The difference between epics and folk tales. How does an epic differ from a heroic tale? Fairy tale and epic

Similarities: 1.Both fairy tales and epics existed in oral form. 2.Both genres have existed since ancient times. 1. Fairy tale - prosaic, artistic fantastic story magical or everyday character. 2. The main feature of a fairy tale is fiction. 3.Fairy tales are created in prosaic form. 4.Fairy tales were “told.” 1. Description of the exploits of heroes (epics are called heroic epic). 2. The epic is not characterized by accurate transmission historical facts, it captures historical reality in generalized images. 3.Epics have a song and poetic form. 4. The epics “said” - they sang or spoke, accompanied by the harp. Fairy tale Bylina

Originality art world epic: epic includes certain type“formulas” (“clean field”, “white tents”, “sharp spear”, “good horse”, “corner tower”, “worn tablecloths”, “silk bowstring”, “cloud walker”), on the basis of which much of the construction epic verse: Beginning (indicates the time and place of action) Ending Repetitions Exaggerations (hyperbole) No rhyme (impedes the natural flow of speech)

1. Answer the questions of the test offered to you (see. handout). 2. Write a mini-essay (based on the painting “Bogatyrs” by V.M. Vasnetsov) “ Epic heroes as an expression of the national idea of ​​heroes." 3. Compose quotation plan the epic “Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber”, based on its structural parts. Departure of Ilya Muromets from Murom to Kyiv Victory in the first battle The story of the Chernigov residents about the Nightingale the Robber Meeting with the Nightingale the Robber Victory of Ilya Muromets Meeting of Ilya Muromets with Prince Vladimir Doubts of Prince Vladimir Two orders to the Nightingale the Robber Reprisal against the Nightingale the Robber

Fairy tales, epics. Probably everyone has them, even a very small population. IN Ancient Rus', for example, is of paramount importance in oral creativity people have fairy tales and epics. Similarities and differences between the forms are certainly found, although both are initially perceived as oral works, the author of which is the people. What's the difference? Let's find out!

Fairy tale and epic. Similarities and differences

According to the classification of researchers, they cover and contain various areas of culture and differ in the aesthetics of needs and perceptions. Let's look at the similarities and differences in more detail.

Definition of V. G. Belinsky

Russian classic literary criticism very subtly defined in his statements and epics the similarities and differences of these forms in literature. In the poem (epic), the author seems to express respect for the subject of the description. He always places it on some kind of high pedestal and wants to awaken in his listeners the same reverence. In a fairy tale, the poet’s goal is to occupy the attention of the reader or listener, to amuse, entertain. So, in the first case we have the importance of the narrative, the absence of irony and jokes, and sometimes pathos. In the second, the narrator internally laughs at his story, as if not believing what he is talking about, which is especially typical for many Russian fairy tales.

What's the difference?

The similarities and differences between fairy tales and epics can be identified at several key points. The fairy tale is mostly based on fiction. The epic has a completely different display. The very name “epic” reveals the author’s attitude to what is being described as to realities. That is, this is what happened, but in ancient times immemorial (one more characteristic popular name similar works- antiquity, that is, what was in ancient times).

Where do the events take place?

In classical epics, actions almost always take place in Rus'. In a fairy tale, events can take place in a certain kingdom, the thirtieth state (but this is not necessary).


The fairy tale reflects the appearance of Russian people from a moral point of view, their way of life and ideals, the fight against evil in all its manifestations: real and fantastic. Considering such forms of oral folk art as fairy tales and epics, the similarities and differences between them, it must be said that the theme of the fight against evil unites both literary forms, although sometimes different types are implied. and justice, their restoration is the main idea of ​​many epics and fairy tales. Despite all the differences between the works, a rapprochement can occur among the people. This can also explain the fact that among the epics there are works that have a fairy-tale coloring and character. But some epics come even closer to fairy tales in their essence, since they have an ironic or comic tone of narration, where, due to their proximity to a fairy tale, the epic already acquires an entertaining character. But even at the same time, epics of this kind (rather atypical for Russian epic) were not purely entertaining in their genre. They expressed morals and popular thought, assessment of the actions and characters of the characters.

Epic and fairy tale: similarities and differences. Table

To better understand the topic under discussion, a small table can be provided.



Form of Russian oral folk art

Fantastic story of an everyday or magical nature

Description of the heroic deeds of heroes

Both genres have existed since ancient times

Prose work

Song-verse form

They were told, told, sung

Generalized transmission of events of deep antiquity

Originally existed only in oral form

Displayed the fight against evil and moral values

It displays the main similarities and differences literary forms folk art.

The epic and fairy tale are folklore genres, in contrast to the story, which is a strictly literary genre. This means that neither an epic nor a fairy tale has an author as such. The author in this case is considered to be consciousness; This is a kind of generalized image of the author. The author invariably accompanies the story. For example, Chekhov’s “The Bishop” or Edgar Allan Poe’s story “The Masque of the Red Death”.

The story and tale are epic. The epic, despite the epic plot, still does not lose touch with the lyrics, since it is presented in poetic form.

The time depicted in the epic is always the past. The story allows the plot to be placed at any time. The space of a fairy tale is timeless and universal.

The hero of the epic is a hero. But this is a collective image, it captures the appearance of the entire people. The heroes of a fairy tale are also collective images. This may be evidenced by the absence of any precise indication of the time and place (chronotope) of the action that is described. In addition, the names of the heroes “wander” from the fairy tale to, the names of the heroes of fairy tales about animals are accompanied constant epithets. That is, the heroes of a fairy tale are simply transferred by the popular consciousness from one plot space to another. The hero of the story is unique (mostly), an episode from his specific life becomes plot-forming.

The epic reflects certain historical events and even heroes (mainly the figure of the prince), but with a predominant share of fiction, because, despite the seemingly historical background, this component real story people are being rethought. Here the epic partially intersects with the story, which can also be reflected real facts(both modern and distant in time), familiar to the author. Otherwise, the story, being a genre of literature as special type art is fiction, another reality, intersecting, of course, with reality, but rather weakly (otherwise the essence of art as a type of activity disappears). In this, it is joined by a fairy tale, which represents unreality in its purest form and which is opposed to the epic, which admits “reality” into itself.

Bylina - this is Russian folk song about notable cases national history, epic song. Fairy tale - This interesting story O incredible adventures or events.

What are the differences?

The similarities and differences between a fairy tale and an epic exist in specific key points. As a rule, a fairy tale is based on fiction, and an epic, in turn, conveys the realities of a certain time. In other words, an epic differs from a fairy tale in that it tells about ancient times and almost all the information is reliable.

In the fairy tale, the characters do not have a direct connection with real heroes, they have an abstract meaning and the entire plot of fairy tales is a fiction in which there's a story going on about the mystical adventures of the main character, about mysterious world and other performances.

The epic specifies the heroes who played important role in historical events or received great fame due to special merits.

The epic often describes the exploits of heroes, heroes, princes, etc. IN goes like a fairy tale a narrative of a fantastic, magical or everyday nature. It is also worth noting that the fairy tale most often happens in prose work, but the epic is in song and verse form.

Many fairy tales were created as educational and entertaining stories. They were often told among close friends or among household members. Bylinas exalted heroic heroes. They were told in front of large crowds of people, in squares or in the city center.

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What are the similarities?

Fairy tales and epics are a form of Russian oral folk art. These two genres have existed since ancient times, they are very popular and famous to this day.

Initially they existed only orally. They were sung, told and told. The epic and fairy tale reflected the battle between good and evil, the generosity of the heroes and their moral values.

The fairy tale is magical story, which teaches the reader only positive things. Fairy tales are most often written in prose. Fairy tale heroes often become unusual heroes, on the way of which magical evil forces appear. In fairy tales, good always triumphs over evil.

The epic represents folk song about the adventures of heroes. In epics there is often rhyming. Distinctive feature epic is vivid description national color and historical events from the past. The basis of the plot of the epic - heroic deeds and the exploits of heroes.

What is the difference between an epic and a fairy tale?

Bylina is an epic ancient Russian song of the people, which tells about real events in history dating back to the 11th–16th centuries. The main goal epics are to tell the reader about the heroes and heroes of Ancient Rus'.

Examples of epics

    A word about Igor's regiment.

    Dobrynya and the Serpent.

    Kalin the Tsar and Ilya Muromets.

    Russian Bogatyrs.

A fairy tale is a fictional story with a fantastic, heroic or everyday character. The plot of a fairy tale, as a rule, never happened in reality. The main purpose of the fairy tale is to teach younger generation and instilling moral and moral standards through a fictional story.

Examples of fairy tales

    The Tale of the Priest and the Worker Balda.

  • About the white bull.

    The frog princess.

The difference between a fairy tale and an epic

    The style of narration in the epic is poetic, usually read to string accompaniment in a solemn recitative. The words and parts of the verse follow a strict sequence.

    « Sat on a white-flammable stone
    And plays the spring goosebumps.
    How the water in the lake began to shake,
    The king of the sea appeared, came out"

    The fairy tale is written and narrated usually in a conversational manner and has a free style of presentation.

    “My hut is small, small,” says the bunny. - There is nowhere for one to jump. How can I let you go, little fox? The bunny didn't let the little fox into the house. The fox appeared another time and began to walk. I decided to go to the bunny every day.”

    In epics, such techniques as triple repetition, hyperbole, synonymous words, and frequent epithets are often used.

    For those, for your great deeds, for your game, for your tender, most tender.

    Fairy tales usually use traditional tropes. Template beginnings. (Once upon a time. In a certain kingdom. Baba Yaga bone leg. Pull, pull.)

    The epic is most often written in the genre of folk epic song.

    A fairy tale is usually a narrative epic genre.

    In epics, as a rule, the character and event were indeed copied from previously living heroes. (Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich).

    A fairy tale always describes a fictional story, event or character. Often a fairy tale has an absolutely fantastic character. (Frog Princess, flying ship, Little Humpbacked Horse.