Hana before and after surgery. Stars that have been disfigured by plastic surgery

Popular Russian performer, performing under the stage name Hannah, appeared on national stage relatively recently. The artist's real name is Anna Ivanova, and she celebrated her 26th birthday last month. She dreamed of becoming a singer since early childhood However, in addition to this, the girl was also professionally involved in sports dancing, and participated in various competitions, both in Russia and abroad. The girl was even a candidate for master of sports in ballroom dancing, but at some point the desire to sing still took over the mountain. By the way, Hannah also regularly took part in beauty contests where she placed prizes, and even holds the title “Miss Chuvashia” 2009. The performer really looks incredibly impressive, her candid photo shoots decorate the pages of the most popular glossy publications, and she is a welcome guest at all celebrity parties.

Hannah prefers bright makeup, wears thick and long eyelashes, and also wears hair extensions. However, these are not the only tricks that the performer resorts to in order to look so bright and attractive. It turns out that she has long since become close friends with plastic surgery and has greatly transformed the appearance that nature gave her. Actually, this is noticeable to the naked eye, however, if you compare the photographs showing Hannah before and after plastic surgery, the difference is especially obvious. It can’t be said that she looked worse before, but definitely different. The young singer almost never appears anywhere without bright makeup and impeccable hairstyle, and loves to talk about the beauty products that she herself constantly uses.

Naturally, fans of the performer are quite interested in the question of what their favorite looks like without a drop of decorative cosmetics on her face. According to the artist herself, she feels comfortable without makeup only when her skin is tanned, because in this state it looks smoother, healthier and more flawless. However, she applies blush even in this case to highlight her cheekbones, without which Hannah never leaves the house. Also, before going out, she certainly tints her eyelashes, evens out her skin tone, and applies translucent gloss to her lips. But, following the currently fashionable trend, Anya also decided to post a makeup-free selfie on her personal page on the social network Instagram. It is difficult to say whether in these photographs the singer really captured herself completely without makeup, but without bright decorative make-up she definitely looks younger than her actual age. Hannah has a well-groomed light skin without any flaws, expressive eyes, but her lips underwent surgical correction, perhaps the artist also corrected her nose and corrected her cheekbones, however, we will not say this unequivocally. In addition, the singer claims that in most cases she applies her own makeup, because she does not trust makeup artists, who, in her opinion, would rather ruin everything than do what she wants to get from them.

Despite the fact that every year our stars become more and more beautiful, their breasts and lips amazingly increase in size, and their hips - in volume, famous girls completely deny any interference in their appearance plastic surgeons. Perhaps it's true Russian actresses, singers and models with age, by the will of nature, turn into Angelina Jolie, or perhaps they are simply leading gullible fans by the nose. We cannot say that celebrities “cut” their faces and bodies, so we give you the opportunity to decide for yourself how natural the changes in the girls’ appearance are. Our review includes the most talked about stars of domestic show business who are suspected of plastic surgery.

Alena Vodonaeva, 34 years old

Another star of “House-2” who made every effort to become a real goddess is Alena Vodonaeva. The celebrity left the scandalous reality show in 2007, after which every year she became more and more beautiful. For a long time Alena was accused that her gorgeous size 5 bust was the result of a plastic surgeon. However, in December last year, Vodonaeva put an end to discussions on this issue by reducing her breasts by two sizes. But regarding her face, the TV presenter stubbornly proves that she did not change anything about it.

Alena Vodonaeva before (left) / Alena Vodonaeva now (right)

Alena Vodonaeva

Alena Vodonaeva in childhood with her mother

Olga Buzova, 31 years old

As all Buzova fans note, after scandalous divorce with Dmitry Tarasov, the TV presenter changed not only internally, but also externally. And it's not about hair color. Apparently, when the football player left the family, Olya decided that she would do everything to ex-husband bit her elbows, and began serious work on her appearance. In a matter of months, the star’s nose has become even shorter, her lips have become fuller, and her cheekbones can already be cut. To be fair, it is worth noting that the presenter of “House-2” herself does not comment on such drastic changes, preferring not to lie that the changes in her face are associated with magic. True, Olga’s fans advise her to stop experimenting with her own appearance. “What did she do to herself?!” Lips are already all over your face, nightmare and horror!”, “Let better brains if she pumps up, she will become much better,” “Buzova became a real humanoid after her divorce from Tarasov, it’s creepy to watch,” Olga’s haters write daily on social networks.

Olga Buzova during “House-2” (left) / Olga Buzova now (right)

Olga Buzova

Oksana Samoilova, 29 years old

The wife of rapper Dzhigan Oksana Samoilova is not only an exemplary mother of three children, but also a real beauty. The life of the 29-year-old model is followed by 5.8 million users on Instagaram. most of which he sincerely admires the star’s appearance. How much has Oksana changed over the years? recent years, can be judged by comparing recent photographs of a celebrity with photos from five years ago. Samoilova herself is convinced that she conquered her husband far from beautiful face, but the ability to cook deliciously. “Girls, learn to cook deliciously! When we met Denis, he was not a star, we lived in an ordinary rented apartment, I cooked, and he really liked it and still likes it. That’s the secret of conquest,” Oksana admitted.

Oksana Samoilova before (left) / Oksana Samoilova now (right)

Oksana Samoilova with her husband rapper Dzhigan at the 15th anniversary MUZ-TV Awards

Paulina Andreeva, 28 years old

Before meeting Fyodor Bondarchuk, Paulina Andreeva was an ordinary St. Petersburg girl who dreamed of becoming an artist. In her teenage photographs, the actress does not have outstanding appearance, but now Paulina can boast of her face and figure Hollywood star. Perhaps Bondarchuk’s fiancee really became prettier over time, or perhaps she sought the help of a plastic surgeon. In any case, she categorically denies any involvement of doctors in her transformation. “I never even thought about it in my life, I never wanted to change anything about myself and I never experienced complexes associated with my appearance. On the contrary, I always tried to work more on my inner content. Just recently, no one was excited about the shape of my ears, and I liked it much more. Therefore, it was surprising for me, if not to say that at first I was shocked by the active discussion of this topic,” the actress admitted in an interview.

Paulina Andreeva in her youth with her younger brother (left) / Paulina Andreeva now (right)

Paulina Andreeva on the theater stage

Hannah, 27 years old

Wife Pasha, director Black Star, is now conquering with might and main Russian scene, performing at the most prestigious domestic music awards. Anya Ivanova, as the singer Hannah is really called, has admitted more than once that since childhood she dreamed of becoming a star. But, since nature did not endow the girl with either enchanting vocal abilities or a bright appearance, Ivanova decided to follow the path of least resistance and went under the surgeon’s knife. The before and after photos clearly show that Anna changed her nose, lips, cheekbones, added hair and eyebrows, and also inserted veneers. While the aspiring artist was cutting herself up and down, Pasha appeared on her way, who made her a singer. Naturally, Hannah herself claims that she has been such a beauty since birth.

Hannah before (left) / Hannah now (right)

Hannah and Pasha

Alena Shishkova, 24 years old

On Love Radio on April 14 this year ex-girlfriend Timati and the mother of his child Alena Shishkova admitted that she did some plastic surgery, “because it was necessary.” The Tyumen model remained silent about what caused the vital need to see a surgeon, just as she did not say what exactly she changed in herself. Apparently, discuss the correct answer to the question about plastic with dear mother the long-legged blonde forgot, because Nadezhda Shishkova to this day continues to stubbornly claim that her daughter has size four breasts with a weight of 50 kg. “Alena didn’t have her breasts done. Big breasts she’s like her grandmother,” said the model’s mother.

Alena Shishkova before (left) / Alena Shishkova now (right)

Alena Shishkova

Timati and Alena Shishkova with their common daughter

Anastasia Kostenko, 23 years old

The main homewrecker of the past year was Anastasia Kostenko. It is this modestly and dazzlingly beautiful Rostov model managed to recapture Dmitry Tarasov from the star of “House 2” Olga Buzova. True, Nastya was not always such a luxurious woman. While participating in numerous beauty contests, Kostenko, naturally, earned money, spending it on improving own appearance. The result is plump lips, a straight nose and the absence of “hamster cheeks”. And Dmitry Tarasov to boot. Of course, we cannot deny the possibility that the model took a make-up course from the best masters world and puts on makeup that hides all her flaws.

Anastasia Kostenko before (left) / Anastasia Kostenko now (right)

Anastasia Kostenko and Dmitry Tarasov

Anastasia Reshetova, 21 years old

Shishkova did not manage to keep Timati near her for long: soon after the birth of her daughter Alisa, the rapper left Alena and ran away to new lover. Also a model, also a participant in the Miss Russia contest, who also tells with all her might that she hasn’t changed a bit about herself, Anastasia Reshetova. In the case of Nastya, fans are haunted not by the nose, lips, or even the star’s breasts, but by her huge hips and sirloin. Just two years ago, Reshetova was accused of being excessively thin, calling her anorexic and a skeleton. Apparently, at that time Timati was attracted to skinny young ladies. But time goes by- fashion changes, as do men's preferences. Kim Kardashian with her 102 centimeters began to bombard the whole world, and Timati also wanted one. A few implants, a couple of trips to a plastic surgeon - and Russian Nastenka and flat figure became a sex bomb. True, the celebrity herself assures that the rapid changes in her appearance are the result of hellish work in the gym and proper nutrition.

Anastasia Volkonskaya-Reshetova before (left) / Anastasia Volkonskaya-Reshetova now (right)

Anastasia Volkonskaya-Reshetova

Anastasia Reshetova and Timati at the 15th anniversary MUZ-TV Awards

Hannah is the creative pseudonym of a girl from the capital of Chuvashia, who at a young age achieved brilliant success in sports and modeling career. However, her childhood dream of becoming a singer also came true. Today the whole country sings her songs.

Childhood and youth

The girl's real name is Anna Ivanova. She was born in Cheboksary, was interested in music from early childhood, and later graduated music school in piano class. When the girl turned 6 years old, the list of activities was supplemented with sports ballroom dancing. A bright talent was discovered in this direction, and seven years later Anya, at the insistence of her coach, left for Moscow.

The life of the young ballerina consisted of school studies and dancing; there was simply not enough time for more - she had to forget about the computer, TV, and even just aimless walks around the city. Grueling daily training often lasted until midnight.

But already at the age of 15, the girl could boast of dizzying success in her chosen field. Ivanova is the winner of the Novorossiysk Cup, the Caucasus Cup and the Federal District Cup. The geography of the girl’s performances went far beyond home country. Anna “rose” to the rank of candidate master of sports.

Ivanova remembers this period as one of the most difficult in her life. As a result, the girl could not withstand such a load and fell ill, and after three months of treatment she had to give up ballet.

After school, Anya entered the branch of the St. Petersburg University of Economics, from which she successfully graduated in 2013 with a diploma in “Economics and management in a tourism and hotel industry.”


Anna's creative biography is rich. Tall, with a chiseled figure - all the qualities for a modeling career. The girl decided to try her hand at the beauty industry, and here she also managed to achieve success. Anya’s collection includes the crowns “Miss Cinema”, “Miss Chuvashia”, “Miss Apollo”, “Miss Volga” and other victories.

Hannah at the Miss Russia 2010 beauty contest

She graced the cover of the capital's glossy magazine Elle Girl. And in 2010 she shone at the Miss Russia beauty contest, but was not included in the list of the first 15 contenders for the title of Russian beauty.

At this time, Anna Ivanova became interested in the acting path, the girl went to Kyiv, where she starred in a number of television series. However, she thoroughly prepared for her debut in the film industry by completing acting courses at the New York Film Academy (Los Angeles).


The old dream of becoming a singer, which the girl had cherished since early childhood, haunted her. And fate gave Anna such a chance. The ticket to show business was presented by the future husband, director of the label Black Star. The man became the producer of a rising star on the musical Olympus under the name Hannah.

The pseudonym appeared back when the girl was dancing. Its origin is simple: Anna is a Russian interpretation Jewish name Hannah, plus Ivanova, admired the talent of the Latin American dancer Hanna Kartunen.

The singer's career started in 2013 and quickly took off. Music lovers, fans popular music, appreciated Hannah’s first track “I’m Just Yours,” for which they released a colorful video. Soon the girl pleased with a duet with - the young people in the early spring of 2014 performed the composition “Being Modest is Not in Fashion.”

Anna turned out to be a hardworking and prolific singer, giving her fans several songs and videos every year. Some of them immediately fell into rotation on the main Russian radio stations. At the same time, she tried her hand at television as the author of the program “Hip-Hop Chart with Hannah,” with which she entertained viewers of the RU.TV channel.

Soon the girl traveled across the expanses of Russia and outside the country with concerts, the singer was warmly welcomed in Chelyabinsk and Shakhty, in Astana and Kazan. Hannah often visits small towns.

2016 was eventful. The artist was invited to participate in the large-scale project Big Love Show (organized by Love Radio), taking place at the Olimpiysky. The list of songs was replenished with three new tracks, two compositions received their own videos - “Omar Khayyam” and “I Can’t Without You.” Another achievement is that Hannah was nominated for the Muz-TV Award in the “Breakthrough of the Year” category.

In 2017, the singer presented videos for the songs “Bullets” and “Te Amo”, and also became a participant in the show “Improvisation” on the TNT channel, performed as a guest on a project with “Icon of Style”, and appeared with her husband on the program “ Where is the logic? At the same time, the artist was preparing for the release of her first album.

Personal life

Hannah knew her future husband in absentia. I noticed Pavel Kuryanov, famous in show business circles, on TV in my youth. In an interview with journalists, the girl said that she watched the program with her mother and noted that it would be nice to have such a husband, handsome, like dad, with a pleasant voice.

The first meeting took place in 2010 at a Turkish hotel during breakfast. Anna came to this sunny country for a beauty contest, where she won. Pavel really liked the girl, and he asked for her phone number. However, for a couple of years the relationship did not go beyond pleasant conversations and non-binding friendly meetings. Moreover, Anya had a boyfriend with whom she almost walked down the aisle - the young man proposed marriage to the girl, giving her three days to think about it.

One evening, Anna and Pavel crossed paths in a club in the capital. The director of Black Star realized that he had fallen in love. The girl broke off relations with her potential husband, and in 2015 Ivanova and Kuryanov had a magnificent wedding on the island of Capri.

The girl's interests include fashion and beauty. Hannah released a capsule collection of clothes, became the owner of a beauty salon, and runs a beauty blog on YouTube. Page in "Instagram" replete with photos from concerts and vacations, interviews and TV shows.

Hannah now

In the spring of 2018, fans learned that. At the same time, the girl does not hide her position, appearing at social parties in tight-fitting outfits that emphasize her noticeably rounded belly.

And in winter I saw the light for the first time studio album artist “Thoughts. Part 1,” which included 15 compositions, including the songs “Bullets,” “I Won’t Return,” and “I Can’t Without You,” which have long been familiar to fans.


Today on Russian stage It is very difficult to find a performer who has not resorted to the services of plastic surgeons. Almost every pop diva changed the shape of her nose, enlarged her breasts, or got “magic” injections. But the desire to meet beauty standards played a role cruel joke with some rising stars. The “upgrade” made them faceless and deprived of their individuality. For example, this happened with singer Anna Ivanova, performing under creative pseudonym Hannah.

What singer Hannah looked like before plastic surgery

Anna Ivanova is a pretty blonde from the city of Cheboksary. At a young age, she was actively involved in dancing, singing, and attended acting classes.

The talented girl was able to independently achieve success in the field of professional sports dancing. At the age of 15, Anna left the province for Moscow, where she continued to build a career in this direction. First, she became a member of the Aleko club (the oldest ballroom dance group), and then became a candidate for master of sports in sports dancing. But the joy was short-lived, the girl had to quit favorite activity due to illness.

Participation in beauty contests helped Anna Ivanova gain self-confidence. She won the titles “Miss Chuvashia – 2009”, “Miss Apollo – 2009”, “Miss Volga – 2009”.

In addition to the modeling industry, the ambitious girl tried herself in acting, but cameo roles did not bring her fame. By the age of 22, she decided to return to one of her main hobbies - vocals. It was then that the aspiring singer first turned to professionals in the field of “beauty surgery.”

Photos of Hannah after plastic surgery

Hannah's solo career began with the song "I'm Just Yours." In the video she appeared with an updated appearance.

The model lost weight, had rhinoplasty and lip augmentation.

Anna's nose became more elegant and thin, which brought her closer to modern beauty standards. But the girl didn’t stop there. Comparing her old and new photographs, you can notice a change in the shape of her cheekbones: her cheeks have become sunken, and her facial features have become more expressive. Most likely, it could not have happened without contour plastic surgery, which almost all media personalities do today.

She changed the shape of the star’s lips several times.

As for her figure, the model cannot be accused of abusing plastic surgery. Her slim body is the result of daily workouts combined with a vegetarian diet.

The singer's subscribers are sure that she has enlarged her breasts. And although Hannah herself denies the presence of implants in this area, photographs prove the opposite. Early photographs show that the girl was of a modest size, but at a photo shoot for Maxim magazine she showed off her ample bust.

It cannot be said that plastic surgery ruined Anna Ivanova’s appearance, but now her Instagram is easy to confuse with the pages of other tuned beauties.

A stellar career on the stage is the dream of many young and talented people. The desire to rise to the top at any cost musical Olympus often leads to young performers deciding to undergo plastic surgery. Plastic surgery of the lips, nose, changing the contour of the face, breast shape, and hair color have become a common way to create an ideal image.

Anna Ivanova Hannah

Can these be considered magical transformations the true path to success? How often the face and figure are adjusted to a fashionable template, and as a result, an amazing original artist becomes the same as millions of glossy pop stars, practically indistinguishable from each other. Among these “faceless” young stars is singer and fashion model Anna Ivanova, who performs under a beautiful stage name. Hannah before and after plastic surgery: can the skillful hands of a surgeon make the actress a mega-star?


Hannah, aka Anna Ivanova, is a native of the city of Cheboksary, she was born in 1991 in a single-parent family. The girl was raised by her mother, grandfather and grandmother, Anna was always surrounded by the love and care of loved ones.

WITH early years Anna showed herself to be a creative and versatile person, easily combining music studies, vocal art, sports and ballroom dancing. Additionally, Anna took performing arts lessons. The girl liked performances on stage: solo piano playing, performances in ensembles, concerts dance group. Anna is a regular participant social events And sports competitions. In the photo of Hannah from those years, her young, pretty face is surrounded by blond, curly hair.

The beginning of star trek

Already at the age of 15, Anna decided to seriously engage in sports dancing. From Cheboksary she moved to Moscow and began training as part of the professional dance group “Aleko”, and quickly achieved the title of candidate master of sports in sports dancing. Already at the age of 15 she won the Novorossiysk Cup, then the Caucasus Cup and other awards.

However, at the age of 16, Anna stopped dancing and began to try herself as a model. And here the girl had quick success.

Victory in the “Miss Cinema” competition, first photos in fashion magazines, crowns of the winner of the “Miss Chuvashia”, “Miss Volga”, “Miss Kemer International” competitions and other brilliant victories. Looking through the vivid and emotional photo reports from these competitions, you can see what Hannah looked like before plastic surgery.

Hannah before plastic surgery

Then Hannah undergoes training in the USA, then goes to Ukraine, playing her first film roles. Having tried myself in different roles, Hannah decides to return to vocals and settles on a singing career.

New face

Hannah before and after

The first video of singer Hannah, presented to the viewer, was filmed in 2013 for the song “I’m Just Yours.” Charming girl turned into a pop diva from the cover: the shape of her nose noticeably changed, her round, cute face became narrow, her cheekbones and lips were significantly emphasized. Expressive facial features and new look Hannah's is the result of a skillful contour facelift.

Hannah before and after plastic surgery

After the transformation in the clinic plastic surgery Even the shape and color of the eyebrows changed. If we compare the photos before and after the transformation in the hands of plastic surgeons, we can say that the girl has become almost unrecognizable. Now she has a new face!

Hannah before and after breast augmentation

Hannah’s thin and toned figure is, according to her, the result of hard training and fitness, as well as switching to a vegan diet.

Fans noted that Hannah's photos in Maxim magazine revealed another secret of the singer's transformation - the shape and size of her breasts had definitely changed. This “upgrade” amazes with stunning results, but at the same time it is becoming increasingly difficult for Hannah to be recognized among thousands similar friends on a friend of pop stars.

Personal life

Since 2013, Hannah has been releasing new songs and videos every year.

In 2015, the girl got married to businessman Pavel Kuryanov, and her young, beloved husband simultaneously became her producer.

Every year, singer Hannah releases several new songs and videos. In each she is new: the hairstyle, color and length of the hair changes, but the chiseled face and figure remain unchanged.

In addition to filming videos, Hannah recorded her first album in 2017 and is also creating own collection clothes, opened a beauty salon, and runs a blog about fashion and beauty. Her husband's support, perseverance and determination, and Hannah's plastic surgery helped the young singer become one of the modern pop celebrities.