Clark is a sports commentator. Polozkova's village wedding

The stereotype that hockey is a game for real men, and commentating on hockey matches (as well as reporting from these games) is a purely male affair, was successfully broken by Natalya Clark.

The girl has been engaged in this journalistic activity for a long time and has established herself as a competent sports reporter. The article will present her biography.

Clark Natalya. Biography

The petite blonde was born in Yakutsk on February 2, 1985 in simple working family. Even at school, her favorite subjects were Russian language and literature, so the girl decided on her choice of university while still a schoolgirl.

The girl graduated from Kuban State University, namely the Faculty of Journalism.

Natalya’s career began in 2003, when the girl was invited to intern on the “Sport” channel.

Natalya Clark (whose photo can be found in this article) worked on the Rossiya 2 and Match TV channels, where she was a hockey reporter.


Hearing the name Clark, many people think that this is a pseudonym that the girl took for herself. However, as Natalia herself says, Clark is her real name.

As explained cousin sports TV presenter, the family has European roots, presumably German. Natalia Clark's ancestors moved to Russia during the reign of Catherine II. And Natalia’s family ended up in Yakutsk not so long ago. Her parents came to the North to work separately; they met in Yakutsk, later legalized their relationship and gave birth to three children.

Natalya has a brother who works as a police colonel. Our heroine’s sister is happily married, raising a son and taking care of the household.

Start of a career

When presenter Natalia Clark got on the sports channel, she was faced with the question of specialization. The girl's surname helped solve it; Natalia noticed the coincidence of the surname with the famous Canadian hockey player Bobby Clarke. This athlete gained great popularity in the Soviet Union thanks to successful game since 1972.

According to Natalia herself, another important reason for choosing hockey as a profile for work was that beautiful young people participate in it.

Rise and Fall

This petite, fair-haired girl, despite her simple provincial origins, very quickly climbed the career ladder. She gained popularity among the male population of our country and became one of the sex symbols of the Rossiya channel.

There was a time when a girl worked as a press secretary for the main team Russian Federation. Fans of this game remember how pretentiously the TV journalist behaved, how she allowed herself to flirt with the unmarried hockey players of the national team.

They weren't better times for Russian hockey, it was not possible to hold the games with dignity. During this very period, there were rumors about her affair with one of the main coaches of the national team, Igor Zakharkin, who, by the way, is a married man, and even almost twice as old as Natalya.

According to rumors, it was thanks to his efforts that the young journalist got this job. But after the disclosure of the couple’s “dark affairs”, their dismissal followed. And what’s interesting is that the Russian national hockey team again became the world champion.

Natalia Clark bravely survived her fall from career ladder and switched to other sports. And after some time she got married.

Family life of Natalia Clark

A couple of years ago, presenter Natalya Clark got married. The girl's husband is a wealthy lawyer who loves to play hockey. So the couple has common interests and topics for conversation.

The couple's son is growing up, Natalya's husband dreams of sending the boy to hockey at the age of five with the goal of further professional training in this sport. But Natalia believes that there is no need to be fanatical about this, and if her son doesn’t like it, no one will force the boy to play hockey.

Natalia herself does not play this game and believes that it is still not female appearance sports But at the same time, we support our women’s hockey team and wish them only victories.

The heroine of today's article is Natalya Clark. This gentle and fragile girl chose a “male” profession - she became a hockey commentator. Let's take a look at her biography together.

Childhood and family

She was born on 02/02/1985 in one of the largest Siberian cities - Yakutsk. Was brought up in ordinary family. Clark is not a pseudonym, but a real surname, inherited from her German ancestors. Natasha is the youngest child of three children. Her brother works in the police, where he rose to the rank of colonel. A sister Our heroine is a housewife, raising a son.

In 1987, the Clark family decided to move from Siberia to a warmer region. As a result, their choice fell on Krasnodar region. And they never regretted it.

Natasha went to school at the age of 6. The girl herself asked her parents about this. She wanted to quickly gain knowledge on different subjects. Our heroine has always been interested in Russian literature. During the holidays she could read a lot more books than she was asked according to the program.

Where did Natalia Clark go after school? The biography indicates that the girl submitted her documents to Kuban State University. On her first try, she was able to enter the journalism department.

Television career

During her first year, Natasha completed an internship at a local radio. For short time the student learned to create stories and competently convey information to listeners. After 6 months, she was offered a job in the sports editorial office of Kuban Television. Then the native of Yakutsk began creating reports for the Rossiya channel. And she was great at it.

In 2003, Natalya Clark went to Moscow for an internship at new channel- “Sports”. At first she was a correspondent. Without noticing it, the girl became interested in hockey. In her free time, Natasha studied information about national teams, the biography of individual players and coaches.

In 2008, representatives of the Russian national hockey team gave her tempting offer- become an employee of their press service. And Natalya agreed.

Clark took a responsible approach to the performance of her official duties. The only thing that irritated hockey fans about her was her frivolous communication with unmarried athletes. There were even rumors about her affair with one of the coaches of the Russian national team, Igor Zakharkin. Soon Natasha had to part with the position of press secretary. The girl was able to survive such a sudden fall from the career ladder.

Now Natalya Clark works on the MATCH TV channel, created in November 2015. She mastered new genre called sideline. What is its essence? The TV presenter with a microphone is located at the benches. During the match, the hockey players see that she is nearby and do not hold back their emotions. Some may wink at the camera, some will smile with 32 teeth, and some will utter an obscene expression.

Personal life

Our heroine is a young girl with a toned figure, stylish hairstyle and a “Hollywood” smile. Every man dreams of such a life partner. But only one was very lucky.

In 2015, Natalya Clark married a lawyer named Kulikov. They were united by their love of hockey and the desire to create strong family. The couple is currently raising little son. When the boy turns five years old, his parents plan to send him to the hockey section.

Some interesting information about Natalia Clark:

  1. In May 2010, she participated in candid photo shoot for PROsport magazine. That's not all. In 2013, Natasha and other female TV presenters working on the Russia-2 channel posed for a calendar. The producers of the “All Inclusive” program and the “Girl of the Month” section presented this spring gift to their loyal viewers.
  2. In 2011, the Modern Pentathlon Federation recognized Natalia as the best television journalist of the season.
  3. She has an Instagram account with almost 34 thousand followers. Natalya Clark regularly posts photos from walks around the city, work studio and various events.
  4. She would like to visit Australia in the coming years.
  5. In 2013, a ranking of the sexiest sports presenters was published. Clark finished 7th.

In conclusion

We reported on where Natalya Clark was born and how she got on television. Her husband and son will always come first, and work will come second. Let's wish our heroine success in her career, as well as well-being for her family!


Match TV continues the series of interviews with the most recognizable by people TV channel. Presenter Natalya Clark talked about how her journalistic career began when Russian television female commentators will appear, as she stood on hockey skates and picked up a stick.

– You specialize in hockey, but you also present news and cover other sports. How much time do you need to devote to your profession to be aware of everything?

– A journalist needs to completely immerse himself in this environment. I never switch off from the profession. I get up in the morning, prepare breakfast for myself and my child, open my tablet, look at several sites, track the sports picture of the day: some important competitions take place at night, for example, fights in America, hockey matches in the NHL. There is not always enough strength, and the schedule does not allow you to look at live all matches. It remains morning. And if there is a need to prepare for an interview or a special broadcast, you collect even more information.

– How difficult is it for a girl to work in such a male-dominated field as hockey?

– It’s not difficult at all. It has always been surprising to me that hockey is considered only masculine looking. Now the girls are great: they come to hockey, do interviews, write in newspapers, on websites. And many even play hockey! It’s popular, politicians are into it, like Svetlana Zhurova. She and I play hockey together. She is a former speed skater, now she is a very busy person, but she finds time. Sometimes even men take her to their team. There is almost no division between men and women left in hockey.

– How did you become a hockey journalist?

– Studied at Kubansky state university In my second year, I worked on the Sports channel. At that time there was no division into different types, we were all universal journalists. I was sent to do a hockey report. It seems to have worked out well, plus my surname is a hockey one. In general, we became friends with hockey. It turned out that I didn’t find the sport, but it found me.

– Did they make fun of you because you were a girl?

– If we now recall our more than ten-year career, the condescending attitude was not even on the part of the hockey players and coaches. They were just like mature and understanding people, they tried to help me, a little fragile girl, and not offend me. More ridicule came from people who, so to speak, do not care how much progress you make.

At one time they laughed at me for standing on the nightstand. Hockey players are tall, and they also have skates, but I’m short, and the heels didn’t help much. For the television picture it was necessary for me to be taller. Once I was watching an NBA game, and there was an African-American journalist standing level with a two-meter player. I didn't even think about the fact that she was shorter than him. Then the cameraman moved the camera down and showed: the journalist was standing on a huge box. I decided that this was a cool idea and started using it. I took metal boxes from lighting equipment from broadcast operators, they were about 10 centimeters high, and stood on them. That's when they laughed at me.

Social networks had just begun to develop, my photos were posted there, there were posts on blogs, I remember. But for me, only the goal I was trying to achieve was always important. When something is against you, you can either ignore it or fight it. Is it necessary, however, to fight windmills? She did her job, no matter what anyone said. When it is done professionally and with soul, the result will definitely come. And enjoy what you do.

– Which hockey player do you share interesting or turning points in your life and profession with?

– There are people who determined how I feel about hockey and understand it. Great influence influenced by the period of my work in the Russian national team - the 2008/2009 season. The mentors of that team, Vyacheslav Bykov and Igor Zakharkin, trusted me in terms of work in the press service and believed that I could improve the team’s communication with the media. I came there as a PR director, and the question arose of who to make press attaché. I recommended my colleague Sasha Bedareva. A man was needed for this position because, for example, I cannot go into the locker room, and this is often necessary.

This is the line between feminine and masculine, on the one hand insignificant, but noticeable. Sasha knew the hockey environment well, he was from Omsk. And I knew him well. He fit the bill in all respects, as active as me. We had excellent mutual understanding during the working process. The work that Bykov and Zakharkin did with us, instilling in us their hockey philosophy, helped a lot.

Both are smart hockey coaches who not only worked psychologically with the team, but gave the right information to look at hockey as a system. Looking at the hockey rink, I began to understand why substitutions occur and this goalkeeper is chosen and not another. And when you understand the game well, it becomes even closer to you.

– Do you really have a gold medal from the 2009 World Hockey Championship?

– Yes, Sasha Bedarev and I have gold medals, that’s great! And again, a lot of credit goes to the coaching staff, who decided who gets the medals. The entry list is compiled for the entire World Championship. This includes not only players, but also doctors, massage therapists, servicemen, and the press service. We were on the list. It was inconvenient to present medals on the site itself. At that moment I was working live on the Sport channel, conducting interviews. Then the coaches called us into the locker room, and Ilya Kovalchuk, being the team leader, presented us with medals. There was a note about this by Pavel Lysenkov in “Soviet Sport” with our photo. Incredible emotions that will be remembered for a lifetime. Not everyone manages to receive an award at such an important sports competition. I don’t compare myself to athletes in any way, but it’s very nice to be part of a team.

– A journalist has to work not only in victorious circumstances. The plane crash with the Yaroslavl Lokomotiv team, the passing of Sergei Gimaev... How to go on air at such moments?

– First of all, I am obliged to convey information to television viewers. During the tragedy with Lokomotiv, I was at the opening match of the new season in Ufa. When they reported that the plane had crashed, it seemed like some kind of scary movie. Oleg Saprykin was sitting in the stands with his wife; he did not play that day. I remember how I ran to him and told him. Information began to appear in news feeds. They began to postpone the start of the opening ceremony, trying to understand how true this was. Oleg was also shocked.

Then the work process began, which overwhelmed me. Our goal was to go on air and talk about what happened, while remaining as neutral as possible. It is clear that we knew those to whom the misfortune happened. When you start talking about the dead, remembering what they were like, tears well up.

It’s the same with Sergei Nailyevich Gimaev. I came to work suspecting nothing. When the make-up girls were already preparing for the broadcast, an SMS came from Dima Fedorov, head of KHL-TV: Gimaev has died. I even threw the phone away in surprise: a few days before, he and I met in a parking lot near Ostankino... And then the news editor-in-chief called and said: you’re urgently going on air. And the commotion began. It was necessary to write not just a text, but a requiem for Sergei Nailievich. We called Dima Fedorov, tried to do it together, to a greater extent He. I held on and held on, but I couldn’t hide my tears... I knew Sergei Nailyevich for a very long time, we went through many tournaments and trips with him...

– You started playing this year in the Women’s Hockey League. Do you exercise often?

– The last training was on June 24, now we have a rest until the end of August. It’s good if you manage to train once a week – very busy schedule. Thank you very much Zhanna Shchelchkova, who has been training with me since February. She was the captain of the Russian women's team, now works in the league, and put me on skates. I thought I could do it before, but standing on skates and playing hockey are completely different.

I once went to the park and rode hand in hand with someone once a year, like everyone else. But this is nothing compared to when you have to work on skates under constant tension. And if you add stick possession to this, and the stick must also have possession of the puck... It’s very difficult. We recently filmed a video for “Everything is Hockey”. I was put on the “two-sided” side. It's hard, of course.

This is hockey, no authorities are recognized here. You must pass the sports parameters, get to the puck faster and not allow your opponent to approach it, be able to handle the puck correctly and pass it to your partner. It’s an incredibly difficult process to keep all the components in your head and still work correctly. They say: to understand a person, put on his slippers. To understand how hockey players live, you need to wear a hockey uniform at least once.

– Does journalistic experience help on set?

– No, you don’t think about him at all. I don’t know what or how I would answer if someone came to me with questions: I understand this now, having experienced the “two-sided approach.” Therefore, great respect to the guys who answer questions during breaks. You spend a lot of effort on the site, and then they force you to give out some kind of analytics. In most cases, instincts kick in on the court, you don’t even think about what you’re doing. The guys have everything worked out so well that a lot of things are done automatically.

Journalism doesn’t help at all, the only thing that counts is your physical training and patience. The opponent is constantly putting pressure, and the main thing here is not to break. It is very difficult to run a shift in one and a half minutes. This is enough time to become exhausted and tired.

– What do you want to achieve in hockey?

– Join an amateur team. Starts in September new season, I'll get ready. Maybe by spring we’ll be able to play in some tournaments.

– Can a woman become a hockey commentator?

– This year, my manager Anton Galkin set a task - to prepare to commentate on hockey. First, let's try it on thematic channels. After all, in Sweden there are women commentating on hockey, in England – commentating on football. Why don't I sit behind the microphone?

– What is needed for this?

– First of all, mature morally. In my career, everything turned out in such a way that to some important points walked purposefully. Becoming a TV journalist, working in sports are my dreams. To do this, I first went to study at the journalism department, then to work on the radio to create a voice, then to the sports editorial office, then to Moscow to improve my skills.

Others are when external circumstances play a decisive role. They give me a task and I complete it. They sent me to work on hockey - I made a story. I’m most worried about the reaction of fans who perceive football and hockey only through male voice. For me, this is another bar that I need to reach. This practice exists in other countries, and I would like Russian sports television to take a step forward. My leaders want the same thing.

– Should a sports commentator be impartial or can he root for some team?

– The commentator must be distanced from any club colors. You can worry about someone, but you can’t talk about it. The only rule is that you can be sick when you comment on your team’s game. Because it is in tune with the mood of the whole country.

Text: Svetlana Aseeva, intern student at Moscow State University

Photo: from the personal archive of Natalia Clark

Born on February 2, 1985 in the city of Yakutsk. In the family - the third, most youngest child. When I was a little over two years old, my parents decided to move from Eastern Siberia to warm regions. The choice fell on the Krasnodar region.

I went to school at the age of 6, a year earlier than usual, because I wanted to quickly start studying various interesting school subjects. I have always been passionate about reading and literature. On summer holidays I read everything that was asked according to the program, and sometimes even more.

When I was 10 years old, my parents found “Jane Eyre” on my table - they were very surprised, but did not take the book. She was interested in poetry and writing her own works, which are now probably gathering dust in the attic of her parents’ house. After school I immediately entered the Faculty of Journalism; the choice of profession was made in the 10th grade. Although my parents wanted me to become a lawyer.

In my first year, I completed an internship at a radio station in Krasnodar, did a voiceover, and learned how to create stories. Six months later, the management of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "KUBAN" invited me to the sports editorial office on television. That's when I started doing reports for the sports editorial office of the Rossiya TV channel.

In 2003, during the first months of operation of the new Sport channel, VGTRK invited me for an internship. That's how I ended up in Moscow. While working as a correspondent, I became interested and became interested in hockey. After all, one of the first interviews I had on Krasnodar radio was with three-time Olympic champion Alexander Ragulin, he came to Krasnodar when the project to build a skating rink started.

In 2008, she received an invitation from the Russian national hockey team to work in the press service, she happily agreed, but did not leave her job on television. I'm probably one of those rare lucky journalists who has a gold medal at the World Championships.

And no matter what topic I deal with in my journalistic profession, the topic of hockey will always be my favorite.

Since 2001, she worked at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Kuban", a year later she moved to the television of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company "Kuban". From 2003 to the present I have been working on the TV channel "Sport", now "Russia 2".

Among the achievements are the Gold medal of the 2009 World Hockey Championship (as part of the national team as PR director), the KHL prize - the best television report of the season, the Bronze Microphone award, laureate creative competition sports journalists of Moscow, best television journalist of the 2011 season according to the Federation modern pentathlon.

Sometimes I draw, I dream of a long and always happy life.

I can say this about myself: I ordinary person With an ordinary biography, but with an interesting profession.

Creative plans

Where would you like to visit
I would like to visit Australia.

My whole family so far consists of me and my husband.

I love

I don't like it
Get up early.