Big Dick group. Should I assign a commission of pot-bellied guys to you? Studio album releases

  • 11. 07. 2016

Her height is 130 centimeters. But the diagnosis of achondroplasia was not a death sentence for Anna Kast, but a way to assert her uniqueness

“Your child has died,” the doctors told Anna’s mother. The girl was actually born dead. But after 12 minutes I started breathing. And now, when they ask her how she achieved everything, the girl answers: “I began to survive from birth.”

She played in the films “Cop Wars”, “Pen and Sword”, “In Your Eyes”, “Once Upon a Time There Was a Fox”, “Treasure”, became the queen of the international tattoo convention; performed in productions of the theatrical and erotic project Neverporn; opened the premiere of the cartoon “Despicable Me” at the Kinotavr festival. She also participated in the Mercedes-Benz fashion show, founded popular group Little Big and recently opened her own tattoo parlor, KastHome. With all her actions she is trying to prove to little people that people with achondroplasia can live normal life, and not hide in your corners. But she has to fight not only with their prejudices, but also with the condemnation of the majority of society, not accustomed to others, unusual, not like everyone else. But Anya is stronger, because since childhood, her mother explained to her that she is the best and she will succeed.

IN Soviet era Anna's future dad came to Leningrad from Cuba to defend his diploma in chemistry. Mom then worked at the secret Bolshevik plant, which produced spare parts for tanks. When everything started to spiral, KGB officers methodically began to call her, interrogated her and wanted to fire her, because the party forbade having a relationship with a foreigner. But the plant management intervened. The parents lived together until their daughter was one year old. Then dad left and didn’t return: maybe he was afraid of the girl’s diagnosis or the pressure of the party, or maybe he found another love.

Anna is not offended: “I am grateful to dad for giving me life. For your hair, skin, immunity. If it weren’t for him, I wouldn’t be so beautiful, so individual and wouldn’t smile at life. He is Spanish and lives in Cuba. They are starving there, but they are dancing.” The nickname Cast is an abbreviation for Spanish surname Castellanos.

Anna Kast

Photo: Natalya Bulkina for TD

The girl was born small, but she didn’t notice it until she was 15 years old. From the very beginning, the mother convinced her daughter: “You are the best, you can do anything.” Already in kindergarten she began to receive her first awards in competitions. As a child I felt an ordinary child: played volleyball with the boys, ran from the dogs, ate crumpets with my cousin in a store on Staronevsky Prospekt, which the grandmother-cleaner saved for them.

Fortunately, Anya’s mother had enough love and courage not to try to change nature. “Now many mothers of children like me are discussing growth hormones on the Internet, which they give to their children without a doctor’s prescription, without being interested in the consequences,” Anya says with horror. - So they try to correct their “grief”, as they call it, and they think that the children will immediately become normal. It happens that hormones have a strange effect: arms or legs grow, but the rest does not. Children are now given the Ilizarov apparatus at the age of three, although previously it was required by law at twelve. Yesterday we went on a boat ride with a friend to whom we installed it. She herself cannot enter the ship - her legs do not bend, the tendons are all strained. The bones stretch from the apparatus, but the tendons do not. How can you break healthy bones? Children spend five years in the hospital with the device. And after that, there is no question of a normal childhood: swimming, cycling.

Children need support from birth, not cosmetic enhancements

Moreover, they lengthen it for the sake of a difference of 10 centimeters. All this is instead of instilling in the child that he is the best, that he can do anything. Children need support from birth, not cosmetic enhancements.”

And then Anya began adolescence and the first disappointments. “In 2001, when there were no social networks, the fashionable feature was telephone pranks. That’s how I met a young man, his name was Kim. We talked for a week and he made an appointment with me. And I understand that I can’t go because I didn’t explain what I look like. I just said that I short, and he replied: “Nothing, it’s so interesting with you!” I shared it with my mother, and she supported me: she took me to the store and bought me high-heeled boots for 700 rubles. I wore them under plaid blue dress to the floor and went. We were supposed to meet in the subway. I waited for Kim on the platform for 45 minutes. I saw him from afar, behind a pillar, and recognized him from the description of his clothes. When I came home, he called me and said that he could no longer see me. And I cried - I was ashamed in front of my mother that she bought me boots,” Anna tells this story and cries again. Because mom is no longer there.

She was not hired to work in her specialty, as a librarian. At the district reading room they asked: “How will you reach the shelves?” Then mom said that elite school, where the children of actors and politicians study, an on-duty teacher is required.

“I come to school and line up all the children in the corridor, 300 people, and say: “Hello. WITH today I'm working with you. My name is Anya,” the girl recalls. Now grown-up students invite her to weddings, come to the salon to get tattoos, or see her in clubs.

During the day she watched children at school, and at night she worked as an animator and acted in films. After a while, the school administration began to force Anna out of work: “I smiled a lot. I came to school as if it were a holiday, like a red carpet - they didn’t like it.”

Anna Kast

Photo: Natalya Bulkina for TD

Anna Kast

Photo: Natalya Bulkina for TD

In 2009, Anna got her first tattoo with her then-boyfriend Pasha. A few days later, she received a call from the salon and was invited to film the theatrical and erotic project Neverporn based on Andersen’s fairy tale “The Naked King”: “I was interested in filming for them - this is art. You need to be careful with eroticism, especially in our situation, you can’t overdo it. There must be a talented photographer so that it is not messy. So that the trolls don’t say: “Finally, we’ve filmed the dwarfs!”

A week later, she was chosen as the queen of the international tattoo festival, although she had practically no tattoos. She made a second one on it: an image of a black and white cassette with recordings of Toto Cutugno, Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney, which her father once gave to her mother. On the third day of the competition, she released a stream of fire from her mouth from the stage - she learned this backstage, five minutes before the performance. And so she won. Then everything started to happen very quickly: a tour with theatrical productions by the Neverporn team in Germany and Holland.

In her eighth year of work at school, friends suggested that Anna work as an administrator in a tattoo parlor. “Thanks to them, my fear of leaving school disappeared. Even though I was earning seven thousand there, I was still scared to quit.” The girl took a vacation and worked in the studio for a month. I was disappointed and three days later I decided to open my own tattoo salon, KastHome. It took another week to make repairs and recruit clients.

In 2013, Anna, together with another little girl Olympia, created the rave group Little Big. They became famous for their provocative and satirical videos about life in Russia. Anna says that she came up with the group in order to draw public attention to the existence of little people in Russia, and to inspire the little ones themselves. “I take every opportunity of an interview or appearance on TV to declare that we exist, that we are not some kind of fairy-tale invention out of the woods. Little Big for me - social activity, a reminder of yourself." The group gathered stadiums of thousands in Russia and Europe: France, Hungary, Spain, Switzerland and Italy.

Anna often compares the living conditions of little people in Europe and Russia and posts real-life examples on her page. She wants to prove to society that there is nothing wrong with being unusual: “In Russia there are very few pairs of little and little. Because they are afraid to draw attention to their unusualness, they want to blend into the crowd with someone “normal.”

But abroad this is normal: a couple - two small children and a child. There their future is thought out. All social services are paid for, they live like the rich. They hardly work, they just hang out. But here there is no such thing. You are born this way, you receive a pension of eight thousand, and how you establish yourself in society depends only on you.”

Abroad this is normal: two little ones and a child. All social benefits are paid for, they live like the rich

Anya established herself in society. She left the group, but her popularity has not gone away: “Now I don’t take the subway, I’m afraid. Because people constantly take pictures with me everywhere and say hello. Little Big fans, police officers - everyone. Recently I went to temple. A couple of days later, an unfamiliar boy wrote to me that he saw me confessing and even crying. There is no peace even in the temple.”

Of course, there is a kind of coquetry in this. But Anya also has to deal with hostility, from all sides: « Me and my pages in social networks Little people talk a lot. They don't understand me, they think I disgrace them. I show myself in images, and they think that I am a buffoon. The fact that I am an animator and earn money from this, and this is difficult in our situation, does not interest them. And they don’t have a single photo on their personal pages at all, I don’t understand this. When the state and society are against people, they unite in their own small groups similar friends at a friend and say: “Yes, we are unhappy. Okay, we’ll live as is.”

Anna Kast

Photo: Natalya Bulkina for TD

Ordinary women also condemn me: “How can this be? She's not like everyone else. Why is she so outspoken? Why can't we do this? This is not normal." They write to me: “Aren’t you ashamed? This is a disgrace.” They will never say it's because I'm small. Why don't they write this to others? I offend them because I am different and I am brave. According to the standards, I should live within four walls, remain silent and enjoy my pension.”

Thank you for reading to the end!

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Ilya Prusikin (Ilyich) is an old-timer of the Russian YouTube scene, co-founder of the creative association “KlikKlak”, one of the authors of the idea for the web series “Police Everyday Life”, the Constructorr project, social show“In the order of things” and many other rating videos. Blogger, director, video producer, judge of the Versus Battle rap duels, leader of the music rave Little bands Big, with the help of which Ilyich fulfills his old dream - to become a world phenomenon musical culture and “pump up the whole world.”

Childhood and youth

The future YouTube celebrity was born on April 8, 1985 on the border with China, in Transbaikalia. Soon the family moved to the Leningrad region, and later to the city on the Neva itself. According to the blogger, his family has Polish and Jewish roots.

Ilya graduated not only from general education, but also music school in piano class. IN adolescence he enjoyed football, aircraft modeling and baseball.

In 2002, Ilya founded his first group – Tenkorr. The team worked in the emocore genre. Their first mini-album consisted of three tracks and was called “It Will Be Late.” In 2004, the group presented a concert video for the song “How It All Began (K.V.N.)” and received the Grand Prix at the Leningrad Regional Festival.

A year later, their debut album “Moe” was recorded last letter", which included ten conceptual compositions, including "It will be late", "Pseudo love", "World without you", "Metro", "K.V.N." Then videos were released for the tracks “Hate” and “Believe”. In the latter, at first everything looked like a traditional emo video: there was a hero, a girl, suffering and a friend calming the guy down. But then it turned out that he was suffering not for her, but for his friend...

During the same period, Tenkorr recorded new album“ROCK, baby!”, made a tour in support of it, visiting about three dozen cities in our country.

Ilya Prusikin and the Tenkorr group - “Sex police”

In 2008, their new long play “SEX POLICE” was released, which included 10 songs in the “alternative rock” genre.

At the same time, the musician managed to work with the bands Like A Virgin, st.Bastards, Construktorr, which the media dubbed “the brightest phenomenon in cultural life countries, then expressive crazy people.”

Biography of Ilya Prusikin

Playing music didn't hurt young man get higher education. He graduated from the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy at the St. Petersburg Institute of Culture.

Career development

In 2011, the musician and songwriter, who had experience in producing video clips, began collaborating with the creative association “Thank you, Eva!” and master video blogging.

In partnership with Vladimir Besedin, he launched the project “Guffy Gaff Show”. They attracted other YouTube stars to record it: Ilya Davydov (Madison), Ruslan Usachev, Arthur Galchenko (Sam Nickel), Vasily Rudenko (Vasya Ebashilovo), etc.

The show imitated children's entertainment and educational programs: sock puppets sang funny songs, but they were not at all dedicated to learning letters and basic social concepts- The giraffe advised how to avoid the army, the drug-addicted cat taught how to become a rapper...

Only 2 seasons of the show were released, as the creators switched to more interesting projects, but many songs from “The Guffy Gaff Show” are still remembered by thousands of viewers.

No less popular was the satirical show “The Great Rap Battle” (an adaptation of the English-language project Epic Rap Battles of History), where famous historical figures in the format of rap duels. Discussed during them hot topics and pressing social issues made us not only laugh, but also think. For example, in a battle Pussy Piot and Patriarch Kirill, Jesus Christ and Nikita Mikhalkov, Alexei Navalny and Vladimir Lenin could clash.

Great Rap Battle from Ilya Prusikin! Stalin vs Pavel Durov

In 2012, Ilyich became one of the directors of the web series “Police Everyday Life”, and also played the role of Sergeant Kotov in it. Many of the video makers from “Eva” again became his co-stars: Denis Kukoyaka, Vladimir Besedin, Sam Nickel, Ilya Maddison. The project was closed after the release of only three 12-minute episodes.

In 2013, Ilyich began collaborating with a St. Petersburg video blogger, a participant in “ Successful group» Eldar Dzharakhov. The result of their joint work was the creation of the ClickClakBand association. As part of the project, Ilyich, Dzharakhov, Yura Muzychenko and other bloggers played Jenga with a stun gun, fought in the pool with Vaseline in skimpy swimsuits, gave each other “bream” and did many other crazy but funny things.

Ilya Prusikin and “Little Big”

During the same period, he created the rave group Little Big, which was called a super virus in the press. Listeners often compared her with the shocking South African band Die Antwoord, whose opening act the musicians rocked at the St. Petersburg club “A2” on July 2, 2013.

The band's frontman was even accused of completely copying his image from the lead singer of Die Antwoord, but the attacks did not last long. Little Big have proven their originality and great potential on the world stage: the St. Petersburgers have won the hearts of listeners in Germany, France, Belgium, Spain, Argentina, the USA and Brazil.

The pearl of the group were the dwarf soloists Olympia Ivleva and Anna Karst (later left the group).

The very first video of this shocking group called “Everyday I"m Drinking” instantly spread across the Internet. The clip ridiculed “cranberry” stereotypes about Russia and pleased the eye with a stunning camera work: a bear snorting cocaine with a naked purple-haired girl, predatory grinning clowns against the backdrop of a shabby front door, Soviet interiors and a lot of vodka.

Ilya Prusikin and Little Big - Everyday I"m drinking

The bar was set high, but each new Little clip Big was not inferior to the first in the quality and extravagance of its approach: “Life in Da Trash”, popularly nicknamed “clip with maggots”, “Give Me Your Money”, “Big Dick” (winner of the Berlin festival music videos in the category “Best Trash Video”), “With Russia From Love”, “Public Enemy”, “Hateful Love”, in which model Elena Sheidlina starred.

LITTLE BIG – Everyday I’m drinking

The video “Everyday I’m drinking” by the St. Petersburg rave group Little Big blew up the Internet. To the accompaniment of energetic music, two “Thumbelina” in kokoshniks and a tall guy in a tracksuit drink vodka, play the balalaika and imitate sex with a bear. “There is no future here” is the key idea of ​​the track performed on English. The result is two and a half million views in a few months.

For the first time in Russia, little people perform not on circus arena. “They’re listening to us!” – Anna Kast, one of the vocalists of the Little Big group, admires. On stage she is a “little devil in a snuff box.” Olympia Ivleva has a different image - more gentle. The miniature size of the girls is emphasized by two brutal macho men - musicians Ilya Prusikin and Sergey Gokk.


Little people – that’s what we should be called, not “disabled people.” Or, for example, that terrible k-word. It is unacceptable in Europe!

I have long been accustomed to being in public. Television, tattoo shows, “Fort Bo-yard”, theatrical performances… My artistic life began in the erotic theater Never Porn. It was scandalous project: “Never porn, always art.” Then - “Sado-opera”. And now Little Big is, of course, the most sincere. Here I can not only “work with my face”, but also express myself. This is, first of all, my cry to society: “Hello! There are little people in the world. And they can even be pleasant, kind, and talented.” There are many opponents. "What? How? Where did they come from? There are categories of people who are negatively disposed towards us.

The social theme in Little Big is emphasized by the obvious texture of little people, which makes our cry even louder. If in America you meet little people at every step, then in Russian culture we are taboo. We are not here. Our “ceiling” is a circus arena.


I hope little people in other cities are inspired when they see Little Big. Their destiny is mainly to sit within four walls. The overwhelming majority of them have forgotten how to communicate, they grew up in boarding schools, their route is as follows: work - home. And they develop the belief that they should not communicate with the outside world, which can offend. All these are complexes from childhood. I was lucky - my mother raised me differently. When I was born, they frightened my mother and tried to persuade her to give up on me. But she held on and was very proud of me, my every success, every step. I went to the courtyard kindergarten and delighted her with her exhibitions - she painted. Then I went to a regular school. I kicked the ball with the boys, fought - I have to get through this. My mother sternly told me: “If you don’t learn the poems for tomorrow’s lesson, I won’t buy you a German doll at DLT and I’ll give you a belt.” Of course, in the end I learned poetry and was one of the best! When they said bad things about me, I smiled. Today he will point his finger at me, and tomorrow he will come and ask for a toy... But I’m used to gaining respect thanks to my intellect.

I experienced complexes only once - during my first love, when I was 15 years old. How can this be? He's on slow dance He didn’t invite me, but my friend! But I liked him! It's very disappointing...

Relationships with men are excellent. I don't have female friends, but I have male friends. I enjoy the spiritual communication that I receive from them. Now I don’t have someone to cook pasta for every day. But there is a family in the plans, I take this very seriously.


I am a librarian by training. In 2007, I came to work at the school through an acquaintance – I had once taught there German. I found out that there is a vacancy for a teacher. She smiled and told the children: “Hello, I will work for you.” At first, someone was whispering behind my back. But years have passed, I already meet them in bars, they grew up in serious people and now they are apologizing to me for saying poorly: “Anya, I’m sorry.” And I didn’t even know about it!

Main problem little man– employment. Let you be a criminal, cool, with five higher education, but without acquaintances it is very difficult to get a job. Everything else is nonsense.

There are no problems with clothes now; you can buy anything you want. Second hand is a wonderful thing. In Soviet times it was much more difficult. My mother even thought about opening her own atelier... And now she bought it, folded it and wear it. Dressed correctly, you already create the image of a confident person.


My participation in Little Big is pure creativity. I sing, dance, perform rave. We all discuss video clip scripts, song lyrics, speak out, offer our ideas. Before Little Big, I was a presenter - I opened a company that organizes holidays. When I went on stage for the first time, I felt just like any other person. For example, if you invite a miner to the microphone, he will feel uncomfortable and awkward. So do I. The stage image is developed over the years - Here with you I am a Turgenev girl and I wear a classic manicure. And tomorrow on stage I’m tearing out my hair and clothes. But these are two sides of one personality, they complement each other. Now I'm not interested in classics, opera, pop music. I want to experiment, do a rave.

When the Everyday I’m drinking video came out, I thought that my strict, intelligent mother, a true Petersburger, would say: “Uh-oh, how could you?” And my mother surprised me: “Well done, but they went a little too far with the bear.” But if we didn't go overboard, it would be pointless.


You ask what is the main problem of the little man in St. Petersburg. You are asking the wrong question. Everywhere there is a problem of people who are somehow different from the rest: height, weight, race... And there is a rejection of small people all over the world, I see this very well. Yes, I'm short, I understand that. But for myself, I never focused on this. Each person has his own complexes, and tall people too.

I had no problems finding employment. My life credo is to look not for difficulties in life, but for the positives. Personally, this helps me a lot.

But there are things that don’t fit in my head. I still live with this. I walk down the street and feel that for some reason people around me are paying attention to me. And I don't understand why. Maybe my clothes are dirty?

A century after the October Revolution, a new Ilyich appears in the cradle of the Russian revolution. Arriving from the Trans-Baikal hinterland, hitherto unknown in the area, the young man Ilyusha decides to conquer the St. Petersburg public with his extraordinary behavior and comes up with a purely Slavic game. Having posted a funny short film on the Internet with obvious mockery of the domestic mentality, he achieves his first wild success.

The video fires like an epoch-making blank shell from a legendary cruiser, now in perpetual lay-up. April Fool's Prank over the jaded subscribers of a popular farce video attracts the attention of the local crowd. A former baseball player and graduate of the Institute of Culture is offered to urgently put together a team of buffoons.

Following the long tradition of the noisy sensation of fair entertainment, an enterprising blogger and certified entertainer gathers a team of like-minded people who are ready to dance on stage to someone else’s tune, because the nascent company does not have its own songs. Having successfully worked as the opening act for Die Antwoord, the guys become notorious. A couple of short girls, standing out against the backdrop of freshly minted stars, contribute to the emergence of a name for an educated ensemble.

The wave of popularity causes an incredible surge of creative activity among the newly-minted performers of satirical couplets. They record a dozen simple lyrics accompanied by an exciting drum roll mixed with folk motifs. The Russian consumer of online entertainment products is instantly divided into two hostile camps. Some consider the upstarts on the stage to be scumbags mocking the sacred, others are inclined to believe that the newcomers deliberately use satire in melodic accompaniment in the traditional national ornament for a forced rapprochement with the masses.

The authors of the original compositions themselves publicly declare that such an approach to music is a reflection modern society. They openly ridicule existing behavioral stereotypes and the existence of a person from Russia. All tracks are accompanied by a colorful show with visuals and a hilarious recitative that brings numerous fans into ecstasy. Having caught the crushing surf of hype, the guys deafeningly make fun of their compatriots, presenting in a humorous manner the complex processes taking place in their native land.

Composition Little Big

  • Founder, vocals - Ilya Prusikin, pseudonym - Ilyich;
  • Vocalist – Olympia Ivleva;
  • Vocalist – Anton Lissov, pseudonym – MrClown;
  • Vocalist – Sofya Tayurskaya;
  • Music producer, DJ – Sergey Makarov, pseudonym – Gokk;
  • Anna Kast is a former participant from the initial set.

Members of the group from St. Petersburg promote themselves as representatives of art collaboration. Captivating songs are instantly scattered into aphoristic memes on the Internet. A youth gang playing and singing in rave style considers itself to be a rock genre. Most critics note its deliberate originality, asserting its view of nationality and cultural tradition. Grotesque and caustic revealing attacks turn the performances into a folklore picture that can amaze the listener with the unusual presentation of the text and turn the concert into a truly enchanting spectacle.


Studio album releases:

  • "Funeral Rave"
  • "With Russia From Love"
  • "Anti positive"


  • "Dead Unicorn"
  • "Give Me Your Money"
  • "Rave On"
  • "Kind Inside Hard Outside"

Many years of experience in running a personal blog and channel on YouTube allows the cultural worker, who once woke up famous, to promote the filmed tapes and earn substantial capital from views and win another audience of admirers of his talent. The project exists and thrives thanks to the team efforts of its partners. A faithful colleague in the film kitchen, Alina is engaged in the production of viral clips created by the genius of production and direction of the tireless leader.

Symbols of the fatherland, invariably present in almost every fragment of the mad storylines short musicals stun the imagination and have a fantastic flair for the reaction of users of the leading video hosting site. Millions of fans are rushing to view the next new product released for review in the online space.

  • "AK-47";
  • "Faradenza"
  • "Big Dick"
  • "Life In Da Trash";
  • "Every day I'm Drinking";
  • "Dead Unicorn"
  • "Hateful Love"
  • LollyBomb;
  • "Polyushko Field";
  • "Public Enemy"
  • "Punks Not Dead"
  • "Russian hooligans";
  • "U Can Take";
  • "Skibidi";
  • "We Will Push A Button";
  • "From Russia with love."



"Big Dick"

"Life In Da Trash"

"Dead Unicorn"

"Hateful Love"

"Lolly Bomb"


"Public Enemy"

"Punks Not Dead"

"Russian Hooligans"

"U Can Take"


"We Will Push A Button"


Outrageous and extravagant rave performers are known not only in their homeland. Their tours in the Netherlands and France create a real sensation. Russian-speaking musicians with vodka and balalaikas are in unprecedented demand. In November 2107, the heir appears to the main character of the famous rave team. Being the true Ilya Muromets of all-Russian show business, the world-famous dad calls his son by ancient custom Dobrynya, rightly believing that the matured offspring will eventually join the ranks of the successors of the epic antiquity on stage.

The Little Big project will perform as the opening act for the hip-hop and rave group Die Antwoord in a week. This is the first concert of the group, which decided to make a “Russian answer to Die Antwoord” with balalaikas and vodka. Many blame Little Big for being unnatural and unresourceful, but in the meantime, their first video “Everyday I"m drinking” received almost two million views on YouTube. “” contacted its creators.

Alina Pyazok, video director, video producer. She has filmed videos for Triagrutrike, Stigmata, Animal Jazz, Alai Oli, Amatory, Gufu, Smokey Mo:

Did you focus on someone?
We were just doing our own trash show. A look at what's going on. We are new patriots with good video production, wild music and we are not going to remain silent. Listeners in comparisons are varied - they compare with Die Antwoord, Prodigy, Bonoparte, Andy Warhol and Bowie.

Little Big grew on its own, from the conversations of my musician friends. As a video director, I love working with musicians and finding the right visual expression for songs. Ilya Prusikin and Sergei Gokk wanted to take the nervous electronic music, Anna Kast always wanted to rap. Olympia Ivleva, Evil Clown, makeup artists, props guys, all the characters in the first video- These are your own people, friends, friends of friends. The video was filmed for 6 days, there were 11 locations, 18 scenes. Everything worked out very easily because everyone wanted to be involved in common cause, show what worries us.

Sergey Gokk from the group Jane Air, our sound producer, joined the team. We are now writing all the music together, six tracks are already ready, there will be at least three more videos. We are going to release the first release by September.

How did the second video “Push the button” come about?

We made a video about Korean nuclear threat, I wanted to react as quickly as possible, so the song and video came together in 36 hours.

“Everyday I"m drinking" caused a mixed reaction in Russia. They say you are denigrating your homeland.

This is satire, and, as you know, people react to it differently. If you want to change a country, you have to show it this way. Nothing has any other effect on people.

How can you make a profit from such a project?

Such madness is really good for the soul. Must have a large share madness to ask your friends to sit in an ice hole as if they were in a jacuzzi, bobbing their heads to the beat of the music and thinking about Russia.

We are tired of everything that is happening in Russia. We love our country, but that doesn't mean we don't care about poverty, the fact that no one cares about everything, or terrible alcoholism. Somehow we decided to create the Little Big team. This is our artistic message, our vision of the situation in the country, our nerve. Jingoism easily turns into hushing up problems. We want people to see them, no matter what they think of us. I want to tell the truth, because if we remain silent, maybe no one will know anything.

Ilya Prusikin, frontman of Little Big, musician (Ilyich, Tenkorr, Constructorr, Like a virgin, St. Bastards), video producer (“The Guffy Gaff Show”, “Police Days”, “In the Order of Things”):

Is it appropriate to say that Little Big is one of your new shows?

No, this is an independent art collective. But I'm not going to give up video projects. I’m doing everything that’s interesting: right now I’m busy with rehearsals and recordings with Little Big, but I’m planning on filming a new series.

You weren't planning a performance later, were you?

Yes, but we were invited to open for Die Antwoord, and we decided that it was very good company for the first public speaking teams. So we have put everything on hold and are busy preparing for the concert. On July 2, there will be four of us on stage - me, Olympia Ivleva, Anna Kast and Sergey Makarov (Gokk).

This project was not for the sake of views and not for the sake of ratings - this is really what concerns us. We wanted the video to take off so that people would watch and discuss it. Some thought it was a joke, others thought it was a manifestation of Russophobia, for others it was a viral video. Moreover, our viewers are not only in Russia, they are in France, America, Germany, Spain, Brazil and Argentina.

Are there any offers already?

They write a lot about the team abroad; they wanted to film it in France documentary, although we're too busy with new material right now. By by and large, all the movement will begin in the fall.

Probably, foreigners think that you are like in the video.

Amazing. Let them think so. Half the country is like this. Me and Gokk, we traveled all over the country with concerts of our groups, we saw the real Russia and want to reach it.

I've been making music since childhood, although Little Big- it's not only music group. We are doing a satirical art collaboration, working simultaneously with music, visuals and a show to convey our message as much as possible. Every song reflects social phenomenon, connected with Russia and the world. In the first video, we wanted to show the stereotypes associated with our country, the Russian Woodland, and how they see us from the outside. After all, stereotypes arise because they- a form of truth about the world.