Why Danko's work belongs to romanticism. Old woman Izergil - romantic heroine (School essays)

(353 words) Maxim Gorky's early story "Old Woman Izergil" was written at the end of the nineteenth century. By that time, literature had completely moved away from romanticism, and critical realism was very firmly rooted in it. However, responses from the old literary trend could be found in literary work even then, and Gorky's early work is the clearest confirmation of this.

First of all, it is worth noting those places that the author describes throughout the story. The story itself begins in distant southern Bessarabia, on the Black Sea coast. The writer draws an idealistic picture: numerous dense vineyards, warm and soft wind, simple happy people. The legend of Larra stretches before us the unexplored eastern steppes, where strong and noble people live in harmony with rich nature. The story of the old woman Izergil takes us either to a Romanian village, or to exotic Turkey, or to distant Bulgaria. It is characteristic that of all the countries visited by Izergil, only European Poland causes her sharp rejection. The legend of Danko also tells about a certain mysterious country with sun-drenched fields, an ancient mighty forest and cheerful, strong people. And this is a very characteristic sign of romanticism, which idealized the archaic exoticism of the southern countries in defiance of the dull everyday life of an enlightened, but vulgar and soulless Europe.

The second distinguishing feature is the main characters, who in the romantic tradition always stand out sharply from the surrounding gray mass. In this, Gorky also follows the tradition: the immortal son of the eagle Larra, with whom no person can compare, the beautiful and sensual Izergil, with whom every man falls in love on her way, the lonely Danko, surrounded by embittered, frightened people.

However, the very essence of romanticism - the conflict between a bright individual who always stands a step above his opponents, and a dull mass of people, who is appointed by the writer of romanticism as the main villain, was completely changed by Gorky. Larra appears before us as an insensitive killer, who eventually goes crazy with loneliness, Izergil, looking for his true love, breaks the fate of many people on his way and eventually becomes a withered old woman, wasting his life in vain, and only Danko, who, instead of to come into conflict with people, he gave his life for them, finds happiness and peace.

Despite external similarities with the works of the era of romanticism, Gorky's story only contains the external attributes of this literary movement in order to more clearly convey morality, which fundamentally contradicts it.

Romantic features in Gorky's early prose will help you better understand its ideological and thematic richness. And the Wise Litrekon is trying to contribute to this, but if he didn’t succeed, write what is wrong in his work?

What is the positive ideal of Gorky the Romantic, and what does the writer oppose to this ideal? (According to the story of A.M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil")

For the early A.M. Gorky is characterized by an appeal to romanticism. A romantic work, for example, is the story of the writer "Old Woman Izergil". The characters in it are written out in contrasting, "black and white" colors, in line with the romantic tradition. However, unlike real romantics, the writer poetizes not evil, but good. Therefore, negative characters receive an unambiguous assessment from Gorky, condemnation, which was once characteristic of classicism.

The story of A.M. Gorky's "Old Woman Izergil" is constructed in a peculiar way: with the internal unity of the idea, it consists of three, as it were, independent parts. The first part is the legend of Larra, the second is Izergil's story about his youth, the third is the legend of Danko. At the same time, the first and third parts are contrasted with each other.

Larra is the epitome of extreme individualism. The son of a woman and an eagle, he is distinguished by pride, arrogance, contempt for people. He is "agile, predatory, strong, cruel." The character traits of the hero are emphasized in his appearance: "his eyes were cold and proud, like those of the king of birds." Larra kills a girl for pushing him away. They decided to punish the individualist Larra with eternal loneliness. And at first, the young man laughed out loud at the people who abandoned him, laughed, remaining alone. And only later did he realize what a terrible torment he was doomed to: “... he has already become like a shadow and will be like that forever! He understands neither the speech of people, nor their actions - nothing. And he is looking for everything, walking, walking ... And there is no place for him among people ... ". Loneliness turned out to be unbearable for him: he began to seek salvation in death, but death did not come to him either. "He has no life, and death does not smile at him ... That's how a man was struck for his pride!"

The true hero, according to the author, is not an aggressive individualist. Life becomes a continuous torment if a person is cut off from people, from the world, from society - such is the idea of ​​the legend about Larra. In the image of this hero, Gorky debunked selfishness, selfishness and individualism. According to the writer, a person's life outside of human society is empty and meaningless. True heroism consists in the readiness of a person to accomplish a feat in the name of a lofty goal.

The writer's hero is Danko, a man leading his people to freedom. Difficulties arose on the way of people, seemingly insurmountable obstacles: dense forest, darkness and cold, formidable noise of lightning. And when people lost heart and already wanted to turn back, the hero took out his heart and raised it above his head. “It burned as brightly as the sun, and brighter than the sun, and the whole forest fell silent, illuminated by this torch of great love for people, and the darkness scattered from its light and there, deep in the forest, trembling, fell into the rotten mouth of the swamp. The people, amazed, became like stones.

Let's go! Danko shouted and rushed forward to his place, holding his burning heart high and lighting the way for people with it.

In this story, Gorky's symbolism of light and darkness is very important. It has a romantic origin, but the writer associates the positive hero with light. Larra appears in the night, the old woman Izergil sees his shadow, the negative hero in Gorky is associated with darkness. And this theme - the movement "from darkness to light" - was one of the key for the literary era of the turn of the century.

The legend of Larra, the story of Izergil and the legend of Danko at first glance seem to be independent, existing independently of each other. Actually it is not. In each of these parts of the story, the author poses the same question: what is human happiness? For the first hero, Larra, happiness lies in individualism, in asserting one's own will, in splendid isolation. This, according to the author, is a deep delusion, an ideal unworthy of a person. The old woman Izergil lived a bright, eventful life full of adventures. She was full of energy, cheerful, energetic, open, loved to help people. But in her life there was no real meaning, no lofty, spiritual goal. And only Danko symbolizes in Gorky the highest manifestation of the beauty of the human spirit. This hero embodies historical and metaphysical audacity (revolution). Thus, the composition of the story reveals its idea.

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  • experience and mistakes old woman Izergil
  • old woman Izergil experience and mistakes

Homework for the lesson

1. Write out the definition of the term romanticism from the dictionary of literary terms.
2. Read the story of Maxim Gorky "Old Woman Izergil"
3. Answer the questions:
1) How many legends did the Old Woman Izergil tell?
2) What happened to the girl from the “big river country”?
3) What was the name of the son of the eagle by the elders?
4) Why, having come close to people, did Larra not defend himself?
5) What feeling gripped people lost in the forest, why?
6) What did Danko do for people?
7) Compare the characters of Danko and Larra.
8) Was Danko's sacrifice justified?

The purpose of the lesson

To acquaint students with Maxim Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil" as a romantic work; improve the skills and abilities of prose text analysis; give an idea of ​​the romantic aesthetics of early Gorky.

teacher's word

M. Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil" was written in 1894 and first published in 1895 in Samara Newspaper. This work, like the story "Makar Chudra", belongs to the early period of the writer's work. From that moment on, Gorky declared himself as the spokesman for a special way of understanding the world and the bearer of a very specific aesthetic - romantic. Since by the time the story was written, romanticism in art had already experienced its heyday, Gorky's early work in literary criticism is usually called neo-romantic.

At home, you had to write out the definition of romanticism from the dictionary of literary terms.

Romanticism- “in the broad sense of the word, an artistic method in which the subjective position of the writer in relation to the depicted phenomena of life is dominant, his inclination is not so much to reproduce, but to re-create reality, which leads to the development of especially conditional forms of creativity (fantasy, grotesque, symbolism, etc.), to the promotion of exceptional characters and plots, to the strengthening of subjective-evaluative elements in the author's speech, to the arbitrariness of compositional connections, etc.

teacher's word

Traditionally, a romantic work is characterized by the cult of an extraordinary personality. The moral qualities of the hero are not of decisive importance. Villains, robbers, generals, kings, beautiful ladies, noble knights, murderers are at the center of the story - anyone, as long as their life is exciting, special and full of adventures. The romantic hero is always recognizable. He despises the miserable life of the townsfolk, challenges the world, often foreseeing that he will not be the winner in this battle. A romantic work is characterized by a romantic dual world, a clear division of the world into real and ideal. In some works, the ideal world is realized as the other world, in others - as a world untouched by civilization. Throughout the work, the plot development of which is concentrated on the brightest milestones in the life of the hero, the character of an exceptional personality remains unchanged. The storytelling style is bright and emotional.

Writing in a notebook

Features of a romantic piece:
1. The cult of an extraordinary personality.
2. Romantic portrait.
3. Romantic duality.
4. Static romantic nature.
5. Romantic plot.
6. Romantic landscape.
7. Romantic style.


Which of the books you have read before can you call romantic? Why?


Romantic works of Pushkin, Lermontov.

teacher's word

Distinctive features of Gorky's romantic images are proud disobedience to fate and impudent love of freedom, integrity of nature and heroism of character. The romantic hero strives for unrestricted freedom, without which there is no true happiness for him and which is often dearer to him than life itself. Romantic stories embody the writer's observations of the contradictions of the human soul and the dream of beauty. Makar Chudra says: “They are funny, those your people. They huddled together and crush each other, and there are so many places on earth ... " The old woman Izergil almost echoes him: “And I see that people do not live, but everyone tries on”.

Analytical conversation


What is the composition of the story "Old Woman Izergil"?


The story is in 3 parts:
1) the legend of Larra;
2) a story about the life of Izergil;
3) the legend of Danko.


What is the basis for the construction of the story?


The story is based on the opposition of two characters who are carriers of opposite life values. Danko's selfless love for people and Larra's unrestrained egoism are manifestations of the same feeling - love.


Prove (according to the plan in your notebook) that the story is romantic. Compare the portraits of Larra and Danko.


Larra is a young man “handsome and strong”, “his eyes were cold and proud, like those of the king of birds”. The story does not contain a detailed portrait of Larra, the author pays attention only to the eyes and the proud, arrogant speech of the “son of the eagle”.

Danko is also very difficult to visualize. Izergil says that he was a "handsome young man", one of those who always dared because he was handsome. Again, the reader's special attention is drawn to the eyes of the hero, which are called eyes: "... a lot of strength and living fire shone in his eyes".


Are they extraordinary personalities?


Undoubtedly, Danko and Larra are exceptional personalities. Larra does not obey the clan and does not honor the elders, goes where he pleases, does what he wants, not recognizing the right of choice for others. Talking about Larr, Izergil uses epithets that are more suitable for describing the animal: dexterous, strong, predatory, cruel.



In the story “Old Woman Izergil”, the ideal world is realized as the distant past of the earth, a time that has now become a myth, and the memory of which has remained only in the legends of the youth of mankind. Only a young earth could, according to the author, give birth to the heroic characters of people possessed by strong passions. Izergil emphasizes several times that modern " miserable" such a power of feeling and greed for life are not available to people.


Do the characters of Larra, Danko and Izergil develop over the course of the story, or are they initially set and unchanged?


The characters of Larra, Danko and Izergil do not change throughout the story and are interpreted unambiguously: the main and only trait of Larra's character is selfishness, the denial of any law other than will. Danko is a manifestation of love for people, while Izergil subordinated her entire existence to her own thirst for pleasure.


Which of the events described by the old woman can be considered unusual?


Both stories told by Izergil contain a description of extraordinary events. The genre of the legend determined their original fantastic plot basis (the birth of a child from an eagle, the inevitability of a completed curse, the light of sparks from Danko's burning heart, etc.).

Work with text

Match the heroes (Danko and Larra) according to the following parameters:
1) portrait;
2) the impression made on others;
3) understanding of pride;
4) attitude towards people;
5) behavior at the time of the trial;
6) the fate of the heroes.

Stats/Heroes Danko Larra
Portrait Young handsome man.
The beautiful are always bold; in his eyes shone a lot of power and living fire
A young man, handsome and strong; his eyes were cold and proud, like those of the king of birds
The impression made on others We looked at him and saw that he is the best of all Everyone looked with surprise at the son of an eagle;
It offended them;
Then they got really angry.
Understanding Pride I have the courage to lead, that's why I led you! He answered that there were no others like him;
He stood alone against all;
We talked with him for a long time and finally saw that he considers himself the first on earth and sees nothing but himself.
Attitude towards people Danko looked at those for whom he endured labor, and saw that they were like animals;
Then indignation boiled up in his heart, but from pity for people it went out;
He loved people thought that maybe without him they would die
She pushed him away and walked away, and he hit her and, when she fell, stood with his foot on her chest;
He had no tribe, no mother, no livestock, no wife, and he did not want any of this;
I killed her because, it seems to me, she pushed me away ... And I needed her;
And he replied that he wanted to keep himself whole
Behavior at the time of judgment What have you done to help yourself? You just walked and did not know how to save strength for a longer path! You just walked, walked like a flock of sheep! - Untie me! I won't say bound!
The fate of the heroes He rushed forward to his place, holding high his burning heart and lighting the way for people with it;
But Danko was still ahead, and his heart was burning, burning!
He cannot die! - people said with joy;
- He was left alone, free, waiting for death;
He has no life and death does not smile at him

Analytical conversation


What is the source of Larra's tragedy?


Larra could not and did not want to compromise between his desires and the laws of society. Egoism is understood by him as a manifestation of personal freedom, and his right is the right of the strong from birth.


How was Larra punished?


As punishment, the elders doomed Larra to immortality and the inability to decide for himself whether he should live or die, they limited his freedom. People deprived Larra of what, in his opinion, it was worth living for - the right to live by his own law.


What is the main feeling in Larra's attitude towards people? Support your answer with an example from the text.


In relation to people, Larra does not have any feelings. He wants "keep yourself whole" that is, to get a lot out of life without giving anything in return.


What feeling is experienced by Danko, looking into the crowd of people judging him? Support your answer with an example from the text.


Looking at those for whom he, risking his life, went to the swamps, Danko is indignant, “But out of pity for the people, it went out. Danko's heart flared with the desire to save people and lead them "to the easy path".


What is the function of the "cautious man" episode?


The mention of the "cautious man" is introduced into the legend of Danko in order to emphasize the exclusivity of the hero. A “cautious person” is perceived as one of many, thus, the author will define the essence of ordinary people, “not heroes”, who are not capable of sacrificial impulses and are always afraid of something.


What is common in the characters of Larra and Danko and what is the difference between them?


This question can lead to ambiguous answers. Students can perceive Larra and Danko as opposite characters (egoist and altruist), or interpret them as romantic characters who oppose themselves to people (for various reasons).


What place does society occupy in the inner reflections of both characters? Is it possible to say that heroes exist in isolation from society?


Heroes think of themselves outside of society: Larra - without people, Danko - at the head of people. Larra “He came to the tribe, he stole cattle, girls - everything he wanted”, He "hovering around people". Danko was walking "ahead of them and was cheerful and clear".


What moral law determines the actions of both characters?


The actions of the characters are determined by their own value system. Larra and Danko are their own law, they make decisions without asking the elders for advice. Proud, triumphant laughter is their answer to the world of ordinary people.


What is the function of the image of the old woman Izergil in the story? How do the images of Larra and Danko relate to each other with the help of the image of the old woman Izergil?


Despite the brightness, completeness and artistic integrity of both legends, they are only illustrations necessary for the author to understand the image of the old woman Izergil. It "cements" the composition of the story both at the substantive and at the formal level. In the general narrative system, Izergil acts as a narrator, it is from her mouth that the I-character learns the story of the "son of the eagle" and the burning heart of Danko. At the level of content in the portrait of the old woman, one can find features of both Larra and Danko; in how insatiably she loved, Danko's character was reflected, and in how thoughtlessly she threw her loved ones - the seal of the image of Larra. The figure of Izergil links both legends together and makes the reader think about the problem of human freedom and his right to dispose of his life force at his own discretion.


Do you agree with the saying that “in life there is always a place for a feat”? How do you understand it?


Is achievement possible in every life? Does every person use this right of achievement in life?


Did the old woman Izergil accomplish the feat she is talking about?

These questions do not require an unambiguous answer and are designed for independent answers.

conclusions write them down in their own notebooks.

Some of Nietzsche's philosophical and aesthetic ideas were reflected in Gorky's early romantic works. The central image of the early Gorky is a proud and strong personality, embodying the idea of ​​freedom. "Strength is virtue", Nietzsche argued, and for Gorky, the beauty of a person lies in strength and achievement, even aimless: “A strong person has the right to be “on the other side of good and evil”, to be outside of ethical principles, and a feat, from this point of view, is resistance to the general flow of life.


D.N. Murin, E.D. Kononova, E.V. Minenko. Russian literature of the twentieth century. Grade 11 program. Thematic lesson planning. St. Petersburg: SMIO Press, 2001

E.S. Rogover. Russian literature of the XX century / St. Petersburg: Paritet, 2002

N.V. Egorova. Lesson developments in Russian literature of the twentieth century. Grade 11. I semester. M.: VAKO, 2005

In the lesson, students, using the example of Maxim Gorky's story "The Old Woman Izergil", will analyze the basic techniques for creating a romantic work; analyze the legends about Larra and Danko; give a description of the main character; determine the main idea of ​​the story; form an idea of ​​the moral and civic position of the author.

Topic: From the literature of the XX century

Lesson: M. Gorky "Old Woman Izergil"

In the period from 1892 to 1902, the then unknown 24-year-old Alexei Peshkov wandered the steppes of Bessarabia, who will very soon enter Russian literature under the pseudonym Maxim Gorky (Fig. 1).

Heavy and at the same time wonderful were those 5 years for the writer. Heavy, because it was hard: in order not to die of hunger, Gorky did not disdain any, even the hardest work. At the same time, the future writer accumulated impressions, observed, gained experience, met interesting people. All this later formed the basis of his work.

Rice. 1. M. Gorky ()

The first works of young Gorky are devoted to the period of southern wanderings. These are stories "Makar Chudra", "Chelkash", "Old Woman Izergil".

The titles contain the names of the main characters. They are unusual, unusual for us. How unusual are the events that the narrator narrates. Synonyms for the word "unusual" - mysterious, mysterious, beautiful, fantastic, romantic.

All these definitions accurately reflect the impression of Gorky's early romantic stories.

The role of landscape in Gorky's romantic stories

Landscape (fr. Paysage from pays, area, country) - 1) view of the area; 2) in art - artistic depiction of nature. More precisely, this is one of the types of artistic description or a genre of fine art, the main subject of the image in which - nature, city or architectural complex.

The main purposes of using the landscape:

  1. Reveal the state of the hero;
  2. Contrast the surrounding world with human beliefs;
  3. Establish compositional links between parts of the work;
  4. Reflect the mystery of nature, its beauty and uniqueness.

From the first lines of the story “Old Woman Izergil”, the reader is immersed in the atmosphere of the southern night, feels the caress of the warm sea wind, hears the sounds of the night steppe, sees singing people returning from work: “The air was saturated with the sharp smell of the sea and the greasy fumes of the earth, shortly before the evening soaked in rain. Even now fragments of clouds roamed the sky, lush, of strange shapes and colors, here - soft as puffs of smoke, gray and ash-blue, there - sharp, like fragments of rocks, dull black or brown. Between them, dark blue patches of sky glittered affectionately, adorned with golden flecks of stars. All this - sounds and smells, clouds and people - it was strangely beautiful and sad, it seemed like the beginning of a wonderful fairy tale.

Means of artistic expression, which help to give the landscape unusual, mysterious, romantic:

EPITHETS: “the pungent smell of the sea”, “lush, strange outlines and colors”, “tenderly shone”, “stars decorated with golden dots”, “it was strange, beautiful and sad”, “wonderful fairy tale”.

METAPHORS: “scraps of clouds”, “wisps of the sky”, “specks of stars”.

COMPARISONS: clouds, “like clouds of smoke”, “like fragments of rocks”.

Features of the composition of Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil":

  1. Legend of Larra
  2. The life of the old woman Izergil.

Each part is framed by a romantic landscape in which nature seems to come to life and becomes a participant in the story, enhancing the romantic content of the legends.

A legend, like a myth and a fairy tale, is a genre of oral folk art. Events in the legend are embellished or exaggerated. The protagonist of the legend is an unusual, exceptional, romantic personality.

Romantic heroes of Gorky's story "Old Woman Izergil"

"The Legend of Larra"

Idea"Legends of Larra": “For everything that a person takes, he pays with himself: with his mind and strength, sometimes with his life” .


"one of those people"


"a handsome young man", "a lot of strength and living fire shone in his eyes."

Attitude towards others

Altruism: “He loved people and thought that maybe without him they would die. And now his heart flared with the fire of desire to save them, to lead them to an easy path.


Self-sacrifice: “He tore his chest with his hands and tore out his heart from it and raised it high above his head. It burned as brightly as the sun, and brighter than the sun, and the whole forest became silent, illuminated by this torch of great love for people.

The reaction of others

1. “All together went after him - believed in him."

2. “And they began to reproach him for his inability

manage them"

3. "Joyful and full of hope, they did not notice his death."

The final

“He cast a glance ahead of himself on the expanse of the proud steppe on the free land and laughed proudly. And then he fell and died.

Idea. The legend of Danko, a handsome, brave and strong hero, carries the idea of ​​heroism, self-sacrifice, altruism (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Legend of Danko ()

Danko helps people not for fame and recognition, but for their happiness. And let people not immediately appreciate his feat. But nature itself did not let them forget about the feat of Danko: “it became terribly quiet in the steppe, as if she was struck by the strength of the daredevil Danko, who burned his heart for people and died without asking them for anything as a reward for himself” .

Comparison of Larra and Danko

The heroes are united by only one point of comparison: both are young, beautiful, and proud. Otherwise, they are opposite. Larra is the embodiment of selfishness, cruelty, cynical indifference to people, pride. Danko is an altruist who performs the feat of self-sacrifice in the name of people. Thus, the story is built on antithesis, and the characters are antipodes.

Antipode (ancient Greek ἀντίπους - “opposite” or “opposing”) - in the general sense, something located opposite to something else.

In a figurative sense, it can be applied to any opposite objects, for example, to people with opposite views.

The image of the old woman Izergil

In the story "The Old Woman Izergil" the author includes the story of the old woman about her life. These memories are compositionally placed between the two legends. The heroes of legends are not real people, but symbols. Larra is a symbol of egoism, Danko is altruism. As for the image of the old woman Izergil, her life and fate are quite realistic.

Izergil is very old: “Time bent her in half, her once black eyes were dull and watery. Her dry voice sounded strange, it crunched like an old woman spoke with her bones.

The old woman talks about her life, about the men whom she first loved, and then betrayed, and only for the sake of one was she ready to give her life. All her lovers outwardly could be ugly. But this was not the main thing for Izergil. She chose those who are capable of action: “He loved exploits. And when a person loves feats, he always knows how to do them and finds where it is possible. In life, you know, there is always a place for exploits. And those who do not find them for themselves, - they are simply lazy or cowardly or do not understand life, because if people understood life, everyone would want to leave behind their shadow in it. And then life would not devour people without a trace ... "

In her life, Izergil often acted selfishly. For example, let us recall her escape from the harem with the son of the Sultan, who soon died. She says: “I cried over him. Who will say? Maybe I killed him." But Izergil was also capable of a feat of self-sacrifice. For example, she risks herself to save a loved one from captivity.

The old woman Izergil measures people with such concepts as honesty, directness, courage, and activity. For her, they are beautiful people. Izergil condemns boring, cowardly and vile people. She is proud that she has seen a lot in her lifetime and believes that her life experience should be passed on to the young. That's why she tells the legends about Larra and Danko.


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  2. Tishchenko O.A. Homework in literature for grade 7 (to the textbook by V.Ya. Korovina). — 2012.
  3. Kuteynikova N.E. Literature lessons in grade 7. — 2009.
  4. Korovina V.Ya. Literature textbook. 7th grade. Part 1. - 2012.
  5. Korovina V.Ya. Literature textbook. 7th grade. Part 2. - 2009.
  6. Ladygin M.B., Zaitseva O.N. Textbook-reader on literature. 7th grade. — 2012.
  7. Kurdyumova T.F. Textbook-reader on literature. 7th grade. Part 1. - 2011.
  8. Phonochrestomathy in literature for the 7th grade to the textbook by Korovina.
  1. FEB: Dictionary of literary terms ().
  2. Dictionaries. Literary terms and concepts ().
  3. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language ().
  4. M. Gorky Old woman Izergil ().
  5. Maksim Gorky. Biography. Products().
  6. Bitter. Biography ().


  1. Find and read the description of the steppe before and after the Danko legend. What role does the romantic landscape play in the story?
  2. Can Danko and Larra be called romantic heroes? Justify the answer.

The role of the key sign that the literary method used by the author refers to the romantic manner of transmission is assigned to the image of a person who tends to strive for freedom. These are, as a rule, proud people who do not recognize the laws of society, and do not want to put up with them. We meet such characters in the works that are included in the category of the early work of A. M. Gorky. A similar line is seen especially clearly when reading the story “Old Woman Izergil”. It is in him that the idea of ​​freedom is central.


The work is presented in the form of three parts. From the lips of an old woman who keeps up a conversation with the author, the reader will learn what is contained in the two legends. Two parts are devoted to this. The third part is presented in the form of the life story of Izergil. The first legend tells of a proud guy named Larra, who was the son of an eagle and a woman. Although his mother brought him into the society of people, he did not want to abide by human laws, since he considered himself above everyone. He strove for freedom, while he was distinguished by a cruel and selfish character. Larra expressed contempt for the people, so they rejected him, expelling him from the tribe and punishing him with immortality. This technique is characteristic of romanticism and is presented in the form of a dual world: one side is human society with its traditions, and the other is a world dominated by absolute freedom, which is what Larra strives for. But this world is turning into an unbearable environment even for him.

The second legend is distinguished by the presence of another sign of romanticism - an exotic landscape. A hostile world refers to a dense forest in which wild animals live, fear reigns and storms rage. Gorky describes nature as a symbol of a living being that consciously pursues people. Danko - the hero of the legend is fighting for freedom. He needs it not for himself - for the tribe. He strives to save the lives of others at the cost of his own life. Danko is distinguished by disinterestedness, therefore, in order to lead the people, it costs him nothing, how to light the road with the flame of his own heart, and die.

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  3. Early romantic works created by the hand of A. M. Gorky are represented by a work called “Old Woman Izergil”. According to the writer himself, this work is distinguished by the greatest beauty and ...
  4. Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov entered Russian literature under the pseudonym Maxim Gorky, emphasizing the writer's organic connection with the democratic lower classes. One of his earliest famous stories is...
  5. The writing of the work belongs to the period of early creativity (1894) of Maxim Gorky. His lines reflect the author's memories of Bessarabia. The writer raised the theme of a strong personality....
  6. 1. Eternal values ​​in Gorky's works. 2. Danko and Larra. 3. The feat of Danko. Already the early stories of M. Gorky testified that the writer is very talented ...
  7. The central image of the romantic works of M. Gorky of the early period is the image of a heroic person, ready for a selfless feat in the name of the good of the people. These stories include...
  8. The story “Old Woman Izergil” is characterized by the presence of a harmonious compositional structure, since it is presented in three parts, including three short stories. The composition of the story...