Dancing for weight loss: training at home, general recommendations, video lessons. Dancing for weight loss at home - harmony of soul and body (video)

Dancing for weight loss at home are a fairly effective way to reset overweight. By dancing, you not only eliminate extra pounds, but also make your figure more precise and beautiful. Today, many people enroll in dance studios to weight loss classes, where a professional instructor will explain and tell you how and what movements you need to do in order to achieve the desired effect. But, unfortunately, not everyone can afford it.

What dances help you lose weight quickly at home? These include oriental, Irish, Latin, Latin American and other types of dances. First and last options train, the second has a positive effect not only on the stomach, but also on other parts of the body, the third is a set of movements that will help you lose extra pounds from the buttocks and thighs. Latin dancing will also help pump up your belly.

Absolutely everyone loves to dance. Some people do it better, some do it worse. But everyone can master a few steps. What dances should you do at home to lose weight quickly and without harm to your health? For example, it develops plasticity, and Latin American dances are quite energetic and rhythmic. Extra pounds will gradually disappear if exercised regularly.

You shouldn't dance without preliminary preparation. Before starting classes, you need to warm up properly, warm up each muscle and only then start.

It is worth noting the following benefits of losing weight with: dance program Houses:

  • Home training for weight loss can be done at any time convenient for you, and you do not have to adapt to the instructor and group, postponing your more important matters.
  • You won’t have to pay anything for this method of losing weight, since you will practice at home using videos on the Internet, and the classes will be effective.
  • All muscles take part in the dance process, so you don’t have to think about removing extra centimeters from your thighs separately and separately.
  • Dancing is a lot of fun; this activity will not only help you lose weight, but will also bring you a lot of pleasure.
  • In addition to a slender and toned stomach and other parts of the body, you will get healthy and strengthened muscles.
  • Dancing will help you relax.

In addition, during classes you will learn a lot beautiful movements, which you can later show off at any party. It is also worth noting that during dancing, blood circulation significantly improves, lymphatic drainage increases and thus, with the help of intense movements, excess fat deposits are burned. Below we have selected the most interesting dance styles that are perfect for losing weight.


Belly dance


Dance aerobics


Irish step

So, with the help of dance exercises. It's not that difficult if you follow the instructor's advice. And it doesn’t matter whether you went to dance with a professional or just watch videos on the Internet. First, you need to carefully read the general recommendations for dancing.

Important rules before starting training:

  • Never begin active movements during training without prior preparation. First, warm up your muscles with special exercises, and only then start training.
  • Choose exactly the weight loss dance that you like. Irish, for example, helps to form correct posture, oriental and Latin movements help train the stomach, and so on.
  • Find the most suitable place for dancing. This could be a spacious living room or a large corridor; it is advisable that you see yourself in the mirror during training.
  • Eliminate all factors that irritate you. Turn off your phone, send your pet to another room, and it is advisable that you are alone at home, so no one will distract you.
  • The shoes and clothes you will dance in should be comfortable. If you are working out at home, wear socks (only if the floor in the house is not slippery), elastic shorts or leggings and a loose T-shirt.
  • If you have eaten beforehand, wait an hour or an hour and a half before you start moving.
  • For effective weight loss turn on rhythmic fast music, which you like.
  • Don’t expect phenomenal results from your first lesson, because at first not everything will work out, the main thing is to enjoy the process.

Anyone can learn to dance if they want. Therefore, remember that the main thing in this matter is numerous training sessions.

If you don’t know how much time you need to exercise to lose weight, then the best option is to exercise for 2 hours 3 times a week or 30 minutes 5 times a week. After training it is necessary. Just don't overdo it. Especially the first time.

Note! There's no point in dancing if you open the refrigerator after class and start emptying it. Eat small portions 4-5 times a day, preferably healthy foods.

The biggest advantage of this method of losing weight is great mood. After all, dancing classes charge you with energy for the whole day. With their help, you will not only lose weight, but also gain self-confidence.

Contraindications for dancing

If you want to quickly lose weight through dancing or fitness, you should know that these activities have a number of specific contraindications.

The main ones:

  • The presence of certain diseases (renal failure, cardiovascular diseases, chronic and similar). IN in this case Dancing can cause serious damage to your health.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period. During pregnancy, you should under no circumstances lose weight, especially exercise your abdominal muscles, as this is fraught with unpleasant consequences not only for you, but also for the baby. And during the period breastfeeding playing sports is fraught with loss of milk.
  • In case of problems with the respiratory system, dynamic dancing is not recommended, as it can aggravate the disease.
  • If you feel unwell, have a cold or high temperature Dancing is not recommended.
  • Do not do this during the menstrual cycle physical activity, as there may be bleeding or severe stomach pain.
  • Varicose veins, hernia, certain neoplasms, and vertebral displacement are an obstacle for some dance moves.
  • If you have joint problems, scoliosis, have had knee injuries, or are first-degree obese, then pole dancing is not recommended for you.

Today there are many types of dances for weight loss. If you wish, you can take private lessons from a professional, study in a group, or study on your own at home. The main thing is to follow certain rules and have fun. And if you have certain contraindications, consult your doctor.

Thus, dancing is one of the most effective and enjoyable ways to lose weight. They not only help you get rid of extra pounds, but also have positive influence to your health. So, you will look younger, fresher, fitter. Your muscles will be toned.

Pay attention! If you feel worse after exercising, consult your doctor immediately.

In addition, a person who is into dancing will be able to impress anyone on the dance floor during a party or corporate event without any problems. And if you choose the type of dancing that you like most, then the exercises will bring pleasure and improve your mood. And the main thing is that you don’t have to exhaust yourself with unbearable diets or disappear long time in the gym.

Today one of the most effective methods losing weight is dancing. These activities have many varieties, which allows everyone to find themselves in them. Which dances to choose, what are their advantages, where is it better to practice - more on this later.

Benefits of dancing

Dancing classes have a lot of advantages:

  • Many people like this kind of training, so they almost never skip it.
  • Many types of dances make it possible, in the process of performing them, to involve the work of all the muscles of the body, and, consequently, to work out all the problem areas.
  • The use of any additional equipment or special level of training is not required.
  • Exercise burns calories, tightens the skin and keeps the body toned.
  • Such physical activity perfectly lifts your mood and gives you a boost of energy.

How to lose weight by dancing

As you know, the greatest load is provided during a single rhythmic dance, when all muscle zones must be involved. Let's say, thanks to oriental dancing classes, you can easily reduce your stomach, stomach, and... And Irish ones will help make your legs and posture more beautiful.

You can train like dance schools, fitness centers and at home. In the case of homework, you should focus on video tutorials, which the Internet is full of. Here is a list of tips that will help you prepare for dance weight loss at home.

  1. The dance area should be spacious, and the room itself should be bright and large. It is very good if there are large mirrors in the room to help you see mistakes during class.
  2. Reasons that will distract you should be prevented. In general, the environment should be conducive to pleasure and joy. Therefore, all pets and children should be left in another room.
  3. Clothes and shoes must be comfortable.
  4. The choice of music plays a role. You must like it in order to motivate you for further studies.
  5. The frequency of classes is selected individually. On average, you need to exercise 4-5 times a week for half an hour to an hour or 3-4 times a week for one to two hours. It is very important to stretch after training.
  6. Nutrition should play the role of fuel, and foods should be healthy. If after a dance workout you feel hungry, then there is no point in exercising. It is better to eat 1-2 hours before training, and after it - about half an hour, and only light foods, such as protein foods and vegetables.
  7. If nothing works out from the first training sessions, do not despair. Dancing should only bring pleasure.

It is important to motivate yourself with the result that will definitely come.


As for dance styles that will help you lose weight, it is worth highlighting the following:

  1. Zumba. It is somewhat analogous, which helps to quickly burn calories and strengthen the cardiovascular system. Thanks to this physical activity the muscles will definitely become stronger. The peculiarity of Zumba is that the movements are not memorized, and the choreography is very simple, as a result, everyone can dance.
  2. Oriental dances. Are ideal option for weight loss. This activity will help remove extra centimeters from your waist, tighten your abdominal muscles, and make you stronger.
  3. Latina. This type includes samba, salsa, rumba and much more. The movements in this dance style are smooth and rhythmic at the same time, which is just right for weight loss. In Latin, all the muscles of the body are involved, the abs and hips work. The most effective fighter against excess weight is samba, but it is worth remembering that the load here will be more powerful.
  4. Strip dance. For those who want not only to lose weight, but also to gain flexibility, strengthen their body muscles, and also become more confident, it is worth choosing this particular style. Movement will help develop your body and character, and extra calories will leave quickly and unnoticed.

Efficiency: how to expect quickly

Many beginners expect that the effect of training will come immediately. This is a misconception. It is important to understand that the body must first tune in to new level activity, get used to it. To ensure that the effect of losing weight does not keep you waiting, you need to exercise regularly and with soul, only in this case the body will transform and change shape.

The first results will be noticeable in a couple of months, for some it will be faster, but again, the emphasis is on the regularity of training and its intensity.


Oddly enough, dancing for weight loss has its contraindications. Despite the fact that they can be done at home by everyone without exception, it is worth taking into account some tips and warnings:

  • Fast movements should not be performed by people with cardiovascular diseases, pathologies of the respiratory system, high blood pressure, or chronic diseases, as this can cause their relapse.
  • During pregnancy, menstruation, weakness and fever, it is better to refrain from training.
  • Arabic dancing is not recommended in case of inflammatory processes, vertebral displacement, tumors, or varicose veins.
  • If you are obese, have scoliosis, or are at risk of joint or knee injuries, you should not practice half-dancing.
  1. To lose weight faster, it is important to change your diet. The menu should contain a minimum amount of carbohydrates and a little more protein. You should drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day, as it helps eliminate all unnecessary components from the body.
  2. Before starting exercise, it is better to consult a doctor, as there may be diseases that limit the ability to engage in this type of vigorous activity.
  3. You should like the chosen style. If a dance direction brings pleasure, then there will be a greater desire to engage in it and develop, which entails more. Regular training will allow the body to quickly get used to the load and burn extra calories.

Movement is the first thing anyone who wants to lose weight at home needs. And it’s not at all necessary to do laps at the stadium, do press exercises 200 times a day, or do push-ups when you no longer have the strength. Dancing for weight loss, which is sometimes even more effective than fitness, can replace active sports. They resemble simple exercises, for which you only need to select suitable exercises and music. But there is another option - find a video with lessons and practice according to it.

Before you get started, take care of things like:

  • Music. If it seems too fast or slow in the selected video, you can play a disc with other melodies. At first, something of a medium tempo is needed in order for breathing training to be possible. After 2-3 months of starting classes, you can already speed up.
  • Place. In a private house there should be no problems with it, but for those living in an apartment it can be very difficult. For dancing you need a room of at least 5x5 square meters. m with a ceiling height of 200 cm. At the same time, it should be light and have windows that open for ventilation. To prevent neighbors and household members from complaining, you can make it soundproof. In such conditions, you will be able to safely perform jumps, rolls and other dance elements. Another task is to prepare the space where you plan to practice: remove everything unnecessary, lay down non-slip flooring, hang large mirrors on the walls. Thanks to the latter, you will have the opportunity to learn from your mistakes discovered during classes.
  • Situation. For weight loss dancing performed at home to help, you need enormous strength will. Therefore, the mood and the appropriate atmosphere are very important, to create which no one should distract from training. You need to explain to your loved ones that this is very important to you, they should take this seriously and not interfere. If there are pets in the house, they must be isolated in another room during classes. But it's best to train when no one is around at all.
  • Equipment. You can’t do without sportswear, and it can be pants with a T-shirt, shorts with a top, leggings with a T-shirt. The main thing is that it is comfortable and does not restrict movement. Shoes are also important here; dancing barefoot is harmful, since there is a lot of stress on the foot. To avoid this, ballet flats, thick socks or slip-on moccasins are suitable.

What dance clothes look like, look at the photo below

Note! To lose excess weight at home using videos, it is recommended to train 4-5 times a week for 20-40 minutes or 2-3 times for 1-1.5 hours. After class, it is very useful to do short stretching. Beginners should begin the lesson slowly so as not to overstrain their muscles.

Features of nutrition while losing weight with dancing

After finishing the lesson, you should eat no earlier than 2 hours later. There are also restrictions on eating before it starts: the appropriate time for this is about 30 minutes before. The food should be light and low-fat; it is best to completely switch to healthy eating. This includes:

  • various cereals (buckwheat, millet, rice, wheat, oatmeal, etc.);
  • dairy products (kefir is especially useful);
  • fiber – it helps cleanse the intestines of waste and toxins;
  • green tea;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • olive oil and more etc.

Any dancing for weight loss will not be beneficial if after doing it the refrigerator is emptied every time: you eat sausage, lard, pork, butter, buns and other baked goods. Quickly digestible carbohydrates should be left out; it is recommended to replace them with proteins. These substances provide energy and promote growth muscle mass. Among the drinks, ginseng, rosehip infusion and protein diluted in water are worthy of attention. It is recommended to consume it for breakfast or dinner separately from food.

What does it look like proper nutrition, look at the photo below:

Which dances to choose for weight loss based on video at home

Here you need to proceed from the state of your health, free time, desires and available space. To burn fat, they often resort to eastern and Latin American dances, a little less often to Zumba. They give the person who chooses them not only slimness, but also flexibility and plasticity. But this is only if you do them regularly.

Oriental dances

These dance moves are suitable for all ages and body types, are easy to remember and provide:

  • normalization of metabolism in the body;
  • abdominal tightening;
  • strengthening the back muscles;
  • elimination of cellulite;
  • elasticity of the buttocks;
  • strengthening of the lumbar muscles.

By doing just 60 minutes a day for free, you will burn 400-500 kcal. To do this, you don’t need any sports equipment or special clothing, you just need to repeat everything that the instructor shows in the video. First you should start with small loads on the stomach and hips, then gradually train your legs and arms. It is recommended to complete dancing for weight loss with breathing exercises and stretching.

Latin American dances

If someone doesn't like the idea of ​​belly dancing at home, it's worth taking a closer look at the movements from ballroom productions. If the emphasis needs to be on the legs, jive is suitable; in other cases, cha-cha-cha and samba are suitable. To eliminate fat in the thighs, you should pay attention to salsa, bachata, merengue and mambo. All of them are based on rapid circular rotations of the hips, shoulders and the body itself. With their help, about 900 kcal are spent per hour.

What a Latin American dance class looks like, look at the photo below:


This type of dance training is not harmful to the body, although during it the muscles of the back, abdomen and legs are subject to a large load. The effect of it is very similar to that of cardio exercises. To lose 1000 kcal in this way, you only need to exercise for 1 hour. All exercises are done to the accompaniment of fiery Latin American music.

They are based on:

  • marching;
  • swing your legs;
  • side steps;
  • squats;
  • turns.

Note! While performing the Zumba dance, it is important to tense the muscles of your legs and arms as much as possible, pull in your stomach and straighten your back. Attention should be concentrated on the video, you must strictly repeat all movements after the teacher. Beginners need to train at least 3 times a week, and experienced dancers – 4-5.

Dance training at home, video:


Dancing for weight loss at home is an alternative to fitness for creative individuals.

Today we will talk about how you can use dancing to lose weight at home. Which dance is better to choose for self-study, as well as how effective such exercises are for achieving harmony and well-being.

Dance is considered the oldest of the arts. More primitive people through body movements they conveyed joy, sorrow, and expressed their desires. Everyone celebrated with dancing the most important points in life: birth and death, war and truce, healing the sick. With rhythmic movements they prayed to the gods for protection, forgiveness, sunlight, rain and fertility.

Modern women use dance as a means of self-expression, as well as to achieve their cherished dream - slimness. Today, various dance practices are one of the most popular weight correction systems. Fashionable fitness clubs offer a huge variety of programs, but this pleasure is not cheap. There are also alternative way gain harmony without spending any special money. These are dance classes at home.

Dancing for weight loss at home is perhaps one of the most enjoyable ways to lose weight, as well as harmonize your own attitude. You can learn to dance using videos or simply by attending a few group lessons to get started.

Slimness plus health improvement

Psychologists believe that dancing is the best way losing weight. This is due to the fact that by losing weight with the help of dance movements, it is possible to avoid stress - one of the “pitfalls” of all low-calorie diets. It is because of nervous tension that breakdowns occur, during which devastating raids are made on one’s own refrigerator.

Dancing significantly improves your mood due to the release of endorphins that occurs during rhythmic or smooth movement to pleasant music. Thanks to dancing, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in blood circulation, increased lymphatic drainage, as well as a general acceleration of metabolism, as a result of which an active process is launched.

Besides the excellent physical fitness, dancing helps you relax, get to know yourself, and find inner harmony.

In what cases should you exercise caution?

Despite the fact that dancing for weight loss at home is recommended for almost everyone without exception, it is still worth considering some recommendations before starting classes. Dancing, like any other type of physical activity, may have its contraindications.

  • Dynamic movements are not recommended for pathologies of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems, high blood pressure and some chronic diseases: in these cases they can provoke an exacerbation.
  • Dancing should not be practiced during pregnancy, during the active phase of the menstrual cycle, or during high fever or malaise.
  • Certain types of dances (in particular, Arabic) are not indicated for displacement of the vertebrae, the presence of neoplasms, inflammatory processes, hernias, and varicose veins.
  • Pol dancing is not recommended for first degree obesity (when BMI is above 32), scoliosis, joint problems, and knee injuries.

Rules for dancing at home

The best way to learn to dance at home is in front of a mirror and in splendid isolation.

Now, if you have no contraindications, let's look at the basic rules for home dance lessons.

  • A place to dance for weight loss at home should evoke a feeling inner harmony. It’s great if the room has a mirror (or mirrors) in which you can monitor your movements.
  • Any external irritants should be excluded: it is better to send household members out or wait for their voluntary departure, turn off phones, o everyday problems forget.
  • You need to take care of comfortable clothes and shoes in advance. Many people practice in old, worn T-shirts and mended sweatpants, which in the case of dancing, dressing up softly, is undesirable: we must not forget that our ancestors used rhythmic movement to tune in to the energy of the Cosmos, and it is unlikely space forces I'll love the holey trousers. From a more earthly point of view, it must be said that beautiful sexy clothes internally set one up to gain perfect figure, which is already half the success.
  • Dancing for weight loss at home should be done daily (at least 5 times a week). Their duration depends on physical fitness and should range from half an hour to an hour. After classes, it is very useful to do stretching exercises.
  • You can't dance after eating - you should wait at least an hour. The same amount of time should pass after classes before next appointment food. In order for the weight loss process to go faster, the main emphasis in nutrition should be shifted to foods rich in fiber and proteins.
  • There is no need to be discouraged if it doesn’t work out the first time: with proper perseverance, the goal will certainly be achieved.

Flamenco, strip or belly dance – what to choose?

All types of dancing help you lose weight: you can spin on a pole, choose incendiary Latin American movements, or learn how to belly dance at home - with regular classes, success will be guaranteed in any case.

Preference should be given to single dances. In paired exercises, attention is more focused on matching the partner’s movements and memorizing the sequence of steps, and for weight loss, the main thing is the emphasis on the work of certain muscle groups, smooth movements, and the ability to strain, stretch and relax individual muscles.

Which dances to choose:

  • Oriental dancing normalizes metabolic processes, strengthens the muscles of the abs, back, shoulders, and has a positive effect on the genital area.
  • Latin American rhythms are extremely energetic. Fast movements promote combustion large quantity calories. All muscle groups work.
  • Flamenco improves the tone of the muscles of the back and legs, improves heart function.
  • Modern jazz - combines the movements of R&B, break, and tap. The special dynamics and energy of the pas require a certain preparedness, develop muscle corset and quickly get your body in shape.
  • Strip plastic is based on oriental and Latin elements. Forces all muscle fibers that form the stomach, back, buttocks and legs to work.
  • Pol dancing helps maintain muscle tone, strengthens them, gives the body more flexibility and plasticity, and is an excellent aerobic exercise.

Of course, which dance to choose for you depends solely on your temperament, preparation and personal preferences.
But, personally, I recommend starting with belly dancing. Oriental dances shape a feminine figure, teach you to move smoothly, and give flexibility and beauty of movements. In addition, belly dancing is an ancient practice that reveals internal energy and sexual potential of every woman.

About the benefits of belly dancing

I’ll add a few more words about the benefits Arabic dances. In addition, more and more women who dream of losing weight prefer to learn belly dancing at home.

Oriental dancing works well on the figure and benefits women's health.

Oriental dance perfectly develops the abdominals, back, hips, makes muscles not involved in exercise work ordinary life and necessary to fulfill the main role of a woman - bearing and giving birth to a child. This is an excellent preparation for childbirth, training in rhythmic breathing, which promotes the production of endorphins.

Experts believe that learning to belly dance at home means learning to feel yourself a real woman. Smooth, and sometimes energetic, but very erotic movements allow you to reveal the feminine essence and get rid of inner constraint.

Arabic dance increases the flexibility of ligaments and joints, strengthens them, has a positive effect on the spine, and relieves hypertension.

How to learn belly dancing on your own?

There are many schools and studios that specialize in teaching belly dancing. However, it is quite possible to comprehend it on your own. Oriental dance does not require special clothing or accessories and is ideal for learning at home. It's not half-dance, which requires a pole, and it's not Latin, where you'll at least need special dance shoes.

So, how to learn belly dancing at home? The most important thing is to keep your body in the correct position. IN eastern movements this is a fundamental point without which you cannot start dancing.

Rocking chair

A fairly simple exercise called “Rocking Chair” is very effective. To perform it correctly, you need to stand on tiptoes, bring your legs together and slightly bend your knees. After this, it is mentally carried out vertical line through the navel, and you can begin to rhythmically move your hips along an imaginary line: up and down, forward and backward.

Belly smile

Another exercise that definitely needs to be done is the “Belly Smile.” Starting position – feet are placed slightly wider than shoulders, and the body is tense. We begin sharp movements with the pelvis - it needs to be thrown up, as it were.

Despite its superficial simplicity, it is not possible to master this exercise right away, but it is necessary: ​​“Smile” perfectly develops and strengthens the abdominal muscles, forming a beautiful flat stomach.

Thinking about the question of how to lose weight at home, many of you are trying to choose a universal training program for yourself. Some people don't want to exercise with barbells and other sports equipment. We suggest you try losing weight through dancing. Today, many directions in this type of fitness have been developed. We will discuss the most popular dance forms in more detail.

Classes in a dance group will not only help you lose weight, but also lift your spirits. It is important to choose the right music and try to accurately perform the necessary movements. Unlike other workouts, dancing does not require preparation or specific equipment. You can exercise not only in the gyms, but also at home. There are many programs on the Internet that will help you with. During exercise, the body produces a certain hormone that lifts your mood.

By correcting your body shape while dancing, you further strengthen your heart.

So, if you decide to lose weight by dancing:

  • choose a dance direction that suits your temperament;
  • if possible, for the first training, use the services of a personal trainer;
  • you can find the corresponding program on the Internet;
  • exercise regularly, try to accurately perform all movements;
  • do not overload the body with excessive loads from the first days;
  • adjust yours, do not eat two hours before and after training;
  • drink enough water;
  • Choose the right clothes for your workout, this will further stimulate you.

In the next section we will provide you with a video of dance training. Please note that the trainer begins work with the easiest movements, complicating them later.

Video for weight loss

Zumba for weight loss

One of the dance styles that will help you lose weight is Zumba, which combines Latin and aerobic movements. Depending on the area, the hall can accommodate 50 people or more. During training, all participants are located in a checkerboard pattern so as not to interfere with each other.

Pay attention to the benefits you get from classes:

  • dance helps burn more than 650 Kcal in an hour of exercise;
  • during classes you work out almost all muscles;
  • training makes it possible to tighten muscles, reduce fat layer, and get rid of cellulite;
  • except beautiful figure you gain flexibility, beautiful posture and stretching;
  • thanks to the organ massage that you receive during classes, digestion and metabolism are restored;
  • classes do not require additional equipment; if desired, you can practice at home;
  • active workouts accompanied by incendiary music will lift your spirits.

Zumba dance

Please note, there are several directions that differ regarding activity:

  1. Zumba classic. It takes place at an intense pace to rhythmic music, while almost all muscles are involved in the work.
  2. Zumba tone. Sent for processing certain group muscles.
  3. Continental Zumba. You often see this look in master classes. Professionals, dancing to fiery music, unobtrusively draw everyone around them into the dance.
  4. Zumba in the water. This option is suitable for people who, for health reasons, have some restrictions when exercising in the gym. Water relieves excess stress from the spine and allows everyone to dance.
  5. Zumba in a circle. Rhythmic dance movements alternate with regular exercises.

So, so that your efforts are not in vain:

    • dance every other day for at least 30 minutes;
    • consume enough water;
    • Wear appropriate, loose-fitting clothing for your activities.

Dancing will help us lose weight

They will help you:

  • lose extra pounds;
  • improve memory;
  • cheer up;
  • pump up almost all muscles.

Choose dance styles, depending on what result you want to achieve.

Oriental dances mainly use the muscles of the back, abs, and legs. If you exercise for an hour, you will lose up to 450 calories.

Dancing in Latin style, in addition to losing weight and pumping up muscles, will help maintain beautiful posture. With active training, you will burn up to 900 calories in an hour.

Zumba allows you to quickly lose weight, restore heart function, lift vitality, tighten muscles. When exercising for an hour, you can lose up to 1000 calories.

If your goal is good stretch and plasticity, pay attention to strip plastic.

Modern jazz will help you develop endurance, pump up your muscles and lose weight.