Big daisy coloring page. The best selection of beautiful photos and pictures of daisies

How to draw a daisy?

And before answering this question, let’s decide WHAT daisy we want to draw. In fact, they are different, these daisies. We kind of think that daisies are always flowers with long white petals bordering a yellow center. And I thought so, but when I entered to study as a botany, I was immediately amazed: the most common one found literally everywhere - fragrant chamomile - is a small greenish flower WITHOUT petals.

That's right. But, okay, we were probably going to draw exactly the one with the help of which we can clearly find out whether they love us or... of course they love us.

Chamomile makes very good predictions, so it looks classic.

How to draw a daisy step by step

I’ll tell you straight away: this is a simple matter. It seems that even five-year-old children turn out beautiful daisies, but on the condition that they draw from life, and if they agree to draw exactly as they see, and not as they are used to according to the usual pattern: a stem with two leaves up, the flower turned sharply towards the viewer.

Let's abandon such a stylized image, let's draw it as in life. At first I put the chamomile on the table, but the petals were bent and I had to make a support. Now you can draw - I'll start with a pencil sketch.

I know that the flower is round, but from where I am looking, this circle looks like an oval, and the middle is also oval due to perspective contraction. This center consists of many small yellow tubular flowers.

And along the edges grow long white reed flowers. They are oval in shape, but there are tiny teeth at the end and - look closely, there are folds along the white tongue.

And these tabular petals themselves are not straight, like starched ones, no, they bend in an arc and some are quite steep. It looks like a daisy has been drawn, but it looks greyish and not festive.

In such cases I use a gel pen.

Now the petals are glowing. Chamomile has become much more alive.

Okay, we have practiced and know how to draw a daisy - one flower.

Now let’s complicate nature - take a few flowers.

How to draw a bouquet of daisies

True, they drooped a little, but that’s how it is – we draw from life, which means we honestly show: the flowers are sad that they were picked.

First, we’ll make a schematic pencil sketch of the entire composition as a whole so that the bouquet turns out to be proportionate and harmonious - neither small nor large.

Now let’s specify the color - the stems and the direction of the leaves. By the way! The leaves of chamomile-popovnik are spoon-shaped. Be sure to trace and depict the leaves correctly, here - I specifically showed you one leaf here:

We draw flowers step by step: some are visible in three quarters, some are even seen from the side - in profile, so to speak.

When drawing a bouquet, I advise you to adhere to the rule - draw the whole picture at once and a little everywhere.

Where can you keep your summer memories? In photographs, crafts and, of course, drawings!

We invite you to create a drawing “Bouquet of Daisies” that will keep the warmth of the sunniest summer days!

First of all, for work we need a sheet of white thick paper. You can take paper for watercolors or sketches, you can use plain paper album sheet. It is not advisable to use printer paper because it loses its shape when you apply paint. In addition to paper, you need to prepare paints and brushes different sizes, a simple pencil, an eraser and... cotton swab. We will use it to remove the “extra” paint.

First let's make a sketch with a simple pencil. Key element our picture will be a chamomile. We begin drawing with a pencil by evenly distributing five circles of the same size on a piece of paper. These will be the flower heads.

In the center of each circle we draw a smaller circle - a core. To each head we draw a line - a stem, and to each stem we draw leaves. We end several stems with unopened buds. The result is a blank drawing.

Now we draw the flower petals. To make them lie evenly, before drawing the daisy, you can draw two perpendicular lines. These will be directional landmarks.

We draw the first petal so that one of the landmarks divides it in half. Then we draw the petals along the other three guidelines, and only then fill the space between them with the petals. You can draw petals without guide lines, trying to make them the same size.

When the flowers are drawn, erase all additional lines and prepare blue and white paints.

We fill the background around the bouquet with blue paint.

We paint the flowers with white paint, including stems, leaves, cores and unopened buds. While we have some blue paint left on our brush, apply shadows to the flower heads.

Take a smaller brush, pick up some yellow paint and paint the cores of the daisies well.

Flowers become immediately recognizable! Now, using a thin brush, paint the leaves and stems of the flowers green.

Daisies are becoming more and more spectacular!

All that remains is to apply some pale green dots to the flower cores and add yellow highlights to the buds.

And our drawing is ready! You learned how to draw a daisy with a pencil step by step!

For beginners, this skill can be one of the first steps in developing real mastery. And for those who are already good with a pencil and brush, this is a good opportunity to consolidate and improve their skills.

How to draw a daisy step by step? I suggest you draw one daisy flower or a bouquet of daisies.

In general, the name “chamomile” came to us from the Polish language. In Rus', these flowers were called bachelorette, belyushka, sunflower. So simple and dear Slavic man names, like the flowers themselves.

Chamomile is widely used for medicinal purposes. Chamomile infusion is given to patients with fever. This plant has antidote properties and is good for poisoning.

Chamomile is also used in the production of cosmetics. The plant extract is added to toothpaste, creams, lotions. Chamomile acts as a rejuvenating agent. These properties of the flower have long been known in Tibet. Yes, and in our folk medicine exists huge amount recipes using chamomile that heal all sorts of diseases.

First, I suggest drawing a daisy with a pencil in a single copy.

How to draw a daisy flower step by step?

We draw an oval, inside it there is another smaller one and mark the place where it will be.

Now we draw the rays from the sun. It’s not for nothing that chamomile was called sunflower. She really looks like the sun. The rays are coming in different sides and they are not straight, but curved.

How to draw a daisy petal?

Now we begin to draw the chamomile petals. They all different lengths and shapes.

How to draw a daisy for children? The petals grow from the middle of the chamomile not in one row, but in several. In some places, 2, 3 and even 4 petals are layered on top of each other. They look out from under each other. The middle of the chamomile is convex and voluminous. By the way, another name for chamomile is navel. Because the middle stands out on the flower, like a navel. And the center of this navel is slightly flattened, pressed down.

Now we erase the construction lines (the original circle).

We begin to carefully shade the petals hard pencil(T, N, NV). In the future you will need softer pencils (2B, 4B). You can get by with just one simple pencil, but if you last stage When working on the drawing, use a soft pencil; the daisy will turn out much more expressive. Try it and you will understand the difference. The strokes should be placed in the shape of the petals. There is no need to shade all the petals. Shade areas selectively. As a rule, the petals look a little darker at the “umbilical cord” itself.

How to draw a beautiful daisy?

Now let's start shading the middle of the flower. To do this, I used an unusual stroke. We paint over the dark areas of the core with a “lamb” stroke. I don’t know what it’s actually called, but I like the word “lamb.” We cover the bright areas randomly with dots.

This is what these strokes look like upon closer inspection:

Now we take a soft pencil in our hands and emphasize some lines in our drawing. In particular, I emphasized the darkest places on the “navel” - the center and the junction of the petals and the middle of the flower. Some petals were darkened at the tips. Chamomile is ready!

Well, we've sorted out the individual flower. Now we will learn how to draw a bouquet of flowers.

First of all, let's define the composition. In other words, we will decide where the flowers will be located, where the bow will be, how long the stems will be. We outline all this schematically.

We begin to draw individual flowers in our bouquet. How to draw a flower is written above.

So we drew 7 daisies.

Draw flower stems and a few leaves. We draw in more detail the bow with which the daisies are tied. How to draw daisies in a vase? To do this, instead of a bow, draw a miniature transparent vase. You can choose a suitable photo of a vase on the Internet and draw it.

Use an HB pencil to carefully shade the flower stems. In the shadow part we make them a little darker, in the light - lighter.

Now we shade the bow. The ends of the tape that hang down look lighter. Using an eraser, we erase the pencil in several places, creating light areas - highlights.

Using a hard pencil or HB pencil, we darken some areas on the daisy petals. We do not put pressure on the pencil; we place the strokes close to each other. It is better to draw the centers of the flowers with a softer pencil, for example, 2B, as they look darker compared to the petals. To show the volume of the umbilical cords, darken one of the edges of the circle more than the rest of the middle.

Now take the softest pencil (4B or 6B) and highlight the flowers in some places. This will not take much time, but will have a very good effect on the expressiveness of the drawing.

The bouquet of daisies is ready!

Maybe even a child who has learned to hold a pencil in his hands. For adults, the drawing will not work either. special labor. Lovers of home painting will learn how to draw a daisy from this article. Creative process will be fascinating, and its result will be an image of a beautiful flower.

What materials are needed for work

For the drawing you will need a sheet of white paper, two simple construction pencils and a set of colored pencils, a school ruler, and an eraser.

In order for the image of the flower to be clear, you need to take a T-type pencil and another softer one, marked “TM”. Hard is needed for drawing the initial contours, which will be erased with an eraser at the end of the work. Soft pencil draw the flower directly.

How to draw a daisy step by step

Any image requires a certain preliminary calculation, since in the process it is necessary to maintain proportions, the proportionality of the stem, petals, core and leaves. You will learn how to draw a daisy step by step with a pencil so that it is ready for coloring from the following recommendations. But in any case, perseverance is required.

In order for the drawing to be successful, it is necessary to draw up a plan. First you need to study the question of how to draw a daisy step by step, that is, in stages. At the first stage, the ratio of petals to the core is calculated. This proportion can be designated as 1:3, that is, the length of the petals should be approximately three times the diameter of the core.

Then you should draw a circle on paper - the core of the flower. Then, having measured the required distance from it, draw a circle limiting the ends of the future petals. After this, we draw 10-12 lines from the core at an equal distance from each other. For each of them you can already draw petals. They will extend from the middle and end on the outer circle.

At the next stage we draw the stem and leaves. This is an important part of the drawing. The stem should be slightly curved, but in no case wavy. It departs from the bottom of the daisy and goes up to an arbitrary distance.

The next step is drawing leaves (there are no more than four of them). They should connect to the stem at points in the best possible way suitable for this (according to the artist himself). This is part of the creativity of a home painter. Since chamomile leaves are similar in shape to dill sprigs, they can be drawn with simple strokes in the form of a herringbone “in reverse.”

Drawing the core

Once the contours have been outlined, you can begin to outline the main components of the flower. How to draw a daisy with a pencil? Quite simple. The core needs to be highlighted; to do this, use a simple or black pencil to draw dots on its circle. There should be as many points as possible. After painting the core yellow it will look like the real thing.

Leave the petals white, as it should be for a chamomile. But along each one you need to draw several thin longitudinal lines with a simple pencil to give them a natural look. If you want to make the petals more vibrant, you can tint them a little with a blue pencil, brighter at the ends, and use a less intense shade near the core. It's another matter if you want to draw a decorative daisy with colored petals. In this case, you should paint them in a uniform tone of any color. In this case, it is also necessary to draw several thin lines along the petals with a simple pencil for greater plausibility.

Stem and leaves

The lower part of the flower is the base that supports the head with petals. A real chamomile has a dark green stem and leaves; in the picture they also need to be colored. A dark green pencil is included in any set, but it will have to be sharpened in a special way. In order for a colored pencil to give uniform coloring, its end must be rounded. Then you can start coloring the stem and leaves of the chamomile.


How to draw a chamomile so that there is not just one flower, but in a bouquet? To do this, you need to select the location of each flower on paper, draw several cores and surround them with contour circles, based on the length of the petals. If the image of some daisies in the drawing is conceived at an angle, in a perspective reflection, then the core of the flower is drawn not in a round shape, but in a slightly elongated shape. The petals are also positioned at a slight angle.

If you want to create a design with several daisies, then you have the opportunity to color their petals different colors. Thus, you will get a real still life painting. Drawing daisies or any other flowers - interesting activity, which can become a real hobby and serve as an incentive for the development of artistic taste.

Almost all children love to draw. True, if boys give greater preference to cars, trains and planes, girls are drawn to everything beautiful. Dolls, fairies, princesses, flowers - a list of ideas that almost no drawing can do without. That is why in today’s article we decided to propose a simple and at the same time beautiful idea that will become good start on the path of studying and understanding oses in the fine arts. A chamomile pencil drawing is something that children aged 3 years and older will get. Due to the variety of playback options, below are presented as simple master classes, and complex, reminiscent black and white photograph living flower.

How to draw a daisy drawing with a pencil? Useful tips

To draw beautiful flower, you don’t have to be able to draw beautifully. It is enough to have at hand a step-by-step photo example and the tools necessary to create a drawing, so that the finished result is no worse than in the example picture. Choose better job by ability to draw. For example, if a child goes to art school or most of spends his free time drawing, then you can choose a complex daisy, with the technique of shading and coloring watercolor paints. If your daughter (son) is just studying fine arts, lightweight examples are suitable, representing an image of a single bud or a simplified solution on a stem in the form of a bending stick and a gem.

Chamomile drawing in pencil, simple master class in the photo

This master class is suitable for beginners. Just look at step by step photo work to understand how to repeat each action in turn so that beautiful work, identical to the photo example.
Important! The color scheme must be repeated exactly. Otherwise, the chamomile may come out wildflower or even fabulous, as in the fairy tale “The Little Flower of Seven Flowers.”

Complex chamomile - step by step pencil drawing photo

A more complex flower can also be drawn using step by step instructions, but only if the child can sit still for a long time and has a lot of patience. Otherwise, the child may become disappointed in drawing and hate this hobby.

Chamomile drawing in pencil, finished photos of the work: