Yushka description of the story. “Yushka is the main character of the story of the same name by A

Analysis of the work

The genre of the work is short story. The main character is the blacksmith's assistant Yushka. The story is the story of his difficult life.

The plot of the work is a description of Yushka’s life, his work in the forge. As the action develops, the reader learns about how the people around Yushka treated Yushka, and also that Yushka has some relatives to whom he goes every summer. The climax is an argument with a drunk passer-by and the death of Yushka. Interchange - arrival adopted daughter Yushka and the story of her future fate.

In his books, Platonov does not describe extreme situations and extraordinary actions; the heroes of his works enter into ordinary everyday relations. Based on these relationships, the writer tries to look deeper into human soul, to touch its still untouched strings. The heroes of his works - ordinary people, people of labor. Here comes the hero this story- blacksmith's assistant former subject universal ridicule turning into hatred. This man's whole life was spent working.

Yushka was killed. A random drunk passer-by did this because of the anger that was choking him. After Yushka’s death, however, they began to notice that everyone was missing him.

The gentleness of which he was the embodiment has disappeared. Kindness and meekness have disappeared. The fact that people of this kind are carriers of true human values, for some reason it becomes clear only after they leave us.

At the end of the story we learn that Yushka left behind the same kind person- an orphan girl studied with the money he saved and became a doctor, helping the sick day and night. Here is a paradox: Yushka so lacked the understanding and compassion of people, and his adopted daughter generously brought them to people.

There are not many people like Yushka in life. The main problem raised by the writer is that people should not take out their anger, their failures in life, which have accumulated over the years, on such people. for many years inexplicable hatred. The attitude towards people who require compassion is an indicator of a person’s viability as a bearer of high moral qualities.


1. Portrait of Yushka and a story about what his work was.

2. His financial situation.

3. Children’s attitude towards Yushka.

4. Adults, like children, offend and maim Yushka.

5. Every summer Yushka takes a vacation and goes somewhere for a month.

6. Yushka began to weaken and did not go anywhere this year.

7. A random passer-by kills Yushka.

8. Everyone comes to say goodbye to the person they tormented.

9. After Yushka’s death, life around me changed.

10. Yushka’s adopted daughter arrived, began looking for him and told him where he went every summer.

11. After grieving, the girl remained in this city forever to work as a doctor.

12. All her life, Yushka’s daughter brings good to people.

The work “Yushka”, which Platonov wrote, reminds us of a fairy tale, we just have to read its beginning: “Long ago, in ancient times, an old-looking man lived on our street.” It can be assumed that the story takes place at the beginning of the 20th century. It will be interesting to discuss the main characters of the story “Yushka”, the friends and enemies of this character.

Yushka is a kind and warm-hearted man, about forty years old, who works at a forge. He sincerely loved his life and praised everything around him: he kissed the ground, flowers, stroked the bark of trees, picked up butterflies or beetles from the ground and peered into their faces as if they were human. Sick with consumption, Yushka felt good only in the embrace of nature. He loved her and she loved him back. She was a friend to him.

Friends of the main character of the story “Yushka”

Yushka was kind not only to nature, but also to the orphan whom he sheltered. He didn’t finish eating himself, he tried to keep her full. In the summer he went to Moscow to visit her grandfather, who gave him money for the maintenance and education of his granddaughter. Yushka loved her with all his heart, and she was the only person who loved him.

But it can also be noted that nature was also a friend for the main character Yushka. Every month he disappeared somewhere. He went closer to nature. It was she who could not offend him, as the evil residents did every day. He felt calm in the forest, in the clearing, he took care of nature, and it gave him vitality. He barely touched the petals of the flower with his lips so as not to crush them. The friends of the main character of the story “Yushka” are something that is worth thinking about especially deeply when reading Platonov’s work.

The plot of "Yushka"

Yushka lived his entire life in resentment. Yushka was often beaten, offended, insulted and mocked. He was stupid, and people tried in every way to hurt him, to hurt him. Yushka was not angry with them and did not get into quarrels. The children, seeing how their parents offended Yushka, threw stones at him, but he did not run after them with threats, which led them into a stupor. When the children beat him, sometimes it became very painful for him, and he believed that they behaved this way in order to show such great love for him. Yushka was so kind and did not believe in human malice. He even came to the owner’s daughter and told him that the people loved him.

What did he look like? main character story "Yushka"? This man was weak, sick, gray-haired, and looked much older than his real age. But special feature in his portrait there were eyes: they were white and there was moisture in them, like tears that were not cooling. He wears the same clothes for many years and does routine work, even though it is very important. At dawn he goes to the forge, and at sunset he returns home. They even use it to compare the beginning and end of the day.

Despite his gentle character, love for people and all living things, the residents hated him. He was cited as an example when they scared children and was considered abnormal. Who are the enemies of the main character of the story “Yushka”?

Enemies of the main character

Thus, Yushka had only one friend, if we talk about people, and there were many enemies. Although Yushka would not have thought so, he sincerely believed that everyone loved him. He just didn’t want to see anything bad in people, he didn’t judge anyone, didn’t get into fights. He lived his ordinary life, which went in the same circle every day. He was different from everyone else, not only because of illness and poverty, he was kinder than them, and the actions of his enemies did not make him evil.

But if you look at it objectively, Yushka’s enemies are all the residents of this village. Children did not like him because they saw how adults behaved towards the main character. It is not surprising that they simply followed the example of their parents.

But, despite this, after Yushka’s death, even his only friend forgot him - the girl he sheltered, because of whom he was malnourished and worked from morning to night.

The main character of the story "Yushka"

When Yushka left people, he went closer to nature, because only there could he find harmony with himself. It seems that only nature needs it. But when Yushka died, it becomes clear that people also needed him. But why? He was the person everyone took their anger out on. And when he was gone, they began to quarrel among themselves. Reflecting on the main characters of the story “Yushka” by Platonov, we come to the following thought.

The orphan who lived with him grew up and went to study to become a doctor. She wanted to cure Yushka, because it was he who raised her all her life, fed her and gave everything to her, infringing on himself in everything. When she returned, he was already dead. She didn't have time to save him. But she stayed to treat other people, to rekindle in their hard hearts the love and care given to her by Yushka.

When she returned, no one recognized her, and soon people forgot that Yushka, whom they had killed, lived among them.

Friends and enemies of the main character of the story “Yushka” - we discussed who they are and what role Platonov assigned to his characters. The story teaches love and compassion, kindness. Pay attention to other articles from our

The genre of the work is short story. The main character is the blacksmith's assistant Yushka. The story is the story of his difficult life.

The plot of the work is a description of Yushka’s life, his work in the forge. As the action progresses, the reader learns about how the people around Yushka treated Yushka, and also that Yushka has some relatives to whom he goes every summer.

The climax is an argument with a drunk passer-by and the death of Yushka. The denouement is the arrival of Yushka’s adopted daughter and the story of her future fate.

Platonov does not describe in his books extreme situations and extraordinary actions, the heroes of his works enter into ordinary everyday relationships. Based on these relationships, the writer tries to look deeper into the human soul, to touch its strings that have not yet been touched. The heroes of his works are ordinary people, people of labor. Here is the hero of this story - a blacksmith's assistant, who was the subject of universal ridicule, turning into hatred. This man's whole life was spent working.

Yushka was killed. A random drunk passer-by did this because of the anger that was choking him. After Yushka’s death, however, they began to notice that everyone was missing him.

The gentleness of which he was the embodiment has disappeared. Kindness and meekness have disappeared. For some reason, the fact that people of this kind are bearers of true human values ​​becomes clear only after they leave us.

At the end of the story, we learn that Yushka left behind an equally kind person - an orphan girl studied with the money he saved and became a doctor, helping the sick day and night. Here is a paradox: Yushka so lacked the understanding and compassion of people, and his adopted daughter generously brought them to people.

There are not many people like Yushka in life. The main problem raised by the writer is that people should not take out their anger, their failures in life, or the inexplicable hatred that has accumulated over many years on such people. The attitude towards people who require compassion is an indicator of a person’s viability as a bearer of high moral qualities.

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Platonov wrote the story “Yushka” in the 30s of the twentieth century. In literature, the author’s works are usually considered within the framework of Russian cosmism - philosophical movement, central ideas which contained theses about the integral nature of the universe, the cosmic destiny of man, and the harmony of existence.

In the story “Yushka” Platonov touches on the themes of universal love and compassion. The main character of the work, the holy fool Yushka, becomes the embodiment of human kindness and mercy.

Main characters

Yushka (Efim Dmitrievich)- “forty years old”, “illness has long tormented him and made him old before his time”; worked as a blacksmith's assistant for twenty-five years; He was offended by both children and adults.

Yushka's daughter- an orphan girl whom Yushka helped to study; became a doctor.

Blacksmith- Yushka worked as an assistant for him.

“Long ago, in ancient times, an old-looking man lived on our street.” He worked as an assistant in a forge, as he had poor vision and “had little strength in his hands.” The man helped carry sand, coal, water to the forge, fanned the forge and did other auxiliary work.

The man's name was Efim, but all the people called him Yushka. “He was short and thin; on his wrinkled face" "grew individually rare gray hair; his eyes were white, like those of a blind man.”

For his work, the blacksmith fed him and also gave him a salary - seven rubles and sixty kopecks a month. However, Yushka hardly spent any money - he didn’t drink tea with sugar, and “he wore the same clothes for many years.”

When Yushka went to work early in the morning, everyone understood that it was time to get up. And when he returned in the evening, it was time to have dinner and go to bed.

Everyone in the city offended Yushka. As the man walked down the street, children threw stones and branches at him. Yushka did not swear, did not take offense at them and did not even cover his face. The children “rejoiced that they could do whatever they wanted with him.” Yushka didn’t understand why they were torturing him. “He believed that children loved him,” “only they don’t know how to love, and therefore they torment him.”

Parents, scolding their children, said: “You will be just like Yushka!” .

Sometimes drunk adults began to scold and beat Yushka severely. He endured everything in silence and “then lay in the dust for a long time on the road.” Then the blacksmith’s daughter came for him and, picking him up, asked Yushka why he was living - it would be better if he had already died. But the man was surprised every time: “why would he die when he was born to live.” Yushka was sure that although the people beat him, they loved him: “People have blind hearts.”

Yushka “suffered from breastfeeding” since childhood; consumption made him look much older than his age. Every summer, in July or August, he went to the village. No one knew why, they only guessed that his daughter lived there somewhere.

Going out of the city, Yushka “breathed the fragrance of herbs and forests,” here he did not feel the consumption that tormented him. Having gone far, he “bent down to the ground and kissed the flowers,” “raised butterflies and beetles from the path that had fallen dead,” “feeling orphaned without them.”

A month later he returned and again “worked from morning to evening in the forge” and again people “tormented” him. And again he waited for the summer, took with him the accumulated “one hundred rubles” and left.

However, the illness tormented Yushka more and more, so one summer he stayed in the city. Once, when a man was walking down the street, a “cheerful passerby” began to touch him, asking when Yushka would die. Always meekly silent, Yushka suddenly became angry and said that since he was “born according to the law,” then without him, like without a passer-by, “the whole world cannot do it.”

The passer-by immediately became indignant that Yushka dared to level him with himself, and hit the man hard in the chest. Yushka fell, “turned face down and didn’t move or get up anymore.” A carpenter found Yushka dead: “Farewell, Yushka, and forgive us all. People rejected you, and who is your judge!..” All the people who tormented him during his life came to Yushka’s funeral.

“They buried Yushka and forgot him.” But people began to live worse without him - now all the anger and mockery that they took out on Yushka “remained among the people and was spent among them.”

In late autumn, a girl came to the blacksmith and asked where to find Efim Dmitrievich. She said that she was an orphan, and Yushka placed her little one “with a family in Moscow, then sent her to a boarding school.” Every year he came to visit her, bringing money so that she could live and study. Now she has already graduated from the university, having studied to be a doctor, and came herself, since Efim Dmitrievich did not come to visit her this summer.

The girl remained in the city and began working in a hospital for consumptives, helping sick people for free. “And everyone knows her, calling her daughter good Yushka, having long forgotten Yushka himself and the fact that she was not his daughter.”


In Platonov’s story “Yushka,” the holy fool Efim is depicted as a kind and warm-hearted person. Despite the fact that everyone in the city offends him, taking out all their anger on him, the man endures all the bullying. Yushka understands that without him the world would be worse, that he has his own special purpose in life. After the death of the holy fool, his kindness is embodied in his adopted daughter. Taking care of the little orphan, Yushka teaches her to love the world around us and people the same way he loves. And the girl adopts his science, then helping the whole city.

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Describing his difficult tragic fate, the author is trying to evoke in us compassion for our neighbors, to teach us to love people. Yushka, not yet an old man, was exhausted by a serious illness, tuberculosis, so he looked almost old. He was weak in body, but he always worked properly. Yushka was silent, kind-hearted, and it was difficult to offend him in any way. This is probably why many people considered him strange, almost a holy fool. The children laughed when they saw him and threw stones and branches at Yushka. And he was just happy. In his naivety, he thought that foolish children loved him, but could not yet express their love in any other way. Adults were not much different from stupid children. They believed that if Yushka was not like the others, then there was no place for him on this earth. And everyone tried to push him, call him a rude word, or even beat him, take out their feelings on the unfortunate Bad mood.

But nothing could turn kind heart Yushki in stone. He still admired the perfection of nature and loved every living creature. He kissed flowers, “raised butterflies and beetles from the path” so that they would not be crushed, listened to the singing of birds. In nature, Yushka rested his soul, had fun, forgot about his illness and the anger of people.

But tuberculosis made itself felt more and more often. Yushka grew weaker before our eyes. One day, as usual, a passer-by accosted him on the street and began to insult him. And Yushka, for the first time in his life, rebuffed him and said that since he was born, it means that the whole world needs him. A passerby got angry, pushed Yushka, he fell and never got up again.

And only after the death of the poor fellow did people accidentally find out that with his hard-earned money, Yushka supported an orphan, a poor girl, in Moscow. When she was very young, he placed her in a family, then, when she grew up, he paid for her education. Yushka considered the goal of his life to give an orphan a chance to survive. As it turned out, it was not in vain that he lived in this world. And although for many years Yushka endured other people’s evil, ill will and ridicule, he knew that there was a person who loved him and would always be grateful to him. His student became a doctor, selflessly helped people, reminding them of the good and naive Yushka. So Yushka, suffering from the anger of those around him, remained above all this, living his life more worthy than many who considered themselves perfect.

The world we live in largely depends on whether a person is inclined towards good or evil. Most people react to the same situations differently - depending on their mood. If they are tired or irritated, then everything appears in a black light, but if they are joyful, the sun also shines around and birds sing. However, there are also people who can feel the warmth of the sun's rays and hear the singing of birds, regardless of their mood and condition. Such people do not know anger and hatred, envy and irritability. They accept the world as it is and do not seek to change anything, because they are sure that life is wonderful. This is Yushka, the main character of the story by A.P. Platonov.

Yushka brought love and kindness to people. However, he was so poor, sick and silent. People mistook Yushka’s meekness for stupidity, and his difference from others as a desire to stand out. The children threw sticks and rubbish at Yushka, pushed him and mocked him, trying to anger him, because such a reaction would be familiar and understandable to them. But Yushka was silent and smiled, because “he believed that the children loved him, that they needed him, only they do not know how to love a person and do not know what to do for love, and therefore they torment him.” Adults were also endlessly irritated by Yushka’s stubborn reluctance to respond with rudeness to rudeness, or with a blow for a blow. Therefore, “from Yushka’s meekness, an adult became embittered and beat him... and in this evil he forgot his grief for a while.”

Yushka saw the world differently from others. And he was sure that the people loved him: “He loves me without a clue... People can have blind hearts.” And no one in the city knew that the old and “decrepit” Yushka was only forty years old, and this illness “has long tormented him and made him old before his time.” They also did not know that the poor Yushka, who saved not even tea, sugar and clothes, for many years collected money unspent for the year and helped an orphan, whom he first placed “with a family in Moscow, then sent to a boarding school.” Every summer Yushka brought his earnings hard work money for the girl so that she can “live and study.”

The kindness and love that fed Yushka’s heart remained in the world even after his death, because living people always needed them, although they never admitted it.