Arguments for an essay on the problem of early adulthood during war. Arguments for the exam essay

What does war take away from civilians? Is it compatible with human life? The problem of the influence of war on people’s lives is raised in the text by V. P. Erashov.

Reflecting on this topic, the author describes the first real battle of Katya - the “girl” who, by the will of fate, ended up in the war. At the beginning of the text fragment, Erashov notes with regret the consequences of this destructive phenomenon on humans: all of Katya’s relatives died, “she essentially had nothing to lose in battle - except own life".

The suffering brought by the war robbed her of even her expressed desire to live. Moreover, at the end of the text, the author contrasts Katya’s previously feasible role in the family with her current fate: Katya has become “not a wife, not a mother, not a keeper of the hearth - a tank commander.”

The author's position regarding the problem raised is clear and expressed in the last paragraph: Erashov regrets how the war affected the young girl, causing her a lot of suffering and depriving her of a peaceful family future.

The theme of the influence of war on a person is developed in L. N. Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace.”

A change in attitude towards the murder of a man by a man, Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, can be traced throughout the work. If the hero initially perceived the war as an opportunity to earn glory and respect, then over time he completely renounces his beliefs, seeing the imaginary greatness of Napoleon and the ostentatious nature of his actions. Particularly successful negative attitude to the war, which brings severe suffering to thousands during the period, Prince Bolkonsky is confirmed by his thoughts about the wounded soldiers in the hospital: their bodies resembled human meat.

The path of Grigory Melekhov, the hero of the novel by M. A. Sholokhov " Quiet Don", also demonstrates the destructive role of war in life common man. Accustomed to rural life, the hero presents the war as something due, and the killing of the enemy as something justifiable. But the first military actions begin to destroy the beliefs of Gregory, who realizes the meaninglessness of this action. He understands that enemy fighters are the same ordinary people, like him, obeying orders from above. The hero cannot find an excuse for the suffering that he is forced to inflict on others.

Thus, the problem of the influence of war on a person is developed not only in works entirely devoted to this topic: undoubtedly, it gives creators food for thought to this day.

  • Self-sacrifice does not always involve risking one's life
  • Love for the Motherland motivates a person to perform heroic deeds
  • A man is ready to sacrifice himself for the one he really loves.
  • To save a child, sometimes it is not a pity to sacrifice the most valuable thing a person has - his own life.
  • Only moral person capable of performing a heroic act
  • Willingness to self-sacrifice does not depend on income level or social status
  • Heroism is expressed not only in actions, but also in the ability to be true to one’s word even in the most difficult life situations
  • People are ready to sacrifice themselves even in the name of saving a stranger


L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”. Sometimes we do not suspect that this or that person can commit a heroic act. This is confirmed by the example from of this work: Pierre Bezukhov, being a rich man, decides to stay in Moscow besieged by the enemy, although he has every opportunity to leave. He - real man who does not put his own first financial situation. Without sparing himself, the hero saves a little girl from the fire, performing a heroic act. You can also turn to the image of Captain Tushin. At first he doesn't impress us good impression: Tushin appears before the command without boots. But the battle proves that this man can be called a real hero: the battery under the command of Captain Tushin selflessly repels enemy attacks, without cover, sparing no effort. And it doesn’t matter at all what impression these people make on us when we first meet them.

I.A. Bunin “Lapti”. In an impenetrable blizzard, Nefed went to Novoselki, located six miles from home. He was prompted to do this by the requests of a sick child to bring red bast shoes. The hero decided that “he needs to get it” because “his soul desires.” He wanted to buy bast shoes and paint them magenta. By nightfall Nefed had not returned, and in the morning the men brought his dead body. In his bosom they found a bottle of magenta and brand new bast shoes. Nefed was ready for self-sacrifice: knowing that he was putting himself in danger, he decided to act for the benefit of the child.

A.S. Pushkin “The Captain's Daughter”. Love for Marya Mironova, captain's daughter, more than once encouraged Pyotr Grinev to put his life in danger. He went to the captured Pugachev Belogorsk fortress to snatch the girl from Shvabrin’s hands. Pyotr Grinev understood what he was getting into: at any moment he could be caught by Pugachev’s people, he could be killed by the enemies. But nothing stopped the hero; he was ready to save Marya Ivanovna even at the cost of his own life. The readiness for self-sacrifice also manifested itself when Grinev was under investigation. He did not talk about Marya Mironova, whose love led him to Pugachev. The hero did not want to make the girl involved in the investigation, although this would allow him to justify himself. Pyotr Grinev showed by his actions that he was ready to endure anything for the sake of the happiness of the person dear to him.

F.M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment”. The fact that Sonya Marmeladova went with the “yellow ticket” is also a kind of self-sacrifice. The girl decided to do this herself, consciously, in order to feed her family: her drunkard father, stepmother and her little children. No matter how dirty her “profession” is, Sonya Marmeladova is worthy of respect. Throughout the entire work she proved her spiritual beauty.

N.V. Gogol “Taras Bulba”. If Andriy, younger son Taras Bulba turned out to be a traitor, then Ostap, the eldest son, showed himself as strong personality, a true warrior. He did not betray his father and homeland, he fought to the last. Ostap was executed in front of his father. But no matter how hard, painful and scary it was for him, he did not make a sound during the execution. Ostap – a real hero who gave his life for his homeland.

V. Rasputin “French Lessons”. Lidia Mikhailovna, an ordinary teacher, was capable of self-sacrifice French. When her student, the hero of the work, came to school beaten, and Tishkin said that he was playing for money, Lidia Mikhailovna was in no hurry to tell the director about it. She found out that the boy was playing because he did not have enough money for food. Lidia Mikhailovna began teaching the student French, which he was not good at, at home, and then offered to play “measures” with her for money. The teacher knew that this should not be done, but the desire to help the child was more important to her. When the director found out about everything, Lydia Mikhailovna was fired. Her seemingly wrong action turned out to be noble. The teacher sacrificed her reputation to help the boy.

N.D. Teleshov “Home”. Semka, so eager to return to his native land, met an unfamiliar grandfather along the way. They walked together. On the way, the boy fell ill. The unknown person took him to the city, although he knew that he could not appear there: his grandfather had escaped from hard labor for the third time. Grandfather was caught in the city. He understood the danger, but the child's life was more important to him. Grandfather sacrificed his quiet life for the future of a stranger.

A. Platonov “The Sandy Teacher”. From the village of Khoshutovo, located in the desert, Maria Naryshkina helped create a real green oasis. She devoted herself entirely to work. But the nomads passed - not a trace remained of the green spaces. Maria Nikiforovna went to the district with a report, where she was offered to transfer to work in Safuta in order to teach the nomads who were transitioning to sedentary life the culture of the sands. She agreed, which demonstrated her readiness for self-sacrifice. Maria Naryshkina decided to devote herself to a good cause, not thinking about her family or the future, but helping people in the difficult struggle against the sands.

M.A. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”. For the sake of the Master, Margarita was ready to do anything. She decided to make a deal with the devil and was the queen at Satan’s ball. And all in order to see the Master. True love forced the heroine to make self-sacrifice, to go through all the tests prepared for her by fate.

A.T. Tvardovsky “Vasily Terkin”. Main character works - a simple Russian guy, honestly and selflessly fulfilling his soldier's duty. His crossing of the river became real heroic deed. Vasily Terkin was not afraid of the cold: he knew that he needed to convey the lieutenant’s request. What the hero did seems impossible, incredible. This is a feat of a simple Russian soldier.

Reflections on the influence of war on the fate of a person and a country (based on the story by V. Nekrasov “In the Trenches of Stalingrad”)

Viktor Nekrasov worked on his story, a work of epic sound, from 1944 to 1946. The writer depicts the front, rear, defenders of Stalingrad, the city itself and the great Volga as forces opposing the enemy, creating the conditions for his death. The pages of the novel describe the “trench truth” of great and heroic events.

The hero of the story is Lieutenant Kerzhentsev, who arrived in Stalingrad in the hot summer of 1943, and before his eyes the heroic epic city ​​defense. When he arrived in the city, he lived peaceful life. The country built Stalingrad during the first five-year plans; it was prescribed the significance of the most important strategic object of a national scale.

Over the course of several months, the city was bombed numerous times and turned into ruins. There are no entire neighborhoods left; only the black chimneys, the remains of stoves in the ashes, looked especially scary against the background of the clear blue sky.

Sappers led by Kerzhentsev arrived at the thermal power plant, which was to be blown up. The system was led Chief Engineer Georgy Akimovich is a bilious, nervous, irritable person.

Kerzhentsev quickly understood the essence of Georgy Akimovich, his invaluable human qualities: he has golden hands, he is one of those craftsmen on whom the Russian land stands. He knew the plant thoroughly because he built it.

In total, seventy people remained from the battalion in which Kerzhentsev served. The defense line of Stalingrad is a catastrophically small, narrow strip one and a half kilometers wide and five to six kilometers long. Only a few battalions were stationed on the defense line. At the cost of extraordinary dedication, these small forces defended Stalingrad and tried to block the Nazis’ path to the Volga. Behind them was Russian land, “which the enemy did not desecrate.”

Kerzhentsev’s battalion had the task of defending the territory of the Metiz plant. The fighters were instructed to cling their teeth to the ground and hold the territory, even the smallest part of it. Protection Mamayev Kurgan was also the strategic objective of the heroic battalion.

Each fighter from Kerzhentsev’s entourage during the battle, holed up in his own trench, was cut off from his comrades by continuous enemy fire. Together with a rifle and a machine gun, it constituted a separate combat unit, firing at enemy positions.

The battles were defensive; sometimes the defense participants undertook separate attacks of an offensive nature. So, as a result of a crushing hand-to-hand attack, an unnamed height was captured. The Germans cut off the participants in the assault, and they had to hold out without water and with the dying wounded for two days until reinforcements arrived.

Communication with the mainland was dangerous; there, beyond the Volga, they are ours. From there, the soldiers of the Stalingrad group were supplied with food and ammunition, and wounded soldiers were taken there. Under these conditions, it was impossible to rely only on a night crossing: the front required enormous effort. Without an established connection with the rear, its power would dry up.

Therefore, the crossing operated during the day.

How many times did Kerzhentsev and his comrades witness how our boats and soldiers perished in the waters of the Volga under the crushing fire of the Germans. Sometimes the lucky ones managed to overcome the danger, arrive unharmed on the other side and return back.

Wonderful people surrounded Kerzhentsev - lieutenant builder Lisagor with his company, company commander Chumak, his brave comrade, officer Sedykh, clever orderly Valega, hero and home front worker Georgy Akimovich.

It was always especially dangerous to be at the most advanced lines of defense, in the center of events: every person was at any moment at mortal risk. On the day when Kerzhentsev’s formation repulsed seven attacks, four people were killed, four were wounded, and a machine gun was destroyed.

And yet a few months defensive battles led to the fulfillment of the plan: the forces fueling the fascist offensive melted catastrophically. And although the battles were grueling, it was felt that the enemy had weakened, lost confidence, and his end was near.

It should not be argued that only the war made the defenders of Stalingrad heroes, true patriots, devoted to the idea of ​​defending the Fatherland. These people originally had such qualities. The war only tested their strength.

We have collected for you the best literary arguments from many sources in one place. All arguments are divided by topic, which allows you to quickly select the ones you need for your essay. Most of the arguments are written specifically for the site, so you can be sure that you will write a unique essay.

You can read how to write an essay using arguments from our database in our article

Select a topic to get ready-made arguments for your essay:

Indifference, callousness and indifference towards a person
Power and society
Human education
Life values: true and false
Historical memory
Scientific progress and morality
A person’s responsibility for his actions and the lives of others
Man's relationship to nature
Fathers and Sons
Patriotism, love for the motherland
The problem of mass literature
Self-sacrifice, love of neighbor, heroism
Compassion, sensitivity and mercy
The pursuit of knowledge
The theme of teachers in Russian literature
Man and art. The impact of art on humans
Man and history. The role of personality in history
Honor and dishonor
Reverence, humiliation before superiors

What are arguments for?

In the third part of the Unified State Exam you need to write short essay based on the proposed text. For a correctly completed task you receive 23 points, which is a significant part of the total number of points. These points may not be enough for you to enter your desired university. For the task of part “C”, in contrast to the tasks of block “A” and “B”, you can prepare in advance, armed with everything necessary to write an essay on the topic given to you. Previous experience of performing the Unified State Exam shows that the greatest difficulty for schoolchildren when completing the task of part “C” is to argue their position on a given problem. Your success in writing an essay depends on what arguments you choose. The maximum number of points is awarded for reader arguments, i.e. taken from fiction. As a rule, the texts presented in the tasks of part “C” contain problems of a moral and ethical nature. Knowing all this, we can arm ourselves with ready literary arguments, making the essay writing process as easy as possible. Having the arguments we have proposed in your arsenal, you will not have to frantically retrieve from your memory all the works you have read during the exam, looking for something suitable on the topic and issue. Please note that, as a rule, the allotted time for schoolchildren to complete all the work is not enough. Thus, we will make every effort to get 23 points for the essay in the exam.

War - scary word. War takes thousands of innocent lives, breaks destinies, and brings physical and moral torment. Are all global goals worth at least one human life? B.L. Vasilyev, a Russian writer, raises in the text the problem of the cruelty of war.

The author wishes to draw the readers' attention to the bravery of those who fought. To do this, Boris Vasiliev retells the legend about the unknown soldier who defended Brest Fortress from the Germans. The author admires the courage of the defender, because to save the Motherland he fought alone. “A year of fighting in the unknown, without neighbors to the left and right, without orders and rears, without shifts and letters from home.”

Boris Vasiliev also talks about old woman, who lost her son Nikolai in the war and comes to Brest every year on June 22. The author notes that the woman does not leave the station, but spends the whole day reading the inscription on the plate that hangs at the entrance to the station. B.L. Vasiliev wants to show how important it is for a woman to know that her son was a worthy defender of the Fatherland. “There is no need to explain anything to her: it is not so important where our sons lie. All that matters is what they fought for."

I will prove my point by turning to Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy’s epic novel “War and Peace,” which describes the events of the War of 1812. Petya Rostov is still quite young boy. But, seeing the danger that threatened his homeland, he decided to go fight. Petya asked his father to get him a job under the threat of escape. No matter how hard his mother, Princess Natalya Rostova, tried to persuade her beloved son to abandon this idea, young Rostov insisted on his own. Petya went to war, but never returned. He died with dignity, like a real warrior, a soldier. But how much pain Petya’s death brought to his parents! L.N. With this episode, Tolstoy showed how the war took the lives of very young boys.

Another example that confirms my idea is the events of the Great Patriotic War. When its beginning was announced, many boys, having barely graduated from school or even not finishing their studies, went to the front. They were forbidden because of their young age, but they still ran away because they knew what danger threatened their homeland. Soviet Union won this war, but at what cost! Tens of millions killed and wounded. Every family had a loss, an irreparable loss. There is no father, husband, brother or son. All of them are heroes, because, without sparing their lives, they defended their Motherland. This war spared no one, not even the unarmed people in the rear, who were eagerly awaiting the end of the horror that was happening around them. There were also many killed among them.

So, war is terrible phenomenon, which people should avoid, because its victims are human lives. I would like to believe that such cruel ordeals will not happen again in the future.