What time did Viktor Tsoi die? Why is Viktor Tsoi so popular? Opinions about him

Name: Viktor Tsoy

Age: 28 years old

Height: 183

Activity: poet, singer, guitarist, composer, actor, artist

Marital status: was married

Viktor Tsoi: biography

Viktor Tsoi is a phenomenon of Russian rock music. The leader of a rock band, musician and film actor, he became an idol of the perestroika generation. Creative heritage, which the singer left behind during his short life, was repeatedly reinterpreted by his contemporaries and subsequent generations of musicians.

The phenomenon that the Kino group presented at post-Soviet space, was unique: the problems raised in Tsoi’s songs still continue to excite young minds.

Sometimes it is difficult to understand and explain why Viktor Tsoi deserved such total popular love. The voice of the people, the symbol of the era of Russian rock, the breath of change - such designations are very useful when remembering the name of the legendary musician.

Childhood and youth

Viktor Tsoi was born in the summer of 1962 into a Leningrad family of scientific and technical intelligentsia. The musician’s father, Robert Tsoi, worked as an engineer, and his mother, a native St. Petersburg resident Valentina Vasilievna, taught physical education at school. Choi Seung Dyun ( Russian name– Tsoi Maxim Maksimovich), Viktor Tsoi’s paternal grandfather, was born in Korea. Despite his Korean roots, Victor's height was 184 cm (the generally accepted version).

WITH early childhood the boy loved to draw, and his parents, in order to develop his talent, sent Victor to art school, where he studied for three years. IN high school he could not please his parents with his success, and the teachers did not see him as a student capable of knowledge, paying attention to other children.

Already in the fifth grade, the student’s range of interests changed sharply towards music. In the fifth grade, Tsoi got his first guitar, the boy enthusiastically began to study music and even assembled the first group “Ward No. 6” with his friends.

The teenager's passion for music was enormous: to buy a 12-string guitar, the student spent all the money his parents left him when they went on vacation. With the remaining three rubles, Tsoi bought whitefish and ate them on an empty stomach. The result was predictable, and after this the musician made the only correct conclusion for himself: never eat whites.

After ninth grade, Viktor Tsoi decided to continue his studies at Leningradsky art school name to become a graphic designer. But the passion for fine arts cooled down quickly because most of The young man's time was occupied by music. Tsoi was expelled from the second year for poor academic performance.

Victor went to work at the factory, and then got a job at the Art and Restoration Professional Lyceum No. 61, where he mastered the profession of a wood carver. The musician often carved Chinese netsuke figurines made of wood.

Nevertheless, all these vital interests were not for Victor main goal. Music was always nearby, and over time he realized more and more that this was the only activity to which he would like to devote his life.


At the end of 1981, Viktor Tsoi, together with Alexei Rybin and Oleg Valinsky, created a rock group called “Garin and the Hyperboloids,” but a few months later they renamed the group “Kino” and with this composition joined the famous Leningrad rock club. The newly formed team, with the assistance of the musicians of his group, records the first album “45”. The album's name comes from the length of his recordings.

The new creation became popular in Leningrad apartment buildings. In a relaxed atmosphere, the audience interacted closely with the performers. Even then, Viktor Tsoi clearly spoke about his life principles, from which I do not intend to retreat.

Viktor Tsoi - "Eighth Grade Girl"

The group recorded their next album, called “The Chief of Kamchatka” in honor of the name of the boiler house where Victor worked as a fireman, in 1984 with a new line-up: now instead of Rybin and Valinsky, the band included guitarist, bassist Alexander Titov, and drum set Gustav (Georgy Guryanov) was sitting. In the same year, the Kino group was a laureate at the second Leningrad Rock Festival, becoming a true sensation for listeners.

Viktor Tsoi - "War"

The next year of the festival, the Kino group repeated its resounding success, and the musicians decided to record the album “Night”, which was intended to become a new word in the genre of rock music, fully in line with the latest trends in Western rock performers. Work on “Night” was delayed, and instead of it “Kino” recorded a magnetic album called “This is not love.”

In November 1985, another replacement took place in the Kino group: Alexander Titov was replaced as bassist by Igor Tikhomirov. This team composition did not change until the very end of its existence.

Viktor Tsoi and the Kino group

1986 was the year of peak popularity for Kino. Its secret was a combination of fresh musical discoveries, unique for that time, with simple and life-like texts by Viktor Robertovich. In addition, the songs of “Kino” were easy to perform with a guitar, the group owes this to the thousands of “film fans” singing Tsoi’s compositions in every yard.

In 1986, the group presented the audience with the completed album “Night” and gave a landmark concert at the joint Moscow festival of the St. Petersburg rock club and the Moscow rock laboratory. The group's albums became increasingly popular, and the group's new videos were watched by millions of viewers around Soviet Union.

Viktor Tsoi - "Blood Type"

After the release of the album “Blood Type” (presented in 1988), “film mania” spread beyond the USSR. The group gave concerts in France, Denmark and Italy, and photos of the group increasingly appeared on the covers of popular music magazines. A year later, Kino released its first professional studio album entitled “A Star Called the Sun,” and the musicians immediately began work on the next record.

Viktor Tsoi - "A Star Called the Sun"

Best songs from the album “A Star Called the Sun” made Viktor Tsoi and the Kino group immortal, and the composition “Pack of Cigarettes” became a hit for every subsequent younger generation states of the former USSR.

In 1989, concerts of the Kino group were held in France and the USA.

In June 1990 there was last concert Viktor Tsoi and his team at the Luzhniki Olympic Complex in Moscow.

Viktor Tsoi - "Cuckoo"

“Kino” is the latest album in the band’s discography. The songs “Cuckoo” and “Watch Yourself” became the most popular compositions, which were later repeatedly performed by other musicians and groups.

Tsoi's songs changed the minds of many Soviet people. First of all, the musician’s name is associated with change and change. This desire is represented by the song “I Want Change!” (in the original - “Change!”), which was first performed at the IV festival of the Leningrad Rock Club in the Nevsky Palace of Culture on May 31, 1986.

Viktor Tsoi - "Change!"

At first glance, it may seem that Tsoi was a supporter of radical decisions, but in fact he perceived life somewhat differently.

Tsoi about music:

“Music should embrace: it should make you laugh when necessary, entertain when necessary, and make you think when necessary. Music shouldn't just encourage you to go smash Winter Palace. They must listen to her."

Once, in an interview with media representatives, he admitted that he considers himself an opponent of reincarnation, and remaining himself is the main thing for him. It is quite possible that the musician was thinking about professional acting career, rather than commenting on attitudes toward the political trends of the time.

Tsoi said about his vision of changes in Soviet society:

“By change I meant the liberation of consciousness from all sorts of dogmas, from the stereotype of a small, worthless, indifferent person, constantly looking “up.” I was waiting for changes in consciousness, and not for specific laws, decrees, appeals, plenums, congresses.”


Viktor Tsoi's film debut as a film actor was his participation in diploma work young Kyiv director, a kind of musical film almanac “The End of Vacation”. Filming took place on Lake Telbin in Kyiv. Participation in this film marked for Tsoi new stage in creativity.

Viktor Tsoi in the film "Needle"

The popularity of the Kino group led to the fact that Viktor Tsoi began to be invited to participate in the filming of the films “ new formation" The filmography of Tsoi the film actor included fourteen films, among which it should be noted important paintings of that time, fully reflecting the essence of the “era of change.”

Viktor Tsoi in the film "Assa"

This is the famous “Assa” of the film director, a picture filled with the tart feeling of the “beginning of the end”, characteristic of the years of perestroika. This is the dramatic thriller “Needle”, in which the leader of the “Kino” group performed main role. Tsoi Moro's hero decides to fight the drug mafia, but everything turns out to be not so simple. His antipode, drug dealer Arthur, was played by. The film became the box office leader in 1989, and Viktor Tsoi received the title of “Best Actor of the Year” according to the results of a survey among readers of the Soviet Screen.

Personal life

In high school, Viktor Tsoi was not popular with his classmates, it was all because of his nationality, but by the age of 20 personal life the artist has changed. The girls were on duty in droves at the entrance of their favorite musician. And soon the young man met his soulmate. The acquaintance took place at one of the parties where the musician was present. Marianna was three years old older than musician. For the first six months, the lovers went on dates in the park, after which they decided to live together.

Every five years, Tsoi’s fans celebrate the next anniversary of the birth of Viktor Tsoi with festive rock concerts and memorial events. In 2017, in honor of the next anniversary date A video was shot in one shot for the song “A Star Called the Sun” in St. Petersburg. This year the artist would have turned 55 years old.


  • 1982 - "45"
  • 1983 - "46"
  • 1984 - “Chief of Kamchatka”
  • 1985 - “This is not love”
  • 1986 - “Night”
  • 1988 - “Blood Type”
  • 1989 - “A Star Called the Sun”
  • 1990 - “Cinema” (“Black Album”)

Almost a quarter of a century has passed since then terrible day when Viktor Tsoi died. Musician, poet, leader of the Kino group and idol of millions. The cult rock musician passed away, leaving us with a bunch of secrets and questions. Even today, his songs excite the hearts of fans, and fans leave “Tsoi is alive” inscriptions on the walls.

How Tsoi died

Many will never forget that news broadcast on August 15, 1990, when the news thundered throughout the country that the leader of the Kino group had died in a car accident in Latvia. It became known that the special services received a call from an eyewitness from the scene of the incident at the 35th kilometer of the Sloka-Talsi highway. Arriving at the scene of the death of Viktor Tsoi, employees of the Latvian Ministry of Internal Affairs saw a Moskvich-2141 with a completely mangled front and an Ikarus-250 bus, which had drifted to the side of the road towards the river. Fortunately, there were no passengers on the bus, and the driver escaped with only minor abrasions and bruises. As for the musician, the death of Viktor Tsoi occurred instantly as a result strong blow head, incompatible with life. Since the singer was terribly disfigured as a result of a car accident, he was buried in closed coffin.

Official version

According to the official version, in the summer of 1990, Viktor Tsoi was returning by car from fishing. He was vacationing with his nine-year-old son Sasha near Riga. At eleven thirty minutes in the morning, his Moskvich car flew into the oncoming lane and at high speed crashed into an Ikarus bus coming around a bend. As a result of the collision, the bus was carried to the side of the road, and the car flew 15-20 meters towards the bridge. The impact was so strong that the engine was ripped out of the Moskvich.

During the investigation, it was established that the bus was moving at a permissible speed of no more than 70 km/h. As for the Moskvich, its speed varied from 100 to 130 km/h. After the examination it was established official reason death of Viktor Tsoi - the musician fell asleep at the wheel.

It would seem that everything is obvious: a tragedy, an accident. But since the investigation was carried out hastily, a wide variety of rumors soon began to spread...

Initial version

Even before it was approved official version, the investigation put forward several options for how Tsoi died. The most widespread and leaked to the press was the assumption that during the trip the singer was listening to a tape recorder lying on the next chair. When the tape ran out, Victor decided to turn it over and was distracted from driving, which led to the disaster.

This version was also voiced by Leonid Kanevsky on air television show NTV “The investigation was carried out...”. Despite the fact that this version was declared the main one, it was still not confirmed, since the tape recorder was turned off when the police arrived at the scene of the accident. The investigators themselves turned it on.


It turned out that many disagree with the official version of how Viktor Tsoi’s death occurred. So, former producer group "Kino" expressed his opinion that he was dissatisfied and offended by the way the investigation was carried out. He believes that it was simply filled up. Immediately after the disaster, Tsoi’s grief-stricken relatives were unable to insist on a truly professional investigation, and it was done only “for show.”

Victor's widow also did not adhere to the official version. According to her, Tsoi was an extremely careful person and could not “just fall asleep at the wheel.” In addition, he had recently received a driver's license and was not yet confident enough to drive, so he was always very focused when driving.

Many who disagree with the official version point out that it is full of contradictions. The investigation was carried out on a quick fix, there was no re-examination, and the main argument was how can you fall asleep in ten minutes spent on the road? After all, the distance from the fishing spot to the village where Tsoi lived is less than one kilometer!


One of the widely spread versions of how Tsoi died was the version of suicide. In the two years preceding the tragedy, the musician achieved unimaginable fame. He was respected, idolized, called " the last hero", his songs became a symbol and anthem for young people. He was a real idol back then. But who knows what would have happened to him today, to the group, to creativity? It is quite possible that in modern world There simply would not have been a place for the Kino group and Tsoi. Maybe Tsoi had a presentiment of all this and decided to leave in order to always remain at the peak of fame? To avoid disappointments? Who knows, but the death of Viktor Tsoi made the group and his work even more popular. The latest "Black Album" sold millions of copies. And the artist’s work still lives in the hearts of generations.

Who killed Tsoi

All these inconsistencies, assumptions and secrets led to the fact that the most common version of how Tsoi died was murder. In the press and the Internet you can see a lot of the most unimaginable and fantastic arguments on this matter.

Here are a few of the most eloquent ones:

Tsoi was killed because of money. He became too rich, and someone didn’t like it...

Tsoi was associated with the drug mafia. And they decided to remove it...

Someone decided to act out the script of the film “Needle” in real life. And as you know, in the finale of the film the main character is killed...

There were also more serious assumptions, in which we were talking about changing the producers of the Kino group, about the distribution of revenue from tours, about copyright for compositions, etc. Today, unfortunately, we can only guess. And then, when all this happened, no one was simply in the mood to look for reasons. After all, Tsoi’s death shocked millions, forcing them to mourn and regret the deceased.

The missing car

If we start from the fact that Tsoi’s death was very beneficial to someone, then we can take one of the currently existing versions as a basis. Moreover, this assumption is quite reasonable and has a place to be.

Any experienced driver will be able to answer in which case such a maneuver is performed (first you drive along the side of the road, and then suddenly drive into the oncoming traffic). There is only one option: during the last 10 seconds before the accident, some unfamiliar or familiar car pressed Tsoi’s Moskvich to the side of the road, then abruptly overtook and blocked the road, forcing the musician to drive into the oncoming lane directly under the wheels of a speeding bus.

The investigation report noted very important fact: distance from the fishing spot to Tsoi’s house. It's only a 10-15 minute drive. In addition, a study of tire tread marks showed that the Moskvich was moving along the side of the road for the last 7-10 seconds before the accident. At a speed of 130 km/h! And then the steering wheel was sharply turned to the left towards oncoming traffic. Despite the fact that all these factors clearly contradict the official version of “fell asleep at the wheel,” the investigation did not pay attention to them.

The investigation began to consider this version, but due to the fact that it reached a dead end, it was discarded. But it’s true that finding the mysterious car was almost impossible. But the police don’t like “hangers”; it was very clear to everyone that it was time to close the case and sign the documents. And in the end: “Viktor Robertovich Tsoi. The cause of death was an accident, he fell asleep at the wheel. Dot".

Letter from Janis

And just a few years ago, a Moscow magazine published an article entitled “Viktor Tsoi: an unproven murder.” In the article, the author said that the editor of the magazine received a letter from a certain Janis, a citizen of Latvia. In the letter, Janis admitted that he had been eating at him for almost twenty years. Namely, involvement in the death of Viktor Tsoi.

According to Janis, in the summer of 1990, he and the guys received a “request” from an unnamed person to intimidate a fisherman with a non-Russian appearance. At that time, Yanis didn’t even know who Viktor Tsoi and the Kino group were. Arriving at the indicated place, they surrounded the fisherman and warned him “not to fish, otherwise the child will suffer.” A scuffle ensued, as a result of which Tsoi broke out, got into the Moskvich and quickly drove away. Probably to help out my son...

After Yanis and his company caught up with Tsoi, the scene of the accident appeared before their eyes. Realizing that the “fisherman” was no longer a tenant, they decided to quietly move away...

All attempts to contact Janis were unsuccessful. He was silent. However, later he finally got in touch and arranged a meeting with journalists. At the appointed place, the reporters were disappointed: instead of Janis, strong guys approached them and advised them “not to interfere in things that aren’t their own.” So we can only guess whether this story is true or fiction.

Latest album

After the death of Viktor Tsoi, his last album was released. By luck, he was in the trunk of the Moskvich, where he was found after the accident. The recording was completely undamaged. Is this an accident? Maybe Tsoi deliberately left his last album for generations? Or maybe, as one classic said, “manuscripts don’t burn”?

The last album became a real hit. Although he was shrouded in the breath of death and regret. “Black Album” was the last one released by the Kino group, the last word Victor Tsoi. It sold millions of copies both in the USSR and abroad.

In the hearts of millions

Someone smart said that “a person is alive as long as he is remembered.” It turns out that a person can die only if the memory of him dies, or simply when he becomes uninteresting, he will be forgotten and no past merits will save him...

No matter how cynical it may sound, Viktor Tsoi left on time. He passed away when he was at the peak of his popularity. Tsoi's songs were loved by everyone: fans of rock and roll, and those who love pop or pop music. But it could have turned out that if Tsoi had been alive, he would have become uninteresting today. But he's not there. And the memory of him lives in the hearts of people, and it is huge. As before, the Kino group and Viktor Tsoi occupy high places in the ratings and charts, their songs sell well and are re-released, all kinds of remixes are created, etc. Viktor Tsoi still looks at us today from posters and calendars...


On June 21, 1962, a boy was born into the family of Valentina and Robert Tsoi, who later became an idol of Soviet youth and a “torch” for the restructuring of worldviews at the junction of two eras modern history. Perhaps it was not without reason that the parents named their son Victor, which means Winner. The personality of Viktor Tsoi harmoniously intertwined leadership qualities and the desire for freedom and independence. A subtle spiritual perception of the world around us, an understanding of the causes and sources of human suffering subsequently resulted in the laconic and clear lyrics of Tsoi’s original songs. Perhaps he could become a spiritual and political leader huge amount people if sudden death did not interrupt the life of Viktor Tsoi at takeoff.

The path to popularity

Victor spent his childhood and youth in the vicinity of his home in Leningrad, where he was born. It was there that his interests in music, fine arts and cinema were formed. The reference points in the work of the aspiring musician were Vladimir Vysotsky and Mikhail Boyarsky. Victor also became interested in martial arts and became a fan of Bruce Lee.

In my youth, as a student art school, Tsoi and like-minded people played bass guitar in the youth group “Ward No. 6”. Meetings and communication with musicians from other groups brought fateful events into Tsoi’s life. So they brought Victor to the Automatic Satisfiers group. He traveled with them to Moscow for informal concerts, which he often organized at that time. music critic Artem Troitsky. In Leningrad, at one of these concerts, Tsoi met Boris Grebenshchikov, who later helped in many ways in the career of the aspiring singer and songwriter.

In the spring of 1982, the Kino group appeared on the musical horizon, created by Viktor Tsoi and guitarist Alexei Rybin. They recorded their first album together with the musicians of Aquarium under the leadership of Grebenshchikov. Clandestine concerts also continued, which aroused more and more interest in the group after the album was distributed on cassettes.

Before recording the second album, Yuri Kasparyan joined the group, but soon Alexey Rybin left due to creative differences with Tsoi. The second album "46" received wide distribution.

Thus began the path to fame and popularity of Viktor Tsoi. Tsoi invested his talent and energy not only in writing songs (mostly all the lyrics and music of the “Kino” group were written by Victor). In the summer of 1986, Tsoi, together with other members of the Kino group, made her debut in the short film “The End of Vacation.”

For my short life the musician starred in 15 feature films and documentaries. The films “Needle” and “Assa” brought Tsoi particular popularity as an actor. In 1989 he was recognized best actor year at the Odessa film festival "Golden Duke". From that time on, Yuri Aizenshpis began producing the group. Recording new albums, concert tours, performances on television and radio gave the musicians the opportunity to gain all-Union popularity. Millions of people experienced a real shock when they learned that Viktor Tsoi had died tragically. In many cities, walls of memory of Tsoi appeared, on which the singer’s fans wrote words of bitterness and condolences, lyrics from his songs and the main motto: “Tsoi is alive!”

When did Viktor Tsoi die?

In the summer of 1990, having settled at a dacha with friends in Jurmala, Victor and Yuri Kasparyan were busy arranging and recording songs for the new album. On August 14, the planned work was completed, Yuri left for Leningrad, and Victor, early in the morning of August 15, went to a forest lake to fish. The return turned out to be unpredictable. On the same day, Tsoi was in a car accident. Victor's death occurred instantly from his injuries. The traffic police officers who arrived at the scene recorded the time of Tsoi’s death at 12 hours 28 minutes.

How did Tsoi die?

There is an official version of the death of Viktor Tsoi. It is based on data from the accident report, the testimony of a single witness and the conclusions of a forensic medical examination. But this version is still questioned by some of the singer’s friends and expert analysts. According to the investigation (which was carried out hastily and left many questions for experts of our day), the musician, while driving at high speed along the Sloka-Talsi highway, in his Moskvich car, fell asleep at the wheel and lost control of the car. Having driven into the oncoming lane, Victor’s car crashed into the Ikarus bus, which, after the collision, drove onto the side of the road and rolled into the river. The bus driver remained unharmed. Victor's car was completely crushed and thrown 20 meters from the accident site. It all happened on the 35th kilometer of the highway, not far from the Tetchupe River.

Causes of death of Viktor Tsoi

As a result of the accident, the artist received multiple bruises, bone and skull fractures. His face and body were so disfigured that his relatives insisted that the singer’s body be buried in a closed coffin. The funeral took place in Leningrad, on August 19 at the Bogoslovskoye cemetery.

According to the results of the court. honey. examinations, main reason Victor's immediate death was a traumatic brain injury. Taken together, all the injuries were simply incompatible with life. At the time of the accident, Viktor Tsoi was sober; no traces of alcohol were found in his blood.

According to some of Viktor Tsoi’s colleagues, the cause of death could have been overwork after the last concerts and work on albums, which affected the singer’s condition, and he could actually fall asleep at the wheel. However, close friends and relatives who knew Victor well, in particular his wife Marianna, did not believe that everything happened exactly as described by the investigation. Some of the friends were inclined towards the version of deliberate murder. But at that time they had to accept the official version.

On March 6, 2017, Novye Izvestia published an article about a new thorough investigation into the accident involving Tsoi, conducted by independent technical expert Yuri Antipov. The information he collected and analyzed, compared with investigative documents and arranged in a logical chain, suggests that the accident was planned and organized by unknown persons. Someone needed the death of Viktor Tsoi.

Many fans of the talent of the leader of the Kino group still cannot believe his death. For them, he remains alive like his film roles and songs, which, having turned out to be prophetic in the 80s, remain relevant today.

The story of how Tsoi died is covered in legends. The phrases “Viktor Tsoi is always alive” and “Tsoi is not dead” have lived for decades. He went out to smoke." And this is no coincidence...

A little history. Viktor Robertovich Tsoi was born in 1962 in the city of Leningrad in the family of a physical education teacher and an engineer. At the age of 14, he attended art school, where he created the group "Ward Number Six". However, he was expelled from the secondary school for poor academic performance. educational institution and transferred to vocational school-61 to acquire the profession of woodcarver. Subsequently, friends noted that Victor beautifully carved figures from wood, mainly netsuke. With his appearance and behavior, he imitated his idol, Bruce Lee, and even practiced martial arts.

Tsoi's creative path began in Moscow, where he sang at concerts held in apartment buildings. During one of the trips on the train to Moscow, he sang in the company of friends, where he drew attention famous Boris Grebenshchikov, who offered his help to Victor, as well as the support of Kuryokhin, Tropillo and other musicians.

In 1981, Tsoi and his friends founded the group “Garin and Hyperboloids”, later renamed “Kino”. During the same period, the first recording was made, which became widespread throughout the country. In 1984, not without the participation of Grebenshchikov and Kuryokhin, “Chief of Kamchatka” was recorded. In 1986, the recording “Night” was released (including the songs “Saw the Night” and “Mama Anarchy”). In 1989, the film “Needle” with Tsoi’s participation took 2nd place at the USSR box office, he became the idol of millions, and went on tour abroad. In the summer of 1990 he gives his last concert in Moscow. His fans filled the entire Luzhniki stadium.

Almost every fan of his work knows what year Tsoi died. This happened in August 1990 (15th). The singer died from injuries he received in a car accident when a Moskvich car collided with an Ikarus bus. The police report of that time reports how Tsoi died - “the car was moving along the highway at a speed of about 130 km/h. Tsoi V.R. lost control. His death came instantly. The incident occurred on the Sloka-Talsi highway in Latvia near the city of Tukums, 35 kilometers.”

Experts, speaking about how Tsoi died, report that he fell asleep at the wheel, most likely from overwork, because. worked a lot on the new album. However, there are still rumors that such a popular person could have been eliminated, as well as a version that Victor was tired of fame and decided to “leave” in this way. After all, fans did not get the opportunity to say goodbye to their idol - Tsoi, as a victim of an accident, was buried in a closed coffin.

Having learned how Tsoi died, his many friends did not believe this information. And many did not have time to come to the funeral from various parts of the USSR, because... tickets were in short supply at that time. He was considered a very energetic person, calm, modest and pleasant in person. Tsoi's songs, according to reviews from friends and fans, “beat like electric current", they contain motifs similar to shamanic ones, and the singer’s appearance at concerts was often detached. Therefore, many do not believe in his death. And modern psychics confirm that he can live somewhere in a secluded place. Therefore, we may never know exactly how Tsoi died.

Reflecting on the phenomenon of Viktor Tsoi, it is sometimes even difficult for us to explain why he managed to earn the love of the people. What was so catchy about his songs? He himself composed music and performed songs that could awaken dormant passion in people and force them to look at the world from a completely different perspective. He was a kind of voice of the people who did not want to remain silent, obeying communist ideology. He was called one of the symbols of Russian rock, as well as a Mohican, the last hero of our country. In terms of cultural significance, Viktor Tsoi is sometimes placed on the same level as Vladimir Vysotsky. But before this, no artist had been awarded such an honor. That is why the death of Viktor Tsoi was perceived so tragically by the progressive part of the people of our country. In this article we will try to reveal the circumstances of the singer’s death. But first I just want to talk about him, about his life and work.


Rock musician Viktor Tsoi, who lived and worked in the Soviet Union, singing in his songs all the absurdity of Soviet propaganda, was born on June 21, 1962 in Northern capital, which was then called Leningrad. He died very young. In the year of Tsoi’s death, the country made its own last breaths, but still continued to exist. He died without knowing that the Soviet Union had to live out its recent months and that his homeland would soon face such grandiose transformations that he could not even dream of. Victor was born into a mixed family. His mother, Valentina Vasilyevna Guseva, is Russian by nationality. She worked at school as a physical education teacher. The father, Robert Tsoi, is of Korean origin. Victor’s grandfather, Maxim Maksimovich Tsoi, was born and raised in Kazakhstan, where he was mistaken for one of their own, for a Kazakh.


The boy was only child in the family. Disagreements constantly arose between the parents, and when Victor was 11 years old, they separated, but a year later love won and they united again. However, this year decided future fate young Vitya. Mom, who was very worried about the divorce, seeing that her son was suffering greatly from separation from his father, sent him to an art school. The boy's creative inclinations were noticeable from early childhood. Vitya knew how to draw beautifully and sculpt various figures from plasticine. It was here, at the worst school, that he met Maxim Pashkov, who taught him to play the guitar. On the day of Viktor Tsoi’s death, he will grieve for him like no one else. After all, nothing can compare with childhood friendship.

Introduction to rock art

The art school was located on the canal. A. Griboyedova. All the students dreamed of becoming artists someday and thought that they had a special talent. However, most of them never managed to realize this childhood dream. Victor, of course, had a special gift, which later made him the idol of millions; even the death of Tsoi could not consign his name to oblivion.

From Pashkov’s story you can find out that at first he and Vitya did not become friends. They were in different companies, who were at odds with each other every now and then. However, as they grew a little older, they gradually gravitated towards each other. They started listening to the Beatles, Elvis Presley, Johnny Holiday and others together. They liked songs in English. Then, at the age of thirteen, they began playing different tunes together. Or rather, Maxim taught Victor to play, because at that time he didn’t even know how to hold an instrument in his hands. Pashkov had several guitars at once, and he gave one of them to a friend. They were joined by a drummer who tried to play the pioneer drum. This is how the group was formed, which was later called “Ward No. 6”. After graduating from art school, the guys began to spend almost all their time playing music.


After the 8th grade of secondary school, Viktor Tsoi entered the Serov School. Despite his passion for music, he never stopped thinking about becoming an artist. In the assembly hall of the school there was some kind of equipment, electric instruments that self-taught musicians had never even dreamed of, and, having asked permission from the administration, Victor and Maxim began to rehearse there and then perform at student evenings and discos. Here they found a drummer for their group - Tolik Smirnov, whose fame spread throughout Leningrad. Maxim wrote music and poetry, and Vitya helped with the arrangement, and he did it great. The future rock star was embarrassed to sing and modestly kept in second place. Naturally, he practically did not attend classes at the school, and he was soon expelled. After that, he ended up in a group with a punk artist named Pig. It was as part of this group that he wrote his first song - “Dedication to Marc Bolan.” Every day the guy became more and more interested in music, and she was with him until last minutes. On the day of Tsoi’s death, having learned about his tragic death, many remembered him through his own songs.


In addition to rock music, Tsoi also loved martial arts. He especially liked karate classes. His idol in this sport was Bruce Lee. This hobby became so big that he wanted to be like his favorite actor in everything and began to imitate his image. His opponent in this sport was Yuri Kasparian. They fought with him for a long time, honing many techniques. His other hobby was more creative: he beautifully carved netsuke figures from wood. And in general, he earned his living by carving wood. And there was a time when Victor painted portraits of Schwarzenegger (in those years he was at the peak of his popularity) and sold them near the metro for 1 ruble.

Distinctive character traits

Maxim Pashkov, the man who knew Tsoi best of all, said that he was incredibly modest, shy, uncommunicative, one might say, conservative compared to other members of the rocker fraternity. In addition, he behaved too intelligently on stage, and this distinguished him from other Leningrad musicians working in the rock style. He was never unbridled. Although, like all rockers, there were drugs, doping, and much more in his life. He was very attracted to fashionable Western things, for example, he liked to wear long leather raincoats. And he also had strange feature: he could stumble and fall out of the blue and get into awkward situations. The guy seemed to have his head in the clouds, but he was never particularly dreamy. Maxim Pashkov believed that in his youth he was not at all distinguished by originality and was quite an ordinary person, although he gravitated towards fun and was very afraid of everyday life.

Forward to the goal!

The years passed, and Victor purposefully moved towards his dream. I wonder where fate would have taken him if not for his death. Viktor Tsoi was attracted only by the idea that he could stand out from the crowd and become the idol of many millions. At the same time, he was a very peaceful and friendly person. He did not know how to achieve his goal with his teeth, but worked, composed and sang all the time. Initially, he composed music in secret from everyone. But one day, having grown bolder, he presented his works to the audience, and they, of course, liked them. Tsoi's group was created as a result of the merger of three musicians: himself, Rybin and Oleg, nicknamed Basis, who was a drummer. Their team was first called “Garin and the Hyperboloids”, and then was renamed “Kino”. Gradually the group began to gain popularity and gained fans. They grieved most of all on the day of the death of Viktor Tsoi. The producer of the first album “45” was Grebenshchikov. This recording was in great demand in Leningrad. And so began the singer’s ascent to the musical Olympus.

Opinions about him

Some friends close to him believe that he was very lazy. Perhaps it was not laziness, but an inner focus that did not allow him to fuss, be energetic and look optimistic. There were times when he liked to just lie on the couch and not leave the house for days. He was not a pushy guy; rather, he could be called someone who could let his life take its course. However, all this disappeared over the years, and he became a more confident person.

Personal life

In 1984, 23-year-old Viktor Tsoi met an employee of the Leningrad circus, a girl named Marianna. She gave him faith in himself, in his strength. They got married that same year and months later their son Sasha was born. It was thanks to Marianna that Victor was able to gain confidence in his abilities. When it came to him, he imitated suicide and lay down in psychiatric hospital, and faithful Marianna got a job there as a nurse to be nearby. Nevertheless, on the day of Tsoi’s Death, she was no longer with him. By this time, he already had another lover - Natalya Razlogova - a woman who was older than him and greatly influenced his fate.


On August 15, 1990, the country was shocked by terrible news. The idol of millions is no more! Tsoi's death was a surprise to everyone. That day he was on vacation in the Baltic states. Natalya and son Sasha went with him to the Riga seaside. On that ill-fated morning, he was driving somewhere in his Moskvich. According to one version, fishing. Having fallen asleep at the wheel, he lost control and drifted into the oncoming lane, where he collided with a large Ikarus bus. An ambulance team went to the scene of Viktor Tsoi’s death, but it turned out that he died instantly. This news was not only stunning for fans of his talent, but also deadly. Yes, yes, in the literal sense of the word. According to reports, Tsoi’s death caused the suicide of 45 young people who considered him their “deity,” idol, idol. Here it is great influence his music was on the minds of millions.


People of this generation probably remember how the inscriptions “Tsoi is alive!” written in chalk and paint began to appear on the walls of buildings across the country. His music sounded everywhere, and no one wanted to believe that he was no longer alive. The place of Tsoi’s death (see photo in the article) became the most visited in the Union. Crowds of fans flocked here, wanting to see with their own eyes the section of the road where their idol’s life was interrupted. Victor was buried at the Leningrad Cemetery. His grave became a place of pilgrimage. Here to this day you can find fresh flowers and candles, and sometimes cigarette butts. Tsoi's death was not the end of his work. Many young guys who were born even after the singer’s death, once hearing his songs, are carried away by them. This is what real talent means! He is immortal! And there are also people who do not believe in Tsoi’s death. Photo broken car and he, already dead, have been published more than once in the press, but this does not convince them either. After all, the whole world doesn’t believe in the death of Elvis Presley? So is Viktor Tsoi: he is alive as long as his songs resound in the hearts and memories of millions of fans!