Libra woman: characteristics, compatibility, eastern horoscope. Characteristics of a Libra man - Rabbit (Cat) from A to Z

Charming Libra-Rabbits have the talent to make people fall in love with them. It's hard to resist these charming ladies, because they try so hard to please. People around them like their soft, courteous manners. Libra-Rabbits love communication so much that they are ready to make many sacrifices for the sake of good relationships. They don’t know how to be offended for a long time, take criticism easily, and are not afraid to laugh at themselves. Balanced Libra in alliance with the lacquer Rabbit acquires even greater delicacy and warmth. People of this combination of signs are examples of good manners and exemplary behavior. It is impossible to quarrel with them: they will definitely find a way to resolve any conflict. For them, spiritual comfort comes first, and the rest is a matter of profit.

Characteristics of Libra Rabbit

The sensible Libra-Rabbit is able to achieve whatever he wants. Another thing is lack of ambition. This person does not like to take responsibility, so he avoids any difficulties and difficulties. He will not stubbornly overcome obstacles, but will follow the path of least resistance. One cannot consider him a slacker and a lazy person; after all, he is quite a purposeful and hardworking person. It’s just that the Libra Rabbit is so calm and even passive that he doesn’t consider it necessary to get nervous over trifles. Natural wisdom allows him to resolve issues in such a way that everyone is happy. For him, the most important thing in life is maintaining internal harmony. Only for this purpose will he fight to the last.

Sociable Libra-Rabbits are ready to have long conversations on any topic. They love to spend time in noisy companies, because loneliness makes them bored and afraid. As well as the need to deal with urgent matters. Libra Rabbits are born for brilliance, a bright and rich life, and not for routine work. They do not consider it necessary to devote all their time to useful work; moreover, they avoid this honorable fate in every possible way. But they take great pleasure in attending social events. These are true connoisseurs of beauty, they like to spend time idle. Not only society, but also the environment must meet their discerning taste. But a poor interior and boring people are the worst things that can happen to them.

Prudent Libra-Rabbits rarely find themselves in unpleasant situations. They are too kind and unforgiving to have enemies. Smart and hardworking enough to succeed. Therefore, the life of Libra-Rabbits passes without unnecessary complications. These people know how to be friends, they know how to achieve excellent results using the simplest methods. Nature rewarded them with wisdom and prudence, and most importantly, sensitivity and kindness. Libra-Rabbits are always ready to help, and they act with good intentions: they do not expect reward. Although they will be happy to receive a small gift and hear words of gratitude. Libra Rabbits know how to sincerely enjoy little things; you shouldn’t offend these lovely people with inattention.

Libra Rabbit Compatibility

These people do not tolerate loneliness well; they like to be in a constant state of falling in love, no matter with whom. The main thing is the feeling of happiness and flying above the earth. Typically, Libra-Rabbits do not make serious efforts to attract the attention of the opposite sex. They carefully monitor their appearance, are well mannered and always tactful. Therefore, there are a lot of fans and admirers around them. Amorous Libra-Rabbits are always happy to meet new people.

Each of the Libra-Rabbits, regardless of gender, does not strive for the role of leader. He is ready to submit to his soul mate, because this state of affairs completely suits him. He is not eager to solve important family issues, but he happily carries out any assignments. He does not like quarrels and scandals, so he readily indulges the whims of his partner. He will fight for his marriage to the last: Libra-Rabbit is a wonderful family man. He is always attentive to children and devotes a lot of time to them.

Libra Rabbit Career

Smart, reasonable and very careful, Libra-Rabbits are the dream of any employer. They have all the qualities that can lead them to the heights of success. However, they do not want to waste their precious time on the struggle for power. Therefore, they gladly agree to the position of assistant manager. These are excellent performers, meticulously following the instructions of their superiors. Libra-Rabbits are quite happy with their position, because they have time to communicate with colleagues.

Libra-Rabbits can choose any field of activity, but work related to people is most suitable for them. They get great pleasure from being in public. Capable of organizing a large-scale event or heading a charitable foundation. They don’t chase profit, they don’t see the meaning of life in making money. Although they can successfully work in the field of trade or engage in financial activities. For these people there are no barriers except their own laziness.

The combination of these two signs gives the Libra-Rabbit man amazing calmness; sometimes it seems that he is indifferent to what is happening around him. He just enjoys life and sees no point in getting upset over trifles. He doesn’t aim for a high position, but is considered a good worker because he works honestly. He does not exhaust himself with the pursuit of money, he is content with what he has. Absolutely everyone likes an affable person; the Libra-Rabbit man does not and cannot have enemies. In love relationships, he behaves impeccably: he gives gifts with or without an occasion, showers him with compliments, and takes touching care. But the initiative must come from the partner, otherwise he spends his whole life in eternal suitors, although many women are ready to throw in their lot with him.

An intelligent Libra-Rabbit woman behaves impeccably in her interactions with people, has a calm character, soft, courteous manners. It is important for her to exchange emotions and impressions; she cannot live in solitude. She knows how to establish connections, is an excellent organizer, and there are always many like-minded people around her. The truth is a little scattered, so it needs the help of reliable partners. The charming person is very popular among men; they are attracted by her softness, tenderness, and femininity. She takes the responsibilities of a wife and mother very responsibly; she is an ideal wife for a respectable man. Libra the Rabbit is not afraid of any difficulties; she is a faithful, loving woman, devoted with all her heart to her family.

The Libra-Cat (Rabbit) sign includes people born from September 24 to October 23 in 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011.

A person born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) has an attractive appearance and is a cheerful, sociable and cheerful person, although quite frivolous. It is worth noting that the greater the influence of Libra, who, having received, becomes completely different.

Libra-Cat (Rabbit) easily finds a common language with a wide variety of people, calmly treats the shortcomings of others and always tries to avoid conflict situations. He loves communication and therefore spends most of his time in companies. He is calm, friendly and internally soft, which attracts people to him. True, this calmness looks like laziness. Such a person is very concerned about physical and mental comfort, and he is constantly preoccupied with himself in the sense of seeking pleasure.

In a love relationship, Libra-Cat (Rabbit) does not show activity and will sit quietly and wait for a fairy-tale prince or princess to conquer him. True, it is worth noting that he does not experience a lack of attention. This is a very soft and feminine combination that attracts the opposite sex like a magnet. A person born with this combination is more of a contemplator than an active creator. He is waiting for a partner who will lead him and create a certain comfort for him. Naturally, for a Libra-Cat (Rabbit) woman, this position is more promising than for a man with this combination of signs.

Libra – Cat (Rabbit) characteristics

A person born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) has a very charming and attractive appearance. He likes to spend time in friendly companies and gets along with people easily. He is affable, friendly and always correct. He is condescending towards the shortcomings of other people and knows how to laugh at himself. He does not like to sort things out and avoids confrontation at all costs.

The Libra-Cat (Rabbit) combination gives a person a very soft and calm character, but at the same time some passivity. Even with his enemies, he behaves too softly and condescendingly.

Libra-Cat (Rabbit) absolutely does not know how to organize the work process and is not able to predict the long-term situation, but he is a good executive worker who can always be relied on. In his activities, Libra-Cat (Rabbit) is not focused on results and is even of little interest in practical and concrete matters. However, he has excellent taste, excellent manners and a clear mind. In addition, he is careful, which helps him avoid many mistakes.

It is worth noting that Libra-Cat (Rabbit) is well aware of his weaknesses and precisely for this reason does not take on too much. The financial side is of great importance to him, especially given his penchant for a bohemian life, but he himself will not make efforts to increase his financial flow. To become more successful, a person born with this combination needs to stop being afraid of responsibility and act quickly and decisively.

Libra-Cat (Rabbit) is very amorous and it is natural for him to meet his fate in a line for bread or in the subway. But how the relationship will develop further will depend entirely on the partner, since Libra-Cat (Rabbit) prefers to take a passive position in love relationships.

Libra – Cat (Rabbit) woman

A woman born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) is charming, kind, intelligent and very sociable. She loves to communicate with friends and needs their company, so she tries to spend as much time with them as possible. It is very important for her to exchange her emotions, sensations, and impressions with others. This woman has a calm, soft, balanced character and is not afraid of responsibility. Although, at work she can often be distracted by extraneous matters and can be quite absent-minded, although this does not prevent her from being efficient.

By nature, the Libra-Cat (Rabbit) woman is a bright and charming leader, attracting and captivating other people. She can organize any interesting business on a large scale. Therefore, it is important for her to choose a job related to social activities. A negative point in a career is that the Libra-Cat (Rabbit) woman does not know how to analyze the situation and make the right decisions.

Every person's character has both positive and negative traits. But a woman born with this combination finds it incredibly difficult to resist negative feelings and events in life. For her, it is necessary to choose the path of goodness and spiritual self-development. Otherwise, negative feelings may take over. It is worth noting that family and social status play a lot in the life of a Libra-Cat (Rabbit) woman, and this is precisely what is the main driver in her development and desire to achieve the best.

In relationships with men, the Libra-Cat (Rabbit) woman is soft and flexible. She manages to find a common language with any male representative. True, she can easily captivate, but it’s more difficult to keep her near you. Her inability to communicate with one person and her inability to properly build relationships often leads to a breakup. Her family well-being will depend entirely on the man she chooses.

Born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), who can take responsibility for the family. She does not know how to enjoy the simple joys of life, she takes planning for children too seriously, sometimes even frightened by the thought of them. Therefore, her family life is often full of contradictions and misunderstandings. To create a harmonious relationship with a partner, she needs to accept that the woman is responsible for the relationship, and what the family will be like depends only on her. She also needs to learn to control her emotions, since negative outbursts can destroy a lot in their lives.

Libra – Cat (Rabbit) man

A man born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) always makes a pleasant impression. He is good-looking and knows how to win people over. He is generous and self-confident, goes through life with a smile, easily distributing advice, money and other valuables.

The Libra-Cat (Rabbit) man is stable and balanced, he is not interested in power and fame. He is not a leader and can hardly be called a good organizer; moreover, he has little interest in practical, rational matters. But, nevertheless, a man born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) is able to change many professions in order to find something that he will really like. He has powerful intuition that can help him complete his tasks. It is worth noting that the most talented teachers were born with this particular combination of signs. And during his school years, he is a capable student from whom everyone constantly cheats.

The character of a man born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Cat (Rabbit) is complex and contradictory. This makes his life much more difficult. With all the strength of his nature, he can rush both up and down, moreover, he easily succumbs to the influence of others. He leads an easy, carefree life, which often results in numerous problems for him. To achieve success in any field, a man born with this combination of signs must learn to analyze his actions and not succumb to the provocations of others.

Money is of little interest to a man born under the sign of Libra in the year of the Cat (Rabbit). The whole point is that he already gets everything he needs. A career is also not an end in itself for him, but only a component of a more significant idea for him. It is this calm attitude that helps him easily achieve the position in society that he needs and receive the amount of money that is required. To achieve a lot in life, the Libra-Cat (Rabbit) man needs to learn to correctly and clearly express his thoughts and insist on his positions.

Love for a Libra-Cat (Rabbit) man is the meaning of life. This area provides him with excellent food for emotional experiences, which are very important to him. He is attractive, knows how to care for and, probably for this reason, is always surrounded by numerous fans. It is worth noting that in a love relationship, a man with this combination of signs most often takes a passive position, goes with the flow and waits for initiative from women. In family life he is soft and flexible, he gives in to everything and agrees with everything. The leader in his family will always be a woman, even if he holds a high position and has a large salary.

As a rule, the family life of a Libra-Cat (Rabbit) man develops favorably. He enjoys the emotions that family gives and, as a result, relationships become more harmonious and happier. Born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit), they have a lot of time.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Libra, year of the rabbit, woman - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

These people want to do everything to the best of their ability. They are hard workers, but do not let their work dictate their lives. These people don’t care how they relax, they can stay at home or they can go somewhere. In personal relationships, such people are usually frank and demonstrative, attentive and romantic. They love receiving small gifts and won't mind if you quickly write a love note or give them a large chocolate bar. The weakness in the personality of these people is that their external calm can burst and then great anxiety begins. Their nervous tension tends to accumulate and all their positive qualities may slowly disappear.

The rabbit and the zodiac sign Libra are a combination that is non-conflicting in nature and attracts the opposite sex. Even if he is on bad terms with someone, he behaves more softly than circumstances require. The Libra cat is a person who is as attractive as he is frivolous, preferring the search for beauty to specifics - be it people, phenomena or things. In all matters of aesthetics, Libra rabbits rely only on themselves. All previous loyalty to others is just for show here. In this case, the Libra rabbit man is able to evaluate rather than accept someone else’s opinion.

The affairs that the Libra cat deals with are often not tied to financial results. Money is nothing more than an accompanying factor that does not interest him too much. Having a good understanding of everything, he is quite cautious, since he is not very good at assessing risks and predicting results. In large matters, it is easier for him to be an assistant or investor than an organizer.

The combination of intelligence and taste with an understanding of his own weaknesses at the first failures makes him prudent. After them, as a rule, he does not make mistakes. In love relationships he is rather passive. This applies to a greater extent to Libra rabbit women. Personal life attracts them, but in most cases they prefer fantasy to action.

Rabbit Combination

Libra – Rabbit (cat): Characteristics

Libra Man – Rabbit

The Libra Rabbit man knows how to win someone over; he is always balanced and calm.

He cannot be called a leader, and his organizational skills are not good. Despite this, he strives to find a job that will really interest him.

On the personal front, the representative of the stronger sex is passive, he is used to always going with the flow and not thinking about anything. His future chosen one must definitely take the initiative and make concessions if necessary.

Libra Woman – Rabbit

Libra-Rabbit woman is sociable and kind. She tries to spend all her free time in the company of her best friends.

It is very important for her to exchange impressions with others; they can come to the rescue at any time. At work they are quite absent-minded, often distracted by extraneous matters.

In relationships with men, a woman shows maximum flexibility. She manages to find a common language with any male representative.

Rabbit-Libra are calm, balanced individuals with a gentle character. Such a person is not afraid of responsibility; he tries to act very quickly.

Horoscope of the Zodiac sign Libra, born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit

Both the Zodiac sign and the eastern sign of a person’s year of birth have individual properties, qualities and conditions, which are mainly manifested in the characteristics of a person and his relationships in society.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the Zodiac and the eastern years are formed from twelve parallel vertical levels, on the basis of which people exhibit certain methods of behavior and react to individual conditions in circumstances in the form of the attitude of interacting people towards them.

The Zodiac sign forms tactical abilities in a person’s character and represents one of the twelve levels of behavioral methodology.

The eastern sign of the year of birth shapes the conditions and laws of the external environment for a person, his relationships with people around him, in which he uses his own method of behavior assigned by the Zodiac sign. The year of birth forms for a person one of the twelve levels of his self-realization. The eastern sign is called strategy, since it forms a field of activity for a person and on this field the eastern sign manifests the laws and principles of the attitude of people around him to a person.

Libra is the tenth sign of the Zodiac in the natural hierarchy of society. People of this zodiac sign are by nature logical, pragmatic and prudently strong-willed.

The specialty of the zodiac sign Libra is “ strategist, minister, diplomat" A person of this zodiac sign is able to dispassionately carry out his own and general tasks. Libras live by the principle: “ Everything in life will be useful" They tend to calculate everything, benefiting from every action or relationship. Libra is capable of invisibly manipulating people and work processes. Libra is effective in self-control and control of loved ones, interacting people and their resources. Libras are demonstrably fair in words, adhering to their own interests. They communicate only on topics that are beneficial and useful to them. Libras defeat their competitors with absolute lack of perception, cold cruelty or insensitive methods.

Eastern sign year of the Cat-Rabbit – 1903, 1915, 1927,1939, 1951, 1963, 1975,1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035, 2047, 2059 .

The Year of the Cat-Rabbit forms a natural strategy, a field for relationships at the fifth level of circumstances. People born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit are surrounded by relationships with people who impulsively absorb a lot of statistical attention, thinking about future processes and events. Regardless of the zodiac sign, a person born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit has to participate in work processes in which interacting people occupy positions of specialists in the field of “ statistics, jurisprudence and refereeing" Interacting people show variability in words and deeds during a relationship with a person born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit. People around, regardless of their zodiac signs and eastern years, in relationships with a person born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit, show increased intuition in the direction of future events. People around you tend to impulsively show emotional mood. Interacting people in a relationship with a person born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit conduct relationships according to the principle of the Pisces zodiac sign: “ There are no barriers in life ».

Horoscope of the sign Libra, born in the year Cat-Rabbit.

This combination of signs is manifested by balanced behavior, a cold sparkle in the eyes and active sociability, with the benefit of a person who develops relationships with people who are slippery in words and changeable in agreements. The zodiac sign Libra influences the mood of the people around them with its selfishness and indifference. Libras tend to use cruelty and “dry”, inhuman logic in relationships with people. The Year of the Cat-Rabbit creates the conditions for analytical calculations and anticipation of future processes. The Zodiac sign Libra, born in the year of the Cat-Rabbit, is in circumstances in which he has to compete with people who often change their goals and are unpredictable in behavior. At the same time, Libra is able to involve the surrounding masses of people in solving their own and common problems. Interacting people tend to obey a given person due to his connections in society, power, cold dispassionate reason and their cruelty. Libras have a tendency to use other people's results and opportunities in circumstances. The Year of the Cat-Rabbit promotes relationships with people who are hungry for profit. Libras are addicted to various pleasures, they are voluptuous, and when threatened they can immediately resort to violence. A person of this zodiac sign is an arrogant atheist. Libras are responsible to the sources of their income. They are capable of breaking off when the benefits in a relationship are lost. Libra's policy is simple, it is based on advantage/disadvantage. The Year of the Cat-Rabbit imbues this person with feelings, emotions, and ironic moods expressed by interacting people. This person overcomes the variability of the people around him, while trying to use the foresight of those interacting.

You can get much more detailed characteristics by zodiac sign and year of birth in the programs “ Individual scanner" And " Crown of Education" In these programs, the terminology of horoscopes, zodiac or eastern years is excluded. The programs use the terminology of psychology, theology and physics. This combination forms a new scientific approach to the human information structure, which is called “ Psychonomy ».

Horoscope Libra-Rabbit (Cat)

Having met Libra the Rabbit (Cat), you might think that they are pampered melancholics according to the horoscope. In fact, they are distinguished by wisdom, an inquisitive mind and eloquence. Such people make successful journalists and researchers.

Libra-Rabbit (Cat) is an intuitive nature. He instantly senses danger, has a good memory and makes decisions instinctively. He is hardworking, but he never forgets about rest and entertainment. They enjoy being at home or with friends.

Libra-Rabbit (Cat) works not only for money. Finances give him freedom, but are not the main factor in life. In professional matters, Libra-Rabbit (Cat) can be overly risky, which leads to disappointment. But his innate caution protects him from serious losses.

If it comes to large-scale investments, then it is better for him to be an assistant rather than a manager of the company. He knows perfectly well what he is capable of, so he takes precautions in many matters.

Horoscope for combining Libra with other eastern signs:

Horoscope for combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Rabbit - Cat - Libra

Russian actress Chulpan Khamatova. American actress and singer Hilary Duff. Russian actor and athlete Vladimir Turchinsky. Russian fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin.

This person easily gets along with other people, loves communication, relaxing in large friendly companies. Libras born in the year of the Rabbit-Cat are always correct, welcoming, and friendly. At the same time, they calmly treat the shortcomings of others and statements in their direction - they know how to laugh at themselves.

Rabbit Libra Man

The Libra Rabbit man is pleasant, good-looking, knows how to win over his interlocutor, and is balanced. This person is not a leader or an organizer, he has little interest in practical and rational matters, and he is not attracted to power. He chooses an interesting and exciting job, and is able to change many professions before he finds himself and is really passionate about something. In personal relationships, the Rabbit-Libra man is somewhat passive, accustomed to going with the flow and waiting for initiative from women. In marriage, he is flexible and gentle, easily makes concessions, and adores his children.

Rabbit-Libra Woman

The Rabbit-Libra woman is intelligent, very sociable, has many friends and constantly needs their company. Exchange of impressions with friends is extremely important for her; she is always ready to listen and help, and give practical advice in difficult life situations. In her work, the Rabbit-Libra woman can be absent-minded and may be distracted by extraneous matters, but she is diligent, and in case of an omission she tries to catch up and correct the defect. The Libra woman, born in the year of the Rabbit-Cat, easily finds a common language with men and knows how to get along with them. She needs a strong, bright partner who will boldly steer the family ship.

Rabbit-Cat-Libra - this combination gives a person a soft and calm disposition, but at the same time, some passivity. Such a person needs to learn not to be afraid of responsibility, but to act quickly and decisively.

Chinese animal calendar by year!

Character of the Rabbit "Cat" - Libra woman: These women find it very difficult to resist negative feelings and life events. Family and social status will play a lot in their development. If they can choose the path of goodness and self-development, then they will turn out to be highly spiritual women. Otherwise, negative feelings will take over. Such uncertainty should, on the contrary, push these women to do better in order to achieve the best in life.

By nature, these women are charming leaders who always attract other people to themselves. At the same time, they can captivate women not within the framework of some group, but on a large scale. That is why they should choose a job related to social activities. They do not know how to analyze a situation and choose the right solutions to a problem. As a result, their character is not detailed, it is too vague.

Rabbit Woman "Cat" - Libra in love and relationships: In relationships, they usually occupy the main positions. They will be able to attract any partner, but it will be more difficult to keep them. The fact is that the inability to correctly perceive the situation, difficulties in communicating with one person, lead to a break. They should base their relationship on something more than simple feelings in order to be able to preserve love in its original form.

Rabbit Woman “Cat” - Libra in finance and career: Making a career for these Pisces can be difficult. They must learn to cooperate with other people and look for ways to solve problems on their own. Then making a career is quite simple for them: everything will come into their hands. You should not be an ordinary mercenary, since work and workload will not allow these women to reveal their talents. If they choose the right career path, they can achieve a lot.

Rabbit Woman “Cat” - Libra in family and marriage: Family relationships will depend entirely on the partner. These women do not know how to build relationships correctly. As a result, family life may not delight them with the usual joys. They take planning for children seriously, sometimes being frightened by even the thought of their appearance. Therefore, their family life is quite complicated, full of contradictions and misunderstandings. To create a harmonious relationship, they only need to become stronger and more decisive.

Advice to the Rabbit “Cat” - Libra woman: These women need to control their emotions, as negative outbursts can destroy a lot in their lives. In particular, they may find themselves in the difficult situation of rejecting what they already have. Selflessness is another quality that is worth learning, as it is this behavior that can bring positive results. You should not enter into verbal agreements with loved ones, as this is a waste of time; it is better to do some important things.

Libra born in the year of the Cat (Rabbit)

People born in the year of the Rabbit under the sign of Libra have a great interest in life, they are very curious, but at the same time they strive for order and precision. Therefore, they can work in a newspaper, be a writer, or be involved in scientific activities. Libra-Rabbit is always attracted to the best and most expensive, so they strive to earn good money and stubbornly pursue their goals.

In Ancient China, the Cat was always considered a gentle and calm animal. Indeed, representatives of this year have patience and endurance, although they are very eloquent and sociable. Both Libra-Cat men and women act very thoughtfully and adequately in any situation, their decisions are carefully selected and almost always correct.

Libra-Rabbit is hardworking, but at the same time they are attentive to their well-being and health. Therefore, when they are tired, they skillfully put their worries aside and give themselves a good rest. These people are so calm and patient that they are always in control of the situation and keep everything in their hands.

Women and men who combine the signs of the Rabbit and Libra are sometimes considered snobs, but this is not always the case. They just want to improve their living conditions, and this requires a lot of money. They amazingly combine the ability to analyze and natural intuition. This gives them the ability to recognize the right people and attract them to their side. But such practicality and the fact that Libra-Cat relies on facts sometimes negatively affects love relationships in which it is important to trust each other and not analyze.

Libra-Cat does not like to overexert herself; work is not a life priority for her, it is just a way to provide for her needs and life. These people love pleasant surprises, cute gifts and love notes. They are not homebodies, but they are not big fans of hanging out at events either. Both Libra-Rabbit women and men are not attached to a certain type of recreation, it is simply important for them to renew their vitality, and the method of recreation or its type does not bother them much.

Representatives of the Libra-Rabbit signs have one weak feature - they endure and accumulate negativity for a long time, but then they explode and an avalanche of anger covers them and the people around them.

Libra-Rabbit people are soft and non-conflict people; if they are in a strained relationship with someone, they will most likely prefer to ignore and not quarrel.

It is important for these women and men to contemplate the beauty around them; they will never argue about tastes with others, they will simply silently appreciate everything, but will remain unconvinced. Here their tolerance and calm fade into the background. They are constantly in search of the beautiful and the best; there is no point in fighting their imagination. However, their attractiveness prevents loved ones and acquaintances from moving away from them.

The Libra Rabbit almost never makes mistakes in his work, since he never takes risks and takes on certain tasks with caution. This person feels better in the role of a performer than in the role of a leader or organizer. Monetary reward is not at all a motivation for these men and women, but the ability to soberly assess their weaknesses and capabilities allows this person not to need anything.

Libra-Cat women are great dreamers, they are free in their thoughts and dreams, but they do not want to do anything for the relationship, they remain on the sidelines. Therefore, they need an active second half.

zodiac sign libra year of the rabbit woman

Melancholic, feminine Cat. Everyone likes him.

Zodiac horoscope: sign Libra

Melancholic and sweet-tongued Libra-Rabbits can seem like sissies. Their minds are inquisitive and they make good scientists and journalists. Libra the Rabbit loves the best of everything and can be extravagant. Such people are able to work hard to achieve what they want. They should try to stop snobbery in themselves.

The cat in Chinese astrology is considered a calm and sensitive person. Libra-Cat men and women are some of the calmest people in the entire Zodiac circle, they are both intelligent and incredibly emotionally balanced. These people are usually reasonable in all their actions and thoughts.

The Libra cat almost always remains calm and remains in control in all circumstances. These people have a “cool” head and a calming aura. To truly relax, these people must feel comfortable and free from responsibility. They are well organized and always find time to rest when they need it.

They know how to perfectly and quickly assess various situations and people. They are quite perceptive and have an excellent memory, easily remembering people and places. To make any decisions, these people often combine instinct and factual data. This method works well in everyday life, with the exception of personal relationships, where, as a rule, you should trust more than just instincts and facts.

These people want to do everything to the best of their ability. They are hard workers, but do not let their work dictate their lives. These people don’t care how they relax, they can stay at home or they can go somewhere. In personal relationships, such people are usually frank and demonstrative, attentive and romantic. They love receiving small gifts and won't mind if you quickly write a love note or give them a large chocolate bar.

The weakness in the personality of these people is that their external calm can burst and then great anxiety begins. Their nervous tension tends to accumulate and all their positive qualities may slowly disappear.

The rabbit and the zodiac sign Libra are a combination that is non-conflicting in nature and attracts the opposite sex. Even if he is on bad terms with someone, he behaves more softly than circumstances require.

The Libra cat is a person who is as attractive as he is frivolous, preferring the search for beauty to specifics - be it people, phenomena or things. In all matters of aesthetics, Libra rabbits rely only on themselves. All previous loyalty to others is just for show here. In this case, the Libra rabbit man is able to evaluate rather than accept someone else’s opinion.

The affairs that the Libra cat deals with are often not tied to financial results. Money is nothing more than an accompanying factor that does not interest him too much. Having a good understanding of everything, he is quite cautious, since he is not very good at assessing risks and predicting results. In large matters, it is easier for him to be an assistant or investor than an organizer. The combination of intelligence and taste with an understanding of his own weaknesses at the first failures makes him prudent. After them, as a rule, he does not make mistakes.

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general characteristics

The lives of people born under this sign are governed by a sense of beauty, harmony and justice. Thanks to tact, generosity and poise, they are always surrounded by people. These people rarely have enemies and have a strong influence on others.

They are responsible and have good business qualities. Born under this sign:

Virgil, Diderot, Lamartine, F. Liszt, F. Nietzsche, Lermontov, Wilde, Mahatma Gandhi, Eisenhower, Eugene O'Neill, J. Gershwin, Sarah Bernhardt, Brigitte Bardot, M. Mastroianni.

  • Characteristics by zodiac sign Influence:
  • Venus, Saturn. Symbol:
  • scales, book. Colors:
  • dark blue, green, sea wave and pastel colors. Stones:
  • opal, lapis lazuli, coral, diamond, sapphire, pearls, beryl, moonstone, green jasper, crystal, peridot. Metal:
  • bronze. Flowers:
  • calendula (marigold), roses, violets. Mascot:
  • heart, book. Happy day:
  • Friday Saturday. Unlucky day:
  • Tuesday, Sunday. Favorable numbers:
2, 5, (all numbers divisible by 6), 9, 15. Born from September 24 to October 2
2, 5, (all numbers divisible by 6), 9, 15. under the influence of Venus - gentle, friendly, dreamy. from 3 to 13 October
2, 5, (all numbers divisible by 6), 9, 15. under the influence of Saturn - they are prudent, live without luxury and ambition. from 14 to 23 October

under the influence of Jupiter - they love to eat deliciously, are sensual, capable of literature, love ceremonies.

Libras emphasize the role of knowledge, love to accumulate facts, value information of any kind, and consider withholding information a crime.
Like air, they want to circulate freely, they hate darkness, they despise poorly lit rooms, they need people around them, they know how to win them: with charm, affection, flattery, spontaneous hospitality, generosity, generosity, willingly provided services, understanding the point of view of other people.
Both men and women try to seduce all their lives, expecting praise, affection, encouragement, admiration, approval in return; they cannot live without feeling popular, loved by everyone, including luck. They feel deceived if they believe that they are not loved.
Dependence on the world around them interferes with their originality, they are better at working on other people's ideas, improving them. Full of rich intentions, good will, little willpower.
The tendency is to avoid responsibility. They would rather sleep than fight.
They cannot say “no” to anyone or anything. When choosing between temptations and temptations, the will fluctuates. This can lead to indifference, compromise, lack of commitment, sometimes some difficulty, and ultimately to a guilt complex.
Libra is a sign of measure and moderation. They don't mind measuring, but they don't want to be mediocre. Their story - many points of view. They would rather lose the idea, but save lives. Libras need to learn to use their feelings to make decisions and overcome overpassivity.

Men are very concerned with fashion, sometimes in a snobbish spirit, and are sometimes effeminate in their clothes.

In youth they balance between several possibilities. They need help.
They need to make several offers and not rush. You can’t push, it’s better to make several attempts than to push something. Spending a lot of time and energy, they get tired easily.
They are often embarrassed to demand what is due to them, collect debts, do not check accounts and are never slaves to money and property, but they know how to calculate their budget.


Libra is ruled by marriage; more than other signs, Libra needs a union with a partner in order to feel complete.
Libra is the bridge between Virgo, who is ruled by reason, and Scorpio, who is guided by desires. The bridge, hanging and swaying, also signifies the end of the human race, which means limited energy, short breathing, lack of physical strength.
They do not fall in love at first sight, they are not enslaved by feelings. For Libra, Venus signifies extra love.
Completing the individual and social portrait of Libra, it should be noted that the main feature is the ability to get along with people and be liked in society.
Libras are sentimental, they cannot help but be tender, the need for public approval can make them prefer a beautiful face or an advantageous position to inner depth and compatibility, and they can marry only half after their hearts.
Libras are flexible and know how to find a common language with a person. Their body lacks the instinctive, the animal, so it must be supported by a super-abundant, sometimes pornographic imagination. They will do almost anything to not be lonely and have a dialogue.
Libra men do not pretend to be conquerors, but often expect the woman to make the first move. If a woman doesn't make the first move, they feel unwanted and rejected, give up and look for luck elsewhere. They tend to seduce everyone at any time if Libra is sure that they are wanted, that they are the center of attention of the chosen one.
There is no partner more charming, generous and adaptable.
Otherwise, Libra becomes gloomy and cold. They are easy to influence.
They rely on women to achieve success and purpose.
Men and women sometimes oscillate between two attachments that seem equally necessary. It happens that all their lives they try to unite, combine them, and make both objects of love friends.

To make a choice. Libra must first learn to love and make decisions based on feelings.

They usually have a good understanding of people, are practical, often act as buffers that smooth out the roughness of life, and are wise judges like Solomon. Find satisfaction in social life.

They are sociable, love guests, hospitable, and take failures seriously. They are materialists, love beautiful furniture, clothes, accessories, and are often tormented by envy when friends succeed in something. They love beauty and art (Venus sign). The essence of personality is the need for self-expression and beauty.

Despite their love for family, Libra women are burdened by household chores and feel the need to communicate outside the home when everything turns out the way they want. Libras have a great mood, problems in their personal life and work throw them out of balance. The main virtue: nobility of thoughts and kindness of soul.


Weak resistance to disease.

Appearances are often deceiving. The main enemies are cold and dampness. Predisposed to radiculitis and rheumatism. Libra men are usually handsome, slim, and tall. The women are slender, with huge eyes, sensual mouths and curly hair. During illness they like to feel care, attention, sympathy, and are prone to simulation. Libra needs gymnastics.

Elements: AIR Quick wits, cheerful, lively character, talkative, sociable. You are a kind of family “translator”, interpreter. You are good at writing letters (when you have to), but in general you prefer phones and don’t like to give in to emotions.

Prefer coldness. You are fascinated by plans. A couple of them are always brewing in your head. Features - logical, reasonable arguments, explanations. This is why air signs are associated with thinking and imagination. You live in a world of ideas, thoughts. You like to use logical arguments and have clear, precise thinking. According to your element, you should choose friends and lovers from air and fire. Air is compatible with water, if it is not afraid of the wind, and with earth, if it is not against the wind. Your advantages:

If you are an Aquarius, then you are still air, you are under pressure. You are characterized by boiling thoughts, overcome by plans. You are dying to give free rein to an unsuspecting world. If you are a Gemini, then you have changeable air - sometimes warm, sometimes cold, and sometimes both at once. On your way, you act with intelligence and charm, and in the same way, if necessary, evade.

Home conditions: the air needs to live in open, windy places, where there is a lot of fresh air, in extreme cases, air conditioning.

When working indoors, choose a table near a window. Stay outside if possible.

Your invisible spirit, which patronizes and protects you, is the sylph, which prefers places where there is a lot of air - gardens, fields.


They strive for peace and harmony, many become diplomats, clergy, and lawyers. Beauty plays a huge role in the life of Libra - many artists and artists were born under this constellation. One of the most common occupations is law.

Libras are charming and easy to get along with people, but the environment has a great influence on them. They cannot work in the midst of dirt and nervousness. If work circumstances bring them together with people who do not appeal to them, they are unhappy.

Loves living in a big city and having friends. He is distinguished by his taste and appreciates beauty, loves the garden and flowers.


Like air, pleasure and entertainment are necessary. Hobbies are often related to art - opera, painting. Libras have great taste. Many Libra women love to dress beautifully and can go shopping all day long.

Zodiac horoscope

Air sign. Under the patronage of Venus. The character is easy, the mind is clear. Those born under this sign have a balanced character. Venus generously rewards them with the ability to love, elegance, and grace.

LIBRA easily find harmony in life, even when illness or misfortune befalls them. LIBRA hates quarrels, troubles, complications. More than anything in the world, they value peace. Libra men
Their main occupation is love. Loving and being loved is their only dream.

They hate reproaches, scenes, complications. The slightest contradiction makes them angry and cry. They are darlings, selfish, but affectionate and very kind, like children. Relationships of signs:

For LIBRA, an alliance with GEMINI, LEO, SAGITTARIUS, AQUARIUS and Aries is favorable. Union with CAPRICORN, CANCER, TAURUS is not very favorable, but here the good character of LIBRA can defeat fate. Friendship is favorable with the sign of CAPRICORN.

How to choose a life partner

LIBRA are charming and lovely, you can fall in love with them at first sight, they know a lot about love. There are usually few hobbies. Libras are happy if their feelings are valued. They are sentimental and like to leave something as a memory of love. A woman born under the sign of Libra wants to please everyone. When you're around her, it's important to understand that sex and flirting are two very different things. Otherwise, you can ingloriously wither away from erotic suffering. Libras are very picky when choosing a permanent partner. Husbands are great experts in love; they often enjoy bachelor life. Libras love music, art, and society. Thorough Libra conquers their partners, but it is difficult for them to live in peace due to their high demands. They require love, attention, peace. They get along with Sagittarius, Aquarius, Gemini, Leo and Virgo. They don't like Capricorns and Aries. Sexuality


  • And again the duality of nature. On one side of the scale are his wonderful character, grace, elegance, desire for stability, and the love of others. On the other - a painful, hidden from everyone, indomitable attraction to a woman, a continuous thirst for sex. Sometimes successful harmony is achieved, and he manages to curb his temperament. But it happens that the other side of the scale goes down, and the need for pleasure overshadows the whole world. This condition is fraught with breakdowns and nervous disorders. Intimacy with a woman only eases his suffering for a short time, and if it were possible, he would give up both his family and his job, and immerse himself in eroticism. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that his partners do not get his attention, since he strives only to satisfy his own passion. He is able to achieve relative peace in family life, provided that his wife becomes a woman with a similar temperament.
  • Gemini, Leo, Aquarius, Aries, Sagittarius;
  • Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer;


Birthday horoscope
The environment is ruled by Mercury - the patron of trade, crafts, knowledge, matters related to speech, communication and the transfer of information. In humans, the action of Mercury manifests itself quite clearly - those born on this day are talkative, sociable, easily absorb information and express their thoughts. True, for the manifestation of these qualities, the actual position of Mercury at the time of birth is of greater importance. However, Mercury also gives dexterity, cunning, resourcefulness, and therefore is considered the patron of thieves. On this day it is favorable to travel, make commercial transactions, write letters and engage in mental work. People born on this day are called to do such things - writers, artisans, merchants and traders, and journalists.

Astrologers believe that a man who was born on this day of the week:

A man of honor, conscientious and decent in feelings. His chaste appearance hides an abyss of tenderness. But he doesn’t always know how to open up and express it. You can rely on him: if he loves, then with all his soul. Loyal and attentive, he prefers calm tenderness to passions.

Horoscope compatibility

Relationship between Aries and Libra

People born under the sign of Libra, reading this chapter, may exclaim that I am treating them unfairly, because I am an Aries myself (they always claim that someone is unfair to them). Do Aries envy the amazing calm of Venus-ruled Libra when their scales are balanced, as they sometimes are? No. On the Karmic wheel of life, these two signs are opposite, so each of them lacks what the other has. At the very least, the typical Aries will never openly admit that he is in any way jealous of Libra, although secretly Aries would like to emulate their calm balance.

The word "equilibrium" comes from the word "scales" - or vice versa. In both cases, these words and the given Sun sign are connected. Nothing is more important to Libra than balance. They are afraid of losing it and yet they often lose it. Aries can be jealous of Libra in their hearts when they make a quick decision and then suffer inevitable emotional trauma. “Did I do the right thing? Should I have said yes or no? And this is after it is too late to change anything. Believe me, indecision, hesitation of Ariesafterdeeds are much more painful than hesitationbefore, from which Libra suffers.

There is no one more charming, smarter and more optimistic than a Libra, who holds her balance tightly. They are inimitable in their ability to harmoniously combine groups of people and avoid friction (when they are not personally involved). Aries men and women admire and respect Libra for virtues that they themselves lack. But Aries is also a Sun sign, the opposite of Libra, thus. Libras should also admire and respect the virtues of the Mars type.

Does this sound like an order? One of the most notable differences between Aries and Libra is that Aries's simplest statement sounds like a demand. Even when Aries asks a question, it seems more like he is ordering than asking. On the other hand (and we have to see both sides since we are dealing with Libra), when Venus-ruled Libra asks a question or speaks out, they manage to make you feel vulnerable and unable to defend yourself.

It doesn't matter if Libra asks, "Why are you so ignorant?" - or they notice: “What you are doing shows a complete lack of upbringing” - this will cause a note reminiscent of a “lost string”. They speak softly, affectionately, as if they are enveloping their interlocutor with maple syrup. This is why Libra can argue with Aries for hours, giving the impression that Aries was the one who was impossibly rude and unbearable. It is not surprising that Libras often become lawyers who can win any verbal duels in court.

If Libra the lawyer can fool the judge and win over the indifferent part of the jury, then you can imagine what happens in the battle of wits between them and the impulsive, impetuous, emotional Aries. Perhaps Libra will accuse Aries of not making serious decisions with such haste, that he recklessly rushes forward without thinking about the possible consequences. Libra will then be reminded of the beauty of the Lady Justice symbol with balanced scales in her hands.

Aries will be indignant: “Yes, but she has a blindfold on her eyes! How can she tell right from wrong?” Libra will gently explain: “Well, dear, a blindfold saves you from prejudice.” Aries can then ask Libra if he (or she) knows the story of the donkey who starved to death because he couldn't decide which clover field to start with... In the end, Libra will smile, and since Aries is strongly influenced by this charming aura of Venus, the fire, with its final hiss, will go out. Friendly, open Aries cannot resist a smile and a kind word for long, besides, he is too naive and does not suspect Libra that they use their charm as a weapon, but Libra does just that. During their relationship, Libra will almost always remain cold and immobile. But when Aries's aggressiveness becomes too much to bear, this usually gentle personality can become enraged.

Libras instinctively avoid unpleasant confrontations, but for the sake of their own precious peace of mind, if they feel that something is seriously threatening them, they begin to act, and, as a rule, decisively. To avoid a fight. Aries will have to understand and accept Libra's logic.

True, although Aries respects the opposite Sun sign, they will be reluctant to take into account the judgment of Libra, much less accept it. Aries recognizes that Libra is fair, logical and a great thinker and their decisions are almost always correct, but until Libra makes a decision, the typical Aries will go crazy waiting for the result. The very word “decision” causes panic in Libra. Aries acts completely differently. Need to make a decision? Great. Flip a coin or just do what you instinctively think is right and then forget it - that's the Aries motto. Dive headfirst. (And if the reservoir is shallow. Aries will get a bump and, having stuck on a band-aid, will continue on its way.) This doesn’t mean that Aries doesn’t see the potential value of a good, smooth, safe path, it’s just that he’s interested in quickly running to the right and left and seeing what’s there. And this is one of those qualities that Libra admires in its opposite Sun sign.

If you want to test people's astrological knowledge, ask them which of these two signs is more violent. Before you answer, think carefully. Libra is Air and Aries is Fire. Fire is more changeable and violent than air, but Libra is the main sign of the three signs of Air, which means Aries is also the main one, but still we must not forget that in nature air is not at all such a harmless element as it seems. What if he becomes aggressive? Have you ever witnessed a calm, mild tornado, cyclone or hurricane? Also remember that the main component of air is nitrogen, which is what produces powerful explosions. So, who has a more dangerous character? Aries or Libra? Most astrology books, citing the fact that Libra is ruled by Venus, describe them as soft, peaceful, calm and sweet. And indeed, for some time they are like that. Just don't make them angry. Still, we must admit that by trying to emulate some of Libra's positive traits, Aries could benefit greatly.

The two argue often. But to be honest, the purpose of a quarrel for Libra is to win and achieve ultimate peace and justice, and for Aries it is to win and prove that he is right (even when he is not) in order to satisfy the strong "ego" of Mars.

A relationship between Aries and Libra is usually a successful experience for both.

But if there is a negative Solar-Lunar aspect between their horoscopes, they may have periods full of friction and conflict.

The harmonious aspects of the luminaries give Libra an atmosphere of freedom of thought and action, which has a good effect on Aries’s self-esteem. The typical Libra tends to treat Aries gently, which helps bring out the best in Mars' nature.

Instead of forcibly fitting Aries into some pattern of behavior.

Partner: Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Aries woman - Libra man

As already mentioned, Libra and Aries stand opposite each other on the Karmic wheel of life. The astrological rule is that if you are strongly attracted to the opposite Sun sign of the opposite sex, then you usually do not get along with that sign of the same sex. Then, it seems, the Aries woman and the Libra man should be exactly those lovers who are destined to live happily together all their lives. They are lovers by nature because this is the influence of Venus. But they may be destined for a different fate if there is no harmonious connection between the Sun and the Moon between their horoscopes.

It is a waste of time for astrologers to constantly remind them of the fatal charm of the Libra man for women. He has enjoyed constant success since the age of thirteen (or earlier), and he usually responds to flattery with the famous charming Libra smile. He is well aware of the benefits given to him at birth by Venus. But he most likely does not understand that all this charm can become a curse if he connects his life with an Aries woman (no one ever just maintains a relationship with an Aries, but gets involved).

The woman who follows him everywhere he goes can turn from a soft lamb into a fire-breathing dragon, in which irrational Marsian jealousy often bubbles. Still, before he decides to leave her because she interferes with his fun life, the Libra man will think about the word “love.” The more it accumulates in the depths of the soul, the more powerful and satisfying passion it can become.

Falling in love with love, getting married for the sake of getting married are common mistakes of Libra. His lover may be sweet and desirable, but if she is not bright enough to argue with him, challenging him, his beautiful mind will rust. This will not happen to an Aries girl. Their intellectual disputes will last them several lifetimes.

When a Libra man begins to worry, yearn for lost freedom and yearn for freedom, where there are so many seductive women, Aries, most likely, will not timidly ask why he is leaving, but will shout: “Where are you going?” It would be better for her, of course, to tame her anger, which can frighten the Libra man so much that he will rush to run headlong, even forgetting to pack his suitcase. Aries will win if they use Libra's logic as a weapon. “Think, dear. Life is more than a long evening of wine, women and music. When the wine is drunk, you will only have an empty bottle. Then the holiday will end. Of course, this bottle can be refilled, right? Is your capacity for love truly inexhaustible? But why don't you direct your romantic impulses in a different direction - to literature, music, art? I could help you. My mind is no less bright than yours, although our bodies are different, because you are a man and I am a woman.” One last reminder is necessary. When a Libra man is forced to think about gender differences, he becomes helpless.

The typical Aries woman is unlikely to follow this advice. Rather, she will scream: “Get out! Who needs you! - will throw him out the door, slam it, ban him, throw his tapes and bathrobe out of the window, and then howl all night in useless anger and regret. But my advice: really the only way to communicate with Libra is honesty, logic, reason.

There is so much good in the relationship between Aries and Libra in this combination of Fire and Air that it is simply a shame for them to waste time arguing. The typical Aries woman doesn't want a man with only biceps. She is looking for a lover with a powerful mind, which is exactly what applies to the Libra man. He encourages her to challenge both mentally and emotionally and will enjoy their arguments - as long as they play by the rules, don't touch each other's complexes and don't step on sore or sensitive spots.

Tact and politeness are the natural qualities of Libra, but nature did not give anything like this to Aries. The Aries woman never really wants to be rude or unkind, and especially not towards the man she loves. She simply doesn't think twice before speaking out, and her opinions can be overly opinionated. Do not forget. Aries is the Sun sign of a benevolent dictator. Do-gooder dictators care about people, are compassionate, noble, and dedicated to the greater good. But they are not concerned about what the people they care about need. Like do-gooder dictators, Aries does not care what others want, he is confident that he knows it better than they do. Warmth combined with arrogance is an explosive mixture, but all Fire signs have this combination, and therefore their friends, relatives, lovers, having the most tender feelings for them, sometimes experience a passionate desire to strangle them.

If someone points out to an Aries girl her shortcomings, acting with tact, gentleness and love, she will definitely listen, quickly find the mistake in her actions (she does everything quickly) and begin to work hard on herself in order to please her neighbor. But when this woman is ordered or forced to stop and not follow the erroneous course that she has chosen. Aries will not give up. This sounds too much like retreat, and Aries never retreats. Mars is the planet of war. Retreat? Never! Since she is ruled by Mars, you will not wait for such a woman to meekly accept dominance over herself or harsh harsh criticism. If anyone can turn an Aries woman into an obedient lamb (except Leo and sometimes Gemini, Sagittarius, Aquarius), it is a Libra man. He will gently correct her, help her see her mistakes in such a gentle way that it will be like a spell. And nine times out of ten he will win. For the tenth time he must leave everything as it is and consider himself happy. It is impossible to win every argument. The difficulty is that Libra needs to win them all. Aries too. Thus, until one of them gracefully admits defeat (at least sometimes), there will be no peace and quiet in their relationship, which the Libra man needs as desperately as the Aries woman needs excitement. It would be useful for her to give him peace and quiet, because then he would be able to calm her secret fears. It will also benefit him to give her the excitement she needs because it will shake him up and give him the balance he needs.

The invincible optimism of the Libra man will instantly resonate in the heart of the Aries girl, as it corresponds to her pure faith in tomorrow. Her naive confidence that if you believe very strongly, everything will definitely come true, is so close and understandable to him that it can even cause a man’s stingy tears (he is sentimental). She loves the sentimentality in him and falls in love with him because he combines strength and tenderness, which is what she is looking for.

But the Aries woman becomes impatient and reproaches him for laziness when he begins to relax, not realizing that people ruled by Venus need to rest between long periods of energetic activity. Her nature is completely different, she less often needs rest.

Most of all, she loves his gentleness and goodwill. Those are the same qualities he loves most in her. In a world full of cold, uninterested, detached people, this is so important! And this creates an amazingly strong foundation for their relationship.

Since they are Sun signs, they will have few arguments in the bedroom. They may argue, in the kitchen, in the front room, on the back porch, in the garden, in the basement, in the attic or in the garage, but when it comes time to kiss each other goodnight, all arguments die down.

However, reconciliation based on reliable sexual attraction cannot last forever (unless the harmony of the Sun and Moon helps).

He is gentle, poetic, imaginative, considerate, charming, romantic, all of which make her tremble. Libra's approach to sex is mental, light, airy. Libra men strive for shimmering ideals and sometimes fly too high in their experiences and erotic expressions of sensuality. The Aries woman strives for something more tangible and wants to hold on to it. Even more than a dream, she loves hot hands and fiery passion that you can touch. Unearthly love and an aesthetic approach to sex can leave this woman cold. Aries women need great passion and intense, even violent expressions of it in order to achieve satisfaction. With a Libra man, she may experience a feeling of emptiness. Something is missing from the melody of their love - perhaps the last, highest note. But if she has a Ray in Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Leo or his Moon sign is Aries, Sagittarius, Leo, Gemini, Aquarius, the missing note can be found.

If both of them had the Moon in some other astrological sign at birth, then it’s unlikely that anything will work out... But it’s still worth looking.

According to the calendar adopted in Japan and other Eastern countries, within a 12-year cycle, every year passes under the sign of some animal. A person born in a certain year receives a number of innate properties, depending on which his fate is formed. The popularity of this calendar in the East is very great.

He has a bright personality, is talented and ambitious.

  • He is virtuous, reserved, and has impeccable taste. Causes general admiration and trust. The financial situation is developing well. These people sometimes like to gossip, but at the same time they are tactful and not angry. They are tender to those they love, but are rarely attached to their closest relatives. They almost never lose their temper and have excellent business skills. They are conscientious and obligatory, although sometimes they are pedantic and sometimes show a tendency towards melancholy. They could make excellent players, but they rarely play, being conservative and prudent people. ideal as friends or life partners
  • : SHEEP, BOAR, DOG. fit more or less
  • : RAT, RABBIT, DRAGON. are absolutely not suitable, are absolutely contraindicated and can even bring misfortune


Chinese horoscope

CAT (calm person)

The CAT always falls on its paws. This is the lucky one. Gifted, moderately ambitious, pleasant companion, modest, reserved, refined, virtuous. Everyone knows this.

He speaks well and knows how to evaluate himself. But in many advantages there is one drawback, although small, but no less important: CAT is a superficial person and his best qualities are also superficial. He loves society and society loves him. She loves social gatherings and sometimes gossips, but she does it subtly, tactfully and carefully.

The CAT usually doesn't get out of balance. He is calm, unperturbed. There is more sentimentality in him than real sensitivity. A small personal trouble upsets him more than the great troubles of other people.

War and hunger in the world affect him only when he personally suffers from it, but he suffers so much that he may not be able to stand it and die.

A CAT may cry for a minor reason, but is quickly comforted. The melancholy of women of this sign is one of the main trump cards of their charm.

CAT conservative. He hates everything that can shake his life, everything that can cause complications. Most of all, he strives for comfort and safety. Does not undertake anything without first weighing all the pros and cons.

For this caution, people admire and trust him.

He will always be happy in his financial situation. He is smart in business and whoever signs a contract with him will never go wrong. This is a good speculator, he has a gift for profitable deals. In short, a calm CAT is dangerous as a business person. He will be successful in trading. Having good taste, he can be the owner of an antique store. Can be a lawyer (advocate, notary) or diplomat, provided that his life is not at risk.

A woman of this sign will be able to shine in all types of activities that require taste, hospitality and good representation. A man of politics should choose a wife born under the sign of KOTA - both secular and modest, who will bring a lot with her presence.

The CAT will have a restless existence during the three phases of life under one condition: if it does not encounter exceptional situations, dramatic events, or insurmountable obstacles. Wars, revolutions, disasters are not his business, he does not like being an opponent. But if he does not resist, he may go crazy, commit suicide, or leave his homeland, being weak.

Asian peoples are distrustful of KOTU. They say that sorcerers turn into cats. In Europe they were burned alive, accused of conspiring with the devil. But, apparently, such a bad reputation is not very deserved. The Egyptians, for example, revered KOTA as a god. God, sorcerer or man, there is something mystical in his gaze.

His apparent weakness can develop into a dangerous strength!

Druid horoscope

Neat, well-groomed, sometimes even a little flirtatious. It often happens where it is most interesting. Follows fashion. He is not one of the ordinary people. Full of energy and vigor, tireless. MAPLE, as they say, always rises to the occasion. He can be considered an individualist. Although by its nature MAPLE is reserved and timid, it can make the most risky decisions, which are based not so much on material factors as on vital interest. Doesn't like to stay at home, willingly gets to know new people. Has the gift of causing people to be frank. But you should not be afraid if you told him something - he never condemns other people's actions and does not chat about other people's secrets.

Usually it is full of plans, often unusual and extravagant. He loves all kinds of new products, enthusiastically defends new ideas, but he himself rarely implements his own projects. This, however, does not prevent him from receiving satisfaction from his broad horizons. There is also a drop of cynicism in him. He does not like and is not afraid of public opinion. On the contrary, he likes to be talked about.

He is difficult in love. It goes along surprising and unexpected roads. But this does not mean that he cannot find happiness if he meets a partner with similar thinking and taste. The mind is clear and insightful. Despite the fact that he is full of problems, he is not devoid of either imagination or intuition. In a word, the character is multifaceted.

Traits of those born under the sign of MAPLE: lively character, sense of humor, ability to deduce, analytical mind.

Individual horoscope

Libra women born in the year of the Cat are cautious and silent. When they feel comfortable and safe, they can willingly share their own feelings. They always have a limited number of friends. They find it difficult to compromise or do things they don't want to do.


Smart enough to learn from the successes of others. Solitude gives them the necessary focus. These are introverts who have high standards when choosing a life partner. They prefer not to change partners, but to stay with one, sometimes they may not even notice his shortcomings if they really love him. Moreover, they will defend the rightness of the other half, even if she is wrong.

They rarely get irritated and do not like to participate in debates with others. Sometimes this woman can be very contradictory; for her, professional success is important in life. This is one of the calmest and most patient women represented by various zodiac signs. Nothing can piss her off or lead her astray.

Any problematic situation will be resolved in the shortest possible time and with maximum efficiency if it is under the control of Libra the Cat. In addition, being born with a talent for ingenuity, girls of this sign are sociable and inquisitive. They can be quite picky, so they don’t let everyone into their lives.

Women of this sign are very weak and vulnerable when it comes to solving complex and pressing problems. In addition, tragic and dramatic events shake their self-confidence and willpower. If they can chart a new future and strive to achieve the goal, then over time they may feel happy.

Endowed with great ability to lead and give orders. They do this not only at work, but also in the family, where they try to calmly explain their demands. Emotional outbursts lead to the fact that a woman becomes nervous, her psychological portrait changes, she begins to scream, and gets irritated for every reason.

She needs a person who will calm her down and arrange her life in the manner necessary for her.

Friends and relaxation

These women know how to have fun, put worries and problems aside and truly enjoy life. They like to be in a familiar environment where they can feel comfortable, without external pressure.

Ladies know how to properly organize their time and activities for their benefit.

Best Features:

  • friendliness;
  • equilibrium;
  • tolerance.

However, when a difficult or insurmountable situation arises, Libra will not throw all their strength into overcoming it, but will postpone the decision until later. In general, women of this type try to avoid such situations in life.

If you want to look at the real emotions of a representative of this sign, then put her in an uncomfortable position or start threatening her. This person hates showing his feelings in public, as well as entering into conflict situations.

Relationships and family

Her home is a temple, carefully organized and tailored to her own needs and desires. Changing anything inside is the same as completely destroying the comfort and tranquility of the Cat. This is why this should not be done under any circumstances. If such a situation does arise, then the solution to the problem should not be approached calmly and carefree. A woman’s main emotions will be aggression and irritability.

Love, romance, a good and faithful relationship with a partner will help lift your spirits. The Libra girl, in response to care, will give support and understanding, and reassure. Sometimes they show coldness, but this is only because the other half did not live up to expectations. An ideal couple in her understanding is when people understand each other from the first word.

Excellent compatibility is presented with the following combinations of signs in men: Gemini-Ram, Dog-Sagittarius, Pig-Aquarius.

In relationships with children, Libra-Cats give all of themselves. They devote all their free time to their upbringing, and sometimes are even ready to free it up for the child. They will play and have fun, but if the child misbehaves, the woman will certainly find a fair punishment.

Stress and unloved responsibilities are killing them slowly but surely. They want a little more freedom than they actually have. Possessing enormous powers of perception and observation, such a lady will notice absolutely everything, even the most inconspicuous detail.

And all the information collected serves as material for further decisions and plans. When the Libra Rabbit begins to act according to plan, it does everything scrupulously, effectively, and rationally. If he achieves success, he does not shout about it to the whole world, but quietly rejoices in his victory.

For the characteristics of a woman born under the sign of Libra, see below.