Lesson summary on the topic of singers of Russian antiquity. History of Russian folk song

Presentation for the music lesson “Singers of Russian Antiquity” 3rd grade Performed by Dzhanetta Gennadievna Bashkirova, music teacher of the Municipal Budget Educational Institution Ozernenskaya Secondary School No. 1, Smolensk Region


to the music world

Ancient Rus'

1. Bayan in painting

2. Bayan in music

4. The nature of the lead music

Bayan's chorus from the opera

5. Songs of guslar Sadko

6. “Oh, you dark oak tree!”

7. “Is it the height, the height under heaven”

8. Game “Ask a question!”

V.M. Vasnetsov "Bayan"

The film is dedicated to the period of formation of the Russian state. The princes and their retinue had to fight the invaders.

M.I. Glinka

Things of days gone by

deep legends!

About the glory of the Russian land

rattle, golden strings,

like our grandfathers are daring

They went to Constantinople to fight.

May peace descend upon their graves!

Sing to us, sweet singer,

Good things are followed by sorrows, and sorrow is the guarantee of joy!

We created nature together

Belbog and gloomy Chernobog!

Bayan's chorus from the opera

M.I. Glinka

"Ruslan and Ludmila"

"Things of Bygone Days"

What do you imagine when listening to this music?

What is her character like?

Songs of the guslar Sadko

from the opera by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov "Sadko"

ON THE. Rimsky-Korsakov

“Play, my little geese!”

“Oh, you dark oak tree!”

Oh, you dark oak tree!

Oh, you dark oak tree! Make way, give me a path: Through the fog, a burning tear, I don’t see the white light. Wake up, cane-tree, Wake up Ilmen-lake! People no longer need my spring goose birds. Listen, you, shifting wave, you, wide expanse of land, about my bitter fate and about my cherished thought.

Is it the height, the height of heaven!

SADKO (sings on the ship).

Is it the height, the height of heaven,

Depth, depth - the ocean-sea, Wide expanse throughout the entire earth, Deep are the pools of the Dnieper.

As if from across the sea, the blue sea, Thirty ships ran out, And thirty ships and one ship of Young Nightingale Budimirovich. The ships are well decorated, and the Falcon is the most beautiful ship of all. Like on that ship, Young Nightingale Budimirovich is sitting at a conversation. The ships are decorated, and the Falcon is the most beautiful ship of all.

Conversation is a place under a canopy on a ship.

Nightingale Budimirovich is an epic hero who, like Sadko, sailed across distant seas.

“Play, my little geese!”

“Oh, you dark oak tree!”

“Is it the height, the height under heaven!”

Bayan's chorus from which opera?

What opera are these songs from? Who is their performer?

Game “Ask a question!”


  • Frame http://www.playcast.ru/uploads/2015/03/26/12841421.png
  • Treble clef and sheet music http://www.playcast.ru/uploads/2014/12/28/11308945.png
  • Flower http://www.clipartbest.com/cliparts/xTg/6Mp/xTg6Mpnbc.png
  • Vasnetsov V.M. "Accordion" https://otvet.imgsmail.ru/download/u_057f4811707de380c054dfece0f39fb1_800.jpg
  • M.I. Glinka portrait https://otvet.imgsmail.ru/download/233411100_48cfec46e09a4140e553d8029d8bbc87_800.jpg
  • Bayan from the opera M.I. Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila" https://image.jimcdn.com/app/cms/image/transf/dimension=312x10000:format=jpg/path/s9d2dfce0d87a6c57/image/i3a23e9f8320643ee/version/1361218107/image.jpg
  • Things from days gone by http://musical-fantasy.rf/files/pictures/lesson-dela-davno-minuvshih-dney.jpg
  • Notes https://studfiles.net/html/2706/520/html_iuHTkKBTB2.ubZX/img-AXWOqS.jpg
  • Lyrics of Bayan's first song http://webkind.ru/text/596747346_6879p656415493_text_pesni_dela_davno_minuvshih_dnej.html
  • Portrait of N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov http://free-classic.ru/pics/posters/rimsky-korsakov.jpg
  • Sheet music of Sadko's song https://ds01.infourok.ru/uploads/ex/0e52/00008381-b04211ca/img7.jpg
  • Sadko http://unpictures.ru/images/1777842_sadko-v-kartinkah.jpg
  • Guslyar http://cs314221.vk.me/v314221754/5e82/v7vyPCIfAV8.jpg
  • Parchment http://boombob.ru/img/picture/May/12/cbdb0cf2fe3656351a1f8126b91720b8/mini_2.jpg
  • Narrator http://cyberlik.pro/image/cache/catalog/Russ-muz/89/14-700x700.jpg
  • Oh, you dark oak forest “Sadko” http://s0.cn.ru/data/images/imgs/2009/11/22/2167/2167630.jpg
  • Lyrics of the song “Oh, you dark oak forest” http://www.tekstipesen.ru/song.php?id=7023472
  • Sadko 2 http://www.museikino.ru/upload/resize_cache/iblock/20b/1000_360_0/20b9e7cec66ab04107c50bcaa9801160.jpg
  • Kritskaya E.D Textbook “Music 3rd grade” - Moscow “Enlightenment” 2014
  • Petukhova A.A. “Technological maps of lessons” - Volgograd “Teacher” 2017
  • Accordion http://www.stihi.ru/pics/2015/08/09/5760.jpg
  • Sadko with gusli http://ped-kopilka.ru/upload/blogs2/2017/3/51515_12ec1c6a1ec2f1d059c2e3ead308c2e0.jpg.jpg
  • Lyrics of the song “Is It Height...” https://iomedia.ru/%D0%BE%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0_%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B4%D0%BA%D0%BE/4_ %D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B0_%D1%85%D0%BE%D1%80_%D0%B2%D1%8B%D1 %81%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B0/
  • Audio recording “Is it height, height...” https://ru123.iplayer.info/q/%D0%B2%D1%8B%D1%81%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B0+%D0%BB%D0%B8+%D0%B2%D1 %8B%D1%81%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%B0+%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B4%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%B1%D0%B5%D1%81 %D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F/
  • Audio recording “Oh, you dark oak tree!” https://ru123.iplayer.info/q/%D0%BE%D0%B9+%D1%82%D1%8B+%D1%82%D1%91%D0%BC%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1 %8F+%D0%B4%D1%83%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B2%D1%83%D1%88%D0%BA%D0%B0/
  • Bayan's chorus "Things of days gone by" https://muzofond.org/search/%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B0%20%D1%80%D1%83%D1%81%D0 %BB%D0%B0%D0%BD%20%D0%BB%D1%8E%D0%B4%D0%BC%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B0%20%D0%B1%D0%B0 %D1%8F%D0%BD%D0%B0
  • Sadko https://arhivurokov.ru/multiurok/html/2017/03/26/s_58d775fe2c540/img40.jpg
Resource source Template created based on frame clipart
  • https://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/3001/39663434.959/0_b1585_831d808f_M.png
  • And the capabilities of Microsoft PowerPoint 2016, Picture Manager The author of the template is teacher of Russian language and literature Nadezhda Andreevna Tikhonova, Kostanay

Subject: music 3rd grade.

Lesson topic: “Singers of Russian antiquity.”

The purpose of the lesson : reveal the essence of the expression “singers of Russian antiquity” with examples works of Russian composers (M. Glinka, N. Rimsky-Korsakov).

Educational objectives:

Training tasks

Students’ awareness of such concepts as epics and Bayan.


Development of skills to analyze musical works highlighting essential and non-essential features;

Improving choral performance skills.

Educational tasks

To cultivate respect for the values ​​of national culture, a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, the Russian people and the history of Russia.

Lesson type: lesson in discovering new knowledge

Technologies used:problem-based learning

Planned results


Forming the foundations of Russian civic identity, a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, the Russian people and the history of Russia;

Formation of an attitude towards the presence of motivation to respect cultural and spiritual values;


Mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, searching for means of its implementation in the process of mastering musical culture;

Formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate educational activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation; determine the most effective ways to achieve results in various types of musical activities;

Formable universal learning activities

Students will develop:

The ability to evaluate one’s educational activities;

Performing skills, the ability to embody the character of a song in one’s performance through singing, words, and plastic movements;

Students will learn:

Plan your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation, including in the internal plan;

Show cognitive initiative in educational cooperation;

Construct messages in oral and written form;

Adequately use communicative, primarily speech, means to solve various communicative problems, construct a monologue statement.

Subject results:

The student will learn:

Perceive music of various genres, reflect on musical works, express your attitude towards it;

Use a system of graphic signs for orientation in musical notation when singing simple melodies;

Identify types of music, compare musical images in the sound of various musical instruments;

Technologies used:problem-based learning

Basic concepts:Bayan, epic, singer-storyteller.


Basic resources: - textbook G.P. Sergeeva "Music". 3rd grade; phonochrestomathy:ON THE. Rimsky - Korsakov fragments from the opera “Sadko”, M. Glinka fragments from the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”, the sound of Russian folk instruments

Additional resources: song “About the Motherland”; song - joke "At the cat-coo"

Organization of space:frontal, individual.

ICT: computer , projector, screen, synthesizer.

Organizational structure of the lesson

Lesson stage

Teacher activities

Student activities

Tasks for students, the completion of which leads to the achievement of the planned result.

Formation of UUD

Motivation (self-determination) for educational activities.

Greets students, creates an emotional mood for the lesson, motivates them for the lesson.

Tell me what kind of person you consider intelligent and cultured. Can a cultured person not have knowledge of his past? To be cut off from the wisdom and experience of your people?

And the answer is clear: of course not!

And today, in class, we will again come into contact with folk art.

Reads out a fragment of the epic.

That it is not the white birch that bends to the ground

It is not silk grass that bows down,

Then the son bows to his mother,

Dobrynyushka bowed to his dear mother

He asks for a great blessing

Greet the teacher and get ready for the lesson.

Listen to a fragment of an epic.


Personal UUD:

Cognitive: use sign-symbolic means

Updating knowledge.

Leads students to the topic of the lesson, updating their knowledge.

What just sounded? (epic about Dobrynya)

What is an epic?

How did they reach this day?

Did the performers of the epics know how to read and write, did they know how to write and read?

Conclusion: These were very talented people with a unique memory. That's what we'll talk about today.

Raises a problematic question.

Often performers of epics are called singers of Russian antiquity.

Would you like to know why exactly they call it that and where the expression “Singers of Russian Antiquity” came from?

So, write down the topic of the lesson “Singers of Russian Antiquity”

Answer questions.

accept and maintain learning goal and objectives

Regulatory UUD:take into account the action guidelines identified by the teacher in the new educational material in collaboration with the teacher;

PersonalUUD: educational and cognitive interest in new educational material and ways to solve a new problem;

Cognitive UUD:

Repetition of previously studied material.

Communicative UUD: take into account different opinions and strive to coordinate different positions in cooperation;

formulate your own opinion and position;

Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson. Motivation for students' learning activities.

Organizes activities to determine the goals and objectives of the lesson.

What goal should we set for ourselves in order to reveal and understand this topic?

How can I get information?

What can help us with this? (textbook, opera libretto, dictionary)

Students formulate the purpose and objectives of the lesson, plan their actions to achieve the goal.

plan your own activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation and look for means of its implementation;

Communication UUD:

the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks.

asking questions.

Cognitive: independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal;

Regulatory: goal setting.

Primary assimilation of new knowledge.

Organizes the activities of students according to the definition of the concept of “singers of Russian antiquity”; involves students in the main mental operations (analysis, synthesis, generalization...)

To understand who is called the singers of Russian antiquity, let us turn to textbook on pp. 58-59.

The music of which composers will help us understand this issue. (Glinka and Rimsky-Korsakov).

Which composers will we talk about? (About M.I. Glinka and N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov)

What operas will we get to know? (“Ruslan and Lyudmila” and “Sadko”

What do we see on the pages of the textbook? (musicians playing the harp).

In the first picture we see Bayan, who was invited to the wedding celebration.

What people were called Bayans?

(singers-storytellers who chanted epics)

Listen to the accordion song, tell me how the accordion sings.( video)

Conclusion: Bayan sings slowly, narratively.

Let's turn to the following source - libretto. Find words in the text that tell what he wants tell the guests Bayan? Students work with the text.

(Conclusion: this is either a heroic event or a remarkable episode of Russian history)

I would like you to find in dictionaries definition of the word accordion, epic. Maybe we can find the answer here?

Accordion - Old Russian singer and storyteller, “song-maker”

Bylina - “old man”, “old woman”, implying that the action took place in the past, in the old days.

Bayan epic

Old singer

Hence the name “Singers of Russian Antiquity”

Let's return to the title of the section “Singers of Russian Antiquity”.

But on the next page we see a character from the opera by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov - Sadko. N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov is called a storyteller in music. Because he wrote a lot of musical works based on fairy-tale plots.

What was Sadko famous for?

Why did noble people invite him to feasts? (because he told interesting stories, stories about the exploits of the Russian people, about the defenders of their


Listen to the song “Oh, you dark oak tree” (listening). Video.

What is the nature of the song? Why does Sadko sing a sad song, what does Sadko dream about?



Mood and feelings


smooth, drawn-out, melodious

Tempo (performance speed)

Who performed

choir, soloist, ensemble

Musical genre

song, dance, march

Sadko is worried that the Novgorod merchants have stopped inviting him to feasts; they are not interested in their stories about the past of their people, they only need wealth.

So, why were Bayan and Sadko called singers of Russian antiquity?

Conclusion: “Singers of Russian antiquity.” This is what the guslars were called - storytellers of epics; they were the ones who preserved the history of bygone times.

Answer questions.

Work with text.

Listen and analyze a piece of music. Work with dictionaries.

carry out information search, collection and selection of essential information from various information sources;

logical operations of comparison, analysis, establishment of analogies.

perceive music and express their attitude to a piece of music;

Cognitive UUD:

Getting to know a new piece of music

Regulatory UUD:

Construction of a logical chain of reasoning.

Communication UUD:

The ability to listen to the opinions of comrades and express your own judgments.

Personal UUD:

Recognize and respond emotionally to the expressive features of music;

Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.

Organizes a conversation to clarify and specify primary knowledge.

Today in class we came into contact with the past of our Motherland.

What ancient Russian folk musical instrument were we talking about today? (About the harp.)

What images of folk epic storytellers did you get acquainted with in the lesson? (Bayani Sadko.)

Who would you compare bayans and guslars to in our modern life?(with historians, because they preserve the history of our homeland)

How do you think the singers of epics feel about their homeland?(they love their Motherland, remember the victories of their heroes, they are grateful to their heroes)

Guys, do you love your homeland?

I invite you to express your love for your homeland in a song.

"About the Motherland" (perform a song)

They answer questions and express their opinions.

They perform a song.

cooperate with the teacher and peers when solving educational problems, take responsibility for the results of their actions.

embody musical images when performing vocal and choral works


Show cognitive initiative in educational cooperation;

Construct messages in oral and written form;

Carry out an analysis of objects highlighting essential and non-essential features;

Communication-construct a monologue statement,

Personal: foundations of civic identity,

formation of emotional responsiveness.

Stage of independent work with self-test according to the standard

Organizes self-test work for students.


a) song

b) epic

c) romance

a) balalaika

b) horn

c) gusli

a) clear rhythm

b) chant

c) fast pace

a) P.I. Tchaikovsky

b) N.A. Rimsky - Korsakov

c) M.I.Glinka

a) N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov

b) M.I.Glinka

c) P.I. Tchaikovsky

C) peaceful life of people

A) exploits of heroes

B) peaceful life of people

C) the story about the life of Bayan himself

the ability to control and evaluate one’s actions, make adjustments to their implementation based on assessment and taking into account the nature of errors

Summing up the lesson. Information about homework.

Focuses on the end

results of students' educational activities

at the lesson.

Remember what goals and objectives we set for ourselves? Have we achieved the goal of the lesson?

What new did you learn in the lesson?

Gives comments on homework.

The first task is a task for everyone.

Well, who wants to continue studying the past of their Motherland through works of art, I suggest doing

Task 2: For those who are good at drawing, draw a poster for one of the operas.

2. Find out why the artist A. Rabushkin is called “The Singer of Russian Antiquity”

1.Standard minimum. 2. Increased. 3. Creative.

Formulate the final result of their work

at the lesson. They express their opinion.

Record homework in diaries.

the ability to control and evaluate one’s actions, make adjustments to their implementation based on assessment and taking into account the nature of errors, show initiative and independence in learning;

Regulatory UUD:----carry out final control based on the result;

Plan your actions in accordance with the task at hand


Organizes reflection.

Guys, before you is a ladder of achievements, I suggest you evaluate your work in class.

Ladder of achievements

It was interesting to me_________________________________________

It was difficult for me_________________________________________________

I found out) __________________________________________________

Give self-assessment of their activities in the lesson.

Fill out the ladder of achievements.

master the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection in the process of mastering musical culture in various types of activities


- ability to evaluate one's educational activities;


The ability to express one’s thoughts fully and accurately

Regulatory: - openness of students in understanding their actions and self-esteem

Bayan's Song


Things of days gone by

deep legends!


Let's listen to his speeches!

The singer’s high gift is enviable:

All the secrets of heaven and people

his distant gaze sees.


About the glory of the Russian land

rattle, golden strings,

like our grandfathers are daring

They went to Constantinople to fight.


May peace descend upon their graves!

Sing to us, sweet singer,

Ruslana and the beauty of Lyudmila,

and Lelem made a crown for him.

Sadko's song

1.Oh, you are a dark oak tree

Make way, give me a path

Through the fog, a burning tear

I don't see white light.

2. Shake up, you cane-tree

Wake up Lake Ilmen!

People no longer need

My guselkiyarovchaty.

3. Listen, quick wave

You, wide free spirit

Is it about my bitter fate?

Yes, about a cherished thought.

M.I.Glinka, N.A.Rimsky-Korskov

Mood and feelings

joy, sadness, melancholy, tenderness


smooth, drawn-out, melodious

Tempo (performance speed)

slowly, leisurely, quickly.

Who performed

choir, soloist, ensemble

Musical genre

song, dance, march

About the Motherland

Everyone has their own homeland

Native house trees and fields

Sky, golden meadows

Our sweet river banks


Where is the homeland, there the sun shines brighter

Our homeland is dearer to us than anything in the world

I don't know where I'll live next

But I will always love my homeland

We love our homeland with all our hearts

This is the land from childhood, the native land

The school is here, birch trees, poplars

Glorious Russian land

Chorus: 2 times

But I will always love my homeland


1. Learn the words of the song “About the Motherland”

2. Find out why the artist A. Ryabushkin is called “The Singer of Russian Antiquity”

3. Draw a poster for one of the operas.

Ladder of achievements

It was interesting to me_______________________________________________________________________

It was difficult for me_______________________________________________________________________________

I found out) ________________________________________________________________

I am (satisfied, not quite satisfied, not satisfied with my work in class)


  • 1. Name one of the most ancient genres of Russian folklore, which tells about important events in Rus':

a) song

b) epic

c) romance

  • 2. Name the instrument to the sound of which epics were performed:

a) balalaika

b) horn

c) gusli

3. The main feature of epics is:

a) clear rhythm

b) chant

c) fast pace

  • 4. Name the composer who is called a musical storyteller:

a) P.I. Tchaikovsky

b) N.A. Rimsky - Korsakov

c) M.I.Glinka

  • 5. Name the composer who wrote the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila”:

a) N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov

b) M.I.Glinka

c) P.I. Tchaikovsky

6. What events did Bayan sing about?

A) a story about the life of Bayan himself

B) heroic events of the past

C) peaceful life of people

7. What was the basis of Sadko’s creativity.

A) exploits of heroes

B) peaceful life of people

C) a story about the life of Bayan himself


Music lesson in 3rd grade

"Singers of Russian Antiquity"

Teacher of Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School in the village of Vadinsk

Buraeva Marina Valerievna



introduce students to the world of music, awaken interest and love for music, develop the ability to perceive music, and respond emotionally to it.



  1. Introduce students to the musical instrument gusli and guslar musicians
  2. Learn from new musical material that Russian composers used Russian music in their works.
  3. To help children understand that folk music reflects not only certain events, but also the atmosphere of people’s lives.
  4. Introduce students to the works “Sadko” by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov and “Horse” by I Matvienko.


  1. Develop musical abilities: hearing, musical memory when listening to musical works.
  2. Develop emotional responsiveness when listening to music.
  3. To promote the emergence and manifestation of musical taste based on highly artistic works.


To carry out ideological and moral education and love for national art on the basis of highly artistic works, as well as to cultivate pride in and love for one’s Motherland.




Today in class we will go on an amazing journey. And the piece of music that we are about to hear will show us the way.

(listen to "Nigrysh")

Guys, you listened carefully. Tell me, what kind of music is this: modern or ancient?

What tool helped us travel back in time?

Yes, this is a harp.

How long ago do you think this tool has been around? How old do you think he might be?

Gusli is a very ancient musical instrument. According to some sources, they are about 2 thousand years old. Unfortunately, the history of mankind has hidden from us both the age and place of their birth.

Guys, what do they call musicians who play the harp?


And they are also called"Singers of Russian Antiquity".

So, today we are invited to visit the Singers of Russian Antiquity. Let's think about why they are called that?

(They didn’t just play the instrument, but performed epics and ancient legends)

How do they play the harp?

(video )

The guslar places the instrument on his knees and plucks the strings with his fingers. And he himself tells epics and accompanies himself by playing the harp, stroking all the strings at once with a pick. Mediator - This is a special small plate, in the shape of a birch leaf, for playing string instruments. Using the fingers of the other hand, the musician mutes individual strings to get a beautiful sound.

Look at the screen. Who is pictured here? This picture takes us not through years, not through decades, but through centuries into the “legends of deep antiquity.” It was written by Viktor Vasnetsov. How are the musicians depicted here?

(Vasnetsov “Guslars”)

And now let us also become guslar musicians. Let's prepare our tool. Place the harp on your lap. You can play by plucking the strings with your fingers, or you can use a pick.

("The tune." Playing an imaginary instrument)

Let's remember what musical instrument took us back in time? What does he look like? How do they play the harp?

Remember, have you ever heard the names of musicians who played the harp?

One of these musicians was Sadko.

The fame of the Novgorod singer and guslar Sadko flowed like a river throughout Veliky Novgorod. As soon as he starts playing and starting to sing, everyone listens to the guslar, they can’t hear enough. They were glad to see him in the city squares, inviting him to the golden-domed boyars' mansions and the white-stone merchants' mansions. But they stopped inviting Sadko to the fun holidays. The musician became sad.

One day, on the shore of Lake Ilmen, I heard the sad song of Sadko Volkhova, the daughter of the Sea King. She liked the musician. Volkhova promised the guslar that he would catch three goldfish in the net, which would bring him happiness and wealth. That's exactly what happened. Sadko got rich and became a merchant. One day he equipped his ships for sailing.

12 years have passed. One day Sadko's ship stopped in the middle of the sea. The Novgorodians realized that the Sea King was demanding tribute. The shipbuilders threw barrels of gold, silver, pearls into the sea - the ship still stood with drooping sails. Then the lot fell on Sadko. They threw an oak board onto the water, and as soon as Sadko stepped on it, the wind rose, the sails filled, and the ship disappeared into the distance, and the guslar sank into the depths of the sea.

He found himself in an azure underwater chamber in front of the King of the Sea and Queen Vodyanitsa. The Tsar ordered Sadko to sing a song of praise. The musician struck the strings, and a terrible storm arose on the sea. Many ships sank and broke, the shores and villages were flooded. But the Elder Mighty Hero appeared and the harp came from Sadko’s hands. He heralded the end of the power of the King of the Sea, and appointed his daughter to become a river. Sadko and Volkhova rushed to freedom, to Novgorod.

On the green shore of Lake Ilmen, Sadko fell asleep, lulled by Volkhova’s singing. And as soon as he fell asleep, the sea princess dispersed like a scarlet morning mist across the green meadow. Everyone began to marvel at Sadko’s unexpected return, and most of all at the wide Volkhov River, which ran from Lake Ilmen to the very blue sea.

Folk storytellers from Pechory, in northern Russia, composed an epic about Sadko and the Sea King. And the Russian composer Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov wrote the opera “Sadko”.

Let's listen to a fragment of the opera. What mood does the music convey?

(listening to "Sadko's Song")

We listened to Sadko’s song “Oh, you dark oak tree.” At what point in the opera is this song played?

What is Sadko’s mood at this moment?

(sad, sorrowful)

Which folk song is the music in tune with: lyrical , dance, round dance?

(he wants to pour out all the sadness and pain that he has accumulated)

What instrument of a symphony orchestra do you think imitates the sound of the gusli?

So, what “Singer of Russian Antiquity” did we learn about? Which Russian composer wrote an opera about him?

Part of the road, part of the way

We were able to get through quickly.

We'll take a little rest

And let's move forward again. ( Fizminutka)

- “Singers of Russian antiquity.” Do they exist now, in our time? What can modern guslar musicians tell us about?

Would you like to listen to them?

(Lyubov Basurmanova)

How did you feel when this music sounded?

Has this kind of music sounded in your soul? When?

Is the song that was played modern or ancient?

This song was written by modern composer Igor Matvienko. What new sound did the accompaniment of the gusli give?

The music is modern, the performer is modern. And the theme of the lesson is: “Singers of Russian antiquity.” Is the song appropriate for our lesson? Why?

(The origins are ancient, based on Russian traditions, takes us back to the past)


So, today in class we traveled back in time. What tool helped us do this?

What are the names of musicians who play the harp?

Name the composer who dedicated his work to the epic hero and guslar musician? What is the name of this work?

Is the creativity of guslar musicians still alive today?

Musical greeting.

    Hello. (Hello.)

    Good afternoon, good afternoon, good afternoon to you! (Good afternoon, good afternoon, good afternoon to you!)

    What class are you in? (We are studying in third grade.)

    What school do you go to? (We study in the thirteenth.)

    What lesson did you come to? (We came to the music.)

    Did you come for grades? (They came for grades.)

    Which ones did you come for? (They came for fives.)

    Performing the song “Now the music lesson will begin!”

    Performing the song “Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman.”

    Performing the song “You are my dear godfather, where do you live?”

What genre of music did you perform? (What were you doing now).

Explain your answer.

There are so many genres in music.

How does a song differ from a dance and a march, what is the most important thing about it? (Words)

Why do we need songs, what do we get from them.

Do you like to sing, why?

Look at these two pictures, what do they have in common and why.

Let's determine our lesson topic based on these pictures.

Who do you think our lesson will be about and why?

What do we need to do to get acquainted with the topic “Singers of Russian Antiquity”.

What could “Singers of Russian Antiquity” mean?

This is what the guslars were called in the old days, who very often recited epics to the sound of the gusli.

What is an epic?

Epics ( old times ) - heroic and patriotic songs and tales telling about the exploits of heroes and reflecting the life of Ancient Rus' of the 9th-13th centuries; a type of oral folk art, which is characterized by a song-epic way of reflecting reality. The main plot of the epic is some heroic event or remarkable episode (hence the popular name for the epic - “old man”, “old woman”, implying that the action in question took place in the past).

What musical instrument did the singers and storytellers play?

Why are they plucked?

The images of epic storytellers are reflected in the works of Russian composers Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka and Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky - Korsakov.

That's right, listen to the works of these composers.

Nikolai Andreevich Rimsky-Korsakov in his opera “Sadko” created the image of the legendary singer-storyteller. What was his name?

What was Sadko famous for?

Why did noble people invite him to feasts?

Now we will listen to Sadko’s song from the opera and you will have to complete tasks in groups. (distribute tasks to 4 people).

Read the task carefully; complete it in 5 minutes. Then each team, having chosen the main one, answers the question posed.

LISTENING Sadko’s song “Oh, you dark oak tree.”

Student performance.

I suggest you learn a fragment of Sadko’s song “Oh, you dark oak tree.”

What kind of song did we learn?

From which work?

Name its features.

Let's sum it up.

Which singer-storyteller did we meet in class? (Sadko)

Which piece of music tells about Sadko.

What musical instrument did Sadko play?

What is opera?

Who wrote the opera "Sadko"?

Not only Rimsky - Korsakov portrayed singers and storytellers.

Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka in his opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila” created the image of a folk storyteller, giving him the name Bayan.

What instrument do you think Bayan played?

Why did you come to this opinion?

Bayan, like Sadko, played the harp.

Listen to Bayan’s song from the opera “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka and compare it with Sadko’s song “Oh. You are a dark oak tree." Find similarities and differences.

LISTENING Bayan's song “Deeds of bygone days!”

- I liked it and why.

What musical instrument imitates playing the harp. (Harp)

Let's compare the works performed in class.

2. The musical image in the performed work.

3. Musical genre: song, dance, march.

4. Melody: smooth, drawn-out, melodious.

5. Mode: major (light key), minor (dark key).

6. Mood and feelings: joy, sadness, melancholy, tenderness.

7. Timbre (sound color): light, bright, warm, dark, harsh, massive, gloomy.

8. Tempo (speed of execution): slow, moderate, fast.

9. Dynamic shades (sound strength): quiet, loud.

10. Who performed: choir, soloist, ensemble.

We post similarities and differences on the board.


What new did you learn in class today?

Which operas were excerpts performed today?

Name the singers and storytellers from these operas.

What unites Sadko and Bayan.

What musical instrument did they play?

What type of musical instrument is the harp?

Why were they called singers - storytellers?

What do they call short masculine?

Municipal educational institution ZSOSH No. 6 of the Republic of Tatarstan Nigmatzyanova E.F.

Bylina - folk epic song, a genre characteristic of the Russian tradition. The basis of the plot of the epic is some heroic event, or a remarkable episode of Russian history (hence the popular name of the epic - “old man”, “old woman”, implying that the action in question took place in the past). The term “epic” was introduced into scientific use in the 40s of the 19th century. folklorist I.P. Sakharov (1807–1863).

Means of artistic expression

Over the course of many centuries, unique techniques have been developed that are characteristic of the poetics of epics, as well as the method of their execution. In ancient times, it is believed that storytellers played along with themselves on the harp, and later epics were performed in recitative. Epic poems are characterized by a special pure-tonic epic verse (which is based on the commensurability of the lines by the number of stresses, which achieves rhythmic uniformity). Although the storytellers used only a few melodies when performing epics, they enriched the singing with a variety of intonations and also changed the timbre of their voices.

The emphatically solemn style of presentation of the epic, which tells about heroic and often tragic events, determined the need to slow down the action (retardation). To do this, a technique called repetition is used, and not only individual words are repeated: ... this braid, braid, …from far, far away, wonderful wonderful(tautological repetitions), but also an intensification of synonyms: fight, tribute duties, (repetitions are synonymous), often the end of one line is the beginning of another: And they came to Holy Rus', / To Holy Rus' and to the city of Kyiv..., it is not uncommon for entire episodes to be repeated three times, with enhanced effect, and some descriptions are extremely detailed. The presence of “common places” is also characteristic of the epic; when describing similar situations, certain formulaic expressions are used: thus (and in extremely detailed manner) the saddling of a horse is depicted: Ay, Dobrynya comes out into the wide yard, / He saddles the bridle of a good horse, / He puts a braid bridle, / He puts sweatshirts on sweatshirts, / He puts felts on felts, / On the top he puts a Cherkassy saddle. / And he pulled the girths tightly, / And the girths were made of overseas silk, / And the overseas silk of Sholpansky, / Buckles of glorious copper from Kazan, / Pins of Siberian damask iron, / Not beautiful bass, brothers, well done, / And for the fortification it was heroic. “Commonplaces” also include a description of a feast (mostly at Prince Vladimir’s), a banquet, and a heroic ride on a greyhound horse. The folk storyteller could combine such stable formulas at his own discretion.

The language of epics is characterized by hyperboles, with the help of which the narrator emphasizes the character traits or appearance of the characters that are worthy of special mention. Another technique that determines the listener’s attitude to the epic is the epithet (mighty, Holy Russian, glorious hero and filthy, evil enemy), and stable epithets are often found (violent head, hot blood, frisky legs, flammable tears). Suffixes also play a similar role: everything related to heroes was mentioned in diminutive forms (hat, little head, dumushka, Alyoshenka, Vasenka Buslaevich, Dobrynyushka, etc.), but the negative characters were called Gloomy, Ignatyishch, Tsarishma Batuisch, Ugarishch filthy. A significant place is occupied by assonance (repetition of vowel sounds) and alliteration (repetition of consonant sounds), additional organizing elements of verse.

Bylinas, as a rule, have three parts: a chorus (usually not directly related to the content), the function of which is to prepare for listening to the song; the beginning (within its limits the action unfolds); ending.

It should be noted that certain artistic techniques used in the epic are determined by its theme (for example, antithesis is characteristic of heroic epics).

The narrator's gaze never turns to the past or future, but follows the hero from event to event, although the distance between them can vary from several days to several years

Plots of epics

The number of epic stories, despite the many recorded versions of the same epic, is very limited: there are about 100 of them. There are epics based on the matchmaking or struggle of the hero for his wife ( Sadko, Mikhailo Potyk, Ivan Godinovich, Danube, Kozarin, Solovey Budimirovich and later - Alyosha Popovich and Elena Petrovichna, Hoten Bludovich); fighting monsters ( Dobrynya and the snake, Alyosha and Tugarin, Ilya and Idolishche, Ilya and the Nightingale the Robber); the fight against foreign invaders, including: repelling Tatar raids ( Ilya's quarrel with Vladimir, Ilya and Kalin, Dobrynya and Vasily Kazemirovich), wars with Lithuanians ( An epic about the raid of Lithuanians). Epics - Russian national

The epics are written in tonic verse, which can have a different number of

Sadko (Rich guest) - hero of the epics of the Novgorod cycle; of the nine known variants recorded exclusively in

According to the most complete version (Sorokina), Sadko was initially poor

Lyubava can’t wait for her restless husband. She does not understand his dreams and bitterly complains about his fate. Sadko came; with love she rushes to him, but he doesn’t even want to listen to her: Princess Volkhova bewitched him with her beauty. He remembered the promise of the sea princess, and he decided to go to people and try his luck.
On the Novgorod pier near Lake Ilmen, people crowd around overseas trading guests. Merchants and priests with buffoons laugh at the guslar's stories about the wonderful golden-feather fish that is found in Lake Ilmen; Sadko invited them to bet. He threw a net into the lake and pulled it out with three gold-feather fish, and the small fish turned into gold ingots. Sadko became the richest man in Novgorod. He gathered a squad, bought goods, equipped 30 ships and one ship. Overseas merchants - Varangian, Indian and Vedenet - talk about their countries so that Sadko knows where to go. The ships sailed to distant unknown lands.
12 years have passed. One day Sadko's ship stopped in the middle of the sea. The Novgorodians realized that the Sea King was demanding tribute. The shipbuilders threw barrels of gold, silver, pearls into the sea - the ship still stood with drooping sails. They began to cast lots: which of them was required by the King of the Sea, and the lot fell on Sadko. They threw an oak plank onto the water, and as soon as Sadko stepped on it, the wind rose, the sails filled, and the ship disappeared into the distance. Sadko was left alone among the blue sea. He struck the strings of his gusli, and, as if in response, the voices of the daughters of the Tsar of the Sea and Princess Volkhova were heard. The water became agitated, parted, and the guslar sank into the depths of the sea.
He found himself in an azure underwater chamber in front of the King of the Sea and Queen Vodyanitsa. The Tsar ordered Sadko to sing a majestic song, and there he liked the wonderful singing that he invited the guslar to stay and take Princess Volkhova as his wife. The underwater inhabitants greeted the young people with cheerful dances. So Sadko took up the harp, and the whole kingdom broke into a frantic dance. A storm arose at sea, the ships began to sink, but the Elder Mighty Hero appeared and with a heavy club knocked the harp out of Sadko’s hands. He heralded the end of the power of the King of the Sea, and appointed his daughter to become a river. The underwater kingdom plunged into the depths of the sea, Sadko and Volkhova in a shell harnessed by killer whales rushed to freedom, towards Novgorod.
Sadko fell asleep on the green shore of Lake Ilmen, lulled by Volkhova’s singing. And as soon as he fell asleep, the sea princess dispersed like a scarlet morning mist across the green meadow. Sadko woke up when he heard the sorrowful complaints of his wife Lyubava Buslaevna. The sun rose, the fog cleared, and the Volkhova River opened up to the eyes, and ships with Sadko’s squad were already running along it and Lake Ilmen. People poured out to meet them. Everyone is amazed at the unexpected return of Sadko with the ships, and most of all at the wide Volkhov River, which runs from Lake Ilmen to the very blue sea. Sadko told about his wonderful wanderings, and the people praised the guslar, the Volkhov River and the great Novgorod.


The author's definition of the genre “Sadko” is an epic opera. This is a vivid example of an epic opera, which is characterized by slow, smooth action, resurrecting the spirit of epic tales. Portraits of the main characters are given in widely developed vocal numbers, pictures of folk life and everyday life - in monumental choral scenes. The music is full of bright, prominent contrasts. Images of a fabulous underwater kingdom, embodied by means of flexible, whimsical melody and unusual harmonies, are contrasted with pictures of real life and images of Russian people, in the depiction of which the main means of expression is folk song.
The opera opens with a majestic orchestral introduction, “Blue Ocean-Sea.”
Scene 1 is a large choral scene, full of riotous fun. Its middle part consists of 2 episodes: Nezhata’s sedate, leisurely epic and a scene with a choir, in the center of which is his melodious recitative “If only I had a golden treasury,” imperceptibly turning into an aria. The picture ends with the lively dance of the buffoons, which is intertwined with the music of the initial choir. Scene 2 alternates between fantastic and lyrical scenes. A short orchestral introduction depicts a quiet evening on the shores of Lake Ilmen and prepares the beginning of Sadko’s thoughtfully sad song “Oh, you dark oak tree.” The choir of maidens of the underwater kingdom with the coloratura singing of the sea princess is designed in transparent light colors and is full of serene peace. The farewell of Sadko and Volkhova is interrupted by mysterious trumpet signals coming from afar and calls from the Sea King.
The fourth scene occupies a central place in the composition of the opera. It consists of two parts: a monumental choral marketplace and episodes associated with Sadko. In the first part, the mighty choirs of the people, the monotonous singing of the kalikas of passersby, the mischievous buffoon choruses and tunes, the mysterious prophecies of the Magi are closely intertwined, uniting into an expanded ensemble that prepares the appearance of Sadko. There follows a series of recitative episodes that are crowned with the solemn chorus “Glory, glory to you, young psaltery player” and a sparkling fanfare leitmotif of gold. The harsh, courageous song of the Varangian (Scandinavian) guest is replaced by the contemplative and lyrical song of the Indian guest and the light, flowing with a wide melodic stream of the song of the Vedenetsky (Venetian) guest. Sadko sings the Russian song “Height, height under heaven” (the melody and text are folk), which is picked up by the squad and the people.
The orchestral introduction to the 5th scene depicts a seascape. In the choral scene of Sadko with the shipbuilders, conveying their forebodings, the melody of the song “Height is ...” takes on a sad coloring. Sadko's aria (farewell to the squad) is close to mournful drawn-out folk tunes. The orchestral episode, built on the themes of the sea, goldfish and the Sea King, depicts Sadko's descent into the abyss. Scene 6 begins with a chorus of maidens from the underwater kingdom. “Procession of Marine Miracles” shimmers with bright orchestral colors. The joyful wedding song gives way to colorful dances of rivers and streams. Sadko's dance song, initially calm, gradually quickens, turning into a frantic dance. The formidable recitative of the Elder sounds against the backdrop of powerful organ chords. The last picture opens with Volkhova’s soulful, lyrically warm lullaby. In bright contrast, Lyubava’s melancholy lamentations sound, turning into a joyful love duet. The melody of the song “Height, Height” is heard again, which serves as the basis for a monumental ensemble with a choir, crowning the opera with a powerful, jubilant hymn.