The history of the painting in turnip driver valya. Essay-interview “All sorts of professions are important” (based on the painting B

This picture painted by the wonderful artist Vera Alexandrovna Repka in 1971. The canvas is very alive with the main character. We see a fragile girl sitting behind the wheel of a trolleybus or bus. Her youth and Russian beauty attracts our attention. One can feel the grace of her long fingers and the strength of her hands, which confidently holds the steering wheel. It immediately becomes clear that she is a fairly experienced driver and has keen eye And strong hands. There is no tension from the seriousness of her situation and there is no nervous tension, because she is driving such a huge transport.

The young girl's gaze is directed at the road and her face is focused on the movement of the bus. She does not allow herself to be distracted by extraneous sounds. The posture is confident. It is immediately clear that this girl herself is very serious and with her attitude to life, there are no notes of frivolity.

This work was written at a time when women had equal rights with men. Everything was equal: work, everyday life, and life. They could stand behind the machine and even sit behind the wheel of a construction vehicle. All of this is reflected in her desire to fit in with the world around her, proving that women can wash strong and independent.

Vera Aleksandrovna very accurately portrayed the girl’s youth and the trust of society in the lives of people in this bus or trolleybus. She is a role model. Her grace attracts our gaze. After all, she did not become a cook or a teacher, but became a serious driver.

Outside the window of the vehicle we see the beautiful nature of autumn. Although you feel the coolness and grayness of the sky, the impression of the picture remains the most pleasant. The lack of sunlight, as well as bad weather, does not spoil the girl’s mood in any way. The girl’s main task is to bring passengers to their destination in comfortable conditions.

The whole picture is very natural and natural, which speaks of the reality of the moment. Its beautiful dark hair collected in a high ponytail. Her work is not interfered with by jewelry, and there is not an ounce of cosmetics. Everything is very gentle and attractive.

Description of the painting by Turnip Driver Valya

The canvas “Driver Valya” is dedicated to a woman in a difficult profession. This young girl is not just a driver, she is a trolleybus driver. Being a trolleybus driver is much more difficult than just being a bus or car driver. After all, the trolleybus driver has two roads, and they are parallel to each other - this is the road itself along which the car travels, and the trolleys in the air on which the rods are located. After all, the trolleybus runs on electricity. You can see how the girl, sitting behind the wheel of her heavy car, is attentive and tense, because if she makes the wrong move, the car will stop.

Looking at this painting, you understand how fascinated the author was with this girl, that he even dedicated this painting to her.

The main plan of the picture is occupied by the girl Valya. This girl gets up very early, at about four in the morning, and then all day long she drives her trolleybus along the route and carries passengers who are rushing about their business. This girl was captured at the moment when she needed to take a responsible action. Her hands are on the steering wheel, ready to turn it in the right direction. Her gaze is carefully fixed on the road. After all, the situation on the road changes every second and she must keep the whole situation under control. By her appearance we can say that she is modest, but at the same time brave and fearless, able to accept the right decision at any moment.

Her dark brown hair is pulled back into a simple ponytail to keep her hair from distracting her from her work. Her head is raised up, emphasizing her slender posture. She doesn't have long nails because her nails interfere with her work. She doesn't have any makeup on. If I met this girl on the street, judging by her appearance, I would never have thought that this fragile girl drives such a big car.

In the trolleybus cabin large windows that give good review all the way. Trees with already yellowed foliage flash through the windows, which means autumn has already arrived. It's cool outside, as the heroine is wearing a white sweater with a diamond pattern and denim pants. The driver's seat is covered with a fur cover brown. Outside the window, a road rearview mirror is attached to a mount.

The artist managed to convey her thoughts to the viewer. She noticed the simplest details of life. A person is already accustomed to what surrounds him, but thanks to this picture you look at things differently.

Option 3

Each era dictated its own canons of beauty in the depiction of the fair sex. We admire the marble bodies of the Renaissance, the delicate and at the same time restrained portraits of beauties of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and now a completely different image of the true female beauty. Soviet era did not make specific boundaries between men and women, so the latter, along with the former, stood at the machine at the factory, worked in the mines, and this, on the contrary, gave female image even greater attractiveness, without depriving it of its mystery, sophistication and charm.

The heroine of V. Repka’s film “Driver Valya” appears before us as just such a beautiful worker. A very young girl, seemingly barely out of school, so skillfully handles a huge trolleybus. She confidently holds the huge steering wheel of the vehicle, preparing to carry out a new maneuver. In the cabin, part of its seat and rear view mirror are also visible.

Outside the trolleybus window we see several trees, their foliage is yellow, which means it’s autumn. The driver’s clothing tells us the same thing: a warm white sweater with black patterns. The girl is depicted in profile, her dark brown hair is gathered in a tight high ponytail, which allows her to simultaneously show off her beauty and not interfere with her immediate work. Her face expresses puzzlement about the current situation, only her snub nose adds a small amount of mischief and childishness to her entire image. Her lips are pursed and her gaze is focused and forward, all of which suggests that her entire focus is on getting her passengers safely to their destination. It would seem that fragile hands, with thin fingers, demonstrate the strength of our heroine, as they are tense in at the moment, because the life of a dozen passengers in the cabin depends on her grip.

Despite what it would seem to lead public transport- not exactly a woman’s job, it would be more common to see her at a weaving loom or school board, however, Valya feels quite comfortable, and most importantly, confident in this role. V. Repka, through the depiction of his heroine, managed to convey the mentality of the Soviet era, when every member of society worked for the common good of the people, not at all disdaining various types of work, trying to bring maximum benefit, regardless of gender.

For 8th grade

Description of the mood of the painting Turnip - Driver Valya

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In this article we will get acquainted with short biography Ukrainian talented artist Repka Vera Alexandrovna, one of famous works which is the canvas “Driver Valya”. The essay on the picture is written in free form.

Brief biography of the artist

In the summer of 1942, the future artist, master of portrait and landscape genres, Vera Aleksandrovna Andrievskaya, was born in sunny Feodosia. In Crimean art school the young talented artist received her education in the 60s. 1964 became a fateful year for Vera: she married the Honored Artist of Ukraine Repka Sergei Nikanorovich.

The artist’s personal exhibitions were held in Kyiv. Also, the paintings were presented in countries far and near abroad: Canada, Japan, Germany, and the United States of America. The painting “Driver Valya” by V. A. Repka was painted in 1971.

Detailed description of the painting

Presented to your attention is a painting from the Soviet era, written by the talented Vera Aleksandrovna Repka - “Driver Valya”. An essay based on the painting will reflect the era of socialism.

Life does not stand still, the world is constantly changing and developing, striking in its diversity. It’s the same in art: looking at the paintings of masters different eras, I would like to note how people change. The beauties of the past are gone curvaceous, ladies in tight corsets, languid young ladies in shady gazebos. Vera Alexandrovna’s work took place in the 60-80s; in those days, Soviet girls no longer aspired to be only housewives, but actively mastered male professions, an example of this is the work “Driver Valya”.

V. A. Repki touches on similar points. The canvas depicts a girl driving a trolleybus. Her gaze is directed forward, she is attentive and collected. Thin girlish hands hold the steering wheel of a heavy car. The profile of the heroine of the picture is beautiful, clearly defined. Her dark hair is pulled back into a high ponytail. A serious and strict girl chose a black and white sweater that suits her very well. She looks like a chess queen. An essay based on the painting “Driver Valya” should reflect the spirit of the Soviet era. The girl sits in the driver's seat, confident and calm. It is clear that she likes her work and feels in her place.

The master wanted to convey her thoughts to the viewer by portraying a girl who has mastered a male profession. Behind the external fragility lies a strong, strong-willed personality. Outside the trolleybus window it’s autumn, you can see trees dressed in yellow foliage. In general, the landscape is boring, gray and monotonous. Only the girl’s beautiful profile and her intense gaze refresh the picture and fill the canvas with energy. We see that the author treats his heroine with warmth and admiration.

Impressions received from viewing the painting

The power of art is enormous. It is she who makes you see something unusual and surprising in everyday life. We are in a hurry about our business and do not pay attention to what is happening. And thanks to art we can enjoy the real, real world around us and appreciate its beauty.

It is this idea that is reflected in the essay on the painting “Driver Valya”. 8th grade of school is exactly the age when children begin to think about future profession. Driving a trolleybus is a girl, our contemporary, who is doing her usual thing. This is the driver Valya. An essay based on a painting by Vera Repka makes you think about many things: the rhythm of life, the power of art, evokes very warm and positive emotions.

Conclusion. Bottom line

Summing up, I would like to note that it is thanks to this work that the viewer can see something new and special in familiar landscapes, see differently everyday life big city. An essay based on the painting “Valya the Driver” is not particularly difficult to write. The main thing is to correctly follow the structure of the text (introduction, main part, conclusion) and competently and comprehensively present on paper your vision of what the artist has written.

The master of his craft managed to convey his thoughts to the viewer and make him think about many things. This is the whole power of art, and it is impossible to argue with it.

At all times there were different ideals of women. At one time, artists praised the curvaceous female form, and at another, the exquisite beauty of slender high society ladies. In the painting “Driver Valya” there is another, Soviet era. At this time, women did not strive to be housewives, but wanted to work equally with men. They mastered those areas of activity in which only men were previously involved. So the girl Valya, the heroine of the picture, works as a trolleybus driver.

All of her appearance says that she is a serious, brave and fearless girl. Her dark hair is pulled back into a high ponytail. This hairstyle does not interfere with her work. The head is raised, the lips are compressed, and the gaze is fixed on the road. She always monitors the situation on the road and is ready to find a way out of any situation. Her thin graceful female hands confidently hold the steering wheel and turn the steering wheel in the desired direction.

The girl’s severity is emphasized by a black and white sweater with geometric pattern. The driver holds his back straight and proud, apparently, Valya likes this profession. With such a serious and diligent driver, passengers need not be afraid of anything. The trolleybus has a large rear-view mirror, looking into which the girl assesses the situation on the road.

The driver's cabin has large windows that provide a view of the entire road. In the windows you can see trees whose leaves are already turning yellow, which means it’s autumn time. And Valya’s sweater indicates that the weather is cool. The young girl is so thin and graceful that if you meet her on the street, you won’t believe that she works as a driver. It feels like she just recently graduated from school, she is so young and graceful. She has a beautiful, clearly defined profile, a slightly upturned nose and brown eyes. She is a real Russian beauty and this does not at all fit with a man’s job as a driver.

Since ancient times, artists have glorified ladies with white hands and curvaceous figures, socialites in beautiful dresses, the most best women Russia. V. Repka’s painting “Driver Valya” was painted in more late era when our country was part Soviet Union. It depicts a simple girl who became a public transport driver.

In the foreground of the picture is a girl - a trolleybus driver. The girl holds the large steering wheel of the vehicle with both hands. She is wearing a light sweater and her hair is in a ponytail. Her facial expressions, with her nose raised with pride, indicate that the girl really loves her job. In addition, she keeps her back straight. The girl's serious gaze is directed into the distance. It can be seen that she closely monitors the road situation to ensure the safety of her passengers. Valya is a fragile and thin girl, but nevertheless, she works on a par with many men of her time.

In the painting, the artist depicts a hardworking girl who is not afraid to get up early in the morning and carry passengers all day. She contributes to society, which was one of the core values ​​of the Soviet era.

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Women of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries are women who have left the image of a housewife in the past, because they actively began to work, work, and, moreover, on an equal basis with men, occupying leadership positions. Women not only began to work, doing unexceptional work, getting a job, for example, as a cleaner, but began to conquer male professions. Vera Repka’s painting “Valya the Driver” is good proof of this.

Painting Turnip Driver Valya

Here is a painting by V. Repka “Driver Valya”. Just by the title, everyone understands that the picture depicts a female driver. Once upon a time this was not acceptable, but not today. Today, girls and women confidently turn the wheel and have proven to all men that they are in charge. vehicle no worse, and sometimes even better.
The girl Valya is wearing a warm sweater with a geometric print, which means the weather is cool outside. Most likely, it's autumn outside. Although the trees have not yet shed their leaves, they are already preparing for this. Valya has her hair tied up in a ponytail; she did this so that nothing would interfere with her keeping an eye on the road, because here one wrong move could cause a great tragedy.

Continuing V. Repka’s “Driver Valya,” I would like to note the beauty of the girl depicted. The picture depicts a pretty, fragile girl, whose image does not fit with the image of the driver. She should be sitting in the office now, however, the girl likes the profession of a driver, so she happily turns the steering wheel and controls the trolleybus. Her eyes are focused on the road, and her hands firmly hold the steering wheel, so she is ready to react at any moment so that her passengers are delivered safe and sound. But this is how it will be, because with such a serious and responsible employee, who is also very handsome, it cannot be otherwise.

The picture leaves positive emotions. Familiar pictures of the city flash before your eyes in the windows, and at every stop passengers who are in a hurry to run errands eagerly await their trolleybus.

Concluding the description of Repka’s painting “Driver Valya,” I would like to write famous phrase from the film: “it’s not the work that makes the man, but the man’s work,” besides, a woman driving once again proves that a profession has no gender, no boundaries, it’s important to have a goal, aspiration, desire, and then a person will submit to any profession.