How is a strong person different from a weak one? Do not doubt your own abilities

Complete collection of materials on the topic: how to become a psychologically strong person? from experts in their field.

How to become psychologically strong and confident person? Life is a struggle and there is no getting away from it. We cannot hide and run forever, hoping that someone will solve all the problems for us. The following techniques will help you develop self-confidence and become more mentally stable.

Of course, there are people who from an early age show exceptional courage and determination, quickly react to a change in the situation and skillfully cope with their fears, but, unfortunately, there are extremely few such lucky ones. Most people are constantly faced with their own shyness, doubts, insecurities, they are afraid to take risks, change something, hit back at hooligans or challenge the injustice of their boss. The wonderful fact is that everyone is afraid. There is no one who is never afraid. When a champion boxer enters the ring, the amount of adrenaline, the hormone of fear, goes through the roof in his blood, even if he is against a novice who put on gloves yesterday. After the fight, adrenaline is replaced by the rage hormone, norepinephrine, in both boxers. The body has ceased to be afraid, it is tuned only to continue the action.

Exercises for developing psychological strength

Obviously, the fear will never go away. He will always be inside, discouraging us from doing what needs to be done. But it can and should be fought against, and various ways of training psychological stability help in this:

Technique "Cage"

If you feel constrained, insecure, being in a group of people, for example, in line at a clinic or in the subway, making eye contact with strangers - imagine that you are looking at a beast locked in a cage. They are not watching your every move - you came to the zoo! Imagine how you naturally and easily admire a bear - what threatens you when she is in a cage? Repeat the technique whenever possible - this not only dispels uncertainty from someone else's attention, but also helps to relax and become more resistant to external stimuli.

Technique "Guards detachment"

Imagine that behind you are the best fighters of your guard, ready to give their lives for you. Have you ever admired someone's courage? Imagine that he is there! How can you save when your back is covered by those who look fear in the face? The placebo effect works flawlessly here, just try this method on the street, imagining how you walk at the head of the brave, and over time you will become more determined.

Technique "Royal Posture"

Our posture plays an important role in our psychological state. Try to stand in front of a mirror, make a sad face, lower your head and quietly say: “I am the king here, I am in control!”. Believe it? Hardly. The king is proud and self-confident, his shoulders are straightened, his chest is a wheel, his back is straight, his gait is measured. The gaze of the king is calm, prudent, majestic. The king does not squint to the side - he turns his whole body to where he directs his gaze. Pay special attention to posture - and the result will not keep you waiting.

Technique "Animal look"

You always have a magnificent weapon - your eyes. In the animal kingdom, a direct look is a sign of strength and aggression; a weak individual cannot afford this. Try, looking at the enemy, imagine how you hate him, put all your anger into your eyes, get angry and look at him with the eyes of an angry beast ready to tear him to pieces! Try, looking at someone you like, put all your love, all warm feelings, all kindness into your eyes - and the person will feel it. It may sound a little strange, but all the techniques given here have been tried many times and brought amazing results.

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Technique "First step"

You see a beauty, but you are afraid to approach and get acquainted? Just take one step towards her, start moving, and don't stop! There is a wonderful saying: “The main thing is to get into a fight, and then we'll see!”. The beginning, the first impulse, the breakthrough is what distinguishes a brave man from a coward.

Explosive phrases

Do you have a favorite movie or book character who has shown courage? Use his phrases to remember a moment of courage, to evoke that same sense of determination that you experienced while watching/reading.

Remember: no matter what happens, the world will not collapse. Crash at work? The boss calls on the carpet? Problems piled up from all sides? The world will not collapse if something goes wrong. Self-confidence, the ability to overcome difficulties and continue the struggle - that's what makes us stronger, more confident, better.


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We all reach a critical point in life when our psychological strength is tested. It can be problems with friends or colleagues, a difficult job or a difficult relationship. Whatever the challenge, you need to stay strong and take action if you want to move on. Sounds simple. Everyone wants to have good friends, a good job and a good family. But in reality, this is difficult to achieve.

Such is human psychology. It is difficult for us to continue to fight when the result is not obvious. Not everyone can break the pattern of behavior and start moving in a completely different direction. That is why truly strong people stand out in the crowd. What for the rest is an insurmountable barrier, for them is only a test that can be overcome. You can be that person too! You just need to acquire habits that strengthen your psychological strength. The hallmarks of strong people are qualities that you can develop in yourself.

Emotional intellect

Psychological strength is determined by emotional intelligence. You cannot be a strong psychological person if you do not understand negative emotions, do not know how to manage them and achieve a productive result against all odds. The moments in which your psychological strength is tested also test your emotional intelligence. It is a flexible skill that you can develop with conscious effort. All the most successful people have high emotional intelligence. It is relatively rare: only thirty-six percent of people are able to recognize what emotions they are experiencing.

Self confidence

A mentally strong person knows that his beliefs greatly influence whether he succeeds. It's not just a matter of motivation, it's a fact. Researchers have found that more confident people earn more and move up the corporate ladder faster. True confidence is always noticeable, it is not to be confused with the false one that people use to hide their fears. Psychologically strong people are able to inspire others with their confidence, so everything in their life is going better.

Ability to refuse

Scientists have found that those people who find it difficult to refuse others experience more stress. Psychological strength allows you to refuse when it is appropriate. You just lack the self-esteem and communication skills to get your rejection across. A strong person does not disguise refusal with uncertainty, he refuses calmly. He understands that this gives him the opportunity to perform those tasks that are interesting to him. In addition, psychological strength helps to deny yourself. Such a person does not want to act impulsively.

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Ability to neutralize problem people

Dealing with unpleasant people is difficult for most of us. A morally strong person knows how to control communication with toxic interlocutors and monitors his own emotions. He does not allow anger or irritation to rule the situation. In addition, a strong person is always able to understand someone else's point of view and find a common language. Even when the situation gets out of hand, moral strength helps to stay on the sidelines and not let negativity ruin your life.

Ability to accept change

Mentally strong people are flexible and adapt easily. They know that the fear of change only hinders and becomes an obstacle to success. Such a person is ready for change and easily creates a plan of action. Only when you are ready for change do you get the good out of it. You must be open to what is happening, and this will help you.

Prepare for failure

Moral strength helps to cope with failure, because such a person understands that it is impossible without mistakes. Mistakes help you move towards success. Sometimes the biggest breakthrough comes in a moment of desperation.

The ability not to live in the past

A mentally strong person knows that what he focuses on determines his emotional state. If you think only about the problems that surround you, you suffer from negative emotions and stress, which reduces your productivity. If you focus on actions that will help you improve yourself and your situation, you will feel more positive and productive. Moral strength helps to distance yourself from your mistakes, but not to forget them.

Lack of desire to compare yourself to others

A morally strong person does not evaluate everyone around him. He does not need to humiliate someone to feel his own importance. Envy and regret deprive you of energy for life. Instead of wasting time on them, learn to appreciate those around you and learn from them. When you respect someone else's success, you only win.

Regular workouts

Research has shown that people who exercise twice a week feel more socially, intellectually, and physically competent. They value themselves higher and raise their self-esteem. Finally, physical changes in the body help them to be more confident, and this is the key to moral strength. It turns out that if you want to become mentally stronger, start training your body!

Enough sleep

The importance of sleep for moral strength cannot be overemphasized. When you sleep, the brain gets rid of toxic proteins that are by-products of neural activity. It only happens in dreams. If you don't rest, proteins stay in your brain cells and stop you from thinking. A mentally strong person knows that his self-control and focus suffer from a lack of rest, so sleep is his priority. Keep this in mind and always try to allow yourself to rest.

Positive attitude towards what is going on

If you follow the news, it becomes clear that war, cruelty and failure do not stop. It seems like the world is collapsing. Who knows, maybe it really is. But you should not panic if you cannot control what is happening. Instead, focus your energy on your own productivity. This will allow you to successfully move forward and not succumb to negative thoughts. This approach distinguishes a strong psychological person.

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Psychologist's advice number 1. Stop feeling sorry for yourself!
Stop sitting back, complaining about the circumstances and spreading about how you were wrong. Take responsibility for your role in life and accept that life is not always easy or fair. If the situation was not the most pleasant, then never think badly about yourself or badly about your future life. Thus, it is you who inspire (in the most direct sense) to yourself the strategy of action that you think about. For example, you think: “He left me and now no one will love me!” What does it mean? This means that you inspire yourself: “Now I will treat everyone with distrust and will reject the sympathy and love of others ...” Well, how do you like it?

And the most interesting thing: you really begin to act according to this suggestion a little later! Now ask yourself, “How long have I been doing this? Complain to myself about life and other people? You will realize that you have been doing these suggestions for a very long time, because a lot of things in life happen according to the same scenario. And if you are not able to cope with such problems on your own, then it is better to contact a psychologist on the site

Psychologist advice number 2. Live only your life, love and respect it.
Stop letting others control you, and stop controlling someone. Always remember that no matter what happens to your emotions and it is you who are experiencing them, no one has planted them on you and emotions do not come by themselves: you either want to experience them or not. You decide to react to something or not. Even better, if you engage in personal growth with a psychologist.

Psychologist's advice number 3. Stop wasting yourself on things you can't change.
You have been cheated on for a long time, they treat you badly, do not pay your salary, and much more. Instead of focusing on what you can change, you are fighting what other people don't want! Get busy with your life and make it filled with pleasure, or do you want to tell your children only that life is filled with suffering and everyone wants to cheat? Is this the meaning of your life?

Psychologist's advice number 4. Start liking yourself, not everyone.
There are people who are always trying to please everyone. There are people who go against everyone and try to assert their "strength" in this way. None of these methods are acceptable. Everything must be in balance. If this balance is not on the inside, it will not be on the outside of your life either. Finally admit that you do not have to be good for everyone and everyone likes you! Object, confront, and say no, but in moderation. Respect your time and don't waste other people's time. Be a real person, not an illusion that hides a lot of discontent and resentment against people.

Psychologist's advice number 5. Let go of the past, live in the present and think only good things about the future!
If you constantly delve into your memories, then most of the time and mental energy (which you could spend on something useful) you spend in a trance and forgetfulness, deciding nothing here and now and doing nothing for the future. Accept your past either on your own or with the help of a psychologist. Start living here and now, living every moment of life and enjoying what you already have!

Psychologist's advice number 6. Change yourself, but don't expect someone else to do it for you or for you!
If you are waiting for changes from someone (children or loved ones), but do not want to do anything on your own, then the business will fail. First of all, no one changes if things become obsolete! Secondly, it is extremely difficult to change because someone wants it. Changes always occur only with internal motivation, backed up only by internal motives.
So people in many families wait for their loved ones to change instead of realizing that they themselves need to change. And then: while you are waiting for someone, you yourself get stuck at one level of development, so act on your own or sign up for personal growth with a psychologist on the website!

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Psychologist's advice number 7. Believe in yourself no matter what and don't give up!
Every defeat is a chance to do better. Even the best entrepreneurs admit that their early attempts led to a lot of failures. Be prepared to not give up and keep trying until you succeed, if each such failure moves you closer to the goal.

Psychologist's advice number 8. Being with yourself is not loneliness.
Stop thinking that if you don't have a boyfriend or a husband, then you are all alone. Read all the tips above and love your presence here on this earth. Stop being afraid to be alone with your thoughts and use this time to reflect and plan. Depend only on your time and your mood, and not on the time and mood of others. Learn to be happy with others and alone.

Psychologist's advice number 9. Nobody owes you anything.
In fact, you are entitled to everything in this life. Instead of expectations, look for your happiness based on your abilities. It sounds cruel, but it's better if you depend on the "giving hand".

Psychologist's advice number 10. Take your time or don't expect instant results.
Whether you're working on improving your health or starting a new business, or working on personal growth with a psychologist, don't expect instant results! Invest your energy and time in appropriate doses and celebrate every achievement in your business. Know and understand that quality change takes time.

A weak person is doomed to fail. When we observe those who are commonly called "rags", their shortcomings quickly become apparent. But the weakness of the spirit is more widespread than it seems at first glance. It can also be masked by a completely ordinary way of life: having a good job, an expensive car, etc. In this case, a person may subjectively feel disadvantaged.

He waits for someone to bring him happiness and blames others for his sadness, looking for someone who can fill his emotional void. A weak person is very sensitive to positive evaluations from outside. But all his searches can rarely be crowned with success. What strategies will help to become a psychologically strong person? Let's consider several methods.

Cultivate the capacity for positive thinking. To achieve sustainable results, you need to practice daily. Become the person for whom the glass is not half empty, but half full. After all, the lucky one is not the one who has everything, but the one who is grateful for what he has.

Be curious. Curiosity for many people is an inexhaustible source of happiness and strength. Practice it. This can be done in different ways: read good books, travel, educate yourself. Deepen your knowledge in the area that you like.

Be patient. Successful people never rush when making important decisions. They know when it's time to take the right steps, and when it's better to wait a bit. Therefore, a strong person is rarely at the mercy of circumstances. Develop the skill of patience, and soon you will learn to see more opportunities to live a happy and fulfilling life.

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Stop taking everything personally. Those who go through bad periods and come out of them stronger know that the events that happened to them are not their fault. And no matter what people around do, they also know that their actions are a manifestation of the character of these people, and nothing more. A strong person never succumbs to such a delusion that "the whole world is against him." Therefore, he will not waste time thinking about why people act one way or another, and why circumstances develop in a certain way. Instead, he evaluates his real possibilities in relation to the situation.

Try to reduce your stress levels. Its negative impact on health and daily life is obvious. But if you are thinking about how to become mentally stronger, then it is critical for you to ensure that stress does not become too much. The most effective ways to deal with accumulated stress are outdoor recreation, sports, and meditation.

Focus on positive information. Read motivating books, visit sites on the Internet dedicated to self-development and personal growth. The right information will help you feel better. Many problems can be found in books and articles. It is not for nothing that they say that a person gets in life what he deserves. Psychological attitudes determine how we perceive the outside world. Ultimately, our real life depends on them. And, as thinking beings, we always have the right to choose what sort of information to fill the mind to create the desired settings.

Stop making predictions about the future. Strong people are distinguished by the fact that they never do one thing. They don't try to predict tomorrow. And they don't waste a minute of their time on unnecessary thoughts, worries, or trying to figure out what might happen next. A strong person understands that everything he has in his hands is the present moment. And he also realizes that if his mind is occupied with the future, then there is no place in it for the present. Thus, there is a risk of errors and omission of important details.

Fill your heart with love. The word “love” here does not need to be understood as a romantic relationship. In the event that you do not have a partner or lover, this does not mean that there is no love in your life. Write a list of the things you like and the people you love. There can be a great many of these things, you just might not notice them. Love your parents, friends, nature, work, etc. Love will help you overcome any obstacles and difficulties.

We hope that these tips will help you become both a morally strong person and successfully overcome life's difficulties. Often we want to change the world - if not the whole, but at least that part of reality that concerns us. But, as you know, you always need to start with yourself. And remember, it's never too late to start building your happiness and success.

The man belongs to the stronger sex. Therefore, strength is required from him not only on the physical level, but also on the spiritual one. That's where educational slogans like "Men don't cry" come from. From childhood, a guy must become and develop the fortitude in himself ..

Who is a strong person?

The more a person knows and knows how, the less he obeys his own patterns, the more strong he becomes, self-sufficient and calm, creative and all-accepting, independent.

Many people think that truth is born in a dispute. This is wrong. The truth already existed long before the dispute. Depending on how people communicate with each other, they can come to the truth or even more deception.

It's hard to stay strong when strength is equated with understanding the world around you and having true knowledge. Today, a wise person can be considered one who, despite all the lies and deceit, sees the truth and the truth, despite the fact that betrayals and conspiracies occur, still continues to look at him with wide eyes and understand.

The world is multifaceted. The world to some extent depends on how people make it. There is nature, which is absolutely independent of man, and there are peoples that make up a large part of the whole world. You need to understand that people themselves make the world cruel. All this must be accepted and seen.

The one who accepts all the versatility of the world in which he lives is strong. He learns to see and create the kind of life that interests him. The world can exist according to its own rules and laws. But a self-sufficient person takes the liberty, despite all the cruelty of the world, to live in a way that is convenient and good for him.

How can you become a strong person? When it comes to strength, people usually understand it as physical abilities. But when it comes to psychological, spiritual strength, people's opinions differ here. Everyone understands how to become physically strong. But how can one become psychologically and spiritually strong? Without understanding how this ability manifests itself, it is impossible to understand how to develop it.

Strong is the one who can cope with all his fears, manages his own emotions and goes against his habits. You can be physically strong. But psychologically healthy is the one who can resist his own delusions and reactions.

Strength lies in the fact that a person copes with his own fears. Everyone has their own fears. Moreover, many of them are far-fetched, social, grafted. It is one thing to be afraid of a fire so as not to burn out, and another to be afraid to communicate with others. In the first case, the fear is justified, in the second - far-fetched. A strong person is one who is not afraid of his own inventions and can cope with the fears invested in him by nature.

The one who controls his own emotions is strong. Man is an emotional being. When he does not control his own emotions, then they begin to control him. But a strong person not only pays attention to what he feels, but also subjugates his emotions. They do not control him, but he controls them.

The strong is the one who can overcome his own habits. Everyone has automatic actions. But successful are people who can disobey them and even replace them. It is difficult for a weak person to go against his own habits. A strong person can at any time give up what is familiar to him, if he sees the need for it.

You can be a strong person on a physiological level. Here you only need to do special physical exercises to strengthen the ligaments and develop muscles. But if we are talking about psychological, spiritual strength, then here you need to fight not with the outside world, but be able to manage your own fears and emotions.

Do not doubt your own abilities

Stop doubting yourself! How many years are you willing to spend doubting, doing nothing, and then regretting lost opportunities?

People have become accustomed to doubting themselves, instead of just acting and deciding along the way where they are wrong, where they are successful, and where they need to improve themselves. Modern methods of raising children force parents to constantly develop in their children a sense of self-doubt. Perhaps, from childhood, your parents and teachers also taught you that it is better to do nothing than to do and make a mistake. They constantly doubted your abilities and capabilities. Maybe even someone scoffed at your attempts to jump above your head. You memorized this, which led to the habit of not taking action or constantly doubting yourself.

As long as you doubt your own abilities, you are inactive. And as long as you do nothing, you achieve neither good nor bad. As a result, you don’t know if you would have succeeded or not, what you are capable of and what you need to do to make your dreams come true.

Do you want to waste your life? Do you understand that your life is finite? What will you think of yourself when you realize that life is coming to an end, and all you have done for the entire period of existence is self-doubt? Wouldn't it be a shame that life has not brought anything useful to you or other people?

Say no to self-doubt. Some significant people once doubted your abilities, stopped you, slowed you down. You have a deep trauma in your subconscious when something didn’t work out, and a close and dear person said: “I told you. It would be better to do nothing than to do and disgrace everyone. You are now slowing yourself down! Now it’s not someone else, but you yourself who are preventing you from achieving success, because you don’t believe. But if someone did not believe in you, then why are you repeating after this person like a parrot? Do you also not believe? Do you consider yourself a failure? Do you agree with the person who did you no good with his doubts and ridicule? Was the other person right?

Stop doubting yourself. You are only wasting time. If you want happiness for yourself, then stop feeling sorry for yourself. Just get started. You will make mistakes, you will fail. This is part of life. This is an experience. You can easily fix everything. You will be able to achieve your goals. All this is real if you stop listening to people who clearly do not do you good, and also say “no” to self-doubt.

Take responsibility for your life

To become strong, you need to be a responsible person. This is something that many young people often run away from. Responsibility requires the recognition of one's mistakes, actions, participation in some process, and then correct all the negative consequences. But many are used to pretending that they have not seen anything and do not know anything, which avoids the need to correct the situation.

If you stop being afraid, stop running away, start taking responsibility, then you will become much stronger. Responsibility forces you to face situations, not to run away from them, to solve and correct. If you fix problems that arise, then become.

Strength is the confidence that you can do anything and get through anything. How can this be understood if, in fact, you are running away from problems?

Help people

A person becomes strong when he helps other people. He, firstly, tries his hand and understands what he is capable of. Secondly, he makes the world a better place, which gives even more enthusiasm and strength.

Help your loved ones. Remember those situations when you helped out your friends, relatives and relatives. What feelings filled you? How did other people react to your help? A smile is a worthy price to do a good deed. If you know that your help will benefit the other person, then act. And you will be pleased that you turned out to be a useful person, and other people will be pleased that someone cares about them.

Don't be lazy. Help and enjoy. There are moments when you feel like doing nothing, although you understand that the other person needs your help. But think for yourself, what would you think if you knew that you are denied help just because they are lazy? You may not be offended, but you will no longer have any pleasant thoughts and impulses towards those people who extol their laziness above helping their neighbor.

Your help pleases the person you are helping. Your help is especially useful when you are 100% sure that you are doing the right thing. For example, you have been asked for help, or you know that a person cannot do without something, so you want to eliminate his discomfort. Help and enjoy. You yourself will be pleased that you are not only making someone happy, but simply being a useful person. Moreover, people remember your help, so they are happy to help you when they see that you need something.

Don't ask for pity

Do you want to be pitied? Now think about whether a strong and self-confident person wants to be pitied. You do not need to do and act in such a way that you are pitied. Undoubtedly, it is pleasant when you are sympathized, you are surrounded by warmth, care and love. But after all, they pity you, considering you a frightened, defenseless and helpless person. Is that how you want to look in the eyes of others?

Pity does not suit a strong man. Moreover, whether you cause pity or not, this is a clear indicator of whether you have become an independent person or not. An adult does not cause pity. He tries to cope with his emotions, problems and questions himself, because only in this way can he achieve mature responsibility, understanding of the situation and experience, which will allow him to more easily and quickly resolve any disputes in the future.

Pity does not suit a strong man. You are either weak, which makes you feel sorry, or strong, which can in no way cause pity, but only admiration or envy. Therefore, choose how you want to appear in the eyes of others. After all, in accordance with your behavior, people treat you differently. People communicate with a strong person on an equal footing, ask for his help, advice, he is respected and appreciated. No one listens to a person who needs to be pitied (after all, he himself needs help), they try to communicate as little as possible (so as not to waste energy on sympathy again), sometimes they hate him (because he demands, but does not give anything in return). Accordingly, it is up to you to choose, and then reap the fruits of the results to which all your efforts were directed.

What will ultimately make you stronger?

To become a strong person, just start setting goals and achieving them. Your goals will give you energy and strength. It remains now to use their resources. Eliminate all fears and doubts to take advantage of your opportunities.

A strong person is an acquired quality. Many will say that it all depends on temperament and genetic predisposition. We will say that strength depends solely on a person who develops and does everything in order to be successful.

We all reach a critical point in life when our psychological strength is tested. It can be problems with friends or colleagues, a difficult job or a difficult relationship. Whatever the challenge, you need to stay strong and take action if you want to move on. Sounds simple. Everyone wants to have good friends, a good job and a good family. But in reality, this is difficult to achieve. Such is human psychology. It is difficult for us to continue to fight when the result is not obvious. Not everyone can break the pattern of behavior and start moving in a completely different direction. That is why truly strong people stand out in the crowd.
What for the rest is an insurmountable barrier, for them is only a test that can be overcome. You can be that person too! You just need to acquire habits that strengthen your psychological strength. The hallmarks of strong people are traits that you can develop in yourself.

Emotional intellect

Psychological strength is determined by emotional intelligence. You cannot be a strong psychological person if you do not understand negative emotions, do not know how to manage them and achieve a productive result against all odds. The moments in which your psychological strength is tested also test your emotional intelligence. It is a flexible skill that you can develop with conscious effort. All the most successful people have high emotional intelligence. It is relatively rare: only thirty-six percent of people are able to recognize what emotions they are experiencing.

Self confidence

A mentally strong person knows that his beliefs greatly influence whether he succeeds. It's not just a matter of motivation, it's a fact. Researchers have found that more confident people earn more and move up the corporate ladder faster. True confidence is always noticeable, it is not to be confused with the false one that people use to hide their fears. Psychologically strong people are able to inspire others with their confidence, so everything in their life is going better.

Ability to refuse

Scientists have found that those people who find it difficult to refuse others experience more stress. Psychological strength allows you to refuse when it is appropriate. You just lack the self-esteem and communication skills to get your rejection across. A strong person does not disguise refusal with uncertainty, he refuses calmly. He understands that this gives him the opportunity to perform those tasks that are interesting to him. In addition, psychological strength helps to deny yourself. Such a person does not want to act impulsively.

Ability to neutralize problem people

Dealing with unpleasant people is difficult for most of us. A morally strong person knows how to control communication with toxic interlocutors and monitors his own emotions. He does not allow anger or irritation to rule the situation. In addition, a strong person is always able to understand someone else's point of view and find a common language. Even when the situation gets out of hand, moral strength helps to stay on the sidelines and not let negativity ruin your life.

Ability to accept change

Mentally strong people are flexible and adapt easily. They know that the fear of change only hinders and becomes an obstacle to success. Such a person is ready for change and easily creates a plan of action. Only when you are ready for change do you get the good out of it. You must be open to what is happening, and this will help you.

Prepare for failure

Moral strength helps to cope with failure, because such a person understands that it is impossible without mistakes. Mistakes help you move towards success. Sometimes the biggest breakthrough comes in a moment of desperation.

The ability not to live in the past

A mentally strong person knows that what he focuses on determines his emotional state. If you think only about the problems that surround you, you suffer from negative emotions and stress, which reduces your productivity. If you focus on actions that will help you improve yourself and your situation, you will feel more positive and productive. Moral strength helps to distance yourself from your mistakes, but not to forget them.

Lack of desire to compare yourself to others

A morally strong person does not evaluate everyone around him. He does not need to humiliate someone to feel his own importance. Envy and regret deprive you of energy for life. Instead of wasting time on them, learn to appreciate those around you and learn from them. When you respect someone else's success, you only win.

Regular workouts

Research has shown that people who exercise twice a week feel more socially, intellectually, and physically competent. They value themselves higher and raise their self-esteem. Finally, physical changes in the body help them to be more confident, and this is the key to moral strength. It turns out that if you want to become mentally stronger, start training your body!

Enough sleep

The importance of sleep for moral strength cannot be overemphasized. When you sleep, the brain gets rid of toxic proteins that are by-products of neural activity. It only happens in dreams. If you don't rest, proteins stay in your brain cells and stop you from thinking. A mentally strong person knows that his self-control and focus suffer from a lack of rest, so sleep is his priority. Keep this in mind and always try to allow yourself to rest.

Positive attitude towards what is going on

If you follow the news, it becomes clear that war, cruelty and failure do not stop. It seems like the world is collapsing. Who knows, maybe it really is. But you should not panic if you cannot control what is happening. Instead, focus your energy on your own productivity. This will allow you to successfully move forward and not succumb to negative thoughts. This approach distinguishes a strong psychological person.

This power is manifested both in what we do and in what we choose not to do. The point is to respond to the emotions that arise in a healthy and productive way. What qualities distinguish psychologically strong people?

1. They are self-sufficient

They have a clear and developed sense of their own "I". They are not codependent, not prone to manipulation or control. They know how to solve their own problems. They are not afraid of solitude, but they are not afraid of the company of people either. They do not want to be "rescued" and do not themselves try to "rescue" and radically change others.

They don't need others to deal with their emotions, and they don't take out their emotions on others either.

2. They have healthy self-esteem

Sometimes healthy high self-esteem is confused with narcissism, which is characterized by false self-confidence, disrespect for others, a tendency to manipulate others, the pursuit of signs of status, money, fame, power, etc.

At the same time, a psychologically strong person does not overestimate, but also does not underestimate his self-esteem. He knows and accepts his strengths and weaknesses well. He knows how to evaluate himself, so he does not depend on other people's compliments, and calmly reacts to criticism.

3. They actively act, not passively wait.

They realize that they are in charge of their own lives. If problems arise, they weigh all possible options and make a decision.

A passive person in such situations usually feels overstressed or alienated and as a result becomes paralyzed and incapable of action. Those who are used to reacting to what is happening usually do it automatically, instead of making deliberate decisions. People who are prone to passivity or automatic reactions most often do not realize at all what decisions they are making.

Strong and active people are well aware of their own emotions, thoughts and motives. They love life, despite the challenges it brings.

4. They think rationally and live in the present

They see reality as it is, with the help of reason, logic, observation and common sense. Irrational people, in turn, even if they reason logically, still come to conclusions that seem reasonable to them, but objectively turn out to be very short-sighted or simply absurd.

Strong personalities are able to accept reality without deceiving themselves or losing control of their emotions. They are in the present moment, not dwelling on the past or worrying endlessly about the future.

5. They are “emotionally intelligent” and able to look inside themselves.

Strong people are well aware of their own emotions. They know how they feel, why, and what meaning these experiences have in the context of their lives.

They avoid hustle and bustle. Able to pause and think about everything that happens in the inner and outer world. They make decisions based on their true feelings and real circumstances. They are able to overcome old mental traumas in order to grow and develop further.

6. They have developed empathy and compassion

Psychologically strong people understand themselves well, thanks to which they are able to understand others. Empathy does not necessarily mean that they always agree with others or approve of their actions. But they understand well how people feel, what they think and why they behave the way they do. Since they are aware of the experiences of other people, they are always ready to show sympathy for those who are really hurt.

7. They are adaptable

The ability to adapt is one of the most useful qualities in life. They are able to quickly adapt to change and keep their cool in an unexpected or unpleasant situation. Since unpleasant surprises are inevitable in life, the ability to adapt gives a great boost of confidence. Therefore, strong people, although they think about possible unpredictable situations, do not worry too much about this, because they know that if something happens, they will cope with everything.

8. They know what is up to them and what is not, and they recognize this fact.

Strong people know that many things do not depend on them. The desire to completely control everything is a sign of chronic anxiety and insecurity. They are well aware of what they can control and what they can't. By stopping focusing on what is beyond their control, they discover new opportunities for themselves and become happier.

9. They focus on their lives

Instead of worrying about what is out of their control or making grandiose plans, strong personalities try to live as healthy and conscious lives as possible.

They do not play social games and prefer not to associate with those who are prone to it. Do not follow any ideology, do not become fanatical followers of social, political or philosophical ideas. They do not try to change everyone around them to suit their taste. They don't care what their neighbor thinks or what he does wrong. They do not follow others on social networks and do not start disputes and scandals with them.

Instead, they actively improve their own lives, starting with themselves and their immediate environment and not showing aggression towards others.

10. They admit that no one owes them anything.

If they want something, they must take the initiative themselves to achieve it. They accept the fact that life is not always fair and everyone has different starting conditions. But it does not follow from this that one can treat others unfairly.

11. They are ready to help others.

At a fundamental level, everyone is responsible for their own life. No one is obligated to help others if they don't want to. By default, we owe nothing to anyone, just as no one owes us anything. Mentally strong people care about others and are willing to help.

But helping others for them is an act of kindness, not a duty. They are ready to help, but at the same time they do not take responsibility for someone else's well-being, just like they do not shift responsibility for their own lives to anyone. They are generous and caring, but they are not tormented by guilt and false responsibility.

12. They maintain healthy relationships

Healthy relationships are based on established boundaries. Strong personalities treat others fairly, that is, they love and respect those who deserve it, do not waste resources (time, money, energy) on "toxic" people and are not ready to tolerate their inappropriate behavior.

At the same time, when faced with unhealthy attitudes or "toxic" behavior, they consciously decide how best to respond, rather than succumb to the influence of emotions or just passively accept what happened. They regularly re-evaluate their relationships with others and draw certain conclusions that help them maintain the boundaries they have set.

13. They don't try to please everyone.

Whoever you are, there will always be people who dislike you. You can't say that you like absolutely everything, can you? Likewise, you cannot please everyone. Psychologically strong people do not treat anyone unfairly or aggressively, but at the same time they know that there will inevitably be those who will criticize or reject them - and this is normal.

14. They know how to say "no"

A strong person knows when to say no. He understands where his zone of emotional responsibility ends and the zone of responsibility of another begins.

He can stand up for himself without any problems and has learned well that the answer to violations of boundaries, aggression or unfair treatment is best of all with a firm “no”. He does not experience any guilt or shame in connection with this, on the contrary, it gives him a feeling of freedom.

about the author

Darius Cekanavichus - writer, traveller, counseling psychologist and coach. More details on his website.

Life is a series of stories, and each person in the baggage of experience has unique cases that are unlikely to have happened to anyone else. Such moments are definitely not exclusively good or bad. Everything is mixed. But if a person begins to realize that there are more and more bad moments in his life, then the time has come to change something. And you need to start such changes in your head.

Every person has power

In fact, you should not think that we are all subject to fate and will never be able to change anything. Each person is a master of the situation, with the power to create exactly the kind of life that he wants to create. Psychologically strong people have developed a skill that helps them in building a life model - they have learned to train and temper their emotions. It turns out that human emotions are akin to the muscles of the body: the more you train them, the stronger they become.

Our article is dedicated to 17 things that emotionally strong people never do. Let's start a useful introduction.

Don't ask for attention

1. A confident person never needs another dose of attention from other people. Strong people do not allow themselves to constantly be in the center of events, because they are already comfortable.

Pay no attention to envious people and skeptics

2. Self-confidence is good for dealing with the anger of haters and the doubts of naysayers and simply cannot drag a person down. If you weed out such a negative environment from yourself, then you can easily avoid unwanted influences. Therefore, it is very important to arrange your environment from benevolent people.

Don't stop believing in yourself

3. The most important quality in a confident person is an inexhaustible belief in one's own strength, no matter what happens on the path of life. There are qualities that seem to feed self-confidence - this is courage, curiosity and constancy and faith. It is faith, undeniable and indisputable, that helps to conquer any height.

Don't be afraid to love

4. Many people are able to close their hearts for fear of rejection. An emotionally strong person will not be afraid to experience a feeling that in itself can become a great driving force. The name of this feeling is love. Love that can break down barriers and improve the world. In order to find this great feeling, you just need to open your heart.

Know how to take a break

5. It's okay to allow yourself to take the necessary time out in business. When there is a purposeful upward movement, gradually the forces can dry up. Therefore, any person, no matter what his goals are, needs to take a break for a good rest, after which he will be able to set off on a further journey with tripled energy.

You can't be a victim of circumstance

6. Emotionally strong people refuse to be led by circumstances, defend their interests to the end and, in spite of everything, do not give up. It is also important to be able to let go of the past that has a negative trace from your life and focus your energy on current goals.

be able to refuse

7. Never be afraid to say no. Just put in your head the idea that you have such a right and without explanation. People may ask you for a lot, but you must focus on your priorities.

Accept challenges as an opportunity for personal growth

8. Emotionally strong people see the problems that have piled up not as punishment from heaven, not as trials, but as an additional opportunity for personal growth. In addition, when solving problems, people gain knowledge and invaluable experience, which will help to avoid similar situations in the future.

Do only what you really want

9. If you are weighed down by a baggage of obligations that make you a deeply unhappy person, get rid of it without regret. Emotional balance can bring much more benefits. For a person to be happy means doing things you love and things that bring moral satisfaction.

Happiness means choice

10. To be happy or not depends only on the person himself. After all, the given choice is happiness. A fulfilled, emotional, meaningful life is what a happy person strives for.

Don't waste time

11. Life is short, and if precious minutes are wasted, it begins to lose its meaning. If a person comes to the understanding that every day must be spent as if it were his last day, then everything will change overnight.

Don't be afraid to ask for help

12. None of the people, even the greatest in the history of mankind, did not do without the help of others. If a person firmly understands that there are no omnipotent, and pride is a vice that stands in the way of a goal, then he will begin to seek help in difficult times. After all, this is what emotionally strong people do.

Don't look for a way back

13. Undoubtedly, a strong person will never look for excuses for one or another of his actions, and even more so he will not take the path leading in the opposite direction. Flaws should not destroy self-consciousness. Of course, they cannot be completely eradicated, but it is quite possible to find ways to improve the situation.

Work a little harder than the rest

14. To achieve a result, successful people spend a little more time than the standard 8 hour work day, and put in a little more effort than others.

Don't react to things that don't matter

15. Most people are used to getting angry over trifles and overreacting painfully to things that don't really matter. Charles Swindoll once said that life is only "10% of what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it." Do you feel how the blood boils in your veins because of another trifle? Just take a deep breath and think, is it really that important?

Don't settle for a mediocre life

16. No emotionally strong person has ever accepted a mediocre life, but has always strived to achieve greatness.

Never give up

17. Whatever happens, never give up. Face adversity right in the face and learn from your mistakes. This is what will give you the strength to deal with new problems.