What do raw foodists eat in winter in Russia? How to Stay on a Raw Food Diet in Winter? Germination of cereals, seeds, legumes.

It seems to many that when cold weather sets in, following a raw food diet becomes somewhat more difficult than in the warm season. In the summer, when green smoothies and raw salads can literally be picked from the ground in large quantities, everything is much simpler. But how do you survive these few harsh months, during which your wardrobe is dominated by hats and scarves, and the cold earth does not produce such aromatic and appetizing products?

Below is some advice from raw foodists in remote corners of the planet who, despite having to adapt to a wide range of conditions, find that their bodies adapt quite well to climate change. Don't forget that eating plenty of raw, plant-based foods will help keep your immune system functioning properly throughout cold and flu season when your friends and family are sniffling around for days on end.

Eating warm rather than cold foods

Many people believe that raw food is always cold or refrigerated food. However, this does not have to be the case, especially in winter. Eating food at room temperature, or even slightly warmed, is a great way to maintain your sanity throughout the cold winter months. Most people wait until the food has cooled a bit before eating anyway. Food heated to a temperature of 40°C-46°C is very pleasant and comfortable for the stomach.

Warming foods and spices

Cayenne pepper, ginger, garlic and red pepper are all examples of ingredients that can warm the body from the inside out. Use them in preparing drinks and food to maintain your internal warmth. A warming drink is a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth while also providing your body with some spice.

It's all about the carbohydrates

Even though we love to load up on fats and proteins, our bodies need more carbohydrates to cope with the cold. During the cold season, metabolism increases and our valuable fat layer begins to melt. So if you're wondering why your salad doesn't seem as appealing as it did just a few weeks ago, it's because vegetables are low in calories and carbs.

Try including more fruit in your diet, as well as in your salad dressings. You will be surprised how easily and quickly even a small amount of energy can warm you up. Contrary to popular belief, protein does not provide you with this fuel, at least not without significant internal work; protein is not much more effective than fat, which is why the body needs carbohydrates.

Dehydrated snacks and treats

When following a raw food diet, people need help achieving a feeling of fullness and satisfaction with food, it comes in very handy. Flax seed crackers, raw granola, cookies, vegetable chips, etc. are great foods to eat at any time of the day that will help keep your stomach happy and your mind invigorated.

Many restaurateurs have long known that a very important point that allows you to keep food warm longer is heating plates, glasses, cups and other utensils. Another way to warm up is to take a hot shower. Obviously, wearing warm clothes and good socks helps you stay warm and cozy, even at home. In general, if a raw food diet, which allows the body to spend less energy heating or cooling the food it eats, is followed for any length of time, you may find that it becomes much easier to adapt to lower environmental temperatures.

Reading time: 3 minutes. Published 12/30/2015

Raw foodists eat special foods that have not undergone heat treatment. That is why they retain the entire supply of useful substances. In addition, raw foodists do not need to worry about complying with fire safety regulations, which can be found on the Internet. However, in winter, the human body needs a double dose of vitamins. What do raw foodists eat during the cold season?

It is simply impossible to live without nuts such as almonds, pistachios and hazelnuts. However, there is no need to clean them, and even more so, there is no need to fry the product. Just soak them in water to make them delicious and fragrant.

Raw foodists need to eat grains. The seed germinator will allow you to germinate the necessary products. You can eat the sprouts whole or make healthy salads out of them. Grains are a source of protein, which is so necessary during the cold season.

It is worth adding dried fruits to your menu. Some raw foodists eat a handful of dates a day. This product not only satisfies hunger, but also makes it possible to replenish energy reserves.

Fruits can be found in markets. Make a choice in favor of those varieties of apples that are not afraid of frost. They can be stored for quite a long time. Apples can quickly satisfy your hunger.

But there are not so many vegetables in the cold season. It's good if you stock up on these products in advance. To do this you will need a basement or other cool room. Some raw foodists grow onions and parsley right on their windowsill. This greenery grows very quickly and is easy to care for.

The berries must be prepared in the summer by freezing them. Only in this case will you be able to enjoy them in winter, replenishing your supply of vitamins.

Honey is the main source of microelements. You can choose any variety that you like best. Buy honey in summer and eat it in winter. This product can be stored for a long time.

Raw foodists need to consume virgin oil. Flaxseed oil contains fatty acids that are necessary for the human body. You can season the salad with oil, or you can drink it in teaspoons. This remedy is an excellent prevention of many diseases.

Do not forget that in winter the body needs clean water. The liquid will relieve you of thirst and cleanse your body of harmful components. Also, a sufficient amount of water normalizes the functioning of all organs.

These are the main products that a raw foodist will need in winter. If you decide to switch to this way of eating, then be sure to give your body all the necessary substances. Only in this case will the organs function normally.

In winter we all want to stay warm, this is the biggest difference from summer. There are several ways to warm up in our cold conditions, the most common one is to dress warmly, it is also the most correct one, of course you can stay in a warm room, but the most pleasant way is to warm up internally, I’m not talking about alcohol, but about food, as a rule this fatty or meat foods.

What do raw foodists eat in winter?

Our winter diet is different from summer. In winter, we give more preference to warming foods, again these are meat, cereals, bread, soups, borscht, hot tea, coffee, and so on.

Fruits and raw vegetables fade into the background or we simply ignore them, although it is in winter that fruits and vegetables are widely available today, especially citrus fruits and bananas, but as we understand they have a cooling effect, but we want to warm up.

Eating a raw food diet in winter is very difficult and unpleasant due to the cold. Therefore, due to the cold, we can afford some deviations, but for a raw foodist such deviations soon turn into problems in the form of colds, snot from the nose and cough. The idea comes to mind that it might be better to put up with the cold and chilliness than to suffer from illness.

A modern raw foodist in winter does not face the risk of starvation in stores, no less a wide range of fruits and vegetables than at any other time, such a wide range is shortened only towards the end of spring, which is still far away.

Where to go on a raw food diet for the winter

But let's remember one more way to keep warm. Some raw foodists who do not need to work and who have a lot of money can afford to go to warmer climes for the winter, did just that, for example, residents of Moscow at a time when oil cost more than $100, but now not everyone can do this trick, It will not be possible to rent out an apartment in Moscow and live on a grand scale in Thailand with this money.

Raw food menu in winter

In winter, raw foodists pay more attention to nuts, seeds, dried fruits and other things that can warm them up. Citrus fruits and bananas are of course very accessible, but they are very cold. Someone drinks tea and hot drinks, this is acceptable. We must not forget that the nuts should be slightly sprouted, or rather, they need to be activated; for this, the nuts are filled with water for a couple of hours.

Ideally, the winter diet of a raw foodist should be no different from the summer one, at least that’s how things are for me, winter or summer, spring or autumn, nothing changes for me. Apples and bananas are available all year round, for salads carrots and cabbage are available all year round, what else is needed.

Vitamin B12, Omega 3 and Calcium D3

Don’t forget about vitamins and microelements, which we don’t get with the above-mentioned products, just like in the summer you need to eat vitamin B12, omega 3 and calcium D3 all winter long. These are our main vitamins. B12 is a meat substitute, omega 3 for an excess of omega 6, which is too much in the menu of a raw foodist who lives on peanuts and nuts, calcium D3 for healthy teeth, bones, nails and hair. Take complex vitamins that include the entire spectrum; I pay attention not only to zinc, but also to such rare elements as selenium. All these elements must be supplied in sufficient quantities.

It is best to switch to a new food system - a raw food diet - in the summer or autumn. At these times of the year there is a large variety of vegetables and fruits in the markets. Everything is fresh and ripe!

But many beginners ask the question: “What should we eat in winter?” Let's consider in detail in the article, what do raw foodists eat in winter?.

In the cold season for raw foodists living in northern or temperate climates There are several options for a raw food diet in winter:

  1. In winter, go to warmer climes and enjoy the sea, fresh tropical fruits.
  2. Stay home and eat in winter fruits and vegetables purchased at the market or prepared independently from the summer harvest.

The first option for a raw food diet in winter is becoming more and more popular every year among a large number of raw foodists. People intuitively begin to move to the warm climates of Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines.

The second option for a raw food diet in winter involves the preparation of fruit and vegetable supplies and the inclusion of products purchased at the market in the diet.

In Russia the following are possible fruit and vegetable preparations for a raw food diet in winter:

Fresh fruits:

  • apples and pears.

Winter varieties of pears and apples can do well stored in cellars until the beginning of summer. Keeps for a couple of months if stored properly.

The following vegetables overwinter well in cellars:

  • pumpkin, Jerusalem artichoke, zucchini;
  • beets, carrots, radishes;
  • turnips, cabbage, potatoes;

Greens are possible in winter grow on a windowsill in pots or on the balcony. This is a great vitamin supplement for a raw food diet in winter!

Cereals and legumes:

  • peas, mung beans, lentils;
  • chickpeas, peanuts, pumpkin and sunflower seeds;
  • green buckwheat, oats, wheat;
  • rye, pearl barley, corn;

Before consuming the above foods, you should leave them in cold water overnight. Can also be done during a raw food diet germinate grains and legumes in winter culture. As a result, they acquire a different taste and new properties.

  • Walnut;
  • hazelnut;
  • pine nuts;
  • almond;
  • Apricot pits.

A beginner raw foodist must remember that Cashews are not a nut for a raw food diet.. Preferably everything store nuts in shells so that they do not enter into oxidation processes and retain their natural taste. If you soak the nuts in water before eating, they will acquire a fresh taste. This is an excellent test to identify rotten or fresh nuts.

Raw food diet in winter involves fruit and vegetable purchases from the market.

Some raw foodists believe that imported vegetables and fruits“stuffed” with nitrates and pesticides and provide minimal benefits to the body. However, it is not a fact that all vegetables and fruits are so heavily processed that they sit on the display case for months. Throughout the year they gather new harvests, so seasonality may be with imported vegetables and. In addition, every raw foodist understands that better to eat in winter banana than meat or sausage.

What can you find on market shelves for raw foodists in winter?

1.Variety of fruits and vegetables:

  • persimmons, bananas, kiwi;
  • various citrus fruits, coconuts, mangoes;
  • avocados, grapes, pineapples, pomegranates;
  • bell peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers;

The list of products can be limitless, it all depends on the purchasing power of the raw foodist.

2.Various greens, starting from parsley and ending with arugula salad.

Sometimes diet raw foodist in winter seems more more varied than in summer. There are many types of citrus fruits alone.

in spring There may come a time when you are tired of oranges, but the raspberries in the garden have not yet grown. What to do? Our ancestors restricted themselves in food or began to fast.

Already in April and May appears in the forest and in the garden fresh greens. Nettle, wilt, dandelion and others herbs- an excellent spring vitamin supplement to a raw foodist’s diet.

A raw food diet is possible in winter. Eat everything available and healthy that you can buy at the market or store in the cellar. Vegetable live food will warm you up you better in winter than borscht or roast. Do not forget that in winter it is important to harden up and be physically active.