Crimean lavender beneficial properties. Lavender - medicinal properties and contraindications

Lavender, sung by Sofia Rotaru in the hit song of the same name, was brought to Russia from the Mediterranean at the beginning of the 19th century.

Initially, it was grown only as an ornamental plant only in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, but quickly spread across the southern latitudes.

Botanical reference books describe 30 species of this fragrant subshrub.

Chemical composition and therapeutic properties of the herb

The main pharmacological value of lavender lies in the essential oil, which is contained in the above-ground part of the plant in high (up to 1.2%) concentration.

Lavender essential oil is characterized by an increased content of linalaol, a substance from the terpenoid group.

Specifically, the plant owes its characteristic aroma to this substance.

Linalaol esters have long been used in the manufacture of household chemicals and perfumes.

The main health benefit of linalaol is its sedative effect on the body - which is why inhaling the aroma of lavender is so relaxing and calming.

Other active compounds present in the leaves, stems and flowers of the plant include:

  • coumarins are substances from the group of lactones that have antispasmodic and anticoagulant effects;
  • ursolic acid, which prevents early muscle atrophy;
  • tannins that neutralize harmful free radicals.

In addition to its calming properties, lavender is characterized by other therapeutic properties:

  • antispasmodic,
  • antiseptic,
  • anti-inflammatory.

The oil is included in external preparations for the treatment of skin pathologies:

  • eczema (read about treatment on hands),
  • rosacea,
  • dermatitis, etc.

Compresses and turundas

To relieve swelling in fractures and sprains use hot and cold lotions of lavender oil. 10-15 drops are stirred in 100 g of cold water, to which a couple of ice cubes are added.

The mixture is applied generously onto a cotton or gauze swab, which is applied to the site of swelling and covered with cellophane.

The maximum duration of the compress is 20 minutes.

The hot lotion is prepared in the same way, only instead of cold, you use warm (up to 50°C) water.

The best effect is observed when alternating cold and hot lotions.

Relieve the symptoms of otitis media Turundas (narrow gauze swabs) soaked in a mixture of lavender oil and vegetable oil, in a concentration of 2 drops per 1 tablespoon, will help stop the inflammatory process in the ear.

Magic syrup

Lavender syrup is a proven natural remedy for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and bronchopulmonary infections.

It is prepared simply:

  • 200 g of freshly picked flowers are poured into 0.5 liters. boiling water,
  • Place in a warm place and leave for 24 hours.
    Afterwards, the infusion is strained until the composition is homogeneous.
  • Then they pour 200 g of fresh flowers and leave again for 24 hours.
    The new infusion also needs to be filtered and 500 g of any flower (not settled!) honey added to it.
    The mixture is boiled in a water bath to the consistency of a thick, homogeneous syrup, similar to how licorice syrup is made (), stirring regularly.

In the absence of honey, it is replaced with the same amount of sugar, but the medicinal properties of such a product will be slightly lower.

For medicinal purposes syrup Take half an hour before meals, three times a day. A contraindication to taking the product is an allergy to bee products.

Lavender tea helps with abdominal pain. This natural antispasmodic is easy to prepare:

  • 1 tbsp. pharmaceutical raw materials are poured with a glass of boiling water and left for a quarter of an hour.

Taking it four times a day helps even with severe abdominal pain.

In folk cosmetology

Long before Head and Shoulders appeared, our grandmothers successfully fought dandruff and hair loss with the help of lavender essential oil.

A few drops of it are rubbed into the scalp, 1-2 hours before washing, with light, massage movements.

It wouldn't hurt to add it to shampoos either. 15-20 drops per bottle will help eliminate hair fragility, make it manageable and shiny.

Lavender oil has long been used as a folk method for treating acne:

  • the substances it contains eliminate hypersecretion of the sebaceous glands,
  • prevent the appearance of new blackheads.

Those with dry skin will also appreciate the effect of lavender essential oil:

  • care products based on it delicately eliminate flaking and eliminate redness and swelling.

Contraindications and harm

Substances present in lavender oil, in a certain concentration, can have an oxytocic effect, i.e. cause contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus.

Therefore, take lavender essential oil and medications containing it as a component internally. absolutely not recommended during pregnancy, because this may cause a miscarriage.

You should not use this remedy in the first days. after termination of pregnancy to avoid uterine bleeding.

An overdose of linalaol can cause dysfunction of the nervous system and even lead to depression.

Also, an excess of lavender essential oil can provoke irritation of the gastrointestinal mucous membranes.

Medicines containing lavender oil may have contraindications in the form of individual intolerance.

Also, their therapeutic effect is reduced when taking iodine and iron-containing drugs simultaneously. For effective treatment with lavender, medical supervision is required.

Features of the workpiece

Lavender is harvested during the flowering period, which occurs from June to July.

Collecting medicinal raw materials begins 7-10 days after the first inflorescences appear.

It is believed that if you harvest lavender during the waxing moon, it will enhance its medicinal properties.

Herbalists advise starting collection after sunrise, when the dew on the leaves and petals has already dried.

The raw materials are dried laid out on paper in a darkened room with good ventilation, for example, in the attic, or tied in bundles and hung from the ceiling.

Regardless of the drying method chosen, direct exposure to the sun should be avoided. The recommended temperature for drying lavender is 25-27 °C.

Watch the video about the healing properties of lavender in aromatherapy.

In ancient Rome, the flowers of the perennial shrub plant lavender were used as a natural bath fragrance. Since time immemorial, the inhabitants of Greece have known about it. They fumigated their home with dried bunches of the plant, saturating the room with a floral fragrance. Lavender grows in the Canaries and India, as well as in the Mediterranean countries.

This plant has many advantages. In addition to its elegant beauty and delicate aroma, it has long been used as a remedy. lavender is manifested due to the presence in its composition of an essential oil rich in tannins, linalool with its coumarins, triterpene compounds and acids. The stems and leaves of the plant contain theraniol and borneol.

Essential oil made from lavender is an excellent medicine. It is used in perfumery and cosmetology, as well as in many other industries.

The beneficial properties of lavender make it possible to use its oil for bruises and bruises, as well as burns. The stems of the plant are used as a fragrance for bathing. Lavender contains an ingredient called honey. It also serves as an excellent medicine.

To eliminate these ailments, lavender decoction is used. A healing potion from fifty grams of plant material is prepared by adding boiling water to it. After this, the mixture is brought to a boil, kept in a water bath for ten minutes, filtered and added to the bath. The procedure should last twenty minutes. After passing it, you should go to bed.

Lavender oil in the amount of two drops can be mixed with a teaspoon of honey. This drug is great for coughing and relieves inflammation in the bronchi. It is useful for accelerating the healing process of wounds and for head lice. This medicinal plant is used to heal ulcers on the legs and arms. Lavender is often used as an additional remedy to eliminate the consequences of bites from blood-sucking insects, as well as snakes and animals. The plant is recommended for hair loss and acne.

Lavender, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which have been known to healers for many centuries, is not recommended for women while they are expecting a child. This plant in large quantities stimulates the number of uterine contractions, which can cause miscarriage.

Did you know that lavender is not only a moth repellent and an essential oil. Lavender tea, lavender decoctions, lavender honey, lavender milk - this is not the whole point of using lavender as a beneficial plant. Let's take a closer look. Lavender is an evergreen plant. Lavender flowers are collected in 6-10 flower rings, forming spike-shaped inflorescences of blue or purple color, less often white or pink. Lilac lavender inflorescences have the greatest healing effect. Lavender flowers are harvested for medicinal purposes, and very rarely the herb. The inflorescences are cut 1-2 weeks after the start of flowering, tied into sheaves, quickly dried and threshed, separating the flowers from the stem. The smell of fresh and dried plants is specific, pungent, pleasant, spicy-bitter.

Uses of lavender

For a long time, the use of lavender has been justified as an anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant and normalizing agent for the nervous system. Also in folk medicine, the diuretic and choleretic effect of lavender, which is part of anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and tonic preparations, is widely used.

  1. External uses of lavender: compresses with lavender essential oil, infusion or decoction of lavender flowers; bath with lavender, lavender essential oil or lavender aromatic water.
  2. Internal use of lavender: decoction of lavender flowers, tincture of lavender flowers, lavender essential oil.
The beneficial properties of lavender have been noted for a long time. Compresses and a lavender bath stimulate wound healing without leaving rough scars on the skin. If you take daily healthy lavender baths for urolithiasis and pyelonephritis, recovery occurs faster. The use of lavender is justified for a runny nose, migraine, insomnia - it is recommended to rub lavender oil with alcohol 1:1 into the skin of the temporal region and into the area of ​​the wings of the nose. Aromatic pillows with lavender flowers are used for restless sleep.
Interesting fact about lavender
Avicenna said it best about lavender: “It is a whip for the heart and a broom for the brain.” Hippocrates pointed out that “lavender warms the brain, tired from years of living.” The famous English physician John Parkinson described this plant as “a wonderful remedy for all diseases of the head and brain.”

Ways to use lavender

The beneficial properties of lavender are revealed in various variations of its use: from decoctions and teas made from lavender flowers to compresses and baths with lavender oil. I would like to note that adding lavender to dishes gives them a light aroma. And drinks made from lavender are very tasty and have healing effects.

Lavender tea
Lavender combines the calming effects of valerian with the anti-inflammatory effects of sage. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, lavender tea successfully treats colds and is an excellent preventive measure. Given its very mild effect on the body, lavender is recommended for treating children. Indications for the use of lavender: colds, sore throat, pain in the stomach and intestines. Lavender has the ability to normalize stomach acidity, it increases appetite, helps with hypertension, and promotes the outflow of bile.
How to make lavender tea:
Pour 1 teaspoon of lavender flowers into 200 g of boiling water, leave for 5 minutes, strain. Take 50 g of tea 3 times a day and at night before bed. Can be added to other teas.

Decoction of lavender flowers

The use of lavender in the form of a decoction helps lower cranial pressure, restores cerebral circulation, and improves memory. Lavender decoction is recommended for migraines, neurasthenia, neuralgic pain and as a sleeping pill for insomnia.
How to prepare a lavender decoction:
Pour 1 tablespoon of dried lavender flowers into 400 ml of boiling water in a tightly closed container for 10-15 minutes so that the essential oil does not evaporate. You can add honey to taste when the drink has cooled a little.

Lavender tincture
Lavender tincture can be used both internally and externally, since lavender tincture with alcohol is a good antiseptic.
How to prepare lavender tincture:
Pour 5 tablespoons of flowers with 1/2 liter of alcohol (vodka) for two weeks. Store in a bottle in a dark place, shaking twice daily. Strain before use. Take 20-30 drops of lavender tincture with 100 ml of water 2-3 times a day.

Lavender with milk

The benefits of hot lavender milk, especially with honey, are invaluable. Lavender milk is an excellent remedy for colds. It is also useful to drink lavender with milk at night to ensure a calm and peaceful sleep.
How to make lavender milk:
Lavender milk can be prepared in many different ways. For example, just heat milk overnight (almost to a boil) and throw a sliver of lavender into it. Or you can brew strong lavender separately and add it to milk (50 to 50).

Lavender honey for nervous disorders

Lavender honey not only calms the nervous system, but is also useful for colds, diseases of the digestive tract, and joint pain. If you can’t buy natural lavender honey, you can prepare a lavender tincture with honey.
How to make lavender honey:
Fill a glass jar with lavender flowers, pour honey over them, leave in a dark, cool place for 6 months, stirring the contents occasionally. To make lavender honey, it is better to use honey from a new harvest. Take 1 tablespoon of this lavender honey three times a day before meals.

Lavender lemonade
At 1.5 tbsp. spoons of lavender flowers (can be dried) - 7 cups boiling water, 0.5 cup sugar, 0.5 cup lemon juice = 3 lemons.
How to make lavender lemonade:
Pour four cups of boiling water over lavender flowers (if you use fresh flowers, the taste of lavender lemonade will be more delicate), cover, and leave for 10 minutes. Dissolve sugar in three glasses of boiling water. Squeeze juice from lemons. Strain the lavender water from the flowers, mix with sugar syrup and lemon juice. Serve lavender lemonade cold with ice and lemon.

Lavender sugar
In addition to drinks, seasonings are made from lavender, lavender flowers are added to food, and pies and cookies are baked with lavender flowers. Lavender sugar has an unusual taste. It will add a pleasant, delicate flair to tea, and if you add it to baking dough, it will turn out aromatic and have a magical effect. For example, lavender cookies are an excellent remedy for insomnia.
How to make lavender sugar:
To make sugar, place 5 flowering lavender stems in 300g granulated sugar and let sit for a week.

Lavender is also used as an effective insecticidal agent, mainly in the fight against moths. Bags and boxes of dried lavender, as well as lavender essential oil and scented lavender water, prevent moths and fill the air with a graceful aroma.
Interesting fact about lavender
In Ancient Greece, dried and ignited bunches of lavender were used to fumigate a home to give it a floral fragrance. And in the East, in enterprises with scrupulous and delicate work, especially where there are many women, lavender is periodically scattered to relieve nervous tension.

Lavender essential oil

Extracted from the flowers of a fragrant plant, lavender essential oil is distinguished by its versatility, strong antiseptic and bactericidal effects, antidepressant and analgesic properties. The delicate scent of lavender has an amazing calming effect and helps cope with nervous and psychological disorders. The use of lavender essential oil eliminates overexcitation, insomnia, tearfulness, hysterical reactions, and depression. Lavender oil normalizes heart rhythm in case of arrhythmia and tachycardia, and normalizes blood pressure in case of hypertension. In cosmetology, lavender oil is used for inflammation, redness and peeling, and is suitable for caring for any skin type. Baths using lavender essential oil are useful for skin diseases. Lavender essential oil is used to treat purulent wounds. Lavender is good for your feet - add a few drops of lavender oil to your foot bath and you will feel light.

Uses of lavender oil

  • Aroma lamp: 5-7 drops of lavender oil.
  • Hot inhalations: 3 drops of lavender malsa, procedure duration 3-6 minutes.
  • Cold inhalations: drops of lavender oil, duration 5-7 minutes.
  • Baths: 4-7 drops of lavender oil.
  • Massage: 5 drops of lavender oil per 10 g of transport oil.
  • Warm compresses on the painful area: 5-7 drops of lavender oil.
  • Enrichment of creams, tonics, shampoos, rinses: 7 drops of lavender oil per 5 g of base.
  • Aroma medallions: 2-3 drops of lavender oil.
  • Internal use: 1-2 drops of lavender oil with diluent 2 times a day.

Lavender works instantly. To relieve emotional stress, place a drop of lavender essential oil on a damp, cool cloth and place it on your closed eyes. In the form of baths, lavender oil is used to treat neuroses. For severe mental stress, a bath with lavender oil is very helpful. Preparing a bath with lavender essential oil is simple: add 6 drops of lavender oil to warm water or boil a handful of flowers for 10 minutes, let them brew and add to the bath. For an even more calming effect, place a few drops of lavender oil on your pillow. This method of using lavender also helps with palpitations, high blood pressure, anxiety, worry, fatigue, and nervous exhaustion.

Lavender honey

Lavender is also used as a honey plant. Lavender shares its healing properties with bees that collect pollen from its flowers, which is why lavender honey is one of the most fragrant types of honey. This first-class, golden-colored, transparent honey has a delicate aroma and pleasant taste and healing properties. The unique taste of honey and stunning floral aroma are provided by the essential oils, tannins, phytosterols and flavonoids included in its composition.

Uses of lavender honey

Lavender honey is not only delicious, but also extremely healthy. For those who suffer from migraines, memory impairment, and nervous disorders, it is enough to buy lavender honey and use it at least once a day, so that after a few days there will be an improvement. In addition, lavender honey combines bactericidal and antiseptic properties, promotes effective healing of wounds and burns, reduces spasms, restores strength and the nervous system. Lavender honey is indispensable for the treatment of joint diseases, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism and gout.

The effect that lavender honey has on the body is quite strong, and therefore it is advisable to treat it after consultation with a doctor. And, of course, you should not overeat any honey, including lavender. If it is not possible to purchase natural lavender honey, you can try making homemade lavender honey by infusing lavender flowers in honey from a new harvest.

Like any medicinal plant, lavender should be used carefully. It is advisable to consult a doctor to confirm that you have no contraindications for using lavender. For example, you should not use lavender oil during pregnancy, in case of individual intolerance, and together with medications that contain iodine and iron.

Lisa Chernikina

Lavender contains about 30% lavender oil, bitter and tannins, and resin.

Lavender is used as an anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory agent, and also as a means of normalizing the activity of the nervous system.

In medicine it is used as a remedy for colic, headaches, dyspepsia, and rheumatic pain. Used externally.

The infusion is used as an immunostimulating, healing, choleretic, analgesic, antifungal, antiviral, decongestant and even scarring agent.

Helps the respiratory system. An effective remedy for bronchitis, colds, sinusitis, laryngitis, otitis media, rhinitis. Lavender has a mucolytic and expectorant effect on the body.

Used to treat gynecological infections.

An effective remedy for poorly healing wounds, burns, psoriasis, bedsores, fungal skin diseases, etc. Recommended for scorpion and jellyfish stings.

Relieves joint pain, muscle pain, helps patients with rheumatism. Decongestant, antiseptic, analgesic, antiviral, agent. Antidepressant. Lavender alcohol is a good antiseptic.

Flowers and herbs are used in folk medicine as an antispasmodic and sedative, as well as a bile diluent. Lavender preparations help with neurasthenia, migraines and pain in the gastrointestinal tract. Lavender oil is used to treat gangrene and purulent wounds.

To better stimulate brain activity, aroma therapy experts recommend inhaling the aroma of lavender more often. The refreshing effect of these flowers is much stronger than that of coffee.

Lavender is widely used in cooking, household chemicals, production of soft and alcoholic drinks, toilet soap, deodorants, air fresheners, perfumes and cosmetics.

The essential oil obtained from lavender is widely used in the alcoholic beverage industry.

Lavender: beneficial properties and contraindications, use in medicine, cosmetology, cooking. Interesting recipes, videos. “A whip for the heart and a broom for the mind” - many centuries ago this is what Avicenna called one amazingly useful plant. Centuries have passed, but the use of the beneficial properties of lavender (yes, we are talking about it) does not lose relevance. The miracle flower is in demand by healers and pharmacologists, cosmetologists and perfumers, and also magicians. Gourmets add it to dishes as an exquisite piquant spice, and designers decorate their interiors with it. We will tell you in detail what to do and how to do it correctly.

Beneficial properties of lavender

Healers collect the greenish-ashy leaves and flowers of the lavender plant, which contain high concentrations of essential oils. Tea and infusions, syrups and essential oils are prepared from dried herbal raw materials, and pillows are stuffed with them. This is how healers use the healing properties of lavender.

Main indications:

  • depression and neurasthenia;
  • headaches and toothaches;
  • drowsiness;
  • vascular pathologies.

The benefits of lavender for the stomach have been proven: it stimulates secretion, activates choleretic processes.
Essential oil in small doses is recommended for melancholy, irritability, and hysteria.

The decoction is drunk for asthma, tuberculosis, insomnia, infectious diseases and helminthic infestations.
This remedy has a bactericidal, antispasmodic and sedative effect.
For external use, prepare oil or lotions (helps with dermatitis, psoriasis).

Uses of lavender

Lavender tincture to stimulate appetite (increases stomach acidity)

Preparation: throw 4-6 g of dried lavender flowers into a glass of hot water, leave for 5 minutes and then strain.
Directions for use: 2-3 cups of infusion daily, divided into several doses.
If you add motherwort to the drink, you will get an excellent sedative.

Ointment for dry eczema:

Preparation: pour 25 g of flowers into 0.5 liters of olive oil, keep in a water bath for 2 hours, then leave until morning, strain.
Directions for use: used as an ointment, applied to affected areas daily for 4-6 weeks.

Lavender in cosmetology and perfumery

Essential oil, obtained from the plant, is used as an independent remedy or as an additional component of balms, lotions, masks and other “feminine joys”.

The most famous healing properties of lavender:

  • antiseptic;
  • bactericidal;
  • matting;
  • regenerative;
  • tonic;
  • strengthening.

Homemade tonic(antiseptic with whitening effect)

Preparation: pour 5-7 g of flowers into 200-250 ml of boiling water, cool, pour in the juice of ½ lemon.
Directions for use: wipe face 1-2 times a day. This product is suitable for all skin types.

Rejuvenating mask

Preparation: mix 25 g of white clay, 15 g of olive and a couple of drops of lavender oil.
Directions for use: apply the composition to the skin, wait until it dries, and rinse off with a cotton pad.

Lavender has long been used to give perfume a delicate and unobtrusive herbal aroma.

Back in the 16th century, women considered incense from these flowers to be one of the best remedies for getting rid of unpleasant body odor; they put plucked branches in their pockets and hid them under corsets.
Modern famous perfumers such as Serge Lutens, Joe Malone, Yves Saint Laurent use lavender extract as one of the components when creating enchanting scents.

Researchers believe that such perfumes relieve anxiety, irritation and dissatisfaction.

Note for foodies

In cooking, lavender is especially popular in the south of France, Spain and Italy.

However, it is added to dishes carefully, in small quantities (due to the strong smell).
Spices are prepared from the leaves and stems to season sauces, salads, and soups, but such delicacies are best combined with meat dishes. The fragrant plant harmonizes wonderfully with stewed and fried lamb.

Desserts are flavored and decorated with bright lilac flowers. For example, if you add them to a cupcake, pie or cookies, you will get a deliciously tasty and unusual-looking dish.

If you put lavender along with sugar for a week and close it tightly, the crystals will not only be sweet, but also surprisingly fragrant.

In southern Europe, a popular dish is made from stewed vegetables with a lot of spices, including the ones in question. The latter give the stew a surprisingly tasty smell.

Ice cream with lavender

Ingredients: 600 g cream (fat content ≥ 35%), 10 g dried flowers, 200 g sugar, eggs - 4 yolks, 30 g flour.

Cooking method:

  1. mix cream and flowers in one bowl, bring to a boil, leave for up to 15 minutes;
  2. beat sugar with egg yolks, add flour;
  3. strain the mixture to separate the flowers from the cream. Slowly stir it into the flour and eggs, stirring all the time. Put it back on the fire. Stir the mixture without bringing it to a boil. Heat until the mixture thickens;
  4. filter the mixture, cool and eventually freeze.

I found a video with an interesting recipe: Macaron with lavender. I recommend.

Lavender and magic

Magicians use lavender to restore strength (take scented baths). Witches fumigate their premises with it before performing witchcraft rituals.

And women who don’t have enough attention from their loved one put a bouquet under the mattress. It is believed that this simple method will stir up passion in a relationship.