Who is Creed by nationality? Egor Creed: biography, personal life, family, wife, girlfriend, children - photo

KReeD aka Egor Bulatkin is a young and promising pop-r’n’b performer in Russia, label artist Black Star inc. Egor Bulatkin was born on June 25, 1994 in Penza. He is the author of his own songs.

Conscious choice musical direction he did at the age of 11, after hearing 50 cent’s “Candy Shop” one day. The influence of hip-hop culture helped him realize his potential: already at the age of 12 he began to write texts and record them on a tape recorder.

The success of KReeD was not long in coming, in March 2012 he won the competition “VKontakte Star - Channel Five”, nomination “Best Hip-Hop Project”, it was in this category that there was the most intense struggle, over 1000 competitors, but KReeD scored twenty with over a thousand votes and was invited to perform at one of the main stages of St. Petersburg, the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, with the song “Inspiration.”

The starting point, after which the management of the production center Black Star inc. began to monitor the successes young artist, was prompted by the release of a cover version performed by KReeD of Timati’s hit “Don’t Go Crazy”, the view counter of which crossed the million mark.

In April 2012, Timati signed a contract with a promising pop-r’n’b performer.

The first work under the auspices of the Black Star label was the composition “Starlet,” for which a video was shot in the spring of 2012. In the video main role performed by the heroine of the series “ father's daughters» Miroslava Karpovich. In just a couple of days, the video views on Youtube.com amounted to several hundred thousand, and the performance with the track of the same name at the Ello festival became the leader in the regions in terms of the total number of views.

In the summer of 2012, KReeD is invited to perform at large venues in the capital (Olympiysky Sports Complex, Luzhniki, All-Russian Exhibition Center, Poklonnaya Gora, etc.) as part of various social events: Hip-Hop Unite, May 1, City of Youth, ELLO Festival, Euro 2012, etc.

It should be noted that KReeD’s busy schedule does not interfere with his communication with fans: on June 4, 2012, a meeting with fans was held at the All-Russian Exhibition Center, which was attended by more than 300 people. In a relaxed atmosphere, KReeD shared his plans and impressions, signed autographs and took photographs with connoisseurs of his work.

Today, in social network KReeD has posted about 60 songs and video clips that were filmed in his hometown Penza, the most beloved of them: Love on the Internet, Wake up, Come back, forgive me!, Life Diary and I'm catching you. In his interviews, KReeD openly talks about creative plans and music, but prefers not to advertise the topic of his personal life. He dreams of acting in films and recording features with world performers.

Besides music, KReeD's hobbies are various types sports and leads healthy image life, being a wonderful example for his fans.

Professional achievements:
Winner of the Hip-Hop festival "AIDS STOP".
Participant of various Hip-Hop festivals and Battles.
Winner in the main category “HIP-HOP STAR” at the Fourth Annual Award in the field of Hip-Hop & RnB culture Hip-Hop Stars
Artist of the creative association "PRIME TIME PROMO GROUP"
Winner of the competition “VKontakte Star - Channel Five” in the category “Best Hip-Hop Project”, winner of the Grand Prix.

Homely atmosphere creative family played a role: with early childhood KReeD had a keen interest in music and his favorite toys at the time were drumsticks.
Creed 2013
He made his conscious choice of musical direction at the age of 11: he was playing chips in the yard with his friend and saw a dark guy in wide pants with huge headphones, from which the music and voice of 50 CENT could be heard loudly. The performance style, unusual for him at that time, shocked KReeD: he began to collect all the material of this artist. The influence of Hip Hop culture helped KReeD realize his potential: at the age of 12 he began to write lyrics and record them on a tape recorder. The first understanding but strict audience were his parents and sister, close friends.

For several years he created works, honing his skills. In his songs, he reflected the problems of his peers, wrote what came from the soul, from the depths of his heart.

KReeD's popularity continued to grow: the number of his VKontakte subscribers exceeded 120,000 and he was invited to take part in the VKontakte Star - Channel Five competition. Success awaited him here too: it was he who won this competition, receiving the Grand Prix.

Management of the production center "Black Star Inc." has been following KReeD's successes for a long time and signed a contract with him on March 12, 2012. Thus, KReeD joined the ranks of the creative team of artists “Black Star Inc.”

To date, about 60 songs and video clips have been posted on the KReeD social network, which were filmed in his hometown of Penza. In his interviews, Yegor openly talks about creative plans and music, but he prefers not to advertise the topic of his personal life. He dreams of acting in films and recording features with world performers. This year he graduates from school and plans to enter Moscow State University.

In addition to music, KReeD enjoys dancing, paintball, tennis and leads a healthy lifestyle, being a great example for his fans.

He appeared not so long ago, but has already won the hearts of millions of young performers - Yegor Creed. Biography, height, weight, age - this is not all the data that his fans are interested in. How he became famous, who helped him, what he owes to Timati - these and many other questions are examined every day by the media in detail at every opportunity.


The performer's real name is the pseudonym the future hip-hop singer came up with for himself at the age of fourteen.

Egor was born in the city of Penza on June twenty-fifth, 1994. Father and mother are the owners big business. The performer's father, Nikolai Bulatkin, devoted his life to the development of his business. Mother - Marina, in addition to being the deputy of father Yegor, free time practiced singing. Creed has a sister, Polina.


Yegor's family is considered quite wealthy. And his mother’s passion for music only contributed to the development of the future conqueror of women’s hearts in this area. Studied young singer at a school with an English bias. He was fond of many sports, fortunately Yegor Creed kept his height and weight normal, and they allowed him to develop physically. He devoted a lot of time and effort to football, hockey, basketball and tennis. It is also worth noting that Egor has repeatedly participated in chess tournaments.

As a teenager, Creed became interested in rap music, listening to foreign performers. American star 50 Cent awakened Yegor's talent as an author. And already at the age of eleven, the future singer wrote the lyrics himself and recorded the song on a voice recorder. The song was called "Amnesia".

At the age of fourteen, Yegor decided that his last name was not suitable for the stage, and came up with a pseudonym for himself - Creed. The singer himself explains his nickname as simply good combination letters and nothing else.

Personal life

Such an enviable groom as Yegor Creed is credited with many novels. Which one actually happened is difficult to find out, since the performer himself does not confirm or deny them.

Egor claims that he personal life with the advent of fame, she faded into the background. And he devotes himself entirely to creativity.

However, the paparazzi are restless. In 2012, Creed, in their opinion, was tied romantic relationship with Miroslava Karpovich (one of the actresses of the series "Daddy's Daughters"). The following year, Egor was spotted with model Diana Mellison. But their romantic feelings quickly faded.

To the list of girls with whom young performer there were relationships, include: Nyusha, Victoria Daineko, Anna, actress Anastasia), Ksenia Deli (the heroine of the Justin Bieber video).

What is Yegor Creed's height and weight?

This is interesting. Many fans and admirers want to know as much as possible about everything that Yegor Creed is associated with. Weight, height, foot size, age - this and much other information is collected by fans of the Russian performer. We will find out too.

IN real life Yegor Creed doesn't look tall. The height and weight of the performer are in excellent proportion to each other. This is easy to see from photographs from gym. Yegor Creed himself posts them regularly on his microblog. Height and weight are following values- one hundred eighty-five centimeters and 80 kilograms. Foot size - 42. These are excellent parameters for young man.

Yegor Creed tries to keep his height and weight constant. And if the first cannot be increased or decreased, then the second fluctuates. But these changes are insignificant, since the idol of millions leads a healthy lifestyle, does not smoke or drink. Sports activities and regular tours do not allow the singer to gain much weight.

Path to fame

As already mentioned, I took my first steps towards a career as a performer and musician back in adolescence. However, they started talking about him only after Egor was published on the Internet. In 2011, Creed posted on his social network page own song. Like many of his friends, he spent a lot of time communicating on the Internet. And the track was called “Love on the Net.”

It came as a surprise to Yegor that so many people were interested in his work, and he decided that it was not worth wasting time. Together with friends, he recorded the first video. In a couple of weeks, the self-filmed video received almost a million views on the Internet. For the first time, Yegor Creed felt popular and loved by the people. This fueled his self-confidence. Egor became even more active in writing texts and filming videos, continuing to post them on the Internet.

Career development

At the age of seventeen, Yegor Creed recorded a cover version of the song “Don’t Go Crazy,” performed by the famous Russian rapper Timati. This version of the composition became popular almost immediately. Produced by Black star Inc. noticed this and immediately contacted the young talent.

The famous label, together with Yegor Creed, conducted several interviews. At the same time, friends managed to convince the young man to take part in the VKontakte Star competition. Egor defeated thousands of young rap artists from many other countries and received the title “Best Hip-Hop Project.” After the triumph, Creed received invitations to participate in various concerts. He agreed to some of them and took part. Yegor even recorded songs together with some local stars. And in 2012, he finally signed a contract with the Timati production center and soon moved to Moscow.

In 2014, he recorded the song “The Most, the Same,” which occupies the title position in all music lists and ratings. And the clip currently has seventy million views.

2015 will be remembered by all fans of the young artist for the release of his debut album.

In 2016, Yegor Creed was not allowed to perform concerts in Ukraine. Exact reasons for refusing funds mass media unknown.

Egor Creed today

Having moved to Moscow, Yegor entered the Russian Academy music, but after some time he took a sabbatical leave due to an overly busy touring schedule.

Today Creed has received many awards and prizes. Every day fans attack him and declare their love. Yegor Creed is one of the most sought-after performers of the Timati production center.

The performer has enough high growth. And Yegor Creed must control his weight for his star image. He does not hide his secrets. Egor never drinks alcohol, does not smoke, and regularly posts videos of his workouts on his microblog.

Creed's heart is free, but in one of his interviews he said that he plans to start a family in the next five years, as well as have offspring. Become not only a father to your child, but also a friend who will be on the same wavelength with him.

KReeD made a conscious choice of musical direction at the age of 11, having once heard 50 cent’s composition “Candy Shop”. The influence of hip-hop culture helped him realize his potential: already at the age of 12 he began to write texts and record them on a tape recorder.

The success of KReeD was not long in coming, in March 2012 he won the competition “VKontakte Star - Channel Five”, nomination “Best Hip-Hop Project”, it was in this category that there was the most intense struggle, over 1000 competitors, but KReeD scored twenty with over a thousand votes and was invited to perform at one of the main stages of St. Petersburg, the Oktyabrsky Concert Hall, with the song “Inspiration.”

The starting point, after which the management of the production center Black Star inc. began to follow the successes of the young artist, it was the release of a cover version performed by KReeD of Timati’s hit “Don’t Go Crazy”, the view counter of which crossed the million mark.

In April 2012, Timati signed a contract with a promising pop-r’n’b performer.

The first work under the auspices of the Black Star label was the composition “Starlet”, for which a video was shot in the spring of 2012. In the video, the main role was played by the heroine of the series “Daddy’s Daughters” Miroslava Karpovich. In just a couple of days, the video views on Youtube.com amounted to several hundred thousand, and the performance with the track of the same name at the Ello festival became the leader in the regions in terms of the total number of views.

In the summer of 2012, KReeD is invited to perform at large venues in the capital (Olympiysky Sports Complex, Luzhniki, All-Russian Exhibition Center, Poklonnaya Gora, etc.) as part of various public events: Hip-Hop Unite, May 1, Youth City, ELLO Festival, Euro 2012, etc. ..

It should be noted that KReeD’s busy schedule does not interfere with his communication with fans: on June 4, 2012, a meeting with fans was held at the All-Russian Exhibition Center, which was attended by more than 300 people. In a relaxed atmosphere, KReeD shared his plans and impressions, signed autographs and took photographs with connoisseurs of his work.

To date, about 60 songs and video clips have been posted on the KReeD social network, which were filmed in his hometown of Penza, the most beloved of them: Love on the Internet, Wake up, Come back, forgive me!, Life Diary and I'm catching you. In his interviews, KReeD openly talks about creative plans and music, but prefers not to advertise the topic of his personal life. He dreams of acting in films and recording features with world performers.

In addition to music, KReeD enjoys various sports and leads a healthy lifestyle, being a great example for his fans.

Professional achievements:
Winner of the Hip-Hop festival "AIDS STOP".
Participant of various Hip-Hop festivals and Battles.
Winner in the main category “HIP-HOP STAR” at the Fourth Annual Award in the field of Hip-Hop & RnB culture Hip-Hop Stars
Artist of the creative association "PRIME TIME PROMO GROUP"
Winner of the competition “VKontakte Star - Channel Five” in the category “Best Hip-Hop Project”, winner of the Grand Prix.

Yegor Creed is a representative of the new generation of rappers, a YouTube star, popular artist and favorite Russian girls, born in Penza on June 25, 1994.


Creed is stage name artist, real name whom Bulatkin. He - only child into the family of an influential businessman, to whom they tried not to deny anything. However, even his parents could not imagine that the stage would become their son’s vocation.

However, Yegor’s mother at one time acted as a vocalist, his older sister tried herself in cinema, and even his serious dad “dabbled” in playing the guitar. But Yegor himself did not have pronounced musical abilities. When else in before school age he tried to master his father's guitar, the test was unsuccessful, and he abandoned music, becoming interested in sports.

Yegor’s sports career was much more successful, especially since his hobbies there were very diverse. The boy attended the chess section, played tennis And team events sports. At the same time, he managed to study well at an English special school and even participate in various competitions.

But in adolescence, like many others, his first love came to him, which broke his heart and revealed his dormant poetic talent. At the same time, he became interested in rap, and became his idol famous rapper 50 cent, whose lyrics Yegor listened to almost all day long. And, of course, I tried to write my own.

First videos

Egor's texts were liked by his friends and quickly made him popular among his peers. Nothing surprising - they were very sincere, filled with his own experiences, telling about the difficulties of first love. He recorded the texts on a tape recorder, and his friends asked him to rewrite them.

Then the idea came to post one of the songs on social networks. But just the text is not interesting, but how can you superimpose a video sequence onto a rapper’s text? And Egor decides to shoot his first video clip. Remembering what his father taught him - do everything you do well, he finds a professional cameraman who agrees to shoot and edit the video, and Yegor’s friends act as actors.

After 10 hours, the clip was already on his VKontakte page, and then, literally in a few days, this video received more than 1 million views. Egor himself did not expect such popularity and, inspired by the result, began filming and uploading videos for his other compositions. In 2012, he received a well-deserved award for his work, the VKontakte Star prize.

Thanks to such quick self-promotion, Egor was also noticed by professional producers. Timati's music agency offered the boy a rather lucrative contract, he moved to Moscow and took up creative work professionally, which he continues to do to this day. At the same time, he manages to study to become a producer at Gnesinka, deciding to make music his profession and do it as well as possible.

Personal life

Yegor’s personal life began quite early, which is not surprising, especially after the popularity that fell on him, thanks to which he had thousands of loving fans. However, do final choice he is in no hurry - most He devotes his time to creativity and touring concerts.

IN different time he appeared in public with very bright and pretty famous girls, but his longest affair with the beauty Diana Melisson lasted only about two years. Then Anna Zavorotnyuk, Victoria Daineko and other equally popular personalities were noticed among his girlfriends.

But at present the performer's heart is free. Although for some time now he has already begun to think quite seriously about starting a family.

Egor Creed is a famous Russian hip-hop artist. he works with the music label "Black Star Inc." and constantly releases new songs that end up becoming hits.

Childhood and youth of Yegor Creed

The performer's real name is Egor Nikolaevich Bulatkin, he was born on June 25, 1994 in Penza. His family was wealthy, the boy never needed anything. The father was a famous businessman Nikolai Bulatkin, he owned a nut processing factory.

All other family members were involved in music. My mother sang in her youth, my sister was an actress and singer. As a child, Yegor wanted to learn to play the guitar and sing.

Parents sent Yegor to a school with in-depth study in English. From the age of eight he began going to the chess section, where for four years he took part in many tournaments. He devoted a lot of time to sports, playing football, basketball, and tennis. I even took part in competitions where I took fifth place.

Even at school age, the boy was interested in the genre of rap music, which ultimately determined him musical biography. At the age of 11, the boy began to write his own songs and recorded them on a tape recorder. After Creed graduated from school, he moved to Moscow and entered the Gnessin Academy of Music to major in producer.

In 2015, the musician took a sabbatical leave in connection with the development of his musical career.

Musical career of Yegor Creed

Creed began his musical career on the Internet. As a teenager, he composed and recorded a song called “The word “love” has lost its meaning,” which he posted on his social network page. Surprisingly, many netizens liked the song, Creed became interested and he decided to shoot a video for this song.

To do this, he called his friends and also found an operator with good equipment. After 10 hours of work, the guys were able to record their first music video. In order to intrigue the audience, the musician decided to change the title of the song to “Love on the Internet.” This video played a major role in musical career Egor.

In one week the clip was completed more than millions views on YouTube. This made him an internet celebrity. The guy didn’t stop there and started shooting videos for his songs and posting them online.

In 2012, Creed won the VKontakte Star competition in the Best Hip-Hop Project category. He was able to beat more than a thousand other competitors and get Grand Prize. Later he was invited to perform on the stage of Oktyabrsky, where he sang his composition “Inspiration”.

In the same year, he decided to record a video for a cover version of the song “Don’t Go Crazy,” performed by Timati. Everyone liked this option.

At the age of 17, Egor was noticed by the producers of the Russian label “Black Star Inc.”, which was founded by Timati. the guy was given an interesting offer, and three months later he moved to Moscow to sign a contract with a famous studio.

In the spring, the “Starlet” video appeared on TV screens, which was filmed in the Black Star Inc. studio. Since then, Egor has constantly taken part in various events and music festivals. In the summer, he organized a party for fans and shared his plans for the future.

In 2015, Creed’s first album “Bachelor” appeared. The song “The Most” was recognized best song year on the RU TV channel.

In February 2016, Yegor Creed gave solo concert, which attracted everyone's attention. In the same year, he recorded the song “Where are you, where am I” together with rapper Timati, and later a video for this song appeared. This collaboration gave a lot to Creed, since then he began to regularly release his compositions.

Personal life of Yegor Creed

They're walking various rumors about the musician’s personal life, he is constantly credited with having affairs with various celebrities. In 2012, they talked about his affair with model Diana Melison. Rumors spread after pictures of them together appeared on social media.

Diana and Egor took part in a photo shoot for a clothing collection. In 2013, the couple separated. The girl said that the reason for the breakup was Yegor’s jealousy.

After a while, the public began to talk about his affair with Anna Zavorotnyuk, Victoria Daineko and Nyusha. Yegor did not advertise his relationship with Nyusha, but in his interviews he often mentioned her. But whether they had an affair, no one knew anything about it.

Only in February 2016, Creed announced their breakup. As it turned out, Nyusha’s family did not approve of the relationship with the then poor musician. The singer herself said that their breakup had nothing to do with their parents. She only noted that they had different views for life.

After a while, Creed began dating model Ksenia Deli. The couple tried to hide about their relationship, but still posted pictures online, but their romance did not last long. After her, Creed began a relationship with model Vika Odintsova, but this couple did not last long.

The musician once said that his heart is free, but because busy schedule work, he has no time for his personal life. But he still wants to start a family and have children.

He captured everything that happened in Yegor’s life on his body. He has already gotten several tattoos and continues to get new images.

Egor Creed latest news

That year, Creed took part in the show “Improvisation”; he was also invited to creative evening Konstantin Meladze.

After a while, he presented a video for the song “Shore,” and a month later he released a video for the track “I’ll Spend.” In the spring, he recorded the song “What Do They Know?” and released a video.

In July, the musician took part in music project"Live". For this, he, together with Polina Gagarina and DJ Smash, recorded new composition“Team 2018” and starred in the video.

Back in 2017, Yegor Creed recorded the song “If you don’t love me” together with singer Molly. A video was released in June of the same year.