Will the younger generation be able to grow a garden essay. Essay on the theme of the younger generation in the play (Petya Trofimov and Anya)

/ / / Three generations in Chekhov’s play “The Cherry Orchard”

In Chekhov's "The Cherry Orchard" three generations are clearly distinguished. The first rightfully belongs to the footman. He loves the estate where he has worked his entire adult life. The old man’s soul still lives in “serfdom”, since he himself does not want to accept new “strange” laws. He was satisfied with certainty and order in everything. Now, although he feels like a kind of “authorized” person in the estate, he still worries about the future. He is tormented by the fact that there is only uncertainty ahead, from which he, due to his age, may suffer.

The second generation includes and. They inherited the worldview, character and landowner traditions from their parents. However, neither sister nor brother calculated their strength, and the estate is in decline. Their “debt hole” is growing as well as their “lordly” demands. Life teaches heroes practically nothing. Ranevskaya had already sold her dacha near Menton, and literally supported her lover with this money. The woman herself was not averse to living lavishly. Love, just wasted money. Even when she was forced to return to her homeland with virtually no funds, wastefulness did not leave her character.

Gaev is very dissatisfied with this behavior. The man literally reproaches his sister, but he himself leads a very “uneconomical” lifestyle. His habits have long included dinners in expensive restaurants, playing billiards in a club and other celebrations. Living on the Gaev estate, he constantly watches as Varya struggles with all her strength in order to somehow reduce expenses.

And they are the third and final generation. Lopakhin can also be included among them. He, like the girls, is “rooted” to the estate. Ermolai was the son of a simple serf "peasant". However, only he managed to literally rise from the bottom. His plans include a wedding with Varya, but the young couple still fail to explain themselves. They are both busy, both goal-oriented and their actions are very thoughtful. Will they create another generation together? Most likely not.

Despite mutual sympathy, Chekhov does not create a new “cell” of society. With Lopakhin’s indecisiveness, the author literally cuts the knot of emerging feelings and separates the youth in different directions. The garden is cut down, and at the same time the history of this estate ends. Perhaps Lopakhin will get married someday, and a new generation will be born, without the old burdening memories of what he experienced. In the meantime, he is leaving " noble nest"Together with the servants, Gaev and his sister, Varya and Anna.

Anya leaves the estate with joy. She imagines her future in rainbow color. The girl has studies ahead, new discoveries and communication with Peter. It was he who showed the representative of the third generation all the “cons” of the past idea of ​​​​life. Thanks to him, the girl is not afraid of the unknown future. She boldly steps forward, trying not to look back at the felled cherry trees in the garden...

Three generations, three different views for life and one garden, in which everyone was once able to find their little happiness...

The younger generation includes Petya Trofimov and Anya. Let’s focus on Petya, since he bears the main semantic load of the word “young” (here – “beginning to live”, “promising”). Petya Trofimov is 26 years old; six years ago he was the teacher of the son of the owner of the Ranevskaya estate. The boy drowned, his mother, in order to forget the grief, leaves for Paris. Petya settles somewhere nearby. Ranevskaya arrives, having spent all her money abroad, and Petya comes to the house only to bow and leave immediately. It is difficult for him to understand that his behavior is tactless. Others understand this (Anya, Varya). With his appearance, he reminds the woman of her loss. Brings her to tears. He is actually caring for Anya on the estate. That's why it's here. Ranevskaya considers him good person. Lopakhin sincerely loves him. Varya is strict with him. Anya admires him and is almost in love. Everyone around him thinks Petya is smart, honest, proud man. But the characterization of Petya by other heroes is very laconic. Limits himself to the words brother, funny man. We can't make up full portrait hero. Petya, in his words, free man. Fits well into the image of a revolutionary. But where does this sickly man, with glasses, in a student uniform, get his strength? One woman called him in the carriage a shabby gentleman, to his face they call him a “klutz”, “ eternal student" He enjoys authority. What kind of authority can he have with his appearance? Let us remember Dunyasha’s words: “On the third day Pyotr Sergeich arrived. They sleep in the bathhouse and live there.” Appearance is not the main thing here. Petya pronounces monologues about Russian intelligentsia, about workers, about serf owners, about the rich. At the same time, he warns that he is afraid of serious conversations. Let's look behind Petya's words. Petya sees only dirt around him. In front of you are white-handed women who live at the expense of others. Sometimes he switches from denunciation to self-flagellation. He may be right, because he himself has not done anything for 5 months. But he tells others that they need to work. And this is with the hardworking Vara and the energetic, businesslike Lopakhin. Petya believes that “humanity is moving towards the highest truth, towards the highest happiness that is possible on earth.” The monologue “humanity is coming” is pronounced at the request of the bored Ranevskaya and after Lopakhin’s ironic remark to the words about Petya’s intelligence. An apt description given by Petya to Lopakhin (about “ beast of prey"), begins and ends with laughter. Petya's life was difficult, he was expelled from the university 2 times. Trofimov does not study because he cannot study and support himself at the same time. When Petya is asked why he didn’t complete the course? Petya is silent in response. Trofimov has fallen behind the “new”; he lives in the provinces, does nothing, reads nothing. He sees only dirt around him. He speaks beautifully and energetically calls to go forward, but he does not shine with wealth, beauty, or tact. Every other character is more humane than him. His honesty is worthless. He hasn't suffered anything in his life. In the play, Petya not only criticizes existing order, its main role is a call to change life. Petya invites you to follow him because he sees himself in the “front row”. He himself has no idea where or why to go. The goal for him is unclear. He just has a presentiment. He does not know life and is afraid of it, what could be the goal? He hides from fear of life behind in beautiful words and even closes his eyes from “fear.” At the end of the play, Petya and Anya are going to Moscow to imprison new garden. Begin new life. And what kind of luggage will he travel with, if he can’t even leave the house, he’s looking for galoshes. He was sucked into the life of people like Ranevskaya and Gaev, he is not able to go beyond words. According to Chekhov, the Trofimovs’ task in life and image in the play is to give an impetus to Anya’s movement. Just like Anya. Anya is the bearer of new future revolutionary ideas. Young, with character, without the burden of the past on her feet, she evokes sympathy. It is people like her who move forward. Anya talks about life.

The younger generation of “The Cherry Orchard” by A.P. Chekhov

10th grade

The younger generation includes Petya Trofimov and Anya. Let’s focus on Petya, since he bears the main semantic load of the word “young” (here – “beginning to live”, “promising”). Petya Trofimov is 26 years old; six years ago he was the teacher of the son of the owner of the Ranevskaya estate. The boy drowned, his mother, in order to forget the grief, leaves for Paris. Petya settles somewhere nearby. Ranevskaya arrives, having spent all her money abroad, and Petya comes to the house only to bow and leave immediately. It is difficult for him to understand that his behavior is tactless. Others understand this (Anya, Varya). With his appearance, he reminds the woman of her loss. Brings her to tears. He is actually caring for Anya on the estate. That's why it's here. Ranevskaya considers him a good person. Lopakhin sincerely loves him. Varya is strict with him. Anya admires him and is almost in love. Everyone around him considers Petya a smart, honest, proud person. But the characterization of Petya by other heroes is very laconic. Limits himself to the words brother, funny man. We cannot create a complete portrait of the hero. Petya, according to him, is a free man. Fits well into the image of a revolutionary. Just where does the strength come from this sickly man, in glasses, in a student uniform, one woman in the carriage called him a shabby gentleman, in his eyes they call him “klutz”, “eternal student”. He enjoys authority. What kind of authority can he have with his appearance? Let us remember Dunyasha’s words: “On the third day Pyotr Sergeich arrived. They sleep in the bathhouse and live there.” Appearance is not the main thing here. Petya pronounces monologues about the Russian intelligentsia, about workers, about serf owners, about the rich. At the same time, he warns that he is afraid of serious conversations. Let's look behind Petya's words. Petya sees only dirt around him. In front of you are white-handed women who live at the expense of others. Sometimes he switches from denunciation to self-flagellation. He may be right, because he himself has not done anything for 5 months. But he tells others that they need to work. And this is with the hardworking Vara and the energetic, businesslike Lopakhin. Petya believes that “humanity is moving towards the highest truth, towards the highest happiness that is possible on earth.” The monologue “humanity is coming” is pronounced at the request of the bored Ranevskaya and after Lopakhin’s ironic remark to the words about Petya’s intelligence. Petya’s apt description of Lopakhin (about the “beast of prey”) begins and ends with laughter. Petya's life was difficult, he was expelled from the university 2 times. Trofimov does not study because he cannot study and support himself at the same time. When Petya is asked why he didn’t complete the course? Petya is silent in response. Trofimov has fallen behind the “new”; he lives in the provinces, does nothing, reads nothing. He sees only dirt around him. He speaks beautifully and energetically calls to go forward, but he does not shine with wealth, beauty, or tact. Every other character is more humane than him. His honesty is worthless. He hasn't suffered anything in his life. In the play, Petya not only criticizes the existing order, his main role is a call for a change in life. Petya invites you to follow him because he sees himself in the “front row”. He himself has no idea where or why to go. The goal for him is unclear. He just has a presentiment. He does not know life and is afraid of it, what could be the goal? He hides from fear of life behind beautiful words and even closes his eyes from “fear.” At the end of the play, Petya and Anya are going to Moscow to plant a new garden there. Start a new life. And what kind of luggage will he travel with, if he can’t even leave the house, he’s looking for galoshes. He was sucked into the life of people like Ranevskaya and Gaev, he is not able to go beyond words. According to Chekhov, the Trofimovs’ task in life and image in the play is to give an impetus to Anya’s movement. Just like Anya. Anya is the bearer of new future revolutionary ideas. Young, with character, without the burden of the past on her feet, she evokes sympathy. It is people like her who move forward. Anya talks about life.

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