The project is fascinating facts from the life of musical works. Musical instruments - interesting information

Interesting facts about famous songs past that you may not have known.

1. Queen " The Show Must Go On"

During the recording of this song in 1990, Freddie Mercury was already so ill that he could barely move. Brian May recorded a vocal part for a sample, singing it in falsetto because the key of the song was too high for his voice. “Fred, I don’t know if you can even sing it,” he told Mercury. He replied: “I can fucking do it, darling” (I "ll do it, darling), drank vodka, went and sang it in one take.

2. Iron Maiden"Two Minutes To Midnight"

"Two Minutes to Midnight" is a reference to Doomsday Clock, a project of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists started in 1947 by the creators of the first atomic bomb. The journal is published at the University of Chicago. From time to time they publish on the cover an image of a clock whose hands point to midnight without a few minutes. The less time left until midnight, the higher (according to the authors, including invited experts and as many as 18 Nobel laureates) the likelihood of a global nuclear war.

Now the “clock” shows five minutes to five minutes (the value was set in 2007).
The Doomsday Clock has hit two minutes before midnight only once, and this was the most dangerous moment in its history: in 1953 Soviet Union and the USA tested their thermonuclear bombs.

This is what the song is about. On the cover of the single, with the band's eternal mascot Eddie sitting against the backdrop of an atomic mushroom, you can also see the Soviet flag.

3. The Doors"Light My Fire"

When the Doors were invited to famous show Ed Sullivan, the organizers asked them to replace the line “Girl, we couldn't get much higher” with a more decent one. Morrison promised, but sang it anyway.

After the performance, he told Sullivan that he was very nervous and forgot about the promise. However, the group was no longer invited to this show.

4. Led Zeppelin"Stairway to Heaven"

On January 23, 1991, radio station KLSK FM in Albuquerque, New Mexico changed its format to classic rock. DJ John Sebastian decided to mark the occasion by playing "Stairway to Heaven" for 24 hours. It was heard more than 200 times, causing hundreds of angry calls and letters.

The police came twice: once because a listener thought the DJ was having a heart attack, and the second time (this was right after the Gulf War) because they thought the radio station had been taken over by terrorists sent by Led Zeppelin fan Saddam Hussein. The strangest thing is that many people did not change to another station, determined to find out when it would end.

5. Rolling Stones "Satisfaction"

On June 5, 1965, the Stones played to three thousand people at a stadium in Clearwater, Florida. This was the band's third American tour. According to the newspaper St. Petersburg Times, published the next day, 200 young fans got into a fight with police officers guarding the concert. By that time, the group had only played four songs.

That night, Keith Richards woke up with a guitar riff in his head and the line “Can't get no satisfaction.” He recorded it on a portable tape recorder and went to bed. That same week, he brought the recording to the studio. On the tape there was a guitar riff, followed by followed by the sound of snoring.

6. Pink Floyd"Another Brick In The Wall"

The school choir for the song was found in the school closest to the studio (in the London area of ​​Islington). 23 children aged from 13 to 15 sang. The singing was overdubbed twelve times, creating the feeling of a much larger choir.

After the release of the record, a scandal broke out. Because, firstly, the children were not paid. Secondly, the theme song did not please the school management at all.

7. Deep Purple"Smoke on the Water"

The song describes real events: The group was going to record in a casino in Montreux (Switzerland), which was located on the shores of Lake Geneva. After Frank Zappa's concert, someone accidentally set the place on fire while playing with a flare gun. As a result, the premises burned down and the group had to look for a new recording space.

The lyrics of the song describe the fire and the subsequent torment with recording the disc: the group moved to the premises of the Pavilion Theater, but the sound of the rehearsals disturbed the surrounding residents. The recording was completed only in the premises of the empty and unheated Grand Hotel.

One of these days, Roger Glover (bass player for Deep People) woke up saying out loud the phrase “smoke on the water”: apparently he dreamed of a recent fire and a picture of smoke spreading over Lake Geneva. The phrase was included in the chorus of the song and became its title.

8.The Shocking Blue"Venus"

At the time of the performance of this song, the lead singer of the group, Mariska Veres, did not know English language: she memorized the lyrics of the song as a set of sounds and performed it that way, hence “shisgara” (she's got it).

Literally the second word is pronounced incorrectly by the soloist: she sings godness instead of goddess. The word has become part of everyday English slang. The Urban Dictionary points to the described origin of the word and explains the meaning of the word godness as “a very beautiful, impeccable girl.”

9. AC/DC “Back in Black”

Gibson Guitar Corporation, the same manufacturer legendary guitars Gibson published a list of the ten best guitar riffs of the 80s on its website in 2010. The first place in it is occupied by the riff from Back in Black.

10. John Lennon "Imagine"

Since 2006, Imagine has been performing in last minutes of the passing “old” year in Times Square in New York.

There are a lot of interesting things connected with music. These are not only amazingly beautiful works, a variety of musical instruments, playing techniques, but also interesting facts about music. You will learn about some of them in this article.

Fact No. 1 “Cat harpsichord.”

In the Middle Ages, it turns out that not only people recognized by the pope as heretics, but even cats were subjected to the Inquisition! There is information according to which King Philip II of Spain had an unusual musical instrument called the “Cat Harpsichord.”

Its structure was simple - a long box with partitions creating fourteen compartments. In each compartment there was a cat, previously selected by a “specialist”. Each cat passed an “audition” and if its voice satisfied the “phoniator”, then it was placed in a certain compartment, according to the pitch of its voice. “Rejected” cats were immediately burned.

The selected cat's head protruded through the hole, and its tails were firmly secured under the keyboard. Every time a key was pressed, a sharp needle sharply dug into the cat's tail, and the animal naturally screamed. The entertainment of the courtiers consisted in “playing” such melodies or playing chords. What caused such cruelty? The fact is that the church declared the furry beauties messengers of Satan and doomed them to destruction.

The cruel musical instrument quickly spread throughout Europe. Even Peter I ordered in Hamburg " cat harpsichord"for the Kunstkamera.

Fact #2 “Is water a source of inspiration?”

Interesting facts about music are also associated with the classics. Beethoven, for example, began composing music only after he lowered his head into a large basin, which was filled with... ice water. This strange habit became so firmly attached to the composer that, no matter how much he wanted, he could not leave it for the rest of his life.

Fact No. 3 “Music both heals and cripples”

Interesting facts about music are also related to the not fully understood phenomenon of health. Everyone knows and it has been scientifically proven that classical music develops intelligence, calms. Even some diseases were cured after listening to music.

In contrast to the healing effect of classical music is the destructive property of country music. Statisticians have calculated that in America, the largest percentage of personal disasters, suicides and divorces occur among those who are fans of country music.

Fact No. 4 “A note is a linguistic unit”

For the last three hundred years, innovative philologists have been tormented by the idea of ​​creating artificial language. About two hundred projects are known, but almost all of them are currently forgotten due to their incorrectness, complexity, etc. Interesting facts about music, however, included one project - the musical language “Sol-re-sol”.

Developed this language system Jean François Sudre, French by birth. Rules musical language were published in 1817, it took Jean's followers forty years to design the grammar, dictionary and theory.

The roots of the words, of course, were the seven notes known to all of us. New words were formed from them, for example:

  • si=yes;
  • before=no;
  • re=i(union);
  • mi=or;
  • fa=he;
  • re+do=my;

Of course, such a speech could be performed by a musician, but the language itself turned out to be more difficult than the most complex languages in the world. Nevertheless, it is known that in 1868, the first (and, accordingly, the last) works in which musical language was used, were even published in Paris.

Fact #5 “Do spiders listen to music?”

If you play a violin in a room where spiders live, the insects immediately crawl out of their shelters. But don't think that they are connoisseurs of great music. The fact is that the sound causes the threads of the web to vibrate, and for spiders this is a signal about prey, for which they immediately crawl out.

Fact No. 6 “Identity card”

One day it happened that Caruso came to the bank without an identification document. Since the matter was urgent, the famous bank client had to sing an aria from Tosca to the cashier. After listening, the cashier agreed that his performance verifies the identity of the recipient and issued the money. Afterwards, Caruso, telling this story, admitted that he had never tried so hard to sing.

Music is not only inspiring works of amazing beauty and power of influence, but also a variety of genres, instruments and playing techniques. There are many interesting facts associated with music. You will now learn about some of them.

Fact 1. “Music both heals and cripples”

Various musical rhythms surround us from birth. But at the same time, we rarely think about the influence of music on the human body. Meanwhile, various melodies serve as a kind of tuning fork for the body, capable of setting it up for self-healing.

The question of the influence of music on the human body has been relevant since ancient times. Even then it was known that with the help of music you can induce joy, relieve pain and even cure serious illnesses. So, in Ancient Egypt choral singing was used to treat insomnia and relieve pain.

Doctors ancient China and even discharged musical melodies as a recipe, believing that music can cure any disease. Great mathematician and the scientist Pythagoras proposed using music against anger, rage, delusions and passivity of the soul, and also using it to develop the intellect.

His follower Plato believed that music restores the harmony of all processes in the body and throughout the Universe. Avicenna very effectively used music in the treatment of mentally ill people. And in Rus', the melody of bells was used to treat headaches, joint diseases, and remove damage and the evil eye. Modern scientists have explained this by the fact that bell ringing has ultrasonic and resonant radiation, which can instantly destroy most viruses and pathogens of dangerous diseases.

It has been established that:

  • Mozart's music and ethnic melodies help relieve stress and control emotions;
  • lively and bright melodies improve coordination of movements, mobility and productivity, transferring the energy of their movement to people;
  • classical music can eliminate muscle tension, reduce nervousness and improve metabolism;
  • in contrast to the healing effect of classical music is the destructive property of country music. Statisticians have calculated that in America, the largest percentage of personal disasters, suicides and divorces occur among those who are fans of country music.
  • composition "Helter Skelter" worldwide famous group « The Beatles» may cause listeners to experience abdominal or chest pain. And due to the fact that the rhythm of this melody is almost similar to the rhythm human brain, the coincidence of their frequencies can cause madness in a person.

The influence of music on the human body is enormous. But magical power music gains only when a person purposefully resorts to it in order to improve his psycho-emotional state. But the so-called background music can only cause harm to the body, since it is perceived as noise.

Fact 2 “A note is a linguistic unit”

For the last three hundred years, innovative philologists have been tormented by the idea of ​​​​creating an artificial language. About two hundred projects are known, but almost all of them are currently forgotten due to their incorrectness, complexity, etc.

Interesting facts about music, however, included one project - the musical language “Sol-re-sol”. This language system was developed by Jean Francois Sudre, a Frenchman by birth. The rules of musical language were promulgated in 1817; in total, it took Jean's followers forty years to design the grammar, vocabulary and theory.

The roots of the words, of course, were the seven notes known to all of us. New words were formed from them, for example:

  • si=yes; before=no; re=i(union);
  • mi=or;
  • fa=he;
  • re+do=my.

Of course, such a speech could be performed by a musician, but the language itself turned out to be more difficult than the most complex languages ​​in the world. Nevertheless, it is known that in 1868, the first (and, accordingly, the last) works in which musical language was used, were even published in Paris.

Fact 3 “Is water a source of inspiration?”

Interesting facts about music are also associated with the classics. Beethoven, for example, began composing music only after he lowered his head into a large basin, which was filled with... ice water. This strange habit became so firmly attached to the composer that, no matter how much he wanted, he could not leave it for the rest of his life.

Fact 4 “Do spiders listen to music?”

If you play a violin in a room where spiders live, the insects immediately crawl out of their shelters. But don't think that they are connoisseurs of great music. The fact is that the sound causes the threads of the web to vibrate, and for spiders this is a signal about prey, for which they immediately crawl out.

Fact 5 “Identity card”

One day it happened that the great Caruso came to the bank without a document proving his identity. In those days there was no television or Internet, and few could know celebrities by sight. Since the matter was urgent, the famous bank client had to sing an aria from Tosca to the cashier. After listening famous singer, the cashier agreed that his execution verified the identity of the recipient and issued the money. Afterwards, Caruso, telling this story, admitted that he had never tried so hard to sing.

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Music is something extraordinary, magical, bewitching. We sometimes think it is very simple, but in fact music is one of the most complex and delightful things in the universe. It is built on mathematical principles, it obeys the laws of physics, it affects the human brain, healing it or destroying it. Music is a separate world into which each of us is immersed every day. This world is amazing and interesting. There's a lot to do with him incredible facts, which will be discussed further.

Facts from the world of classical music

  1. The world composer Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninov had a unique feature - the greatest coverage of the keys. So, he could cover 12 white keys at once, and with his left hand he could absolutely freely play the “do-e/flat-g-do-g” chord. His hands were so beautiful that the paparazzi wrote the following caption under Rachmaninov’s photo in their article: “Hands that are worth a million!”
  2. Lullabies have a beneficial effect on a child: they calm, create a comfortable emotional background, and bring balance.
  3. Compositions by Vivaldi, Beethoven (2nd movement of the 6th symphony), Brahms (“Lullaby”), Schubert (“Ave Maria”), Debussy (“Light of the Moon”) help get rid of fear and excessive anxiety and evoke a feeling of security.
  4. Correctly selected classical works can reduce irritability, nervous agitation and aggressiveness. Therefore, classics are often used in music therapy.
  5. Mozart's music helps reduce the frequency of epileptic seizures in patients.
  6. Mozart's works improve the functionality of the human brain. Researchers have called this ability of the composer's works the "Mozart Effect."
  7. Mozart's unique musical abilities began to emerge when he was only 3 years old. Then legendary composer, playing the harpsichord, he composed various harmonies and played melodies from plays he had heard earlier.
  8. Beethoven created music while deaf. However, his hearing gradually disappeared over several years. Lack of hearing did not cause Beethoven to give up his favorite activity.
  9. Bach was completely blind after an unsuccessful cataract operation, but this did not stop him from continuing to create extraordinary musical compositions.
  10. Antonio Vivaldi might not have become a great composer. IN adolescence(at the age of 15) he was ordained a priest. But he was so passionate about music that he was never able to become a full-fledged clergyman. They say that during the service, Vivaldi often ran into the sacristy in order to write down the melodies that came to his mind.
  11. Beethoven, before starting to compose compositions, immersed his head in a basin with not just cold, but ice water.
  12. Paul Wittgenstein, an Austrian pianist, lost his life in the First World War right hand. However, this did not stop him from resuming his concert career. He learned to play music with his left hand so deftly that he achieved exceptional skill. At the same time, he played compositions that were difficult even for musicians with two hands.
  13. Plants love classical music - flowers grow faster if classical music is played regularly. But heavy music (rock, metal, rap) causes plants to die.
  14. If cows are regularly played soothing classical music, their milk yield will increase significantly.
  15. Musicians' hearing is much better developed than people without music education.
  1. The world famous song “Happy Birthday to You” is still under copyright protection. It can be performed with family or friends, but commercial performance (for example, in a movie, a musical greeting card) is prohibited, unless, of course, a royalty has been paid to the company that owns the rights to it.
  2. Music improves a person's endurance if listened to while exercising.
  3. Not a single participant of the legendary music group The Beatles didn't know how to read music.
  4. The heartbeat adjusts to the rhythm of the music being listened to.
  5. The famous inventor of the Telecaster and the Stratocaster guitars, Leo Fender, did not know how to play these instruments at all.
  6. In 2001, the world's longest organ concert began in Halberstadt (Germany), which is scheduled to end in 2640.
  7. The world-famous idol of millions Elvis Presley for his musical career didn't write a single song.
  8. Researchers have proven that too loud music provokes the desire to drink alcohol.
  9. The musicians from the band Metallica are so tough that they were not afraid to play a concert in Antarctica. Thus, this group became the only one that played on all 7 continents of our planet.
  10. The fastest rapper can read 23 syllables per second. However, the guy never got into the Book of Records, because for this he needs to rap in English.
  11. In Islamic countries, whistling is considered “the music of the devil.”
  12. The lowest note of 0.393 Hz was sung by Roger Menis in 2010 and was included in the Guinness Book of Records. But the paradox is that a person is not able to hear sounds below 18 Hz.
  13. Surprisingly, in the Middle Ages, rats were lured out of urban settlements by playing the pipe. There was even such a profession - piper-pied catcher.
  14. Music can improve memory, attention, develop creativity person.
  15. There are music roads in Japan. These are sections of the route with grooves of different depths located at a distance from each other. Driving at a certain speed along this section, the vibration from the wheels hitting the grooves moves into the cabin, where it turns into a melody.

There are still many amazing things in the world of music. Enjoy exploring it!

Do you enjoy your favorite tracks every day and can’t live a day without them? But even the most ardent music lovers cannot know everything about their hobby. But the world of music hides many interesting facts. "Which ones?" - you ask. You will learn some of them in this material.

Without notes

First, let's look at some interesting facts about classical music.

Probably not everyone knows, but in order to perform classical works, you don’t have to be musically literate. This may sound a little strange for a modern performer, but in fact it is so. For example, someone like Luciano Pavarotti did not understand anything. Moreover, he did not even try to hide his inability to read music. World fame and he earned the title of the greatest tenor of the 20th century only thanks to his unique hearing. In addition, Pavarotti developed his own system, according to which he taught opera parts. This news should be pleasant for lovers of classical music, because you can become a real professional in your field, even if you have no musical education behind you. But unfortunately contemporary performers It is considered bad manners to deviate from the original sheet music.

But it wasn't always like this. Let's remember Every musician who wanted fame and recognition had to include something of himself in the part. If he did not do this, the audience considered such a performer to be quite boring and uninteresting. A little later, Franz Liszt, who lived in the 19th century, adhered to the same rule. Critics at the time wrote that familiar music performed by Liszt sounded different every time. It can be argued that classical music even now sounds different depending on the soloist, the orchestra and, of course, the conductor.

Bloodthirsty music, or “cat harpsichord”

Do you want to know bloodthirsty but interesting facts from the world of music? Then we will tell you about such a musical instrument as the “cat harpsichord”. This invention appeared in the Middle Ages, when even the concept of “music” was adjusted to the wishes of the church or the Inquisition. This time it was the unfortunate cats who got it. They were put in a long box, which was divided into fourteen compartments. Before the animals were distributed into these boxes, they were “bugged” by stepping on their tails. The animals' reaction was natural: they began to scream. Depending on the pitch of the voice, the “tuner” determined which compartment to place each of the sufferers in. But this is just the beginning.

The animals' heads were inserted into special holes, and their tails were firmly fixed under the keyboard. Each key had a needle underneath it, which dug into the fluffy's tail with each press. Thus, the “musicians” tried to get some semblance of melody from the “instrument”.

According to historians, such a “cat harpsichord” existed at the court of the Spanish King Philip II. Why were the poor animals tortured? It's quite simple: the church declared them minions of the devil. Therefore, live long life the animal couldn't anyway.

Educational and interesting facts about music

In the Middle Ages, there was a special profession related to music - the piper-pied piper. It is unknown why, but the rats could not listen to the sound of this musical instrument. Thus, the breeding rats were driven out of the city using an ordinary pipe. By the way, there are similar interesting facts about rock music. When a rock concert was held in one of the ancient English castles, after it there was not a single rat left in the premises.

It is difficult to find music that one did not love more than the works of Glinka. In this regard, he sent the guilty soldiers not to the guardhouse, but to the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”.

Interestingly, the phonogram is not a modern invention, as many believe. The fact of its use was first recorded in the 19th century. One of Italian composers To each of his performances he brought a phonograph on which his works were recorded.

Modern music surprises

And now interesting facts about modern famous performer Whitney Houston's "I will always love you" is used most often at weddings in America. The same song, but in Britain, is the most popular among funerals.

In Islamic countries, whistling is prohibited, as this sound is perceived as “the music of the devil.”

In America, a study was conducted on the influence of music on a person’s mental state. Scientists have concluded that most suicides, depression, divorces and other personality disasters happen to those who listen to country music.

When choosing a guitarist, the creators of the famous group Offspring were guided by far from musical interests. They just wanted to buy alcohol freely. The fact is that at the time of the creation of the group, Holland and Crissell were still in school and, accordingly, were minors. The future guitarist - Wasserman - could officially buy alcohol.

One of the American radio stations in 1991 decided to change the format to rock. In this regard, the DJ was forced to meet the police twice. For the first time, the law enforcement officers were called by a compassionate listener, who suggested that the DJ had an accident. heart attack and so it doesn't switch composition. At that time, the radio station played the song Stairway to Heaven, which is known to be performed by Led Zeppelin. By the way, this group was Saddam Hussein’s favorite, so the second listener suggested that the radio station had been captured by Iraqi special forces.

In the repertoire Russian group"Aria" is the song "Will and Reason". Interestingly, this is exactly what the motto sounded like Italian fascists during the Mussolini government. Fortunately, neither the musicians themselves nor Soviet officials knew about this when they allowed the release of a record of the same name.

"Musical Trembling"

You will learn no less interesting facts about music further. For example, such a phenomenon as “musical trembling”. Many people have experienced it when they listened to music that suited their preferences. Here the expression “goosebumps” takes on new meaning. Scientists have confirmed that some compositions can be so liked by a person that they cause a physical reaction in him. It is expressed in a rapid heartbeat, a slight increase in temperature, and changes in breathing. This reaction can occur in almost every person, but much more often “musical tremors” happen to creative and sensitive people.

The pleasure of music

Scientists continue to find new and more interesting facts about music. For example, recent research has revealed that the human body reacts to music in the same way as it does to taking drugs, food or having sex. Regardless of which of the above a person has been doing, his body begins to produce dopamine. It is a neurotransmitter that allows the brain to feel euphoria. But at the same time, not a single scientist can explain why this happens.

Music of Mozart

Rounding out the interesting facts about music are compositions that are considered the pinnacle of world classics. Of course, we are talking about the works of Mozart. The same scientists have proven that it promotes the mental development of people. The thing is that his music creates certain vibrations that have a positive effect on the brain. At the same time, rough music, which is now at the peak of popularity, leads to dullness, so listening to it is not recommended.