I want to portray. Realism is just my way of doing it." His favorite subjects are women. He says, "Women occupy a separate niche in my sensibility. They express more feelings. There is a lot of magic in them. “Their portraits reflect intensity and innocence. Whether they're staring out the window or leaning on the sofa."

His works are incredibly realistic. The first impression from the paintings is that these are not paintings at all, but photographs. But still, the master creates all the works with brushes and paints. The details, colors, light and realism of his paintings amaze both ordinary viewers and famous artists. Today, Steve Hanks is recognized as one of the best watercolor artists in the world.

"Art comes from a deep inner sense of direction. It begins with rethinking one's own life, searching for the source of its impulses and trying to unravel its mysteries. I consider myself an emotional realist. Emotions are what I want to portray. Realism is just my way of doing it." do". This is what Steve Hanks says about himself. His favorite topics are women. "Women occupy a separate niche in my sensitivity. They express large number feelings. There is a lot of magic in them." Women's portraits always rich and innocent. The figures are turned half-turned to us or with their backs, it is in this way that emotions are expressed and the way is opened to the viewer’s imagination. Most often he paints children and women, and these are not just portraits, but complex compositions in which details play a big role.

Another element of Steve’s style, perhaps the main and recognizable one, is sunlight, sunbeams, sun glare penetrating all his canvases. filling his paintings. “Sunlight is one of my favorite subjects. I am fascinated by the way it filters through things, how it floods the entire room with light. Often my paintings are really more about sunlight than anything else,” the artist himself says about his paintings .

Soft patterned blankets of light, a thin veil of surf on the sand, lacy reflections of the sun on a child's face - Steve Hanks captures these seconds of life better than anyone else. His marriage to Laura and the birth of three children became a new source of inspiration for the artist. Everyday scenes are described tenderly and lovingly. Each picture is like big story, it shows not only the captured moment of life, but also what happened before and what will happen after. This is especially evident in canvases with portraits of children or family scenes by the sea.

Steve Hanks was born in San Diego (California, USA) in 1949. From early childhood he spent a lot of time on the ocean coast; he later admitted: “The ocean made a strong and lasting impression on me. It was good for the soul to be out in the water-surfing, swimming, or simply getting in touch with its mysterious power."

When the boy was already going to school, the family moved to New Mexico. After school, Steve enters the Art Academy in San Francisco, from which he graduates with honors. In 1976, he began working as a designer at Campfire Girl’s camp (New Mexico). For several years, Hanks has been experimenting with different techniques: painting in oils and watercolors, drawing in pencil, working with acrylic paints. Gradually he developed his own style, which the artist calls “emotional realism.” Most often he paints people, and these are not just portraits, but complex compositions in which details play a big role.

Speaking, for example, about lighting, Hanks emphasizes: “Sunlight has become one of my favorite subjects. I'm fascinated by how it filters through things, how it floods a whole room with color. Often my paintings are really more about sunlight than anything else".

Hanks is consistently ranked among the top ten American artists (according to U.S. Art Magazine polls). “I’ve tried to be responsible and put positive images out into the world. I hope that my work brings comfort, pleasure and insight into people’s lives,” these words probably contain the most accurate description of his work. Many critics recognize Steve Hanks as one of the best contemporary watercolorists.

Steve Hanks is an amazing artist and is recognized as the best contemporary watercolor artist in the world. One can only speak in superlatives about the work of Steve Hanks, the degree of his art and talent is so high. The artist managed to achieve something unheard of watercolor technique realism, detail and color reproduction.

Steve Hanks was born in San Diego in 1949. After graduating from school, he entered the Art Academy in San Francisco, studied for a year, and worked as a graphic designer. Later he graduated from the California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland.

Steve Hanks experimented with different types colors, with various techniques(watercolor and acrylic paints, pencils, oil). But the artist became allergic to paints and began painting in watercolors. Steve Hanks created watercolors that are as perfect as oil paintings, achieving incredible skill and realism. He created his own unique style, which Hanks himself calls “emotional realism.” “Emotion is what I want to portray. Realism is just my way of doing it.”- Steve Hanks.

All of Steve Hanks's work is permeated with sunlight. He brilliantly conveys light, shades, shadows. His watercolors are rich in color.

“Sunlight is one of my favorite objects. I am fascinated by the way the rays shine through objects, how the light floods the room and fills it with color. In fact, often in my paintings light is the main character..." - Steve Hanks.

Steve Hanks has been awarded numerous awards, prizes and titles for his work, including awards from the National Watercolor Society, a gold medal from the National Academy of Western Art, and U.S. magazine. Art Magazine consistently lists him as one of America's 10 Best Artists. Steve Hanks was one of five Americans inducted into the U.S. Art Hall of Fame in 2000.

The artist currently resides in Albuquerque, New Mexico with his wife and three children.

Steve Hanks's paintings depict children and women with particular tenderness and sensuality.