Musical leisure in the senior group of kindergarten "travel on a musical train." Musical leisure in the senior group of kindergarten

Leisure theme: "VISITING A FAIRY TALE"


1) Bring joy to children

2) Develop children’s imagination and imagination

3)Give an idea about fairy tale, fairy tale characters in music

4) Foster a love of music, develop an aesthetic sense

Musical material:

1) "Trap" Russian folk melody processing by L. Sidelnikov

2) “Squirrel” music by N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov (excerpt from the opera “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”)

3) “Circular gallop” Hungarian folk melody arranged by N. Metlov

4) “Fairy tale, fairy tale, come” music and lyrics by E. Sokolova

5) "Echo" music by E. Tilicheeva

6) "March" music by E. Tilicheeva

7) "Polonaise" (audio recording)

8) "Exercise" French folk melody

During leisure time we used:

2) TSO (audio recording)

3) squirrel toy

4) Fairy tale costume

5) illustrations

7) handkerchiefs for playing

8)sweet prizes


1) “Musical and motor exercises in kindergarten” (Raevskaya E.P., Rudneva S.D., Soboleva G.N.)

2) "Music and movement" (S.I. Bekina, T.P. Lomova, E.N. Sokovnina)

3) "Musical masterpieces" (O.P. Radynova)


Presenter: Hello, guys! Today I received a letter that you and I are invited to visit a fairy tale! The path there will be difficult, not easy, but you and I are adults and we will overcome everything!

From kindergarten we will march happily with you

And with strict, friendly steps we will reach the fairy tale!

Guys, stand up straight, backs straight, knees raised high, toes pointed.

MARCH music by E. Tilicheeva sounds

Well done, guys! We’ve reached the magical forest, but we can’t just get through it! Maybe we’ll sing our song “Echo” and someone will respond! We stand up straight and open our mouths wide.

The song "Echo" is performed, music by E. Tilicheeva

No, alas! No one heard us! Oh, I remembered that a fairy tale wrote something in a letter about this forest.

"Come on, guys, together, guess three riddles

And then magical forest A world of wonders will open to you!"

Angry touchy-feely

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

There are a lot of needles

And not just one thread.(answer: Hedgehog)

Who's on the Christmas tree?

Keeps counting: peek-a-boo, peek-a-boo?(answer: Cuckoo)

Presenter: Well done, guys!

Who from the tall dark pines

Did you throw a cone at the kids?

And into the bushes through a stump

Flashed like a light?(answer: Squirrel)

A squirrel appears (doll toy)

Belka: You guessed it, you guessed it! You solved all the riddles!

I walk around in a fluffy fur coat,

I live in a dense forest.

In a hollow on an old oak tree

I'm gnawing nuts.

A fairy tale sent me to bring you

So that you don't get lost, I came for you.

Presenter: Oh, guys, we’re really lucky! Now we’ll definitely get there!

Squirrel: I galloped forward. Don’t lag behind, quickly catch up!

Squirrel hiding behind the screen

Presenter: Come on, guys, to catch up with her, we’ll gallop. We stood in a circle, hands on our belts.

Performed Circular gallop Hungarian folk melody Arranged by N. Metlov

Presenter: Now we have reached the Fairy Tale Palace! Guys, we need to thank the squirrel for her help. Let’s play for her musical instruments, us and there is a suitable work! What is it called? And maybe someone will even remember who wrote it?

Children: “Squirrel”, written by Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky - Korsakov.

Presenter: Well done! We took the instruments in our hands and stood in two groups.

Performed "Belka" by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov (excerpt from the opera "The Tale of Tsar Saltan") game at DMI

Squirrel: Thank you, guys! But it’s time for me to run. Bye-bye! (Squirrel waves his hand and disappears)

Presenter: Guys, look how beautiful the palace is, let's knock! (knock, a fairy tale is coming out)

Fairytale: Hello, guys! Here we are

Sit down, relax, solve the riddles!

Accordion in hands

On top of the head is a cap,

And next to him it’s important

Cheburashka is sitting.

Portrait with friends

It turned out excellent

On it is Cheburashka,

And next to him...(Crocodile Gena)

Fairy tale: That's right, you guessed well!

The young man's arrow landed in a swamp,

Well, where is the bride? I'm eager to get married!

And here is the bride, eyes on the top of her head.

The bride's name is....(Princess Frog)

Fairy tale: What a great fellow you are! You guess everything! Maybe you also know how to dance? There’s a ball in my palace right now! Do you know how to dance a polonaise?

Children: Yes! We can!

Fairy tale: Well, show me!

Presenter: Guys, stand in pairs and show Skazka how you can dance.

dance "Polonaise" is performed(audio recording)

Fairy tale: Oh, the guys are good

Dance with all your heart! Sit on the chairs. (Children sit down)

Guys, do you know many fairy tales?

Fairy tale: Which ones?

Children: Frog Princess, Geese-swans, Little Humpbacked Horse.....

Fairy tale: What good guys! Did you meet a squirrel on the way to me?

Fairy tale: Who guessed what fairy tale it is from? Maybe someone will remember the name?

Children: "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"

Fairy tale: That's right, well done guys!

There are a lot, a lot of fairy tales in this world of magic! Have you noticed, guys?

Fairy tale: Guys, maybe you know some song about magic, about fairy tales?

Children: We know!

Presenter: Guys, let’s sing our song “Fairy tale, fairy tale, come.” Everyone stand up in a row. (Children stand up in a row around the hall)

The song “Fairy tale, fairy tale, come” is performed, music and lyrics by E. Sokolova

Fairy tale: Thank you guys for such a wonderful performance! You tried, you took the time to play. And I just have magic handkerchiefs! Who should I give the handkerchiefs to? (the fairy tale selects the participants) And now everyone stood in a circle, holding hands.

Game "Trap" processing by L. Sidelnikov

Fairy tale: I really liked you guys!

You can't stay in this castle for a very long time!

Moms, dads and friends are waiting for you at home.

I will now turn you into swans, we will fly to the music and you

and you’ll find yourself in kindergarten faster! And never, guys, forget the Fairy Tale, it will come in handy in your life! Raaaz, twoaa, three! Goodbye, guys!

Exercise sounds (collection of music and movement, exercise No. 12)

Presenter: Here you are, guys, at home! Did you like our trip?

Presenter: Guys, so that you never forget it. The fairy tale left you small treats! (I’m giving away delicious prizes)

Lvova Ekaterina Alexandrovna


1. Musical instruments: tambourines, drums, bells.

2. Hats of gnomes, mice, cats, soldiers.

Musical material:

1. Shulgina L. “March”.

2. Gladkov G. Fragment from the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians”.

3. Schumann. R. "March".

4. Tchaikovsky P.I. From children's album"March wooden soldiers».

5. Sviridov G. “Military March”.

6. Tchaikovsky P.I. March from the ballet "The Nutcracker".

7. Grieg E. “Procession of the Dwarves.”

8. Glinka M.I. "March of Chernomor" from the opera "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

9. Saint-Saens K. Fragment of the “Royal March of the Lions”.

10. Zhilinsky A. Play “Mice”.

First conversation

Musical director: Today we will talk about the march. What kind of music is this?

(Children's answers.)

That's right, it's walking music. The sounds in it are even, clear, they seem to help us walk: one-two, one-two - you are walking to the march while exercising. These are sporty, cheerful marches, such as, for example, the well-known march by composer L. Shulgin. It is festive and solemn. But there are other marches.

Each of you has heard march music more than once. Remember when and where it was.

(Children's answers.)

Yes, that's absolutely right. Marches are heard not only in music classes or physical education. The troops are marching in the parade, and marching music sounds again. The clear sounds of marching can often be heard on radio and television. What about cartoon characters? Remember, for example, how cheerfully the army marches and sings in the cartoon “The Bremen Town Musicians”.

(A fragment of G. Gladkov’s march from the cartoon sounds.)

Today, listening to the music, we will think about how the marches differ from each other. What musical instruments can the march be performed on?

(Children's answers.)

I propose to listen to the march of the composer R. Schumann and name the author.

(Children's answers.)

Right. This is "March" German composer Robert Schumann. The music in it is cheerful and loud. This is how soldiers walk in formation. Do you think these are real, adult soldiers or toy soldiers marching?

(Children's answers.)

Yes, toy soldiers can walk like that too. What march for toy soldiers do you know?

(Children's answers.)

Right. “March of the Wooden Soldiers” by P.I. Tchaikovsky. How does the music of one march differ from the music of another?

(Excerpt being performed piece of music. Children's answers.)

The music of Tchaikovsky's march sounds more easily, with abrupt, high, ringing sounds. Here you can imagine how little soldiers walk in neat rows with their wooden legs. Listen to how the music sounds in R. Schumann's March? Just as light high sounds?

(Children's answers.)

Of course, in this march the music is louder. It’s as if these are soldiers not made of wood, but made of metal.

Let's imagine that our fingers are the legs of toy soldiers. They will cheerfully and clearly march across your knees to the music.

(The “March” by R. Schumann sounds, children imitate the walking of soldiers.)

This march is written for one musical instrument - piano. Now you have shown how the legs of small toy soldiers walk.

You and I have already listened to marches performed not by one instrument, but by a whole orchestra, where there are many musical instruments and each of them has its own role. Remember what marches you heard performed by orchestras?

(Children's answers.)

Today we will listen to the music of composer G. Sviridov “Military March”. If you listen carefully, you can imagine soldiers walking past the stands in neat rows, cavalry passing, clattering their hooves, moving heavily military equipment. Let's imagine now that we are at a military parade. Listen carefully to all the changes in the music and try to show with your movements what you heard.

(The “Military March” of G. Sviridov sounds.)

Now a new march will sound for you - a march from the ballet “The Nutcracker” by composer P.I. Tchaikovsky. Let's listen to him.

(An audio recording of the march is played.)

What march does this music remind you of?

(Children's answers.)

Right. The music of this march is festive, cheerful, and childish. It reminds us of “March of the Wooden Soldiers” by P.I. Tchaikovsky. She is just as joyful and loud. Let's imagine New Year's celebration. In the hall, sparkling with lights, stands a brightly dressed Christmas tree. To the sounds of this march, children in carnival costumes enter the hall in a cheerful crowd. Is all the music of this march the same?

(Children's answers.)

That's right, in the middle of the march the music changes. Listen.

(A fragment of a march sounds.)

What do you think the composer wanted to tell us with his music?

(Children's answers.)

Yes you are right. If we listen carefully, we will hear the sonorous laughter of children, cheerful conversation, and games around the Christmas tree. The march melody tells us this perfectly. Tchaikovsky, like a skilled artist, paints us a picture of a sparkling Christmas tree sparkling with multi-colored lights. But now the sounds of the first part of the march are heard again. The New Year tree celebration continues. Now we will also take part in this celebration. Let's take the tambourines and drums in our hands and quietly play along when we hear the music of the first movement. What musical instruments do you think we need to take to play along with the orchestra in the 2nd part of the march - the picture of the sparkling Christmas tree was brighter?

(Children's answers.)

That's right, bells. When you play on them, imagine sparkling lights, stars, snowflakes and the cheerful laughter of children. Then again, as in the first part, tambourines and drums will begin to play.

(An audio recording of the march is played.)

Musical director(sums up the conversation): Today we talked about the march. Listening to music and comparing it, we learned that there are different marches: military, sports, holiday and even “toy” ones.

Next time we will continue our conversation about the march and go to fairyland. We will learn a lot more interesting things about the march.

Second conversation

Musical director: Let's continue our conversation about the march. Today we will talk about a fairy tale. Many composers wrote music in fairy tales. This is P.I. Tchaikovsky, and M.P. Mussorgsky, and N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, and many, many others. We will remember and talk about the fabulous, fabulous-musical work of the Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg. Tell me which ones fairy creatures march to the music of E. Grig?

(Children's answers.)

Of course, gnomes. This procession was depicted in his music by the Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg. His play is called “Procession of the Dwarves.” Norwegian fairy tales often tell stories of little people living in the forest. They are fast, a little clumsy, skipping. They can be kind, affectionate, but sometimes a little angry. Let's listen to this play again.

(A recording of E. Grieg’s play “Procession of the Dwarves” is played.)

This is a march. But what does it sound like? Do the gnomes walk in even, clear rows?

(Children's answers.)

Yes, the gnomes are passing in front of us in a crowd. The music starts and then gets louder and louder. It’s as if the gnomes are approaching from afar, and now they are already very close. They jump, tumble, run from place to place. The music sounds sometimes faster, sometimes slower, sometimes stops completely, as if gnomes are tumbling on the grass, chasing each other. The music gets louder and louder and then gradually fades away. It was as if the gnomes suddenly stopped when they saw the extraordinary beauty of nature. The green meadow is illuminated by the rays of the sun beating through the foliage. The summer breeze sometimes sways the leaves, a brook quietly, thoughtfully murmurs, as if telling an interesting fairy tale. But then fast-paced music bursts into this silence. It gets louder and louder. It’s as if the gnomes, having admired the beauty of nature, again continue their funny, unusual procession. The music gets louder and louder and ends with a very high chord.

Now I propose to play in the theater. How many of you want to be an artist? Okay, the rest are spectators. The artists will now portray gnomes to the music of E. Grieg “Procession of the Dwarves”.

(An audio recording of the march sounds. Children improvise to the music, imitating the movements of the gnomes.)

Now there will be another march. Listen to it carefully and try to determine which characters are marching to this march.

(The sound of “Chernomor’s March” from M.I. Glinka’s opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila” sounds. Children’s answers.)

That's right, you immediately guessed that the music of this march is unusual, fabulous, magical. An evil wizard, a dwarf with long beard- Chernomor.

The music of the march seems to paint us a picture of this procession. Please note: loud, abrupt sounds with sharp accents at the beginning of the march paint us a portrait of an evil, scary wizard. In the middle part the melody is played by bells. They sound high, transparent, ringing and create the impression of magical, fairy-tale music. Then the first movement is repeated again with a sharp, loud sound from the entire orchestra.

We can imagine ourselves as musicians. To do this, let's pick up the bells and listen to the march again. As soon as you hear the sound of bells in the march, play along quietly on your instruments. Let's imagine that we are in a fairy tale.

(The “Chernomor March” sounds. Children play bells.)

Let's continue our conversation about the music for the fairy tale and fairy tale marches. Now two excerpts from musical works will be heard, two musical riddles. Please, while listening to the music, try to convey the character of the animals depicted here with your movements. Try to guess who the composer wanted to show us.

(A fragment of the “Royal March of the Lions” by KSen-Saens is heard. Children’s answers.)

Yes you are right. The first play was written French composer C. Saint-Saensom. It's called "Royal March of the Lions". With your movements you correctly conveyed the character of this formidable beast. The music, written for an orchestra and two pianos, conveys to us with low, measured sounds the proud, important gait of this animal. Sometimes frightening growling sounds are heard in the music. But then the music changes, suddenly high sounds appeared from the piano. And the lion no longer seems so formidable and important to us.

Now listen to different music.

(The play “Mice” by A. Zhilinsky is played.)

You correctly felt that this music conveys to us the movements of small cute animals. They walk carefully on their thin legs, then suddenly quickly run over and freeze, frightened by a random rustle. Of course, these are mice. The piece of music is called “Mice”. It was written by composer A. Zhilinsky. Why did you decide that it was not big animals that were coming, but small, timid mice?

(Children's answers.)

That's right, the melody of this march sounds high, abruptly, then freezing, then quickly rushing forward.

These marches wonderfully convey the character and mood of the heroes. In one - important, proud, stately, and in the other - fussy, timid, fearful. There are no words in these plays, and they are not needed. Music without words sounds very bright and expressive.

Now we'll play theater again. Who wants to be an artist this time? Fine. The rest are spectators. The artists will now come up to me and quietly, in confidence, tell me what march they want to hear. The artists will then move to this music. The audience will try to guess who the artists are portraying, what the march is called and who wrote it.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 17"

Musical leisure in the senior group

"Journey to musical train"



Antropova N.A.

Arzamas 2017

Children's age 5-6 years

Type classes - music leisure

Materials and equipment: interactive whiteboard, tape recorder, audio recordings of playing musical instruments, chairs

Didactic games used: “Top”, “Cockerel, hen, chick”, “Make a pattern (rhythmic pattern)”, “Loud-quiet”, “Guess what I’m playing on”

Target:development musical abilities and deepening children's understanding of the means musical expressiveness



    Bring joy to children

    Develop children's imagination and creativity

    Foster a love of music and develop an aesthetic sense

    Give children an idea of ​​timbre diversity and its significance in music.

    Development of musical and auditory abilities in children, a comprehensive understanding of different heights musical sounds and their interaction.

    Developing in children the ability to reproduce a rhythmic pattern in clapping, slapping, stamping, on a musical instrument and through movements.

    Expanding children's musical and sound understanding and enriching their musical experience.

Introductory part

On interactive whiteboard An image of a train appears, and the sound of a steam locomotive sounds in the background.

Educator: Guys, look who came to visit us. Who is this? What is he doing? (Engine)

Educator: This train is not simple, it is musical and on it we can go to musical journey with various interesting stops. Do you want to take a ride on this train?

Educator: Then take your seats, It's time for us to go.

(Children sit on chairs)

Main part

Educator: In order for our musical train to become fast, let’s sing a song about it:

The locomotive is moving, moving,

You can hear the sound of wheels

And they’re sitting in the trailer

Lots of little guys


I'll give everyone a ride today

There will be a turn soon

Where the sun rises...


Educator: So we got to the first station. Stop.

Our first station is "Pesennaya". What do you think we will do with it?(To sing songs)

Educator: That's right, we will sing songs on it. And in order to choose a song, I have a magic top. We will spin it and the arrow will show us who we will sing the song about.

The didactic game "Top" is being played

Progress of the game: The driver or the children take turns spinning the top with the arrow. On the circle there are pictures of familiar songs. The children sing a song about which picture the top stops at.

Educator: How much good songs we know, and it’s time for us to continue our journey.

The locomotive is moving, moving,

You can hear the sound of wheels

And they’re sitting in the trailer

Lots of little guys


I'll give everyone a ride today

There will be a turn soon

Where the sun rises...


Educator: So we got to the second station. Stop.

Our second station is "Igrovaya". What do you think we will do with it?(Play)

Educator: That's right, we will play the game "Loud and Quiet", which is very similar to the game "Hot and Cold".

Progress of the game: First, we need to choose an object that we will hide and the driver. We blindfold the driver and send him out the door so that he does not see what we are doing. At this time, the children in the group hide the selected object so that it is not visible at first glance. Then the driver is called. Instead of the words “Hot and cold,” children will sing a song to tell the driver the place where the object is hidden. If the driver is far from him - children They sing quietly, if they come close, they sing very loudly.

Educator: Who wants to be a driver? (If children are shy, you can choose a driver using a little counting rhyme.

A musical and didactic game "Loud and Quiet" is being held

Educator: You are very good at using a song to suggest where an object is hidden and to look for it. It's time for us to continue our journey.

The locomotive is moving, moving,

You can hear the sound of wheels

And they’re sitting in the trailer

Lots of little guys


I'll give everyone a ride today

There will be a turn soon

Where the sun rises...


Educator: So we reached the third station. Stop.

Our third station is "Notnaya". Look, our friends meet us there - Cockerel, hen and chick. Do you want to play with them?

The didactic game "Cockerel, hen, chicken" is being played.

Educator: Well done. It's time for us to continue our journey

The locomotive is moving, moving,

You can hear the sound of wheels

And they’re sitting in the trailer

Lots of little guys


I'll give everyone a ride today

There will be a turn soon

Where the sun rises...


Educator: So we reached the fourth station. Stop.

Our fourth station is "Instrumental". What do you think we will do with it?(To sing songs)

Educator: At this station we will guess musical instruments.

The game "Guess the Instrument" is being played.

Progress of the game: The teacher turns on audio recordings of musical instruments, and the children guess and imitate playing this instrument. One of the children shows a picture of an instrument from the didactic game "Musical Instruments".

Educator: Guys, what is the name of playing several musical instruments?(Ensemble) Do you want to play in an ensemble?

A simulation game "Ensemble" is being played.

Progress of the game: Children choose a musical instrument and memorize it. The teacher plays an audio recording of several musical instruments playing. When the child hears his instrument, he begins to imitate playing the instrument. As soon as his game ends, he stops “playing”.

Educator: We have a wonderful ensemble, and it’s time for us to continue our journey

The locomotive is moving, moving,

You can hear the sound of wheels

And they’re sitting in the trailer

Lots of little guys


I'll give everyone a ride today

There will be a turn soon

Where the sun rises...


Educator: Now we have reached the last station. Stop.

Our fifth station is "Dance". What do you think we will do with it?(Dance).

Educator: Boys, invite the girls to a fun dance.

The song and dance starts: “Hurry up in a circle, dance with me, my friend...” The children dance.

Final part

Educator: Our journey on the musical train has come to an end. Did you like it? What do you remember most? What other stations would you like to visit?

Educator: Next time we will definitely go on a new journey on a musical train and visit new stations and meet new friends, but for now it’s time for us to say goodbye to him. Goodbye train!!!

Topic: “In the world of beauty”

teach children to emotionally perceive and comprehend the holistic musical image by various means artistic expression.
teach children to convey the character of a musical work through visual arts. Strengthen children's knowledge about a musical instrument.
promote the development of dance creativity through composition dance moves to the music.
contribute to the creation of the emotional well-being of children, an atmosphere of cooperation and co-creativity.

Material: flannelograph with the image of a staff, keys cut out of cardboard, sheet music with pictures of a man, tassels, balalaikas according to the number of children.

Center fine arts : Whatman paper, foam rubber, brushes, watercolor paints, jars of water, wax crayons, palette.

Musical Instrument Center: cards with images of tools, colored cards.

Progress of the lesson

Children go into the hall, the teacher invites the children to sit down comfortably, smile, so that the close circle becomes warm and cozy.
Educator: “Guys, today in kindergarten We received a telegram, do you know where? From the Kingdom of Arts! There's a problem there! Evil Wizard kidnapped the Fairy of Music and unusual chaos reigned there. Imagine: the drums are thundering, the strings of guitars and balalaikas are strumming, the trumpet does not stop. All residents lost ear for music, they ask for help. Do you want to help the inhabitants of the kingdom? Then let’s hold hands, close our eyes and listen to music.”

Music by P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers"

Listen to how light the music is
She looks like colored clouds
To a multi-colored round dance of flowers,
To the anthem of spring blooming gardens
She takes us into the world of Art
That world is woven from subtle feelings.
How beautiful, good the music is!

Educator: “Here we are in the Kingdom. But we need to open the main gate of the castle, and for this we need a key. Guys, look, there are many different keys on the table, but we only need one, musical. What is it called correctly? (Treble clef).

Children find a treble clef from the proposed clefs and place it on a flannelgraph with a staff. (Gates)

Educator: “So we opened the gate. And who will meet us now, find out:
Guess the riddle -
So everything will be fine.
We'll all get to the country
Not in a dream, but in reality.
Seven sisters, seven wonderwomen,
We will meet them in every song.
They all live together.
Guess what the name is?

There are only 4 notes here. Let's sing them in order: do, re, mi, fa (Sing)
The little princesses are called notes
We will meet them now, and they are waiting for us.”

The teacher brings the children to the table where cardboard notes are laid out. There is a picture pasted on each side of the note.

Educator: “How can you greet the inhabitants of the land of the Arts? (Song “Hello”) But the notes are not simple, they will tell us what needs to be done to disenchant the Queen. The note with the image of a brush invites you to listen to music and draw a musical collage. The note with the image of a balalaika invites you to find out what instruments the musicians play in the orchestra and what color corresponds to the sound. And the note with the image of a man suggests that you will convey the music with your movements.”

Children choose a note with an image of the activity they would like to do and position themselves next to the symbols corresponding to the center. Throughout the work of all children, music by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the ballet “Swan Lake” is heard.

Center for Fine Arts (represented by the “brush” symbol). Making a collage “The Sound of Music” using unconventional technology drawing on a large Whatman paper.

Center for Musical Instruments (represented by the “balalaika” symbol). Didactic game“Recognize the instrument and color it.” Children listen to the music and find pictures with the instruments that are present in this melody. Then a colored card is selected for each tool. Sound is correlated with color.

Rhythmoplasty center (represented by the “man” symbol). Children improvise music with movement. They can show how the wind blows, flowers bloom, butterflies fly in, etc.

Work continues until the end of the music.

Educator: “In order for the first note to appear on stave, we need to find out who the author of the music we listened to” (Children’s answers).
The music flows, sparkles, sparkles!
Joy and celebration! Sun and light!
As if telling all sorrows to be forgotten
Music of Happiness – first concert!
(S. Drozdova)

Of course, you recognized P.I. Tchaikovsky’s music from the ballet “Swan Lake”.

The note “C” is placed on the flannelgraph, and the children sing it.

Educator:“To open the second note, our guys drew music”
Presentation of the Center for Fine Arts.

The note “D” is placed on the flannelgraph. Children sing two notes.
Educator: “In order to open the third note for us, we need to be friends with dancing.”
Presentation of the rhythmoplasty center.
Children improvise movements to the music. The note "E" opens. Children sing: do, re, mi.

The presentation of the center of musical instruments is carried out in a similar way, the note “F” appears.
Music is playing. The Fairy of Arts appears and thanks the children for miraculous salvation. Children dance with the Fairy of Arts.

(Music sounds, children enter with paper doves in their hands)

Presenter - Today we celebrate Peace Day. Peace on our planet is, first of all, peace in hearts, souls, and minds. This is tolerance, this is love for nature and all people. This is a feeling of unity with the world, nature, people. And in order for this world to take place, it is necessary to raise children with peace, walking around the world.

What do you guys think, what is WORLD?

(children's answers)

Child - The world is a very great wealth,

Peace is mercy, smiles and brotherhood,

Peace - when the sun always smiles,

Peace is when our problems are solved.

Presenter 1 - You are right, the world is what surrounds us: grass, sun, sky, trees, birds, bugs, spiders. It is so beautiful, this world of living and inanimate nature. Be careful and discover the amazing, mysterious, Magic world that surrounds us every day.

1 - An amazing world surrounds us all:

The rain is falling and the sun is shining,

The cat meows, the dog growls,

Someone laughs, and someone grumbles.

2 - The leaves on the trees rustle in the wind,

The bird chirps, then goes silent.

How beautiful our world is! Take care of him

Protect, appreciate and love him!

Presenter 2 - It’s no coincidence that our guys came here with pigeons in their hands. The dove is a symbol of peace, a symbol of the fight against war, violence, anxiety and tears. On each dove, the guys drew and wrote the kindest things that are most necessary for the existence of peace on our earth. And let our pigeons tell the whole world about this.

A globe is made, on which children attach their pigeons

3 - If we could connect,

Let all the guys make friends

If we united

All villages, cities,

No more tears would flow

Never on the planet!

4 - In the sky, on the water, on land

The dove of peace would soar

Everyone in this world

He spoke to us about peace.

(M. Ignatieva)

Song about peace

Presenter 1 - Learn to enjoy the first rays of the sun, the amazing sounds of nature, and also the laughter of your friends, the presence of your family and friends next to you.

Song “With us, friend!”

1 - Motherland is mom and dad,

Two hills on strawberry mountain.

Childhood, school, soldier's shoulder straps - And the open space of rivers at dawn!

2 - I want to tell you,

I won’t hide it from my friends:

My home, my family -

The most dear!

3 - I’m proud of my mom,

She is more valuable than everyone else

If I make a mistake somewhere,

Mommy will help!

4 - I have guys

Dad is the best!

Best player to play football

He will teach me!

Song "The Best House in the World"

Presenter 2 - You don’t need many worlds:

We only need one!

In the scent of flowers,

Calm and friendly with soul.

Necessary for people

Friends, open spaces, book pages,

Our mothers' wrinkles

Children's fluffy eyelashes.

Presenter 1 - In labor, in the boiling of dreams,

Giving free rein to youthful forces,

In struggle, in love - to the fullest

We will greedily enjoy the world.

1 - Who will answer why?

Everything around is so beautiful

And, wherever we look, -

On the left is a friend and on the right is a friend!

2 - Because we love you very much

Our beautiful kindergarten.

And about how life is in it,

We want to tell you.

Song “Kindergarten “Sun”

Presenter - Look, all the artists are here: - 38

Both dancers and soloists!

Let's have fun and eat

We live together here in the garden.

Happy dance

1 - We have one Earth, one, -39

She's so blue.

She calls us to help,

So unprotected...

2 - Flowers bloom on her alone,

Children are laughing on it alone,

And there is no more beautiful beauty,

And there are no doves on the planet.

3 - She gave us joy,

Gave dew and sunrises,

And not to be found in all the worlds

More beautiful than mother planet.

(D. Zevina)

4 - We celebrate the day of peace,

Dear holiday to all of us,

We wish everyone

Be loyal to the country with all your heart!

Presenter - We live in a country that has amazing beautiful name– Belarus. And you and I are citizens of Belarus - Belarusians! Belarus is a beautiful and free country! A country with many cities, many villages and villages. Many people live in Belarus different nationalities, but they all live in peace and harmony. Why are we called Belarusians and our land Belarus? Why this name arose, no one knows for sure. Some say that white means free. White color has always been a symbol of free life.

1 - White means clean!

White means good!

You are like a dewdrop, sparkling.

You are like an orphan, modest.

2 - Trampled by the Tatars

And a brutal fascist,

But your appearance, dear,

Clear and clean.

3 — The dandelion paradise is burning again.

I love you, my Belarusian land.

I'm not afraid to repeat for everyone:

You are white, Belarus!

Nadezhda Skrebe

1 - Hills, copses,

Meadows and fields -

Native, green

Our land.

2 - The land where I made

Your first step

Where did you once come out?

To the fork in the road.

And I realized what it was

Expanse of fields -

A piece of the great

My fatherland.

3 - And wherever you look,

The blue sky is visible in the field,

The smell of cereal is carried by the breeze,

From those fields where cornflower grows!

4 - Infinite number of times,

I saw the beauty of your eyes,

They have lights of magical colors,

They reminded me of cornflowers!

5 - I made a wreath from them,

Like poems from blue lines,

I danced ballet in it.

Here is a wreath, like a bouquet.

Dance with wreaths

1 - Motherland is a big, big word!

Let there be no miracles in the world,

If you say this word with your soul,

It is deeper than the seas, higher than the skies!

2 - It fits exactly half the world:

Mom and dad, neighbors, friends.

Dear city, dear apartment,

Grandma, kindergarten, kitten... and me.

3 - Sunny bunny in the palm,

Lilac bush outside the window

And on the cheek there is a mole -

This is also the Motherland.

4 - Both beautiful and rich

Our Motherland, guys.

It's a long drive from the capital

To any of its borders.

Everything around you is your own, dear:

Mountains, steppes and forests:

The rivers sparkle blue,

Blue skies.

Presenter 1 - No one is cramped in our country! We want to live in friendship and harmony.

Presenter 2 - Let's choose beautiful and gentle words for the word homeland.

1 - There is a young country on earth

It is called Belarus.

People live here friendly and cheerfully

And people from all over the world are invited to visit.

2 - The bright sun always shines here,

We don't need war and trouble.

The work and smiles of children are valued here.

Not in the world more beautiful country mine!

3 - Belarus, Belarus - the cry of cranes in the sky.

Belarus, Belarus - the smell of bread from the fields!

Belarus, Belarus - you are our native lands.

Belarus, Belarus - you are our native country!

4 - The expanse of rivers and lakes - there are no blue ones in the world.

And there are no kinder people in the world!

Belarus, Belarus - the nightingales sing here,

They don't let us sleep until dawn!

5 - No fires or wars! Beauty - look.

Belarus, Belarus - let there be no war!

Song about peace

Like all countries in the world, all states existing on earth, Belarus has its own flag and coat of arms. The national flag is raised during special occasions, holidays.

Presenter 1 - My country, dear Belarus,

May it always float freely above you

Our flag, in which we joyfully merged

The colors that are dearest to all of us.

Presenter 2 - Green - the color of fields, meadows, forests,

And red is the color of life and hope,

AND White color, as a symbol of all centuries,

Those who keep both love and fidelity in their hearts.

Presenter - At all times, people loved their homeland, were friends, helped each other, united when trouble threatened their homeland, and together defended it from enemies. In the name of home country feats were performed, songs and poems were composed about her.

1 - Between the lasses and the azers - cornflower-blue pales,

I don’t know, I don’t know the jumping lands,

And beauties over gifts, and frames and muraga

I can’t stop loving the work outside the windows.

Vasil Zhukovych

2 - I am Belarusian, I am overjoyed

On the getai Cossack land,

Dze mizh lyasou i pushchau dzikikh

Adveku Prashchura lived.

3 - I am Belarusian, I am Ghanaian,

What is my name,

To the good glory of Belarus

The world knows it's not for nothing!

4 - I am Belarusian, I am happy,

What matsimovu gave me,

What are the native songs of Peraliva?

I feel it close, I feel it nearby.

5 - I am Belarusian, I want to change

Yashche are small, but I’ll say:

I come from a tribe of non-pakorans

I won’t give a damn!

N. Gilevich

6 - Go overseas,

You have to fly across the entire earth:

There are different countries in the world,

But you won’t find one like ours.

7 - There is no better land in the world:

Shout and he will answer with a song,

Ask the sun - from the heights

He will come straight to your house.

8 - He will generously give you warmth...

Take care of your land, your home.

The honey here is the sweetest...

Our land is like a mother’s caress.

9 — Every year it becomes more beautiful

Dear regions.

Better than our Motherland

Not in the world, friends!

Song about the Motherland

Host - We wish you peace, goodness and prosperity. Dear friends, our holiday is ending. When an important event begins or ends in a country, the anthem of our Motherland always sounds. And our kindergarten is our little homeland. And she also has her own anthem, which we will now sing together.

Hymn “On the path of goodness”

Photo presentation of entertainment